CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Oct 1921, p. 2

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$5,000 FIRE AT REXALL STORE EARLY FRIDAY Overheated f urnace causes second blaze in this building in three years Pire, smoke and water ibis morn- 111E caused 'a lbs of between $6,000 »nd 86,000() it? od Wright buildin!, 1.0w ovued by the Peoples bank. ai the soutbvest cerner of Genesee and MgadieSantreet, Waukegan. lite hea- jt1st abelng tat of ti(- Rxali StOot- olmed by Miss Florence Di uc. Theflre was diacovered abaut 3.30 1*o'clock.and vas caused il is beieved by et overbeated furnace. to t hé RçzaliIstore. most of vhieb vas soods stored in the basement for Cbriatmaa irade, was esimrated ai $000. Others vhose places were damaged by waier and smoke were ]C Hurd's barber sbio2 ite base- meat, and Louis Thombnos bar- ber sbop or. Madison street. They eaob austained a ]oss of several hun- dred dollars. The officea of Dr. C. H. Albrigbt, Dr. J. E. Water, and E. Schwartz & Co.. were damaged b smolcs snd will bave Io be re-deco *retted.te damage teing approximate iy $400. Miss Druce decard Saturdaiai, mont o the stock onhte main floor vas nlot damagEd. A -buqînesa as usual" sign was put up vithiL a few bours atter thte imoke itad cleared evay. Ail carried îo.urance wilh ihe exception of Trombino. Il vas ofliy tlîî, ecars igo ihal the building was badly damaged by' fire frontlite saine cause. A partition between te furnace and te stockroom of te Rexali sitore vas badiy burned but it h nont known vbetiter i was siarled 1;y the over- heatlng ofthe fuinacp or front a de- tective elecrir vire, or oiiter caus- les. Miss Druce recently rurchas'd te Hldebrandt drug torîsin Grayslake and formerly lvbinO itat village. 6600000000000000000 0 GRATSLAKE o 400000000090600000 The Ladies' Ad Society will meet Thursday afternoon vitit Mis. James Oberman. Mr. and Mrs. Citarles.Ruth visited ait Salem, Wis., Sunday afternoon. Fred Rowllng mietvitit an accident vhile painting at te WJIbur Lumber WATCH THE BIG'4 Lisp the Vital organs heuity bp reg.laltabins the world'a stand- aird remady for Mdn.y, liver, Ulandi acid troubi..e- Tb@ Natioal Rmdy of Hofland Cme mmtri.eand .ndoweud by Queen Wilb.i- mia.At .11 druggiuts. Ibreea ias LskEt" IioM.di b".. u ARLINGTON* '~IIOTEL + Goodl M eals 50e l WAUKEGAN, ILL ËRED ORABBE AUCTIONEERING FARM AND STOCIÈ SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. PHONE 2441 Levr..Chagsaon DuoaCN RWENDLANDI DROClàYmnD MAlàKET THE LIBRTYVILLE INDEPET4ENT. TH-URSDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1921. y -MAY HAVE.,TWO, DDO00OO 0ô00oo 00oo,!INJJEPENDENTS - JUDGES« DURINCI Harsnnramdleb0h' TAKE APP AÀ L TO 1i rom ir Vîcn,,i lite pa-,! tjeeaj Y e sTRIAL 0f SMALL "Miss eetiui Tiffany epent Salurdav SUPREME COURT lu Chicago.___ it's toasted, of iudge Edwards may ask iudge thMr. aek nd Mri-fi o i of mi.. and Carry Up i njuniction case con- Totuse.aT Shurtleff to look after regu- mrs Jaes om 0fcerning construction of Grace lao un fscsesMrm. A. G, Watson spent i f ew <ay> Missionary church inidie flavor.-. lthunefcaesi rs file weck wilh Iriendsal:__ V.aukesha.; 4 The boependent faction in 7 There probably viii be Iwo circui Mis. L. M. C'b enieriains 'lite fias iaken an appeal ta te Supreme court judges .sitting In cases bers thimble Bee on Titursday afiernoon of 1 court 'of illinoip, concerning ten- tiuring the trial of Gov. Len Small. titis wee-k. juot ion 10 Ireveni lite City af Zan Jutige Claire C. Edvards bas siatet Titece was a business meeting of! and W. Hurti Cientienîn. fils lîayot, tai viile tite Smaii case is In pro- te Sunday School B3oard aitLite M. E.':f rom interfering witbhie continuc- greecs ie voubti ask titat one o!f te Church Monday csening of ibis< lion of GraesMiiisiontciN. clîruli .,lher judges in the dstrict, probably week. building. Jutge . H Shrilifloo siar he The Antioîh High Scitool footbtall, Several rooniba aga hIe Zicît police, regubar run of cases In te circuit Itleamt playedth ie Palatine football upon orders from Mayor ('Icondenin, court, if itfa desireti by lavyers in- team on the locat groundB and van b> arregied te vrkmn on lte ciurcit terested in tose cases. However, a score a! 29-0. building, andi afler îliey weie relpaiz ibis bas not been decideti because of te fait tai State's Attorney A. V. Severai from leî-e attende th ie Lake eti on bond and returnedti 1 woik. Smit viii alin the prosecution of Counly Sunda> Scitool convention ai they vere again arresîsi. This pro- Smal and seteral alter local îav- Libertyville Friday and Saiurday of ces as reteatet seveial limes, andi yers wiii abso be 10 ibat case, iMa lasi week. They came homne much en. finiHl>ly t Rev. Titcs. H. Nelson anti te mposibe l bae lte va ourts tbused sud are aiming to mnake te oter botependenis bled a pelitian going aribt ave lihe. o caseMebodiat Sunda> Scitool a' standard in teé Lakte Counly ('ircuitl t.îJî JugeSiurlef anconebeîoldecbool, Io restrain te Vcli'.aites lion; îItel- . Judg Shutlef caa coe li coudfi ing witi thIeuf lutge ti aIrs C. attend la a number a! matters tai Titere vas a leaibers' instilute ai Ecl,dr, Csmisd ltce pcîllî',n :î tid nai require a jury trial. Jil 1 Libertyvible Saîurday afiernoon --and r t 'r unusual in titis îounîy 10 bave Iwo many of te local 'cachera atiended. IlT(irUt nd;încns n Thre circuit jutiges siiiing ai lite saniDe Miss Gad',s fanowski of Waukegan. sîîbmiîed Io the Surienie couri time.spent te veckend wlih ber parent, biiels wiitoui argumnent, anthl. * -A number ofl avyers n01 canocci- titere. mailler was I4 isn under advistmen! ed dt ts mab cse re uxiua Mis. A. N. Tîffan> tilli enlertain thte A decsu o - lclila wie it- 10 go 1 tili iti thier cases on Thimbie 1De,. on Titurstiay allernîan' ber lcrm. the ril. of neat veelc. 1 seicrllttivi taeplanning Io 000000000000000000 0000 0 0 0 00 0 0 '0 0I00 0e 1 lien e luîw 'elartand danc.,0 SAUGATLJCK ol HALF DAeo byte l'art-ni Tiacitc t Associa1 00000000 000000 0 0 00 Housti. Long Lait. orNl(àndtay '%fn tiîa t. 1. .tî TIisi. ic tntlanouîtni ing. Ociabetil1,Thl. ;rocc..t I-o b»,NMonda>t~, w M itt- i. t )i-nd ______This______the__________nnouneeni___nt_____u.ed fl i i it' tnt tic-foi* t ,'sC11001t ,n ;.'tin.Itt.i , 1at ttc HatttII nAdvinure-'o ii b. 1tchîltiren. Ad il lt -c1oot thiiltt %Lstý 1:1-tni ni ,t et shtedilast wee-i. LTe ttitd&r lu;turî sut Mlondlty. Oc'. 31, ai 8Sp.tini bv lee. Con . i t t tur tii:ln'-,11-11,aclta, n tinît tiiicttitec %vas standtng sliltî.'.tdin s uchIltiticlioir, an al taî casit Cottne antýIoltdi jt ti t,. i itt ti t lUianlO.t It1110ws!in, Io10 Ht.italtzc a gooci, ..btOOkS iecliti; a ia> .lni, tî'caain tîat nt tttt aîî isieat i otlong aga cuel, a_- TUeAntioch ii . îtn ai ilanofli- o ~ t. ltttsittt'îiia' t , un i oaig n lan i'i nw il fl or a tdance il o i\t,'.t-l b 1,t lit It# i-Sinclas t tt tl, iTt L i t wit ijuî toc Iti, liî î \Van XWink le. wIl aotIesr ant ilitaKi.11 Th ' où,t 'S.S. tIci.ii a quan tout bonet ,hier .. Cote and show Iteldin t. he , t -lus it y.0'h Iiý o, are Vodc ad aindho'bae ouale g o!j1 aontb ean k tý i o i mc Livl2î ilit :e, - it t t i limt-tc- d utl rtite Lake tluil coiîtanage. ibuilding îund. MiMurnfoîtl and la.iî le atc t ,ajHbeng at- itii 'Intce %ec-ki, b. ixsAulie Adians ant ihiardtis- t~Ai jbslt1it'sbc ononcl etie i n ttt. Methtttitt ilttr ,a,,,, oîf 4i.-i G*t'.td Lt.. ,Iiî-tî ted i tocrie del lhiane lt ISundlay. cii la lie bouse for, a lîw titys wîilî a ..o'age On Lakte l -it .l.tgittn. Lt1 Mis. Joseph Turner anti Mis. A. B. sligiîalait of plsurisy. Mr. anti M- . Arîur Hatilock t-nil ~enjoac ti IilîngItle ..ttldtîr>*I Come sen Tusdy a Atioh. Ail Kicst anti lamily bai-c again hli. 11sonwfoard, -tent 'Sudnt i iîtAniit a.' Tlturstiay.Titat came Iroîlu Ohto - Mrs. Witt X\hile, ot Milibuîn ant ierOr bunf n vdI eer e eaieTitît werc .aboiut îwcnly-itswagons tniece front Phlladellubia, lPa., sîeni a orcfuiyanivt aied. octr eaes(,s- ndt( vil i ensadbln so 3 ao e Williame AdrHerie l a u î nichitiren Lillian anti Ll'i> tni s e'tttt going ta Minnes-ota. lits. WilliamHBocklsas la agon.ainva-eral days te tast welc witlber mottit i h ti alîlîctifor te nigiiinti- 1 Mma. Barbais Kasner ni Chicago jeiEWlimBc tr saaz a er, ai Gary. bnci 'ui) teir lents in te field airitti',lie vistîng her daughleî, Mca. XVllaie rani. Ernest Hertel bas also vacaleti r n r.L nesnad(Illodfo h colbue Jacksonaito liter Irientis in Gia:ts- teLaura Spiague bouse. Mi n ti Mrsl. L ndsersonanti clîtti r and m ltes lîanol bse Ms laite. Miss Anna Gerbert bas been ilîlteet o! Lee il. lotioch spen a ev !,Cla rk. sant Ms tyron Coaiby ni ti Ht.. Thte local camp af Royal Neighbiors past veek. l1 ekvlbAlob rSts Cark sîcn aud> INr u o! lite iJ HeîtcebergerMis.mGratof the. Mrs. Ira Soute anti McrXiI Coiis enteiainei utsof ibi r . i C .campargr Ms Gat ok.han bave ceturnîti home liant Sptinîg 'Mr. anti Mi,-Siit;ton anti taritil ca.ipsreponit talit iviîîin atiMrs. Giboan anti Miss Alice lierait field. Ill., wîsce titcy vere delegalea t tisîeti Mr.anti Mis-Thorna' .Sondai cams rspodedtotheinvtaton ndberger representeti Half Day ai te from te Rebcccab and <ititiFellaw Mis. Mark returneti bomleSonda. atout ans buntiret gitets vere Pres Counîy S. S. Convention lasi Friday. botiges. Mr. anti M is. irtaomasmil enîcîsnîi sot loirtsedinfler ant iitiation. vitile Mr. Keltahu and Mr. Heracit HioantiMis Libas.t anti famOhiSonda> Nexi Sunday willlibe abseivet i 5 Si. berger repissenteti il Fiiday. Friday bs gabonelaWhoIl .Mc. anti Mrs Rode enterlaineti rom Adisus Mission as "Parents' Day' .jîîany Sundays Ai preîsatifreniaa hSta> evening Mr. anti Mrs. J. G. Cook, C. J1acomanybi vte om. W ba Ailparntsandfrend oftheSunaYHeisciherger, Mise Emiline Cook* been spending the Çis5l monlt ititb er Scitool Are urgeti to be presentl Sec- Miss Alice Heaciherger. Miss Mamie sisîsi in tat stat'. tuces ai 10 o'ibock. Holsi Mm Pelsîson anti Mr. Keiitafn Titere va$ a gooti attendanieia, tbeý 1sf t Smt Wensand0 fr.Tames ayaatendeil te maslinspiralional ad- Royal Neigbbor Habiaveeit ly, it ee h y l nnfT ampte a dress of iie confeienie given by Dri. Tbucsday cvenîng of Ibis week. antid._______ Mcar. tMaudis Mi spen i tlts kSbiannn of Chicago. Il vas a spbendid everYane tere cerlainiy hati a gOodu entiMavici e r re peint he Msermon anti look tse bearîs a!fte lime. Jod h bcCrypar ensir.and - peoijie avay 10 grester anti nobler Miss Mldisci LaPlant's scbcal la gît Mi. anti Mis Har> Hougbian of isgts-"and yei simple." vas te ing a Halove-en basket social an Fri Citcao vs.iedlie arîers mltrcomment Ofai ati Do you remember dat- esening. <teoier 2K1 Everybati> MhcaoEv Marronefoans dy lsivtek. Abs Lincoln ai Geýttysburg? Tte ara- is*invt¶ec l tîattend.Lacites bring a Tu.Ev rn, ne 10 lt e . fî oi af the day bai given an bouc ati- basketanti gut etc ic lirîe D0 0 l t di ita Furenown the eîlaaIeast tire'îs. Taday we cool knav is nante yau1r îîackeî bockk,,. itîoy.CWis.,watt one ipt ai Est o'r vitaltite'saîi. Abs arose anti 51501e 1-Inn>Wîlisît ..p.nitiIda> in Lt cmitîtIw~o minutes. woris tai ve t bail tlîviîle. Btis aie Ieing ucceivet a i tse p0- 1n-ici lorgel. Agaîn ve realîze te T r ii W -a ittkc.' -ocia ,1 ' -1e(lv 0f, rea.-'s si mplc,,îy ., htr office lottiltecmesstnger service CICitt scbtol hcîuse onitFiutla> .écng t deput. luic about you? Titis jethlie mastibcau ci invites ail îa attenti anti ast'u ail t'. - ilul ttme aifte yeai and tii t 5wi-ladies la bring lundich o va oas wt llast. j lîcieia mole beautiful painting tiathî ie gents. are asked t1t brîngiliudr 0 IV AtEHO E 0b'.Itue river. Mis 'afline Scit if. (it Racine stn 0000000000000000 00 The sagai e-ted arvcît is aliostIblit s-lienhd 'titb Aniioci t iia:iî,s avec. 1uing te lest week sevecal t- c A nurober iram bers atîsode th ie t'ai loatis veres siiped saçt day WC Mis. Charlest pollen anti Mca Cook lttte--1 Sunday Sîboal convention belli in ib-LI> 'inli sugar se goîng la lake anoiteî are stt:ntiin.g a iev tisys lbins vcek 'I ~ ertyvîlle Friday anti Satuiday Il vasdti at alr al the Hatlîîay "bcal.s" in W'ukegau îisiing ai fle borne aof l igrtatly enjoyeci iy ail, gel refilosti Mi anti Mca. Wni. Quinn, t1 da~ cui t.ayng We Mis. Mary White ai Waukegan an,' o a lasIi week with lientsianil'al (Ion t know wvien we lave a itoo spent a fev de>s titis wesk aI it' the iing Iini" Wc vonder il titis doent ap bhorne of Mca Wiite's sistcc Mis. Nel ant i ly anuti George Butessa! Wau. leacheis? Jac.ob Savage la quite poorly ahltitisl It iconda raibsdtaite H. C. Payont borne H. Abrecht anti taugliter. Frances. riting I .t io Sunday aflernoon. vers Hit I)ay callers asat Saluiday. Lasi Saîucday teîng tsc 57titnni- Miss Elizateit Kuebker anti Clark Mc. Albrecitt bas leaseti bis black- versedy af Mr. sud Mis. Nclson Puilen. Dun isitet Mr. anti Mis. Wlsîed~al mittOP ai Prairie Viev ior a utern i tey vers inviieti to bave Sunday duo iMaywaod îccentîy. ai years. nec itlite home oft tieir dughter, Mis The WamenS»Society viii gîieti,, one of te masîinleiesîcng o!rîîictJake Dram. vito lives in Anliocit Ar-I - ranDuai bazaar aI thte Wootiuen bal gramas vas given last Saiurday nîgb rîving a i te h)cam home' tity vere - SahuYeeig ec. 3. one or tttyeite P.T. A. We are jusi beginnîng Suiprisedti lafinit ail te chiltiren x-1 Th -atracinse eevening liea. n Icralîze tc great forceshititden vîit-tepî Wayne, who ivessin Nev Eng alter naîsti ibtîcken pie suppei. Keep an ur youîb. The iblîdrtn tit in11e. ]and,. N iD., vaiting ta gi-set titi(date brin d Dec. 3. llustcating te splendid training ttc> vtsiiing tem many marseitappy years i A musical cantals vil tbe gîten by aie gsîîing al itheacitool. Evecybadyti> tgelbci A very pIlaaflntlidaytviii tits Iéanitue chou,. Saluîday evenîog, enjayedth ie ticks of the magician anti, speni. i andi Mca. Pollen have iveti Nov. 5. An olti tashbinet New Englanti aîst ai ail the spelling matct. Dont in An'iocb te gi-saler pairI o! ibeir! aupper viii te serVsd iram lite onîili ve îit vs vers young again ant i 'ites. L BE ' eigbi o'îbock. The pi-aietis viii go îeaily coulti sjeli? BIR loaid the cilicitbenevolences. William Gleasan, vlit bis famîby ,sl on 6-o 0000 0000 000000 01 -o- planning ta mave ta Waukegan in tite J N 1v IVanhot Churcit Notes. 0 00 0 G 0 0 00PW N 22 Services Sunday. Oct. 3o: Sunday Chiripîîacics nex! ll'i-iay nîgbtl ai t 00 @*0 0 0 Sîbool ai1lus. om-; Morning worsip ai 7:30. Sunday Sîboal ai 10 s. m. Ev,- DO 001 iorget oui baskl e lasoial a IL. Tburstay, Oct. 27: Wamen's So- ning service ai 8 o'clock. Sermon suit Priday. Oit., 28, at 8 p. mn.' C orn a ciety ai 2 o. m. Friday. Oct. 21, chitrliJec. "Tite Great Cilizenslbi . iear te programt, as follova: Prsclîc ai 7:30 p. m. -- ag ecse-col Ail members of thtechtir are expect- Notes of the S. S. Conlvention. Readiing, 'Arbor Day Fadas"-Alie ti edta be pissent ai te tome af Mis. 'The adult jiersan ijete greateat Smnit.I - Sermton next Sonday an "Thte Trag- Sibool vonktîoday." F> anti 6 grades. etiy ai Self Love." Everyone ta ei "Tite ,Suuclay Scitool sitte biggesl Recitation, "The Famer s Wiffc"-- to te at te Sunday mroning servieinsituition going,." Ideîîa Ed , "MutdMlir" '8 it' Back- To Pre-War Prices. At tns tirno everyone shomld do their utniost to assist in brmgm»g MPRICES ON GUARANTEED DENTISTRY FOR THE NEXT 30 DATS AS FOLLOWS: Gold ('i ow»s. 22 K< Seamiess ......... ... ... $5.ùOU and $6.00 Porcelain Crowns. IPivot Teetb. Truc HBite- moulds - $600 'Porcelain Filn i, .. .......... .-..... ...... . . .$2.00 to $600 IWii 001 tinge îoliar) Golt Ilays air Filings, tcccocdiag la size - P'ltlt-s ilitI1bguaiaflhsc >itlicitO Cti coinccli rite cobit. <Arroi dLing tct malt ial> Trentineol. n/lie killei anti mont fillet - - ..-- - $300 0)-t $1500 uIt - - - 82.00 And remnember. i wilt nol burt you. 1 use Medilcine fliîsllitai taicec avay t e pain, THESE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Dr. F.. E. CORLISS 130 Washington et Over the Thomas Markcet Co. WAUKEGAN, ILL. Auto -Repaiî Shop W HF-Nin need of Automobile Re- pring cry us if you want the best. ýNow located in the Du rand Building on South Mîllwaukee Avenue. James B. Wetmore Res.. Telephorse 364-J ShopTelephone 367 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL e WOTDR CAR own ed by many who can afford pay anything they wish for the qp they use. s alÏaya' bought because of its w'n value and its aftoe economies. h.e gasaBe conumptli u noau.I on TIn tire mile«e i. nmmUly iMeg TYVILLE GARAGE î. 'Bernard, Prop. LIBERTY VILLE.' ILL. - x JAIL VISfl? TAKE UP SIIU Jailor declares seriously of <visitor' Sheril! Eboier Gi titat many pteople, Impression thatilî oner ataithe cou tbey vent 10 and le teking up too m tai of tite depu days nov are Tue and thce boucs are Many î,ersconm coi Sundays. tic onlY sherif and bis fau bardl maIls-r to rel sion, e4pF(îîallv wit distant poits l thli vs simply cafli after lteintastve main near lie vis -I1arnîhtnkiflg 1 clowfl %i tCtu it 009000000 0 A 8 000000000 Ilay ant i ainiIl lit!, ant iivA w- *ýk ci itt'h I t, Mi. ant i- 4 vitiîMi ,tij. lt f ,tiii in 1>a ailt\î îtt in Iliitot.. andti bai 'tIr ant i lr. i chtelî,t, - iittc-o Nir.anti Mis. J Suntîti ai!t Xl ut ici ttl HbglatnfliO b Mî-. ' la i D R. WMN 1I EN ltu I i iimt fih llank lit. GIRAYS LAK Feil it l 1 tni CAtI ni t i ELHANAN Attortie Ofi(e a',MoItit- - Teicjtitt LIIIEItTYX iL, MARTIN ( 315 ,l, WAUKE-GA' Offir'- Piton..' LYELL H Attorne Res. piton., 136 M. PAUL Mi Attorne LI BEITY'V IL Teispi DR. C. 1 Voterinar 0110e at Resitie toî LIBERTY VII PHYSICIAN J Dsisa *of Woi WAUKEGA W. W. JOHN DMR Phtone 841. il WAUKEGA DR. 0. F. 1 VETERINK Assistnt 8OU LIBERTYVI DR. J. 1 . Office in Frist 1 Hours:-1 io 3ý Residence on Bro LIBEItTYVI CH-ARLES 'Wasitington-Coun WAUKEG, Public Accour Aicounling Sysi Fosteti Peîiadict -do flot neeti a E Phons' 26 t DRS. NIX Chiropraci Speciahats-cr Nervous and Sotte 10-11. 1 LIBFRTYVI b Theodore H. Ourst, Pres#denî Wý B. Smit,ti ce Prestd.-' F W Churchill, Seîrstae-y and Manager. TELEHON 8 1 SECURITY TITLE &.TRUST CO. ABSTIRACTS 0F TILE '- TIIESGUARANTEED Capita: $125,000.00 WAUCEGAN . .IUOS _z-ý 0 10%-

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