LIBERTY VILLE nir, an l91 oos l (-a wtnld coi-t Owneî wili Sac- Sr ln tret. i lt Managea, ol lien a 'oipis-t.- line- 01 1 and borne; rOse, fai fn-es for laid .sfreet trpes; asîo) o for nearby terri los-. Permanent l> Wl' P Quaker aîk. Ne-w York [i ý'oi fthe particu- 39-tf ai*ofiRedi Rtiver 1 bt on fracit ln a ir order wifli E. L. Ils store. 39-li t-. Alaia. fi fi, 319 1 'ARGAINS E VER USED CARS: 1921 445# eacli t,nk-, lik. n-%:tW I 4 -'la- -hunlijny t- iti. ýai iookt' -! $1350 mnd Ni.Rht. qE VOU GUY. E)-EXCHANGE Lake Forcst. liane 1134. R DE A L RS8 Lake Ceunts tyNES Firet Car," LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT pVOLUME XXIX, No. 39 Say Il Provel Was acting as special master in chancery in case of mil- ionairess, Mrs. Anna Sears OTHER WITNESSES TESTIFY Vu;î i or ê% ldt-nrcP luprove tein Iltiip-titn-y ut limelai, dwa-stt1,. Iliono tsa îîes,rte-t in circuit 1,uitî Tue'tday afternoon Iin the cse Iti tuglitî Uv te titrestsitters o! te il-ad i tian againabt John W. Barwetl I, liste a dleed set. aîde whereity M , Upton inlered imb an agree- oIni whereiy te bea utijui U pton e 'late, valued at perhapa $40.000> paàesed to Mr. Barweii for a fraction' utlits rel value. Thtis transaction loiok place Angoat 14, 1919.. TIhe Upton eciae aleiendoavoring oci prove thalt St [at lime and for sone tlime prioir ]Mr. Uptona mind hîallbeen i lisch condition tat ho was incnmpeîenî 10 Iranasctordi- nory business. Judge Charles S. Cuting- and Jude lit"m T. Gibert. two 0f the bsst known and most reputabie ai-. jineys in Chicago, look the wituess ,.t ud andi oxpreaaed the. opinion ttiaI Mr. tUtons mntnlhty vas sf- -,tted.. Mr. Upton bad heen ap poinied special Masiter lu Cbancery i the case of Mrs. Annas L Reia, -tiaàrgod ith bavlng aought to evade pi ment ot taxes on millions of dol- lait, worth et!literproporty. Judges (îttîtag and tJibert were in Ibis ros. They said tbat twicq whie the litaiwastIll- progreals Mr. Upton fait al,]eep and theji weme abliges tuosait Ots ite case he taken frontbhla ne% tr lias bren setfitd. At. P n>iaul I)onoan of Harvsard. i-n fteSears tise. lestifiesi 10 i - -nis, ettectî t i t o ,tiled Ihât lie liaitnotics-d i s rltng lîtîality u the part of i l-iion. Atotn(- s C. T. iel - t- . niE. J 11i,d-cks-r of Wau- t u i Irml it., ni itas failing. 1;;u it- --t Li it--tr of 'tauts-gaît 1 --n t'r iti .î , t' r lie italt iect "lt %aukt-gan anti *i-j. rsst-d tht- pin- J-i-t-ofti opinion thea.thle pItaients rîîîîd was affecîrd 10 sncb an estent ho t iewas ineornîtetent 10 itandle elly business agfaits. He, like Dr. )lrs-tierick lIc-iltY aho lestified týýrîter inthe- da> -salit the nmentl 'todftionliîait lc--n trouglit 'about i,1 a itemnoîriage of te brain, itet it 'o brouglit aht'ut by hitrdth flo !!te arlerles. Ptatntiff Resumes Today. %%ll<,n cotitetey loday te I.ziniîff resnnmd te wOrit of put- * t.-i otn tiîdence.. Mrs. iJessica liai- ,-tof Chicago, a nurse wito attend- t-IllitIpons for sonte tintie prior tut ihieT deatb. proved 10 ho one or - ilfn tto- imptortant witnesses. Site - cIttîat on one occasion sîtorîl>' s-it- le vas enitloyed b> te Up- 'il>, -ie Welit to1 -teé1 pion htonte- ;,:il found Nir. anti \ra. ChIon e- tin but niig olti love lellera. '-i ia-IthaI Nfrq. Uplon Infoiniet * t i tIbttheîy sete dlapoaiing o! *t1i-lalice t10 r. Baweli Icipor- s tii-,htuaistntillte lime whepilti va, 10 bc tnrned over t10 Waukegan P.r a park. - A. L.lilendee, former coinly cierk, and %V, B. Smithî, depuly assessoî- and itei estale agent, bath testilled aifto t i- aine utfte Upton estats, siaying il was sortit front$40,000 to Attorney Ilomer Cooke testbied hav ing practIced lawllbt Edwards L. Ipton as far bacc as,.te GOs. Ho --amidlMr. UptOit once vere in partner- siip. He told of certain lbings wiich cansed'hlm ta feel that bis old tinte friend vas mentally unt- -baianced and incapable of bandling hi& business affaira. Why Uniucky ta Go a. How mony people woniib be willins te ackuawiedge hat,-they beleye !t te bai uck to return, sfter ieavbng the iosfor aometbingt Iler bavé fo% 1 Rtel ome popular.-sperstitUons ".~jgnlit exlaned psycboogalsly-and ~lt,~hilbuon. of Uiem. irbe psycbologins ageessto flie balbcpart o! it4 but tbst the bag lijeit consista bnot go t~hfIe Soi~ back for thse article Dtp ho orgen goflit lInte firet IIgc ~bj sowsthait you do not bia nfcientiy upon the tala o! vînt you are moingf. p'" To Cîcan t.eatlier B&as. lrov10n leather bags may ho ceaned bJF rubhing ou a thicik Istier of pure .Wite saep. Apply Ir sîit a sponge, hI1 11l bard, let Ir reuttain on a few min- ' MmWIe rymisvtih ftl..e-,lth SEERS 11il1 HONOR James W. Harkness oaf Wau- kegan who aspires to posi- tion of state commander of American Legion; He an- nounces platform. DEFENDANT CAN'T COME TO COURT, SO COURT, MOVES, iudge, states attorney, sherif f and county clerk, with rec- -ords miove court ta Antioch PRESIDE IN INANE CASE When te mountain dbda't cone t Mahontmet. Maitonmet prompt!>' went ta te Mouaîn. - So tben it vas found today' that a de lendaîl Mr". JosePitine Boter. conld noftlie present la country court et Waukegsn because or ber Physical condiftion. tite court prompt- ]y mo'-ed ta ber bornteluAntiocit, tvent>' mites weat of Waoltegan. Titis la said ta ho th e tiraI case on record ln "..kt Count>' where a court of rec- ord bas been moved f rom the county buIldIng. te anîher part of the coont>'. Relative@Osf Mm .Boter fileti a po- litO ion un nt> court charging hem1 witit belng Insane and aslclng that ^h.4 l i si sinng belore a tua- acv bomniîssion. inve'tlri on slîîîed titat Mrs. Ifs-lIer lis-. fi-en bs-r iden for a -long finie and Plit*îrsir tans opposeti havung liter biouglit into1 rtin'on 'a Sîrelcit. etr Then Cotint>' Jutige Perry 1_ P'et -oin > d.--Ido-d uTi akh" Hie couit Ito lier.- ASt miàt-tii t i- Jidme, aeconîpanieti fît A-t S'ttt-- At toieyAtbert Hallsi Slite-rff E-;:tnr J relnen, teî,uty ('oun- 'cY fiel, John Builock-, togitier viii i r r hi 1 'rn Itniti- ' (tln itss-i . ti- l tai- ' o nt oloîioday hi a A-r A tit mton Sw-,. etlisiteti iin tih -t- hIrne 'and 1hlt-gai itto t-tt-IP(I-. t- t-lit f orw a rtl jtt I îlîl- sarne a.s if ail sas happening n ltqccou-ti hoti.e aI Wankegan. MADE SECOND MOST FLIG11TS IN TUE WBOLE LIST Prc ce olligswoî li, Proprielor ot i Lincoln T4ern ailatior iefldl, Denister sireet and Lincoln avenue. Eaistlon, lias carrieti more titan ..t), passerigers on ;'ses- flîglîts luis 41nitnier. Tht- ltest Ilasocriger sas Etis"auti Sslarenberg, b3 lteara .or age. a ntithie youngest Moisa Jane Smifth. 3 >s-arsOfo age. Hoilings. a-ot ca iinî tahave miors filng t lute timon ans- otiier Pmiot i n înei-- lca exceelt Eddie Stinson. fi-lehas oser 3;090itotîrs' tinte rceorded in Il!$ Pilot books, 'bIthave never crackeiJ a suip. lite adds s'oiti-o mak- ing the attave stateruent. ( Ilolling-orut fa a grandoon of tite late Dr. V. C. Price of MWaukegari andi %as born and reared in Wanke- gan. Il@ie ade an exhibition figlil at Wankegan fitont ite olti golf grounds about two years aga. Chance for a Dehte. An A ttvi-strimari svears butt îlesn't InuilIl. Attltc'r Atchisoît tmauri ma'a but docan't omsan IL. The Lancaster Litemar> Stociety' a respeclttilty r.- quested la decite ie irtfhie t1îe moIn Is ivrse titan te otber.-Atcisi- son îte Wiiat Bocamie of Them? A Fi-euch eîtgîîeem dtalins te hare discovemeci evîdetice Thtot a great rliec Oned ,flawed nortitsartl mcrs thme Sahara desert Irtîthtie Mdliui snd ivas luued wltb prosýpercâo C'j» imunîtîi-. Caddoeof a!Wter. Theic Vrgn de lots Itemeitos Is a smail vooden Image about twelve Incites bigh, evdentl>' cnrved wit a dIli penknlfe. T1ht. carvlng bespeliis the work o! thea bndian. The statue la trevereti as thte (ltîdss o!fAValer. Ah At.-va astrmgglinz JYoung mas 1m 1 mur" t mê o i 5 '-e.-91 WORK FOR THIE UN. EMPLOYED, IS PROM- ISE 0f IIARKNESS Waukegan man, candidate for state commander of Ameri-- ican Legion, gives platform HAS EXCELLENT CHANCE, ternes t\ Ilaiknes-s of M', whno b a t inditjale tori-oate coi ritantler 0 f t ln-Aiericari Legion. nOit t pe f se 5 -n1Il fhance î,î a rning, has sent out flus final attitai for support 10 til- vaiou bUS i-,itiyosta- ln ile le tP. Letters, lait- been sent îo the svar- lotis î.o-to o01thIte l-g Ion l ieiil ii tie W'atikcgan, candidate's qualifi- caution s are tf-t foiytli sotîîç'wlha Iaïo \ 1-qtows- He is n,)',a îtiîCian, Ie le s ano s-m -,,ob, a ot iii ît-t-nt anti Ieltle it l 0 taoblain aoik for fle iint-rn )Iotv -i and proîter boj ili izal on foi th-i.' -'k andi it- 1b,-,l i n air -s. Ill i -r- i. cJm d h inisleif in fayocr of t-uitailîng unnecessar>' expendi- Iules of tate fonds; ttnnecessary t raveling and ollier ovemiîead eipen- dituies sndI lile twithching of these landâ 10 more wortiîy clianneli-. In conclus9ion iChe îpromise ilazmade ltat he wii not oniy laik' but wbo w fil 'figitl" t see taI the rights of the Azntica n Legion throughout the saeaob-. d. INDEPENDENT Lake County 's Big Weekly Circultion Grester tha. othor Weeldles in Couaty Comibned WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER 29, 1921 ~ueste at the 0FattY" Àrbuckic boote pt ar , iS an FranclRco. f9h gays- she o sn noyed et the part >Y 1ty w ml. o u it' mluesîs. CIIERRYTREE IN BLOOM AT 4iURNEE PROVES WEATBER If you don't believe Lake coun- ty is real place to live, drive ta Gurnee TREE DEAD, IT REVIVES If you do't belle-vo that Wsuke- gau and Lake County' bas beeu hav-. ing California or lrdwetryo kIUAfWt should takte a trip ont twr une THRE TH ORIE 4,look at a tree near lte nov iigh nau~~,asasss~~y achool and you Ivîl i fnt evidempces o! thal tact. . Of BÀ RINfi ON -Ou t Ic Frank Grîpton place net fair KI AN I morning tIse'.biosme<l ouI a cherry BL-À-ST ÀRE RB LIJ îee i lu bloom. lu fact.tere la comhpletel>' covered viti biossonts and accarding ta mcm beis ofrlte Not certain -yèt what CaUSed famil>' it never sjtpeared in beter fortin rigitt la te mldst of te seuson the sub-station at. Bairing- th..niut In rigbt nov. ton ta blow up Thids trea. d ae ni>' hPCflr -titis lime o! tbe year. HOLO FUNERAL 0F VICTIM tfmsgtnothe'1surprlcclu inte liipton familY hovever. titis momning viten lte>'vent Ilo the yard and 5w tte NWitiîthIe imimenste task of resuer- tres- covered wtit wite blessus. ing ptawerte 0 ime lowns norlt of The unnanal freak of nature at- Elgin cotîmîleteti. officiais of te Iracteti consIderable attention In and Publie Service comPafly of Northt- about Gurnes- and rnany people evon s-rn Itlinois, abuse iub-sation ai droiete th ie (Iription place jual te Idaîrîngonie xpittded s-ami> Salurday lake a look aI lite failibtossoEntng nîorning after tîetng 5f usk b., a boit cherry iree. of ightîiiîîgmit-te iriselgating te Pont-t sdi- re'-Iored i ro' dock tj U Y I D Sondai nitlii o Easi ltùnd!s-. \West -iiiýt e la i riuto aL aticnrirl i A TODRI VER JIELD 1àti l, iitu iel tn n aion 0f lîrtit adýli pots t-t So,,it uîda ttît rig FOR M ANSLAUI7 JI1TER afi"r lte explostion, a hidi thitttredJ Ili- . auhtai'an wics nimits equipps-d aulu buge Imadn îfo-itiis, and eliook Little John Betz, Mbile cross- aIl .,veau are T he mus-rai o! Tht-ion M CG-ad,. igClvladStet svie- nitsrato0r aIthie substation, Wltotiat tim of fast driver klilt-Jd in te lasI. ws-tlis-Id aI 2:91) ofco k ,Montiay allc-rroon a 11h Ban- nîngion ptost of the American Legîon WAS EN ROUTE TO SCHOOL n cliaige. IcGrady waa a scar tet ____ s-in antia-as 11 ycars nitd. lit-\ils ittu le Jorlnnî IlB- 1') vest oh]ison iiarzietilai-t June. of Mi.antd c- lr .îBtz, vio for- [lires- tîeoies of te expltion illis-rîtlviiil iti I 'vîdere sfreef. folointg te llgblalng flash ate ad- iWaukc-gsri, wsr. i(Ir-t t-an auto In vancei and are heing Inveslîcaled. Clevelandio,uitotn sept. 21sf, accord- Ont- sas Iat igitlning sas carris-'llng *to a-o ust itteeei eti ites. into te trarisformers and caîîscd A (lt-s el.anl pt raîer i-altoof tei thet-to 0exîtlode. Elecîricai expertîs : % 1i~ des-aie titis Itoîdly poss;ihl iieboati 'Tii-rs r piiittîo sain auto-t s-to liutualions s bti e there are ou-. îlîitî thetsi ii. -tins-dos-n alIt'ý grountds f4ireaclî ilarsfiotmer. pllýi--ig titi t -r :tttt Pont--. '[iW second titeory sthi lat gas liai police - t Itt i î ic td, not. Rt'1 t aketi Irotutpilltes in tite baseîîîenî. 11111: illing the -celiar andti iis igniled tiY Eutig i tif.11i.1 cii ilge of ittan- thie lîgltning ransed te explosion. slaiighiesr. Titis is iîotuglitte10 e tbe most like- Johtti het. il,,. is- ltattcrîîslîeti as 1>' soilion as fte coutpan>' bas a5Ilie ti'sleau tt t rto t Sctool. corilirs-sol-ein lte Barrington anb- Luting liî. t- ai 1519 Filuon 11<1. station ns-dtitoforce gae luttetiheThte Btttz aîttîi it, o itre at2974 mitns. Tite gos s bnianufactumed ai 'oestCtevela ndý I et( l\"attt s eVnt Fit e linge r-eietanks nt Bar- To ltip scauîfonery i rington. localet oniy a siitIdia-,i-rirt-tiît( - t ilt -tirol , W'tuktgan. fond' froli lte tub-station aere un- Tut' (it'rcuith tit- rriltet ibis, daniageti. Iicture in cqnîerîitîn ewlPh lte tigei Tfite tiird iteory of te explosion d3 - tht- pi-ttis- beitri ittne ti-ers- iei in lthafliceolerator. confused e tit alati o-tii a iii -tlit-suttand stand- flashi of ightning vicithad enlemet inOc i'uitt te st-siatiori. thtre- saitlits aluihcroaseti cttrerils of 33,000 volfs snd 20,000 volts. A force or 100 men worked ail day TO ORGIANIZE LK. and niglît Saturda>' and uflfil Mon- day nightt ahen service vas rester- CO. FOILL. II IVe e t utexactl>'eb"o'ciock. alightly more as sac~1Y fia lioiittrt>'-five hours afler thte tragedy. A new teîîîparary isub-sta- S A IM C M A6 vin as conslmucted in that lIme A lU C M A@ new transformera and equpirnent itroughtt front Evanalon. Oic Park llaa rnaei raîa sud Joliet. The fs-at ia considered 7thona.-- k e ntnetfor bi- Cuve- renîsrkable. iyoIliosMrr!a stdm Thte ruina s-rneflt inspected by s> 0 i il benuorediat afinna te compan> as tiie vomItof rester- campatgnslIie.tobrTt eti oot- ing Power vas declared lie moat fev da% s linIbrttpkefot hall coacht. taridstatitunitexecnlhs-e Sonto clrethat thte cause of chaitte an, ottiriti ite ii tae explosion nîay nover hO known conintttt-t- initoîîlrit-arefuo- as ovidence of shat causeti il ma>' der rntttnît for tite cotint'i, ]lias-e bs-en destroyed b>'te fahi o! leadershîip. leitatditin, ZuppkeI thle building. s-ilI natielsti fol lowiing <comit- tees: Gnit-1titcotil, îsiYs anti mens, es-tIIiaIte - itI 'i iuttii . How lS tidtaeI-.. Onç captîaîît s iiib' nanieti for WhuusnîMll1e Iiill- rîlunroicî trti Sf11-everyton I-ri iiiiif te cituniti. At di>' scitOol Inlis-fd inmaisîsit ivitat leaat $iltsîttît>b xîi-ctl uto hi titti> ha] shitig. Aînong nltties-mos pledged in' filnaton siti cati-j ollier titingt; lie tieftsttlotici iVin t thoy Isaign ri ltiitoprns NtoNs-itbt-ri -1.anti litil suit, i na tittitobjlie solig.,An- corlinses Ngteitilter . mwerlrnn utr lwvtlrleà. ho nId: "WeiL la. the. campus drive ltat sprino LONfi STRETC1I 0f WAUKEGAN ROAD IS TIIROWN INTO USE One can drive on new road to Chicago fromn No.,Shore cermeter y BALANCE DONE SHORTLY l'il nl-w ,oncti-'te rostl to be kîtown ,atrilie future as MWaukegan Road 14 now open fr-ont ihe South -1up 10 PttlI -a aI t e-ili-fnietoeëflofo oid Giree-n Bay otJandi flugsale Road, at te eniamtoIlite Northi Shtore cernetery. 'l'le streteli fti the ' cemeîery north to Beivide-r s ' ,,Watkeégau, wili ho opened-ti aîfic witiiin lte rit-t Seven .n(il tîAiî!i liti . Thet -i;rm'n-ilfluiont liideie st rtet noî lb o M'a.sli"gton sireet. Wsuke gs:n a-ut not be-ops-n foi a ropi ru w"-ks longer act ni ding 10 Ile hest estistes heing nmade 00w. ,%ccor(tingl.- jpeople driving sonlt frontti Wukî-gsri anitaking auke- ka Il Roati can drive out Watiinglon sifîee t 10 Jackson, sont lto1 Dugdaie Rond and oter lu the cemelerv, tht-n go anutit, or to gel a more con- inons iretch of concrete he>' cari driv.e 10 Noitilîicago, go out 1-nd Street Io Pive Points and bit Waukegan Road Sa t iripoint. The resuit of te road being Open- ed as far as tire Nort h Shore Cern- efer sr'One cati Dow bit the concrete at Ihat point and travel Southt on a continuons tretch of concrete clear 10 Mfiiwaukee avenue. Chicago. Thun rmains oniy a short atretcb yet ta b. Opened. namely between the atemetery snd MWaabington cf reet, Waukegaa. Plan Big Tinte. ln te OPenicg of this latter etretcb a couple of veeks hence whicb la to be made the scene of a big' rond ceiebration. if plans are carried titrougit as announced re. centl>'. Mombers of the aupervianra sud Ortler officiais bave taiten the matier up with lte Waukeagn Chamber of t'omnierce and Indicn- lions are tha$ Waukegan andi Lke county wiii loin ln a big celebra- lion at which Gov. «dmall may ho the guest of itoior. The supervisors have heen assuerd that Gov. Smaii wiii conte if lte celebration la plan- ned because he la keeniy Inlerested ln the "good road'" moveinent l titis state. Waukegan Road lias been buîlt la Lake county this year b> lte Cori- way Construction compan>' of Chti- ca go. rThe road does not mun dirert- ly soult but folilvs ld Greetü Bay ltoadt as far aa Lake Bluff and thence wesî oen the Rockdaie road to Tele- graph Rload, Iben soutit foiio-wtng a sîraiglît une to Miwaukee avenue, Chicago. Titus part :of lte oili Green Bay and part of lte oli Telegraplitrvads «'sukegan Roud. b> POTTER SAYS IT IS MOVE TO "6PUN. ISI! THE FARMER"ý One of the organizers of the MiIk Producers' Agsn. makes statemnent on Oct. price Elgin, Ill.. Sept. 29.-That lthe nov PÇjce of $1.50 pald for September mut hby the Mille Producera' Co-op- erative Marketing Company as agaînst 12.00> paid by the dealers for the ame milk la merely a move to punlali the farmer, hi the sate- ment of Charles H. Pattor one of the chie! organisera af the Mutj Praducers' associatio n ad the trot Lsecrotary anti manager af thse mar- keting empeny. Mr. Pater bas styled the ceut la price "tbe moat foolish and tmcalled for move ini the blstory et the "Bo- chotion. Thbe nev price le beiov vhit the condensers are now pay- Ing for mutk," ho declared. "As i acte It. itlas merely a move ta pua. baih the farmer." 9 The Septes4ber-_p.rce constitules Da drop of $1.30 from the Augtist iwboleae price@ paid for milit set by the asaociation. Paul Gaîdinhur Gash~Pîpurjy Young man who advanoed coi tare 5 years ao strag<¶, gets his estate LEAVES TO CLAIM Il Ecl-à. 111h ('ha p. Tht verse-Cait t2. breati upon the wateri for thou sMa ftnti It after many days. 2nti Ver@ao-(lle a portion te soeen and aisa ta elght: for thou knoweât not what evii &liiti ho upon lth e arth. Over five years ago Paul Garden. ler, a machinist generai la the Ul. 8. navy, saw fit to "stake a man" wbo, begged hlm for a ticket to, bie home hc a New Jersey cit'. He la now about to depart from Great Lakes station fer Lon Angeles to talc. possession of a psiece OZ property for which ho buas 'ady boom offored *U,000and which bau ceaie te, hlm as the resuit of la beettinau I%.stowed upom a stranger whboued hlm for aulot- Ose l a New Jersey City. Doudou the propertir vbioh ho bas boom told le vorth ovor $1,00oGar- deuter bouelitted througbhIde kIi. neas to a moni mnsd James .JordÎm of New Jersey 1t thecitent of 14.0» lai cas! wblib ho bas airesdy recel,. eti. Tlhe experience of <larMir (Ttrn te page FOUR) I Saturday and Monday Moit Extraordinary SeIling Events Scores of'Styles-Unequalled Values Panne Velvet - Lyons Velvet - Velvet and Metal Cloth - Flower Trimnied Hats. Embroidered Velvet - Ostrich Trimmned ilats Novelty Fabrics - Tailored Velvet Hats T arge and Small Cuf f Brims - Soft Rail BrimÉ Tam Effects - Close Fitting Turbans Clever Musbrooms - Broadside Effects Matron Hats For l weeckst \\t' have' bîcu pîepai-ufort'htis e veîtt. It is a î-bllliells'e îîin ît-'. A s-alceht-syond youî' gîcýatti-it ixpecta- tioiîî. Origin. al'New Xoî'k iiitîîeisanîd copies 'and adaptions Oe Iiigli pb'iced îîiu-melsu. Ilats foîr cver'y tvpc fîor veby ocoîaSioti. Popular Colors '1'Iie varîietv of liats (lft'3'Cd is so large that everv wînian wifl. hî' -eitaiîî to oltait a he(oiîubug style. The colos, too, are var- ied. Ilec ituw'ilI find black, br'îîwn, îiav-y, purl, copebi, cher- i 1-Y t!!I ('tsiII>iitttioîiS. A il fav-oî'c A îit înii slîades. Clever Trimmàing Effects 7 triiiiuîuîus îîîclut' Iv ads, Spaiiisit orniarentis, nail hcads, plainlt andi I-itî-ît'ostî'ieli, Id lue ase, featiier nov-elties anîd n ~qz 1