CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 3 Nov 1921, p. 4

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~~JR TH-E LIBERTYVILLE MNEPIENDFRNT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1921. J,,_oertY muIlh'Independenti 9dâtGGiýy&àineeniai - Waukegan Wekly Sus, et the Postoffce et lbertyvWle, Ill, as Second Clas Mail Matter. ,ýuilpT 12WPICE-m41.50PER VEAR, ÏTRIICTL-Y-iN A-DVÂNCEÈ. Office Teléphone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. S.0 MITH . ...-..-... EManagr CIIIAI. D. NALLEV ............. . . .... - ------Local Manager SHALL WE CANCEL THÈ WAIR DEBT? Caa you imagine any greater injustice to the people pf.the United States than the proposition advanced'by Igland',s greateat financier, of cancellmng the world war débt? That opinion is aise concurred in by -wany lead- Âzi financiers of this country. However none of the per- »wî having that opinion have as yet given any valid rea- ýon for siich a fardiai proposition. ' - Oan you imagine England placied in the position of lâe United States advocating suc01 a prepostereus idea? Naturally if England could 'make us believe that if veu1db. a geed thing for the worl'd to cancel the war détt, she would do se, and no country on earth would be ,te oser except the United States. England owes us moré than the other countries owe to her, s0 Englnd Wvuld b. the gainer by hundreds of millions of dollars. IlA more foolish arrangement than that can hardly be Imagined. Think of ail or any of the European countries ging ite war upon one another any time they have wish- td in the past and as a climax; the United States steps in a.nd with millions of nmen aikl billions of dollars finally, by sheer power, compels a cessation of hostillties and then foot the bill for al of combatants ambitions. Think of iti. It doesfl't seem as though any man would have the unadulterated nerve to suggest that the United Statei3 lûhould carry the sack for the jealous nations of Europe. It is an absurd c-t a'1wo i 'it be counten- aaced by thp AAnerican w3ople for P single instant. PROSPERITY Charles M. Schwab, the great steel magnate in a re- out speech, declared, "this countryla on the eve of its preatelst development. He said, "We have had a business pui and are now i the cold, gray dawn of the morwing atm." He is right. WhiIe tbere bas been some labor put, things are rapidly shaping themselves te a normal d*greand every indication is that in the near future this cunry* s on the road te greater prosperlty than even the mS't ardent dreamer bu dreamed. At preeent it isonly neceuM rto handle the reins of ,shaseswith a steady hand with a careful avoidance of bdomto rap he real harvest that is sure to follew t~'~kof the depreasion of the put few montbs. Freeing The Victim 0f Nervous Heidaches HealtI TaIS No. ý Chas. D. Nixon D. C. Ph. C The victirn of nervous headaches is usually the victim of a poor stônt- ach or aninactive lver. -If the liver is inactive it disorders the stomach. If the stomach is the center of weakness the beadaches wiII only be overcome when the weakness of the stomach is corrected. The victirn of nervous headaches enjoys days of -relief, but as time runs on, the headaches corne back more and more ohme. Th cause is a mechanical mis- ahinment of spinal joints which causes pressure. on spinal nerves, esuber to the stomach or liver, and-in many cases to both. The chiropractor restores the mechanical aligninent, and with the pressure on the nerves released, Nature acts normally, which is to say healtfuly. CHRONIC SL]FFERER FWS CAUSE REMOVED q amn writing titis iu the kope that »Moe one Mtay prof it by My exaieri- once. Being troubled wth nervous beadaehes wh ich prescriptions faled to relleeC. 1was adviseul Io ses a cdiro- -practor. 1 was better iu two weeks. 1 -bave Issu bacS ai wofk now conte flofths, thanks 10 chioPractc.'-A. W. Carter, Chiropractic Research Bu- reu Statentent No. 1253-11. "URE ON SPINAL iff FIOliompJ5: WIIENHEALUI liGUAS When healtb begins de- .pendcs on when you tel- ephone No. 26 for an appolatment. Consulta- tion is without charge. DRS. MION & DAVIS CHU1OPRACTIC PHYSICIANS Specaiats-'Corrcction of Defofimtis, Nervous and Chronir Diseases and $4oidays liy Aprointmnent. Suite 1O11-Newcastlc Holt LIBlERTFVVLLE. ILL. lTHE LOWER NERVE UNDER THE MAGNIFY- IMB OLASS IS PINCIIED 6V AMISALIGNED JOINT. PINCKED MER VE CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CHIROPRAC- TIC ADJUSTIKO RE- N~OVES THE PRESSURE. THE UPPER HERVE IS .VREEASNATI*EiNTENDs. s ADDITIONAL LOCALS R Mîsiisr Us>SIttt Tu-d\ L. T. H. S. Eteven Goes To DesPliRmes. tuf.'. itn teýgRRtlaRR(RlI-i,,) Rudn ning i 'RVauegan.Thîis tfernlon tie "s levf-n' witi in [CoRîncil. ittc BoardRi ni ont RoRI R nnoi, 1lt- Bby W\ViaRis ,peni oudiy'ade (the DesPiaifiRs gridiron. bent 0o'Ri! R i actifilietRItiRu R lt ý-t t loin - ith AntiOch R i iendts ihe "1Riize."' Th, mien are in gioot con- ' i fr. diiion and sihou lit courneboltihe ' wn REt, ifovaiIo lýtfouricil tlt i: iii )R W'E now se foc Martin sts-ppin' (lUt ît R5R 10etti>ou t'c hitp yout'elt Niue witi Rlis new Stanley Steants-t. Il ts des-rablciR send as many "1001 1,ihy tloi etiyi> ouncilor andRiest-ry Jta iiadtîd anga slo i arf-s- rs"as uaible Ro ttesPiaines but ai ds'îuty vuho te Rîthtutly tif R titring fld ttîutcli tast Sunday evening. Piesent convPyanctes aSi ,irremiun, isrtf lr tuty. 'good bulnihof! Rootrs is needed more NRne i,lj i,: 'a', Hu'nk, tRîetr Ait Ameec, of Breen, Wis. t lstert at a game away tont boule ItiatRihose L# itîhi. E.M.iltînson iisiing bRRls brother, DeLoss Aites. 1on Libierty FietRi-O- A. S iiouglier!> lias raoved into tIli The Probable LinSe-Up. NEW PURNITURE ARRIVES Joclittieiin liai on AMilwaukcee i (nu. Ends--Hagerty. iHook. TILSthni1wBoi'olE - TîtekIe-Swan, Parker. clofin( O] Il.. it t, lo. .1 -i-arlN Mis, Edua fifre visiter fi tends alld Guardse-Odett. t otoi. t i it] A ftlirl aR bîi iRt n lýenOg- relativesai talaiîne ovelIlles week C'ente r--Tegime> t- r. RtiiRR-dî -1<foritti RR, Oicý tt-i'nia' Puît Back-Eng'-bi-echt. '0001 class oi-nmand lunch i4Rtiiià. A H. W. H obbinfs and C 1,. Nalley weie; QuaterBack. Ies-Rîî. -.kt iRe Nautlus oom Chîicago buslu-,, -iRiors t 'RR-first t Olj i md a iriiai-oq oi, irntti-edi'tor-in- Rhle week - i'ORs-R Oite Ne- sdeptirtif-t In rooi 1Tirettalieni-îlimet !0 ROdatis if wo rJi dltoa qimn r i humas Cote letf-i ednesda> nigli , ihundred ciglit tudents; and now that gty n diitandt euipenî an urc- li Joliet,]l.. wlîere lie witi trancsaci tîte fitst ixwceks'are overaaud ae caou eîynee n suei n ec business,.---cul)eraate troin report card shocks. Cris are. ippeciaiing il more f ver) tay - -0- Mrs. Chartes G. Elweil ot Highland e ontexec ny tdni 1 eae .T. H SAyteDietyPLAINE- Park, cpi-nb Sunday with LiliertyVitle sti1r ThIngs ceent welt balanced. fiR ast Frînd a île oflbryvii lat relativis.iere ar- one lRRRldri-d four girls afid acomaned tbDe>aiesi flylroes F. T. Hiddleson'b gai-age- and Itat -buid tre ame number of boys. umyed tieoDs Plan..e Theyor"- ng o iRNiwaukee Ave. is ltr> ni-ariThe Senior rlivla weî-wotmeHvine.torusrby a scorie 0f 1tor7 coiîipietion. members. the Junior clesenrolinment, iousraie.fîr h RsR un vca- 1uit fresenttlte fort'N six; un both the pe ittqaliEgerh M. rand Mrs. W. il. Ami-, Liav e getn iiu mnin lse her artetIrell oSie sPa' inii iRiqat Eng ebrcl ii Pttoenix, Arizona ilwhe x ari numbei ot boRys itsgirls. 0o- , i m- iRo-(lr )iRourhdiRwnTegtmey l-i .iRl si t.) kiRtk t.f )ll ' he- quairter lisct LU 'pend tire wtni-r. nîRioores thet- t, iixt> sevei-. wih (th grl ot umerngth byýyends aiit Litr îiIit entding 6GO .11i . .R N. Su .iiand eciîtui -o n Ri R' and Rllie ext t tthRci'iR'tI sboys' I lu - >, icRoR! itRtt t itMi tne' cftred Rl, t tUndày in Wauke-gan at i îO.-'Nr tR RIo tt re nii ufRtittiR R.O',-'am Th.* itutu ttc-~. Mi. A 1' (,atirR chRl ita b' ir-R 'S n ihR--Rltii -soRtdkick- d ot I Tit aitRRI t t At - EE. Eilswi là hand N !0-li Rltt RI tisi ii- IttR tt! a- sitot i- Itutii' -pvicRt ast Ttiai-day in tîîi4t Titi- trad" a%i tagR li-tthan u î ilR tOtliRfR t - .- '('i)- irie toilmer 4-is-i - ial toii iît first wx itt k:anid ti"~the_ b.kdl. say itiRtîRg iti- NMait, 1 RRoR i Wk ~ai lR numore, ' lu.itree'il Ru i! ,1'Rt111R11119- iit Iit dLI ,)%%H ii t l ROg iOmore titan Ri iROIu juRci1t OR RRjI t ou i t lite w iudow ai t lite Lt i bet t>v 1t R' R'aiohritnd reRil & g'vi > -RuiR is-O' IRtf1> tRst-olliRdi-wltere lis' îs filing - l's' o t iti 'r!t' 93tir. - ptt Rr: l1_ t air;- L4 eitioÙofo cleî-k. good: 173 ver> îaal - 134 excellent: John i. Allemar and tant ,; oi Mil 3ý33 spr)tjRt sr. (ite tufdred olnu- fR waueewer wec ereo4i. -Sun* ii-he tw hundref i R-RatA RR'eived A viciting tht formers brother,. 'os! îaîîe îino otiRIRPfRRmant nytrl urastei J. R. Alleman. and ftO'flyl. The aiw1 ndancs bas hi-een guoti; onu> A numiber of Libertj, ville >oung peCo - ighty-four antiuni- hait days of ab- ple attended a birthday party given in sence', wbicb menti. hat i-ach nitudf-ni lionor of Miss Maliel EIE!eru'an, St be was absent on an average ot one bal home in Rondout. on Saturday -evcning. a day (0 oretci t~etws' absent haîf a day.) There wfere thîr Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Martin Suflday ty-five tardy marks whicb means leas entertained at dinner Mrs. Martin's than two tenîlis of one lier cént tardi- broither, James Trgp, and fainily and ness for each student. ber sister, Mrs. Franîk Druamond, and The following students are on the faily, of Round Lake. Honor Roll, (Thtis means an average of "A"in four fuil credit subjects.) Mrs. Jas. Brown entertained a am- Irene Bacigalupo. ber of friends at a card party ai ber Carolyn Butterifieid. honte on Hurlburtt Court, ini honor of Marjorie Deeker. Mns. John Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Marguerite Diltz. Mitchell moved 10 Area Monda>-. Gls.dys Eger. Wbero are you going? Marie FIncutter. Tc the Harvest Hmne Festival, of Etiten Hannon. 1Course. or Myrtie Hubbard. Nlat i ltfoEverett Neville. For the lienefit of the Cook Mentor John 'fhues. ial Lirary.Russell Shepard. ual Lirary.Honorable Mention List Mrs. James Brown entert.ained ai (Failing the Honor Roll by 1 poîit.) number of litt1e foîke :8Friday afternoon Jack Dollentaier. in honor of the .igbth birtliday anni - Lucile Golding. %ersary of lier daugliter, Mary. Dalntyl " Cecelia Haas. .tsdreslimefits were served, and ail the' AlbertI Hagge'îy. youngcters biai a merry tinte. John ('orey. Winifred NioorF. A Halloween party was gîven last Eilien Reuse. Thursday evenlng by the Saugatuck' Mabel Sclily. sechool, north of tlie -village, wbere i Iiez Schanck. Miss Beckwitli i steaching. An inter- Tonk Tracks. esling progrant was rendered, anld ne-j Editorl Note: Our chief started conte freeliments served. A sleasant lime th[ing in assemliley yeterday. wl-n he was reported. asked wliy ther are so few boys nantis on the Honor Rail. J. W. Hart returned Saturday eve- Chief lianded the boys a fine com.,le- ning front Vermillion, Canada, wbere ment about the superiority of their be spent'several weeks ai tle bomne af brain celîs etc., etc. etc. his daughter, Mrs. Walter Dlsy. and The girls think Ibis complentent was bis son, Edwin Hart. Mn. Hart reports R -tafty" more or less. It's up to Ribe a fair crop of amai grain in tbat sec b11oys tci prove whelrel lte Chie! le lion of tle nortbwsst. igltit n .. ._ . -- ; 1Conte on boys, ther'se lenty of roont Ray N. Smith and Tony Afiadesa .z - -nrRol .vere in Lake Villa Sunday ielplng1to ic on9R'l invoice the Wendl-ana stock c-f gent-raI 1 0 mueiclafrii.,e recently pui'cluaceîd byl R4-T5 OFF TO STrUDENTr COUNCIL ,t Waukegan moin. John Effinger, foi m- vengaboyftwhuddori eily a resîdent ofljibertyville and lmore liglit-bearteul. and sccasionaîl> tý Chartes Petenson of Waukiegan. art:inlaigîît-headed. students te8liy no meana tl change o fîbe s'ore. TIc tiew int 15s an easy task. This task ai L. T. H. S. fi known at Peterstin & C,. ie beingacacomplsled lietter than ever R Albert Zuben, who fa',thePalt li ecause o fIle carnest and efficlen' co- r estrs bas conducted a silos repaîr shop operalion alisueStudent Couneîl. li tlie Jochheint building. closed ()p bis IThc Student Couneil of Control la .Olace of business .and left Tuesday fo.caur own detnocratic governnng organ- Lancaster, Pa., where he expects to ization. Litis comlioseul of the Most si engage n the $ame Une of %worký Mr. i"Prsifentative boys and girls un thew Zuber ase desinous of sisa';. g in LII-1.8cbol. Tliey are working toge'hs.rP ertYville. but could finol no place lo lharmntously and purfflefuily for 'h his sirp. ut is undenstoond a tire vu, gh standards for the echoot and hlh a canizing Puent will open for busineas lideats for the stuidents. IL is ioted shortly in the roonu vacatvr; by Mr. for its fairnessasnd squarenese. This Zube. oraniatio is maintained on te Zuaine o ri ileas the govenmýEnt 0f. i An exantination w4ll be heiù aI lite the United States. Libentyvilie poirt-office on November, A- tire begiannng of! cd sentester ic Reh for the position of cierk in the rePro-sîntatîas front tacli ciass are, -I liroai liost-office Applicants muet cul eilected toR serve onthc Board of Con- milt te examiner un the dayoaiti h-u. This mnaires every student feel àR exaninajon thuir Photognanli. taken!tliat bie bas r'ceived a square deai. w-tItAn two years of date of ei'rnna - The i-tiie, oit tRuc vorthy body> are ; lion Futi infarit ,tion and iplîcation *:OSn> 'reit>Rtark ttRt den0oîtteni of tuanks a Ri> i- t'urnd. irontm'S. t'. K;iin-' tudents, Oaki andi enfotrce rules forC bail. Sf t->Locsal Boardi of Examinci c. ' i ing mii .1 - in lit halls and clas ai ili-t. 'i -t:is îik'poal office. 100015S ar(]rrieORitnuR s-thci' amaîl Rer- f~~ tives 'ihlRi-i fe(fîs can.,only lie s i: RiiiR-xer cises ihaves-hi t. îri tite ge'n -ii ttarntony antd case withc Rt tORi i i )(Rt ii 01Rtint-taiR bi - igit -_ Rb. '!R tutaItonal machinryý smitool, foi Arm.isticeR- i Ry tIRo200)itti i- n LO ) .T H.S. RRRncý 'Rt [ 1t: 31 1pIni. Eirisaiill bue AI thi- tri-sent tiinete iStudeot - - t I~ t . t.i, t't R"'RO RR - n i 1 tri-ttlg a campal O 1 - I ti .ti . i e ttl l .jrt0î i td. -o tn 'i Rtt "2 t t 1 vgtl i ehlR . T e Lif ti, SRRt I utturu-s Rîti I;- 1f tIRO-2 i. . .t,-tiR ig stRide'tR to tlirav' Rit b il i tiRRuR ,RRi> o ThtR' OsaIr Pl,.ier tin anti fot a' ie t5fReT- jýti ic U R i' R itl t,( iflunl i t b R I o attei,; IR .,, -i't %RtR, (R't oorii lea: u t iîapc rs, t ti ui-- tuiR.ROiOti n-tfi tilt' md t .nil ni -lu i lthe Inciter mo ts an, ng of Mi- iRtSO d CRr. if tRRRCsib l tuR i t - - t. t' ij-ttIr ouri~ nthie hbuilding. fulitxrogram -itI- o tited n lu t WAh1) ' - lR lort tond wihîtng co-olu- 1 liif- lfi liR t i'i't ýk eraion of tRRe students in folloinfg ail -i spliopal I)êkiii4 Powder , 2, . , 1 ltr- , IN:ER i RRItRRR, URR J , i ii i t BLIRGLAR A.LARM SYSTEM nV NîthIt, .ri 'tft in vý.. II.RR ,Rdk( tl IRR O-' tiailR'uît FOR SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT YA ARTEANil E' Al AT FIRST NATIONAL BANK I tandRRY,:ii itl..t ; ' R f C'OACH! UR,îR ft PEP MEETING FRIDAV IIR,-lit- C-RR R',RilIr.)"' NUand Mis. IIenrý ,I h..ýw At 12:30 the football teaur ei-o r tia' a on .1Ri!a UoJJR-E ri ii i-dý! h ' a:r. k Cend viiitoi, n ii Des Plaines. The achool t'as <outo RRa>lRht'R Il"Itilji ý'i-! gîve tliem a gond 'send ofU' The 3>eîîs Tiut, îpe ~I %- IRn~- J~O nlbrc: W-RRR~I iCert-eectPtionally gotidSeveral > t f la t, RR tin Ind t) il zii-itEnl-r(!lwiýaýnrp dents repof!ed that iît )etis we--?RiR ~ -re ubot,it.tflu Rt if. Monda>. beard easily and dinct), (ri *dijwûlu lrRRt'tle Fr,' N. l-iia, -Ill- ket Ave. IîRRtilV..ui , à;iOSt * f%("y :t it)1eOi Smart's OrcRe, ira uri.Ltd rio. IR Friday*s 'cenu <off,, v , g<i<dwn lck. t i ine.-5 , Ri 'fwaRl. Rfîîlg t (SRR, iuîfl tor i htrISance- ieifo l tu RRRbene cshouldir't our others ebi.lett-r. f îlier, and (0<o Rir o te Vaut]: ifgui,:Ri' ,' vý fit of the WbeI:ng BI etand th- was a plan t0 fotlow front beginn ing cornbinaRRRn and 1-tiRiRlieU' f ýagaRnst 1-artman Houae. Vhehg.ast We-î, Io end. Wlere was the drum to signal faR ure or- (iizit hRnR an et Io> L nesda> 'Vflu Evi.ryon.- R ori1 attention 50 that time and the voic(, Of cdo-,îng ad (100. tItoong i.i RR t umna fR'iR lte cheer leader wilil fot bc t îwbIje ing cRl ri t l,&ii nikin tri. a'Sti1 instructing the hilarnous studentîs nigli): i Som I~~ scri'ant, fnlr tti-d iR Sugi (orui send off" atwayR constcts J t Thefl,)tem sl, rA RII . b'in is 114(') R uck ichool boucs- one niglit tast week gong wbchan inakhounc. oR. wRch isit0. R:b, ymashing a basement wir1dow Thli- jucy ivta >fls n ?ae an 0snwhy f Rl books wiCe th ion 'rom th, book cas If he ne t, y r)!0f the halaitbuilding. Tîis gong' s Rai- wih ason? Iftheons WRhave connected thrai not onu> 'ilt an attaci. îfs (xainfaRiof paperIe mixi'si nk bot istol lostrenuoull ift's lbave a conesonteb - it ittt rlgnt t' - -JRRR<te R lien cur poet,- tan lnakf tiiing wOrd, 0 buthe an isiiefli[t (Rtittilri.' Win esl'!le eiRiR ed ands r th rs n(JC If p lie l'rRnied Rn the ni-ws R,-. igong itsf or an> of is R f'nlftRRofl-' 'HR"thai R R' t S t rsi, Rtt R lom an 7im i et, ai , II hq algri turns in Rhn itarm 'lithi, RtRRf. ' nb- (R RdiCRnR s lRiR. r i i Lci IRWR andh n -R'-Ii tngRR-tRwh,-n an! 11tfenfLi ,5-iI ýtf'igai) s~ ,iîn Rt C, o I - i tsi-t'n l, b ,I uar' e -nn ni EXPERT TYPIST VISITS L. T. H. roR,îtn Rt Rfi i li, 'o ~Ti -eW ï l -- i et ;ne Ji. CI t UR Rtichfampioîn IRyt:itR (ilEng. alarms. t- î- - ' - , . i nt ]and VRsiterd Higi. SchoMl Vonda Y aIrt hi.ilt RRUafktRR -A ,.,~ . . .-.IIRR trnoon and gai.' dflnonstlia' la fi hi ,na i ,1' ifi iR' rlIc rt l, (1 I. itoîR l-- n 10R- ' ii~t 'l île ~ ~ ~ n AinîbvRh RfWRRS"t >R t iRP, Rt iat, ilR' , id ;1O'(1RI 1 oq' ' ut' ~ thwrsuRR- 4rtyif. tf- ata u-itl' Rt (RJt . RRiI î~ t ' o , \ru n dR woîd peî nilfi uts- s c ,i- tillaR iio ;I.lieIo( d o uf' i i i R :R Vliit fr oi.' ' IR g \vords t'el minute With IR0 - rois. thiru he wi-ote Ilornt copy while ancwering -------------------- questionsa asked by Mr. Averîli tiI:' lîme hic cpeed 'Was 965 word., per nain- Ite. t-is final den.onstîîation wa,- tak îng dictation in ie machine while he '& was blindfolded. ic net cpeed waf I I' A 97.5 words pet- mnifute. ~ ueF r e lu his remaiks Mr ('ui iRs, einph.. Uf7 rýized the importance of accurac>. A aà t d1 I9P r hhytlim and concenratton asc the lia- ,ic for-, dvanceîicnt and' the 'acquir ing of apeed in typewriting. Acide froro these il, S neceasary tb work and keetn in working lu order tol mount lie ladder of jauccebs. N EWS Paul Koliuot of Notre Dame Uniîer sity viied home and friends the Iat week end. Wasn't il good 10 cèe Poker's ,,mile again?UPO Aima ChRurchilof 1U. ut C!tîcago waa: aGrays Lake viitbor recently. FUNNIES right, t'm wrong. - ~M d Weather Cold & &tony Weathe Micti R-Sonte of you girls dont be- inue« utoned Azùquad cap MumferfluttouedAroendqw& ong back there, Joel Chandler, for instance. Teacher-Tony. use L-tt word win Our Men's and Boyrs' Mackinaws have arrived, dow corîectly In a centent'e and the prices range from $7.50 to $10. The old Tony--Tht man,-woçke& Cin m îorn price. ng tI nilit 0 wi-douh. heep-Iined vests, leather-aleeves, $8 and $10. CATHOLIC ORDER 0F FORESTERS OFFICERS FOR ENSUING YEA~R We baye a fine line of MeiVta Ca5hmere hose9 in 0o Black, Heathe-, Brown. Light and Dark Oxford, ThR- annuai etection ufthte mens at 50 centm. Cathotic Oirder of ForcsIi'a ia. hïetld rhuidayf vernuOcthsr 0 WRi'Men"s silk hose, ail colors, 75c-' and $1. the foilowing resuIt: (tRief Rangr- J. S. I)ub;. Children's long stoûkîngs, Dciar Bp and. that Vtice Clîtef ltA S. (h-'S-ur wear. Don't take cour word lori- i, but i-.ihe _u>o±h-_ FinanciaI c' oieii' ers thU try thecn-. 1i tir -' 1t. 'R iiOg fpar .Il. Speîi-iîan. llieSni il A. Nai'. . E. WA. PA RKHURST Outtslle-Sentinet ltailles itri ja.iRR il:i- -S ltii- t io t! libaii i lRo R Jolin -- -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- --n-- - -- -- -- MAROON' AND WHITE Lo Short 1 -ys ia T Th thiq an ing wa ab] SE IGI SA Ii2B

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