YH-E LIBER YVILE INBPEDF. Tj9MSAY. SEPEMBER 29.-1921. 11,1S. NICOL IDSEPT. 22. to welI known resi- ;f Warren township and LakeZurih Th,.N.cal. e-l.known pin- ý ;*«de-nt ai Lake county, a-ho rt--t ln.i Warren tpwnship anti Lake W4, -ifl Thnrsday nigitt au tht- ir iace. Siteasa about 90 yeacsf t*islieutfor mat> >eai a riÀge hall neigbborhoad. anti là5 >eîcs ago tovedtoI rving Site bat bt-en apendingttil! PM vlth relatives at Lake Zo-& 1.-levas relaiedt(ie tt-Whitef' ,Xigto (amulies ini this counly. ~08al Monday nîmng tt 10 i0k. standard inte f con te hante oke Zurich. Interment ini Militurit *0000 00 0 0 00 O00 00 LAKE ZURICH o 6 0 0 00000e00001 e, anti Mrs Ficke liaie eflt toiîa L i Peorma Mn. Fcke went as aî rate froni the- board tof supervis' REDERS' t the. Fair Grounds, SATURDAY, Ce titis date tht- Lake Cannty'Dur po tunbtytaby tht- tops froLt Il kmJ golngltbrongb ibis salie bas1 OBjets anti uitsaures up ta anti beyc Wited for Connty Association Sales. being offereti, Many animais i l bbtyville during tht- fair, a-hece o! .0, 1'ey are mare numecaus it Laid teare ai anc State anti National Sbu ~ t>.More numrerus beeanse .titi fArnerican farmer a-lites a hog toa KX Vile viabea fo finti a rt-hable am PA. LUT THIt DUROC TAKE TH IOUCTION FOR YOU. UMMBER THE DAI Leke G»ty' Hoistein-Friesian Breeders' Association announce their Second. Annual Sale r ibLji yyI Fair Grounds - T-huriciay, Co Otôber '2',12 50 ~Selected osens of Real Q aiy Do»n't Forget the Date. This is'the Opportunity You Have Been Walting For. Wauhuegau Tuiesia',. Sunday t ieibodiy ofnil'liam iW. tuas buried ti itIilîbuonn Nilitary ors a-cri' sioan. Tht- buriaiwaa ilessive anti many front far ut-ar a-ere in attentiance. te,. Tihe ciuwa, i pen!t vet'n, aj rd InfanLr>. and was kilied iun lite EU .w pii. until it'atite ti t t1se1u e-arl3 liart o fille war. Besides hisLC.P E frehni'nt. ati iîe iid sallir Uit mother,.Mrs. Sandînan elie le ives bidulen ier.t sIliait Cnt ereti tllie tat )1t' .Et]. iVit i luni andîH rtY, anti trintan soln % r iiilît, ti âl' tiatia NIrsn E 1 lCHÂdMDTEAU THIIERRI rescue 'a nd lottna t.d t'aite i'îaite.. t Mi.a nd l . l. i tiifa ' il.H R9n sB R and -o hetit îlt ndiedli . %'Zuvct i iltiai h u.,scting. Mr.andMIIRJISBU Mrs. John Joihnson tif Jefferson anti' F. Krppî, Mr. anti rsi. Henry tBerg. Mr.Kuckusk caall','i i aeZ tiarn. Nirandi l einian Schîneitder friends Mondaý. attendeti t iaitaîtnît Jîîbilee ofte tomrades Who ServedV Mr. ai , Stnrs. CI,' 'ea', ii and Lutheran t titrcii;il Longc C,i% as[ ~i Him Overseas Acted as daugli e e einiiW'aukt'gtn Sttnuta> Sundaý 3 es'ening. tsHai«r* .\nhitrsott anti>011,îl. ciaPalibearers. Mrs. %Viiheitîina Nicol. a weil knaw ýn itet in1 Barrungton Iast Tliu*stiaý*. ceident of XVernon toa nghip for, nianý Mis. LeRa> Ltindwerlijaitias hiti Tilnelt mofii ni Ut-ut ittiaiîî years, tietiat the ihomue nofiterdaulit glestliber-itiotîter. Mra. Suiften, ai Pi- -,on oif M~r. ant i Mi%%*ni ter. Mrs. .Turner. Thursday e% ening,.>lDundee. .Pop.ii~daiti.-.ofSîndps j She was baru in i)umfrisire. Ecceei John Fruelili and Laenci' [)unir 1100t'.%Ns argely atteéndedtireii fechan. Scotland, in 1832, andi camne ta ceturneul Friday front a feu days' ut. ericuit Legiùnnof Waukegan lin Anterira Ini 181. SIlemaer ber holnme itpp no rlh. They i ei'btie t'ia 0! ifthe semctes, for ntany years near Millburn. and in strings of fiole. Cliapiain Myron E. .dais of 1896 wpenitanChicago in live. Mrm. Mr .and Mrs. Albert Haeft. Mi-. anti t'SO. exeCutive secretary ortifle Nichail eaves one daughier, Mrs. Torfl Mr. William Tank, Mr. and Mri . Ste iii 1,caioi f ltl er. tif Lake Zurich: Iwoi sons. Williaml.' ter Prehul. Mr. and Mrs. Waler Laun ()~Pl- wus a menîber. bavint re of Kansast, and John, of Chicago; One and Mir. and Mrs. John Prehmt wer-e ('il iiS commission alter tatoun so.Walter. died sootle years ago. Anti amaong those who visiteti the lnuian Fot Sheridan, conductef ite 't-,j a bositiif frienis wiîo wiii miss ber camp ai Geer Grove Sunulay. a, ,uie-boitte. lieu-rMilittirut greaiiy n churceli work. wiîere she was ____..('oliirtiiit-aini lite l'ort Site.idan a devoiett member and wiliing worker .-oe...~O * iiiîe tadine ing I wSamir.ieîb Tbe fimerai ra., feld Iltnditu, witii000000 0 0 0 0 0 0.i wietann tSitr vr huril in the famil, lot ai Miltîurno 0 A RE A 0 îtititearers. citaflain Ailaitia cemeters ttect 1 was nmorale offiî'î'r ;te cemetery. n f0 0 0 00 00 0410 00 00 0 0,Stheridan. Miss Marie Eicbnîan is spendin, rht- firIng squati con.'-rt. tîtîf .evers] days in Chicago. Nir- and Mrs. A. R. Roder enteitain msfoitlt rat ii-" Richard Tonne is xisiiing bis brau ii t ledar.atTiatrut fEgnf r ainingstation, tnes atNew altmore Mili. Cors fanesofi Glimer spent sevi'rtu Intennientwai--in Mlatin The funerai aifteo Santiman ','illida'is witb lier ciantinîotiiet Mrs. AI-,tels. take pliace Suntiay. The Anterican Le-;ia Jones. 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 gion aI Barringion w-i have charge. Strs, R. C. Hoicomit antidiasDorao- @ 0 Tii is the firat of aur soldier heroes thy moi oredtit Oconoînowoc StindpY 0 M IL L BUR N tg lie bcolight bak frfflýl«eifields. Mrs.E. Beauman and daughter.1Miss o000o0o0oo0ooo000oo0o0 Lo gànfiâW watt dratted fionm Neb Florence, apent Snnday att te J. H. raska, andi vas a member oi CÔ. P. Wells anti Harry McBride hiones. Misiiez Pollock, relîtta tiMi _______________________ _ ;______ Ms. R. F. Rouse st-rs a Waîîkigan ti (Chicago, after enir.îx 7 v-itieor Tuesday. %acaton herv' mm Mis. George Ross was a Chilcago vils Mr-tutianrd .RUsl"'llu l ior Monday. Laki' Villa t"lient Sundas' w iih Mr. andi Mra. Peter Nelson o! Ciii- Stiat anti fattîiy.. 1 cago spent Sunday ai tbe homes of i ~Be-l, logliea ii oiîi J. L, Roder anti Hellman Ktihiank. spen ithe a-tek endti - %tH mi i ASS'N SALEM. anti Mrs. AI Roder -eî'e WMauî i .HStrt'ng. ncoda visitors Suliday, M iLj>itie Patiggcîtti i jii I Mr. anti Mra. William Vxolknuan anti Ciaret'soa-n, Ill., frasuî i LIDerryville, Mintfli idngttrsHln.a-r Afoctfore returning ta Montana, ýerisItnrs Sunday. buinsssnp Lillan Strobal rpthlm i OCTOBER 29 ta ri Wlex et the week endi Choir practlcegt the huime ut roc Breeders are offerlng the public at bis horne tere. 1 Floyrd Wetzektfriday eévening. ie varions bords ln the- County. Racit Mr. andi Mrs. Charles Kuebker, Jr., Missionary Tea will be fielt i been inaneeted ]y a committee of of rayalake, vislted with the latter's honte of Mca. Cora Strang Friday ant the standard of animais usnally zarents, lMr. anld Mis. Fred Vot-Iker. ernoon. Sept. 30. A missionary ti Not a cuit Qc an undeirable animai unay er, Misa Quickenden, -front indit, this offerlng vere prise winunr at Mr. anti Mia. Leslie Ullrich anti son spt-ak. A large attendance is des 286 boas exhibited Damesa numbered af Ivanboe ant-ir. andi Mrs. A. L. Dor- Charles Hennlng died a: his ke Count thau other breetia. jusi as nlez, andi danghter, Helen. vere Round near Rosecrans andi was burieti1 àosada temakt etesofte Lake visitora Sunday. dti llMiboru cemeter>. ,owa hate met rcetanceterys t e Miss Clara Nelson anti Miss Ethel Word waatreceiveti front IWauk syt hi ma ancoe"aafy efr 'te Haines a-ere Chicago visitors lasi Sat Monday of tirt- deatit of Miss Mac% La reatiy market for bis SURPLUS urday. atvale, an auni 0f W. B. Stewart a, ME. CUEsa woRK OUT 0F PORt$ Several people front Art-u atîended A. Stranît. Mrs. Stewart waasin1 te Indian celebrafion ai(fleer Grove kegan tht- lirat of the week. Sunday. A numbei' iront this vicinit>aL Iý Mr ad Mii. J. .C. IDonier were ei lte, poultry ientonstration ;j, TF, ct. 29, at 1 . M. Waukegan visitors Saturday. hante of Chris i-letr MoniaNil a ~Mr. anti Mrs. George Brainerd ofi mg. Farii Adxiser C. E W ilvantoe. visiteti telatives in Art-s.fast"Sas ilucre iront Liberlyvil. W unday. Mli'i S. S. Neil is enlerîlitoin. Frederick Smth of Oryegon. lltinois. ister iront Chicago. R.A. Smilth. . Otm tîiiîa ansatted t i t',t ty lED, With s C'ook,. ni.Hl tuiter' le Auî-1 el'art Lienut. ag au! 'suiceS n As boni', t- lt'e Naval » oi 000 onda> 'eek's ai-gan t'1I. b., Niluni li thsi ay aft- ipeak- asireti, i home 1Tues- akegan IWau i tht' g lier id is 'as ini vy liait à. xcr> r and Mît. Thomtas Nicol. farmeryo ai 'î ' r ' ' ti men. Granzt- Hall vicinti'.. 25 sPauCî1 unz çttit atiti aas tîtriAtMonaNits n Miibucn ' , , î , r. . teniiiî' lt- \'co Mria iftit.in ai ., ., t in I'r 1) M. N Iite.« Mr. anti McýI l t -M a, ,'i9î atil iii a Whitie anti'.\i andi lra J 1 S lîînîîman . ~ i e i ttrt' i li a aTtýne i h, tt ii tnerti i 'met ', c .ItclId ai ':. i . iI ii i L.ake i Zîticlii ' " T (Officiai Publîcattný Report of the condition of iissg Sait BDak 0f Rouud CAke b , i î'îuLake.. staîe of Illinois, at th, ci.- f buan"it- i,th j ay u t 1921, as f'! 1,the .Auditî,r Pi A i ýu,:t . ' nGU.RNEE o0 . i u uu uaili~ii' 'lý ý-dlt. ;i. îgîî, ttisu' ti in't ri-m' uti n i ti 00tii.I: itînds anti Sit'l, lii 'ua ii rng,_ S ii'Tril;it\ 1 ilont( ii i' i,-'i ',i 'i~ 'Iî.' t. :ihti. R t'.. Fuiliii t' i~ i i ~ ti ,rîîîiLA KE .V IL L A ,,o pi , tîpîiT lî ii i- ne'ti îr'gîlaît îît's'T nu, ira Fi i -l'ilii', ted lProfit, (r.'tt 'ie171t1, îttiixLibil tii i pnilelid dli> -', ning. ..li t ai thu- aclîtit 4 ..l..it.. i ltt.î Sltiiuilili r. If-tlred an in-i Ib- ha. tn-acitid. iîtîl titinittnni la ,.îîa îe teto'lnaittii,!i t;iîning iili-ttI3asaked fotii ît inr uing eaiieuIiti 1, F:t. tWr tifer. ('ast,iet lt tii,, it uîiînu oi i gtîi t . The lot lied, oetnx -.nt ia i i s aîîeingfaial lbraîy uttube Ilgh "c'lo tI 1<V-rumiiuu0d suas Muit- tîý n 8l;n htt, i prox ideSs aloii 't-tnet-utoaitht- tom- .Suntiay 1ti, 'HTer anti iiitil) ii antidt nitiiv. 'hicago. Mur. attuî la tt. îpu ret'itî-d'î J l. lts~ iasa r. u;i-ti i it uitid STATE OF li.1.INOIS i lots na i~IshUbo,.-."e& <ihestohet e$04", îîCaU'NTY uiF5LAKE j5 intenîýtautalitild inîtii. thenanfluaire R. Wentihant. Z. .ttittson.,uîuîl lii. Subeccibeti aud sworn tn t lias ;stit>n tFeçiuo sud liienti Lumtqusi. accoaîîîaieîi b>tiernatn vtaitu'tihoui- lelits Sanda> 1 Weauiianti ai Elimliurst. auela in itne (ituuenc,, W'eisli a-as about fumies' sola for u a toa'e(iks' hunl mg tiît' Sanda> un sou kuow' aliy" »Na. >ou Mc,.anti Mca. Freul itamlti ant i i are at-titi: guess gaun, anti lr,,. Fruînk Nati wa-ein 'tuVîki aîii a4 auCtioger ai Delavan, Wecngan oatbuintsessu Satocia>. A U I sin.,aîîent' Suuntituai tht- Femionthonme. Mir,.CB sîu sîî ia Plamas il ein gntatie forc a Lyteeon et'stirayalake Saturday. couseti 'Saeli a tt HgbSha Mr. an'diMca J3. G. Poulttn anti chil FROELIC 'tt"ttb i ii ics'rn of IRotîudLake.,a-ere guesta aif b w1i%%iIl i ublic . necu r ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~fritnds here Sontiay evenlgat ttlmnti .2iîiscs t Gurnee Gramomar Sctuoot Items. tenuleti churcit. 'xiexc tin The grade achool attendeti the deuil Miss Martits Clark oi Beatrice. Neit..comn esir>exrcse a itecotmniy aas a guest af tht- Jantes Kerr fantily WEMN brary Fritiîy attemnoon. To ail, fteavec Sunday. Sitea-as on ber Waa>ta t-vent WaÈ something long ta be re- Nea- York for college a-ank. 26- membereti. 'rTeéLadies' AId vili holdtirmnexi 10t w".' amît aises by 'Te "Upui)er Rooaccontpanieti b> regolar nmeeting, a-hlch la tht- tinte Alfrshire taxi aith papers. il Mr. Howard. a-eut for a hike aloug the for annual'election of afficers, Wetiues. daury ' etî.l.îndmstly ofaIr biika of tht- DesPlaines river. The day aiternoon, Oct. 6tii.a-lit Mrs. Fred purose of the hiuks a-as la stuiy lte Hamntî. A gond attendante 1la de- varioli forntatitînsa unmg the- river sret. ' Bay ult n.wîiguuî 160 banka, Saulte ai the' boys a-trt- atxious Mr. anti Mrs, Edigar Kerr drove f0 ma1 lre, weiglît I1500; bay g'lti ta go sa-imIniuig. Chticago lai veek (Wednlesday') a-it 4-year-otti. a-titiuit1600. Dorotity anti Mabel W'eh have t-' Mrs. Kerr's mother, Mca. Martin, a-ho t-ced the- elgtilianti sixuh grades, re- atarfed t tat day for bec borne ln ct- 34ataiiilcclts spectivel>', 'rie> are ta-o girls jmat ti ilnls fframottsvst fornbutah.ttihm.hîieyst froi'Englanul. Geograjiby Iis mocitber tiaughtier. t-maltr nov thtat ite>'are aith us, fa be Mr. anti Mns.Amos Musse>' ai Bnci ' able f0 ht-Il us about te Thantes. Lon. ngton, Ili.a-t-eet-ek endi guesta of 200 uhiekens, wasahing ta don. Nea- York.uet'. Mr. anti Mca. P. R.' Avery. hutlti gonds. 21x30 anti 16x20, Supu. T. A. Simpson 'ilaiteti achool tir. anti Mca, George Mitchell anti gt- harness. graIn snd cocu Thucaday of laat a-ek, baby Bgeuf Sunday vitit tht- Jamest-r, tirag caultiron kettle. pli Tht- Ffft. Shxuit. Seventit anti ElgittitKetrr faflly. Mia. Mitchell- Jr., anti enalne. 2-b. p. gasaline engi grade pupla matie "Gond ilealtit" PosMca. Mitchell. Sr.. retucned home on vator. hay racks, cotter, ha: ý'.tirs fcitiay o!f a- et-k. Monda>', gang ploa-. sulky piow, cloti 'Te piails are anxiusljîawaitaltng Mss. H&nianr 0' Chicago la visîting fWer, mik wagon, Mover. lis Sit otcot-<Iflie petrescflit a alte aes Ata-CU home. Vlndatollt- iay York anti ropt scitool t à Pilsh. *vhtwere. taken P. I. .,>' tt'à'&étet business la TÉRMS-Slx ntbtili Tuestday muorning. Chicago tiondas>. 7 per cent Interesf. 'Mise Malan1na ai ad Mr: Howaîrd Next Simd*y Io Rally Day la our ame maiies:Plas-for a basket social. suaday Sclîool.AIs» promotion je. vieicit l be boit on October 21. AI l utde% ari feguested to 1» prelà-JOHN ROUSEF, Clerk. i il tii t. taure ' iixtrs '-i;21 iî , ', 5 -'t'. 15fo 6 '12 ..... ... .. 297,'-11 ý7 r ' i rst - ,: o ' ' f î,i 'ija,. bein1re, me this lUth day oif September 1921. FiO.N SALE- CH & BLANCK, Auctioneers ket n on lie Win. 1Bickmnî nFaim. 1 tîîý 'iii. i.wi sot Gilîner and 2tý Hi vestie, 1' ti on , ia i i icing at 10 o'clock a. m., sh'arp, SUA, OCTOBER 5, 1921 HEAD 0F cAT!-LE-26 raide, 14 close aîulinigers and tilikeis.ii.tei lorouglibreg HoIstpin bull. The iîbî,e i., a c'titi ny own raising. i10; bay g-elding. t ý-aîarod, weighri ttît, ;biack ng, 6 years olti, weight 1451): bitîri mate, comîng CORN, HAY, GRAIN 4hock. 5 acres of fotidet eutn. S511iii tm1e. imi i about 750 baskets ai*' tor FARM MACHINERv'1 laçhine, heater 250-egg incubator andi ihet bousev canvas, 20 ntJlk cana.,2C sets double haines, sim- bindera. tank heater. ay loader, mianurv apreai- Ianker. barrow. 2 grain graders. 15-b.mn. gsoliin ne andi pump jack. '2 cultivators. surface cuiti' ay rake. aide dellvery rake, pulverizer, bob sleigh, dcruaher. drill, buggy, corn planter: Cape sala Iht wagonL.'surrey. corn aheller, grain baga, jack.: pe, truck 1wagon andi box andi many other articles.. ine wiiI be gîven on gooti bankable notes. bearint JOHNl FREIE, Prop. NEW ROAD OPEN CRE .TO VOLO BURYIl EUT abpEl) tibrt ra u'l ýtttt"I POLICE BOOZE BUR LIUT.POP enMca. Caok of Loon Ltak doi Ii- Bartiett satutrted lai Tu' l' Lak Cuny er o W rldEgland.italie gan nt- m nuin.tts SUSPECT IIELO IN LaeCut eoo o lItMs. Ilendric kq of ingleaid, i-ili War was buried at Milburn i'îtuestiay iere and attend rtie I(oii' l LAKE ('flII TV-A with full Military Honorsi.Niglibar oMeeting. ~U iI JI Sunday. Mgny Overseas A rlt-ioittas fai ield itiri ie ItaIl ii tts aret"1n eSNe igithor uiietdng Tues lnayb iîanîtl C omrades Atteided services Mca. il. A. Douglas, a îoe scan.. ttîî hegal n îtuni tîli in1 thîvi'uîtivsV- w ii i. ak e lier"ituturehornte in ilieutio ii ntitt îiciu iurrnl A ~ienlc f4nner wax servei 'aiIstigainianlvediqo tIFue îeting anti recepiion o .ictit at'yin wiiich iii re plic iCt- irgî'a ts ai dterua fOllowing, anti Mca. Dougltas as leikdt au u',' tii'cîre'ii anti ina'titciî I îîîesented 'with a beautlfully embroli lie îxpîe1fs riititixe uti Itst !fixe et id centerplece. We regret the- de ittiiscîiii'ii Panture of Mcai. Douglas, but Our gond 'l'îe sci geait, lE:iwtrd 1Ni Iltetteil, aishea go withlber a-berever she gZoes.Xtai îtt iniiianîCr-e IMca, Gorinan Of H41inesville lu, spend *'l - - nilad lhms alse ing nome tite with lhertiangiter. Mrs.. tII it t i l ii'inm ptolici. station, fof Albert Kapnil.. %t,%bttonts t t i nî ait t-crni8Isu ad.au r Nirs. George Pitntan enterfalned a rentiereil ycsieîlaý ' rhpy s.e re fielti itumber af ladies at lierhonte Weti marier $21i,iittnîons eseli. chargeti neada >afternoon in honor eai-lra. wji tlithi lioate ihe liquor Phîllîppa. wha, wltb bier husbanti anti t.as.Mits'Ii1anti .4nal.- iece taken tanthîN. uxpcctra ta move ta take For-,tii l1(1 ie a u ant', au it isWaukegali t-stlinon. Tht-yhave matie inuma int t h'ri'lr a,,.is 11ii1i l heh.erat frlentis since comling ta Cedar 'rt-st Ititlitfo îr fMtilie r que stlîtning. 081TU ARY. farma aitîlire regret their golng , L.ieur *%Witlumnu C. PoIîî' tas itou John Schlnberg anti fantily ofIitigli____________ ____ in (tlketn ttiSept . 1_,891. il, landiPark, anti the Feck fanti> ai Et% ___________________ ',xti edtiesj in Exanstons, 111.anglta, visiteti their oncle antiauont,, acIitiols. anticrauid if rtîm NorthiMr. saanti Mra. 9. Thayer, suaderv. Tbsyl met-esin t'niversity it 1912. ils'tut-n brougt hwaitb the miheir sntras. i eniereti tht- eniovçf the Cants-nen, Bord, itnther rat Mrs. Pester. 1 P 0>t.. k ('icsoa.. Fectrified Bouse go.e uxtknit r înîusîaîîeîOBITUARY lie wasladulnithed tTo itle 'secondi ai Ns. tati iller (naies CalugU mt xcnin i f tea rainintg rt:ip il Fort Sher-ittîrroini ltaly Oriobar 1. 1899, anti[saas- Elec-1 ci idian. 7ili btti'i, I ion tîm iv'xing ed taway aI(lier honte in Lauke Villa will do ail the work his connitsian. L.i'nt. Polie sas ior Se'pt. 2ith Site baU itperau tIli i ' he, - un machines île rs't ýo itanie. -ailitigi n lIt-cini hast i trs' veluasbut badti c-tie(ti t li ber'. i11. titiiig att'r'caa iti- allstonger (lits somrmer. ant eji itiientis that taIre up ail the dust :îssigneid fat i itiitr nsluttiilin t.. andfti iiily hâtat ohiet tocr in trlit-ilti 1 froin floors,'w'aIls, pic- tu itA tr lî'cv : i '(tifsa, but ahi tii-atit.'suduienl xi.-i' antiddhnioa nîîtliis I n ',i:lxI . 'mcl dPasselitlia', in ta-o il.' a. > tut-esan ng gs la h, iiv î'Ttil1uelil. ,îi..r iibat nîarri'i t;1.tari NMilii ala.ki.t]! T-Ie -ma ttresse@, drawthe dust Te% ir', i t nu , t" uit i n 3ears ; , . ltuan c nesouins iaiî.ti, til Jsly 'I'h> ri Ciui- %%i;ts, ' îIîet xixes belir t-ushuint: at-,'Il..'ilia out of upboleterd fmmi- uit. op.ti 'tl" T iî,('u r iOnstucs d b) survivei ti A î-i'i'tes ture, b1o w it out of radia- Jîul' U,01 1)- %%as hi t.îii.îi trag antial n,'brother. anti ler faiii aba mnt .\î:et inu tutu' .ý i t'a fila,ixsn California Tht' trtnet.ît toril ànd bed spiings I tirul Iti vit- t' îicke i-nw !,m.twaas litit i tt he chutci Fcida.% lirt It will operate the ap- ioi;, i.ýin ug an Ortobet î.gs,11. ratio. i-ex MIcCioske)- iiindoctini thefa it4' xi.a, nîîturris'r il,îî'ut i!,. lserviç"., anît tht- ;o . of pliances that do thefa sut i i pi, t iaraenlts,',Iliand ahieltahe s'as uî Pant liutin. 'oiduct-; mily wasilnx, freezeice Nir'. Vi illantiIl. Potte. -'z'aîl>.-tî1h the serxvices;aitht- cen. t'ieu> Site cra , ho fO sa- Was Naural Lader. ab ase a member of the Rayai Neigh. rem copf dia- Waa atuuai Lad.r bora. We extenti Ocr symnpatb> tg) the- pen knlvem, grind coites, Il is rectîlledti hat Leint. Pople aas bereaveti hoabanti. poliah siiverurarc. beat a gleaitavocite a hert-ver bie wâs. 0feg ,whpcem fine jîb>sîqoe. tinusualix' biilianl. 000001111,000000 00000,1 e991111, w incirti i h keen as a mtaienit ant inl athleticti, H C O Y0 Tuc n ei h lie a-t. capidiy advsanced inlitnything 0 HI RYo liat the oleetrio iron, toa- lie oitdertook, Althougb only ln bis 000000 00000 oO000 ste-, percolator, chafing eariy tat-nties lie a-as un charge o! MariaitAmn and tamtil) o! Cager- dlii iah WItCurling froua, tht' bon i tiepartmeni Of the 'second anis. N. Y.. are visiting relali',i-s anti heating pad, milk war and'ii n in inefi ;t-i 1iae.i tends , n tiis viclniîy. mer and a hoat of othors, ient bî'îng a ".s hurt: .uri«, nla Mis'- Flarente Ansmîtor'azeriînia. W. eialoft n v.ý, lie plyell on thý N. Y.. is ', istin gai tcie ., holue W »lal ft wet, ii i 'iti-îflt ii iiJ I.!p--'beck homraii Appliance on. monthly [lite tt r!i' l"'tiîi ti' i il iiit'aaîi, Born. hriti.ant irs.' be Gon>on. m ta. ~YOULL FIND i ttt'lilgi Ft ida>r Sepît 23. an Il). iltigitieen ~ t'xv't x - sti lt ,hîu li utt N n u t u setî li'milAT OUJR SALES nr marrt,:i',uasesisulied intli.-ii uni aek end wxuitli iheir ilauglîter anirai nt ROOhIS. b;t tmil ni île iei'iiani a lien 'îî 1%bisin itii rFaremi Iv.aey é*»fiance woreafrote sa.ny ,oui i" 'tut iii, bridge ati.. Mm l"tiiiî, îî Ring 'mnd i iiiiî I abp aocket. Lad. Costa but iit. Maîin, ait iittetu Thierry \%'fl, sîtent Te ai,-k ei]di Kenoiýha. te ruisn. <iab"î(,itr. i': 'A'e (tuai ?1l"i en'- .iiii.'ALL THE NEWS 0F LAK<Eo ri 1 nt, e...ni."iiS . COUNTY. SUBSCRIBIE FOR THE o 0F N9RTIIERN ILLINOIS ef:s't1t11111 l,-, nlîii, oia: îNDEPENOENT-$.50 ~A VEAR 0 Met' ii' Ca o o o 0o 0 o 0o0o 0 0O0O 0' ,Last stretch of andi people no~ Round Laki tul i'n i t i ttti'ii I i ncNi ll liaut s it i i ,,î' J..t litdI ta (lett 'titi csiMtrut'tiom tait 1.15." taFtlic t iîii tîtt' ilitt iil tt- aI tiu'l). Il) tc iililage .t1 \'c .X.to't.t nou sai' i.T.p' ,a* St i i t ihitoolri ml.".î ai> %aating a g-t thet-sti xMiii liet- ir 9#960900000 Mr. anti Nrs. Jo' -i iare-, spending thtii ii*«,i n Ioa-. i oinmg ii ',uaittt t-tking 'bis tiai. tnt Tht- Liadiet' ",Nidn iftt'rnaon, .Octobet fi mims t pha lIa', t titiniti scboal ai lre,' Je j 'ionien aifotîrî 'rTursaa nsitlit)Itîlit lituniLy. .NInaSherman 1)ii11 sîsiieti ber daughter. John %Ilyt]andti.i vsiting ruelatîi"es ai Z Mrs. C. Dillon ri-tu day, aftprapetdtnmr il uaitOwen. W.sý Mir.and %frs, il J gan viaitoi frit-ittia1 Dont for-gel J. t' utit e 'oio M. E.ch tittober 12.,tin "[lu nuflitea tor Our Boy Corne i-o tht' Vola Sonday. October 2. service. fCet acquai [bat though tite woî Sesris are beating en nîng ,.rvice t. S SP. ltSangt-r'alaat i1 oi -ur ronferèinc. Vasty S-ho. NxI! Làd Mca. Doaa- îi hii îi hit- iiau ot i.ntn' f t'alunI Fstol r li î i Ms itiiili tii-t l t,7 ' ;n a tiî. ' Ko oo o ,îZîuili rà.îîit iih. r Mi andti i, 911t fld h i lSun aiil t. 1-:i hî.,t -Liit-arlt il 'tt "l .aîel l t l 'rimmau<Isntfa li.,.,anti *uMi's.E t cale ai Ubert s bil Tht M.Ladis'Tioa 'chntLakeot (.' pr.'lsaid Mrs. F. iC M.ls. Gerettii aie aditgtf e id ot il'ut ait ca-t-k.r, .înud ay t. W6it- t sud ;,Ms. S.P. i-t tr.rkafor s-v.]fs. Mits. s f* . F.ebcK anti daa.ege. Dtt Mbrs. y aib M. aids aum li Ir adMr. i . . Hl tue homse fMca i and dy gter.hqui Ditck, a-who l atc Sdhnide et a MessAlice sfit a-b Want'he get isne Mr. PndbMmand Pibe -bore obuildiA 'tin wi ht- Ili er tii. tabyitdSgi trhba iteittlia nlîat. lot intallie gla CarI8in' met-rt- lit mstanad isoti SnatliyR dnner aiC.t'AChie givachy Satutday. eSar hlbo