CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Oct 1921, p. 10

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lBAS NO SYMPATIIY FOR TIIOSE WHIO SMOKE IN ZION. bust Carried Long Distances. It lias been calculatesi thut stormul ln the western Uiilited States are re.ý 'eftr cncrýirg 8l0O,IJO tonS o 1440 r,; -ery j Vion, 111.-A wrter lnnfle San Pfrancîisco Bulletin ttioka thore visa slIq~te Uic ZIon tonacec ordiniance deo utao neeessdes n "W hat a Change iympattsy. The.wlter sayr: 'Editor Tise Bulletin- I reusi a You'II Say uinaîl edilarlal ln tise Bulletin several durs igo abouit a poor, poor man via vas finesi for smoking on thse streets 'You May have hail some tiaugits of Zion City, ansi I feel 1Imsta ans- of disarding tiat oId Suit of yours ver i. as 1 mcnown human ielng becaume libu lent Ifs chape or bai could posrihly enter Zon City tis- hecome apaftd. or- sou. otier liffle1 out reading lange billbomri n-snob- <ing w-ong Wh kIf. Bue o u do log signa everywbece on enteclag tic Bo, senS h t teus and vo'Ilshwyu chîy limitm, gving i detail wisy <bey boy it is posaîbli et a mailo.tly prohiit l. Tise people living la heti c amve your Suit for enotier sman tas n around MZon City wauld tell ot good W-ar. Weve don. If <heu- hlm It served hm rigist for domsg sanda 0f timea and'vc'îî do it for such a ting. as they aili mou be Yu anly dud Iltot show bau smart ise couisi le, tien visen he got haut he ~cidta tise visle yord.,1Iamu net Pbone Waukegan 2725 la member of Zion but i bave beco thene often enaugi to laav tiser. a eaSy one ceasori vhy be trieS <at. We Cal for nd Daevr lanIth<ece enouùis coom fn tise viole vorisi autside of Zion t<mo mae' He howteueyda), tey wil i do as they Vpeuse Smokingt lufnt a crime. bat 1 Ilis lutIiir jaiSan w w li is Ire I'ha <Shirt il TExpertt letltic F. s- a -- t - --- . ti~ - - 1- - -t 'r --- i-.t- St- - I. i. -l rtt -- - Il -..-fi -- ol 1- i sur'- - p:.5t, i -- .- 1~---. - ~..-I t - t - <iu I,.; ~ -f r~:'~ I -t s i i * et '-s crut t ndlr- .1 r.. !li'-! - e t' t i -- GOOD WAT~ER Cujn tic liad train a DrisiW<iîhl. T. H. FERGUSON \V'-l i Dr er. I -' I6-Il Zio. III. 1'e ,r.ulcM.îl anid A. MILLER, FRENCII 37 MILLI* SPAIJLDIN4i SCOIM LPLNT XUTRMES METFR JIOWITIERS SHORT NEWS TMS ÀAIONE nIl6IIAYS FOR LOCAL UNIT Grand avenue in being finished, andi EXPERTS ADVICI Sevraifro& Sapuldlg'aCerner- Corn!any stili needs thirty atendedthe O<> ime Party gc eàt %hy Provide Good Shadé mon: to reoeive enlistants Joseph ÂAdu'. À nunaber~ of Wau lpyo odadGan- Mon. and Weçi. at Armery them Mise Bearie Lodeky, Who la tity of Fine Lumber MS SPLENPIDOPPORTUNITY & CorPanY. o -md ALU O USO _ _New curtulas bave bo&md yWuU O USOK Th Srd (Prlie) Division la t. the girls for thi u». rono. - b. reorganhleil vitb beailquarteru et lia. DYtOU Mustil Mm n a", Tbe var douai dr h b op PoutfIO, 1a13-WaulkegM WvIii&sapport Mlu Mere DeVriut .ad Mr. fMussaen té* blcfIe t 1laer W 3 netta. vis: Band. Rife la OMPeaY voie vitOrU et eMr s@C111001 fj osdlone s i"bguf l lMIM on il and tie new Rovitzur Compay. The vvait. D Vu e oeu find at enlmsathen latter vili e teslaoearlly etulpped Tio vWho attended theo Tot aboui bi a dur«asla the cuttina utti 387NM Xgens andi 6 ROUaM chool bsket soclial sré~t» M«e aMbletrisveu e»W mcl1 motera. But as soon au the a very 1504 tQue.begn. ornte.bovr t nov, Inantry HevNuur bas been per- The rabbins aossd UtkdIng ,i gn. otu olhoeer tetoi anênioptai tbey vilI buo istiedsichool have fnt g«Me outb yet. ar Ughl it oreaterai. ovarue. e topplsacthe 37 MXKX.and morters number Of usadow laikshav. on sottinin 3. as Utoeagrauijural iqai 'Tii Oo1&b a f trUCtIon ontbWO noticesi. AÀflyeatar. a mli d mot% iea letter. Blua It e plt.. vMiiha 0f great interneutte mli. about thse aise of a spmrov, vitli a M toèlât aated IFusIle mlo MMi. Musrvne nMMare ompei te 0 Ight eeiared brait Ipe attracteil by amy ermons, llréctyla bu tie gdvuntagu of the on.eraaen- o attention by caiebingfIles on fie uonyvfb lhe policy asivocatai Il lifafut ofte cour la force. The vindov-silli. iTals Utedpatatf Uamêmyut! sediabot 3 ina. Mrs-. Robert Setter of Grass Lako, rteiture. Tbtiu Wb ave lréady JWnlare visitcd ber aiter. Mra. Hcnry BAdin- ulwu.tfenMotVa. ou d 3,4 asi WlDv. mon. APPlilcfeaf. waavenue. BA oo alaff om Maotnc e0fpmfl tissa «I ble 1k.. ai ihe n ory Jobn eelr la tingolug abild a of iuu a nir aceaet mtb eday Md Wsdn.suY iguts b bu Wu ablngtn itueteLia f ea w. S. L intOs. ie t»sen 1:3# Mai8:30. l'or ferther là- hm nWs ahktnSre. LtfbW itc dm formuation apply Joli C. Dort, 108 He007 Bunm111 ville drivlngte th fto Net Orevaru' fsee Xfo CertiPhnieIUOILYok Hom ebaket so0WaltitW& flenprocuroltblrty bogeael a lv MII CortPi.. 840M. unsday ovenlang annai bis our. »U trou nieract et th bonne i Della Pitcher oi Mcro.ioa-d- GeorgeWuhbgtm to tient Ver " Fa DOU E Du . upraisesiber 11* le le flfilg. noA. Vu. Tisai vers uhippeilt Auguet Mebiak. vie vred iefr Ugsvlil h aadar ,u'j.gfu, I¶,~t'3 MrNi.Bacon, lu .njoying a vacation. M& d a the c ainbi run et Mfr. und M . . ILBa" et0 X<ü- ouatymai l athel fu lu aebOLim vaubme.roui, hb a e asiltheïs baby acbe«gros,"Mai aîosgt Ui mnio dulibtur ElIumhtb As. rmi.Mutreeità. Tv.o sai t'he 4wiksh toume lu gfvsg a The t«eleof tSpisssdisg oaill vrs piactila a nuru" osy r luts »~~~ V~~1d~~~, a attended tb instituts at lAberyie îatsla0.0ftipb Yorkenlng Chuc.laut Saturdéy. parhu 0f Saffiuav. Yack ~~6lIse Cinrci. Mr. Doolittie of Beividere street. , ba inieioathtle .3s» Io, tZioaCty. vsit- building a bars. Wo tbcm nw.ta hs ed 31 . L ouda priday. Mrq. 3red Lyons of »oXlb, la i& zSUves VJavallable forPlatin&. vos Arthsur Irlis vas piavfng vth Tai, itiai; lier parents, Mr. and Mr%. Geo.kean iupadItrtlatz nov Fos'duoa.d g. - - -levelapesi. Telephiona cele fur tfin Mni. Purdy addagte f Waa- Mrs. Byron Hustosi of Chicago vie- reauers Automobies dro@ leazit, Vaie Vaitatu at IL P. B& lIid ber metir, 1frà..Fred fha e fr miny- miles te cli in Peson co ls Snayad ttnedte tGrand avenue- 815cm tien entieiaically attendo servces at York House Chucci. A Hallavwen party la being p plac mens lavtie bstatell acnsdrlt Mfr. and Mr». riais entertainesi the by the upper grade maon. . lm athsaetecn rt- Pator Mr. McVey on Sunday. Mr. Louis Dooper, who vas callosi question of black vainut tree. pliut Mr. andi Mr&. Gould attended the home durlng the ilnesi etfbs taglong the biglvmYm. New. 9. Sebbol Convetion t Ibertyvillo iMotiior Mrs. Oyard Dooff, o o. is onve.tinor 0thfe, Mlchla a Ce ail day Satunda. furnei to colorado.- 'Te Farm Bureau lu takfng orders Mr. Chambetrlain of Grand avenue, for carskmof potatoeaa" daploa. bus beea vory buuy for the put vool A large crousi attendesi Goiitzer supervI'sing thse building oh biesiulo. saile on Saturday. -L'I tte Adams bas retarsoiltae Wl ltrld Gould of Kenosha vas a &choc].- He bas fuUly recovred from elier at J. Hdloulds, Friday. the. i'<ury to bis kaee. Frak,,Brook% la taking a v1ea- houe vha have been perfect lInae- tien bcbng an fie Inry ibis vecln. tendance fer the. moth of Scpteanber Tise young peope of the nelghbor. ae orieBrathe oslu hood met togther Sunday evenlngar:Lrin ratbeCoels andi formed a Atiieti c Club, t.eiîie Bouma, Helen Gutation, Wesley 'Worths beat« leeffl President. -Gustafuin. Dorotlea Rasmuss:en, LAidai Buris vbo le attending an Ail e Boumaa,- Hanna Gustafils, Electircal Scheol t Mlwaukee la Leonard Touler, Eunice Johnason, planning te eturabomne for the Hal- Houar-i Wedge, Clinton Wadan. Km- loween Party. met Johnson, William flowma, Emery Sbaw mai a perf,-of steel in Gladys Wallace, La Rue Adamas..Lu- il eye andI bad ta wear îmoked cIta Wall sndf William Bovimn. B ~ ~ U glIsses fer a few isys. Mrs. E. J. Drake apent Tuesday lu ax Mci. J. IL Geuli iccuresi anather Chicago 5ttsnidng W. R. Cý- conlvn names on tie Craille Roll. tion. Mrs, lIe andi Mr@. Greenleaf [n gour graiadfather'a if Mc. Ch. Boldridge and Mrs. Goulsi of Waukegan, vere tise tva meinhers life. The red biood of courag vfited Holdnigo achool Tucadaz,. chosen froio tihe Ipeal W. RL c. to Mrs. R.L. Wilson entertained ber serve on tise courteay cobmîîtee. ahowed in overy muscle of his niece and iusband Mr. and lita. Mai Miss Alice Burke spent tise vesi their oua maladies wit-h hi Lean of Wankegau avec Sunday. ends.,JsJtàng friends la ibis vlcinhtY. gr-agM'1lahr fet bilious, thie Ambrose Wall teil! fiun acaffoli 'hose wbo attendes tise party at andi hart bis bacek. Wasisvortî givea b NMers.. Sicîlys over, ho wouid taite noue SinPI Mrs. Gea. Lowe vas a epleltihe and Batlett,, reportesi a very large Mdm icvra lea Goulds last îoe'k. ei Dsoraalrtl Mrs H.1..wilon i epeclngbergtiering. Ols-faionesi dances hchabom apar ds Mltrs.M.Lil rusn lacf Wath br pve te tii 50<interestlas event 0of Wihh enpp rads Hastrars. or vuit to orthrec thse evenlng. Bath youog and aid <f Blood root, Oregon Grapo Habr o - sytofto r.he joined Inl and a very interesting tîme ot~goo odb rgi The nuir-mrul ulicis . oe Could le-auenjoyesi by al present. t, Dr. Pier'. I¶Se lotd and die -1, , tck-cm are building, p&f ftetlt bas 'sor yet been cûrnpleted. Aai .~ SteW. pmaef btbl& Hecrbert Oould who is takfng via- S-ne Amibs are uxreineIy fond et Uia lessona bas luit cammenced i is beî tw ni<rsdsiets utJohnstoiwm second year. heaseaddt ept h fc Some of tise young foks are plan- tisat even a dog tomns frasu hyenia mnt prais of Dr. nlng ta ttend tis- Epwoctis League ta dsgust. - Rally la Chîcago Nov. 5th. purimer, and t Choir ehearsal every frliday ave one Ciuse foc Argumenýt. agiveur quin Tise condition of Jas. Nelson r-. SinLe men fkeep an arguingi,' sid nd le come of1 usina mnch.the aime. Juri Ttirkins, "net because they are fo"alaxc Dorotiy ould s a gafo taking sure iliy e riglit. but because, they Medca l D cd, piano fssons, lia.- tu end oun lrteresting conversa- and I arn new' mg. Mn the leu la las t t mt- Lu ,ter me OId led us the a- ad iue a mans lived a vigorous, outdorl ago -as in every line.of isanface and is body.lIn t.hose days foliks treated susehold remedies, and when your ck-headed, tired beforo the day was )eremedy sach as Dr. Pierce's Golden tivo and tonie for stomach and blood succ"sful for over fifty yoars. Made root, Queens root, Stone root, 'with- ts in tablets or iiquid. Send 10 cente el in Buffalo, N. Y., for a large trial vn, Pa.-"I1 cannot say enough I n .Pierc&s Golden Medical Discovery ithas given me. I take itas ablood tonic to build me up 'when run-downL gish and inactive liver, and it alwayi rieof. It buds up the entire systaun ftise best medicines I have ever fouad- mld or deep-seated cough. 'Golden uvery' is an excellent faniily rremedy ver without it in the horneYý-DÂN' L167 Pine St. Are you weli equipped with THE MOST UP-TO-THEÀ-MINUTE ELECTRICAL CON VENIENCES WVE ARE EXPERT LLEUIRICIANS and shalh be giad to figure on ail your ELECTRICAL REQ Ul!iTIREN TS- Hanse or P.ctory Wiriag Power Work of AUl Kinds Burgiar Alaxu Systemu Private Telephone and ANnuinciator Cmli Systeus Sigu Board & Window Display Lighting Paru iàghting & Pumping Plnte Electria Elevatoru, etc. !The first important step is to, have your build- ing eurefully aigd properly wired, avoiding ail er- rors and danger of cauising firse.- Yon eau then en- joy ail the modern labor and time saving conven- iences, Such as ]Electric Wuhing IMachina Water Heating Bovioe for Bath Room Seig Machine Motor Cook Ste. or Water Boiler Grill and Toaster ]Portable Electria Kadiators Reading or isao ILamPs Telephone Zion 37 We will have a competent man caui and advise you regarding aiiy electrical matter, or will give an estimate on any job. Credit Terms arranged for Ileliable ]Parties. AU! work done in coxpliance sih the National Elctiical Code Large vuretyof Er-itri, iÏ:c c1dsly îtuii oua, Toasters, Port, le Lamps. etc. ZION INSTITUTIO'NS & INDUSTFIFS 'y "' il 'icc spa cI,,bI j )I L' ESTR XMs. Plit Siver returneil trou Cali- itdetathe IL C. lsuen. borne Hqelen Ko"y bau been visîting ber Mr. 0 . Howrd vau a tuent et th Howard faim lait veek.E mui,30v eKelly. .Mr1&n. .RuS it aon the Osic lis Mise Dore" i eflnett la attend- The J. &. Kelly family zuotoje las ig c1g olffl la Waukegui,. tu Chiciio. Sunday., .R.CoaVlè la erecting ia MiOv Bob Neillu ban soue on a bunting Enter PovertY. trip ta Soutb Dalieta. hnpvrycmsi tt*do Mss. Feinortas lnvimitisE ber lOIsn pevet cafer he aab daugter Ia Gary, lad. ae edulwt frtebri Mr. Carluon of Chicago vue a 18.s*auuna tir)8go af.-WaYSild Ti.10 Btoadu asuotlan la being arrillgeil. à* vrilol .2Wdelegateas-ampect. ed ta be presait, and tie matin of roadeuldePlaatig f. ta hi givon a Pr-Usinent part on thse progran. The deparfucent believes fIat a -Movement et fila-cils-acter.bas large Possibilities fur goot! on it. ' t th. BMe fuCOe fi ingeolon l a id tbat. la vieu et the. knovndier- asce 09 bad"M oxistllgi .Muq dipocuof MmlI iveso, ieflr Rhum eii h.exerelsed te £voli estes- oft piantig etidnmior-, tres tm tbo varuer portion% ef the Coufntry tau ois vsn-éintv n fouperaefam uqiestajiy 021088 Wa"cd. ftmau liftyoU -«UWbaiesi tisu tests fie Pu"n&M axe .,la Michigan trou anato et fiat opeale fflyevo f0the eOl t oeutsn e i &Mt uMekcl.Iy bardyte adeip fbo lov teanpeiaferas OCaslonfly r. Imoei la tihe oitbra aui4e.sauie. friesigrovra trou pDmn" hou tOi fitees la lova,- ]iisu aid lulq sufferesi nO inU&. W"1^- defii In tormationonCa ts, point la leeklag.Jif la not unllkoly tbf oe014.ndusam ef blmck valent lieu trisn difrit parts et theecanalry varie. consider- abiy. tll«t NuesfremIn osrmblip Trots. Doubtleis the sateaf rniS te oh. svo la the norfhinlue,. plant nuts Itrfe.. fiat bave atialasi geod aai aidhabit ad bu aotrly me pos- sill ' e la ie ot"on hers tiey ai fta le planted. No bam lu llkeiy te rasuit tram tr-aterring mcI trous troxnorfiera Point, fa more sont b. enIy locations ID te cas AS roactiona te tupes-ature la coicériad. Tii satabliltr of the back valant fer bon* pintlng lun ov boisg rue. oguboilsei evor lotos-a. AptI I lustrullai. 'r-eddle md com ne fopokscdlo 0f à dog--aoniitblnlibe ai lvmy vantesi. Re andi the dotgvo n lsep arable. Corad uied hlm t. bis birl> day pari y. Ho hWutated. but 'Inu"l> «id: "I'd like to go frt rats, If 1 en labe my deg aloag. Wbete 1 go b. es Tt'$ ufIffl l v wu ere.fvlne." Thse Lits ac~y Fursuer. Sign on a truck faim: .'Trnfh crushesi toa orti vIEritue again. but vegetmiles vill ds..0Soale Custe viii your fet!___ This Sale of Suits Attests That Prices Have Been Materialy Lowered Here In this day of limited expenditures it is indeed dehightful tu bc offer- ed an opportunity to fulfili the dem and for a ncw suit at priccs su ex- jtremely low-and how especiallypieabiing it is when the suits are of sucli eharacter as those in this sale. tý Trimmed With Beaver. 1Thcsc suits of the Iatest modes~; perfectly tailored; and Nwith céareful attention to detail as a piece of fur he re and there to add a finished touch. Silk embroidered in handgome designs, and buttons of odd shapes, give charxning distinction to each suit in t he group. They are fas.hioned of ail wooi Velour of most desirahie shades for Fal and Winter wear. The Coa.ts are lined throughout. $29.75 - 499b75 Oui'- Newly Remodeled CGarint-ut .SC(-ti<l i s oveflowiiig with surpîi-iing Lfalues in Coats, Suits and Frocks at a m-idc range of prieesè RBrn- qutheformte Lj- - Ž=ý.M -The. Kenilworth Gift Shop ELABORATE DISPLAY 0F GIPTTSYFOR. THE OME-4I7T5"TÂTE- FLEOT PERSONÂI5ITY. You ai-e inelined to jndge tise refinement of 'your friends by the measure. in which they appreciate tise better things of life. Their. homes reflect their personalities. The KENILWORTHf GIET 51101> is a never-faiing source of gifts that express personality in the home. Wholesome sentiment and practicai uti3ýty combine in this collection of appropriate decorative accessories. EXCLUSIVE WARES FROM IaANS PAR AND NEAR. AMQNG THEM AXE: Eues ustesi Gold Decorations an Etched ]Pattes-n Glassware, $4 ta $8. Colonial Caudlesticki of solisi Caît Brss, $250 te $5.25. Japanese Lacquered Cigarette Boxes andi Ash Trays with Silver Crest, 50e ta $10.. Amerieau Art Glass ii. Celeste Bine Crystal. AUl Gols Aus-eaecolos-and blatscleun Fiuïle.Cry- stri, $400 ta $1000. 'Rel ca Jaýrnosec lousonnre Enas:i To r .l $800 to $12.00. Japaxacue Pattes-y Bowls andi Incensie Burners- 1$1.75 ta $5.00.j Crystal Glasswns-e wrth Golil Decorationa; $,~f ta $8.2j. Iiidescent At Glass iu Sappl.ire Blics andi Gold'. eni Canary Yellow, $1.25 ta+'3.00. Decorative Ïoveliles foi, tise iiry or 'Den or Bcdwootl El iMahnbaly in Ctaïk iht.tch finish, $300 ,a $10.00. i HurnrcrI.s cl Cther F72cs e-Ad Sets Ecjually As !I,.crestgAe o Ray i For the C Ut Shoippeiè 1 NE3WS NOTES ROX RIJSS3LL DISTRICT Oas ischool vl give a maflove'en entertalsment andi bask e oilen prAday 4veaing. Oct; 28. pt 'T. A. Bmupsowuva avia. liai at soboo lestTiissdm. Jmis IL C. Esaen vas a Çiicaga vialle lest eel. 0 i LJDIN~ ~Second Floor I" ~-S1ALL 1 COST RuMors thi tige had i -here 0- MAY STA' Gav. Smal's ehaugina hlm firauilthe ai att ouat ln tise oi lavgers. $200A1 divtdsabout an& .defense. Thut tbe tai lawyers vili $10>.00o vii mi log Io Maie au caut. Gev. SmaIll1 eboge bani th actions vers fr-ted togetber. Nawpeit Hat TIere ta a i miesft ti. là banu bais beeaU pun slfient malid, versedpi va"Ivng ha sUe by a vi lbaegbht tise ti toe cglt veekui CouinaI for Sta Couiuel foc tise Stenegraphirc 1 Detective agpr Motel andrails ltra expPnses CO Cort cios laanm Tiat $6500. upent ln wa; predfrted. Cov. Smalh yers lmWPediatÀ jury ladîtseil gate chargea sedsi tate fun' tresOOrer. prOm tistat É sarraendesi bv et legsil talent- FPrit lnthse Gllleaaule. arin uerc ongresi yCcs wlo alwe tees Thon raiI pert-R'o? 110 i La Fe-j Iliacle3 C. L abOut tise lime ien higis aai hi. evailan of %In.ILa Forg of "ne ofth<le ln thse staie dd not taIn- il agcee ta0brrr poltîcal reiI'Ol it is inter Forge--'s f. rend with hlm. Threo luIt- been aildesi to ansamou' Most of th.e, %iMa site vi Sangarnon ce AtIorney Mort Stite-.*t Alrn tvv ili rerels, but ther îaS-U mate.e CpPasem or hln ait-t r- Tisere wdu. cownsel for Ith- baatts, agai-t . tlent. an l it Iawî e! s il $,,ooi i . ' Thp J170 a ,tay to- it aa-saisi lam i -stliat eltCrt 'o. Sol The salarv noOi-c î$t2.() years. Rteports tira senialive bers foc the l,-ive a this clty ta hi ernor during fOundaf terestesi la th ho a position tisat ias aMR flue or six re tisairions bas vis aven Sa mîy net reuf S Chicago ansi 4 ifm PBine. crame about <i %vas standing cochia. Stsid soiftr10Ire fk bhghtrîtoil thilleut the IrirutissItL igri titi, teflvfog peesed si il .At-1ul500 1IC0

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