CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 13 Oct 1921, p. 11

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PRICES TO STAY IJP 60 PER CENT OVER '13 PRICES Gillett -deolares that subse- ~uent eventfs bear out the forecast of last March IoOLO TIME FIGURES *Ch-a0o-'Wiren business sttiez to nOrmAI 9910, tire new average of pImce$sumd vagPs viii ,be 60 par cent bighar than in 1913. "I made that prediction lentt Mareh p Itent business developmentu are Proving Its accuracy" .ays Habert *P. Gillettr, economlt and! editar or ]Cig1neerlng and Contracting. > Gllette calls attention t the price Bureau of Labor otatiottes. This In- tex shows that. on the average, the wholesale prie of a given amount of commodities has been ma folow..: 2013 average ................8$1.00 May, 1920 ...................2.72 Xarch . 19211...............1.62 May 121 ...................1.51 Juce, 1921................... 1.49 Jilly. 1921 ...................1.48 Augusi, 19.41................ 1.52 '*The Augut figure." saa Qillette, Ir.glsters, 1 believe, th tar of tire tudustrial tide. l iti h retrieur«»s la the uholasale prie Index la fhe 5ait 15 monthe." Gillette basas i prie-and.wage vlI predlctiufl on a coaplicated kathemnatical formula, vich h. hau tested back ovar 80 Years Mdt found tirat it fita'! ach yeari prices and! Wages accurately. Ni"eand Fali. According te this formula, average 1vholpisale prices elil continue lsling unili they are 60 par cent above 1912 Iavel. Theyr nay go hgher. but prob- abty vont'! faiback. Jn t1at avent. and seie et thre 40 per cent figura. Furthar indications that business decrure bas iralted. and la rlîing out ef the deptbî, getting remdy te stab- fluxa, are pointa'! out by GiUaUat, as "OneBeteanJune. 1920. and Avril, 1921, bank clearings declinad about 25 par cent. But, for tb. Vent tour inonths. they have remalned a- *Mot tatlonary. "Tvo-A isimii constancy in the lausober of fralgbt cars loade'! veak- ]y bas occurrad during thre urne four menthe. wbhlle h tous csrrlad on. mile (ton mlemi> hava Increased alightl>. Money Danger. 'MNost econ..mists hold that wage ondVpic lavais chane vlth changes ln thre volume of money and cheecklng deposts-the two combtnad being the mieagure of total buying power," maya Gillette. "I have ihown tiat ha'! IMasbean lire, ca@e vge levaIs voult b. Ilmost Lwi.vîe as high as thay are, for bank depositi increased tIce smucb as muncy duricg the Dast 10 geae.. *"Jt has flot baan realtaa by aconomsta that bank crodits r-epre: sent frozen purchsmg power ha- cause It'i. necesssry constactiy te accumulale fonde with vhich tg ment snaturlng loans. When a businss mac la building up iis deposit te meet is obligations, ha cannot t the same time ha puai ng tie for tir. porcirase of more gooda. Cheering depogits vould oprate exactly Ilk free money, vara It lt that tirai are handculied to matoring obligation.." The segrate uski"ihas beeu de. fvelped b a ciaoraenes vbch. lai,. t acoplets Costume cool. Wlned wth one et the, nev blouses. T1h skirt of Chinchillamalin vitir t" So ing bantng aide anaIs at vt Psy iliov xtin oremoupe tibrr s eaffect. DETROIT MAKES STREETS--SAFE BY COOPERATIONi Autoists, police and public ME Joi in movement to reduce accidents QUIZ EACH ACCIDENT Cooperatlon balveen motorlats, pedesîrtans and tira police dapartmant ir ade! f 50 per cent saler to live tu Dtroit today than Il vas a yeer aMO. Police records show tirat during tire fîrst eight montbs of thia year tire Irere eighty fatal traffie accidenta. During tire corresponding perla'! a year ago I161 parsons vere 1<11e' in traffle misiraps. Uvery ]Detroit motorist knows ihe doanI stand one chance In 100 of as. caping etI tet an axplar.atloù 10 the police if irelas la an accident. Hie bnovs pualirment ia practIcally certain ta follov tire lnjory of another permon as a resut of is carelessness. Mie knovs every masober of tire po- lices departanent la on guard, and tirat evec ordinary civilians have been ,deputlize' ta aid In enforcing tire lav. Cons equn tlyaotoists respect tire« state laws an'! local ordînanceq. ir Drive Carefully STRANGE KINSHIP 0F WOROS change'! the mntal attitude of the public, particulauly o! chauffeurs, an'! «Degra."and "Degrade" Hsd asCae-n.tirey are drie tng more caîafully IbsO - mon Orîgin Centuriesi Ag, but @er bafore. according te. George À. 1.1winiie .itl. WmLters. deputY Police comoalsioner - ThatSIgnfiasan'! father 0frfltroits traffle 1mw,. "Wian lire jobs vere plexaiful, arn Ifla t, easy te ondarsîmnd boy ployes of firme drove their autos rec.k tliera sitoul'! h any reais abetv.een lessly. If ihey emashed tlir e tira nords *"degrea" sud "degrade," but ployers' machines In an accidentllîey suiti kinsiiinji dotir ijpear If cire but ver, Dot afrai'! of losing t hair jobs. 1~ e'nidî'r tihe facts. *1>egre" iras sev- Nov they are more cautious" @railpliises of mcmting. Thera là tira Wfththie last year 1,0010 recclels - degrea <of temparature, tire degrea cf drivers vare prosecute'! an'! 414(4 drv - circuler mesura, thre degrea cf con- ers' licences suspende'!. I;zi)gtiiity nd ropnqu tiratdegrea "Detroit's poice accident invPsiiga-ý of exclle ntdree ofnqulty, Oftînt bureau ta a- antirel.v original - cf acclana. ii~dagea f mste cfIdea, an'! so fer a% 1 know. la flot ecm arts, bachelor of arts. doctor of divin- Ployad ln any the. large (i:«,.in the ty an'! aIl degrees of degrea. countrv, ' 'i Wiltei'. Tihe mord (-alie out of tiraLntin 5as'e'ît trougli tue French and vas Probe Evecy Accident 1= tictroiluced ilto Englan'! by tira Nor- 'Thea-sole iuiy ot a 'l'oie <of un i ; =i man rcnch andl bere ne have I it iirte iesîlgata every triffirai-i dent,!= us! It stade'! fr010 flie word "gradue" a ven tîho no cotiplaii.t has bein n rîaîe __ wuîjIiirmenttea cp. "rade" and'!by ('injure'! person. l'graduîation" are kln-words. "De- "('barges of nanslauglhîer'. negît- gradue" noul'! hea 10 clp dow'n, 'for gent homicide or reckless driving are ."de" "di" said "dis' ara forme of a anterad againt every percson i capon- ward inaenhug "tîvo" or "tîice" or ible for tirafiledlatligasnd ijuries.__ "seprat frin."Thu te"degrurde" Unwilling clviiiaa wtncsses of the "sepeata rogu" Ths 10acidant are forced 1e go lto court__ le lu "stet, down, or causa te sîtap and testify ln tirese cases." down." To enliaI the aid of the public tira -Nov, "de" n'! "gradua" vere thre police deartment iras placed corn-= pareoti ef "dagree" an'! "dagrede." At plaint carda in practically avery drug= tiret, "'dagredetion" ineant a raduction store ln tire city. tram ona grade or rank te anotirr, A-ly parson vitnesstog a violation and Ihan I cama t0 mean tira *itir 0f lmffic lava, or an accident, la urg-= ,treavvao! any raok ln office or sorlaîy. a'! te describa tire case. and mailtheir la soma .vsy va bave coma 1tetint car'!1te epolice. thota mn o degee e ahighup ort TiraInformant', nama la Iept secret Iba n105 o dere i a igr-u srtbut tire Information laisueed by lire of felflow. aod tht a dagrade'! lmanla i tvestlgatior. squad, an'! action takan a iow-down sorc o! chap. tmnradîaîaly agaInst lire offander. _ Tîrtuglirtirese verd a ira'!acommon enigin many centuriesaligo. If signifies l111e. Avot'! unytliîg tirat tends te itegraîle suit struggle te be moan and to Be RemembarL'! - wiinof regrea !-IKnsas5City Star. aic nboy adilcessansd ecccitlulilsh. _____________menailundl yon give l lIri te nî.î'.ecy et palaires an'! fortunes vnîjereverlire goc. Ila bas 0n1titîe trouble ofe arr- Crabe Walk Off Wi"h dOck,. ig or oc-iiicg tru tlif, ii by aniluit lmM Cl -ilOS in , lii ci'i ai n- tene-iter nI ~î~i.W. Eu(rr'on. feu i oj îlî nidrlis 1w-o feet r'v %jjidi nmarin,(,ver thlir fearpno îr:rîeler, n lucili large nunifflr as ta InCita Land of Mystscy. I)e Àli.rIS tîaty of.astrollcllflrq, Indla is salit toilie le Ilritnng ltIvA ui ciiiWhairrtonl. ivere triiille heirt of Asi." 'Ilt îla te nyIfiî ii u-Iet rsuie a. uilile basta g-tius f-r religion tlirat r, un. fI i iiiod n85 %O Inn lrge surraîis-el. 0f tii', four gi cal fîî i tll) w are hlin u I n. It la e lntMffo - 147 IrrîguageaB. SqIîro <f lîe RI-e s arkaîr by cily a feu' people, but ope(ý)illtîmîamTat douffIS. t-le tirai-e are ten cf tire a rngunie,'eu tcir_ TIr <11 inisi traIcoui am ,l aof w le a l >erhy 10(1(Xl> orE lire 1111iuisni f id srlilg )'crteî. un il Ing mri.Of ai î'cý I uit peaîil, luieE ba Ida u'!cl-i .rther tan tI'ar-crt îiilita'eli,- in Jillîî - l'lire lié -1h(r'0irk. 1 1.41- , -r , minoil ~Dae ore S oiOnth1) ffr'thSoew OUR ANNUAL Harvest Sale NOW IN PROGRESS The vondertul valus that tis ararvs Sale offeru canot be surpassed. -In each department tbroughout thê utore-from the Basement to the Third Floor-tu new merchandise at prices that mean a Get Saviing in the fulfillment of pur Till and Winter needs. Barveet Sale SpeciaJ8 From The Main Floor -j ' Dreu Percale IfIci,, vida. Neat desîgna on ligirt grundsq sle price, yard....... . ISC AI-Wool Serge 86 tachas vide. - Black. navy. bro-en and! arme SplendId quality. ]Bleached Mualin 34 IneheS vida, pure white fine tuality. (10 yard lmit tn sustona- Sale prie, yard .....121/2c 32-inch Gngbam Cloely voven. Very attractive eoor erffects Chrecks, plaids and Sal~ e ieyard ............ 25c Outing Flannel 27 locires vide. Strîpa'! an'! fig- ure'! patterns. attractive color- Sleg prife, yard .. 15C Huck Towels Size l6x32 loches. Full blesched. soft floisir. Sale price .... 1 12 Boys' Hose Mediumo rtbbed. sMade. itir doublle knaa. Black oftly. 5 Sale prie. pair ....... .. 5 Women's BiIk Houe Pure alik vlth lhale garter top- Black. vhite and thre iatdRus- stan caif shade. 9c Sale price, pai 9 Girls' Hose Fine ruba'! bo, lu black or brown. 2S Sale prica, pair .......... Mgenu HRoue lIigbly mercerizad hale thread.- Blacir or colora.' Sale prie pair...............2 c Men's Union Suits Fleece lined. perfect fittng. Made o! selfect cotton uarns. 1 f Sale prie ............... _1 5 Girls, Union Suits Fleeced llned, pure i bie. Fine îuality Cottcn yarrs. Sale prices.......... . .... Men's Hose 3 pairs $1 Extra haavy seaiess boss. cer- tain to give good sar% te.1*0 Sale price, 3 pairs ..... . 00 Women's Union Suits 1 eilium w cîglt. fieece line&> loi neck, no 'lac'. s, or Dutr'h nck. etbowu vl1mecstîle .1 0 Sale Pe ............ Boys, Sport Hose Ileavy krti, w ou i leanher. V~alîîes lu $ 2. Srle pilcaIri. . ......... 98C Fier Modes In Coats and iWraps ýY' All the rich Fali F'abrics are repreanted in this ale of Coets mAi Wrape. Ail1 the lateat style tenclencies have a conspicubus place in these mUpcaly pricid groupa. Whethcr you prefer the slim wrappy coat or the generous flare, you will surely find what you want here. ln each group are coats. " Trimme with Luxurious Funs Marvella. Vlour, Mousey.". Duvet de Laine and olirer ricir fairici tint lend tireiselies su ad!- mirably te tire interpartattom of lire new modes. la addition to fur, SOM@ beaUliful effecIa are obtalfl. e'! ln other trimmingla sucir as ambroidary an'! ttching. Special 19,975e 24975, $35, 49e75 The New Models In Girls' Coats Are Y outhful In Une Sptecialy 1ri ced for this saleo la a lot of girls' cualanmade otflreav y "1oo 13en mae rials in blue or broara. Thcy Laie rur Colrra an'! ancy. cut pockats, bel ted arnd ilat'dbck. Lin'd thioiiglrnut. s:izea up to 14 ,ears. $ Costume Blouses for the Tailleur 'rie Blllus-',, in soit aliades and lritrin-lr hoî ýaunr ew i'an'! cary becouirng necklina. an'! irciieve a slendr affect thel is encat i I i, ariaberurrfuiii made an'! axlui.sle a& bu trimr- nrrng. TIre ilue a re axception'LI. Reduced for Clearance 19ae large lut of white w.ilaîs nZI'e îof suver vuuule an'! line batiste. '1'iey ai"rlac trrnrn, u n d cîrole of tire lot, &% offert'! nuwat a ....................-98e Made of Fine Silke ' lire e bloosea of fine Georgette are trimmea' nîrîr lace, and anîbroidere'! ln berrtiful pat- trs hyara to ire had la white, $ 9 flash and oulrer light ahades. Cioce *.9 The charrm of the ncw :mii- li nery is irrestible, tha becom- ing modela here gi'îe dogilt- fui reason for their vogue. la tbis sale are two groupa c9 tire 'neweit modeli at very speclal prim They are Inucir better valuesa ra have bean offerari thî seimoa aI Worm8Mi'ad Misses lSUITS Distmpsiald by Their Rida- massof FaIwic Art Hure The completenesa of our stocke la no where more ap- parent thAn in this display and sale of new FaU Suite., S-ia Divi'!ed ! m three groupa for con. veulent eirooiing and vary ipeciail Drie.'! ame tire, evsuits. Tirat hi ire stmarkable sisur- ed by tireir place ia Ibis sala. Groui Suite et fMe Velours and Trîcotine, Bilk lina'. Navy and Brown%. Values tu $36 $19.75 Group 2 Suitta 0ffine Velours. 811k une'!, fur trimma'! and! .11k embrolderad. Autumna lJateet stylasl. Values t10$50- $35.00 Group 3 Suit& cf fine Duvet de Laine. trtm- med vitir fine fors, embroidere'! snd atitche'! vitir 111k. Silk lcned. Val- u«. te $65 Blankets and Housewares At Great Reductions The Nvondeî'ful values in tiseotîuî c'miot be to stî.I'. tîita'1y i 1.rîtuar attentîtîi is directed to the low prices on Bkau- kets inI tins sale. M.%any are piwcd t less thanoni l WOOL FINISHED PLAID BLANKETS. Fu size. beautiful color effects. This 19 a blarîket that sold lest year for miore than double tht,. Sale pruce, pair ..-... 29 Heavy Blankets WooI finish, large si2e, gray' or tan. A wonderfuîl value 4,89 tra ine ....ya..e .-r... Wool Mixed Blankets Gîeatly raduce'! for thîls75 sale aI pair ....... .....77 Extra Fine Blanket WVoul finisir gallon blanket. aI- tractive PISi'! patterns, silk boue'! edge. 52 Sale pries .............5 2 CUttou Blankets Size 70x8O, ireavy nap. solIt'!gcey or tan vitir pretty br-.3.29 dans. Sale prIce, pair .. Electrie Heater Poil abli' beater. best heliniig e mente,. Sold et$151.""' Sala prica ... 9.75 011 Reater Ni-s, 'operfect irater. emokelesa. Splendid for î'hilly Fait .3.35 daypi. Saîle pricle Pie Pan Reglý,ilar eli5. umade of auîriri n.ltl, Sal e plla 25C Toilpt Paper jjlai ru' 'i îî'gîil.i' 10e roIîL -- ~n..... ..i i.,37c - O'Cedar Mop The bestmutop miade for du'sting or poli'h.i98 Sale P pile.-...... 98 - Tea Kettie_ Gicu! c sie alunin lum htitie>fiit- a'! de.sIln. Sale Pl ce--------------........2.29 HEAVY COTTON, BLANKKI2S In solid colore or grey or tan iiith pick or bIne bordera. A rernarkable value. Priced far below its real wortb, pair .......A.1 comforters 72 "84 ire; Cotton fille'! acrollcd an'! sîlîcha'! luattracîluve colut ls. Sale prc .......29 Crib Blankets ùtud tf oft Elilirdouî ln in pîk or bine. Size 30%40 loche' 5 SQaie Pli 5.C Auto Robes lou'! hîerrvy cuallty, blaCk L&green Co'ud j'!uze. 39 Household. Paint ]lcady arixeut. AÀlcolors. 2.55 cotton Batta 72190 luchas. full comaforber sue dlea n Cotton. Sale prite ............ reather, P9lows (Cver," w itir heavy ticlsing. Sale ea h ........ .... ......1.19 Kiattresu Protector Fur fulsize ira'!.quilte'! mn'! ali finished. 29 Sale pries-........ 29 Clothes Rampera Illde o! fine eplunt. hiîge'd caver. La1Me siz.. 11 Sale price-----------...e« We have a few Thor Electrie Washers. iused for demonstrating puir oses to close' out at a reduction.

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