I iRFR11ý Al L PNEN.OCOE 6 92 AE HE PURPOSE 0f TAX WAItNIN4i ISSUED DRIVE ON BÀNKS AGAINST FAXE REV- NOW EXPLAINED ENUE COLLECTORS John C.C (aunon cied 'ite, Cl Togtfigures îfor companisons lector tof internai Re'.nue. tirîay t" wth one or two countes sueit a tatement warning thre prhlc -'no toi par>' noney 10 rmen w.artflg reported unfair stars sud reDreaentiîîreniiieive- t Li be dsputy collectors. unlesq th éy L'p at was Train- love it. i. i O i i I I t' show redential carda GtI ZitlititIYl andtiIdentification igneti by linn "À nuniber of mern ucarîng orIchti' eus stars bave been calling on 1ti sens and abowkg zfradulent tiuiiraînt U. S. PUBLIC IIEALTII SERVICE IIERE I15 A Blq INSTITUTION Department at North Chicago furnishes supplies and equip- ment for U. S. hospitals OPERATE ON BIG SCALE federai lucnce andl otiter feilertîl tax- FeW people resUs.e the magDetism es" saad Mr. Cannon. **lu a number of orthte 1U. S. ]Public Heaith Service ai Instance% hhey lave collecteti ruOney.iNorth Chilcago. This departuant fur- Three of ,the swlndlers alrcadY have nishes ailt the supplies and eQuilient baeen rreatid aud vill b. islgororslylfor aiH the governhent bhoSpîtals in proseeuttd. 1 ans deteriitfidta ptît the Unitedi States., a $top ta Ibis frauti. Ail of the deputy tocpethbuligonMrw colletors lu Iis office are pr'oiitetid CrlIsti ulig nMro irons w.aring stars. Tlrey carry tviiite Avenue. North- Chicago. luât veat Of carde of identification andi nul horlty thre E. J. & E. tracks. Tla give a de wbic hhy ar Intruted a aiowtalled acouait of lit scope anid actîvi- wbenever tbey sette a warrant orliu oil rnre oeaac ha collect money. 'itzns sîrould dîe- this palier or any otîter paper afforda. mand ai, recelpt of the delrty *Alt,-n- iufficent ta t0a ay that the buildings ever~~~~~~~ thypyicreo ltr re ueartmentized and everYthiaz _ _esetrry t0 hospîital e<uipment In- ilaidina si-erything for the patients Orîgn of "-Boyfndth. Pae." andî articles aimoat inanmerable are lit tlie.-titre i Kl;tîsg.1,lrr 'il -,1atwokeii anti eorled ôn the ahelvez. ofi lr,'larîd whleiil s sulljýi 'i. 1 1.1c 'lilre la also a garage, one of the lisli irde vasii i' l <trIo2.irlarge drill halls. where cars fions the ti ti ndi the. eaut- i'%it ora , diffpi nt bîrîpitais are rebuilt andi re- an th(, Paît'. di,,iisti,::ttet ilpireti. 'The equipment lg complets lte ;llrsitt"'.i l nti up ra date In every respect. No one cars make even a hurried I n- jil*tui,r,, It lsj, i liS 'I. ;'l s Pecrion of thlis Important adlunct of lîre- o.lt, i l'e atd I, 'ohtucle - ti'ioservice witbo ut realizing lai's taat'îîoî s t' tt iti " 'it ia t thlit'govrrinenîisgfloît only car- lwiîie te lard *ttt .ts..t.a.ing fi,. 'Asonded anti cripplet hernes 1l"It ronstilr't "î 'sf i I andrîti lrî1,i-t armlllahing the dîîty Ilaa dlszionion. ill efficient manner ant i wth tire ___________nil 1' ~' atterial anti ýîîpliea tinat - tîn iartbuY aniext)irienre aud Tou1h Luck. ablîly selpc*. <leonrgi- n Pat 1 I 'iitit.,>I" e Te d-tisimint ilain charge ot IV. w's.' e rbl l... 1" . ... .. . ,ltiS. lianin w ho liai Installed Ih rom nî,îllitniil!î, t. * * *, ~fliiltlng Il) the ret"tligh sandid bentilyiv meurt" t ti 'I n !îifctnvand ti w iath lit..s ife, Woul w. bail't aleniet'ti irginla lady resides in the veull rî turt l* O 'I t apa'Itentsabsos'e tMeoffices of 1he -- - tl'partst tS antigivAs thc U. S. Pub' 0. or>. lcli e :1,h; ervIce Co. leractically con' Worryi le vr-' itthii e ' , iniosatenin hihba Relu ion ci art'. uite nd In cu i er.thal la. the best soi-* lion cin quît ésitti rng à5lt 7: 0 vire for tut eliet men. on erh'1- now ea i l toli nht.dy ' n. MeSarth, "Un-eros. venletia aîulv'i q-w,rryti ce lg a autedheoe. bn'e jusl got t t. i' oUt tb .t tf. - l_____1 and grattInlaalii'- pa.."r Il i-teld 10 gr,,.i. hIl aT, i .;'. ________________________ 1'Irari.,t-d for t1i: . h OF INTEREST IN LAKE CO. Alton. li.-Referring ta the. tate fax CO)minssnion's recent damnant! Up. en boardm ut reoiêiw lun tenty-five f-GUflleài for assesument Dis. Oscar E. Carslerom. a member Of lhe com- mission, declareti ln an atidreuabe. forpe toeuMte conventionl 0f couhity ierks,. ircuit clerks and recordera liere Iat week tlîat the order waa Xiven for the purpoie et0 obtains deffulte information t use as ou- jiarisans wth figures front a f.w counties la wh1ehr the commsnsion liait locen informed fair asseasmanta on capital stockx of batiks had nfot teen nmade.- ,l ('onrlffsinner (:arla§trom aigu salîl th51 lisere would b. nu greater ln- c.eliga n lthre Mate tax rate for the treserit bienuan. Furea's Uncaliad For. -'lut lturore conrrrning the letter sr.nt oui, by the- comamission tou h .nag ile a"e.ssllent or calîtai tock itt cli. antI national batiks h on- tirely *ncallitl for." Mr. Carlstrom saliui. 'h tii.'r.'amn taI the only lpirr lai'o- itI t lut -t er aas la obtain bde1us w aen roulil as ofthe as- aaesnr"rii fIho>..' nstitutions. 'or ritH ai tuiron ta lis atsence if sutit trîti. 'I 11) el i re l aie8. .fi.r',rtîliiaorli an been adeisi Gât m oitc1 or tri contiesIn te St ai.' iliai ti fait sc ofmnta Il a'al aI tock uJ'ad flot been uîtii-. t aas expet ted titat in at l~lii> l!)iee cent of <ases fair as Sct'gfiCfttlatl been mrade but tiefi- nité information on Ihese countles watt' ra'ary f ocmparison andi *et, l rît mdeterrnar te exteut of ayino,,ffici.nt or lneqltable asens- vient n il u voiüe founti. hti n .-h I4gMara. iitly' 1 ayse tr'Il igh. lul-- r>l '-.l'a slandi ahers tire,' t, 1nglit, vrlî's a coresiponad- roi i h. 1'edoi, DlaitMail train E lgin.>î uiilt-r Sumr,o-îandi Mifl aja.. w.- i- "lv-one and iii*- unie. O(lB- cal min ' .îr Ulta'err. ;îir nh).it 912 li '. ht i h- trit'k îýf Islt r îaurge fýi. o ' -, lnîun * ih arked by u gli% ille.,' the ltîrz0n P h, s ti î:u it tfl,.-,nilet $35 OMARRIAGE LICENSESO lana Stephenson, 23,Cîîi, Lirn'l"ey C,'Irtwrlgsht, 2:' ,Z1-1 lon Mahel Dulanage. , Q' i.1 Anthny oi-Zne.26, (Ch:,t. Marte Miier, lb, Chicigiý Joseph l . 25. Milv.alitký.. Rtose Repfts. 2 tlaX' (bhaa. E. Hall, 28. Chicago. Clarice Fuller. 28, Chicago. Arthur Krauner, 21, Wau]kl-aiiî. Anna Vogel. 18, M.1. Raymond Wilsnd, 22, Giand IIaV- en. M'Ich. i'ieClapier, 18. Ililwaui..-c. Frank Raina. U,. Mon. Viola (Carao, la, ZMon. Xike lcarpeu.2t.. Racine. Wi. Cmberlae ICapoun, 17. Racine. Win. Ikvld Krause. 21. Bheboy*gan, Win. Helen Iorens, »24. Slaehoygan, Win. M5 d~O1rA TO RSp.k I123 M. OUNUSEE ST. WAUIGAN. LL 228 North Genesee St. .i--r $25 $25 A Value ImmnseSeliIng ofDress ~25 an 35 Values Such As 7hese Are Seldom Equaled Popular styles and colors ef the season -in Crepe-back Satins, Tricotines, Poiret Twills, Canton Crepes, and Serges. There are long waisted'dresses, uneven hem effects, hand - embroidered, beaded, kimona and double sleete models. -There are, redingote, overdrape, straight-linè and Spanish styles, too numerous-and variedI to describe. As to quali-every dreés is greatly UNDERPRICEI). Fuil range of sizes, SS~1 110U*0 s uspS::SSSUi::iSBSUUZ~ AUCTION SALE- Hlaving bought a f arm hi Wisconsin, will sel my farmi and personal property on farm known as Keller Farm on Wash- ington Street at end of car lige te highest bidder, ait Auction, October l4th, 1921 At 1-.00 p. m. Sharp, The following described real estate: - 77 acres of farmu land under cultivation with very good improvements consisting of good eight-roomn house, good baisement, barn, large new tool shed, good weil and ail buildings newly painted and i fine- condition. This f arm, is. between subdivisions andIo ready for samne. Mortgage $15,000 securing two noteés, one, of $10,000 at 6% and another $5,000 at 61/2% to continue 4 years more to run. TERMS: - $1500 at date of sale and 1/., of amount of sale af- ter examination of titie. Personal Property il Fine Milk Cows 1 Pure Bred Shortbom' Bull 18 montha oid. of a uilking strain. 1 Black Mare, 6 years old. weight about 1300. Ail Chickens Hay and Grain 20 Tons of Tirnothy Hay in Barn 10 Tons of Straw 12 Acres of Corn, n Shock M4 Biashels of Oas 80 Bushels of Barley Hogs 8 Shoats. weight 3bout 100 lb average 1 Brood Sow Machinery 1 Nower 1 Sulky Plow 1 Walkiag Plow 1 Sulky Cultivator 1 One-horse Cultivator 1 Three-sectios Karrow 1 Dise 1 Wagon and iBox 1 Truck Wagon and REak 2 lieta of WOrk Karesa Other articles too marnerous tormention. TERMS\1:-Knom-iias usual ternis on ail persoxial propertv, stuils of $20 and un- der, cash, and ail over that aînotunt six nîontbs' tirne wil 1w given on good ap- proved or good baukable notes bearin g at the rate of -4 ' interest. No prop- erty reinoved until f;ettled for. BENJAMIN COSSMAN, Proprietor FRtlhII1RABBE and IR. B. ITBBER, Auctioneers. JAMES I1EEVES, Ulcrk Carburetor'Automatie Heat Contr-61 -An Exclusive Buick Feature The new carburetor automatie heat control, exclusive standard e'upeto 1922 Buick models-both fours and sixes-makes the motor run a8smoinothly in cold as in summr weather. just 'as gasoline is automat- icaily2, supplied. the carburetor b~y use of the, throttle or accelerator, so is heat su.pplied and cut off from the carburetor. Only on a Buick will you'find this féature. Dulck Sixes B" Fck ours 134h.U Thtp.. s .d. 15 fJ.J1.Pi.iaifou U-su'4 P,. P...Tu = 12 2PoeJ i.p-.. ».-w- M 22: d la.Pas.. Cope MIPM 533w w -i. . Pau.. sedan Sm- 3455 13 u S ht..Pose. Ci- m id" 223à "ilP.. ou. 335 3.F..#*.Pm. a. AM* lit: a. ~:CL". AuânPris .. . a vu... As& about the G. M. A. C. PLai C. G.' WENBAN & SON Pi2onu 728-110 Washington St., Waukeg..il. Phione 22, Deerpath Aye., IAke Foreit.'- MIEN BITER AUTFOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK -WHL :BU"' iuiH. Chais Alibis. irtîl anter. Wl.al t th, .a '-1- putrloandti iI t-t .o'-Veial th ' - TIlt.! 'ash o iit t 11,- l l, i r, t i th, rt.-iparis -t.11% tha Sti lie,. 1ER Givrng Event of Splendid'Interest to Women and Misses PAGE THREF. f LIBERTýýILLE INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 6.1921