_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____THE LIBERTYVILLE INEPEMENT. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER' 17, 192 1. &RMERS WORK OUT NEW MARKETINti PLAN IN U. S. Setter distribution of live stock intended to stabilize market Plans for dilstrlnîuiona0cf ie <sock. dfttgaed ta inclIne a .% tabilizeh <i a-k-et Md preveal fluctuations la priee caî.- ]y to tic farmer. liave bien worked «it by tie arde:ly iaarke<,ing commit- 'tee of tie Cammitte et Fifleci. Vblic Iis conîposeil af farnier relue- nentatives namei b>- J. Rl. Howard. prasideaf af the American F,'<ai Bu- reau federation. The orderly miarkîeting plan,. i. vother vîhithe fuit reportoi I '-Cii Uttîe of Fifteen. wili te sutiitied to a ratification confe:ence fier. Nov. ». The canference is iessigned te lic ,zelreentativr of lire stock raisers of the country. 21 Commttet Makea Report Annauncemeni f t<hiefindngs of Ilue orderly marketing ccmmîte. ,*hoae ehairman la A. S-ke'. of Ia 4rove, Iowa, presideat f <lhe Crnhet Meat Producers'asasociaion, 15 niade bie. ,prion o ithe ratification ree'in. 1%e report sa7s. ia part: , 'E'ndamenTai tactsprievea' <the dêvelopmneni ofa aîloroiihsystem of erderly marketing ai eer. There la ttie reliable information availahie a te the auppr and uemand for ire stock la lic marketed or :!,<o <lie Urne ofthle nikeling.<I ias- ein Impossible tc, secure î'h- co-pi.%ioii et itrencliel ixsting agencici- upon à genenat plan of orderi' iiîtkeing te vlicb ait interent. A i w i i -.a ty support and (h (opera!tion. "POrderiv nmark<eting'an i'-' t e broughf aaut lcihgh. .iUiop.'a- Uve selling agence(- Iiiîlc.0ii te auci a point iai 't icu,.dicc' iîîht 11ev of live "loc> 'F > i. l " As tic plans.'o. tîlerlyîîlîî lue Ing devlop hit iil I ,n'c0..sary ta take Ittaconsideratior. <c eus li e flow of live stock ioth<icmarkeî. but aoe thc distribution of meat and by- Oréedueia in an arderly marnDer <ru the various channels of, irade-." Means Long Jobi "'The camttee believes," sya an i.dvance repart, '<liai the necompîteli. *Mut offlic more anderly marketing if differeaf kinds of live stock leaa heu-Urne proceas. .Tiere la na easy Way or auj outatanding short eui& Abat vili gain the desireil end. There Mlut b. a broad camnafra of eduna- i , ýK1 Tle wa s 4r1 ivogi:ni iv,. il tlit) o'rtir.ed bN <lie i î<nniiee. 1. He1]qbli'- latisiica1 'floiciîton is <î, ' niIsîensatil 2T ,é-, iiîî'< lie establisleî ilefi- ai: :i'il for cgiilatiag <lie flow ofi %a1oc-. irîî. cf i<e stock towsrd HIe nîar-ke! in ovil.r tu mare equltnhtn di F bue'i ecl The nmeilia w.dlif er dclînding ilion t<l ie I kt. d o ils:irve stock ir.solved. Tlt:e musîît lit, a îsor'ing agree- ri'.t r'ith ihelieailrc.nîisic la mure ,lie pIql ds'rbu<lon ofcfars s.0as ( crri cu afly plan cf onueriy nmarket-1 'uc1 , !-!, -.affis iai he nationali l' ' bl oardioft liiei'ioît'. whici i. ilesîgneil lu reaie. liould ca- 'ewith zlie i ariolis extsting live1 sok pi oîlice,-.c. ganizations Ila] wci knig oit a s' .ieni Of orderly niar ketitig Od'inmarketing of liogs, i 'l nd3eep ;s ccnsldered s(pa- a,: e .x 000 000,0000n00000001 0 GRANGE HALL o1 00000t)000060000000 <Tac Laie or Last Week) o-lanterascaifwyp alirilu sirdlu rdlu We bal a 11<1e Halloween pari> ai sclioolt elii 2S. Our mot ers were acire. and everycne bai nan enjayabie lime. The roulai vas decanaîed willi jack -omIateras. wilee, cals ail bi. It h<ad a snîioakyalîpeirance. We hlai louphnîî<a. pumîikia iEiimil an- dx ii ire slîîîen<s. Vi îiiaS ed garnis. îlucked for ahiplen. tlayed sev- ,a ri( k s adhhlianch f1un £ailI Baldinl. <ani Wisconsin. in Ns'in ai h, laierict Moollcv famnily. td hi -r couan, la Waukcclalast <seul. ail. tlent c ia KiuxiLcr:. ýutCo Gayslakt, W-, -' <iior a' Mist eniiian's. mi Bilcke-'-1id oa <he jui> ai N:Fetzei 1> building an i,Jilitir. te hilii tihoiuse. Miss Josiphîn( Iie-Woad> and lier iitr. Ms, Meaie. spi-ni H1alloween 'ili lie REad family. Mr. andl !îrs. Cannon spea< a fcw ha)s :n aChicago Inst week Mrs. Read entertaîneil fiiends fon Ginner Tuesday eveatag. in honor 0f their sixtetnili veding aaaîversaiy. Mir. Tucker bas returned to the tlooley home. aft' r a tva veek' v!sit inlaWisconsin. Clarence Meuuîtann, Mtxin Resil, Dantby Clark, Walter Neumann,c George Real. (Clana Hook. Chirles0 T O O Nagiashas, Robent Kennediy, Amai Tony Maginnias. Charlotte Ilook, Em> L A FM - îîy Beckey. Phlip Saiuiurg andl Helen N'aginshas vere penfect in attendance o.lya ~ne' e ahot ~ Naami DWoady ta viiting lien ais. » W t UM WPMU MSd BcbiU 'et, Nisa De<Woai>. andi s giag <a aur PA là kcunble diamasu. Avid chooltlits week Ici »SuC0m by taking Mre. JakeFeczcr tisii ai lien liane. WE bave sanie nev lical1 postera ini oew îur,,chol.t ClarncE Nf urnan l'aI a ithda) mut- .Plates vere lid fon tvcnty- nemmemèn <wo but .a" ei iýeJ eguosta vene uaft bale preseat. mv*Oe.wa"dda ofan l m aim lem<a 00 000 00000o0000 thmmb$&T im izo, al dh5ggiM 0 MURRAY HILL o «4 &mm M&ooooo00 o00000 0000000O ______________Minnie Hapke. Edtor. ----- -- -- ---- Ré'ctiveî To Laie fer La-i W'eemx.) The basket bail social thi vas giv- fl g' ~ tu li ur scboot Fnl-ut- eveang vas ýA1RLIN uT ON a gr auccess. iTiie ar hount ae ~tt OT EL ad we made aven %11 on aboxai ______________________ about $15. Tic praceela viiili e useil ta Vucia6elibrant-boaks fon tic C "je.%bW ave staneil a "Cen et" Icontest. A record la kepi of ailitic _____________________ *pupis 'tha dean tbeir iein tIice a wàïïq 9 day. Tiuc pupila via lias fite eenec- 1IKEGA , LLM ord wîi receive a prizt ai, the endl ai Ha morning vs have' n Clean ý M Hn(!Rail ('cli. All t'se vlio bave A S O.4 8 < M * * lea n andsa ndailfac s are en t ted t a 7 ae their nines ancibedin latic 1~~Cla ROR BBE Hanil"bok fl AB l Tt pupila o!fish upper gi'a-les have hpiiff IlUi e kn cal bok.An c AUCTIONEERMN FAIM ANI) STOCK SALES A SPECIALTY 547 NORTH COUNTY ST. WAUKEGAN -PHONE 2441 Revue. aeeamaoeeCaus OROCERY AND MARKET DEALER IN Gencral Merchandise STAPIE AN'D FANCY GROCERIS DRY GOO3S, N01;ONM *BOOTS AND SUOLS M ATS ANDC4P<S 10SIER) Ç,ou.tzy Produoe Bought and SoId SPhone. 107-J 1-1-4"V&LA ILUNOLS WiO WAS WORLD'S BETSALESMAN? CJIRIS COL UMBUS F. A. Sykes Pins Rose on Gent Who "SoId"l New World "Christopber Columbus, the greateat salesman ln hiaiory," vas the toast of tlie Executives' club of Chicago at a luncheon n th le Hotel Shermnan yeater- da1. The laurel vas hung on Christ- apher's brow by Irraflk A. Sykea. man- ager of agencies for a Life Insurauce campaay. The explorer vas the ber- ries, Sykes delareil. If lie bail aold insurance policies lie could have spareil himseif tic trouble ofis long trip acrass tie Atlantic. Hîs comis- sions woulil have put hlm on Geaoa's Lake.Siare drive, willi a private car- inrage and c half columi n "Progrea- sive Busstness Mien of ltaly." "Soid" Trip te Queen. Sykes piqtured lie intreplid Colm- bus gaing out on the road, ta sel America. n bum Ulin nthons days. viti no ailier samples than a loadeil egg. When lie asked Genoana f0 sign on the doftej lins tiey tolil tic office boy ta give hlm the gate. But lie vas he dîscourageil' Did lie quit trying, lîke a rebut feil "pantings" drummer No! He 100k tie liraI boat for Spain, bluf. led bis vay inteQileen lsabclla's prlv- 1aie office nnd gave the oid girl a spiel sh, a 't r'j ho sa sa no r:ê pu en of te i t n5 couat e flhc basket social. nrograni Halloveen party, ec, yl l s kept la fisa look, vti iravtngr aMicon'- posfions liy tic pupîIa. Alilvork cap- led inufile lbook tanlan<lhe children'a oav andli ltiag. We ans planning fa have a enapshot corner ta make aur books mars attractive. Repart carda verse given out lat Fridar Tiase Who wovan ut-ler tar- dy tic secod mont i of seooal vers; Cari Prisas. Lea fief z, Marionse Moare, Katieryn Moore, Mary Shanon. Mary Dietz, Anna Dtetz, Viola Beden. ske, Albert Dtetz ail Ruth fiels. 0000000000 00000000 a GRAYSLAKE o i JOOOOOOOO0otSr'l oo sltarn> Rilh 'îaittlas' Siitunîay ii, Uni liu u.ail ' ni Mania:. lle' islu i wil miiîî bhis fina O0~i 0 00 00 0 00 0c sFOR ALL THE NEWS 0F LAKE o iCOUNTY, SUBSÇnîB£ FOR THE c oINOEPENDENT$1.50 A YEAR 00 00 QCO00 ast Sunday itt,,inoen. and 'îir. andNIA Mrs. Petersca n eeianed <a aumber ~IA R S O E Àf frils w a'uppîr. AIOR SO The men, appuerai <lii churcli las! r ic Friday nigli ma ssj)lendId, bath la tliei IN CAB A CIEF (juality of th, aulaer andI nle s "Ir"t nmnfestcd. Anoher one lif,0 libe ll lHU4iISC L IE ia tiecenîber, Mr. le.witt, of North H S O LIE western Universîîvy. l]a[naulita subjeci. "Men Wanted.- and it îs a worth while Caferi orbtps subject. ýhufu nCut u a Miss Aguala Lehlinn s îîavîng a: senger slumlbeis atter itae iriveway made to lier new bonii Jolting fin Deep Lakf. and tlie ne". drivemwaî faces the pat,Oane. Into the speeders' court cameBi eThe regular social for te monîl ýI ielsky et 1650 South St. Louis Ave. will lie helil Fricay evening of <ii 'ekrcabi pilat, accuseil by none wete'b, andl your :resence is asked. A ]esm îlian thiet of Detectives H ughes., llenfiant eening'< e..tertaiMp~ent ;,' andiil th<le oaly ama who might nv d t "freshaweofshbm bewas waling The Hawkin, il iý i t loinOw li.ths sIeep," aid Nelslty. "He was preparatary i.. <h. ion' being cem(1n' lia;fitsleep when i met hM, lie vas ed inta li near future. Sa <lie road i<s' nouaI aslee-p ail <bru tlie wreck; he closed froaa tie Eanvies corner IoIllie vake Up once, but lie '.awned six' Lehmnann cortîci or a while. ladies wtde. He satd lie was in thie - _______navy. but i neyer hennI of a almi 00000 0 0* 0000 O o o mck sîtagers mate, aidlhe caulnt 0 0 0 00 0 .0 00 0 0 00 0 :îo been anything els3e." o WILMOT SCHOOL oý Reporta Beattng.Up. o 0000000000000 00000. Melskys bleepy passenger. <lie Ietec- tive bureau desk sergeant gaI lis Tie toliowing 'pupis vere netier1 name as James Wikiason, n seafar- larily hor absent for tlie mont flii0 tIng attache af the Great Lattes naval aber:' tydia Rockenbacli. Helen Rock- training aiatj1 .He nrivdtnM- enliacli Loweli Meintzer, Thayer Batt. sky's cab ta Vrt a hcatv'neceiveil Russell Bati, Rase Frost, Clarence in a West Madisan street saloon. Ma3 fil and lier' i Tayloar. "Go outiand lrepart 1< ia that pre- %Ir. Simpson and Nln Hoffman. <lie, ccie," he was <aid. amie~~~~~~ ~~ tapca, r iacolt Aw rn'." sail Wilkinsonandmilstuza stat insecto, wre a schol lst liag Imb <lie cabilie ditrected àMlsky. Thursdnv aflenacon.*'Hnit sPecil; don't stîîrl me." bat mgit vel lie tancarparaleil in Our amnil tablc is nov in use. and ralBle nie ý,alesmnshJp in Tea Lssons." an Indietn- illagce'tas made h> he. M kysAugbi 'bmlliaat "Madem he lic d. "no royal tamiiy 11eitîka j< sky Swu-ngala'iiefab Hudhe'tour noulil be vitbout a pi-taIe etrance ta '.<csîa. l cîligaean a-tag car, îiintCi linigetohlur- îe ladies. Threc caravacis clovnand ,eet n ihmalaeatmkin a- wsigth rgtncee sml moatbly pnymeemr viii ggs'e -- inghisionv moiiibooks in revie't woik-. blir irnto sunmp Iran. Wilkiasan 0a1 aur patente&. gunenteel aev Ouî i- alkia iings an- rendy -ote'isnîîeî.and l ltifîl Os ron<the otiei onl. 'ry fitmaanm, andl you'Il neyer ii"1n stieilan îi-e egr-t tie eiavstuent." The '<~n-is.(X1Ii met <ut -clivai Two biîurs Iiir. 'tua Mel ky bail Saieamanahip Wonu War. toi Wîi., ti,s'nin£, Nov. 9h. niad. .irangu<ii a Ifor coing <o ',oui'. \Wilk-<i-.en 'As'. l ai uleetiý He taiked sa tast and no veiliai A 16-1<cci'li andtaî caD<nt l- ewfit f j- Iiiiid li !gaul. iî.' Nel-.k> 'ahi-lialook lier jeweis ta the royal orleredl. < Au. ,al'o lecilel iii lui >ibi-Iîî I ibn i i-i'ir' as abill fo- iockshop ana itgacd a cantract. ttfase $10 'toril ni books for h. simitj "Au iii' s. iitng. lie <ila't ee1j1 "And Columbua vasa't tie onir grent er chilîrca <Io (»iena <iisey. s. but lie te-ilpI out silema vbm history remnembers," Friilay afteinocln a 2 'clock t,<lcth ie cabi and stattlîl iiowm 'lie aid Sykes. "*Thîe orl var was van speliing matches 'tere bell L>1ýUla etreet. I suppose lie 'tas licaîîng foi >y salemaaship. Rcebcita ellz u<i îîa batet. and lIl bhi-'lit' tounil thene ir "Americaaildithe allies oud tie gradenbcvork the rhize latheni îaî est lied vithaul niakin' a fnie i1 'onl thc idea that democracy"mustat ewr.CidtHgloilo ait le crumiel. Salesmanshtp von nit iret prize la upper grade vank.' ana1rD D > WfC flAm ne Marne and in flic Argonne. Irene Beckman carrieil second pize 'ARMEI, U22, VWL.J.JVUiJUifl "Salesmanship la needeil nov. if the IIILthe EMre Wvanrit Our next contenir: 82, MET AT CHICAC10 gît Idea la solil viti fthe punch fiat CoVcing al yards tram page 41 tou PAGEANT ut the great Marne contracf over, vic. bottom af page 60. vii li e givea Fnl. nry vii li e viti tie rîgit ta the prles- day atternoon, Dec. 2. Tic Aptakistc Ticynor, la., Martin Valentine. 22,. ait industrie! conflicf. achool chidren viii lie aur guestis and faxiaer, living near L.ake Forest, IliiL "Saleamen are fie dynamos af civil- apeli viti us. Panicats and club mcmt-i1lias marricil lra. Carl Lamber, 82, a ation. bers are urgeil ta attend anul showvthl ealfliY soutivestIlova farin ovncn children yau vishlihem auccesa. Valenfine met Mmr. Lambert in Chii )0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 . O rs .Hyckmtneietabcago during tic Pageant ai Pragres.' D R UC E LA KE oers' meeting ai Libertyville Saturd>i a t hesrondso fle ie 0 CoNstucton wrk as he sbjei 1Young Valentine ne D OOOOOO 00 0iêO oOO COO tutinvr vstc ujc sembleil ler chilihood avee lienrt ald hiacuceil.mmmcid hlm <bat lis mgit inrehit ber (ToLate N'on LamtIissue) We have ttnisicil tsi "Lite of Cen- 1property. Amanda Jepson bas returneut ta Pershing." We sang sangs andl talkeil Rebool aiter beiag absent an accouai an thc problema af soliers Frlday. )f tuansse. Quite a fev of ithe neigliors attend- Elsie Casimare af Waukegan viait- cd fie pantJî given ai thc Kalibe home ed aur achoal on Tbursdmy. andl Frti Satunday.nigit. ln bonar ai Sioke Vine- la af lest veek. yard. Tiere have beca <veive anifcet aI- The P,-agreisslvc Club 'Aili m"et al, ýendances la tie c nhooitic pasitichehome aflins, . . .Rockenbacb tonti. Wednesilay ,ftennaot<n Nov. 23 Mies iSchaffer, tic Overseen o! the Wc made Ithe corners fan the Pictui' Nssociation House Camplins rctuffied Suly Books lasI l<'iay. home afier spendiag a f ew laya n --___ 'lî'tcago. 0000000000000O0~000 lins. Fncl W'igb spealt ew laya o LONG GROV E o lsiting la Chucago, Lasi Sunilay. lins.Dunakin gath- 000000000000000000D e<nid heas. antans frntai lengardien. George stelling calleil a'the Nil k A Halaween paty vas givea ait thePatta home Sunday atternain. ,chool last Friday. Octolier tvcni- 1'ii folloxiag guesta vert enIerl3.ia etgnth, ad ail enjoyel o goalttras. ed -iltihe (liai les Hersuhbigen bolel A Supenian sign vas sent out by m<is- Sunaa: ins.. Allient Maldenlimuen We sboul have fcceiveil a Standard Tonne ald famlly. Biga. Mn. Simipsan viiteil bers an MisLillian Reiers visitedit vll monaa nmiernoon andl cagsd itfor DOrtly it 1<Sunday a Standard igu. lMr.aldlira. }Heny Bci'giarn oaIt Mr. iaffama visit Mx 0<11 scbQal w'tbLake, uici viited IF' the tatsr's par- Mir, sinIapsOli.enta, Mr, ail MrsChau Henadliberger t. I"itc lins. James Nelison bell an uctiat Sr., Sundmy.'I salIe on November i. Tiers vere Wsiiar. Smîtli ieft Saturttmy evtrntltc aliou' anc aunîreil in mtîeadan(te. ail for Michiga, viene hlainascallel an1 lmasi evcrything vas sadli accaunt of Ilie tîhteas of bils fat-ler. I h She viilmave It a ukegaa la the Mitss Tîllie Poilu visited al tih, î -ping. hîat1.'mbilstock home S'îuday. 1 ~Nr. and lire Gearge Hoffricien and 000000000000000000 fanily o! Liliertyville visited l mithe o TRIP SCHO L o Getz borne Sunday. TRIPP S HOOL o Misaes Marte.anma Lilfie Saucn vin- 000000000000000000 tlaie eJ. L. Haua home Fridmy (Toc, late for lest Isaue.) evealas Tbe puplis voiesperlect in ait Arthur' andil Carence lialdeaac tendance for tic moti of October visiteil viti <hein fienl, Arnolil, vwn 'tere; Etier Procknov, Abert Heon la nulfering tram a brokeit log. ang, Allient Procknov. Jos Rockea- lir. Baker andl lre. Feldov, of 131" baci. Artjsur Ward, Raymondl RocXený anaton, visiteil af tic Goetz home lest 'LI E bach-' Lyle Rackeniach and Pasepli Friday. .L B E Firuhiatorter. . gae d.nn Hermon Brandi at Chicago ail Misa lin. ad lir. Barrett gaea ('ne lana Unbdeastock of Park Ridge are J. panty for Misa Etier Rocksubaci an vlsitlng at the Mati Unibdlensta'kPH N 20 Sunday. - ~home.PHN20 lin. and Mlra. Barreit attendeil fie Geor'gead Rd Umbdeflstoctk are bail gante at Wheeling on Suaday %ft'-httsy excavating for a cellen ton <hein ernoa. Catiovbrother, William Umidenstock. Chester C arlow o regon, apent Miss Cora GosavIllen speat Suniday .Suaday at tic bamie o! lietsisten, MrS.aiib. ne'. A. 0. Rackeaiaci. He attendel tiche ~ -~ American Legian ai Enasas Cify. 'MISSING LINK' STORY Miss- Sisean ii eaiing 'Pon and O E RM IAAA Proul" te the chilîdrea. O E FRMH 'A YS fil'h athrapologiste are very ::eibIIatout ths stary nalir- 0000 00 ILL00 00. guides <al lie Mount Eve!eiut ex- a LAKE V LLAsi<it i îrta oft <lisunextilredî i)oo O<O eOotIfeOOî.0 ll n ,Ie eîtera Himalaya. iir tt<ilistiil'-îl lis "ilit' ylmen."- M rý ami M nS. l-niuan Nieyi. r ire.u ni' i.. f ' i i'i t u ii' atonq t(>m e <((ici s "'<«5. lro i a .1< iilu i t i << < i A,l' '.t"-' cre,îiilroi, li' î<îl (ii a laugîitet î'n (I'neauta> . Noîv.Ijl91'1)i'.: n t tti ", uw u en al -Il Ill< ',%ne- i1 i î- l i II'>. t 'i< l Ioi liun Lit. Mi' iiii, Ic" Il mi 1' i lxi, ssii ai 0, it> <uitbusiness ina' weck- '1'<, niaknt ioifluMi andtIna V ili - -.n i i . 0 e i <i i"~' î t is ait.- ro,, i, i i.f l ii . Back To'Pre-War Pric*es. tist"ee vayone shoud do their utnaost to, asist in bninging prices to a normal level. 1 amn trying to do mv bit. MY PRICES ON GUAJtANEED DENTISTRY FOR THE NEXT 30 DATS AS FOLLOWS: Golil Crowns. 22 K Seamies .............. ..........$5«oand $600 Porcelain Cravas. Pivot Teeth, True Bile moulils ......... 1 .5.00 Porcelain Fillings......................... .....$2,00 ta $6,00 (WilI not change colar) Gold Inlays or Filiings. according tu aize .. ........ _$3.00 un Pintes rbat 1 guarantee yau caà eut corn off the cob . ý$1500 uli <Accordtng tu imateriai) Treatment. Dci ve kîlieil andl root flfleil .... .....2200 And reiember, 1 will not hurt you. 1 use îaedictae fir8t that takes away thc pain. THESE PRICES ARE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. DrJ. . L CO0R LIS S 130 Washington st Over the. ThomaMlrket Co. WAUKEGAN. ILL. "JIM'Ys" 1Auto Repair Shop James B.Wetmoîe Res., Telephane 364-J LIBERTY VILLE, ILLi Shop Telephone 367 Theodore H. Duret, Prestdont W..B. Smith, Vice Presîdien, F.W. Churchill, Secrotary and Manager. TELEPHONE 81 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TMUL - TIlLES GUARANTEED Capital: $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN : : LalNI il T Fm W HEN in eed of Automobile Re- pairing try us if you want the besi. «Now Iocated in the D'jrand Building on South Milwaukee Avenue. ARRESTED' TO SELL Stanley fMoran cago arrested police; reco, 0Stanley Moran. Jackaon afreet, Nor der arreat at tie W& flan, aaîdWilliam Vi knovn sa William 1 ory street, Waukega sa au algedaccoaî hl found in-tlie pas mien causesflic pal !tbey can-shed light bery aithfe Auguet i licAlisier bospitail ' 1. W. Cline, an in statea attorney's af police wvtthe ti p i arreat af MaraI at el nesday iight. He ne men vers frylng to Both lioran andl an automobile vien teat by tihe local Pol their possesion a 1 gruanaicobol and th tisn of the unie Uqu thes %ainet Aumust rescwaa inade by IF MclLhon andl Edwe VMa Note eaked pt tan a Woman for a n Pero#ged hlm ta d Vaa N,1oie an oppor' break for liberty an talle ofCt. 1<Mai tie boneau- it<le Pol IRMaUîuclias Van 0()() bondeinathie sup. cazeoni a charge af t Ur) la fie thefe Of se thie "Iellice do no îtifflcisity ln locath<g nit.ink lie wili jun Policeman Heary -'PPnenilîlram the liestan(if a 'tgrain alcahol whl tii.iit ' 1 cl f «. o i 'Iw < 'AI, l iiý fil e galloîn an ,,nî li utiles 0f alcihîul '\Vcdac.siiav nigiii, <Iki-oti u b- polic- l'alivienan ÇCiii- iliarge off<ie sta'v i,i'neial liick .<1' dei' .serceat Adit WNhe'a the ' erg.-ani 1h. liait callori hîîîîl il Ac.hirdlan i Eqi