THE LfIBETYVILL INDEPEff, THURDAY.NOVEMIBER 10, 1 92 1. sices. ist in bringing i mybit. t THE NEXT $5.00 and $6.00 --5$.00 $2.00 10 $600A $3 O uin 415.00 Up Irsi ibai iakes F LY. iMarket Co. Attorney-at-Law LIBEIITY VILLE. ILLINOIS Telephone 33. DR C. B. OLNEY *Vtrinary Surgeon'. office at Rehldence OPPosie Ree Motor Co. Garage. Phone 35. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. J. E. WALTERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Doases of Women and Childrn - sà e.oialty. WAUKEZGAN, ILLINOIS. W. W. JOHNSON, D. 1). S. DENTIST - Phone 841. 112 No. St. WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. DR. O. F. BUITERFIELD VETERINARY SURtGEON Asistant Stat Votterînarian. L.IBERTY VILLE, ILLINOIS. DR. J' L TAYLOR .Office in Frist National Bank SIjo. Hours: -1 to 3:30 andi7 ta 8 p. M. .Resldence on Broadway, opposite Park * LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. CHALES R. WICkENS 'Washingtoni-COUfltY Ste. Phone 1892 V AUKEtAN, ILLINOIS. Public Accouitant and Auditor. Accounting Systems, Audits, Books ýPosted Periodically for Filrms vho doûflot need a Permanent Bookkeeper. Phone .16 Hours 3 to 8 p. m. DRS. N4IXON & DAVIS Chuopractic PYuiaa apecialists-Correction of Dformlticui, Nervous and Chronjo Dlsn..s. Suite 10-11, Nev Caet1* Rotai. M -Is 1i. , 'aiiuiiff liauie ,ýn Ln <lie ,j-rk lisi bu' atI iii- ai iin2 s-li dlu4 Io be ai nun aluiain' aacr unday Nlr.Ennia Saneiiff laiiavia,2 (1l joundation laid!loirlier cottage. Franci, Stanclîff shot a cbicKen- bawk the other day ihat mnasured 57 inch" from.i ile t10ti*l) I)mrotiîy Ott s siiendint a eles' seEks at Wîttn-tie Nalt Day School Notes. Ernest Lindstrom graduateu ia.t spring tramn the eigbth grade but On account of sickness hie couldf't make up bis studies in High Scbooi, rerurned to the Hall Day 'Sehool aset week. Nornian, Hansoti and William Mller ve,-e absenit tram echool Tuesday. The Parent Teachers meeting vas well attended asat FrIîW evenlng. The feinhers and fri-nds discussedl the question of having bot lunches in scbool. Monday tbey expeci 10 serve the first hot lunch. Elsie Foote missed eschool Monday. but reîurned on Tuesday. lnalilible SigUn. As s géneral fbing, whpiî a mon doesn't agik lus wlfe whet ehe does vlththe fi oney lie givs celier it laa aigu thitl lie dlîesi'f -gIve ber îîuy. F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUUMT Cemtry Work of Every CORUESIONDENCE SOIJcmE Ili SM& i msbo St. aTff5K~Anr~ îd ler,ii C 1a'ill aita ur nC. loca ted oppoite lii' Itrac-' Ml. ion- INCE DIÂ RS D S-- al y ciiircýIr[i i- llag-t'Jd tia' ai, 5'5AT ~~j~g ~IA'I Ifl ,.lctr:,ilgt j - i nta rîîîo14lpain, TROY' LAM E 1 VIAER '-.'bii- 1 a'i- iaîi i i- erah> .arv. thi' a', ' - i .a .'-' lo<t tri 1 ri.îii ilaligh TOWER IN Z. CITY 'H) Sfl;j l>riiigliin a i Oi-soaked shavings applied iîilly iii.-îii .sayr mCî pi:.iîig to big tower in Shiloh Park uTWleai a- W vî-m,;, R ia Saturdaynight and hizji- _rm l (rtrlr:i hearng btore Justice W. E By E W. CROFT Schrnaltu.a-4aitZir.n la' *r!ghil Zian. Ili., Incendiarists and law-1 Boud-- ai"- ctx-d a'*$7"and les crîmlnsîs have been atis'ork the caýeset i- fi r "ing. again at ZMon. A short lime ago ane ot thèse crrmiîials eut baose Ie'. Thonmas H. Nmui-ai, ;iaaior of the guy W Ires that hîeld ai 75 foot tie Urac- Mismîonary cb:rri. in Zian. steel tover and wrecked tir. in Shi- denles tihe statement *,'ai boys be- lob Park.' Later. onrs of the garne longîng lia the Inileîendeni faction ganîg lroke thei lock off a kerosenre cpie tieipruî;ibip for burning low'n a tank locatd rneur the rsiiroad track large tow . itriii;c na- Shiloli At Zion and rutblessly spilled 9,500 Park. gallons o kerosene. Ibu. leaving 'l,,n'i i't nn)rc p:,I)ilîiic in the Inhabitants vithout a proper thi some of the bîaa i o oias hic .upply of fuel for cooking. and lIon burned the Ins'r.' Rev. Nelson causing hardshîps and inconven- asked today. "This îias'e: Is near lete. NertScantes the burnlng of vliva',s ciiool and 1 have been in. eigb bulletin boards. Tbey satur- foniid on good auiborlty that many atedragm wit gmwine nd fB- f the large; boys fron thts school ate rae wth asoineandta have hi-en hangtng around Iis tow@-. tened tirent teIhe bottent of Ibe The> bave been seen 10 cimb the boards. héadder leadlng np '0 il and have And now caimes the destruction craw.'d 'tbrougla a rapdoor int the of a large water tank in Shilob tower ltself. Parkl This tank vas erei-ted by Dr. "They congregate in ibis tower Dowle and was Intended t0e upply which 'hey bave converted intoa pressure to water pipes dos'n îosn. smoking room as îlîey are barred The vaier for Iis tank s'as sup- tram smokinq any place euie. This plied fromt an artesian weil close tower made ar excelipti' place foi by. and oit accotint of the ileva- i"li i11i. '<nl' ' elieve lieno f bhe Park iand of the- heigbt ,rr iiiko'h'.- i- ma.liaâte or the tank front the groind lht h % bc ic < ieiîs aicd-naliy was a good pressure. Lately. ibis " irc nci-nin <na i tank bas not hi-en usird <-.prrsbahi:% an-niprn Oti Saturoimy niglil. o- i'l "-e __ lawlesm vagabonds cri-pt up te the 00 oooooooooooooooo tanîk mîrdpr itver of darkness< o PRAIRIE VIEW 0 lrouabt'timow - avjngs a th lîîm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.îruiated tire- havingi- asiih kero O O0 0 O fl 0. i-.candl sm-itir- if, Ibhe large a oîd- i b'i ii .iii _ .est tank, A Zin sperial plicenian S-a; tida> sinia Si 'c r- liaîpp-imd ri i) e goin lîn'1riugli îlîîe '~.a a. -:i-ip~ n pilrk and sictia lb.- tir,- 'lai rushed 77i ' ',aî îî i'n- .r ii- u', the spot. There he -s a aivt a , * .ýov- al gallonî tmn i i .îii iion, j l it.iilif a d - mu%% utwnMail riiinifiîg coitbacst 51 i:!a'TLi'a.cir. thîoîîgh iii'- park, Ilý ut Àiii e . las'- ;u, a i t i iu ilh-- i..' ,i (,i - A an àaui xi anrd ise tii-. dliiai tiint 'hii- ' i'inL h-,'-,' Aa- quickly î,îîi ii. iput h-l -ii m i a .' f i s tiiîbî toib.' iipr.ibli- iuL'ilii ii,-'-' n , o"', i eavm- Ibi' tat ik. bus m-ai-i - anîd il ca'i lîurti.-d ii l- groutîd. andriai-eu-et !iii? M- <AU .1 , 'awnco fi!c i, iii l.' iî-P' tclose b> L' W at.iii ,d ' *-'riL Sun la- riti -M r Elircriîî.ma-d b) t11i-r mpà "iiî1-)N-"- n-1 u siticcess atnd by ilî-ir bas ii--sp IP cd punlabment ai l- lî;mîîd - uofrhb- I \ti- u1--1,I n':i o-i mg 1-1 lis'. thi- iasless .lnîist hlisseon-orr Nrnen,'îi-- .i 1-rd îu' !i-i tixîued their altacki- on ibm- biilc n1i. n-iJler. shi -.Al lin boards. Fouiri,,iardý - s-niar i --anîna l ita,!aW,)r-iiinio1 ed wllh paint durlng îb.- aeek în a- l"Th -'lia.î'nina -îsolRuil, oit Sunday, a lad naifîed Tbéomor, %ýojiil -îîn' io- a- i.-n t 'a i! h-i arrm-simd by Officer l-aac Mîa HIl non i4- itudinz 'hic seila' Parry for an llegeil atlemp, 10 n-ar -ai i lîci .j îan iiliaiutai '. ukesan. ________________Th. ftoonwr îGirls zanae .'bmliný, EIJL&Ji& . CO fLlQY l-. .î 'iniii.inz w-'i- -iir,' t'-1 - l.i Sunday. Attorney-at-Law. Juliho Haridng l -hiLliaitL" i.. - Office et Homeý on Cook Avenue. Fiien'l' io Monda> -Telephoni- 163-J. A nuiibcr ilf lri.-oi-an I i'iaiae' LIBE-RTY VILLE. ILLINOIS .uprise-il la> lu-î li Sunda> ciening ____________________________________ it iini tl i'i- 5nd hii-liti.- daughier's MARTI C. DECKR biitIi-i;.iAil -nî> *pisan' .arn Altorney-at-Law. N iln iib-' uîi"Iirl'I> 315 Washington Street iband .andIli- ý-un n îe.' birihoaa WAL'KEGAN, ILLINOIS. W.r aurdai -. i b_% iaainuaa -office Plione 848. Res, Plione 1100- W luni a iil m'w îî- i.-i-ltai qui.- i nunîbei (;'i - l'r:,ii 1- ' LYELL H. MORRIS "Ik- al?--odeil [lic part>t Miz W Vi hiiî.j -'n Fi' la' aý%ill Attorney-at-Law ANi' lni i'ilcoa - ,t Ai LIi3ERTYVI'LLtE ILLINOIS o; il iu' i mcng,rr Oac-al Luce Building.t, izbuinr i io ut 1, ma io-f-tirLa.'clînî Reg. Phone 136-M. Office Phoane 18. <> in lii- noustl" ne Lala-sa elak 1 _%j-noj'j <i l iad i it- îîîî-iîrtune 'O0 PAUL Mac GUFFIN'I-tai ii- 1:-gbrok'-n ju-i .ih'iu el1 1,nk;-thbe - - la> ai -hi-l, s r-i i DR. WM. LEVIN DENTIST Locaird ln Mrchants and Farmers Bank Building at GRAYS LAK E ILLINOIS. -Office Hour- Frani 9 ta 12 a. m.; Fram 2 to 7 p. m. Ga@ Âdmlnistered and Nerve, Blocking. THURSDAYS AND SUNDAYS BY APPO[?NTMENT ONLY. 1 n Fl i 1 ') i t -'i, fi- j, - M i >- V ' o; ! iin Jaiî-- NMatous, c'k. MNi. ai,;l-. V, lu.c'iiand daugliler. Carialii ii o1-(n, laonald. moroi-ed îo Chican. S'i'i jî NuIs, Eu,, ne V'oïs and rLi.iii Fi cilVeîîlnei is sorkin-' F ii.ianit Sontie ont- said a sure cu' - h, n.u 'ializ i mioi-0e liniment . - i-> ske ait' nuit aerse ta anytil ia. ;Ni i a nit! kick in IL.but a lai<k r iii a hîorse (l ininment).- NW'll. tiliii - "i., In icgrtar 1 aising pot,!,,, , s- Il lia;e ta Iiand it to J. N. DLii.';li iing in ii>sn.'an a smailiîalchî il gioUnd. Hp- raised a big wagon load "t Iuato(b and dlandy5. too. -Tlbs i.' itiipting ,cs 'a -)f lit fa-aicrs did a i lheie ldis > L eave itlei-Othe cIr - tiajk.s 0 rai.m- tb,- moratoca The tai i c - liait' 'li- coin. Thp Scilcy Bros. had c'-i orn -hrclJed I a.,t Frîda>- E. n'îllîad tn sh ,redldérs Tuesday ani " 'i iii 1IIom- Shreduing la the i of- Lith, 'lay in ibis siclnity. 0 WADSWORTH o 00000000000000000o 000000000000000000 o GRIDLEY SCHOOL o M.i ni jMi - aN:, 1, amiLe anl i I t i L I , i i ' l. ; - i.- a iii l.1' i,îir- hIiaii,- Sunila>, '1-u r' 'lic in-' i -l,11'il i lm Ironie Ni' aloi 'llti: Geini ceThatchieriand IL, i i lu-i Sunla> , i irting i n Iaeý ilraln--.I!l-i'vne, Lb en jr1le îccoiiiaoîedudt- Ni -and N .L.'iui, Tins andilfainil> Dî'ehi.iniîintl Lake i- itors _Sunda> . LJOiile Keilei %as.aa jin,î i oui sciiuuij oii- day la s t 'eek. '11 Nhilr.. ' -pt.. atit nded olr, i uijit giaco ai tire A. ieliontie Tiiusday e tiflg. i. <.lidie> Mas a sisili ai thic n.,si Stiîxr boiu, uniliy WM' are getîing mmad> toi tihe baskm-I ,oaiaa tiu be gis un Nos. 21. Ladies a-, to brinui baskets Ail inviied. IRe-m-ed ri)ualaie lor- lasi set-ký Tîot-elo 5A-r- absent fx'am achool Monda> sm-me Loretta and Feuix Ryan. Syl via Thumba-. Erwin Frele an'! Carl Nuchols. Mi-,anîd Mi,.i-lai AId Tiatchiri aie 1il li tonUt 'a .nî-iora ltll.-dauiter-, bin aOct 2901i Ssii îa Tnunîb- i insenrihng a ft-s viIiai- a i fii, nd in M ian"-sua Mr. antI Nr- PVIlorre and tamil> nSunlas a ii, m4 iLi m-n Es 'i1 1..Iui- 'a 'i m,' i M NiI. lei, rla'. Si.L - - j ii'ii \C5 X"rk Ni-Int;i. 000000000000000000 0o A P TA KISIC o 000000000000000000 i 1-!1':)i.î SI_ dauglri' i Lufit,.. 'ni .an'l.tlauLuIiri i Niai iiia. a î,iieîl 'i 1011'11 . :J < ia - ; unda, NIl.n-h NI, -'% ýLîcualihi i a.- : AI Iuntun Sunda' . 'r cing. îiil i' of- ,I ii, Buch tieated ti!a-ll n l urlirni Sunda> ~' ii.-',îi-ion be-inLahi' .înd los dau'li i 'lr ije'-burhda>. NI-. !ti ii'- as on 'pli sic-k Ii (.ta,-Ila badle'ld. Ni. -Nia\ N iis î-amain ahi.-;o b.- ou, itn :n i-c--i ai andl'aientol al Niati ru- Wcaî-aes in bu inz t frai- Helad lus larma lowed tii ,i-- uitajnua nmade a lot 01 liiliuieîei-on hi- grain elevtior. Ir sureIî looks runel The large shed buili iiaei ii' sçaI' and ibe double a. idol% a i' , aaîîng iooi 'bîiî he * S%,%la, in ab.solute ntcissit'.. as hic -tuler h.îi t'Il sashi lts old une or tinI n a n-ionr, b e chus>, tue latter Nos-lieic41- asinz ail ihe buildings i'ain'ficii Vilio, -mi'llii.tus on s' al-ad ?1 Ntai' h i L W.-ni i >e, lieurLuIi XIj- Eill.II' r ii . ji,r s clitiol lait 11ii iL' hii ' i :- t aller a(i lic AI îlOt ',î iiinL e n,' Ia> i <aisiw. ,. i. (l uui r oun nien sent tu 'lai> tai-ilia,i .-unda>.- but iii ,î> sce -uajiîî.s i t' di .aIqoin cd ias uni> one Gtumi ilit.ui li eau eti -. lio, itlil ri kt i""i <I, 1-1 aI i lia> ýNia'i i1i Lý W-ibe tiîtîe ou ntaa>b.- Sure,. a, il- ~cnoms oiae bai iaying off lur it So ta uirer',s ili hi- onifor, ii tIh-', uhi- i eiuza, %Weimer. -tlî ad beca sta>- i n i irie home of J. N.Buscha the Ira si ,unim-r, reîurned îo the ceuS to iiis sork s-lithihe International Han- s-ster Co. Mu-g., Max Miller s'as a caliet St the homne of Mrs. Cargili Sunday. Aloi,, Raupp. John Giaden and Joe Lnk vent ta the ciiy anc day last veek on business. Mr. and Mrs. Matb4tas Wickersheim s'ere visitars et the hrume of J. N. Busch Monda> atternoon. Friday. Nov. il, Armistice Day. we yull ail psy just tribute to the dear, courageous boys for their noile sacrif' fices. And egain we viii tbank God for the safe returu of tbc brave boys or this community. White travelling over Mlwaukee ave. toward Libertyville seyeraI Urnes lest week. ve 8ev sanie praceedlflgs vbich made our heartz leap vith joy. We sas' (hônestly ve did) the surveyars busy lininii UthIe roai, preparatony ta giving us a reai road ta travel on in tbe ni-ar future. A yeer ega ve almost lîad cause for the same klnd of joy. but- great grief, the good Work came ta an end before il got bere. Let us ail nray Ibat Ibis tîme we vili get It-- a road fliat let passable et soute tume uf the >ear. vbich cent ne lruly Said of tbe îoaîl norih of Wbeeling for, the - 'tarii.'i nid I. O' ii'. .ni Na i i\ - -- ' i - - Nîr- i - ' 'i.: i -' r' i - c La t I-JonLux ou Wukegan % . i-d Geo. Lux mnd fanuily Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Charles Plo-o oen and fanlil> vsisted Mni and Mr- Peterson Sonda>. Mm. and %Mis- J. Suver <af iusseIl Vss ied Mi. and NrsaMW.T. Waddel l ai-I Sunday.. NMr.anid M-.Jrr>MeNamnama visat ed Nlim and Mm.-. J. Cashmore Suoday. Mn,, M. Lux s on the sick list. Rev. Fathî'r J. B. Folm-> vent ta Chi, cago Sunda'. ro attend tbe ciremanies in bonor of Ferdinand Foch, Marehal of Frances-bu sas* the guesî af the Knigbt'uî ofoumbus ibal day. 0000000000000000 0 0 ,LAKE URICH!0: Mr. and Nlu-. Albert Hoelt lt-lt Sat- uruim> mi a Iiîl e lonilli Iri, hruogia tlle suuliihero sai <e NMr.and Nil . pjijliLçi Nouuug and soir Edsard. arie<'hitcagou s silurs One da> Nessers W. il'îchîî. J. Prebm F. DiSebI and tir, 'e aiienul<d the Hurst ('onacattrin ar Waukeean Thursday t-s poing. Miss Etîn Hauru of Lake Forest sas a calier bere Saiurdui>. Mis Rose Tonne s'as an the sick liai several days asi s-eek. The home of George Hapke at Gil- mer. has been qoarantined for scarlet fever. Bert Sup apent asat week vîsiting John Sup ast Desjîsines9. Chester Cartlos' af Washington State visited bas sister Mrs. George Whitcomb Frida). Wm. Prebm bas the contreet for cannecting the sewer ta the FIck lots on Payne street. Rev. and Mrs. Donnelsli v ere en- tertained by M. L. Turners. Mr. and Mirs. Fred Krapp and faily visiîed lu Libert)>vilie Sunday. Mr. and Mns. C. C. Wright and deughter of Wauconds vIsIteS Mrs. C. R. Weav"r Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seip of Irving Park spen1t the week end villi Ibeir daughter. Mrs. Wm. Eichmann, Jr. Mr and Mrs. John Kohl 01 Pelmy ria, Wis., spent Sonda> viîb Lake Zurich relatives. Mr. anid Mrs. Hemr> Rodolph of High- land Park vsuîî'd Suoday et the B. R. Sinions boni.' Mre. George Spunnen gave a paris in honor of ber jatighter's 1lh b birîlu- da> - About fift t> uetes attènded. Ev- pr> anc re-port. a ýuic<ri enjoyeble lime. Mni. andtiM .V.alîcu Laun atten d the Legion ni)a> at Bai*ringion Tliui.c- day evening. Misa Lizzue 'fana i vsited Miss Ma- rie Eicbhaann a(Illhe West Sîde bos- pitl and.mut iuioniaMisMarie gettinut aloati nicely. Odd Scents of Wood. The scent of <lhe %esl Indiaen satin, vood suggests .nwonîil ail. seys the Amerlcan Foresirs Maiine, whlle the paper-bsrk tye afAustraliea l a selSte j melIl lke liriîl nis gwlîlle hi-g worked. 00 0 0 0 '10 OO 0 OO00 o SCHULTZ SCHOOL oý 00Q000000000000000' "LiiXî ' L.k arSERVICE b FI RST i NI r Loi J~Ir- ii <i a' n rrui rdin ~Vuiîaî Siîlîand! iôiiii tier ai ei 'bhe lliowin-, gueits: .r, <nI 'lt- , .i- Sti ad ju;let jejInexpensive Ille home niGOF . crb and fani- lly Sun41dà> ai 'crnoon The Bell system offers a time and money sav- Mr and Mrs. Geoirge KîKueg-er iln ing plan for makingng distance telephone children speni Sunday afternoon a, on tire home of Fi-Pd Krueger and tani> calis. -Mr. and Mrs. 1r. Keller ami chidren Get the telephone numbers of your customers attended the surprise îîarty ai i-tn iwueeS.PulMnehoi mh hont- of Augus, Freler Thursda> ee nMlwueSt> al M nepliO aa ning. Des Moines and other cities se that when you have something important to say you can save 000000000000000000 time and money by calling them on te 0 LONG GROVE o lstation to siation" basis. Nit and NMr' Aiberi Moldenhauei imd famil> nîadc-inn auto tripi to imunli Get acqualted wththe mneymndui iey. Ill., Sunday >b 6ftmt uimoiemD Mrs. Sniow of Chicago visitFd ai themvg"sainostio"erce Goetz home Wednesdaý andi l'bursday Wililam Umbdenstock andI son, Harit.smd eten83 .m.admdih ry, are helping Mr.UTimbdenst>cks Con th de "tw n 8:3station' an d ost ut igte brother ai Gilmer for a few days. o h saint tto'bsscs u id William Smith leait Monda 'v f0r î'h more than one-haif the day charges, and made cago, wbere lIr- will! îai:pup a barbe, afcer mdih bu eet-ieprcn e course. than dnih bu svnyfv prcn e L. J. Hans. V. Sauer, Rev. Ad Kalk. bre-nner, Char!.'.NI. 1-ershberger andNOSBL TLPO E O PN M is., Mai tha >au. r wi-re <'hiraiz)c]il LIOSBL cLPO EC IW Ii- FVcdnea Ri; s. Kn liii~ii.cicii rme i .'l<Mi. andi M.Nick Pott, inqi dau-b 'iric nia> T;îe> wcre ail f'soled. for. Mi.Il.1.- hireîz <j<~ ir .1'iLi and .on Ralili i'iir I tht-r a> ondsone 2ii1 wL'oplayeii. iiiIii iiMr andl Mi- J !'u l.î a', . iii iîncl, ai libitiIn lic Sunla Ni- , snom a ndl Elizabethi 'oel.z vis- 1 Nîîa Misse- ht-nia adfIlEiza b nii ;e,oc z d <î iiit K.îîkbrenn. r haine laît Nf f o I ;,. 1.1i1r ' 1 - ' tl -uPpIu :c i,Johin W ii ne' îi inw ,-~ ii l a, i..ii a. i 'i ;. if I oil T. A. î'î. N iiteI a' uur ichool iîîî' oîie S»unda,, '.i -nia Tonne. *Ji ,ipi <di nil i Fiida>. Alid ilandlijeris h-e.-Ji s a-- nd <Nil s. Chi,arllei.chherger'1H 'ni', Las.-ke Jr..s'as a PaIatlat lPalan, i,r. undaa ennr a~ndl i.îughteîi-il a ilm, -Wilî îjia r aiternooni. M ir andi NMi -. Jîîîîn IHaiin, -Sil «a nn, on n m- %-'une--dav i'luni Griixc Stinida> .rand Mrs. Maiti Wic1Xrîscheinî co-operation Necessity of Today. ýlr. anù i Mi. Jdir.,îand ,,, i îiteîl afIII hi (ai les Heisc Ilbc'IgI- Soutiei onc-e -ai: -Half tho pffl a! t-an NI c r . , s r ied a, i t1 lijIo IrSflldS.pic klimîw fot I . ile .îl<er tu« Gîciz hb-in Zun(ta% alternOon, M Kc1ie ii-er i I lle I 'î<liNc 'This la i ruer tIodîyaie i.-Sopiîî a Li nk ni Chien go -j,'ni hI ui Strd ITherc j a <<,i in .%%i i *'igê-ibat wfla l! en.d asifi lier noîhei "Ir. an'IMrs. Ge-ortie 13, tiibden gî -ir.rai'i.îciîî annol 100* i; io Peie and iî'.il *K- ii-r a i. -,.o-k aîndda card pait> iLibei-t> g.-r live 111ih, fil ,ii. Iîea iiorte î ~i*- a, 0- laeskphoni, Sunday aller Ili. Saîurdlav evening. counir> iir-tî*- i,î ý r aîi,îît fiiîjf MIiirr.Cora Go,,w ier liaz '. i'd ________ Lijeila Heiýchbrgpr anti Paul Rodii position ai Liber!yviiie SreGo Fra u. cailedl on Miabel Laeske Suday. Alilfliasc- hidren aie back 'n aclioni FGodi Frs Fr Nîhas Tllie Politi sisited a' liv Iseis- now %,Wrcieaii lai In10t.' tozetil'- tuFirt- irel, wioîh invariably sprlo» ,91 up lifter f,îre-s ire,, tri the Northw& er homte Saturday afternoon. *,g'in. antid-,v la irge ,arens, Lea asoure Victor Sauer and daughters siien A number of our people s'ent IL of large îîîîîonts oft buney Mhat e» r Sunday visil xng relatives a Palatine. Wheeling Sunday 10 see trtc- Bloomner profitalt lie gnithereml liv Iees. Electric Light and Its Associated Advantages If your house is adjacent to our lunes, you can have this service indalled, fixtures included, and pay the coüt if desired, a smail part down and the balance. in 12 inonthly indaliments. The coüt of the installation of course, depends on its conditions, but it is safe to say the de- ferred payments wall mount to the equivalent Of A Few Cents A Day Fuli information may be had from us or from the contractor named who will grant the terms of - payment named above. TITUS BROS' LIBERTY VILLE Public Service Comipany of Nothem Mlinois Editor--Caroline Lux, Assîs.-Myrtis Lahey anrd Donald Cashmofs. Tlit- .,-nud mauith a 'of o is'u No%, 4iî .Tiose perfect in i -ndanvl, ie Edîlli l'ederson. JuIi i hi c Editti Kuniai-iDonaldl Caehmor, Eilniund Idar t-r r, ii-lie Cashmome. Il :ie li> - tia, c Suiiids.Maurice Lwi'- Ss hiil«t Ma , L.ucas, Robm-mt Radia'NIt 'iu 1 hua '-) e D oyle, W îlitir'; , 1r i rtin Lu'x 'lîlford Kick , ! "u, i>i a-hlev aîîd MNi i..u i-hju l.i ar lîmil 1111' r',l -uiLuia.ld bougthiu- ' PR' Cie bookafoi A ni -us-i arendel ' i' ian- nn nth- al i 1 l i in, t i - i bile Re- ant the 3ui aing e VILLE, ILL Vice Prosîdent ST CO. WAR ffl EE i