THE LERTYVJLLE INDEPHIIENT, THURSDAY SPEMBER 29, 192 1. AM ils cs oung ruseoi "a . d ih retce. a vonderfui chante ht î1'onL 'A'111 t igo in' t( lOti titi n1 the jaj-ùiýtige. WITU FOLKS ;:The tactIlial Young Durand ol ilbey liait! tone ui'Iiindicatesl ~tan, Tos te Cort he extent Io %whieii lie would go. ever Transported }jurybeiîe'.cd what lit-s:id. nnev from ltarge qantitiesof booze from Chi- souol r. ndcage, tbey would bave been subject- 1tws,&i:te on Btuff. ans! ed tga beavy fine and Il wouid bave mofLake làuftis caused no end of l rouble, ' put n dted at lie; ,Therefore, bisretractioni cleareti- Ra- Ue d ltte th a eet ~ly he .,aîîeî'and sbowed tbaî te Du- lie whn le rceitlyrands diti notbang to violate the law bis tenter parents, wlien in questioîn to any exient. et front a Chicago bote! ___ er horpe ln Lake Bluff. ___ lted a. considerable ze oitt Io l0 . SEEK TO FOIL OF~ threo lre preferred FICERS BY BREAK féer parent.,admitted that IN JI tIàu lest' il would hep him gel déSponge Squad" is on the lob lij". Ia atr se However,,and Obtaints Suffi- "mg over il lie lad decîdeil 10 --oient EvidneToRis el frutti and therefore hl isT- dne oRis iii th taltenients. The "aponge squad" operating out pd. presents a Deperî1xiînt. fflŽof et ate's Attorney" Smith 's omfCeL e tate's Attorney' &iiit for badi"jQ iv~ pto their aobriquet Sat- mector telîIs ieo*-Iurtnr urday evening when they made a » bis office andti t ii >iît 1w raid on the home ol be UCarchut. Éter parent., liait carrieti oui 1309 Victoria aireet, North C(hicago. iamount of bouze fier.! Chi- The in'.eatlgatoi's lind M, that Ilierefore fbe thoueht jug nif moonshine whiske: wlîiciî b e was charger! vilhIbelng cnrbn iur .et arcný tai le, taie they had placed on a radiatot '.'hile leig chsred l>-th pob i thuey tarted oui te look foi nioe lmy nanel (le rrotibiîonlied the jug and liurlptl ilt town týi 1step, brealcng ilto bliuîîîlr'rdý of wdlînt,ý siaie' Atorn- Snlii 1pieces. Memleris of tht ".,.ltOge à actionin t otint> (,,rtribý 1iquad' tlashed aiti iltandirc-eli -Durandas e cilel-R a atii When ileir back %s t ri'ed a lre te t':ee th(- proset,,Loon mpngUtnoiîtr r'a krg of risatirig the îtuehibi-inmpngII oult a w. 0fcouts.~ u orer i i ti evidence. Catithut was jlatcd un- Ofusta n o Smitu al 1d er arreat, bis bond., herng ftxed at Mg Durands evidence iand ase- l'sglo o i,'ml a e when ti.wp-nt on th" -tend Hson atreet n rt. hilllets ase 4bdrew lits esidence tus gîven insre.Nr* az.h ibe »Mtth before, the case aganst etiaced under bonds of 182:0o00 gmid auronssticitily dropped. A bottie of whiskey was obtained pg Durand was sent back te in a raid by a "dry squad" on John waty jail wlere lie la being Morleyas saloon at Antioch. The boit- "el 't5ffl bonda on thse'olg- le of whtakey <as tounti in thse hp liffe of ,tealing bonze rtrm pocket of the bartender. On a pre- lMir otftthe ltranda -ai LaItel[vWîuaoccasion the raiders liad a ¶'hut bonze. accordmng fte i iunch that the bartender had htdden 14 and according tu ýo'gng Dlu- a bottle of bonze wlien they descend- admission now, bad beenà in cd on bthe place, but they confitfnot tuse for i year prioit b the prove il. They reiurned last Sat- wuI ot' prohibition . ui'day niglit and art '.aid io havse de' 1audden ie'oiî Ilt tri tit.eted tIre 'iteori ;k ii ~the Durands.rbsed on i otîne i .i l 'ifIt-1 ho nallctout, ie. broughi telil - t~et oIi 'aî ftamlly and al.,o their, friends - ut 14 elt ail along tîrat Ilite> ere __ dàmsof an rreirponsibie Young xu x o 0xo xeo x x lt0x 0 i uilwtce. o THE. INDEPENOINT la thue0 sil Aàttorney Amtîh itbis alter- x ment wldely rend newepapor lnx NUo»lng the retraction declar n Lake. ceunty. 0 kbu did flot knos' jus: wliai x o xo xs0exs xe0M1e% x 0 e x 0e ,PUbli*c Sale mn, decide4 te quit fannimg, 1 wil sa at Public Auction the wigdesc;bed property on hurs0,,,Oct.6 'the place k'rcwn as theT' ur rie.F 1m, cne mile nr,ilh and 3 rmies ot of Libertt-vile 3 milei souti, -1 Grayalake. cie.halitlue vaest cf Swan's Srhool House: SALE CQýMMENCI'NG AT 1G OO O'CLOÇK A. Ni SHARP. ~9LIDVE STOCK391 'e MEADOFOCCATTL- [l5ait'> Ir i litOstiNli«a101 s;,6 Srrtir baitlf rea. aand tiet N lililhke rn i i Irr n lIt 21, ;îno ii 6 HEAD) Of. ORSES Bay bMaie. 6 yrs. titi.-', t ý 1 G-ay Mare, 4 i.q 1500; 1 Dapple (lra> în. r. old, ni. 110t): 1 teauît 0i à Mares, loit i f ear's *MO; i olti hav Work House. UN;4 MACHIWERY, TOOLS. e SSeks good crn, 49 bu. 0f Ot, 500 bu. of Barley. 25fr Qf Oata. 25 bu. of Timotis> ~IL 1Grain Bander, i1.McCor- iiiek Mowt-r. 1 i tndcast Seüder. i Narrow Tir' Ttruck Wagon,. 1 WVagon Box, 1 Set Dump Plankes. 1 End Gate Sentier. 1 Moline Sul- ky Pli. 1I WatkIng Itles'. 1 i Pt %érizet' 1 S ring Toot h 11frrots 1 ".section Harrow, 1 Corn (Cii fîsafor, 1 Corn Plan er, 1 Sleigli. f Irrîn WlîeeI Truck Wagon. 1 fia> Rack. i New Gravel Bed, 1 ttunaborut Buggy.,i1LBuggy pole. Sets Ileas' W'ork Harnes.,2 Se'ts Farni 'Wiork. Harnes.i1 Buggy Has'ness. 1 Water Taulk and Heater. 10 Mlk Cano, Hay Rope. Porle auýd Pulleys. 1 24fr Egg X-Rgy Incubabor, thie ustual fanmlng tools aid other articles fon nunierous to mention. ME LUNCH WILL DE SERVED AT THE NOON MOUR 98 OF #ALE-Sunna of $20 or under, Cash. Over that ansount a t6i motha will be given, Purchaser executing atuprot'ed ,bank- iptW bearing Interest at ftue rate of 7 pier cent per annun f rom Z40 Property to be reunoved uÜnt il settled for. C. JOHNSO2e%%N, Prop. é RUSE, elork FRED CRABBE, Auctienoer. [AVE A GRADUATED AUCTIONEER TO uCONDUCT. YOUR SALE' EâRâmNEST ROSING pU.sMo. lu. CGnerWa Auscaoneer ,Phoas RoUnd Lsk.88W-1 Vis-Norton offIehe HantalitPublicit' yl<fl 'I S N EDITOR IL Commiasion, secretary and Joln f Un GatofIle Hawailan Tru'. JO . 90 D W ANTADS I -fteatsu'ct'. Far hal.ant ant is, N W ANIý D LLAVL ON 29TU rlmq't lituae attr ii FOR VIOLATION 0 f h xecutis e conmîittee. IL Tfl fDII1 --Mr. TisursÎon la chairman Of thte INJUNICTION ORU E RU W ANIED-Men or women ta take or. Poli SALE CIii.-îroi, t, 1921 taide ONH N L L RPgnrlentertainmrent cmitI, n t ts'among efrGendsanad noîglubors loutint r iti% i i r' i ad loots lW- tIre rogt'ain 00w betng arranged in . -orthc genuine gusraateed hosiery,! good ilsrr tar.tIis -lai' stld ctist Is delegate to the world's ciîr'Iq (ýý l0"temotfinteresting eôad "hry hobnfuiefrmnw eLorclre.$18Irogitiw O o ilsc I pessconres t behel bePouis ti le iad arougli tIl'le fG1s Lk HtHadjf llminates darntng. We Day 75e an rifie foi $675. il.,s . tfaiidi-ii.itreet. pescnrs ob edb-dise if tePacifiec~il isl ofGrssLae rl td n out spfare tufie, or $86.00 a week for' Waulcegan. Illinois, 39ili tween Oct. il -25th tO cîauIrî a special steamer to1 Order of Court tilt time. Zxerence unaecessary. ~SL tu. î'ttlsi.S- -Mraest Ie uaiitelnternattial Stot t Mils FP ALEMac us in Braday Si, Toa'(îuaa h dtro îeislantîs of tlle Hawaltan group. and 1 -- - -.PL al aCufn Toaukcanbul>u n dy)th efi-o thecl <or e Il itdScîçeben, tîroprietor ot a!,orson s faou ctvevlcanlc ae fK]-lBr iGrassak. ssentent-c i 01MN unlbd roltWANTEI> A'Ili-I' ui-rManager of Gen delegates fenteeastfi-HnllIlaFO. EN -umse miho t a sudelgae t tie ~ords res tueta, on tle Island of Hawaii and»'teserve 90 days In tise LIeCutwater lieat. close in. plione îj-j cmPrl Agent tr i t ar-onîpleîe lUne of t'ongrpss s'liîcltcnvelles !lire. in OC- te the equaîîy famous extinct crater'l ai Waukegan wlien lie was ar- 7t fruitta for theî rt'ru'd and bomrnioses, lober. Tentative plans have been oh tfaleitkala, Island of Maui, wliere - raigt'd lu circuit court before Judge mtîrubtt and orrnaentml tri-es for land mad tufate artoftheword ele ne may walk for miles ilirougis alC C. Edwarda Monday. cbarged witî FOR SL ag double pink pIeon> ascape werk andI seI ai reet rees; ais() m~d 10laIe prt f te wrlddel- uge depresalon wich was once alhavtng violated an injunetian granted roots. Wni. Edwards. Prairie Vies - te empt-r-ý sub agentsfor nctarby terri gates on s tour ibrougis Jaîtaurand:o uut1;o hsya hh eIlios384toy Prirttttll, prmnt chinai, but deffite Informnation tel seting sea or maîten jatva. o tgusposiîmsya v'icsre îîol.3-t tio. la î ri it' nn uv t tàa pise f bcri las.' Te S0. Native Lite . ruainedth îe sait- of tiquot on lte e -psto '~sel> M'ri P Quaker tiiIci tbi pase f te trp hve remsis. s cfîeph.'n tit! been cited WANTEt> TO BUY--Tame barse - a aIl llNurser-ie. NewarkI. New York flot corne tbraugb-tberefore ai thiUu Tise beautifal native aspJect of1 fili Co-rît, is1 actontetuîiiof Cotît raoaî rc;wlttaotl~< e u cl nfs abe <LIelblaflt efnie ua wit a -iwaîa Ifewll u;I e ffttnort ,tIbs.; onefibat a wonuan ton dri'.-Alirjars.3-t to bc doue abouith(at alibougl dturtng te Congress. tle5jite t!ie fac .rt .çlv Mrs. Goodtng, Grayslake, Ili. Tel. iroservations for tise oriental trip tisat the terrttory- la a higly t>îmrrd1 Siaat', Aiinrrne . V. Smith pfre ephOne 34-it-2. :7N FOR SALE -On.-,t'itti Rd oie have already been made by lniant' critftegral part of the ULnited! sentr-'t1 lie fest iihtrn> crf uwo Investi- Oho sltt__r, _lt ed Rakivea of tise delegatea. States. It .18 Plauined to -.'~ 0~gmo~ttii lte .:ittaes -McSweene)*IWANTTEII bÔne or bs-o lady ba'lifew day.s. eav- yr order witli EL. Th cnenin nHonolulu %vif, ibis occasionu sonte of itie gnintiardtertitt agtncy ot Chictago. Tliese. n a i ilvale luome. Phone 215-%,1 - taiasta iiWal-onrl's Store. 39-lt tast severat dayas and thon e.,ten- waljaii pageants Vhteli are nos ex-dteie ot fi'tlggn 0îe ~i zive entertaî.anient Ile be providetl tremeiy rare.' The Hawai;n people Iresurscri "Shbrty" Sr-ltoeben on ltt FOR SALK 3,llton., allit;f. t l8 . for tise delegates includtng vs ia theunselves look u"on te (ongreas Set)teti5ber 3 atndiIlit. One was ac- FOR $SALE--Une Eafgie tractoL,,1222;, Curtis, Lici t yviilr:1 te fIe -lanaes, etc. aise as an opportualty te show seine- 1conîpttnied b> Iti.. site, tise otler byî I1tOhioî ha> press 16x22, auttoniatie31 vetloare 200 delegates te the con- lîin of wht the race was at.Isthe voiereds.a fkevn.boc sadbock 1John Deere 2gang. 1Ilinel NTE CREATEST BARGANS EVER 20frein other ceuttries of thse Among allier tisth ie delegates siens andtillt no duicitî obtaininglonce. Otitfit a'orking es-ery da> Ait ' !2.alis e! world. The U. S. Party balves Irons wlll hear the ineit nawaiùrn musîrifc it-wo iudr tif udrinks ftîly>jdtirs,41Washilngton St., Wimttkegutn. Two Forn 'iie t 121, 44;,# etact San Francisco. The delogatels from ns d wtll tîBo. secwhalaf naeant b>' pouicîîaqeî, tiacording ro 1 ' s aînesses, 1thone 1671. 3-2%b ln-<'. iit- fa rurn tise east and seuf issieton the 29th the genuine lula-hula danci uin con 1cost nearis $ii. o()nAe Frd;!4-'t-rfou t'od 919 $tti ho Chicago and atiIl o'clock ai niglif trattIo tise vulgarized versioîn whjrî AltheaCorotn eauiniz Scîoclen tdd tiRe-r-îatitaenitii- ti Fr!(tur12trrkftfltt stn o ts set oatlas beconie ratIer sporadiii-awayl noî taki' fhel tantst bdr-> liN sletirets;r- i t-iSt fWillegai nce 1186fr OI iI Ircl t'U1-2 ,,kli n%:;f WalfrWiittt.i ;n of Joilitat froin thfe i'.land-. 1lof littursu but thtuilI lai itture>. - -St. '" egn, » f oie rp ii dl Ce, 1,unin is at Missoturia Unît -t--t>is lpiepsi On' da> t!ring the t'otînres, Nl:Eueit- ftltun>ard oft W;rî,ikegan, FOR1SAL.E 10-lorse atovet e1as0ineý .odrI ' I i' tt.. ij-i ,uitokr fle t flihe ' Vrieh'-,-Cati" t t- be 'xr'lusivls e> unfer te rn-ritsofladtartri',,! thr' teri l It-eI -, t ihat ' engin-.'. NICormlck 4 rtI i r î. l t u kr ir Amone Irle relegati ai.froun ll in-te Pint-Parilir' tUnion, an!i-îan Srilî-Iloei s iace isnot c-t;en thise('lias. Il I'ttrson. 1.11.ý1 t Ilti. "an, 'ti i 'i l2 t oie be tcs flc -dio' ri (le un ned fat relisr. on this 0ri tît:; l prIf.ei jrt-g«aii rte-terti i in tIl- ji-i>i'.21 ai- îî î llî.t, 15 ss' lîr çrin i i t t fendatirlt' Longrens - are Im i s l lit n ceremnn oftif ' ta l'a tkitif) il liN ifile 5ftir' - attrar lie fi. U~. taiey of Princeton V.rif. ile nation-si'cpresentet!l . ,i bs lrttnotie:lit an ialptatltri1 FOî .;.\t.E Twn Neat 'fn It if; î Oe a adN~ 'ilaet iiîaa ti Dixn. ' %'tlk-" tubli$lietr- k ir>th. lric r orirtr Nleanwilii.î-,zhoI>_ shrtta-i slacp andt imtirifi,;.Tel SE£ US BEFORE vOU GUY. Eagte NliShaazette iti, i '-r rNg eit tîîiIcni.n$.tieplon,- 276-M-I. .x:It : ILLINOIS AUTO EXCHANGE Eage.Nlin. Gaete, nd irig ien1,tinl- bodý(il$210ill2f Bank ,Lane. Lake Forest. teîin igPan reatîtt ltu atoaffSiiriiWA.NTEI TO HUY -on- man fan l rît ttTelephone 1134. The Pies-s Cotititie ft tif i#- Press Assoir-eation, has heen e'ected lis)the; x 0 x 0MxO x50OxM0O 0Mxe0Mo o xi ~ maiacreage In 0r ni-at Lait.- cinUl USEriCA tongucas oftriîe orld atltHonolulu exectiie cotamittee of île (nT-ME i INDEPENDENT always Dt >*Saplietpic.tris l-ri, OUSrEbta)ruCAR DLALt E RSt send-. oui flua statemnintreative IotOef0b.'chairusan of t1ir- î'î>ttuîîîee Lbertyville firut. tintoaon AdeFrua-creiT.EN NS tle world :meeting: o rasotto.55es s seseses ib-i>s lcaio nepedent 39 lb1CarpiAmErHaca FNu C 1 Honaolulu, Territory of Hawaii.-ontasoato.x0x0x0xx0x0x0x0x0xLietfl dpeet 3- Fi Cr, B lebseen 450.and 500 publisera, edt -__ _______ _____ tara and newspapermie frons al parts of tise vieili wlll gather at r Honolulu. ierritory of Hawait. better knovi as bise "Crnsuroads of the bwO Pacifie" tfromnOctober 11 ta 25. lu- cluive, as delegates te the Pres Coenuss ot the World. of wllch Dr. of Journaltans of uhe University of isurla presideni. i'eri.ons of aIl races in tIe Haw. aiia:î lslansds arcensaking extens!ve- ftu foslor île enterfainneist of fif..tllegates, and fliere is net il. I-t- ont- idie nement tfenulfise tinwir-r lit-lI rrContingent arn'i' i un- fil ilrisse svlen the tast lais been . i r; rtrils slip iedpcked sitlî s.tri. îlion crs. ftche s..ti' i Il-ti goorl lye and géo ii ck. Unutet' resent arrangementIs, toutt f ull rfa> s sîhhbe given ov,,t o te seriou i Ibusinesof- the 'ti-- te te'itioder tri thle utet itl iis'tibc' -dces 0fr' largel>ta,:ightseei't ilt. pt-cgt iiri inclatding vilitai to t- ]rS- landifl ic Ilasaiian grtruf, ittet in Throne iioore t iii It- it hi i. I l.i C- Il t-t ino uthu. ivîicli ws t her- r I (i rtti- .' tIti i.iwxs;ii-,n noai -i , fr" i i t lite atri' vît jin of, theiasiianti.-Ir ltIl un i.. ;.-.andi. il 'fsi 1 i ,n. ;Itl fit l tirti tite I f '1- i l 1 l 1.: i iw.î'r'alit'!"tni'-ll :1t; \ ecEdion and booki [ii,-il vtors .'i rtiiuutt" ur ,rycultre eteryzz ucre. i-l rit '-(i i-,î' hleid yîiu lic-r attailu-t, w York ,Iirirld it ne-îi'tt t 'Iiidowager usked her ouur.of-towt'u ,icce. ~ ~ riii . t . i NO(lWLEDÇOE ot -good musie is one of missmVuzîo K theli i ir ii'r ir i.ý e t'f true culture. You and voice anîd the _________ _____ .vour children can absorb all that is worth qual it'tof her 'r. knowing in music,, by havirîg a'New Edison. This %vas proved once again when ý"am- boschek, principal conductorol'the Metropoli- tai' Opera Company, recentlyheard Pjruzjo, the Metropolitan's great dramatic soprano, compare- her voie with its R£-CREATiON by th1e New Edison. He saîd: "The quýality of MOOD WHAT -1 Send the coupon for ths new beek whach show@ you how te use mnusic fer wbat, lb wil do for you. Borne muisic bau a mrîrculoua power. 'It soothes you when you're -nervous, r.freshm you wwben tired, chuerq you when bine. Mr. Edison determined te dis- celer juat. which selectionu have thiu power. Two yer s% hoe organiaud a research, and placed àt under the direction af Dr. W. V. flhngbam, Director of the Dupoememt of Appliud Peychcdogy, Carnegie Inatitute CE Tecbmaogy. The remearet showed that certan Edisov.'R&- CeUATiows-ILad this reoesrkable power to affect. peoples Thie Days of Mo.d Muaie Fr..! Try Mod Musice wlu tiled. neevoas, qr lin the dumnp..'Se. whatmlletyou gel. 1If yeu deu't own a 4ew Edîmon, wa'l gladly arr-ange in supply yon wift et Moud .u*~b nyeui home No charge or obligation. rely e@& the, DECKER & HELTON LIBE RTY VILLE,, IL PHONE 55 Rt-CZ-CîtATED voice are identical But 0-'î -Nk-t r,, î- rings flot onlv'-the beauî tes in mi,- - ct real;r-m rn Ifases, at lasi, ail the . ;usic. and nnakes poss:blc this nq'w. ý. grr,-- st step forward ini music: S IT?- neods and -'-feelings. thue pychologtstscalled these Ru. - .REA-.CaeNs "«Mood Mui'". Bond thse coupon et once fer 'our copy of "Meed Music". Read how you con use music in the, new and helpful way. lue wvhîcb selections are recÔmiàied " For Mor. Energy, 'ToBingYouPe". You Joyans,",etc. hen ynu're ah 3 d4ya rn rSn 6 op t coupon. L <VOLUME XXI) Say ilPl stiet Was acting as spE in chancery in ca ionairess, Mrs. A OTHER WITNESSE l'uîîirit-r eê% fdpnuP ti 1 ionîta as 1itesenfeý ritt'lueriday atternot tri tuglitt v thte threr', it-ar i un againabt Joli I, ate a dleed set a M , Uçton entered in un-nf wiseretry the le e1siate, valued St per taiauaed bo Mr. Barwef t ut lisareat value. Th ttiok place August 14, 'lise upton eïtate ii o prove thitet that àoniut Ime prior Mr. liiud been tn such con( Was inconupetent In t nmry business. Judge CiscuS. Jui lt"m T. Gihbet becst known sud Muost toine>a in Chicago, toc r-t ud and exprirased (lrât Mr. tUpton's ment i-tied.. Mr. Upton lis pounied special Master an tle case of Mrs. A -titargi'd wkth bavlng su trusment oi taxes on n lait, worlis et lier proî (tlîng and tiibert m tseTiey said thait t t ii s-aIn-progreis ' a.iFep and fthey were i ti fitte case le tait amrrrl tne' r-rlias tueet rýiait-> Paul IDocOtan in thc Searâ a rs- t âsnYr eltect %iîounty lAiste A. irrrrtes-tilc-d itaât i. ai Ititng iuctitaliiiy ou i- iotn. Af ioî a-N 8 dt. andi iiE. J 1-; d( t-rd t hiafit h lîr 1I I i or it' fî "hi n itr i t'a,iktgan .ir i sr f.-r-ionhi opinion thae inud sas aftccted to a 1,sf lie n'as m ipnîett sily business alLait s. I'rt-lerick lfC,'i- ýinrliin tht' day, sa! i uîfflofii5 iad it-,t t lui t lhemou-rlage ofIl tir-t brouglat aaluut b t!ie arteries. Ptarntitf Resumes %%t e(n rouit Cousvent uatýntiff resun.d LIe Unt4 ton c-sldenct,. M ra ý,.'î; utChicago. a nurs r-- ii ac t înns for sor ui lieiT deaili. proved inFt impoliirtant wi ah îat on ece s'rr"ite S'as eijIrloyr iti:s0i-eîaf f0 in-the ":i, found mir. and MI tifn lui nttg olti Ai., , th lat f rq. Ul l"i that tlîy wl ttir-ut tplace to Nir. Ba a t it Uis. ultil the v a, roe bf urned oven hPr atPark'. _\ L. ltendec. former aflrlv, B. Smithî, de: and ical estafe agent, ai to tuie salue ufthtIe rtaying if waa WorthI Attorney Ilomner Co, isav 1ing practlced law 1._L'pton as far back a. and Mr. Uptôni once we - liip. Ho told of c wltlciscaused'lins te old tise frlond vas -baianced sud incapablf lia business affaira. -- Wliy Unlucky to 5ev Msny people WC teas cknawledge thatt te bad luck totlournsf iosfor sometbbugtt Rkten ome populat ~nbue enalneýd psycht 1su lu e of thens. ;rbl aste te bail lueIt thut the bag liçk( la hfteueSoi back t" ngof C~ ~i abnceth& _% To Cîsan LealIe ri'1owu leather liags ni bjr rubhlng on a tîrick 1 ,Whlte LOop. Appîy Ir V *ib bhàrt let Ir reutain 4 MimWtuse r-v stil -Electricitv Froîn Kcroseî ïc ]KEROSENE, t'e fuçi, gives you electric- ity when yca use it in Willys Lîgkut junior. This is one reason why yen cmii get elec- trical benefits on farms at less than oity rates. Investigate wday. DIETZ OTOR CO. Tolephane 89 WEUTY VLLEILL 1 il 1 lll a Ili