CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 5

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THE LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. Ti-URSDAY, DF(FIBRR1, 1921I. I'd. Like To But 1I Haven 't The Money Did you ever have to make 1 b i s admission when a chbance for something better offered?; A small amount saved every week wiIl sýon grow into a fund wich wiII enable you to take advantage of some good opportunity for advancement ---- or to indulge in some long wished-for pleasure. LIET OUR SVINGS DEPARTMENT HELP YOU SAVE Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE .ILLINOIS TIE'iNDEPENDENT --- ONLY $1.5 YEARI OUR RATES are based on figures of Lake County Taxi Owners wke bave had- years of ex- perience in Taxi Rates. Snow's Auto Livery PHONE 306-M !Local Rates 50c. No Charge for Additionai Passengers. OUR WANT ADS CET SURE RESULTS STORM SASH DOORS Coal Savers, Order NOW Why not put in that - hew hardwood floor NOW? Enjoy it while you can get it at the Iowest price in years., Coine in and' give us yôur room size. We wiII fit you out fine. SPECIAL TH-IS WEEK> Advance Scratch, $1.75 per 100 lbs. IFine Feed For Gir"wng Fowls SALT SALE THIS WEEK aibi. UN TO ONE CUSTOUM Libertyvilie SPECIAL ON Lumber .MS, COb Co. ~CARRYTH Local and Personal i Short liemrs of Especial -lnterest to Liberty% H P,- eople 1Mirs.Anna lellj' ini*',n.d 1J T:,,,i.,.wa i. ,. :iwnn.a: dînner Sunday .s-ii'Teti sel, hîýnIoîwî i-,ofet auk-,'in an S-i al :Ir . and %lriJarie i. w, bu rn - Ci C n n d ra>' kign'.t Os umi e' 1jngrt Fred Seltkin a.nd îîî- aof Teu'iîoliu . Mi.andi Mr..W. i'iaflL"D CDCi 111. are qývislîîng RdySchrcck. îained v'youi ot0îwn e'uis aî NfMr. andi Mrs. Ralljîh Peteriioif Ci ago ,enfi lie wt.-k end in iAbi-rty- Mr. andi Mrs. Fra.! l'aie-"i jn! z. Cville. l-W Jays las. Week oii 1-]litaiein j Mr~ (~.ozgîWehi'nherg ati d i'hc..go. drten arc.i,iing relusUves in Laki Nis- LÂnor Bo)l. a Zurich. Tlîue I. gîtinawi'th 2N Mi-. A. e-ter', anti Mrs. Tlionia-sin 1.r (oolii'r werî- 'iaukegan vistor, la.t' i M:ClauteA. Rn. Suturtiay. iiî 1E% ils4izor .isitî' .Miss Ni-lji.'Smlith of Ari-a. 'va'.tli itie's' ot Ilui rii' Srnall larnil> at 1 Mr-. Jolin Tidy ai Tuesday. lIre,,n ('i Waukegan .ib' riyvillc Sundai'- AJ. C. IDban' cfofSyruscmore, HLi.Tlîanks- giDa gda>.1 MrE.T. Lang'worbhy anti Mrs. Man-' Shelîhi nI were C'hicago visilori F'ridu.y. H. J. 'Sclialcks. a C'hicago architect, ransacteti business in Libsrlyville on Tuesday. The Schroedf-i Bros. are building a moder-n garage on Milwaukee avienue, ne-ar Hall Day. Mi- 'Nlsynie Hiapkec ta e'njîîying a va- ction frçn, lii'r duties ati hi-Foulsla Mlili;nai'o, lplan; Nr- M ItuË' .andl li-<ar'îîini- lb' k' 1o1 i liagi. 'iii i Miand Mi's- Il l ,i'- 'undali, NI!.andI Mrsi-larr> T>liwerfî in 1w î - s ailSundaiy is:iî :ng is -% i. iril .! Ai.. l- 4- tiliicagos Ls-L-sni Wat-on, okiLaki' Forest Col- lecir aîildîle Irientis here Saturdav alz',Diiî.C anti sf-ning. 1: .sýnî Mrs. Nil. Il. Giflerd werc gu. s'.. of 'la inte 3.loi . W'srn- sinTh.înksgîu mecday. SFred l ,Ifer ji tî'o lis-r tiueuh- %I Saudle. a' the' I'n.sby 'eriane ho.- i aEin i 'lilcagi, Sanday MNr- S Ies-plnCo'uttuly anti dauglilîrý F.."Etna. aire wtek endi-u.-ssiof i W l - î 5atisworth. Wis. j oiroily krans-r oet Waua,-gan i-tent jSuntiay in Liber!> ville visîting ber par- ensMr. andi Mm. C. Hapke. NIr anti Sîr- E. (i.MilIeu-' were I Sun4day rue.-!,,of Mr. anti Mr. How- lar ani matisin ai North Chicago. Tue Misse- Rena Mllert anti Atiah Hlelfer spcn' the w('ek ed w.h Mn. anti Mm. Walter Jelly in ('hicago.' HisMarion Ginhber has tî.ken a Po- sitionu in the Hoinie rc s4îîuiant. restent- ly e'-tabli'mhAd ini tliý i.tiner buildingý Aboi výiut yuw'i4 'îh'gue-ts atttndeti UIch annasi ~lanksgiving rcunîon ah '1wi'home- of Mn- Pst i Noislins! tThiirsay.a NI.anti Mrs. F.l TLiur-tiay un Chicago hlewtr i' liat event; .1 Protect Your Valuables LirinIiatiiin o i-Aniati-ni 'ýn Washling- -n. a nudlissa rdth i-îe ii iiSecie. -art iuuhe.-, Lord Baltour.i-', ie lian I .andl t ii- eTek gaw a oet i>an. i îtiie i'ank J.W i ltanti 1 Alvin L1lùhisiîieueaa iîeîing îîl' lie L.ike Ciunts Bankirsý' F-sai lielilai Laike F 1- osi' Mft.,>cenin,, -îie.p-'nt!.U iThs mieeting .,pinitplail0ii' iii Mi. -l '155dw'a.-iihe ltaind ilî . i i éîac. ii atgo l t> '1u1, ll o' nd %il rti:o r ' AsocaIoi ii p.îi'njei* 'ndi n <hi -ývîenîîî ajntjiglîtli:ii, a-nd -.nliol iulil'> ci it: rCn' i i Siss- Narjorj, i' iiil cd iieeil in 'ri anntual liazaa: î(,- ' li '1tiiil eiD cd ýniD îmukegae Sunr.i ai flichomDe .of Mr. anti Mrs. T. A '.îsn A isunlon of relati.s from Chicago aid other places 41i at the home of Charles Smale Tl .inksgiving. Baik-rs Superfin. Flayors foi Ii al'-!z, ic cream andtiudinge, simpi> idfIlIious A,, ail gui(, i ystsores. .Mies Shirley Thoti ijîel Fîtiay ngIin eWauksigan ...-IauCttmianleti .'.l-- J.P. May o' ( h: io Saiuruyu. Mr- A. Probi': r" itîr homin i Ilwault' ual'! here wlth ber lisloný à u,-i a wek's, .1 rs r'Rober. NMr.and Mrs. Thin - Moes of Chi- cao isited îrom Ti-.ivuntil Sal- urday nt the- home o;"litir son. T. R_ Sussets. MIr. nd %Mu-,. ("."Iarbour uif i',îutagî, we ' l.. i IH-a. t isi' in, Mi"' Baýrbours 3p-ar' ni'sMr.andl Nr- iîtn Cole. El TaYiîo.i Ci',i. i,-iîgan j»u, ting ili-, sistet M ' Sprrint' île xî-i's te i -nta.ýn i-tI> îlflii ili, uu.n'er. George B. FOit'.t' âes- Fritiay afi ernoon tor licaMoiD' Iowas, 0o t tit hi, brother . OMW. Fo.' :.and family. lir a 1,-w daya L Mr. iand Murr E.Thomas. 0et Inoiih oif -c, nter'.î.eil srs. Thom ta,' li-u Mlr. anti MnrsBron t'olby on Tlianksiniig. 'di.and G B ( lm,.kcof (tiîî cago. andiM-r.-ndtMis H. ).eliren. berg "p)en- Tiiaeaa.giîîng with iMu-- ('arum ýM.m'Schioeder. Mn,, ('luire Colbylbas riurneti home frnm a week'a visit with ber pai cnt,Mr. anti Mrs. Hennr' Lawrence,. inomblern Wisconsin. Mr. antiMn- A. W. Tripp re urDeti Mionday frein ,'eveland, 0hio, where the> spc-n' Thanksgiving with iheir son. Lycil Trirji, anti family. Mn ati Nri'S. A. Pettigrew t-i Clarence Lloyd was amonz LiberbtYreiu.eti 1ront eu hboneymoon rip ville people' who aended the Interna- ant are resitimg ai the honte of the tional Livi-iouck Expoition . C hicago Weîlnesday. Paol Kohout,. of Notre haime Uei- ','isi:v. i isicil tram We,.dncstiay until ýSuntiay wilhtbîa parents. Nr, anti Mn.. Josephn Kehîiu' Mn a'ntLi Srs Geoi'g. Wchrenherg andîh Cii ilren andiLeltu >Hpi-tir oi Lake Zurichi, spent Thanksgit tng 'n Chiicago wilh %In. =d Mrs. W.lit-ueJr latter'.rils. ni.. Mary Caney. Hi-s 1-içeis 'sgeri returneti home %Veilntsdastiautni , nio ta. wlicý , lit*a. .bs-en takîng treuilz ment a!i - M iyîi Diuos. saniharlnin Mis-. 1.1 nlukies' returneti :olier sehool du.' ,îL.'risanaSundlas ,t'. ning, L;t,!'-'- n i te Thanksgivini, îacaîion w .î u, parents, Mt'. and Mrs. R . W, 1tîkIey M.anti Mrs..Charles Kaiser and Hrs. I 1; h J i.- -ft today (Thus- slaugliter. Doris. andi Mn. C. STeolritige I sayi efr ti- Ill . to visit lier sîi- sîen ,Tlîanksciving w' Il iHt', r: 'K.ier! 'u i ii h.Hs.Crmm. ti ld aeily ai Waukeehü. 't. eîelau'i-nlil iîe î in lBr-isî Miss Virginia Colins a~nd a frimnti -,n 'rî, .l:berbyi'ille obot Miss Millicent Compitto, of lcKalb.j the lils' 'tIAvI, l alient tht' Week cndt!ih Uthe rnieu "'s l'r. At îCu.j:t'.now locahCd ai parents. Mr. anti Mn. W. 1. Collins. J .12 h oinu ,odtiuililijng, wbcrc bie is Mn'."t A Vuij'lc wli lia bee îîaîlîcîng îh,- -ciei-ofIchiropractor. visitinir lier daugliter. Mrs. tC. W. Mr. Matraa i cl known here, anti Brelle, in l'liladclphia. Pa., revmnned, Vi',O fo'ri-eu c-tai iiiînthls in the cmploy to bier home in Lberty-it ietile- of t' he- fa> Fainiture anti Paint Ço. day. Mr.. and Mrm. L.Lasonani ttle daughter, o! Apple.o., Wis. werc-in, The- L.hî'rt ilt' Clapter, 0. E . bias luen înviteî' to attend a danc. bie given by Campiîbell Chapter at ilgb- Liberlyville (o i-at Thanksgiving din- I'andîîf S'i k rridti.5bec. 2, at the UO nef- with Mrs. Larsons moîher. Mrs. Plosla] hybv iobe C. Spring.ieVited t0 ut da1nce au Glenview tb be C. Spring. -helîl Satiinil:y niglil, Dec. 3, a: bbe Miss Stella Langworihy. who lsata- Cr'uger bail. tending DeKalb Normal Scbool. was Jh eo. be oel ' 2 in Libertyvîlle over tbe Thanksgtvtog. oln L-socff-C,0ehoe as ar-2 vacation visi'Ung ber parents. Mr. and W reattieidthy tre ara hagoLimer. Mm. . T.Lanworty'.on complaint Of Win. Stoltzman. The Mre. C. Haux, wbo bas been resid- lattes' allegeti young Leson had tlrtý ing above the J. B. Mirae store, on ened tu kill a son of' Stojttzman. An Milwaukee avenue, bas moved to Chi- uncle O! Leson la a tonant on the Oeg. On account o! poor bealtb, she Stolzman farni, ant i le bail been living wil! discontinue bousekeeping an dre- wl h ~hein..Young Stolaman bas also aide wltb relatives. beeli staylng at the farm, taking cane o f Borne stock belonging to his !atber.' The two lads have luad coniderabie GRAYS LAKE THEATRE trouble, and tinally reaulted In the r rest of Leson. At a hoarIng berore Dodicated to the. suent dramea, pro- 3Uutice Morris Saturday afteriuoen, ho'» eotn hoopas of known mnt. was released on filing a Peaco bond In ,Fine foatures a '- u coindieî Every ndaySel"sdy and esU the sum of 3300, for a porlod 0!tre day evening nt 7:30 and 9!10 d'CIock. montha, the bond belung e yhis; 1%e t"_Modlrae flC« auzr. Mrs. S cbwert. Young leson is The tar Moerat Prce.returned tb is bore ne Chicago. n-. c il ;,. i m* ni, a i ii i ,'t- i- ant i tugliniî:-. At.'n ,(Yl'l.ibîîinfg idTbtil bz.a i--î iequi.s;ed o brinr h.. .ft.,Io 10 ,Iiu;cli parlors on NMonda'. .iilC!niKif 1,4cF-riblli 51h. î ' OISITUARY Jeannette Benson was boîn sept. 9. Tf.anti dietINovemhs-r là, 1921, at hr home in Warren township. iShe was marriedt 10josepîh B. .lr I Racine. Whi-. leceinher 19. 1904. She atiended tie rural .-Chools andi intiî t d.i e eatiofln n ,Wlicaon Semînary. She îaugh :o1 s-veral' cears in t h, Wrivlht and IwBu-i dieIi," iCi In ii s u I ge tii> lhe w'ai an ac tiv e member of Gag'e 's La k. ('h(iri n teaching a >tunda>, Schooil classt, andi A large circle of friCndi gaihcrf (I at h. olti hon,.-'o î.ai ihei' lu-i re-P-iN to o12e Who waLs se Well knoWn nt loved by aJil ho knew ber. tPhe Rev. Chas. J. Dickey, ofthie Lib- * rtyvîlls' 7se'iodIlst ehuaýIh. conduclei ihi- rcýrvices Miss, Carrîs' C'h-ard anti Everei, Marsh h-al charge of thec sing- ng. -titi-was hurw'.!in îiîý famîilv 1l n l...ii, ' ili~iCii l - î:Nox cube.hP' ý,'i . *The home whlie.change., ni i. i <con- \t;i* p ai n. i,!- srri w.toi] n0r cale, lii ci11 i millhIg-o and home- WhIo w.aul îno n b. r-c.i-ing LIti. CARD 0F THANKS ieiî,lîbKr.- fori' leir kintInesi any -.>nî cth>; aiso for the beautiil floral imf srings contributeild dtfifg the Bik ness- and death of my dear fe 41 3 ETI NOTI CE. 'I. nno. iji1ie Ofn, 11W i' L...e <.oauntv Fair.Assesciauioniin w-,.ch l 4 at ihe Farrn Boircan uoflîce. tiLiii-.1 ville. on Wedne-sdas. lPic. 71 h,i'2 a'clock pý m. Flowers always bring e Sturne Au the waiting 1 o v e r Pyearns. DiOant flowcrm in hle gardn of hi-n W'rt WOO li t Wh Ilits'incis o f N:tti s' l-', rx. pre.s: - tiijici i n a ranci' t, their - loqinc Can yod af ford to be without the Superior Protection tbat 0 NewIy Equipped Vauh affords for your Valual>le Papers?. An examination of this equipment wiII enable you te, decid £or yournself. We cordually invite your inquiry and inspection. Have Your Coa' Delivered No*w. This is the time t'o. have' your winter Coal put ini the cellar, while the wea- ther is good, m aking han- dling easy. THE PRICE WILL NOT BI LOWER THIS SEASON ,,iWe are ready, to Serve you." J<M~eý dets e tt 'AJXoneise your sales and have yeur sale bis prit attebWWp -office. That kind of publicity bripgs bayersandu good pduum - 'Worth While Dry Goods For The Holidays Silks, Crepe DeChine, Georgettes, Wash Satin. Splendid Values in Wool Dress Goods. M Linen Sheeting, Muslin, Long Cloth, Nainsook E=Toweling, TDwvels, Face Clothes, Napkiffs. M Table Scarfs, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing. PSheets, Ticking. E Ginghams, and Chambrays ELadies'and Chil1drens'Hosiery, Underwear, Gloftg MA very large assortment of Handkerchiefs A Good Line of Ribbons. W. W. CAR1OÏ)LL &,,SONS' COMPANY. Phone ~ Cý I. U' nitedi 0F LAKE 9 FOR THE c, A YEAR c ecO id »OURECTS SPINAL ITASES OF 16 ORGANS: los[ IRMS ,EAU? AINES .WVER ITOMACH >ANCRAS MILEN UDNEYS IOWELS WPEmII ILAOU! mauwss mgiRve . .0 JOINT ESCANNO AL"R&W unem ne Ils' Liboetyvillqi, ID. lowl 1

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