CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Nov 1921, p. 2

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___________________________THELIBERTYILLEINDEPMNENT._THURSD)AY. NOVEMBER10,_1921. VLIANOT TUE FIT TO CLÀIM EARTiI IS FLAT Back in 1896 a, magazine was published which presented similar views Sa>'s the Macon. Mss-outi. Cbtottî Cie of Ortobe: 31.: "Tos ho have rea'] the recent literies about Overeer Voliva of Zion. 11, laYlng down tbe doctrine that the sarth ta flat, may be intereste'] t0 kBow taI In 1896 there was publish- ld Iu Sôuh Dakota a quaint litie nmagzine devote'] te the advocacy of thlat tbeory. Orlando Ferguson was the edItor. an'] bis Publication was calle'] "The Square Wr. There were several Missouri subscribers. One vas Jackson Towne. a shoemak- er et Lancaster, who ha'] been a be- Ulever of a "Squar;4- World' front in- faey, baing bis vlews mostly on,'lite Bile. but ase warmaly accetting Or- dgao 8ergusons sclentlfic argument. Tbere was no doubt of Mr. Towne's Meherity, and' if you underlook te de- bate wtbhlm he woul'] ask yeu what Jochua meant by commandin'g the @un te stand stirl "But Ferguson went into tbe mat- ,er much deeper. A Macon citizen has a copy of "The Square World' issue'] turng the freeccliver rampatgn of ,1111. These extracts will show Fer- gusou's rpasons for beieving the sartbh ISquare an'] fiat, and flot round as Columbus and] other navi- gators decided lh vas. "'Question lu 'be Editor: Why dosesthe needie of lhe compass al- ways point forih an'] ouh? te nser The globe philosophers teil oswc elt anel tbea poles that draw., b.- needlc. I dlaim there is no north pole or soutit pole. nor ioadstone in Ibe norîh or south. but It is cause'] froîn the great bodies of 1e north an'] soutit. whicbhbol'] Ihe needie nortit an'] soutit. andi which magnetizesa il raIlroa d tracks run- nln orth and] souîh. The first tinte 7011 are on the Illinois Central, or May other road ihat runs north an'] south, wbet yoltr knife on its rails andyou vii lin'] that lt will be mag- astis.' enough te pick up a needie. Udsil running east an'] vest won't .*afaethse your koife blade.' "The. editor. te is ovn satisfac- ffl, demolishes the 'globe theorists' Who afgus as foflows: - "1. When a ship goes from a shore Mémwr, iver. bbMdurad une mdd tnahs ame mm tdangros be- com cf bw <huithdiM e ttmcks Sn < .bru&M wrmg <bey LOv thft <boy mud att.tlouby takM1 f. TDdy fot o willftn ard off th se dia. Ez&jtia.T" ise, ail druggiata ARLIN GTON 't NOTEL j G"odMealsso5c WAUKEGAN, ILL FIRED ORABBE AUCTIONEERING FARM-ANO STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTrH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN PHONE 2441 R.,.rn cs,.ou Dus" a s m R. WENDLAND! ÇÎROCERY AND MARKET DEALER IN. Oecneral Merchandise STAPLE AND PANCY GROCERIES DRY GOW0S, NO1 iONS BOOTS AND) SMOB MIATS AND CAPS Cunry Produce Bought and SoId Phione 107-J "AJE VLA . - LUNOIS Yes it's toasted, Of course. To seal mi the flavor- bct tiill isappeai e ttt. andti ie 1a-t seen i., lthe maEi an'] ssil. - Wlten lte cartit passec tiweeri ltht sun andîlmoon. i's eladow îvu the muon is circular. 3.Men bave been arounîl ite worl'] -The tiret ran be met vîth phtilo- sophy an'] bv expe.iment witit a tele- -cope. Evcryone knows taI near tite suirface the vapor rising from the waler is very dense and it bides the houl of bbc cessel before it dees the mast. "The secont doca not proie any- tbîng, except to those vbo take tbe sha']ov for substance. '*The Ibird la cas>'. Suppose yeu drak a large circle ln a room. an'] thal someone carnies a lighl ar-cn'] Ibai circle. Let the circle represent tire equator an'] lhe light lte sun.. If you follow the light' you are golng vesl an'] you vîlI corne back teviiere you otarte']. It is the same lu going ar-ouf' the won']. You only go aroun'] a large ircie on top of it. No man bas gene arounil the vorî'], or vill go. "Globe theorisîs are aske'] t0 an- aver Ibis: "Why is lb bhat on the 7Sth parallel !bers are reindeer. elk, moose, bear. voltes. equIrrel. geese, ducks, guils an'] 108 kinds of sirubs an'] vines, while on the 541h par-elle] soulh there is net a living bird or animal to be foun']. an'] not chrub enougi te 0malte a toolh pick? vbhy la it that tbere can't be a place iound soubh of the @quater that one can sil aroun'] tbc von'] in les miles titan on the equalor? Figure ltse distance on lte 411h parailel nortit froun Cape Horn to Port Jack son. etc. an'] ou viii fln'] thai Il is oc--r 1.260 miles arottnd. vftenJil shoul'] he. acor']ing to the Globe idea, only about 1,700 miles. -Wby IsJil that one can sec oh- jecîs on the eea. vhen Ji oul'] be im- posihie to sec an objeet ut any km'] bhc distance of ten miles from the land] unless you or lthe objeet verc elevate'] 66 feet? 'Why is Ii that part of. the stars are îtravelling eaît, part south. part veat an'] part itonih. as tht>' do. If the earth vere turning over from west rtowards the East ai the rate of 1042 miles per heur? *Fer.oîon's Most jr-amatie test vas the shooting of a cannon ball straigbt up in the air. i-esays the baill itiapprouimatel>' vhere Il star- e']. whleh voul'] Dot be truc if the car-lb vers Moving aI the enormous speed bthc 'globe theorials-s'ay>'itle. His ides le that vars.,an'] religious dissensions an'] ail other perpîcilties of lite are a direct result of thte gen- ersi miconcePtion as te lthe physical characier 0f the earti.' 000000000000000000 e PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL ce 000000000000000000 Those perfect in spelling for the veek ar-e: Guer-don Brocksom, John kterpan. Marlon Boyer, Jack Kerpan. James Eu] an'] Albert Mitchell.' Cecle Amann va., perlect in sPeli- tng for- the month of Oclober. Our basket social wiil be bel'] Tues- day nlghl, Nov. 22. A goo'] program is pianne'] Everybo']> be sure 10 conte. - Frank f)eWoody dieu aI hic home Thursda>' morning, aftci an ilînesof mnan>' xontbs. %rs. DeWoody an'] chldren ihave the symnatby oh the scituol cil']ren an'] district. Mss Bar'bara Air.ann îîsitsd NIr.ani 'tr.L.awrn-ortA*arln and tamDilY1la1; Fi Iatvnigt. -'l tilt -i ii tln i) tiMi iii- j-- i tII tilitthi 1w1ht- tii- i i.- i i i i-i -l 1-t -' i-t i hie îuîîîîîke'y- fRED BROWN IS. BADLY INJURED IN AUTO CRASH, da>. Ralpb Horenierger enlertaine']a number- of hîs fr-ends Saturda>' cve ning at s bunco part>'. Mr. an'] Mrs. John Selig snter-ained 25 of their relatives an'] friends Satur- day evening. The occasion vas1he 72nd blrtbday of Mr. Selig. Ralph Horenlierger attende']thb Rexail convention an'] banquet at t Sherman bouse ln Chicago Wcdnes-la3 an'] Thursday. lirs. W. W. Clark entertaIns'] a nun- ber of little folkis lu honor of te birtll day of Donald and Shirley. Miss Laura Muike ie vlslting sl bbc home of ber brother-, E. S. Muhlke in Libertyville. The W. M. S. of the Uile'] Evaugel ical church yull hold a b«zaar at the Comnaunil>' Hous Tursday. Noven ber 17, beglnnlng aI 6 o'clock. 0G Ds.rfiid Presbyterian News. The Churcb Achool 1lut Sunday w vs one ofI the largeit of the year-. Ovez 120 ver-e aresent. Mauy nev faceE verse seen an'] man>' ol'] unes vho verz bah for the first lime Ibis year. We have recelve'] from the Preab:ý terian Training Sch.ooi 0f Chicago a, ad']tional t.'ained vorker anad leacher Miss Dorolhy Koater. She assumed ber duties last Sunda>' an'] la a1dmn tbe children's division in the Comîmun il>' House. The Coinmunlty Bible Ci-tas of nie- wlîo meeclin the village hall, ha']o utd13hî tnt' rttoig meeting 1aii1 Sunda. wlintnttln badition to te Bible les ýlY i, ;,% e tan open foi-uni lori diisi ihiisttn ot currenl evenl - ant i-t ti 'il,' li l ai Ever> birn in t" i l w ii iilits lIéte e. e : - :!' i iitil vgtin - i l n 1 WeII known auto salesman found unconscious on Telegraph road Fred Brown of 776 Grand avuenue, ;oeaj auto salestnan, vas serlousi> injure'] about' 5 o'clock Friday aller- noon vben bis machtne vent into a ditrit on Telegraph rond] just couit of Deeeriieid.. I-e rceived a frat-ture' riou. deeli cuis on bis banda an'] boti legs an'] vas unconacious vhen foun']. He vas taken t0 Deerfiel'] for first aid an'] brogughî 10 Waukegan about 8:00 o'cloek in the evenlng. Jual wbaî bappned 10 Itis car an'] cause'] bis injuries la flot knovn as be is in such côndition toda>' ihalt is physîcian varne'] members uf the faniily not to question hlin conctîtn ing the accident. His car vas bsd'y damake']. Ha vas boun']itbg b> the sîde of the nos']. 9000000000 000000O,00 0 DEERFIELD o 000000000600900000. Mrs. Lco Seller entertaîne'] the Aid of the Evangelical LutL(ran churen. Thurada>' afiernoon. Mtr. an'] Mrs. Fred Christinuson bac-, close'] theii home an'] gone lu Ala- banta Io s.'îend tilt vinter. Misé, Isabelle fliederstadt of t-îtgb land Paîk vas the week enù guesi of lic-, parents.. Mi. anti Mn- F.C. BîEt!>. et a']i. Th, MclCoî mack Gi-, Ciub ut Ch;- wi.ît l-11gîts a cen(tr- ai ihe ý(-coît ,i,iiîbl'ihlt ia ianiN e înlns. Sui enîber I1it1h iteEva Petit., alto cOinyed a ct-aion (il a iintuti itons btet relaîti e. returne'] lu litit woî k at i eli-an %V il. MNonday. The Parent-Teachers' Association are prsparing a ]irognam an'] choit p~lay to hi given ai thte chool in ilic near luture. The proceeds to be use'] to help pay fo -tlc new abower baîba Dwigbt Gîbsoni an'] Vincent Sitre-urs of Evanston caile'] on F. H. Meyer lasi Tuesda>'. Miss Alice Farrer of Ravenswood vas the veak end] gucet aibe George Pettis home. ,Mrs. George Goodman enteriainei 16 of her friendsaai a bunco party on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Peterson vas the guest of Mrs. S. P. Hutchinson of lrvin., Park Wednesday. Mrs. George Pettis vas the guet ol Mrs. Lottîs Pelis of Egin Sunda'., F'red Kensten of Chicago vas the gucst of Mr. an'] Mn. Fred Haggic on Sunda>'. Several auto loads of ladies of Si. Pauls Evangelicai Ai'] vent 10 Ben- sonville Tusda>' ot vîsît the onohans' home of hhat cburcb, an'] 10 serve the cbildren a dainty lunch. Mr. an'] Mrs. E' Core>'of Chicago vere the Sunday guesîs of Mr. anc Mrc. E. H. Selig. Misses Eleanor Meyer an'] Suais Easiiton spent the veek en'] aIibe F. H. Nleyers home. Mr. an'] Mrs. Timoli of C.bencoe bave purchase'] about three acres of 1tt Lt']gervoo'] people on Deerfiel'] Ave., nexito 0Briargate. They viii havi the groun'] broken immediatel>'Bo sO5 1to begin building ihis faîl. V.V. Barnes of Zion viîited his sunt Mrs. L. C. Hole Wadnesday an'] Thurst desire to sec Oient are aisltet o, oe ý 0 0 00 00 0 00 0 îîrese-nt. 1 M ON A V Ijeet-fiel'] ha,, i taIi ieat in store, during the net f oui, weeks. Next Sun!.0 0 00 O0 00 O 0 day evening the 1ev. Frank Fltil:fRichard] }.rookling an lte Presbyîcriat chut ch of Highland!AnsSbtau.u i Park will sjîeak tu us; the lilowlng i ii tth . .T 3unday eiEnttg tflic e. George Rob- day afternoon. -ý erts of Lake For et; titen ont the last Mr. and]%Irs. (laliger .Sunday vening ot ibet month. President îaNfotNrb(h ioore ofnI kt F-rest University w.ill evening, the gucsts r- apeak. Save i-ese dates by ai] means. Fî-lday morntng. These men air fine pîeakeis ant irile, Lloyd. Ijoîls an'] Ve thinkers.saw a loxIin the Leu B Keep in mnfil te ig bazn ,tr on te1 Sundan- afternoon. firat Thursday of Dccemher, ahich itle Mr.'antid r, . oa Doicas Sockîy 15 luo give. daughter, Pearl, of Riel Ten 0f our teachers leave eacb Tue, lat the L 3, Tweed hotoq day evenîng for Highland] Park, vhere . Mary an'] Marguerite tbey spend two bours in stuty ot chil'] at the htome of titeir t psycbology and] kindre'] methods. If.LaeSny fron t here are tost, wbo care to acconipa Mran Ni..AtI ny tbem, spüe.k to Mi- Sianger or Miss Mra']M.AtA Bockenbach. Tbey leave at 7:15 ILloyd, visite'] at the F the bus. Itome Sunday evenlng. If you are unconvince'] as to :be' Herbert Nelson vas fine sprit and] enthuslssm witbin te I business visitor Tburs( church. we invite you to attend any . MrM J. Rost visite']1 dePariment or meeting and] you wilicago f rom Wednesdayi fln'] them al pervadu'] by the Cii. Mes, N. Sullivan spei t iaj i rit of .itecrfuiness. belpfulnes. l in Chicago lait week. an'] love. 1 Mr. an'] Mrs. E'] Ro The following the record of l- Wth their ']aughtcrs,( tefidance lat Sabbatb: Cburcb School cille, are vlsiting tbcil 12(1; mot'nIng worship 60: ChrI-lîian'an'] Mrs. J. Rost. Endeavor 3o; ,eening worship 5(). T-]is.Lc tai attendanc( 26e. Sunday nlgbt. 1 T. Martines anti Vit 1 0**00l00000* 0010ve nt ici aukegan Mo o MADDEN.SCHOOL 0 W agnibissevii -OOOOOOOu0OOOOoOOOOê Lucile and GraceR4 A lerson intt reste'] in the wclfai c shool Monday. ut 0'lite echutoil hat, dinated six suitabIt Those vho have a 1) t Vrizes to bc gîven Nov. 17. 1921. aslspeiliing are: Grace SL . filluws..Tu 7i > oufgest an'] oldeet ilings. ftftb grade;Lt Pectson bringwtg ha-ht-t- -: ,hie hoide, Gordon Martin, fourbt oi the uretie I)a-shet , 10tehodc .Tweed, Nar2îu(-i-te <;alii 1 ii the- basket i rnging te igit. stable anti Lioyt!Barý lîrics ; t o the lt'iii i a ndinomthlet i1î1,g rade: M orri ilinso lat ct-st lamil lit' en,. Nlýt lnt-c -ýni l ati,- Those bavins :thle-hh- itrs. e ho teij .for te(-month .utc e sollows: Eîghilbance lorthlie mntof grade. Aima Nautîianoi; ..tventit. Emt'ils Brtra.nd Galiger. iconiý ISchwandt; fifili, Gert prude Sebvandl. ,ý Harold Wells, first 9g , olurth. Gelvi Gunîmerus and HelenGaliger. Frances Marti: tSchwandt rcceî'.ti the saint mark:, Marlines. second gra'] Lsecond. Agnes Guerin. Ev-Iyn i Lallun -tIable, Marguerite G(li 1 Eda Naumapn an'] Aima receive'] per- Tweed. thiril grade: îfect ln arithmetic examinatioIt. They Lloyd Atweil. Lena Nt sare bolh in the eigbtb grade. Marie Ilan> Nelson. fourth grE t NaUmann and] Joseph Victor reevd gr fiftb grade; Dor hlbesl in arititmetie; they are in tec seventh grade, fourtii gmde.1 The first an'] burti eTht' Rectenval'] an'] Neal. families i100t-3 in atlendance. j aremovit Those who have perf (~ ~~It ar nvn the Grimes place, i ane tebgnigo Iesat o fthe rajîros'], their recent home tran'] Galiger. Harolt in North Chicago being commandeered Clanc h e Gaing, so by ths goverarent 10 add ]to the Great C~larenern Bagrnatalo ! Lakea italtion. The windows of tbetritabe enBrsa . le' borne needed mucb reoair work iGaliger. third; Len, N Il ecaýe f te dmag doe I th, Nelson. fourth; Mary glass vien llgbtning truck a lreeDoi antbesvn enear the bouse receiitly- il The members of the cighth grade bel'] a regular meeting aller schooi, Friday. Parllamentary raies cause -soute confusion and niuch merriment.i l Corn sbredding is the order of te e day. The board of direetors met for theî o montiii session Tueaday nightl at te; il home of the presideit, William Iloyerý Each month brings up nev probleis ean'] makes the holding of tegular ses- rsiotis ver> neeesspry.n The atracttve ft-atures o fîhe pro * gramn planned for Thursday night Oin lude Reading b> Miss Ruthn Castel .ton. uf f'ne Crest. Kanoaha; violi le selecliottehy 'Messrs. Wisman-t Ls \VîsmnId"logues and] aongs b> [Le t Echool eolidren. Coffee vili te servcd 1 t with box supper. 8- ThoSe vîth perfect attendance for, this inonlh are: In the sevenlt an'] a eighth glatdes, Edna Stolzman. Maria eSchvandt. Emil>' Sehwandt; fourth and f iftb grades. Gertrude Schvandt,! ýd Gtadys Mulder, Helvi Gummertis. En- ýr- sio Gummerits, Helen Schwandt an'] le Richard Mulder. Those in the first. second an'] third le grade., are. Della Shreck, Roberta le Sebvandt. Peter RsaioviOh, Andrev L, Sk%*arkciwslLl John Epker. Clifford: Hoyer an'] Robert Schwandt. n- Raymond MoswaB going 10 Liber- htYville Saturday nighb, Nov. 6. The litgts on hia automobile weflb out, a atthat be coul'] not sec the road, an'] Le hiE car vent Into the ditch on the Rockland road, damsglng te machine ,1to a great extet 2 0000000000i.100000 o DIANON» LAKE .I O OO OO OO O0000 O O O O s Douglas Cooper, E4ri Goossillcî - r Joseph NMacKCay and Etigen? Kruegat s werc thte only onea misalng fromt the rzsehool during the second month. I Jean Robertsonl spent Saturda> an'] ý>* Sun']îy wiîb Bessie Noole of Lake i in Forest. -r. A new pupti. Barncy Pyîiik, fr010 .'] Grand Rapiids, Mlich., entere'] aigbtiî. g grade Thursda>'. n- Thore perfect in saoeiliug last vetli are. Geraldine Athrecht an'] Charle -n MUAlusltttl of the e igbtb grade; Ruby a lensen aitn' Lloyd Kiene oi the titji \lo.t1grall . - KOTR CAR It le owned by many who can afford to pay anything they wish for the thing they use. It is alwayo bought because of its known value and ito aftet econoniies. Tbe gamlue canmauptios leumuualcm The. tire malsage la unuaualy heg LIBERTY VILLE GARAGE J. N. Bernard, Prop. PHONE 122 LIBERTY VILLE, . 1L11 ni i n aî li- Il)Iii--in tt-e îîgttltît i h0it i i ii .., - I tt l tt t10i aý -- l, t a e t 'ti il tlt i titi !ri illi . ti. toi.rIli it'] i-d l ciiltnîiii t i -il ; . vU t iîîlîn hui t- ttt i t i 'tîi ttiininv attCi ilt-rc m'il i k- - >1tti. iî t--ttsfile-s for tht- C. E. m n h - I t i'.-l~---i- Ai i Ytý litat îtewsilî-an'] oninra vtî li e Oî- LLE ý * o 00:0 Back To Pre- War Prices. tb-rtyvill, wele At tlus ime everyone sbould do their utnit to asaist in bringing Need hionte Sun- prices to a normal 1eve. 1 am trying t. do mv bit. ý eevdcon, MY PRICES'ON GUARANM<T DENTISTRY FOR THE NEXT rnaining un'il 30 DAYS AS FOLLOWS: GOldCro ns,22 K Seamless . 8 ....... ........... 5.00 and $6.00 Barntabe PrceainCrons.Pivot'eeth, True Dite moulds ......._ 15 --$.00 Barn.,table field] Porcelaîn FiIIings ......82.00 10 $6.00 <Wll nfot change color) .e Burnette and GoIdl Inlays or Fillings, according to size ......... o ý0un) chmond. vfsiicd e Sunday. Platcs i'at 1 gVarantee you can eat corn off the cob__ $15.ouUp eGaliger visited ] uatmn (Accurding tu material) iitfte in Itouild f fnt.n i etkîlle'] an'] toot fille'] .........52.00 An'] remtember. I will flot burt you. 1 use 'Medicine first that takes tweii and] son, away the pain. ran Rhad THESE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. L.a Waukegal F sday. Dr. . E. CORLISS Uredei hi- utlFriedn 1'30 Washingtonl St Over the Thomas Market Co. ent a' iew dayil W U E A ,IL iost of Chictago, .W U E A ,I Grace and] Lu-1 r pàrents, Mi. xent to Chicagoi icVie Martines " I ' ' onteRuyi Auto Repair Shop W HEN in need of Autbmobe Re- pairing îry us ifyou want the best. Now located in the Durand Building en South Milwaukee Avenue. INCENDIÀR TROY LA1 TOWER 9m1I-soaked sh., to big tower Saturda B>' E W ZMon.Il,, mccl leski crimlnals ha again aI ZMon. one of these cri the go>' vires tht steel lover an'] v lob Park. Later. gantg broke the lt tank locale']rieur at Zion an'] ruthl gallons os kerosE the Inhabltants .8uppi>' of fuelt causing hardsbîpi lenee. Neat coma cf gh bulletin bog ated rags i lth i ttned l hem to il boards. A.d nov cone of alarge valet parki This tank v Dowl. an'] vas li *pressure 10 valer *The vater for th plied front an ai b>'. an'] oit accot lion of the Park t ot the tank frot vas a good presi tank bas flot bec Oti Saturo ay nt lavîcsvagabonds tank tinderrt-uv, lîrougbt mointe h ,aîtut ate'] lite ha eîleandi set fin- t .est tank, A Zion liappeiete'lietcg park an'] st-sie t uthe bcspot. Thet gallon t'ani tIi s mu% L a litî roi tht otîgbh tii- park, attn iaiut tatnd tlit- ,A. aqruîrkly oiî1 fiî .as,'ft,î t ( cave the- tabîk. Iburtied ti lbhe gro sutccesas ai'd by thi cd punisbment att liw. thi- iswlesst lirtue'] their allai lin boards. Fout b cd wih paint dur oritSunda>'. a l'] arreatet Parry for an aliet< ELHANAN Attor-ne: Office at Homeý Telephoi LIBE-RTYVII MARTINC Atrne> 315 Wasbln WAU KEGA I' 'office Plione 848. LYELL H. Attornel I 13 ERT YV ILI LuceB REes. phone 136Ml. PAUL. Ma Attorne: LIIIERTYVILI Telephi -DRC. B Vett.riar) Office at Resider Motor Co Phon LIBERTYVILI J. E. W PHYSICIAN A: ia.aa.a cf Won WAUKEZGA W. W. JOHN~ DEN Phone 841. il, WAUKEGAD DR. 0. -F. B VETERINAR Asistent Stat LIBERTY VIL DR. J. L e0ffic. in PriaI N. Hour:-1 b 3:3 «Residetice on Broag LIBEIITYVIL CHARLES 1 f October are: l rl M«1ai taiini -s' an']( James B. -W etmore radfl. (larence Res., Telephone 364-J .nc" and] Nellsf LIBERTY VILLE, ILL c; Lloyd Barn Shop Telephone 367 rger an' Ilain ;elson an'] rade; Mary Gai- Theodor. H. Duret, Preside nt W. B. Smith, Vice Prosident ris Barnistablc, F W. Churchill, Secrotory.and Manager. th grades have TELEHONE 81 rfctatenaIe SECURITY TITI£ & TRUST CO. Id Wells. first, ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE M ITES GIVARANTEED nd; Lloyd Barn lei, Marguerite Capital:- $125,000.00 Nelson, William 7WAIJKEG.AN ib; -: uWn'ois mth.

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