CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 10 Nov 1921, p. 4

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fOIJR ~THE LIBERTYVMLL INEPENDENT, TI-URSDAY.NOVEMBER 10, 192 1 ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAPI _n, en AT LIBERTYVILLE T. t1.t. ~gIr~-p~~ -Waukégan Weekly TIf TW K N sb m e- t L. Potoftle at LU-ibrt-yvifl ., sScndCaa MaMtter. .T .S TWUEA 2wil iiwseiiinew tC Ii-phfol oinien :g l Z 'OU~IPîON PRICE-41.50 PER VEAR, STRICTLY- UN- ADVANCIE. w.ts Ia I a Waukegan last Friday. E M. H. '25 Patriotic Songi. Audience. ]il b Office Tolephent Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. PIeu yof o crs îyent n a speciai car Jack Blradford. and ilsIo nnautoinobiles.ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM -- nvocatiop-fltv.Chas..1. 1Tckey. J.SIH......Editor Waukegan kkei off. Thtii Ist A very ing e- û lsbeen ai- Dsrrmn aeatithS.ju r7 . &MITH -- ---------- .......Manager quarter ended witb a score of 0-O0. nged i A uhîjîcel>a3 progiau, studenîs BWILD NALLEY - - - . ---------.---.-- Local Manager Our teani was PeriIousi3- near Wau- at the High Settuol, Friday afteruoou. Address, -Mr. Gnt'by, ut tite Cycone*s goal, but bal Ioorfeit the ai 1:15 p. ni. Fente Co,' Wtukegan. _______________________-hall. At Ille end of the hall' the score Mr. Bradlford i ~ll ](ad thîe Aïssent, Chorus-Grimmar 1.cbooIl on their way honte. Abaut two w atim O0-0 blage in singln, atiliec ongt, Tb( Benedirion 1ev. Batty. YWOMÀ IS FIiEDIU loseatfteGrn aeue lturing mne lirst quarter of the sec-,1ev. Mr'. Dükeyý ofthe Methodist ATli.r.Vhtîswîh.-bui culyert lie weive tioe O a nit hall Waukegan imade a Tttuch bhureb, wili gri.-ihe inv~ocation. UAhtl bî ug ni V.iy UN E U O A pproacltug f rouih, flic .adIiecuchbisrug ndeéy UN R UT A 2were ^hoth going along atdon bTey aiso succeededin t makiug L. T. H. S. 's putting on a ýPageant on-e liould cbscîîî- Armniatice L)a" by apretty gond clip" Wîltoii told the' goal kick.* calLed "Washington on Neýerhber the tuinirvc tuffirîl. lie East ai 1h1', lime.. thAliIe Waukegan POlice inday. but il, lie last quai ter Ourili cailûdTvelftb." .. The Lîbertyville postoflice l b NI CINIE CRASH l there was penty ef room for the îigslîin near Waukegan's goal, but I-. Gorbt-. cii - Wakegafl. ts tue-nJ*leloia cedetuorwrl clearance. Just bain-theicaen the nvistie blew just one tînute ton speaker ofth(b occasion. be CIîhtlt eleul o Ori 'Cien 'day, Nu-..Il. The' office i'ultb losed happened 1 do not kiioin. When s~ou, andl the gamne endeit wltb a score -The. GrammaT Scbooi Chorus wil! rm1 .n.uli îm oee 18m .Scott Peterm, visiting the car., were about a rod spart niof -in Waukegan's favor. sing. frm10 s .wi. Le il Iti-'a era iaet ee prasft l tseeuied to me as if theeciller Thc- teams were nery eenly match- The Rt-v. bM. Balîv, o! ,àe Prô*est onmais uit-r e aekdficsa. ea pamns hee, erhas faal. car swerved and camc straight cil andt hey had tn flghi ail îhrlough an piscopal ccbuîch, wlll give ________________ day Ma ]y injured in collision aIlume.1 hait difficulty in keePing the game because bolh teama bail benediction. tte alAî~rtrelbrels Edl~b - my mchine ouf 0 Ibe dltcb.splendid interferences. Our team put After the pregrani L. T. H. S. Îs g0 ondya-t'U]vrlyhsi MmEihPeters of Gary. md ., I helped to l ift the cai off Mrs. un) a .igid figbt snd Waukeg;an hai to îng t) play Maine. Mna rm hýIfvriyheia ft ofSotH. Peters wb for Peters." wokladt cr. V .'4 Lt' l oefr-teporni n nChicago. Sht sis rprnving. wffe 0f Scoît WO Tbe accident hsppened about -rlir 0sre .M'2 Lt alcnefrt pganad tmerly conducted thte Sanitary Clean- 11:15 oclocit according to Wîîl- rermain.for, the garie. Tbe first of a serics of card Parties ~ig establishmnent In Wsukegau. ton. Mrs. Pelers was broughît to PEP MEETING. - ---b le given by S',. .lseph's cburch wi. a serlously. perhaps fataiiy In- the hosPital Iu the Wetzel and Rah! Rah! Libertyville! L. T. H. S. NEW,%. be il ai 'lie Town Hall lu Liberty- Iue i n uomblecas nPeterson ambulance. Lasi Frias. before tie football Amber Grabbe '25, and F'rances P4 ville- Wedlne.sda> eveuing, November _____Ianautmoblerasongamiet wiîh Waukegan High Scbool 'Ton '24, have hail charge o ftlle f low--16ihî. conîmeu<cing Tt' tî15 o'cioci- The Omn avnu bewen Grne ad AG" ROUND-UP AT WARREN oui-r-gond nid L. T. H. S. joinedin lua ec:in lu itteactiýrs room iluriug Sel.-îîroc--us ioi Tht-se pattas wll.rbe do- Wýuk»gan Friday uight shiortl]y af- TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL "-cal go ge-sem" and tbe i'eîîlwbich tenîber and October, ,hese girls bave natîd 'il 'lie tunîl beîug raiseil for a 1eýtr eleven 'elock. Mns. Petere \nas 1-t inoil suipasseit alillier pop bwùen motsfalîbful iu pcrfoîuîiug t111i'ni-w .ctotbuilding i- il)(tîari8b; -a buriedonut of the- machine IThe nienîbers nici te clas-es in Ag- meetings Lv far. David Flagg, cbeeî serv-ice ath,. L'-teachers are mas'Ia" Th t.TTLtI( lu- et ,which> tben loppîed cver. pînniug lcluea h-Vare oubpHg eader. was rewarited by i-eceinjiàg 1),eciative. ber under it.?!cutout.reth(lWa rTonship Harepîcrlt oif-support lu î'eî. while the eIEfl eTtce -ai-t a t'lie,'If. The Ltbety.1lIe Inidependent i5 Aller being exiricated t-be w n. a - -gA -bn-u"nib stake- (lances. and ti cbr demllusti-ition-. Joselhmeut . ink «22. las bt-t-n i,, reati by more farmers thani any othen cubd 10 the VicTorv Mentrial Ton!i i b ii.îTTi-g o ectîttot iiTtua >vl'erousers tu iet--ruie'E t îîlelcs-t,f lte-tic utti r. Lake County. 99--Ïtal in Waukegan" vbî'te -ee f ilý ih CiO --ln-oue i' ttr ed in o Itle ltrue li' I 3ards. o W"careit Dr. F. t. Gour nî- oenlci1't I :, j,,nce mno:e w lne lhat T C-Lnui ,ti.! l oi' c: it.T ,*î*j- ][ey. lif was lounrd tbal .'hi was p i c siti ' tn itet d the fu J "tt-. ,n î. -krl- "-UT tîîi l àj ', ýit nul rt - - (,11i;i a i tiT urît,l, autterfng frnm t fracture nif'the ,"t 0-it .cii -'nî ctc:nî'atuînd -c ri-Ci .'yni],! tiiin' rWIlbt ami ardtid i,: ilt- tb"1 T 'sildt-duh-m- ' il't - o r'dlI-o>itn(,r t'ii,, i i'ci S Ili.a ijIxlixý w-sa brokein lutwu jplat-(- t-itlinî,ýni o1 itz n,ý-ti !,il, ttii l-iL T;,,t o ti Fra'N. nce h As SOOOa-. . lt- tt-tii.T fuiii Tii ..! i.i1,'lit.':r i . Ier74e iC' ini Lt-- -t-M,' i n -- : A13 sook .1- îli î':-.aylu'ui du(-,. . iiin nîîî tît'-l' il i - 'jiki -nol tti i on'iî,t ractured bouies togetbei. IoTo;u:it iîrnmuit-n %tc.- houtn LOST AND FOUNO SALE Fridat- maruini. '.' eri î1'.i-,n!î l', 'u.,.tui tttilnn I Tbe accident. it 15 sait. willeant- ie.n i h olusie eiwt-n'!k-"u- E e .ur u -colh. tenbtli -i tv Tif iinh' lnt,; *f'i0: lac it. it ber permanently incapacitatet. REnwi iC u le. t-ta' iel in thabe sh li i t ..o ul t rcýi'irtt- <lai...v'sn-,Ti, (Iet!ni(, -* t. t' '- ii 'j 'o î.îîî.i lire. Peterit tan e to Waukeganfievil») ifo te;.o*E epehv erlsn L1'OalxTepcul si i i tew dys ao lu isifber pr- îhict-bhat- Lien anipit ariaug-il for. louglugs. books and othillitîtings about Iiieh h e Sptolii'i la! a i Iii' * 'a-1,sk- -ut rccatîu u n t Fiai , -WORLD'S RECORD TROTTER it-i-oni'i-I' danta. Captain aud Mrs. Davenport. rhen fonlto*ý,ngthie serviug ol tht- cats the .'uîmig. Some of Ihese lit-OIe did ciaseil bail ati-i -tui fi '.- ha n * hi. II'hil i tub ainaii . TRAINED AT LIBERTVIL-LE tin'lit uiîain- 0ptain Davenport le the local leby bv ianettribîr o nimiss Ihese hhings cor dii not ca' Tu aI'îiopriate Ia'i in fle buildingj* foiir . montut'.loiugtttful nic- -Ifith'î'u -- moee:raimn utht- ferorf*a!*liter \aniciliirîi-î-' -ui-t hf - - ni Ilgitbouse keeper. mr 10raimn I orcdeenî tiien bn the% wmel t 1ilt Or The Sopis gave au "Art Exhibition * a1rot'.ai l TA iicfrt liii . cie * - With a wornan frlend she aie couleats. .uch as wheel-barî'ow Pois.tht- baisf t !the custodian ai the Lnst andt bougbt the t' LI îreprailu'ious ii o i 0ii- Woild-', ee 'onferte nc r -'ln,.-. miii. twirlifl- -'t,,. i~.î'n-..ti,' siate supper at the Saivation Army contest, suit case race. cocoanut race, andl Founit Deparîmeut. Tuestay aI sen"i-itl gouit paintings-w-Ch 'ir munit *whiiopu1i W!,eton7%'-ii ai Lexingnu. K' n'îiîk' .nn'inctami- ~otI, ridy nght A eb strî-"myher" andbak. ec. ~ilther'12:0 agrad Aclnu alew-a beopearnt.*invemWrashingtonthak- s(tninti1 i' .-tidi ul i- c I.. -s r":.,- Motel brdyne Jack Asoore a nidcnnîsts " a ît'.teneiyitc.e-'th, but :3for graedpurps to ioingfehes eg 'ir Galabail -- - Tht- Sound it thi * giviuvohoityilufor ibeMllles o! uni '".Iil trend of the family, came along Ihle exact nature nf whipb w-e arecwfth- thiugs. fDavid Flsgg was auctinneer. Lark' sut -The Altaîcal 10 lthe Great * oo bat v er( - su niPingln . ar'-ttî-;'i,lat rate tt-ý 1ert ifil '-1,i'le- .i-hiinjz'h, t. In hie 'oransd offered 10 give ber holding in orier that tbey Oiay provc Not ail of tht- gonds w-t-e soid TuesdaY Spirit" w-se mf tia' w-trt- eosen. *n in tur country' eusrs ~ 1I-i V'i' i.ild .il Lixuigtin w-~t-i. -,îl « tbe Grand avenue pavement s h aewscniudMdedy A]areia iýjnos e1 hcýIjrpii xrie (ai autan Mi. etes nnsntd. Tht- price of a'dmission la ta Le 304 and Thursday niions. David Flagg exce-llent. Thesse i.piriug îiefures *bielli ton t-utpeî, onit-'. W, M, Vi:ght, îire..i-ul UTfib ,Irb" were rturning wheu tbe a<- cents hc sa mutncsa:-sdGli'Voelker dnnated ubeir w-Ut uplift ant ileîus as nie cu tîbouin lucommémor-aiini *ii n'iakiling low-dci (',,inîraux 414»t hspppeucd. f0 defray the exiitiug expeuses of lhe services for- which the Lost sud Founil 0ur ul!'. ,s-s* e--fultet-iiîinatiiuu tor,,:I . (r,iî*-l ~~ .T itlui. i ii .T ':t org Oliver N. Wlltou of Lake Vla on p on utha 'i -k îaîetb prcaieThe pro0- Juniors w-e thank :iou fuir tics t-rien * 5i o n Non 11,191K t i. 'M Wîb iaI. t :î: î:fî-i, i .i hum'ol. -*» hiseiother, Mrs. E. A. Wîî- ers, eat tht- uumpkin pies, drink milk. ceets from uese lhree sales was $20. dd tgîft * itintil>JESE . $AT ti.<îtîîriteutly. To Lut- backi'h.c'ouirse. Ithad sttcndcd the Academy eat ici' cresm and cake, suit vatch tic --1 i ti *Cisfoi~' -,» treinluWkukegan sud were Various cOnlests. 45.11-- __V llagei-1 nanire'îdi-u.Foth en-i O Iý ii, _______________________ AlU~U'utMA w 1CA1< phia Ntw- York, Buffalo antI Niagatra ************~- iîi t lan asi otu lromi-i i 'a.'-- :. flhIlIIOU I D I N Faîl.the iiev l i .elr oi., - i..boule.i Gud's Best Gift Is A Healthful Baby ~' A divorce court judge is credited - with saying that where the patter of ~' /jÇ baby feet is heard in the home there M W is an interest which builds homes and character and citizenship and happi- ~~ ness. A baby cornes inta the world qwte of ten under cir- curnstances that cause disturbance ta- spinal align- Ment. 'It i4 not necessary ta describe these circum- stancei. It may resuit in continuai draailing, as wat the case of a ba1by, one side of wbase mouth was par- ab-Lmd go that it could nat close its lips. It may resuit in almost any farm aof chronic weakness. As soon as "uc weakness becarnes apparent, the chirapractor whoM be called that the spine may be restoreci ta proper alignmént and the bdoy's life develop nor- mally. BABY COUIDN'T TALK AT TI-REE _____ "Nettie WOlter la MY infant'daugb- ter. At the age ôf tirce years andt eisbt mothis ishe was unable to talk, and from ber condition w-e tiougbt ah. wauid neyer b. abe ta faUt. Ou Noveuber 26, 1919, i couaulted s chi- roPraçtobr. Hei dîscoverec the chutd sutfered f rom asenlous mlsaligument of the uppermost vertebra of the neck. Afler tw-o weeks the chutd began toi retpeat words. June 10, 1920, ber abil- ty 'tu, taik was az fluent as tbaf of otier chitdren ber age aud abs was diacharged. Sic bas been naxual %Ince."-Mrs. Auguat Voters. Chîro- practie Research Bureau, Statement No. 1284. WHEN HEALTH BEGIN Wben health begins de- pends on when you tel- ephane No. 26 for an appointinent. Consulta- tion is %vithout cKarge. DRS. MNIXlr & DAVIS CHIROPRAC'TIC PHYSICIANS Speciafista-Correction of 15eformîttes. Nervous and Chronir Diteases, Noua-ar: 1 to 1) and 6 to 8. Sundays and Hliîdays by Appôlinîment. SuIte 10.I1-Newcafte Motet LIBERTY'tIILE. iLL pffUS.! ON SOMNL 1 ma m s m LUNLWM"eS STOMActN PAMCIIAS SPLUN IONEYS ROWELS AP9ENDIX LADUER IpinaC.usl'OWER UNS Ttit LOWER NERVE UNDERTHE MAGNIPY- #Ne GLASS S PINCIIBO BYAM5SALUGNED JOINT. PINCHEO NERVES CANNOl TRANSMIT IIEALTIIFUL tHIPULSES. CUIROPRAC- TICmusm RDUTIGE-' "O VES THE PRESSURE. THEr UPbla Nva. 1-q A 8~5 ~ZU~UdIwtEd*Ji-uCalitciiniallbY way ao!ith (anailian - i-roule. jW. E. Decker, Robert A. Hetlon and' 0. A. New-som left Wednt-"aa Mora- A 01 ri.-:tîeo it tih1inoît, îng for Sbelby-ville, il]. to remain four Home anîl Aid Soclet'. brietilyrt-pi- or liv- cays on a quail siiooîiug cxpe sented this work in sen-etal'oî lIteý dition. They made tic trip by auto- churcnt-a utftihii- uIt-- ta£iSunfla> moin1 mobile. SheIbyville of .b0jîîîL,54) miles J î'g The vp1t -îhlas bt-nnt-ot iîstauci- snitlwesî af Chicago 1lot thirît>-fi'. t t-'ars and is charterci] b'.' lic state io tîceine sund cart- toi, Jutge and i-Sr..Detn H i- lEttr left bontelea t-nd] tepeoitent chiiteu lîni Iota) fThursday t o attend lte Yale- tng !a tîtiiliaF llaceit ni art.ý'. i Piineeton anti Yalt-Harvatti tootbal thînus-tuij rtîtltrç-n lutht- bouses uT games witti their son. Rollîn Ellis Mil-lirivalît'faffiiies. anti tas nc-aî-t four lei-, who is a Junior s' Yale. Whil ti iiiti'ti in' n .p:, lion,, ý,bodtditg the East, tbey wilIi-lasit frit-uts in New- loi' Ilari-men Ehe niork ii iTîs sou York sud Boston.ictuming home afier e.e1%iy5la-atiiby titi.bcuoî-oînt Tbanksgin'ing, gîfle o0 Ii- liople. Anyouî nisbing 10 douat- îI is wotty cause, mat- Icane Dr. Orval J. Gause bas commeuccit moue> i t ie Lake County NaltlonaI the iiractice of Medicine at RoundlIBank. Lake, moving to that village from --- ____- Elkharî, .,-w-ers b litas Le U îrc- ticiug bis profession for tue past yearý V Church Joroice: t'nlor 10 that time he practiceit for; three years ai Gag', Mich.. moving FIRST METHODLST EPISCOIiAL i-tom that place after tht- dca-h o! hic. Charles J. Dickey, Pastor. 10 as. m. Sunday School, w-CIIori Mi. and Mr.,. Dav it Black anti daugh- ganzet: a tIas for everynne Volt ter, Miss Esther Black, of Gleudale. arc invitcti ('ali., were lnu Uberlyvilie foi a couple Il a. m. Morning worshili. of days visitlng w-ah cousins. Mr. and 630 >1).nm Epw-orth League it- Mrs. W. G. Havice. and famiiy. Mrs. tional meetingý A lin ely service fot Black la a niece nf D. N. Whipple. te 'e ivy yau gogteoti father of Mrs. Havice. Miss Estieti l 7:30 p. m. Eveoing w-rsbip. a graduate trnm the Gendale higli Tht,- pastor wiii preacuh otu morno sehool andt is taking s year's vacation 9 ansd eveuing, and the choir wilmrn before entenlng coilege. Th 'y are make- dcr excellent music. ing a coast to COast tour. Promn Liber- Weduesda)y eveuing ai 7:30, Bible lyville they weut 10 Chicago Universi. study. Prayer andt Christian feflowsbip ty to sec GenIl. Fochi receive hîs dcg,-ce. You are cordiaiiy invitedti 1 attenc Tiey cipeett 1o be lu Wasbingtou. >thse sel-vices. C.. on Armistice Day to hear President Sunday Scbool sud preachlng at Harding's address. Iben toi phhladlcî- Diaunonit Lake at 2:30 p. cr. This la a cOrnmuulty servIce. Harvest Hiome Fèstival For The Benefit 0f Cook Memorial Library To Be HeId At Libertyville M. E. (3hurch Under Auspices 0f M.E. Sunday ,Sehool Thursday and Friday. November lO-&- il Cafeteria. from 10 a. m. 't11ilal are served Bakery Shop, Butcher Shop,' Dry- Goods Store, Gtocery Store Home-Made Candy Boothý Be Sure To Take In The Carnival1 Keep quie, but look up the Blind Pig Be On Hand- Friday Night For The Big Suprise No Admission -Everybodv Invited i.. - i Short1 Mise T fGA,1k lc~i i t- I T Thi thià an ing wai abl Sn DO GÊ c Yo SAL 'Fl-i 2Bb1 TC c'- ANNOUNCEMENT The Libertyville Tire Repair Shop- will- be open for business November- 15, 1921 Retreading and General Tire Repairing A Speciîalty Up-to-dg.e Equipment and Scientific Repair Methods Used The Libertyville Tire Repajir Shop 551 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE Walter D. Wheeler, Prop.

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