CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 17 Nov 1921, p. 4

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THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY.NCVEMBER 17.,1921. Independent -Waukegan Weely Sun fd at tise Postoffice et Llnertyvffle, Iil, as Second daIs M"i Matter.1 resSOAIp;ioN -PWICE.-41.s0 FER ViARk, sT-ieciTLY INADVANCE. Office Tolephene Number 1, Lbertyville Exchange. .J.Si(iTHii-. .........dtor.. & MIH - ----- ----.-. . . . . .Manager WAI). O.NALLEV Y ---------- ........ ...-..Local Manager1 TO CORRESPONDENTS The Independent miIl go to Pr ess on Wednesday of next* week on account of Thanks- Sivun. Ail news mustý reach ,üs by Monday night to insure Mi 'i.Arnes of Waukegan, apent the week-end witn ber cousin, Mrs. W. S. Denman. rMrs. Thomas Anderaon returned from Lakte Forest for a week's visit with iMrs. W. S. Stewart. Mise Enos returned from New York a d' sedina sho. t time with lira. E. A. Martin hefore going to Californie ber future home. E. A. Martin and family sptnt Sun- day in Chicago. pDulcation in UId iseue. i A father and sons banqueu l beingI *.******** ******** plsnned for Nov. 26.a" e Vo unteer __________________________class wll serve the banquet. *..,oeeoo, eooooo o! John Murray and E. E. Deman of Rosecrané vicnity, were Millburn MILLBURN SJcallers ebepast week. 10900000O0000000OOO Wordhas been received from Miss Mub Belle Watson was a Chicago Uns Minto that she wilI smon leavei Gtthis week. Portugal for Africa. On. of the twins of the Johansen's la qut. sick the pat week. Mahogany. Aadrew Truax mhoved this week to A Cork dpped In a mItue o equal a tlf arin.1 parts of oxîîfle acid and water andl IlU . u litin wek. . . Sr' then rbe over the stains en a wasfiitig wek.V.H. trag mniogny pinowiIl remove thein. 0-d tu Waukegan and Joe Clark to. Whcognyth salo ae laper Whe wn the Staosd heII wjtb cear wate1 r Mium esMDermot's o0.f Chicago, wsd ouh as usualwt la ae the WoOk.-end at, the parsonage. adpls sua] MAROON AND WHIITE HIGH SCHOOL NOTES ni(0Olflhf.licxt\tand rapelyiflitI ARMISTICE DAY AT L. T. H. S. Iî-.ted tIl.Oe o"i xb cievsresîtuock Studenis were cailed ta assiiibiy w .-ddng nî-at. ior the sulent T)ray er ai Il a. mn. Xil- 'u , Ge re'wuIt. son (lefldorf ga' c a bugle t-ail wbtil, Tlit- fillistei, Lkon iKtetrîca ihz \ia foiowd b tt st-n apeai10bride. John Tnies. and the groom, God. Lloyd Odeli. canie in t0 Mendeiasohn'b Ai 1:15 p. ni. rrîoa. pa'riotiîc et'- edding lnarcb. î-iay 'by Miss Sand- vices wuere heid 1in he Audftorium. Mr., berg. Oh. yes, îheî-e was a flowcr Bradfod led thse audience in singing bo:. 400. Edson nuydw'j. f.îmiiiar snaile r Iich th, Re,. 1i e groom wva- zdres-s-rd ;à bis iooi- _Nui De.y. othe 11 . E. aburb gave 1 bal suit. represur.iin2 :.LiberyVulie 1le- lnvooatlon. ad the bride wa., dres.-ed la ihe usua dîýudùiurs oi the- histor> niasses. a- w-ýedding attire -Iresen'ing Mliss Vie * isted by Miss"Pussil and 'Miss M'i ory. The cereeiony wtt ch wat, aritten !dlr. ga% e a pageant of the Disarmia- ul-i i tootbsall tt was li(rfo*n-.ed nient conhît-oce ai Xashinzton. Il. C . ry .terioualy. The stage was ef fectlveiy decorated Tht ring beaji i.- Wa]iLer h -)i(nberg. iitli national emblema, posters , etc (r. brought in tht îootbaltl on a -.Allow. The dlstinguishqd starcamen of their il was very nieveilydonc aind in- ivorld entered and afier the- tuelimi -ti ll oîe siî n e ntesU naries, the Conference was opened dents than evei hefore Alicuotarda wlth due formaliîy. Speeches and diE- 8we ail teit so t nîhusir.mîic il at when cussions followed. ,,skeîî to yell w-e neariv *Rascd th. Mr. Gorby, of W~aukegan, veteran of 100f,- the great war. wa5 gi,,en tl'e beat ai- Laten we had soute inupirational tention during bis brief speech, -which talks by Coachs Teed. XWalter Parker. was moat fitting for the occasion. captain of aur'îeam, and members of . Land of mine" was sung by the thie facully Gramniar cborus veryu.*eaqlngl>. afisr i Talk about Pep. Who says vwe have- svhich the audience receiveé te bene- wt tIf?-E C., '23, diction by Rev. Mr. Bàtty. -.à. A. H _ '2 3 FOOTBALL FRIDAY - ~It is wîth a grand and gloîîous feel- 'THE PEP MEETING ing" that 1 Write of 15st Priday's At asseuibIy tinte flday M1r. Ra) ama l li thse lirsi lime in the its- called on David Fiagg, cheer leader, tory of L. 1'. H. S. ihat wc- have van- for saine yeUb. The yells v'-re given. quished Maine Hugh Sehooi on both but they lackea LplXit. lelds. Ail knew that sounetbinc different Coach Teed ga%ù an int-reFting îalk ST -E ire You in Need faGas orOilC Stove? Saturday night, November 19, at 8 o'clock:, to the highest bidder, goes a fine Detroit Jewel Gas Stove and also a Red Star Wickless Oul- Stove. Waè Staîts at 8 o'ockij L. mî Saturday, Nov. 19 bnd continu« until 8 op'clock in the evening. You may place your bid by naît, by phone or in person. No biis accepted*after 8p. m. Bid as mauy times as yo u like; but rmember.-THESE STOVES GO TO- THE IIGHEST BIDDER AT 8:00 P. M. SATURDAY, NOVEMJBER- l9th. iIow Much Amn I Off ered for Trhis- Detroit RedéSta Wickless OUl Stpve?' How Much Am. 1 Off' ered for This Detroit Jewel Gas Stove? -. Bids, First? Who Will be -thé Laut? H wMuch? ,et us hear from you between $ a. m. and 8 p. m., Saturday, NOV. Ilth. Watch our riadow. for display. Any further information gladly furnished. Cali at the store.- .,Ray, Furniture and Paint Store tore Open. MQnday, Friday and S atu îday Evenings Telephone No. 9 4èhits Free Sewing Machine, Thor Electr.c Washing Machines, Brunswick Phonographs and Reqords ini .îs.enbiN Fi ut wo, 1 4. [Ifi Iil!li iliî .,<i lfti ili. , NI;tîn,. C ilsta a ru Wf1ù iii' ie F: hiav t'ou s5. 1ha t %vas îlone. QPii-aklortc. Ille fiit minutes, liroke Iiru lot niel:. i alr ic. vîng the iî I aoe . L. T. H. 03. Th(. icaii uras -.1I ipiotch h ont be- ginning Io ed.'rîîey drove Ibru the "Ptr Il enis' 1îlet neail' Malne- was unabie Io0scre îhruout the ganle ,itio Ille c-oach senti!il six froir, tle s-e(ind string. Eigiebîeciîi, regmicy- ei- amoi 'orteous mad' the otllel score,: td Teguneeri-î oi I PoiI sous <-ad hitmade a ý;ojl Ikicki. 1 TL, lanal score scas 2.3-i wiii L. T, -S. the- conquerer. t'orîeous was hie ndivIdu,îl star, miaking iwo spetculari îuot-. 11w- ever each and cvu-y man is Io bc coin pfimenhèd for niýver bas the teant workcd togetber in -uch iiiie sbire. Thelineup: Hagerty au« Hook. ends, aubs, Duba Casey; Parder and Swan. tactiles; sub, %V00); Swan and Dolton, guards; sub. Odet] H.: LaDC and Tegtineyer, con- ter; Porteous, quarterback; suis. Rita. gerald; Englebrecht, full back;- sub. Walrond; Voelker and Wlgbhiran, half backs. FAN ATHLETIC WEDDINC Friday, the 111h. ai asaembuy period. * we were thet- WUtsies of a footbal wedding. To the tune of îCie wedding raarch they marched in. First ow coursi. came the tirear-ber. 1-bd you think Eldon Kitchen '-ui -i. 50 s'cimn? The face of Lise-LModet bride mas parîiy hîdden by ht(-r veil and an vnorniou-. ro,.u ic Onon 0e nie 0,f ber shapeis head baianced Uie Immense boquEî on the oiber. Her întended's lii fgui'- was encasetu in football Tlieir Iow. aru t-<chaÀngeil.and siiîîd îlsur sîrangi-. For hnblance. the aloom w.., lisi. ed, l'oyou promise to tackiE ,,urely.*'- - As ticre an) reason,' asked tiii- L. T. K .8. NEWS. LIOS RES ipre4c'net,. why Miss Victory and M. Th,- ,ophoir.,rrç-'lass wil i ntuMI'ODES E Librtyvîllt- shah l ot lbe united in' 5îasqUeraîlî î.î s n Ft'îi;-y '-'.1ni>-1922 AUTO C E inarriage?' And ihen thp oPoos1lUor IA, unL:oo irnifor e',ucrvpne, Hient-- iA a hîusky - ou erconfident youtb nanit-il l rin oîu - o i-nter in sou tai .Maint cami iir Main.? claroied Mîs. t uoýiume uf some dEýacrin)iI, . X'jctor-. (but we knew ail the utim- show Ili.- .-nthusiastiu siijî- ho. te..I' ii that bis bride 10 be lbe. Lefeai a-s o- ,rîîî ,h-ir .nvilati(,.in %vaiiing until afternoon tu se-t him.) Lt T.H. S, piayiAntiocil o'i, When il,.(-Assemble> was asked lI sri'Fit-lu Fritl.%al ' ::o.-- ti voî.- bair ouinion, they decided - . . i d cI Libt -:uu ic esîîould navE NMiss Xe-ti-y (bu*,wF want io warn hiai aera r Another Vision Ospied. n. ' - fliii r - soungs tir su be-ll ha. e te, h ild "Wouidlit 3'u i ke t.-i, 1, .01l- I 'l - 5' iig lof ie ry ý, il II-l- Thteniune rito'u. er aile-r ilske ieLin be te-. i. arý.,- ii:ýfI t !%e*'iNI was brought in and given 40 Mi -i. ib- I 5temsIo 1i i tii- 'ait Il "Mr ilta e Il ( <ini rc.tnNfi:ES et ryvieie hoid untii def-t- do part; apyhe - lime iliii *g, adisn r.nli~ rhfrn, an<. J-t rrw tel you ti.tfronttu mIli-,o -nî-"i looks cf things,.il isn't goingIob hi soon, thaI lthe iigskin la coing 'r______________________ leave Mr. Libertyvilîr . E. REL'SE. '21 ~n Editors Note:The rîreacher iidn't or cc-t to kiss the bride either, of courss-- f \ýB W thul -" it unouidn't' ba%-tbten uen - wit , Be Wni1111 I -~ E want to make an im- 151Portant SflioUflCement, 151ail weather i sports ta ~ihe contrary aotwith- standing. We're flot spt te bave many mort Semil-warn davs this anson. Get next ta sente winter-un- derV=rents that wilI keep away, the chilling blabti. for thse weather malihas boughjt bis wlin- te? underwear. Our lne of Me&'s Flannel Oversihirts in waol mixed and ail %*ol fabrics are mnade up in blue, gray, tan, olive green and dark brown shades. In Sim sfrogn 14V2Z ta 19 and priced fron $2.50 ta $5.00, canot be duplicated &ny- wIiere: How ab out a pair of those warm, coufortable Arctics? We can "hw you the~e in heavy. mediwiv or 1Iigh t weights, and ini ane or- four- buckles and Alaskas. Priced from $2.50 ta $4.00 a pair. Our stock of men's under- wear in two-piece and union suits, in wool, wool-mixect and cotton at from $1 .00 a ga.rment up are good values. i~ ~ , Acold. wvhenr idly develop intt( t4*rl, ~ nature and exteni &~,àfard shuld always be I check. tsi-n. 1 - i P'h iC Ta k Nr,.5 neglected, may ri- to diseases of ýenous mt. In-unede-te steps e taken to put àl in Colds are due to retained wastes ini the body and the cause usuaUly is sluggish action of liver. 'kidneys and lungs. The cause of tW5i sluggisb action is the impingement, or squeezzng, of spinal nerves at the spine. By chiropractic spinal adjustments tdus pres- sure or umpangeunent is removed and the nerves are freed te carry normal impulses of vigor and streneth. COU) AND FEVER I developeci a high fever and p was Bo sick 1 could not rais. my heaci freun the pillow. Two chire- l~LJ practic spinal adjustunents 1changed CNIRUM TIC<CUEl psmon siiwu the course of my troule. II: was MBE M et entffl qwicker work with a cold and fever 1hn had experienced bef are." Hebeh C. Hall, Chiropractic Re- Hebeh C. Hall. Ciropractic Re- search Bureau Statement No. 1286. LIVER PANCREAS WmHENIIATH BEGISLEE -Wben health bein de- WL pendsor* when you tel- PENN ephone No. 26 f or an UNI appointment. Consulta- TH LOWEII NEKVE tien is wît.bout charge. UMOIR TII MA4NIpY- DRS. N'IXUN & DAVIS INO OLASS IS PINCIIED OWA ISALIGNED JOINT. CI'lLROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS PINCHIO NIRVUSCANNÔT Spec ial istr.-Cori'ect ion of Deformitées TRANSMIT NEALTuIFUL Nervouesand Chronic Diseates, IMPULSE&. CIROPRAC- H-ours: 1 so i5 and 0 teo8. SundayG TICAD.IUSTINS RE. and Holidays by Appointmirt. NM M TNPRESgtJ.t. Suite l-11-Newcast1e Matei THE! UPPER NERVE IS LIBER-TY'/ILLE ILL. FREISMUINUMG$ --FFF-r-NF.RF-5 MI Shori Mr. andl boved l Iý ,nd a re I I 2l M ,FOUR

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