THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. NO\, FMBER 3, 192 1. PG Local and PersonalI Short 1temns of Especial Interest tr, Lîbertvlle People NI:.î"i , i MI- C' F. [aL. z 0Ihî ii t1ui. mI lis fiazel Bull. r retirned h ni i N i - ler- ýchâinh k los . raLrn. .1 ijý Sit*srdi.> tflouts'. s ts-n0t-5 . n a't,,h Xci.inlliberty. illI s îî,i aî ber s.s0ilt, Mrrii-i i«., ' i n Long Beach. Calif . wfi h-: i- miîlliom. Alfei l"a .n.isI. ;Mnr.. Blanche Calkiiis Plenty of Push And Thrifty Habits are needed now-a-days. 'Hard-earniedmoney" of peace times takes the place of "easy money-- of war limes. The voung man just, staziing in business should hitch bis energy to good advice an~d be can't do anything better than to go and talk wiîh his banker. Ail the beip a .live bank cari give fails riiht inl our line and thats- whaî roakes à profitable for our cqsfomItrS o r orie in îand îalk thinga taxer. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Taxi Service Telephone Service These immortant coga in this eara of business do an awful lot for you dur-. ing rainy weather. A littie wait on your part invari-' ably gets you service. Snow's Auto Livery PHONE 306-M. DONT. LET 4"COLD"9 GET THE BEST 0F- YOU; Get The Best of Coal and Wood FProm us now. Don't wait until you are OUT; that is Poor Management. You can Save a Lot of Goal using our Hardwood Chunk s. l;, 1k.s 'S Mi ji lî' Fi.aîo, iioiaî c îîîlilit Wîilinu lîbaiçi ou' .n'1 -iazu . 'I î.îîî a 'lipi.*- 1àý liii n t 'lis lIInuiiir .'i'lt' 'ai ris Itu- t If- tns'amin ,il o .nsl i- Wliars'M! wi. pbye.-nlvn h ofh-i ' r 'a.'a»Isriî. E , Lj iL.i rrs ro-fIst Lswrcie's 1ljî>i-<-sisi itjh wort W5-' ls b-ai .unday ans. lii- i 1. Ttîe eri w,;v..s lti,: Mi. r(nd Mis. Il J i-itun>î' .îd n ih.,ugbil . l s 'z îcag<i, p -'l' s' ' J N, Ii'na,ii.. ...-'o!iiand- ".'ar'uî-ilt 21!c-' -11,. t' l fi t ~ ~ ~ r. "riii ' ta i' ii- i -'i Il I.. . I 'i-. -'Il.' îu-î 's 'I., i ' liî uhîiî~' i i.' -î xl - t jI t, i "'t'. 'i M l'i r P!,iii.' - 'i.' A'.t - î ;,,, . , t-' il' a 'il,. I v.. ' trI -rît Mi'. XX' * ' NI-. lL.îlert I -ni 'air- i-j' r,, * ' '. tii-r r 0; - i. liii tltliiii) iii 1, ' P' - ,, i. i ' i - Wîl l ier,î Ha 't. . n tlhe cifie- if!.'volI his daugtl' Mr. an,. MrF' H. l'rs . iiîlilugî.h '-.Ai.. andi BM.(;Ii illa.u isswe i t"unday gui-- '".-ru o: Nir. ind '%lrs. Rabs "< oni l'a.u!Kohout. wbo sî>- r.lint Nwu - 'aisLe i h i at o"' I-snu Irisi iWsu a'. 'I011tc ciel-Sur" -iî c- tîj li'i-P,> Ni. i-cd M-J's Koïcu'. 'lis îîsî iisr lii" 'i," 1'. "- l'~ ' "-iii' Il' il I ' a a --i. -S l' hi r it(mineî scii' 't -! fusl" i i'-nll-uo .t i f ' grsit ilsiii susîz "l oor, a fi iss ile-'i. tiiso! , Lt-, ics' Litit ly's'slif. - ' - a ai onceded b> liber'>,s l4t 'sp îîlpi.'.h I a rsseut bu a coliege nia", i :i ',nNi-ilzel nis i quoi han. s'a f ri n k' î t !f tic ý t, . ,iiîz Broltiersans, l o lotkl ,- arili n J.- niii iiandi sholi *'-iTsurSdaa sin fatolfilî'd wslfîhî lis--ale" si l.'. Nov. loin i1r,' 1 î Xou'i l 'Grau- wa',i irorsi' 1n ;,, ii o! I 's Isolics*'ît tiik( tii will , 1,)ijiil >our hlii" 'ti. yll .1i. C 'rihnC - i jre.ssed GRAYS ILAKE THEATRE i i .îlst i fancy Dedicated ts tIese ilent draina, pre- 'ai'le. '!Il i yllbe s-enting îphoto plays cf knowvn menTr liiii~ .s- ~ Fine featurrs anrd sdassy comeilies, '5~~ti'i' ~ day -v cening at 7:30 and 9-10 'li-. i. a;: i'"î .-The Star- Moderate Priceti t Oh' ' i o.l wi-l 'i ls-i rislt i' M ii - L, gui- I. NIr- _Morgansfaîhei. , ,F v el-s Dir and Mi. V M. linJame., Pi î -ùurgli Pla., for a -- il h île. T!--g.s an i.] tllt. nîl I', il %- lirgiins ather. S. J 'Mii.g.n Tii F"rankl'. )rWflc'idiil ':'Ili'nd l aË'-. '-ld.-'r Mr Niragn s la S'i 1.-o! 'lie !LefoRi bin- on wlio ait.-en viFiing, Casuaity L)"rt. of thb' Am'-.iran SherI Ini th(-Prairie.- wî n'îghbçudt..od, la and Tin Plate Co.l'h'-'. v.ill malse r# 'us nsd 1o bis tijGre.-in Uxscný; topi alBuffalo. N. Y 'o a 'Niagaha .The regulai me-ting ofthtIe W IC.'T Falls, and will then go is Ns-w Yor. C' wililfot be Ibelli next Tuesday. Nov. lier Morgan Plans Io attenrd Wa l-,*t âtIs, a-4 Previousiy announed. but ai' One session of the cünfsri-n<'i1cr liii ri- urged to attend th, Atrna- limitation of armfameflto convene lu riemeeting anl tre High Schoo<, t Washingtonl. D. C_ Novemtber Itb be Iseld Frida> attermoan, Nov. 11, at DuL'ang bis absence iii- pulpii cf the 1 3(l o'clock. làbertyvilie Presbyti'rian cburch will be occursied by minist'rm suipilied by Suow's Auto Liverv-Taxi Sar- the Preebyterian Chureb Extension vice. 1one LibertyV&D 306..M. Bureau. STURDY SHOES FOR BOYS Boys*' High Cut Shoes. per pa'r ... $3.50 Boys' Heavy Tati Shoes, per pair .... $3.00 Boys' Black Blucher Shoes, per pair... $2.75 Boys' Black anad Brown Dress Shoea $3.00O to $4.50 RAY N. SMITH 1 DUDDLES BLDG. LIBERTY VILLE ,,Do -You Know that Laundries are flot legally responsible for the Ioss or damage of your garments or articles by FIR'E!' WE HEREBY ASSUME THIS LIABILrTY uIl . s t ti i- en fo s lt b nt Banld a.nd tirs riions- .JIýrt, tligis last week it seirdos Tb#-' n lb. book cas mîxed.inro bar .1.sin( rînhfr pui ricin s ' ! A f.,,i-d sI i i-n ansrge. eadser arriveld The old d $10. hose, in Oxford. rid. that ïe uoh Highland Park Trefephone 178. Libertyville Telephone 67-R I. Chimoey Sweeping Marshall Limberry says that a biîg proportion of FIRES are caused by defective flues ad accumuiated soot. Now is the turne of the year to get theri deaued and ready for winter. 1 WILL DO TOUR WORK WITrIOUT ANY MUSS. Geo. W. Carroil LAKCE LUFF, ILL. 1Telephone Lake Forest 1103. I Mtorcycle Service. Autumn flowers bîd you know Indian Summe.r's C heer- ing giow. FL>ESfilit o our talitinie nacod. They symisathize wltIs yowa sadnesm and add 'o your W giadness. They a r e churma fri'rrd8 with snîiling faces and true bearts. Ot Interest To Parents -f r'.' 1 il"he- iln( in liolan * i'- naiil îiallopai So- I -' Vi . 'a tt,. iî ami g-i r] ii. îi'lii-ire. istcr) and Ic! a» ii-m(, m di-îrnv.--t' i'. W.-are teacb- U I: - îîiî.înîiîîl(. s- an( thle 'ai 'ou'. tiîssehold aits. t~ ~~~~~~ Vi*'s .' n.'- .liiug saîrîlî whiIt. but Iracrieal thrift, and I tn" . i. ldý tIsai as t.- -iii - n' itt- ng one cf the li i '. . --îîî icai in. ai. o ' . '1~-m t rla I' a u rI- Il s-lances may b 1 d' 'iii lji Iii. t'rn,"î1tinin-, n îTîticai ft. * ...'t'.tiil'nt ' i. ti liiiil'ji-nilent inathe' 'î'îîîni ospiti i t 'w - . ',. 1,.î a-. oi ae-lis vhich lnay AMERICAN BANKERS' PARTIAL PAYMENT BOND$ are .'an ideal ina -'umîýntfor chidren. l'a iiî.n1s are- rade In -.tll inonthhîx stcioit- a', îîîsh can betcaitl in whoie or in part by l'il'. il t"'. oiit- u the bondit O"aside a defiflile "s"- - ' '~ ""!i ,unestr-c..n Xl rki nd 's-aVel A tî'is ddtcr- nil ranhe 1t(ua nit v.iih manthi>pay- rnei a-'>mal] ais $3 ',3 or a larger paywent cf $696 eaci montb, Iling asist dlsý,l'~r iiu banki 'cia' andi secure one of lir Philip Jaeger si;ltne oal f DebdFf %lluttonr%*@ai. Pouitry, Hia$.& etc Also Butter and EUW, P r u c e d a of con%1DgflUUS G ene ai pornptiy remitted. This la the oldest bouse on the atreet MMu ilprice lia t i'rised on a Commission Îcation. odBfleFM Stalle 1 and 3, Fulton Street Market. Merchant CHICAGO, IL Have Your Coal Delivered Nowl. This is the tune to have your winter Coal put in the cella5r, while the wea- ther is good, makmig han- dling easy. THE PRICE WILL NOT B] LOWER THIS SEASON. We are ready to Serve Y'OU. Cotton Hosiery WooI Hosiery Silk Hosierj Just Received Some New Colors in Wool Hose $.111 Silk Hose White Black and Brown $1-142 Lisie Hose White Black and Brown Sc Infants' Hose,' Misses' Hose,, Boys, Hose Girls Hose. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY, Phonto 29 Libertyville, MI. .lI-'II'I'IIIIIiI IlllIlIIllIllllIll lit "'lu - (S MITED BELOW) -and agree to indem nify the custonuer for loss or damage to his goods on accaount of fire. while ln our care andi custody. cither 14 ôur-premi*ses or while in transit thereto or therefrom. flot exceeding the actual cash value thereof, and in *no event exceeding twenty times the service charge, for an additional charge of one cent per bundie for finisheti work. For rougb dry or wet wash work flot exceeding forty times the service charge for an aUdtional charge of -two cents per bundle. This Insurance Tâkes Effect October 31, 1921. The Re liable Laundry Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Dyers HIGHLAND PARK and LIBERTYVILLE SALT SALE 'THIS WEEK 2B3bl. LIMIT TO ONE CUISTO MER Libertyville 'Lumber PHONE 47 SPECIAL ON SASH, Ait SMMES, COME ÇtARRY -FE AWAY PAGE