1 tre on aî hiqint. sîttmn i tIastiic trtp uMoutana 4 t)ir asut %Mia, Isli_ ai-b>' mtntt.ainet CIIUCK; NELU D.îItiî N. Sct l s il 10 Ita. ni Brslin, formerly eîn- e'nd tt1 er NrIlaîra> .aa-uiatii. t by Paschen Bros. at 1lin chisSiattiiut- yulae,_arraigned here M kesad an >;ýoýd otiia' Frda te aukga, was-Mr %- rd nIePStIn saa. îî.'îî1î utla' as-lu tiata ccharge eofiliiiucstaltuita jurit- n htnik l mi$2.' et i as itt-n t'tieSt andardSiOit ('o. iLBaa ai agtî,dt itorv îsîle.Iîes % . " .Ternîli. ai-eturneici.i e F e, Maaon oti aukeýgati at,- jstontir>froint lhanîban'-, Soutth AI, dYý acternon on a cîhargei't f lot'a. wilI speah at te Methodiqt rcbteir, 9ye Tue cItreras' pî,i'rred b> Inf»\i Sntttutoîning anti evcungý 21t. de 11eiard. higiiwanvengineci a 'Lthe eîn'Ïoy aet Pasciten firthets, ho are i~ng i. ,-î.îenu atit. uaOITUARV Brirahake.t Thia,cE Strang wa hbau n iv, Illà "Poye hy'H.chen1;IoIIlý ta.nt Octob'r 2W. 1859 anti diet at hi.' its dntpla ge ' 'aî'tn ,oltc-ihonît lu Grayslakt' Oct 2. 1921. lia. t vas iacliirst % t'eaIal lay., paretfs Carneta Atuerica shen hc w5.' kvlli gaut ule the' liciclîara', l on> ,-a >t-i aint settlet neai !*aflak gant] t tas .NtiailI<>ttal i lI>ahi. Mas. Mlien he gev ta mati ~elsIe aiti inlu,: ,I) îI-ul ilihîtat ut'inovt-t ta tht- sta it' at Illinoi, 0 te cash a -iiti iiat,'l"tandtOit a.incd luntis sîsi.- the r-cîain- iÛme ai W'l"t.i ii-l- deirii. i e titls life' In 1891 lit-sais niavrict tw thet. lcr' IoîMit-s EntluasJ. As iît-.I,' nas itt. *a -sa vio-t.,tidutt- t t .tt it lii 'fattîci ai1iIwo chiltireta. bolataies'bain W bu.t lit- Itelî itn ti tîglîl i , ;au idled in infanc3. il - da3'sin Tht.,uttmu at,. , pta l, sas a illnu1 ai sas ldisposiltaon kg~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~;n iigttnlI't-i- tuitt. autclipe,'î'uî ai ail tintes. Loyalty ta Mat Salarch fi Itli". iithgua atis frinatia.caer t'eaty to belp Rayon.- >exr" 'i.d ,ieca-lct a îîlaî.ii nct'. ser-aomp o f tht. outstanding.ý SStif on t ntitinii iit i traits ai hs hi farcter. Ht.unituti -ith SthecIli iaecr8iI ujýwâsIt.'Epiacopal churcit ai an early sgt.. TInt.i vtont]) atitt-tali tiia uiii<anti remalueti a monter af that churcli 11.50 ouIî -a taenb.'..t- usthrouglibut bis 11e. Ht. 1e5v.s tet a'Mlion imnîeitiatela' ani,t id 'mii its Is s bIs vdov. somte distant ShOve adistttet ltavlng l-getilte relatives ant is. village frienda anti '0 'et de Dori-t, thi' turuti a Ciii a associate,. Ho serveti as a U. S. mnai) WW*, ta the cilrk. Hil-lustnable carrier for a number ai >ears. andi tht. l btl itid v as î-enaîntltpostofice vas cînseti a part of -Tues- liii.day ln bis honnor. Funeral services vert. boIt front tht. (ongcegational 9696$0009060000 00chucit Tuestia~t Il as ni., tht. Rex. ~ A'o sL FKE. E.1. ttatty. af Llbert>vtlltt..ofcai Mr. and Mra lItay N. Smnith andtant 0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOêOOO Z « Libertyville callet an tGraiyailaîkc- 0 R O S EC RAN S- o âtre. H. H. ules el'0f Wsucunisa 0 S0 0 00 05 ýmit tt. eek wilh hvî'<Sîi Our scitool openot Sept. tih with ïa. 3. E, Smith. i Miss Froide Knox as teecher. Tht. en Je. anti Mca. Hildiebrant retucut-ti roelaeut vas 21 untll Sept. 21, viten ieaia evculng iront a weeks vaca- William Baker vas ranaterreti ta tht. W vitit Irit.ftts aI DeKalb. Russell achool. havlbg movoti ta an <"mrg Richardison ceturueti ta bis other district. pela St. Paul. Mm.. Monda>' ove- October ârd Saraht MeNaaaruaneu bpaftor speudîng two veekca vitit Ralph Have tîscontinuetilâchat yack 4tives boère. I on the fait, having atteuteti aur kitnt- PiiaeaShernan Ilaetteudiug tht' le>' rgarten. The> areo amI> ilve years M'a conférene ai tht . ME. church aid. but- ivert. sa- tesîrous ta attend, 'Ullcao Iis veehi. the> vert. allavet Inlutht. class. anti the>' enJayeti anti tank great interest' pr.Md Mca. J. L Waters apent lait- ltu their cass. We eujoyed havlng Mey ai tht. home oi tht. latter's par. thein. anti are looking forward ta theîn tl Mr. anti Mrs. L. J. Lobdell. returu viton the.vrt veether cames Xè.and Mca, Page Keovu anaunce lu tht. apring. al 1ofa ebaby hoy'. Page Ben- Our achitoocc was oh tht. uaL of; "strîkera" wheu achaol openoti. but: =.Msn. Irving lIntitles a tre our teschoer a.pllet mechaincal rae- teVee a i te Chas. RIc- itties, Mdtnov vo are avays Iinmuot *111lileavo lu inte& near itt. as Le standard lime. Fe tut [il dlu: wt Th ta Pr( vai far of for tic ba dl' ti thg ai ta, lit be Tu, l tal lik 01 0 L.an Mi 1; Pa Fi Lake ount3 HôIstein-Friesiog Breeders' Associi OYINEi PICTU(E SIIOWINi METIIOD 0F PRODUCIN6 MILK our Reel Educational Film- Piclure Fin ished ai Home of Emil Ficke, Lake Zurich t'l )I ilk lrdc'sAssocia tionlitas .t comipleteti a tour-reeI motion pic ýr(. The. ticture bas been made un- ýr the' direction of t>rector, Palmer wtian. ai Chicago, andi photogranh- 1under thl? management of Thomas idebranti, of Oak Park, The. facts relative to the. dairy in- istry were given to Mr. Bowman, wbc ove them into a story. the name af' hich la "The. Man Who F'ound Out." e story describes the. labor essential the' production of milk, the cost af roduciflg a quart of mllk. moine of the nrous hardshipa encountered on the vin in produclng milk, the' womar id hier dulies on the. larrn. the valut, nuilk as a food, etc. I showi coun u.sively that ther.e is no substitut. ýr itk or inllk protipcts. The Iicture .0o shows the. farmation of organiza- n of producers andi the. %arions set telks whicli occur in such organiza- asý -hweiaefplaa anilk clin bu han le ativantageottaly amid:tt.valUt. of ,ganization to producers. Thtis pilure nuas been madie uttdet e mnoat caretul atLervlslon andi s. rrauged that It can be added to ar Lken away from atl an) timeý The. officers of the. association be- ve il will be of lutt.rest andi hopë wili mefci t ht.approval ai tht. teni- rs and any who may see it. The. motion picture part> stocme< le beautiful residencè of Mr. an< Irs. Entil Fickc at Lake Zurich lasi 'u"sday and there campleted one of ie tuost important pictures containe. the four reels. Mrs. Ficke. upon be- ig tlad af the purpose of tht. invad- a, enteret intmb ht. occasion andi gup ied Vlrector Bowman with every de- Ut that woulti iake tht. picture home. ke snd one. of beauty. LAKE ZURICH o Mesdames Hreft. Ernst, Harknessî mne; Schallenberger, Becknaseeand ik and Misa Rose Prebm attende. B. S. at Barrington Monday evenlua. Mr. andi Mrs. E. Lobmaim andi famly ad Mr. and Mrs. F. Miller, ail of Bar- Ington. sllent Suaday wlth Edin ,hman. east of town. Mr. andi Mrs. Thiele af La Grange r. and Mrs. C. G. Wolf of MoIrase ark andi E. C. Rockwell of Chicago pont Sunday, with Mr. andi Mr.s. E. cie. William (ierkle oi Chicago was ar- esed Saturtiay for huating witbouta ation announce their Second Annual Sale At Lib ertyville Fair Grounds Thursday, October 20, 1921- ,$0 Selected Hoilsteins of RelQtiality Don't Forget the Date. This is thé OpportunityYou Have Been Waiting For. ticense. Hie WaS altaigneti before Po-, F IS'. an conduct te quarlttrly conttt.7t.ce jltionalîli bt.llSefn the. huabant anti lice Magistrale Fîchie. who assessed . ~ P I A~ esion11 He will alaebc witlî us Slan wife, .secotdly tht. laeck af haronu3'in il fine af $25 and costs. NE LEj54 day nlgbt, Oct. 16, for thet. pachlngr ittc home ove" religionsa question11ls. Tht. 16-montlta' Iotiagtvi ofl 'ii. 4r'r JIE R Isrvice andi tht. cotuntution ta oloit rdinaril> jipeuple af differeut faîtb. at <1-AaîiHaniteiîrn dI( d Thit 352 I1 A church fellow9hip sulepet wilt hi ougliti nu to .11r> .s,csplue li willng (hi frottei pneultnia , andil was heiat joyeti hy ail tht. nienbt.rs andtitlias- vo g a c ti)h is or tier taitlh for, tht.n.art in l"aîrfield ct.învterý Saturtisy. A V IIIA IlC intere'sted iniiiur church atn Thuc.-uta ni-r Another <ans. for Iacl< of but Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Kuchibaunu andi AN I YILIIH19 'I OcIt.3th. iiilny tetdI,'liuwshile htwecn inuanmi daughter ar Chicagaoalaitd Santis______AI this lmtie t tads outhe ii.- aaou.,witp is the.differenc,' lu thpIr respec with Mr. anti M-s. H. Ilucaching Utdepartmrents ui the. cîurcît ailI stîcakt jvc spîn-ci -. of lahar lun ite. Tht. huit Mr. andtiIra. Waller .otespt.ni Every apple container m stgiving Rn ouf1lîne aoft.- aillas.foirit. baud is aîwî' a til 0ofil.'or shore, h- ett. ek nd it Mr.adM s . ays15. bear the name and address 'ct.n winter's work. s-es uaf aces.. (aies ioac<ontact ena.Mr ati . hHelfer. -0aith uca îîîlngs, hi' r.-cVive.S an intel lira1. John Prehm étnteriaineti tht. of the packer Pebtra hrhNw ettl'tml.b h.vl siltt fillowiug at a dînnei last Thursday: Pebtra hrhNw eta uiuiýytewf si h Mt.same Trmpp Ris. Eherer, Sprngft.I. Ii.. ept:10Tht ,<The. followlng chiltiren wt.r.'baptis home. la thinlcîng ainternmt. of picst Metdaer. Fmp.rteiîag F Kt.ttt. Sriîe¶ngfeltof Ariultuept,30-T, '_ t' agtSunday morning: t)oroth) cak,-s antibabies. (onseqtttntlY viten 5Kte.Wodreich, PriaP elr os»prmn fArclue iviJune Frase, daughter of Mr. andtiMrs. the husbanti cornes home thert. is lit SapaI andi Mr. Sapel, ail of Chicago. slan otf oods andi Dailes. la urglttg John G. pFrase; John Howard Gibbs. le of Interest between titera, Ibis ri - Messrs. Wilson, Catupbeli. of Glen- ati,îtc growers sud dt.aers te se-son of Mr. and IMrs. John H. Gibbsa; uallY leada each ta tblflkiug lu dit v roe., andi Messrs. Hilton, ot Wlpnetka, qlusint themucîvel; at once wtth tîte Doloris Lucille Frost., daugnier of M,'.: feront apherea of life. Tht. bttbaudi andi Albert )ioeft vént on s huntîng apple 1ev which wont luto effert lu and Mra. Theodore Frost. elthec goes to bis club or lintis morte 8trip Iast Bunday. Illinois on September 1, 1921. nectacopyam gclirs 'Mrs. Fred H9ef t suent Manday In "So many of its provision& are new A COituitly mena Bible Cistas vasluectacman aogohr. 1- Chicago. iluIltinois ta o~pempeua- organîeti Sunday xnorulug. They viii Tht. wif,' who finda hersell conineti Miss Flera Clark spent tht. woeeke l"ass..L Laughln, superin- meet each Suntiay mornlng at 9:30 lutihn hm hutiamt eoett rwlth ber cousin, Mrs. Cathecine FoxJof tendent of tht. division. th.Ctwal .E reln as Pt etuleul ihrbed batat *Chcago, whio expects te leave forn "il regulates the. grating. parking, a.npoluted campalgu manager; John Bl. tbis csn easily bc accontplisedba i etenet viitlu ev or son. br.nd:ng. and sait. oftîpples lu c105.d Petera aud Clarence Huhu were clins.1ew minutes spent each day lu reati The Messrs. Ernst, Loomis. Fltzger, packages *ûloseti package' meaulng en0 captalua. The followlug lieutenants ing: shte ought ta interat berseif lu *aId andi Harkness ceturneti Saturda on.' wttae ecaver or head must be re- vert. chosen: Capt. l'eters. Fred Ha,- the affaira af ihec husband sud make (rom a tva veelis' flahing tripi in wJis tttaved before tht. contenta can be gît.. John G. Fralle. J. A, Roichilît. Sr.. ,nnfý'common ptint of contact with cousin. Iîeit. lie went on. A. J. Johnson, Capt. Huhu antiRRasa hini. Mr. anti Mra. William Bilanchard and "'%it atîples solt iIn surih packages Sherman. Every man lu the village There la anothir vIaainio women Who MièsaAnna Struchilanti of Milwaukeea' "usi h.. gradeti There are four will be given a Persanal invitation ta tind themaelves abandonedtillte lu eviaiteti Sunday wlth C. i. Wettvec anti gradies. tht. firat Ibret. being baud- become a member ai thîs vias Tht.> lue anti that la those wbo desîret i al ramily. picked., each paickage to contalu but have set as their goal 40 mrembiers b> the. comforts :ed attractions of a home Mr. anti Mrs. John Hironhmua anti one, varlety. unîfonu in sîze anti thet.iat Suuday in Octoher. Ail men but refuacdti t assumne thte reanonaibîl famlly vîsitetiguntia) Witth Mrs Hi qualit>. Tht. fourtît grade consiosaareasakedti tarcine tiovu antI see whaî îlies of matheritootiandi vîen tlter 111e ronimua's brother, PFrank, ai Volo last 't dl appît'. unI conforming ta thie 'alive tuenr'..orîranization ceally ei. voues tht-r.-'etla tulleor nothing ta binti L Sunday. tuîghei classification:.. Wednt.sda> .,nigOct 12 *al 7:4.7 huabauti annd wife together Peept tht' t Agut FotuicYaipptia cr f lI --nrrair-tmust beair. cThomas wili havt. chairgét î~th-, arrlag. aiîltir-lak(-n ytars befoit..- etiAg latht. lChcago mark.t ca offatn 1h.- autaide, i lui letters and i 'idvek wscrve. Plan to hi. presenu 'hhvî> fepra' nsur Tht E..1 & . R isnaingreairs figu res.. théterrate andi atdrees o!tht. I Ncxt .Sunda) ii.ornlng tht. m-etund adi Ti. latoui btilaeen tht' Iwo e-' la The Ebuilding R. i ma i b Lep iacli ortlte persan by who.se au- 1 dresatulolte Book niet lt'elatlon.s iceme. testtt.- %ta media. On the.ont- totebidn fthet. tnay I tLke t he . ii.parking sas dont. the.iw Ir Zurich. lue riaine.ofai lit' sarlet).the.'j'rude . wIII be given. andI Suntia) evening ili.t-andt h.- aoman must inali upon op of ii. ailes aui ttii rta ri»ai1ia tu ait atidres iolte series waIl bt' g iaen, ja tin:iiI n i:cuitutraI ex pansion of Ol O 00500nd00 OrminiOm O!Subjer ,,"Thé. Ideal Vain, - , ul:t )tt<-andi a J , i' --saainsuiter in-ra lier O O<tO a nita,'ici un jHo Exist" iulanlo h r.-luf @f;.anti on tht. o FRDIONT CENrER O ijatiele gallttta,l ..1ti d Tht 'iisinEnteiom 'ta a,- ul ast I«t iiiiihati-h..hushbantimuai recule 00 0 0 Q0 0 0 oaioooooqoooooon ~ lt ei>laal 00 ndsta eentng iluIli-, Mant. .-- tl, la.1 !,, .-ctain arcait uttes l Alli-rt Obenauf Ila spending -.at'rat ait., punishabit.le) il tint. cri forsocial lime anti élection et afficrt* . blita, ait.-hiltireD n sd bamé But Wt.eks with.friends lu Mîuneqoaî thei toffense andi not moîi.'tianthe next six nontha .Miss Agnes l'tl ahi-n ver> lling <'ta.' lias been sait. i ra. .1e Tekabîpe, accomîîanîed b> $Iviu fi ,ubat.oulent offenses e rsen was eectet president. Mi-. Mar tht. greitest -;ecurity that any homeý i lier- inaîber. Mca. Catherinte i.t-itcn. "Tiih,-lcîartmcnîtilbt- glat il, igaret .Hatch. vice preî.iuint; trs M - an have aganat diacruption lei the bond janti Mr. anti Mca. Jot Leuzen. aif 'olo. tuuiihcopies of tht. las; ta in>one- L. Thomas, social aeccetarY. sund Wii nofeiion Takle e vital Christlanity motoreti ta lowa lasi aeek. wherv tbe), ppiig ta tht' Division oi l"osa.antilard Beun.4ô secretat > î -surer t(a, C fram iii,' hoivi.'antieverythina iattenteti the. wedtiing of a rc'ialiî-. Dairie'. 14101 Kinibsl tuilding. ('hi If therp are men anti aomutn ar haoy, ci,. ich ns>.ayI' doue vîll neyer re MissMari Frtdenîk j- tht guci * go ltina., * anti girls ut Deerfielt i 'îvi-înii> anti, paiethe dtamage. Christ as thét. o f o 2. ofrelatives lu the. city tht, wek.bave no church home. w.- invite' Youtht. bouse- the. unseen vies: ai CYery WIII Hirouimus of Round 1Lake st*JnI.se900se0o 0e 000se o o 0o o tavisit any tiepactîmeut al aur church. .mpal anti theteillentlitener t-o cverY Mtota 1 IteWllwFri To corne ta to camp again. We pun conversation, li the. ouI>' absolute se onayu teWilw an0 D E E RF IE I 0 doavor ta combine a high standard ai curit>' agaluat a disrupeihomne. Jo>' cclignasupreme ai tht. home aiof oooo0 0 o soo0'0oo.e religos etication andwomthip with a Mr. and MMc,. Henry' Hertel, where ahg tnado i su& f. 0 0 0 0 e e e 0 o Mille daughter arriveti Friday, Sept Mrs. Curran of Chicago visltot irMa.h -sadrdn-Q--ua ' t e m s s s os e I2Srd. lit vas thc stork's fith viL a o .Rckuahth.ps v .TE IDEAL WIFE o NiLL the.t-ome. but it vas the. ftrst time he Miss Buste Kaston spent the. veehi vMedartin Luther Thomaa. a f n ntbo 0 odb oo 00000 000 loit them a girl. so littît. Miss Hellen endti t1h Miss Lucie Dicks aofOOIk Prov. 31:10 "A Womtiy W.maan Who E. A. Martoin bas rputt.d hiae boule 'va rocelved aa àminut velcomo gucat Park. 'Cati Find Mer? Fer Uar Price àJbp~x t tLte store aapitrfo in the tauxlly circle by the'overjayed The Iiorcau anti R. N. A.'a gave a ila Far ^abve Aubies--the haart Waukegan. oaPitrfte -parents. luncheon Thttratay afternoon lu bonor of Uer Uuabond Trustoth Mer." Ms er laeada li ii Ou Sept. 26ith. at 8:15 a. m.. at St. et Mca, C. H. JobntLoo. vio bas moved TtMica ie1 amn rats1tyse#Pet alCevelantiofEln ieille r-Marys churcb, occurreti the. marclage to LockPort. Cavera vert. laid for gift. IL bas% been sali anti vith trutb; hec mother. n ai George Obenapi La Mrs. Catherine mare thutan lady guesta. tat ninty per cent of ail sucesafl Horcher. the Rev. F. M. Bay officiat- Miss Eleanor Meyer attendeti a men have their vives ta thank -for, Mi"a Qwckenden af Chicago nent ýe lug. A fine receasion was given at luncheon at the Chicago Beach hatel lbsr tr cers. hi'i the inu ho bas* Pîiday anti Saturday u tht. pars§ouagc. . tht. homo et Mc. Obonaut for tht. chîl- Satnctia yaiternoou. anti la maklng a succpils oaifle, go Mcas. Jane Jamiesan anti Mca Dun , treu af bath parties, vbere a flue din' William Woffler movet i bs iamily back of tht.accunes anti you vîll Sud, sourievbere ,she vîlI visî llher suiter nec anti supper vere sec-ced. lu tht. Monda>' tbthle Harnbecg haute ce. a litîle woman who la holding the. befor' gina ta Montan,% evening more than farty yotlng Mon cent3y vacateti by the Johuaton family, relgus anti holding hec huabanti steady. Mr,. W. I.nîarJ. anti Mr", F.L4-vta . gave Mr. Obenatif ant i&i bride ont.of 1 Arthur Kiesl o! Prairie Vtew Lbas What -la tht. cause o6 tht. appallua ai Antioch atîndet tht' ii.sonacî Te.t a the loudest chivaies ever pulloti off lu purcbaseti the bouse vacateti b- tht. number of divorces toaia> Doea tht. Priday. -tht. communlty. They vert.Wvolt Pad Waffler famlly. troublele sitht1wii man etu tht. wom Mca. K. A. Martin anti Mca John Sby tht. sifing, groom for their noisle. The St. Paul tiepot-vas looteti Mon- au. or wth botte? Donner left Monday as tele-ga'c..it, go they cbulti cnjoy tht. eveniug as in*da), ulght. Whoever tidth ie vonhi vi- tWl». do sa man> womt'n ind iteai o0.E, S ai Peoria. mensely as tidth Ie merry makeca who dentî>' hall a trucki at their commandi. selves abaudoneti afiet-.40 years ai01 uies .tn iih .i attendedth Ie vetiil. as there vas a greai deal of freigbt age? There scoutis ta bie tva resons C .Bsns .eigwl eh Mc. anti Mca. Obenauf leit the toi tailenr Pirsl. the- lachi ni common atuse a> i FrIs>' veniug at the. hem#.?ri Mca loving Wt.dnosday fec Minnesota ont Miss Louise Huhit returned Monday manhoati on tht. part of tht. man anti, ý tzas'l. Iboîr honeymoon trip. Theîr man>' irominlatbree vwehs' visît vith cela. te lack ai vladorm anti tact on tht. t,'ounteer' Clasas vîilm ett t ih.' fInonda ihrottghout lte county vish tives anti iendsi IMelvîn. Roberts Part ai the wvue and nanihei A fp,%.'home ai Mr.. Wetzel Fnîia> t-aeniniz thein a afe sas ideet anti bigbt ase vas anti Bloominglon. outolanding causes are- Silo tilling ta nearly tan- n hi-, their vedtimg da). Mr. anti Mrp. Patricki Walinoved ti 18 tht. lack aifcotial cuiurai c.' aicinit) The correspondent bas been rt.queat- the first oi tht'eek Iront tht. Ira HaI- ____ edteî annuunce a cacti party et the haome._________________________________ hall an Wetinestay evenlng, Oct. 1211, Williamî Jolinailon movcd hie lamily for the benefit ai St. Marya achoal. Saturtiay tutu tht. home cecentiy pur- Tht. card party vrili be given untier the' chaaed troi. this mother. Mrs .. H management ai Mc.teud Mca. Henrytont< LAKE (IOUINUYDUROC ttet.anti Mr. ant is ir 'tus Dt- Mrs.i:-tC.k.afaiWhict-ing 'ipcnt' aokr n ir o ;i<t siltoaStryket-i, ' -- i-la ti iBREE E S'ASS'N SALE kuota thce as iI be a fini- tunch await \Mill rîttîtla o tltiiapi l,~ A ig.v' 1a Aatot iîî'atia--a ~ i a'~ 'tdlislvitnthe Fair Grounds, Libertyville, Illinois, igSu ltls ait go andi give Iiem jusi Mrc;ent Mr,- tCA Motaîtiandl soný alI lieu crou-d tht.>vani aike cre, oi, ,t Ilb ii i-, kftt.,Anc f yen know iLl, lbe greaîly apprcviatcî les,'iif-h'î-thet.'% ilirçïidi- A U D YO TR 2 andthetîcwriicr tassures sou ther.- aili SATURADAY, U UIUDr.,Eft rtaiéd be ctg,'niaiii'u alaerita andi lt, t h-, pi Lr i ji a is ciattliygii'nt, cin() l , ai- 1î . - t'ava, I. itat-I . î,a taat-oia, tana. IlI., iatii NICK GALSTER AUCTIOfiI at-aiiiaingt. lbri, tii a , 'a ata 1tIba- aondaIlal.-I: ,aijî lf at-ti t a aN - ensaOt 2 iIia i ik MIýs lRobert'i t-c-iisiadt.lei Highland s-tv A sala - aata at.Na ait'a a an taîîda .',r.aii .at1it' t, ~tcntsa, c 1 i i>a i. Pîklark u-terlaun,'d li-Yaoug Materansa' I lia, I l Mati Iattua rta lt- lita fii-n2 ' iia; t a ;tit Galtter viilsel i s puttblic auctiau ou (lui t)'ý7dut'idata ai -i'i-naanLiiil a-I - .Y I ti ' i; aof 66;li -Jtib l. aa itî ua , iiia , Il Iliet ai niknawn as tue Quirine Weid Mc. sud '.%l*.,*-'Lincoin.Pettîs ueturu- -t . ,. a - - L.ik, <irt t i Ilertîiul'iu-a- ne c e mleît- nItcaise iaitutftfalo G rove, cd - îund-ai> i v-tî Oçtnanowoc. W is 1. -- i N aita' .Sai -fa t i i ai k.- tia n ti . ati h., 2 utiles nortitaest iiWheciing, 2 milles'vhert ti i-. iiteti Mr. anti Ms F. Ut ..a- - h' a i t a,'>lin f i-(tstutiaa 'i south it fAniakisit- Lars-i h a. -., - . i, iii-il 1aAij !oil o arti nt> lt l tt POUIR HEAD H4ORSES DBay mare, F. il Meit sacii ntt r tuit mi îl "i a' li m]a. i i it'rlia- SURPîLUSt 10 ycs; blacki hor-st.,Il ycs.; teck ha>'. jiry.îî Waukt.gan titis wec-k. . MelILI LET THE DUROC TA"(E THE GUESS WORK OUT 0F PORK 12 yrs.; gre>' mare-, 12 ym. 22 HEAD) Mlers. Alberti lirnifOak Pst-k, PRODUCTiON FOR YOti. CATTLE- fresl, vitît caui b>aide; - as rit' linviuŽon guvait ofaifirs, .1. A. 8 clase- sprlngers. balance militera. RelhtetI. Jr. Montiay. REMiiIER T1HE DATE, Oict. 29, at 1 p. m. Halstein stock bull. 16 mouetes oit Di,,EtIgai A.Itlai l i i s RED DUROC HOGS-Braot soW vlth lied an 1eerfieitt Tîuî-sday. 9 piga. broot sael-evith 7 piges. 10 hogs Mr. anti MrI Alberti Ciatiranti a eC unyD rc w n abouu 200 Ibs.; 16 sitoats about 100 Iba. ciittitniofChicago apt.nt tht e ehi Caaog ' edo Rqedt ' .RV ers' Ako V .II i t'OlLTRY.--10 liens, 50 sprlug chlck eutvillet Mr. and iN-s. Htenry Segectr. tlg0- eus.MK.RYSe',LkViai. uns. GRAIN -12 tans claver ha>' lu Tht. Eas;tan familles ttteutiet thte barn, 16 acres hill cocu, 16 acres drill fuilmai oflteiir uneit..J. Aý Magon. aI cocu. 2000 bu. Big Pour oats fret. irom, Prairie. Vit.as Tutsa> . fouI seeti, 6 tous baleti ha>' about 80 1 Mca. William Galtoaa>'l.it, Weduos- bu, harle> free. treim foui seeti. 1% h.! ay' Norfolk, Vit., bosîtenti tht .- P. gais englue, 60gal. avili oter, 'dIng of ieir niege. Muits Madolite DarI M.IACH INERY-Moline Madel C tract' 1 Schmt. N w S yl oc, viîth ov attachinent eor au>'other - Mca. RWcaca Werne.r viitet Mca. attachuteut. pulvoclzer for horees or Magon lu ChicagoaIsat veck. trartar, Mollue 7-ft. grain bluter. nov; ir.c anti Mca. Et Gagne have movet dM M~ MeCormicIt ccrnbluter. noarî>' nov; 10 Chicago taelve vith-his people, jRock Islandi bey loader, McCoruîîck Tht. Ladies' At ai St. Psul's church seetier, Mpfline 8-iL, grain dill, Case gît., when final plans vîlI ho matie tac cocu Planter. potato tilggor. Koystono thoîr bazaar. vhlch viI bclielti ut tht. potato atIanter, shov 1el yîavnov; a Cammunil>'lHouse Oct-aber 2th - band plov. Nev Idea manure spreItd---- .r,2 sulky cultivators, hant cnltlvator. Unitedi Evangelicai Church. l cc N. 2 heay ruknov; Siougitten wagon, t-at bleasinga until vo set.b>' cou- ne o,3-sprlng milIt vagon nearl>' traat vhat iflls ithaut thent. So it 2 hyrcks 1.'pv;2 stsoube ar.th. oho reigonsaithévot etdV a 3 CAPTUN ÀLLEfiED OF Evanston trnt jury under stole whi us, Tii-.jdt %% fal /Sit htitudi t. tiiakt' if tl. . asu iàighl. li . a . d b<la- 'Ct,..>Wahlgreu iia 5 pettP Uria taindttdis. tlank. a ai- Il; incteâ long. bT.ey wctre lnt I-..-yIOYl ait triet-nindi t $4.1 'Th.-'Wsti'on 'i1: 30 . ni. us ag-ined t) 'tuer. Tht'i--Iiea "it -nil ,Itltl, H A uh-il'il ir. nd Mntil t,' an rk- call, \ i jt' .aît nt - - . a ndi . N'a tv u.'u>iý Idv. ani M- ai> ý EI . I lctt Mir, atiMc-Il ,i-t t ka 'i-ut.ai %It'llrt.-YMot. %Irani 1v, Wmr.îul 'la1 ý,iiiii tir1!.îk..1 'Oicri pct -P Mlie. S nd 1 là sat rt iAîmllve- au.' pAraIver.' I C. ý-a >i, N ia. Il 1 1 %kl- CAIai ta Iltii l nil ,i l 'tir antilit- farriù' a . a i MîJital eI. t.l T twir- l'.tînef -nil i ra f= ci- tnîit M. tat nd t, gts îoet-ilUi M-i andilMi-' frthrt. wnt,'t tl.iixsati ex-ct Mc. andM 6L gue.- a'at l Mr. andI u t»e==11.1 oui Mc siad M daîigteri; .t the City.pae Mr. niasd %c, ciettciot La (f 1r. and M. Wukea at-el wnt gtda daugtiet'toa *jie nL>'. bore thlithoF Sbardeiijtea the cleadtin land k taLu bc, ut li.' ttedi'.i andt har- atnt A -koli sn1I A h ail a-tsi1 the it' îhîîît-hîî