CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 20 Oct 1921, p. 4

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UR THE UIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDA Y. OCTOBER 20. 192f. Sa30 l iutm;ents I vas able Io gal up. Ion'- tiunuet until about one year ago, andi 1 have Leen veli avec since. 1 cannai pralsa ciropradtic enough."-Wilbur Ljee. Chinopractic Research Bureau StatemnnîNo. 1282R. WMHEI IELTH BEGIN When health begins de- -pÇnds on wben you tel- ephone- No. 26- for an appointment. Consulta- tion Is without charge. DRS. NIXONi & DAVIS CIlItOPRACTIlC PHYSICIANS Specialie-Correction of Deformities, -Nervous andi Cbronsc Dseaees, 14ours: 1 to ', andi 6 to 8:' Suntisys andHoiays by Appointment. Suite 1O11-Newcastle Hotet LBEfR J'VLLE, ILL. 111E LOWER NERVÈ UNDER TII!MAGýNIFV- INO OLASS IS PINCIIED IMNCE ER VES CNO TIANIl'MEAIIFUL lNPvutbS!3#flRURP AC- TI&CADjusTIiNO a!- uNiwcVu. cEPR, me Zion. ULi-Zion bas a vet-ran cf lte Chicago lire, Arhur Drummnonti 2904 Enoch avenue, City' of Zion, cel e braled ishie iftiÈ4h vedding tînniver- ary on Monday lest, ha Itaving Lac n marrieti about the lime of thei greatj Chicago tire. An iniffent haîiu-nedi to bu durlng the tira that has in.n tý lireseti itseif on bis pîemory. Whili' the flapies were c-'tvepinp on tocards bis borne fe saw that e-aremui incas- uret Lad ta ha adoplet Io tasae soine.- i ing. H.e'saw that foo<i]t-"*'. 'b'- ut"-- salcage thal was of greal vyalue in eoi-bta t th astfi-e w.111, s'ave the rity- unprovidail foi- sbont- iI'ut ine. .cordinttly 4iei-ced c itartai of flour anti ffllei it own 1)1 t-u-n')ntru -Hreet for ne., r I II ti limileg. He then Lsd te fînutin ua I 't5i.ttp sinitl stt(h tinte :te lic , ouic! ". pit'lacte-e 10sbac 0il, ,1-il., ' louM ti' cattup lI- uiscocttîld bu hWý In r il c -o fi w ut " Mir. brunî nioni biiebei e rn t i'n of i r tcsi-si-cutI eai s 10 0 U000 0 00 0 0 0 0 o FOR ALL TH4E NEWS 0F LAKE Q oCOUNTY, SUB$CRIbE FOR THE c I NOEFSENDENT-4$1.5O A VEAR 0 0 0 000 0 0 00 00 00 0ô E----- Kiwo THINGS TO REMEMBERI on October 3Oth t-,-oertyiIlie lndepeîidentNAME WAUKE4iAN ADDITIONÂL LOCALSiMANY LAW CASES 94&ke Coiiïay In4ependent - Waukegan Weekly Sun AS IEADQUARTERS L ibUn3yÎf Ile nIr ds Frda c .fenon O T IA C L ai ~ thte Postofflce t Libertyville. fil., as Second Cmi Miter. F R 3A M NT aikAaHler nd isMr OtTtST R 50RPTO PIL-1SPER VEAR, STRICTLY IN - i F R3A M JI5GaiksetStra nCiao Office Telophone Nurmber 1, Libertyville Exchange. .1 ________________________________________________ Mrs, Edw. Wclcb ot Chicago çwasa .w. j. SMITH Eio Reorganization of Blackhawks' wecek end guest o: Mr. and Mrs. J. Ntkonwe hywJb P. 0. SMITH . - - --- --- ---------.... .. iager gives city Organized Brown.i tried however, as Gov. S malil CHAS, D. NALL.EY Local Manager Rsre Mrs. Byron CoIbx was the guest o cases cornes f irst Reservedher son, Lester B. Colby. in Chicago, paty~r coedwti uru haqares o tre ry nt __ Waultegan is designated as the Mon day. Tiee aa unusually large num- £Aurch ISr pep of $23098. ih ti-rougii the reorganîzation of te' Mrs. Fred Mordhois n r. aî i lcsso hedce o Theloioxngwee 'cçitd s lachak r 6h division, whxth, Gleason spentThursday at ljruce Lake trial at this termi of circuit court but Teber: lt ere Bursn dt, as s Bwss annor edhS wektae with relatives. 1jUst when lhey willl e rparhed Jl, membrs: Waltr Brand, Agustlitwasannonee thi wek, tkesa ,not knowo ,for alclasses wiil he side- PRESSYTERIAN Rieckhoff, Graver C. Melendy and AI- place in the 6th army corps. The units, Mrs.1 Ben Clybouine and Mrs. E. 0. lracked for the trial of 00v. Srîall, Earl C. Morgan, Pastor. bert Koenig. assigned t0 Waiikegan are: 1 McCormick spent the week end with which wil lie given preerî-e ket: :Aabbath School ai 9:45 a. m. Our Tlie e-ction. wbi Na ld na ihysxhsgta opniifriends in Chicago. every thing. A number of dsinage "bool JE still growing, but ye need irnous. restlteýd as follows: Trustee, district, Waulcegan. atosaeise nteci.A f làn -idyune heeho.Crean ecn an Schtitz; ýVeacon, Egtyscbm tr olicni- Reuben E. Thomas and Chas. Johnl- fort wiiilLe made ta0 dispîose of as ià find youi place with ust tIis nect Fred Rutzen;Presiding Deacon. Thea. pany. let district Waukegal. 'son motored to Somonauk, EL1, Mon many cases as Possible so that the4 Sabbth. 'C. Zersen; Secrcîary, Pastor'Buerger; Eighty-sixth tank company, lat dis- day ta attend a stock show, returning, docket cao Le cieaned. PreachinàaiS il a. m. Tbaugbt of Fnancial Secreiary, HerniaL Schultz- trict,'Waukegan. ' homne Wednesday.Foown isal? t-prp n thse morning sermon, -The Nearnese Of Asst.taFn ey.HrySlut The famous Blackhawks division J olwn isa trial t,. caseso God. Jun ocngregation. Goodi Audilîng Committee, Abert Schwandt fre fntoa r> mnad Mr.VreRpc fCiaoW5a Johnson Est, vs. Goldberg, dlaim- Uica. tamid Chares Brumin; Chirstmas Comn- first R. 0. T. C. Junior officers at:ýisitorýat the home of Chas. D. Nich-at ICamp Grant. Together witb the 5th'0118tbis week. Thursday (today) she a erMf.C.s.ucnN ChrsinEdao t63 .m ite hb Bruni and Henry Kuhl- divisiOL, whicb was, formed at Camp KwerMg C.v.Prn I bdrsMistsnEndavislora .0 np.m n; aitte,H. aGrotIt. .Cer i. adte Oe ivsorelurned home. accompanied by Mrs. Strapp vs. Dawson. Misa. Mavis Gallowayb., aaddhean;1sJaivistor,,Nchalîs and the twins, who wil visit Srp s asn WIrene Landis. Toie, "Wh&t We Amang ather matters, It was decideti vhîch was organized In 1917, anly On: for a week In Chicago. Btrown vs. Bayersn . &H(o iocw About G;od2' , to abtain prices of printing te CoUsti- paper-these two divisions beingBrwvsRae tmS.& .co -ra .nge :30 p. mi. Topic ofultion; ta arrange a apecial receptablc formed in Michigan and Wisconsin-' Dr. and lIre. C. C. Olney have maveti Clark vs. Brewer. thse eeening sermon. Thte Making of, for depasiting the churcb envelpa h lchvsylbcme a part of, into the bouse recentlyvctdb . Hle -. at c.&Lv tc a Personality." that the Thaliksgiviflg Day services at Mai. Gea6. George BellVs 6tb corps ares C. Brackman, on Lincoln Avenue. Mr. CO. Prayeî- Meeting Wednesday, Oct. 26. i 10:30 a. mi. are ta Le hlId in the Eng- 'organized reserve." and Mrs. C. A. Knigge nov accupy IHuckcr vs. C.N. S. & MI. R. R. Toplc, "Studies in the Book of Rom-, lisL language in order to give those The stete ofIlilinois has been di- the Evilsizor flat on Milvaukel v. Forsiund vs. Gebhart. an opportunity wbo do nat speak tile vided int district, each of vItichIt s vacatcd by Dr. Olncy. i Rual ilv. Nlfg Ter. ceo. CampFîr Gils itîmecat lieGet-man language; to invite the visitor ta suppty offîcr-senior andi Junior oapfieGrl Sundaite1 itae &F o.%.Arss ma s onf da . O t ongua ur southern) confereice, Rev. H. and enlistati men for sorte unit In rs. John C le 1,f last - ly or r Relianc - EW. atot (Co, i g. Baso S cus til ay. Oct. - tone ua l W olff. to teet us in a special meeting the comp ete reorganizatioti of ftle Los Angeles, 'alit tebe s he*w.illI Terni. Co,.lg Boy Soutswillhavethf-r a u c atianged; iUta ,,te- ledge domn JBlackhawks. The organizatlon In cpend tewifter wiih lier daugbters, L InîleaY -s«e SNfi. powwowin hebar ýý;dlieailfie etir ie-le' -'ae i, under the supervision of Nlrs. C. Tyrrell and re1-arry flac-h ýTich.ýv Sce t. manse Friday ai cing. Oct 2'Thet-ar of i ue e astand sibng i fr, oii i f four reserve fficers andl et..John says thte lite of a batch' bit Reilinge i ilfik. 'river and other obstacles tmade hi 1 n- Te 1eti aljuredwh une ceular armv officer. itnt w atISils i is-ait]io iibe.k.. -un. i P powwowimpssile astFi*L- '1 b e Ogient. Te metnr ;orne u ( hi T i i i u of ratiking fficers foi theCo fins De 'tie -o bî tocbkir.kc .10I ~ --î'î - C ittatu, .Leut 'Col. Puýnch xv icci itîcr vîti :ouîcn veddin- an S . i i baad dresý. Tlîi ciui ch cr11 c c>bt ai.ils 2a h t-,c cf Hîgland Patrk.O -- .13Wvt-ini-5d'i t-cconga K r , n. CMir_, ical:uyi tîn nOli . 5i n,-Xt e a1. adsoil m.nade 'Fie o: caniz1tion offitns, resc: e i.l arisih HouSe.About Seîi- mx s uf SI iSol chtp"cb. F. J. M"hghî lic ii îu in 10ice:c n- T he Vidcd i n i 0te national dtiensu W ie ire-t. lancîng U, -notl ti EdwaniltSayra. ranii. -o t î-cttîtunîcantIlltienber.li1:î 1 c - ci o ine 4. 11t. t was potoiccl01oui în!il a aie fboucr, !tr wlirii i.icre-' brun .- 'tt 1 in i --aen:nt given tlit -i Cen 'ru 1,.i eec-re d ' -o\ i ST- JOHNS E; VANGELIî xi. P lYsieailcuar-ters in Chicago./c c LUTHERAN. T J T ~ i aTC Bric fl,, lite regulat- aruly an li ilic Flite club woli.c0 ut Libtru i-i. c ai c. i, ' . Broaway nti arki'l.ce. V~ U UIILft AIYIU J natiotial guard, whao n I etr r n ili tu tfie mxit nit-o u ci c Zoý4' ' pwi St.O. uerarPasurof the Vniled States, may be terni-il Iikhlanui Park 'Vomins club. WlIiii t.% îiii R. . Bergr, astr. Urfirst line of dafense. to Le c-i- il libe h,1Iin 10 litAuditoriunm oit uc . Sunday> Schtol andi Bible S'udy at, I JRE~iLE ployetiseparataly or together 1iniauditoriumniof ie Highland lPairk ur el:i:' 9: 30 a. ni. Iminor or major amargencies." bVIlle teral chit-h Wednasday, Nov.~, 1 i ll.. 4-' Engiisb Service wtth ttr'lx Com-;! statement said. "Thase will consti- 2. at :30 .3u ni. Harrison N. XWild ýi cq,cr .munion t 3 .0 p. M. tbute bbc Firsi Threc Fieldl Arties. coductor of the Apollo Musical Club, Sti,,'l. Adiri. V. Luxi Catchan IsîcîcanSaurax- ,* .',.u-a n y i cars pasi bean *-Theorganizeti rcserN:e constîtutes wcul gi- an inlormal 'alk on - Ors' Zoo E iV, 'c-McQ i. 1 - cfci'ipaim.-otiter niPortant puraly a war force and cao he lem- totnus". illustrated wiîh iodal.,eiectuon f1 .i-îs tîwne. I 'ic ,r.iiîsis tught hi-t- on changt to1 %i- 'pioyed only in the evet.t ef a nation- froin the oratoria by Elsa Horchan. nlhý.Giý,LksFQtC They weîe tMc Raffe1tY tiaI almergancy declareti by cungresa, sopranoa, an(tiJames. HaupI,-icour. ci i l) snîtth Ms ta'LaesFi ' Si. John's Evangelical Luilieran ýN0tooOinuider trials. The former and constitutes tie Second Three Edgar Nelson a' the organ. Zion Cit s.', Robertson. chus-ch. Broadwvay andi Park Place, helti wuîs'icaî.-o anti wss in the' Field Armies. Uls annual business meettng last Sun- aId roui bouse. Ha vas four-c guil- «'In carrying out this policy the war A birthday parti cws giicen the twinsr Zion Ciiî vce Shbli. ,a7 afteron aiettvao 'ctock. Therc t tY nd iit'geil bete. The Moone! tiepartmant bas allottati ta asch crops utthie home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. D. Zion C;*, . ceGric-wolil vere 25 î-oting members prasant. A trial was l:..Oi Jolict. he seing a arcs a certain number ai regular Nîchboils Wedncsday aitarnan. Thos,- Zion Cit'3 vis.bohnson. 11171111 vas sung by tise eesembly anti a stàte l.rt,.rn con' ict vho hall killeti 5cm>, natioLal guard anti organized lItresent. ware Mrs. Lt. S. McClain. Mrs. 1 Zion City cs Embacher. pMrayar as saiti by the pastor. nie bis cl mate. lia was taunti guiliy reserve unita. The argarilzed reserve' ClamnE. W. Butter! il. -Misa Venuie Ziofl City t%-. 110 t. Ban. il. 0. Boarger. Âiîer the minutes and sentence.'. for lIte 'rîey were unite for this ecrps area include three Me'lIClain. Mca. Fred Haines. Mrs. Cian j Zion Cit c.-. Long. IMd been read and accepte(t. the treas- son 'o"gc oala! but old tasident' tnfantrY divisions, certain corpsISmart. Mca. Chas. Herrington. Mrs, Zisti'.,1!'y xc Mârkwell. Mer, Peutl 5Hz. submiteti is report, hic c 'a'gat'en about tbmer. troops fer tva army corps, together Lec Whitney, !drs. C. C. Hill, Mca. Sol- GIUuhr %'sc- tcof %Waukegari WliIe viii Le distributei'o ail mmnit ilt certain army troops. inclutiing ieS1antiman. Mrs. Suellman, Nln.C uit()S%.i. 'town. h11èea l printed form. hi sbowed that THE INDEPENDENT away& pute cavalry andi G. H. Q. artitlery anti en- Peter Movers, Mc,.. Verne Riple>' of Schubert c, ', I\ S& - t- 40saost $2.00 va. contributeti in the lîIbertyvllle fIl5 gineer troopa." Chicago, Misasina Knox. The twtns Zicn t.ity -.c xWarren. .4,11 units in the organizeti réserve vere the recivien's oa, many present-c .co Ctyt>vs. xvarren. wl l e an a var-strength basis. Thay anti a good tinie'was etjoyeti hy al. 3hen %cS. Ruth. yl la ecomplete ase tacommlissioned --P s (-a.Pc crs. persoLnel, as fac as the number of p~ .LUll aln rasarve officers rentiers it possible. D. M UR UILuD For the prasent, only the nacaasary GATE; PLANS HOMEi OR 2 x~~. noncommissionati offiar..anti spacia- 11.uncov~'nlists neadeti for formation of skeleton TI'e.R n ownM yunits viii Le enlisteti. Thus aach or- ii. - io aS Le'o tegun an, ilgaization wilI constat of a camplata urt- -iing- f o : a hillip D. Ar-1 officer personnel, and al ai the nn. ,n-milli on dollar homnein Lake 1{un in tlealth. cotimiesianati officers. cooks, wagon- Fa-it"-i'-l a a 11 *Pir- rrchani.îcandi trained.-apctalits cini'ne u'î 'iniz g' I Thucsday HealtIt Talk No.i 1.ei lbcacnancaatc.te 'îimMicri eii-lh n EvCHAS. D. NIXON lu).C,- Ph. C lracks coutl Le quickly fitîcil antih -lte ,- t afldj. i ltitng tue gate iig- n cîn-cfor training ihleni WOUld Lhîr'caL ntI c-o':agec-fotiservants.' D ~ run cdown physical condition îs rîý utreatiy to fonction , - It te.inL -.!'. un --- gi 'tea bove initial asigttmeLtl - -.i:ri a .n(! un .antlccapingî the resuit of a chronic Weakness. Con- sou l ilstribution o! troops it la Oot .e-cpi M'7Y ~ stat pin f dagingweanes wiIle thention thai unîts be organizeil- ac 'f Cei etir*elv In thc tovr. dasignatati as -, r::f-r n ýià u , -mrca aboui rob thie sufferel' of vîtauîîy. Qute licaticuat ers'- saidtheIt statement iru' inatk bi(14 on 'ha notice ofe-te peaanc i cag.,ai lh th tbcorps heatiquartpre. ' e cltwapperane Tht-e '- iplan contemplai.,. the ________- butthesufere kowsa dffeene. -.a'njmdistribution of subordinate CARD 0F THANKS me îs uncanged, ,nit., cicb .s. compan'ec- anil bat- AO res, fii-fil nitry andi arliller>' among 1 I o t xos'préas stoccre thanks toi - tp eve-ci-al counitica of tbe districtsl the man, friands anti neighborî. of A. Ordinafily when a man finds himself in such a con- in. ' Itîcli regtm-nts arc assigned. It: Gîbson fui theur beautiful floral offer cu i- enhcciaar-. howver. in mak-!ings. also vîsh te thank Rey. Mc-u dition, the family physician advises a vacation. But in? tlic- dis-ribOtian to taka inta Clocksy far bis kind yards. AIea Mr. ru)n> derat ienon Ituit-m of administre-', anti Mca H. Peterson for thse use of the cause lis fot removed by a Vacation. The vacation tioL, training moblîzation facilitia s,-'thir harne, G. B. HELM. f will help. peihaps, if the suf ferer is taking chiropractic 1 ci e:encp tu available officer anti an-M liail Personnel for the organization spinl adustmntsto rmov thecaus of is wak-ou the unitciAt tLe present ftnaetheaC T st.tsgtb ai the officers' reserva corps ness. Rest and adjustments waiI restore, but rest alone in ibis carl., ares as not sofficianlt et - ('fiol ete the quota of officars for G e t Farni wilioulyPOStone nothr brakclwnictaunit. aseigne to tahîe variaus: wiIIonl potpoe aothr beakown ~î~ __________Ellectricity BaREAKDOWNCAUSE I T e u i, REMOVE-EALTH FOLLOWS. VETERAN 0F THEF was flited itbwbatwasSomething 1 calied tuberculo8sai fihe hipa ,'for -oeRoPIcoORIMcsCICA i FRE S tiscea years. 1 vas in Lad for six PU.SURE on SPNAl. months an tvo differant occasions. I uUY5 U IN SIASISOf Dr vas run doln In fleaL. veak and pale Rfl FOLODENWj andi incapable of vork. 1va aw ie te, tri' chropractie. Aterthe -- lW By E. W.CROFT S a ZionCitvv> %ils -n Fet (- e., - 1Àl, vt'. Iyw 1 is Oc- ifn -tti.ttd(Ft ione' ,i Ms-. anti Mr to i,eKalb Sui ter la .irginia, 'he i- bhday. CANIOEISTS START FOR NEW ORLEANS I.ct S iPth anti ('harles Nlc Greg,'ui l.Laa- Fors, st'ai t( i nti,ît> yr.& 1 t N.-. (hu Is-s- 'Il w1il ' l o iii lj, tl. icuO . ti s-, i .inaLi ian ,-. iîoUutu tini 0t 3H. UIOd 3UIkDS9flS A±Nfloo c 0 3>IV7 jo Sm3N 3U± 7V UO Il MV3A V 2Slit-'-IN3CN3d3CONl 0 0 00O 0000 0 O cd .0 0 RI-UM T'HEATRE (VILLE, ILLINOIS. UAY O LT )BER m22nd Nite of the Week New; Something Différent im Herman's Big Sonig Revue' Corne and Win -the, Prize ALSO Stewart Edward White's Great Western Drama1 ADMISSION: Aduits, 35e; Children, 17c. do Our As a ie, s' Ask DO GE' ci Fthse immense advsf- tages of electricity wouid nover be vithout them- they do flot have to. Willya Light junior. the practical power and light plaint for farma, furmeshea a12 these City Comf arts at legs tibm they Cost City people. Agit us about these im- provements only Willi's Light junior off crs you. lui I qmFqýýý- FJRST --- The, daylight saving time wiII be reduced to standard time. SECOND --- The Auditorium Theatre wiIl reduce the prices of admission from --- ADULTS 25c to 17e CHILDREN Ilc to 10e

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