CREASE ls BELL COMPANY .emmussISl t i spon: ir' a hould nu. - ýi of the anmr .ned tbe m'.. id by tte -,r- bis endir a be ir-î", ili eo-iipc-aqra k iD n3 r~'t under i bat ltht jîrr-1 . . 'l., --t>--- T'me INDE ices. t in brngig 1: av bit. THE NEXT slt. Ce 7. rle Re- nt tk,- nilding iT Co. ARuNTEEu ,R Y! d Eggs 998. and wil t are always hin le.s than vo nhonec ai ng, III. 'WAUKE@AN ELEVEN DEFEATS ANTIOCtI BY 47-6 SCORE ceifw (uil, I<i -t bettin.c o>f flie' Vc: 111o Ili', -.. a l.* , ," mahiý i. k. i ioi. r,,.i iîel n îî ng or.] ' . tilt,'w ru- \Ili l 1 vol k 0 it f N X o . ih 'i, ýiltii i. . rui -, n. UI r:1 , , î i, rnl-.1 tf -tirl, 1,1,r . %%i l ,,,, li r u<an rg.rr itl i.. i . ifni gl Qi ltisitcrs outclassed in almost y r 2; 1'l- \%":tik a nri V I-E,:IfI every department but t-ii -l jr- a'At>'aiti - r' fogh amely i -ifin, i aitn.i.- , 2 r The foilwing me taken irionitMn rrue Irdown a i. c-a tin!> aM-Il ..î, idaByi Waukegan Daly s.un: W;,. in blo,-kifigI - kith FiEui ilien un nut iing mri (Ilr, Anatoda 1g. fighting gaeb Io 10 le ;:Ijnî- aaipenel. r'. - the before the Waukegan witb i il Waukegan ine-up Ibis fin onslaught by a score or 47 to 6 in the llihed the garine would 'ia at -nf.. tiret home football gaine on the local dloser andi bettes* Io watcli gridiron. Thie gaine was a big four Waukpen'.. backfleld did il101orfo acl tare. Antioch belnti ou.tcamed In odpugn i u-D i, an th- alm d te- eaîetHwvr The fine vas not so gond aetiimeè. aib lis as t111e etfect on tht' asliorsif mighimebai,-Ieen. The- gamE va..2 iiDinuta. foithpy toughi .'alîantly for Pil fWuea'ýmtl il lout-b ,Aown ii n Inthé.altquarter but i fril of alcegofian'lomttof afler aîrking tLîiîîway 10 1the locala u îîïîdda boef.ait0 ofle yard in(.' hree imes they auc- gond ptactice foi, file local gridderks ee(-ded on tihe third flime- when half- for the Deerfield gaine wliic!i wilh.' back tbaffn ctr-sd the fine. foi fhiiir .taged next Saturday- loue score. Thie'Une iii) for the 'gati-.fto lsptain Jot e tî of ii îii-local Waukegan N-,.nioc!m iiiraaI madie the jinital kick-off. Anti- Peserola 1. 'E Grey artt wa stoppeil near tht' thirty yard Puemumei , TXWolf ui. lw ia!went omer toi Wauke K.n>.in C lierinarn Içan whéil itIe visliton. îunted and ,ciî fi Gfok Blradbury looak the bal!. A fi-w w se- i. ffi T. Sheellan enîls laU',- Pat Moore a---nt ar-îîînd îiEi, A t: Wertz igkit etor th11e flr,,t toucbdlown. wi .tAtH1, (binu gSacaitr. kicked goal, Vive' minute.s liaîii I Ii iffan) IatI er Wauk(egfn ï- . il lIt rad laurt--. nea i J' b na arrinsafor tUic second tochdown and Moore uIf lie> 11newitz &gain kicke.i goal. The tefei ce.Iliogan. ~b-d iauclidown cameil rift], .-lat-it2rpr. Olâley, 1Princeton î Tirni- wlen tiue'witz vent rlrough ceter .'(,.-prIFlorbin anid Nauman. Il% inhe Plungi- H.- faitc.I. b,wpî r ____________ fi ik goal, Antiochl o.îtilîuciî grountd aie' II P IKIE *eivî-and fllWur.kegan galned pos,'i-s P RK N 0ie f the pjig .,kln oni Antioch's fana ile on their 15-yard line lait back R I N E; OU 1 J br !luniced ten yards for thé' irsi KJN NC ;LtI ilows, î;nevîtz vas lieti given the- brÀIlfoi a fine jlunige but was stopped I 0 1 U E 4), lh. oppoming fine. W tb goal ta S2 oIU E aaake onthie là.st down Glbert fell Iie ard t§Lort of anoîher louchlown.Will permit cars ta be paked Ames of Antloch Punteti almolit .4tralht Up andth 1e .trong wnd car- downtown after 7 P. m. lied the bala back of the line where ekdy W-ikegan matie a toucli back. Une-wokdy fali:klcked goal. A few seconda art- The Waukegan oarking ordin.anci- - er Wauken bai accepted the e Dot vas aimuend Monday ilight b> 1the CitY kic-k ff Pester took a liaiet ram Une- coucil. Vriler the new ordiniance viAsanad rati flfty yards for another cars Witt be permmttedto bPartk fol'- 4&hrhdoWn. Unewîtz- again klcetid 20 minutesi during the day lime. Al glai nd the frot haIt vas over. Thie ter 7 p. m. on veek day.. and 10 P. weerp: Waukegan 30. Antioch 0. m Saturdatys there wilîl 1e Do limîr, Waukegan conmtlnued ls onslaught <on, 111elength of lime1the tcar",nia> luthe Ibe scd hait Wthln a few be parkpEd. Parking ilîl lsol be Peri lutea ni01 te tart Plummer tOOk mitted i at day Sundays adtantage 0( ADtlOchs tumble and scoteti 21 yardls for six more -Pointa. Persun... who Park their tai-ý to do th,- gona oi belng kicketi. - hopping witI not be moleted et-en * Wtb a pass. Unevîtz taPete:, tood if they part itieir tar.. more Iban 2f) ro il; yards thée locals veine on fthe minute,- if il iâ abtolutel>- nef, -ari, wa. tan anotlaer taIt> t'newltz played but If th(. police tearn taI the- îrfl pA>, in.. for' 15 mo, yard.. an1it i lg.- s being abused tIi.- ar-e, viii b#, -crotiied ti' mfie on th.-next ic5éInv*.tigieii L X nioch ,eeméd înali- ;cr,to îloctot-' iiakiag iicuafrti- .Et. -huin L he vay of ebet-kînit XVan v t oob,- ni(iiei-t-lif ii,,, ket-;- ke,--t.w and did not -ensfem lu lie their ra., parked longe-r tii-an 2 - orth l iil Waukegan'. net: iiiri lmnut,,. bu;t tlîîM a tiino, hem.r w-i'a 1>5s tW Pester vlîo round an tilenl ta leaet. lîi i ,i, n tran- uar-n làield l tor.' him and jege.'l t o~ r on otir.. If.irliii.-. e.- - i tA,- l.nmtta of the- rici! ,- t îi.- il i- e goa -ni-r! - i i- aa-ther co,, Lo.!, of fun T h. vioe ;i,, . 01pnî r r rt the eîintioi ofthtIribrd ,qua: tp - 4, to I1 înl lt',put , n tuan) iir , - 7h. Echo Came. iu!.I.- ,f i-e final! uarti 'E rulu, t il u îrrî-î - fit,, , ir.ld id LYELL H. MORRlIS Attorvtey-at-Law 1,1tTYVITLE llAI i Luce 'Building PAUL Mac GUFFIN Attorney-a Law lifi-lî- luron DR. C. B. OLNEY Veteiiai, ySurgeori - .E. WALTERS. "i-IINANDiii-th . Drsease-ï of Womien arz Cl. ti aSpecalty. W. W.JOHNSON, . D.O iDENTISnI Phone 841 112 No. Gencar S5 WAIUG.XN, il. NitI DR. 0. F. BUfERFREL VETERINAIIA St1ttEtlN Assistant Sîste Vclerucari,i LIBERTYVILLE. IlLANOIS, DR. J. L TAYLOR O6ffic, in Friat National Bank BIdg.' Houra. --1 o3:30 and t7 8 p, in. Residence on Broadwa>y. oîîîîosittc lai , LIBERTYVILLE. ILL.INOIS. CHARLES R. WICKENS Washingtofl-COufltY Sts. PhoDý 1892! WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. Public Accuntant and Auditor. Acceqting Systeflii. Audits. Books' Poate Perlodically for Firms -h. de flot need a Permanent Phone 26 Il{ours 3 to 8SP. tu DU. MXO & DAMI Spoclall,»-Crmetion of Df.rmitt,a-' Nor~Ou Md OhMeic Mu«.... suia 10-. New Castie iopIý rAEUITYVlL, ILLINO[h. ma . nur tr t i- n .ft riu*rVIrrr r.- I , ~ r it .. r 1n t- I. -- r - Gît-ar Yr.. C'c.Mr. Snlrri. i - - - . I r f r .'i r-Il ait.. - - - r r r r - - - r..- r i--r. ,r fi, -r- . - n - - - - ~i - - -. - r. - i . - -- r r i t.. -, r e - -- - - r.... r.rrr - -. - mît r i. ,rîr.rîr.t r-i '<t-il. lirir r - i ni CI DR. WVM. LE\-lIaEN -r 15 a I .1 i n I.-. t bit..., ii.i - Bt',nk Biilitr;r GRAYS LAKE,ILIO r9 loîLI 2 i .;-Froim - i ti. . .ii. nii ei t i ,- THE CHECKER BOARDf I CÛiducted É, WILLIAM J. WOOD. APi , onîiuriîi on,. ineiddtor I hi ý%'olunîn should be addresed f i oWl!iarn J. Wood, 202 Clark ave.,f ;i ii II :217 t 17 1 i- I roi rli 't.iruigh Dlnaiclh 13>- t( ir.nk IZ Wendernutlî, <i'ck' r Editor p Chicago bi).News. F S4oin., gamnesnIayî'd aI it t1woutlîsid. s:: 4hqînker (Club bj pi-otnln.'nt cheekir g (-Xllîrl1ilestitors: Openinti 10-14. 24-2Û.- to liark L. Ginsberg; White---Itudol pli. fi 10 14 1 6 14 17e 18 25 Il 16 % 24 20, 28 24b1 23 14 »0 14 2t) Il il13 5i1 9 18 6 10 7 23 :22 17a 23 19 21 14 14 9 27 18 A 61'. 15 18 10 17 514 14 23 n 17 1. 26 2". 25 22d 13 9(l B wins rI a Not so frequently played as 22-18. t( b -25-22 lm i-ety etrong ait this stage. E e -B,'ter than 4-8, wbich tornis rr-g yr ular *Ayrahlre Lsl'p d 31-26 la 1the best ber. il t- An overslght. but it i, ,loUbttl -f ii W'ht.- can draw. Oî.ening. 10 14 ý2217 Islack IL B. Ryî'r. White - Iewiîyk 10 14 !025 la524 .16 1S 22 1 7 29 22 -2J, 1592011 29 10 11 i 15 Il 15 15 19 5 32 17 14 24 31, 19 1*1 ',2 27 26 22 :11 Il 12 l 14 il 1726 2.722 '2724 L.16 22 18a 30 16 'j il 17 5 !I 9 14 2 -. Drawn 21 14 24 19 16 Il Il 2 - a -A fine mo"-- thM ai vii .Whi.- rom dpelS l'ol i o21S11)B>w. .1 Wood I Wht- - s' 5 7 Black -1 90125 12 6 9 71'hte-918 0 5 2 Wbiite to play and win. l'roblî-m No22t, B3 M". J.IV, W-a-.- - h i. 1 672eK .r , 7 12 7rr 11 7 1 2. - Il . Il I .; ' f. 17 *- -, 11 tu- , J , fi i i 1 : Wri. ? 13 17 21 K 15 NF -i. 3 26 I3. Ks 9 16, 1, r lirrpIn rand a-mn. 25 17 f', 20 .118 rîr i:rur,. irobtvitNio 21 I Wood 1- I. 'r 1- LE61ON ELEVEN DEFEATED 35--0 BY THE STALEYS InrLi ghied 2. "lb-. i nan . ,u kgan Anierican Le-gîuîî fouot ball rani ied 1 to -catur wtlirit-on iSun r,. i teinoon i 1ey wk.1...4î-,- !efî-atî-d :135 o ib> 1the Stalt-> r. a.e-.s.i n hain pions of laSt >eai. 7Tb, grcnî- wa- îuch better than flie acur.- îndicatt-îi ind the Waukegan Play;rs made- a Enod showing thought dëft-ated. lîcatur, Ill., Oct. 2 1Théa'gion tan was unable Io stop tbe Staley.s ýh stareb-workera' roeîîitir away, with a 35 to 0 trietory in th1e ses- 4n's football OPefler. W'onderful for- -ard passlng by Chick Ilarley( ail- Amert-an halt ai Ohio. with Sterna- man, Chamberlainl and lit on the- rceiving ends. accounîed for- tbree tuchdowiie. Sternaman, Lanum and luffin plowed througb the cisitors'» >rward walI at eue, Thoî Staléy lune ut up a greal defensive gain(-, hold-r ig the visitora to two tirst downi. Trafton, IIlacklock and Taylor- played %v-11. Boland Iooked good ai fuliback wlui,- uncierstudyin.- foi litffine. Tornquist-wasth 1e bî'-,t fm ii1 Wr.u egrîn eles en. Lini-1f t, -taleys-35 Waukcgan--O CîaînbPrIain. (apt. A 1<'nrlbeýr L. Ei A-r iUi t tlacklockl Rupp.- .. - Sternanan liiiey RT R. K I.. Il j1oneý Vioo.i Zolu I4opkiný 0000000000000o0000 E. S. Davis. wbo has conducîed ltme Palace Theater durin& tue .ummer months. ln haviflg a fine new curtair i'o.andi ecenerybackground Iuc,îalled 11h-s __ eek.. The front curtain ha- aiadsof ail the leading business places in Iuwn forming a border arounti a prety wootl land acene. Mr. Davis plans on hau ing t bigh clans plays andi vaudeville dtaring1 the vînter montha. andi Wauconda is forluriate lt baiinga uch a progressive t heatrical man n charge of our thealer! if M. Kai-nol. Our Progressive Youang t drgiijust receiveti word Tuestiay rom 11e Stale Board that 1e had paus-1 ed hie examination with higla honorei, We extenti aur congratulationls andi be- '.peak hlm a sucoessflil cart-er az one of aur xnrogreaaive Younag busines m nen. Seîcial i moî,- men anati eamaa-et-e putritwaeî-k Aonda> on the new ce- tient road hetwe-cf Wauconda anti ire, i.olo, quie-, a large gang beîrag brought ut-r tfront Delvidere, where Contractor Nelson is building a five-mile stretctu' nfct-nient road, on a-bit-h 1e bas comn- 1îi*-îed grading. lit, s atd tac. miles Dortlbof town al lî,w rni-,sec ion of lt.' Seymour ad' NtcMahon tarnsf. an.! will a-ork souîbt - iu h i li rgr limmts. v.licl tt-etc-hlit i-Mc f-inii Ih i.,raltaItWork aili crgi iii iesfr a!. , Oaflas Ipossible in th ir. i mu. aînd a- a-Il!ende-riî îtof li ltii- î-îî ,r i - r-icltcotnpietù(-rI b %lay 3ur 19'22. iI Ukn . it fTuesda> î - ý h.îuiîtiroira mie-k*>ishing arndiront- 2 i tîl, lrn Ih. - iîf noîthritrn 'irr t t r ninr .%i. tOrtnd r-.9 i . tStroki-i r r d S-unda> rs r riii i.weeks' autic, tri])r 1: ,aîlnnn-w.rtnrrt'niwt iJoliet ratn ai lr1111iitf n.ii i , thiey a-lit ijait îi-ir un.. anhr dtEurgeoe, who an.-tif ti-niinti aChll a - vState Uni -rsim>. r. llen ir NI inofir.ii rarned houme- Titus 2ui . i,-!ig ifewat un>,uirl î7 32 his soitmin Vnukegan. e i- 24 .M; rit r i:r; nai. repjort.a buaittiass 728. on the' & w. IR. I. very iatsa.î .fo>ior t he s ui lie i nths. andi witii It iXtlit-niaterai tfor titi'sewer andl ce nîm-nt road nonacoming. îogether witb the regulari fiilk, comj and lonîber frieghnt. - ii, i-ienu - yl mtaker'I le t oatte-st.iarininig !or the winfei- 17 2210000000000000000001 By wjo LONG GROVE- o 000000 OOOOroPCooO Nit oi- Bockiug finik 27 i10 13u 21 Kv24. h ogGoe-cO10)ndO til. lSI)AYS AND I* iNii.. - F. r 16 18 26 30 Ku 58i9 rTptmube rît cIiOa eollojend of DX M'r'OINTMENT O\ I.a Nilrrin play and wa-m 11 r8 31pteîbels tanNlia.R eoll-aso i. Il 16 Il 30 25 8 il ui..rnlMiaE .Koit s F. BAIRSTOW 11, 17 7 16 21 36 30 23271 teacher. *~ 0.aiolhl MANUFACTUItEK it ;ia,îywÇruu Wednesday. BolIli leacher and îauîils MARLE NO RANTE & 44 ~ttf~y .~j~P4 aere ver> jiitased with is visitA MULE ND R NITE L« F OVNT -%A Taeniy.ihiee out of the 31 pupils en- M O N M E N S ~u A T I' It' fl îole d w e re p e rfe C t in i t tn d a n t-t o r WIi IlIUMJB.Arthe month af September. Ce.etry or cfEyryMiss Elsa Umbdenatock and Louis At-rns a> Park IRidge epent !Smdaya \l :t,- idrcrîgrnandi handIic-aprtapthe- hom.' of Mnr. and Mrs. Mat t mb- - Description. -- nonTaI rp.S' j- r t.nrMtn 'ann irifs. unday. denmtock. ,t'oniiin. of Long i.;ke. t John îHans nîtdP .. businlestrip Io CORRESPONDENCE SOLIITED oum>t. fa iia hcaoFia-. -Teviela 116 South Genesee St. l, tn'es- or Valîk.gan. %vas th11 home oÈ, theit- son. William Tonne. WAUKEGAN, lU, l4 (tr..Iîilit. .f Ingesîle. protes-1 rdy r. 1 ars Il la rt-prted that Victoi- Saaer la, ELHAAN W CO.BN' , ~ r. :0 ut n5 tna'joyos viait with relatives In roMNW OB 1 ,' il - oitlty mn h M.andti .Albert Moldenhauer e0mlpeted ettinat many ,expert t,'ap andi tamily attendedth Ae wedding of ,ibortfentoîi n nrthet-n Illinois. Mr. Modenhauerla nlece ai Barringhon Office at Home, on Cook A% enue. -______ alut-day. Sept. 24. Telepone 163-J. ISetter ThaW Using sorti. Mme. Eurlch andi daughter of Chicago LIBERTYVILLE. ILLM1OLS Tluey hiave found tIlat sugarutt- e vsiteti at the Het-man Krueger home mate roil sen aeed. We aue uspl. avr Suhday. MARTiN C. DECE 41i-lo, ' liat th'-hlai-e fount Il catit b Mr. anti Mre. Walter Ritzenthaler imaile Ifrotim 1t.luita)f hingabecilensepent a day ln Chicago Isat week. Attervuey-a" u- r lif lelaIbpfamlstilgar Mre. Henry Lasebe and chidren via- 315 ambattn seet a, t bêbefrf micgltelie d aIt the Moldenhauer home Wednes- 315 Waab1n~4m UIfteL ha'.hm tttuelheoeteo.lsîday oveaing. WA~ WIUII19 vn u lali ug'u The furflere are bosW wtth tbetr teD O!t*ce Phoner 848. Ites. Phons 911 (eèW Titre' pflovlar, huakint andi shredM~g. toi,. Meumo-y how you'il take to a pipe-and P. A.! Before you're a day older you want to let the idea slip uýnder your hat that this is the open season ta start something with a joy'us jimmy pipe-and some Prince Albert! Because, a pipe packced with Prince Albert satisfies a mai as hie was neyer satis- ied before-and keeps-him satisf ied! And, you can prove it! Why -P. A.'s fiavor and fragrance and coolness and its freedom from bite and parch (cut out by our exclusive pat- ented process) are.a reve- latioito the man who neyer could get acquainted with a pipe! P. A. has-made a pipe a thing of joy ta four men where oie was smoked before! Ever roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert? Man, mai-but you've got a party coming your way! Talk about a cigarette snuoke; we tell yod it's a peachi kiNCE LDER set i . cad hamlieme peu.d and hoU posi Il. huuide.s ndiu*he r .od o'yaWgIee h .uid.r uith gpo"e .,.igtenee Wt.p.4h N. C. the e hmW eoramkoe OUR WANT ADS ÎE SURERFSUL1S UVisit the- Chicago Fire Anni'versary Fete Grant Park, October 3-15. Stadiurn now coin- pleted; capable oi seating 25,000) persons. Dont msil to sce this wonderful spectacle--an intensely eaiîcportrayal af ail thue stirrîng eXents in Chicagos history, presented by a casi of 2, 500 under the direction orf the- city's leading artists. Chorus of 1,000. Fireworks- - Parades- - Concerts SEE the arrivai of Marcuette and Joliet---the birth of Chicago the Ft. Dearborn massacre- the Pottawatomte %vaî'-daîacc the great ire of 1871 the Worldi's Fair in ail ts spiendor -the Victor.v Match of 191 8 the unveiling of the future, Make the trip to and fîom Chicago in perfect comfort on the, North Shoére Line NORTH SHORE trains take you ta, and around the Chicago Elevated Loop- one block f rom Grant Park.- T'rains Ieaving Libertyville at frecinent intîrvals from &48 A.W. to 12.48 A. M. make connections at Lake Bluff with trains that take you direct to Chicago's EIevated Loop-one block fm Grant Park. Dining car servuce on Chicago train Ieaving Lake Bluff at 1-15 P. M. Chicago North Shore'& Milwaukee R. R. LIETMVLLE TICKE OFFICE AND PASSFM fR ATI)N PHONE 74. ý ý". -:i