CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 27 Oct 1921, p. 9

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LIBERTY VILLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT Lake Goun jILUME XXIX. No. 43 W<E«ED DRUiU, STORE ROBRERS '00 00 0 H OOLo 00000 rtttl,-ft are: r, Florence' blee, Elma John Wag Lusk, Olga and Dui'ICY îborhood at- at let iu'd ieVeral Horn cows uf Volo, bas for the nexi e %ças caiicd lie Thureday o accidently was ibtis vaccinating w-r' viiit ,]. andnuotbeia Edna returfi 3randnîa; ne- %hîlMan aend v uated t ho afie-runo ini Mi 'i'o OF LAKE . FOR,TME ci A YEAR ci Bargain If Kliehau-r. 41.4t done Three Wih'titam' 41 3t -Node-rn. 7 ave () A. 42 2t hfute-r purnp 5,7 Adir,'sm TY alorin Lî akt Uilis in lt [li )0i A Car iauratur a ili flakint, Ius Ada,,-,( us lit Stit li,., y "ur 42-3t 42 If LIicins. ,X.c 'Oflaunuer on tîdý rouea t s oInt ellnpioy piltal flot te- Ortunitol for and po p' In tbemrselves. ticulars tand Hebeling RE 0F OUR P[TING BAN. AND INTEREST <CE 0F AN fices which, "on. of re- car stock mobile ow able to uni (or more) inmslied aend id ii liaul. lies Doclors Two bleui Service 109 South Genese St. INDýEPENDENT nty 's Big Weekly l other WçekinluCounty Conled LIBEýRTYVILýLE, ILLINOIS,' OCTOBER 27, 1921 PURE SEED LAW 15 GETTING GOOD RESULTS Chcago-The pure assed law which the Illinos Agricultural Associaion alded in baving put on the tates in 1910 la accomplistiing good re- suIfs. accordlng tu a report il in sending county furm bureaus tbis weeslt During the. 192W-21 esson 14.640 sumples of seeds have been analyzed the association reports, and 1,474 of tb. samples verefouad 10 contain noilous veeds. *This ineans" the report concludes 1'tat lhe sesd" shown by @amples tu cotata norlous weedS will flot be allowed 10 bar. protection on Miln- là farme." iRAND AVENUE IS OPEN TO flURNUE; RUSH ANTII JO Ray Paddock is assisting in construction work in Grant township HALF MILE CEMENT LAID> Autornobiiisla who haven't made the diacoverywill be tnterested In the fact tOit the extentIon of Grand avenue, from tOe old concrete 10 Gur nee. bas been opened te traffic. Titis In now a fin. section of road. Work ls lso pr:bgreslng rapidly on tbe Autioch-Voto road lmn)rove gment. Contractor Nelson of Racine b as coiopleted the laytng o! a half mile of cement and bas another hall Imile graded. ln four weeks, Warinh LOTUS BEUS ARE TIIREATENED WITli EXTERMINTION Many tons of seed pods are being carted tromÙ Grass Lake in motor trucks LAKE CO. PEOPLE AROUSED Lake County'g wondei fui lotus be-tit perbaps the Most b.,aUtiiul 1. the warld, the mecca o! countiesi1 ti'ou- sauda or tourlis. are tlhreatene-d vith exterinatioil. It la p'-édicted that witiîin the oeil two or three years te lUaulful blossera Oir-h nu-v caver several acres on Grass Lake bn western Lake County near Fox L.ake will have dIsappe-are-d pnactlcaily. TO. newest fad of decorating homes with gilded seedpods la ne- sponsible-fotohe condition tOt bas des'elope-d. Commercial interesîs bI hcago are gatbe-ring the,, ,eed-pods o! the lotus flowensai8 Grass Lake-, and i le-y are being carted avaY In immPnse motor trucks. A number o!fnie-n are engaged ln piac ing 10e-uc podi n craIe-e. Thetie crate-a arp said to bring $50 e-neh lFt-Cle6eatcO. u tons o! pods have be-en csrle-d aaeay ai- ready. '10e reoualsIof these se-e-podi pre- te-mta lite anuuai propagation of lime l tus five-rsa nd it is prodicte-il Ilai te- beds ne-aije-ar viii be grestiy de-- pletoil. Manie Lake CoontY ne-aidenta are aroused ove-r the danger tat mnaces lhoe beautiful nalural flow' er be-da and are endeuvorlng ta find a-hat eau b. done te hall the practice. SHOW IIERD WINS REPORT THEFT 0F 72 IU<I ARMY BLANKETS AT FORTI liR UNTINfi Authorities at FortSheridan report LICENSI3S ISSUI th hetSaturday oj 73t . .ai w7 IRETlt a. Ford touring car bearlasgno0 Ucen ie number. A soldier wa drivlng thme car. Both City Clerk Marseill DENY THEY RUN Waukegan and Co TuE COLOIAÀL FEW DUCKS FLYING A! [n an article printed recentiy ltc A marked dropplng off ln ti Sun announred thai a tenaporary 1n« ber of hunting licenses las junctIon bad beau grsnted la circuit Waukegan and throughout court fiere agaînst the Colonial Ça- ('ounty bas been noiiced t smno at Fox Lake, snd aguinat Frank Clerk James Marseilles of W. Newton, Etta Allen. Codtrey Joh1n- and County Clerk Lew Hende son and Abla Johnson, the popi "' At the present tiffie Mr. tors of the place. Mr. Johnsion 'ii and bis deputies have issued surles the Sun that while he and !h a of 238 hunting licenses as co vifs own the building la which h-a ro 297 15usd lat year ai thl colonial la located that thsy mer vCity Clerk James Marseille& ul refit It tb Newton. Tbey wers flafil i present lime bas issued lesa t ln the Injunction sas ownerrsOf 'a hunting licenses whie the lot pnoperty rather than as Fropietti. tier lssued last year reached John.son says that he and hIs mf The weather, according to have been trying for some lime '3 Marseilins and Hendee là reie cancel the leace beld by Newton. o teri e.,.î of,,,.~-f In iu e..... NAMES1 LEG SEEK AN ALIBI charged with robbing. atson drugstore seek to brove they were elsewhere ATE HAS STRONG CASE An effort 1teJrove an alibIisabaing e by Jacob Stelflbuck. John ta and Théodore Wahigren. wbo' on trial lu circuit durt t Wau- on a charge of baving broken tb. Watacm dlrug store t Ares thie abI 0 f sept. 24. getUng awsy cigurs, wblskey aund other mer- ia.1te th value of $1100. The dent& are seeklng te prove that vert tu Glepn Vlew, aa uburb of cgo S the nîght tbe robtery I'bey teatlded that they were in a *drink sloon in Glen Vie-v. play- pool &:d carda witb Ithe proprie- a anmênmel Krege-r.ountil 3:00 lpek in 1he mornlng. They said vere te go on a bunting trip int eaiy thue foilowng mura- - *Kreger corroborated thbi5sate-- nt. Kregen's place la a distance 'o! ut twenly-two miles lrom 1th. ilion dnug store Ini Are&. On the othen band tbe &tate pre- ted vitnesses who t1014 00w the Younlg men were arrested la inbuck's automobile earli on the rng et Sept. 24 and boy tbey bolte..of wblskey and boeseof ru whicb Watson i de1tlSed au gbeen stolen from tais place of as. These articles, b. testi- bore his ovIl priva. marks. Tii . defendants explaled 10*1 boles e! whiskey and boxes elgars wer. giien in lbem by an tomobiliat wbom they helpe-d out a ditch. *REMUS FORMER LA'WYER NAM4ED IN ,RU% CONFESSION George Rernua. forme-ny a C(iîîcago yen. wlîo defended a large nuinher men in Wauk-gan in crinnection Rih t0e Zion booze giîugglng cases oyeara agîî and réc'Cntly reporte-d have punclua'.ed a dietuliery near einnatll. mas Iat nimght named in confession i ocureil b> prohiition enta front Thomnas iailaglier. a biâaislutiner e ai 4imoud. id. GatIia,'ii.r wa','aatm-i il a-t %a, o,' 1; the' liamiiond police. lie was on la hîîne)uiooii tand fer recre-tion a s t 1"an1ît i, n a <i l",doftimuon (ilcago. Ilii, told of deiveries ade - îgulil « ,y 1-, iimore- ilian ia?> id1es sud tli iiniie iidîli, eb 't. e iuuiîlcated-Ininý ea lh i e-iten 15 f Cincinnuati. -.atiof oteim are un- er arrebt. iii', informtation hias ne- ulte'd in tet capture ut thouisanîts galions ut liquor. Federal i'rnhibiton Ctinis,-loner a>nes bias gone- te(Cincinnati andi Yi* lie y'ihni i thi p mi RMER WÀUKE6AN WOMAN 15 AUTHOR OfA1NEWBOOK Janet. Tiouiaji Van Osdel o! Oak k. beter known in Wauke-gan as ry 'Thomias, a estser of Mrs. baries G. Watrous. lias just writte-n book entiied "Betty Btrker-A 11e Gimi witO a Big- Heat" Site eut lier giriiîood in Waukegtin aud itende-d the local sciools. 0» lier ne-w book the followîng ne- w bas been written: Betty Bank'-r la positive-iY the muet an and likable littIe girl put in book since Sophie May broken ay from the unreal charate-ns in ka for utIle readers and created -Insmortal "Little Pnudy'" Betty a muny questions, makes mistakos bas disappoinimuents. and can 0ie -eslck. but la so briglif. be-pul. il loyal .linber fienîishîps liaI one ta more sud more- fond of ber. lier end Ada. vhorn she loves Jut as Il wben poor as when taken for rown by a yealtby lady, helpa ech In giving ifete te .8101y. e euneni tote read unmoved 00w tty isa lIe et aichool tbrough 0e- ending a stnay dog than 0ecenu re- lu fron laughing vOan Ada and -ies datmocietY lady Ib the acquain- ce of letty's mober are- enter- -ned at fhie saine ime. t-' Pal. ar.i.cicap. ~» îuiteit îa t '- it oie lm- eti 'enet cCotil nie a' îde-In itlii lii- rE INSURE GLASSES AGAINST BREAKAGE "Clomhes are a tital factori a wornan'i lfe. Their infuence iapon her spormu, lier cfliciency in business, le, effeciteness in the ho»îehold, are as imPor- tant as ther retiItiOn t £0 er persontal appeaTcvie." UTUMN coats are cleverly de-0 signed for trim grace . 6. One Iooks irresistibly, fit in the -new models Our reputation for square dealitig stands back of ail our mer- chandise-pricing cw JED VEAR les of Clerk mther ýS YET Ohe nom- queti in tLake by City ;aukegun see. Hendes da total ,mpared la lime. p ta, the bhan 250 )tal nuto- 1 0t). SMe-sans.. Spunsible "as rather than a' fiagging Ine-lSt la ,LIOSle coler theuyoliaee the hunters et 61ON OFFICERS - d, Ili., Oct. 25 'l]I!a Charleston, vas reuppoîint C M fit adjutant of the Anm-r- C M ln Illuols by Departmront W. R. McCaul i 'evbY, Chicago. va8as p û ~mbinaion Rai e udvoeate, Harry Ctn ilem. bîstonlun;; William rolucar lnsurmc office-r: -await your inspection. N >w Oregon, vocational or- readyq Hiarold S. Huibert, Oakt cai oMfcer, and Charlee B. Igin, sergeant-gt-arms. PIED PIPER ED AT WOOOSTOCK ka ito bave aPied Piper. City and McHenry coun i Woodatock and Co..un se bired E. J. Seaver o! .a rat destroyer. The q iPiper la 10 recelve $600 ices. pher Catches Thieves. Ilie'u t ti a a '- i as tiîey na- I nt 'lie iaa înpli&ntgraplîer I i-w n,-gaiv e qli.Iictv. ttek - a 'l,,th t Itle e, wstl o Cole sRadiat! *Hard Coul Heater! -ILMMagd F.d Wl keep warn floors afor your littie ones-due Ito the bkw down bed of -buring coals caiising the *powerful direct base heat *not Iound on slow heat-I i mg base bjirners, costing etwice as much. . Cokes IRadiant heaters save Cyour fuel money. e Son aur assortment tod»aje Special Display Ail This Week.- - Every Model on Display. ALI, - W'OOL U?. S. X. BI B1aIlîkt. t o i, i........... rc be-gin b corne in fbr tlî'îr ine" IMr. Marseilles aaid. "The warm weatbe-r bas beli back the annual fiighi of ducks." Mn. Hen- des said. "As soon as lte weather turns colder and the ducka begin te fiy vs probabiy viii bave an ln- cneaded demand for bunting licenses. W. prohably wiil Issue fuliy as many licenses as la year- perbaps more." CA BBME SOAS TO el0 À TON Farmens of Lake county vho de'~ vated acreage te the ralsing of cab- buge, thla year, are fiading It more profitable thau known ln several yeans past, prices nov ranging from $20) per ton for the domestin type te $30) per ton for the socalled Dan- islx and Holland tyDes. Whiie large amounts of cabbage are being loaded, a large number of growers are flilng tbeir storages wîth the best quallty stoçkr as strong markets during the wlnter and spring montha. are beibg predIrted. and cabluage prîces are expected t0 reach the ighest price ln years. Bîrds Spart the Butterfiea. ecî-e-eting blIns as a ruile do Dlot COURT PASSES ON SEVERAL MOTIONS FOR NE3W TRIALS Severali motions for new trials were passed upon la coonty court at Waukegan Tuesday. la only onq cage. howeven, dld the court grant new trial. Folluwing the. mattera tuken upg 1 Joseph A. Miekelianns vs, Llhhua an Co-operaîive Trading Cor1osatio Thi. Jur 1sd returned a verditd $Î36 «meages. This verdict vU i aide. by the court aud the motion]< a'new trial vis gralel, Benjamin P. Marskhà ma Orvîs va. Phillp. Notion for kt*' vas overruled. Au appemti VA 15 ed. - A. L. Rendes v.T.;& IL8ud1. verdict for 176 amgu albSr turued by the jury.î lmotia cate the judgmentut waaiW appuai vas taken. Mseman Kaye Co. VY& IL Sold, verdict o! $700 damaga bailb turned b hle Jury. Thme motiol new trial wu overruis4. Frank J. Ovte ms.Robrt I wrds.± demurret xal beari 4 4-I PLETE ASSORTMELNT 0F mges, Gas, Ranges, Heatei 4ever before diurmng this season bave w. b with such a large selection. THIS IS A GENUINE COLE'S HOT BLAST- Keep8 fire for,48 hours without attention. Burus Iess fuel and gives more heat. A compiete line on display, Iq up front .a2à~ b A FULL UINE 0F THE FINIST G, RANGES BUILT Cinie in andittfind fit why vc eSay tlîev are thie hst mi.-WC have tieuit al tfuil Por- ceai, Cti - "Or- ~t\les - hevare 22.o50 The ALCAZAR-the BD~ Combination Range Corne in and We Will Explain This Wonderf id Range. A Lite - tinte Guarantee. LANK1I:TS-872 were sold dtiring the. last tw en NîÀ hîy a fail si'/e all-wool iNax y $5.2! Pla Irs rs. S- ai ýue *WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN ha weatber. tbey expct in reach tha center of Wauconda wtb Ibeir co.n- uiuvPIONSIJIP1 MODERN1 crete. The wortb vas started about HIRÉ hait way bel ween Voloanmd Waucon- da andthie contractor la worklog The show herd of 23 pure bred Berkshilre hoga of. Arcady fermo, Woodatock South. Owi>d by Arthur Meeker, Lake For- To rld the ci Ray Paddock, supervisor, of Wau. est which were exhibited at the Wis- Of rate the conda, te assisttng te contracior as consin Mlinnesota and South Dakota Officers have foremnan in charge of depot and ma- state faire and ai the Interstate Fair. heloit, Wis., tenua baulng and1 is seetng to it that Sioux Cil. iom'a. has been returned. modern Pied as uchof10ewoic s ossbl aflter inning ?i1 irst prizes out of for ha servi as much01 the ork ila possil eipsible 70, and 19 championstilpa doune tihts fali. ou of 31, b"ie'as numerous other Photograi prizes. toaling $1064 ini cash Tî, Easy ta atch Houe Mice, aaards. I %om, Eas taCath HuseMic The herdsman je Water Grezg ar.-! Studiowerp fli'4 ueliiiîî.a habit ('f iS. V.elayson 1.4 ,uperintendent ot the troui Ilieti 1119 il saisg r', tipV rl Arrady farni The i eeding herd ti bp aiiî ' ml a, i. id tr. ' 'el t, i1ta nu mubers 1i de ,' ritl ttl. 1'.'r ~r .a e Two of t' loars won champnion- ii iîIg' unt i , MI ~ , siiip3 t tlii' air',. flut ij ar l ---- ------------- mm o 1--- !$Mem -@ý- b h da IL d

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