CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 1 Dec 1921, p. 9

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LIBETY VLLE INDEPEN-DENT LAKE -COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLUXME XXIX. NO. 48. 0 0 THEO uIm the house. mge.low )endfint 48-tf «.da Mnt.. 45-3t three i other et 683, 3unda>% 48-lt ad tan; rtyvilie. 48 it rathers. 47-2t rercoat. f ice. 4%-5t ader ox. ill, 111. 47.2t et ven -ontain- Kindly mapie 47-Il CflARITY CIIIEFS WAR TAX TAKEN OFF, RÀILROAD TICKETS BY U. S& * Means a drap in Passenqer tare of eiçqht per cent ail over the country * B:CpMES EFFECTIVE JAN. 1 &'aeXc r fairea aihroughout the < ý'th> vii b. ré4ued 8 petr cent niur7 1. The cul in thie rates Is tltbiasie oïanke tut tlitee tarif! r -eAugust 25. 19W, andi rosulim fsu 1eabandonment no! lb" tilerai the frliecut 15 potlipavy. 4t ls gi1ýj!anti appliès ine rloati ticket- f' 1v'y descript Ion sold in the Un it ~a.It lx t houglttsat nov th3 1 goiternMent has tencits Pa;,; Il-rd t educing te cogt of travel ith inwl companiem probabiy viii at. y ,r rtut on titeir own itehlaif. o '1,knokîng off te cix tenths of a -t p~r mile. Ir 10t0,009O commlters of tie Chii e.'r; î4 qtrban district %,fii henefit 1.ial'as te taa plies le ail r.:i to ransporttlôes.- On- sPectal î"ii ion tieketm the Ireduetion v6dlt 1'.' esitmpam on regiilp.r fare,. elintinatlon of t lits lix will 'r 1 - a mavng of millions of dollars ' I PeOPle, and i t ta belleved viii i."arI a ruaterial inrreaséein busines ft' IIf-carriers,'The tlrs.qortation 1 1Tnt', tiouiti lentfit matraliy as t' wltr taS goes te lite goterenment antfiift te raitr'oada. se that what- pe.r <cornes In te way of atiditional t'rivel viii be cear gain te the rail- , 1 .1ý W IH. Finley. pr<eîderrt of thie Ch]- r-go & Nortit Western itail'oad. says F , , rolnyIs acon,idt ig thle pur- St' - t 0fnew erlupment. 1 httug1i noth- 1. dlerinite hait ieen dedeti on andi * îr-tit equipruent btîii mls ýand icars Ibas leen îputIngootd i ritjnesnd it adequifle-fr Y_ .1 re pietteni rctume of busi- TO MEET NEXI ALSO SETS OFF JEWELS s5sRA Thé facît iirat h mrtPre WEEK AT PEORI baî chosen black for thte prevaiing ________mode -empts pesalmlsta tahelileve we are ln for a sombre. season. Public welfare delegates to in- Nol ai ail. Ail women knew that clud lare nuber rom black in not only becoming for blonde clud lare nuber rom anti brunetle, but l affords number. Lake counfty les. chances uofuunnlng lte saole i'oî.Ill, Nov. 2-l'robiema met gamul of colot le contra8ti3. lb illinola rcdai and cbarity workérs Il gîtes tent an opportunity le i ~ -Jus enie courts. the tenemeunts Ishowoffa!teir Jevels, fev or many. u'. i ,us of te calies anti litolateti as no otiter coiar can do; it la ex- Ius ' lîtîcrs. vîi liebclard lictore iteJpenive if coelikes. yet econoicai p. ublce teifare coutee.nte iteje for Iliose vtîo lisseêt lean purse. andi - -tl 4tu 1 liii. it certarnly cons'e3s 10 vomtn Uit .\ 'g tht deltgâlca v l lie a latr ge i eli dressed feeling whiicîr no birgit - iiiromt Lak e county. îneludîng color ever does. -h ' L. Personîr, judg.- of lie Jus- Looks Lovetier in Biark. ....- iii i Msa Mat y i'olintteer. ptr- Takete rabe of te blonde stomnaî i itorticer, vito are le the prograim vith a gooi skin; site knootat inl littkertt. Lolt are ottîttI, of the, ber black frock she licois oelser 0Laasociatons specfa1izing in pub- liy farlitat lier liair takes on a nev lut veifare work. sheen; i( aite uss a mtI vwoman site 11,..joit tIllinois confe1i ce' 0l char, acitieves t'he eSt-ct of tiaintînt-sis ad Ii, - - uxd orections i lbfieldtitiin, aloofness tat rentier lier liai! a crea- clti ionsli thlie mnnuil olecttoIgi, turc of mystet y6* anti it ta tIre t' lj(ýunty Jutiges' a. sorlalon.'te' ieiglil of vonan's anîbiutlîo1 leaa it iolOfîcers' assocition, anti et) stery bto ome one. If sIre la l t -ît-arie% or socieics Ilat deali stie lecomea more se emore t - i iattil> toctat ork. .- ataely, andtinteconsequence more ai- zl!!ouglr public veltate in al l t luring. andti 10kno-w liat iîle lit de- i S 10 corne befote the confer-1 strabie andi desîreti sets lier pulse - îhid velfare in Ilîiniot i ii re- lieatrng fater. -e il'e grentett amoui t attention Wth lte btunetre, unlesite la iii-laItâe anti voluiteer ageencies, ol lité allow type.,aitere extreme m 1, t.- ' elrestntatrves it viigalbeicaution fta neces2sary tait regard tb 1'i1', thé citoice of color, bltack causes ber Th.. rrteeting liere nxoeil l'i i eleycemo appear larger, itigiter anti I!, rwenty-sixth annuai gathering of rote ànimateti. illinoita social workcrs. bot officiai 'The usuai adaice 10 a vomair lu -tante agents anti salunteers in.charly drésa la tu match thé color of iter cllies.'fTe aid trame ôl "charities eyés, but Ibis ilaflot alvays a vise andi corrections cenfet-énce" viii proit' ptan Iou îloîa. 'ake tire grtî>.eyed it)ly lie tuppianleti by a né" tramé. vaman, for instance. Govu eitn l t fi. -public weifare conferen2ce." gray anti thé chances are site vi-l 'Te conference itas nu officiai rec- look tirali anti depr.esseti; put ber ln tognizatitsn, but officiais anti prîvate a biscàk frock anti thé effect ilaiamost ciizena engaged in social votr de; startîiog. lier eyeàa itte. anti sIe clare it bas doue mwilî tt furttet' the iooks younger. s%ork of citarîties in Illinois. Pupil of Eyes ek. Tbe sessions wiii oen vith a muass- A greal Parit.lau drésemaker ex- nrceting Suutiay ut thé MajestIc thea'- plilee ti tti by relerring i-o the pu- ter. viberséMaYor jeter P. Michaela pil of the eye-invariably black. lie viii give PoMWB VUs é. -PitnpOaéa ticiaréti that 10 dresa succeasfuliy of thé conférence *0i be outlined by - accerdiug, to the color of te Iris vas c'. il. - jenkifls. dire4tor of the tate; a faliscy. deîtartmuent qf publié. elfaré, and bY Ue miglt it uthlt Icky celer by Iwo %, phillipéet! Cicago, président ichance; otitervise 0 * of te conférence. An address by B'i- AÀslsrug cf lte shouitiers va& -bis sirop Edusunti M. Dunne 0f Peorla vîli comment. enti thé liraI, sesolols. Lot an y brunette witls a clear skIe Misa Jane Atidanta of H-ull ouse. try te effect af black fer, black Val- (ticugo. vii! epeak at a union meeting Yeti or black Lice. anti site viiiadmit at, t'iraI Mtitodjt pliscopal cburch lie'bécouulnguess.But site atouiti net sundtay nigbt on phases of te tisarm vwear tllne, net or crevé georgette lu amtent conférence. ac. ébelali> soanr fabrlcs tutIhé blonlde., E DUCÀTIONÂL WEEK DuritewrPaiinnslaned ý 1 l taI thé robe et fmourinu vas alvaja SET rBYDt ARDJN(i chic. it vas-ise economica.l. Èven wvité ie18,'a spendttrifl tr intemat- ter of ciothea, tihé Frénchvemenlikee to con vincé hersaif andi others that ,Washitngton, Nov. 29-Caliing atten- site lu lbil. ehp htI h b lion to thé fact Ihat fivé millIon Amer not trly donsPerintrop thal'ahk Jean boys anti girls are flot avail»ng vitit cotiar ef aigsandie, but iser robe lhernsei'eg of, free aciteol advautages, d'apres-midl. as veli as ber. frocir prekident Harding ltIay lesueét a pr'o, for thre lieatre, opera, or diance le al- clsoîsucun deslgualing thte week ef Dec. 0o lc arc 4 aîs 'American educatioe veek." ,- sebctmfnamiré c Dtrritag thts veek thé président ung-, blmc-anti vomaut knowa Ill Per, eil tirat ciieus "gi9e spécial anti iaps tat la the secret. For, no mal- luîqugitful pgtentiu or Wtbe, néeds, andi ter wvit e say. ve-dress tb please tstrns of public sejioolo." thé presidéflsménfa-t i.l éonylt -wltdou rJ . s- fi cifutlo taItoremnee Ifi pItl Rb te ou D à ffglàtO mn:dréssmaker vite desia thé àý L arafrcià go fi.f Uc ear blaci ili I 'lsa ua RÀ Lake County Ps Big Weekly Circulation Greater dmusotmer Weeklies in Coucty Cebined In Gray.and Henna .ih -- oiuilnoms-eéved coat vlt.,a plesting aetrt- aide tanl.-.41g f n te new Barry Coles créations. Mr%. Harding's dreanker*i .1t4 chcren hennît andi gray fur liais atunnln g&arment. The1,ot t Un ,ti*t ég -s> fel and blas a deep satavicollar ef aquirrel vltb cuffa andat !biîg -,[)î f re er t thée sn 1WIIY DO WOMEN 1HOOSE60W FULL 0FVIOLATORS Of PROHIBITION Mrs. Elizabeth Sutherland Young, former local reform- er, writes from Norfolk TELLS CONDITONS- THERE Wýaua&égan end Lalte Ceunty are net thé ouly places vIre.ltéeprehibition lav Isla forced rigIdIl>. Mns. Eliza- hetht Sutherlandi Young, a former Waukegan reformer, but vite nov ré- aides et Norfolk, Va., wrltes that thé jailinl tat cityl>'léoverfiovleg vitit men citarget i tti violation of the lquor lavs, Inelber letler 10 thé SUn. Mrs. Youeg says: "Thiis lanuformation I amn gladti e giseë- 1 am St home le my ovn ibouse at Iset afier four years. Captaîn Geo. S. Y'oung. m>y son. niaice t tiis port bis leûadqlifartef s antiI ame more titan îirankfut 1 have hlmvitit me titis Thanksgit irg day for the first lime la fifipen ýearr. 'Newv'port lias grove 1n be a yen- derful ahipping part. Polilis are somev lat different tiovn here. Re- publiuini.ým ma>' be mateienl Washe ington liy speech, but they certainl>' gel tem v ings clipped iun irginla. ' Proiitrion lit strongly enforceti here. Tiie jail la overfiowing vîit biootleggers. "Norfolk litas a mt>' administration b>' manager. V'ery successful. His saaary la $16.000 a year. Ever>' tax- payer moars overte expense. Na one s salis! led. Norfolk ls a ver>' dean. vili regulaleti city, itovévér. under thé manager system." Mrs. Young Incloq-s la lier letter a cllpping fram a Norfolk paver un iucît lte statemnlaIsmatie Ihat of lte 432 prisouers occupyiug quartera In the cit>' hastile elghly per cent are chiarge vitit volation of thé prohibi- lion lav. Thé cil>' officiais are pu?- zled to knev vitaltbéhy wyl do lu caae more arrests are matie. The nor- mal capacît>' of thé jaul Is 300 prison- ers.- PASTOR DENU3S DRSRTIN«i WIFE AND 3 CIIILDREN Chicago, Nov.. 8.- Theé Réa. Howard W.' McClure, youni pasîor of a churcit in Gréen Bay, Wls., Ioda>' eenieti la ie cel* aIpolice teasiquarters lirat he desertieIs ife anth irée kities. "Il's not trué.» té said. "Semé oe muet have polsoneti my vires mlui." Rpv. McClure vas italtedta luthé mîiddle ef a lecture beforé ltée annuel cenvention e!fitbe ElugélvetChristian churcla lest nlght bj Ive detectIves andi placéti ndér arrest on lthe desér- tion charge. 111 léft Green Bay ben days age te bétter myséif," Rev. McClure saiti. "I was pastor of the Green Bay' Christian churcit ustil lait suirimer viten 1 me- signe t t go Inte thé lecture business, but lt ditiu'tlum eut Wel. My vile mnev 1 vas leeklug areunti fer some- thing better. I have writtén ber aInce 1 lefI." Hé viii .be taken back to Green Bay,. vitene te la kuevu s'a "thé boy preacit- er." Hé la bventj fîvé jeans eiti. é i" eRa 8liew, Bitme Arabe are ethey fend ef *hyéua 51ewv, andt h1 léopl itte ftè Ltirt evett a dog toma front lyena-mtat 4m la. rm,,.t RECALLS TIME MU, RTED fiFRE 1'dimunutive, wood- u~locomotive, o oMhWestern OPERATED 50 -YEARS AGO Ever hear et the "alînutp'? Xnless yeu are an oidri udent of Waukegae and Lake Courtly thte chances are againit .rtîu iraving heard or il. As old timers wilii r-:,]Ii, 11w 'in- nie" vas a dimunuli-. locomotive operated en the Chie'! gO andi Nortli Western raliroad, balf a entury ago. C. E. Jenninis. Of (îm Agon old timer. recals the "Mini' -anti sendis bis recoliectlofls ta theél>ail S'ln ln ,te foliowlng eOMnrunîcattolr THE MINNIE How many of 1ha re.sidenu. aiong thé Nortit Shore tOditaitmî-atbei te Mine"the diminut la. locomotive tat pulled the pay Car of tîte North' weatern out of Chicago. qom,ý-f iftY yeaîs ago. 1 vas attending a Countrv nmo In Iliose dàys. that was oi thle olti Indian boundary roadthalticrosseti thte tracks nome mite" North of lie clly. andi going, bacsl; imd forth. ve kds voulti stOP Ztze he iitrini une i vooti-burnér, vith broati smoké, stack.; réti drive viteels, an d prne under the~ 'Cab windoiw. Everybody &long ttf' ,"lirOal knew lte "Mîlnnie." SAIW W. J SMITH LÊAVE li*WAII 14>11J.Biley. edito! and otaner of lthe Bureau Ceunty Republîcan. thte largest veekly nevapaper in Illinois, publiahed i a Princeton, 'tpent yesler- day andtias nfght wîthitlie faeîily of F. G. Smith. Mr. Baliey la a mem ber of the Illinois commerce commission andi has juat retrsrned from the Press Congreas ai Honolulu. He vas among the party vito gave a big demenstra- tien at thre departure from Honolulu of W. ..Smitht and otiterg on titeir trip aretladm wo ved. W. J. Smith la nov in 7a8me and'w111 travel tu China, thé PhilUlpines, Siam, lthe Is- landi of Sumatra, lthe Maiay peninsu- la, India. Egypt, thte Hoiy land,. Greece Itly, France anti Englanti hefore bis return home. TOOK .R.EINDEER TO ENGLAND Attempt to Colonize the Animal Was Net a Succeess-Marked Ibtli. gence Shown hy Th*m. A buuidred yearsaugo il vas Ibouglit titthlia nountaln toréassef Great Britale mîglît lit colonîzeti by reinleer frgm Laplaird. and en accouet vils given te 1821 la an Issue cflthe Oit' ser-er; London, of lthe éitraordlnary agaclly displayeti by tiîem when a nuetier webroîrglal 10Engiant i a lte Instigation of ann cit.ient natural- lI.t BIr. Bullock. Tire ierd vus ac- companieti by a Luplandér, ta viiom lthe animais Nstere tlacheti andtu t vitose wvlies îlîeyt't-ere nauaiiy obedi' ent. Ailtstent stell til tiey arrIs-et et lte place of embarkatiou. wbén lthe hertisman Iîvltett the deer te follow him 1 tute boat. When tire lender cf thé herd put bisa foot upon thé float Iéading 10 lthe s-eél ho starteti back in alarm. Il v-as lthe lire uesleady ground he had e' er tro&i Fresh Invi- tallons ta follow théeirertisman and fresit là,«estÎ atoisi foitowed, thé vitale herd lek'iirk onu nti walchlng thé proceedlne, plactng éntîre confl- demacé lu the captain, net attempting te move MIihé gave tem a signal taI ail vas wéli. Âfter a tîme héoseied la hoe reassured and lus a majestic mannér entered lthe vessel, vitere hé lied upon évery pank andi carefufly examlned éverythig. Whou heho at satisteti bmself ltatI lwuasperfçctly sale, hé ulteréti a kîntiet anert wvien thé hitherle passive tend beundéti loto lte boat aud ln titrées minutÇ.aallitati embarked. Thte account continues tisaIltée vesseL vas ovàd'iadéei anti the Intelligent beat Indicatedth iis to bis folioeef. 'Were wé not assurét of thé tact, v. could* haidly crédit l,"1 tbq reporter continués. "Ai hého at Intlmaltd other îlîings, hé miso loti- matédti itile tl s foliowers. No soo- er vas tItis doeo tn theé ludtvidual tiser lie appeale toteleat into an- othér boat."- Thé experimenl did net prove a sac- rés., but ltée arked 'uîclligeneof lthe reiedeer mqate a deep iîuîtbresàion upon thé publie. SINN FEINERS -STANDIi«i PAT 1 Dublin, Nos. 30.-lite Sinnrein ita&e ot relinqulsltéd au>' oflts pol- lical aima' as a resttof thé Lguston 'peàëc, negrottatiotis. Esmomin. De N'a- -lema ieclafed-ie a opeeeh kIt nnig to- diye 'W. stand b>' lthe ame pritreluet 55 v Iiielatiour years &go," saidtheit IfisI leader. UmssMay M5leï Nev York actress. vite suffered a fractureti ekuli in an auto accidit-t vas lte Cret patient of Dr. Adoipli Lorenz, wvend' famous Austrian surgeon, vito came 10 America le treat cripplet i lii dren free as a mark af-Ihe gratitude of Vienna for Amerîcan foodtisu tô star% lot Auqtr!an babies. GiIRL FATALÎY, BURNED; PLAYED WITII MATCHES Four year old Florence Sabar- owski of North Chicago cannot live DEATH MATTER 0F HOUS Prerlîtt11,11. oténce Sabarovskt. 4-year-old daugitter of Mr. ant I frs. Adam Sabarovaki. 154& Jackson street.,Ntorth Chicago, was fatally burnédti iis mornlng aI nîné o'clock whilé plityiflg vititmatches.fier lit- le body wàvs iturnedti t a char from lîead to fotir. Site also inîraledth ie. flame.'. Dr. L.. B.'-Jolley, atlending pitysician. salid the burn es e g o Seri- ous Iliat thé ehti cCoulti lite but a fev lotira at m os t Mn.s, abarovaski lad slelîpet ouf of tite ibouge fer a fLw minutes, les'.- lngth lit 111e girl in théeIbouge. Tue citilti founti sonie mtrchies iliat bail been left on a table anti amîîsed lier- self b>'1li ghitng thlPem. Sutiden>' lier re.s caugit lire. tlifrigtrtened srreanis lthe clitild rýin 10tthe front porch wviere thcevlîtd caîtisthe ieIre 10 bure more fîeicely. T wo or tittme vomen living ln the nelglîborlîood vere attraciti b> lthe daild's cresmit and ran 10 lier reit eue. on e ofthem grabliet up a rîîg andi trieti to gmotiter tlie flames. but tic rug t-atgit fire and liadto lele titrown avay. Tite voman lten trieti 10 heat out lthe flames viithlier liare hantis. burnlngthem painfully le go doing. Thli tIle vlctim's clothlng rontieued la hum unlil fleal> it vas eetlreiy coiasulfletiTite ont>' portion- of her body>' viicit vas not iturneti vere iter feet. Thèse stéré prûtýcted by ber shoes. Dr. Jolle>' vas- aumnonedti lthe boeuse anti although hé rendered wvit relief vas possible untier tiie cîr- cumstancés lie sav ai once Ibat nolth- lng tould save, thé chiltis 1Hie. BATTLESJIIP NOT' NAVY'S BACKONE NOW, SJMS SAYS Watetbuiy. Conno 'Nov. 28.--"Tité halileship isaino longer lthe hackbotré of thé navy," declared i 'ce Admtral William 8. Sims. pkesîdent of the Naval War coliege, speaking iteré lest night. "Theé hattleshlp lias ne "deféase against airpianes anrd ne offensive pover agaînt ait-plane carriers viri itave speeti enougi tolakcep ava>'," lié declareti. "I iteartlîfy approve of thé disarma'- ment progranm because. if thé, Ire- mendous coet of thte 1816 buulding pro- gram ta saveti anti a snaal portion of tire mone>' la expendid on airptase carriers. thte defensivé Bstrength of the navy vill. lhe greatly lncreased." Cause niTcmut Winds. An iîiieitsety tir: ,ihot vriaticallethIe «zoiitt, vwlitli b14%ys tiovn froue tué Amides,.on ltheeisrfArgentins, vas !arrtlllel>- tiîîglit 0Des-e limen le olao. Il ta renmly a "foehtn," strîli est"-"trs lIn.Switzerland Band îitmiw r mlier iaunttilti n -ttIes. %roV CI oflt - titeir dhecata TEDDY BEAR'AND PAJAMA PÂRTY SUIOCKS WIFE Mrs. Winfield Scott Besley of Chicago tells of shocMOU - party aboard-yacht DIVORCE IS THREATENED Chilcago, Nov.* 30.-A pajama anti Tetiti>' ear part>' abeard thé cruiséer "Lark" ln thé Lincoln Park lagoon, vas revealeti totiay as lte major set- tltag for a threateneti div-ctce suit b>' _Nîrs. Minllelti Scott Doslev, vufé of a $11,000 a year iepartmeit manager o! te Mîrnicilual Siiolîs.1 lier commodore liasianti anti a pretl>' Omatia dlaorcee playeti steilar roles in thc risqué part>. acmording to videenre vlîrci rsr. Basic>'lias pîscet irn ltebanda of!lier attorney, L.. J. Hlaigler. Stué asit thé divorce action vas tielsyed liecause ofrtte conditionorfliter iîealtiî. Mrs. Botule>',wvoitis- 25. eaid site clianceti ahoaldthite >acitîueeentl>- anti fouatilier- iuabafit, wvli la65, ail urilea' andi surrootîded li>'a bec>- of beau ties, and a quartest of men , Ile vas 'tlken back" nt lier Fîresence. site saiti. but nevertlieless 'et sai -it iter fer Muchiugan Ciy. Dui1rin g lte Ilir mrs. basic>'. vas siiot keti. sue saiti. Once sire vent tu tic forwaid tiecttfor soute le. I. roundi four coulesho1Cý1g a regial' Bammiit'ica,'site saiti. ' Two o!thie tmen vore pajpLmas; one vasile iîls'titi B. V. D'a andthîe otiter -Weil its tee ahtockinig. Thé girls hati nothinig on but titeir 'tetidieà.' Site demantidetie tr ltusliand te he sel ashore, site said, andl lié com- pliei. ' *,Commodore" hfaelr'J sai i tîs vîfe's chargea vere ail a censplracy. 'I neyer remember- ler being on a t rp la Michigan City," hoesard. MORATORIUM MAY B)er ISSUED London, Nov.»28-Thé advlsabililj Ut- German>' Issuirng a moratorium vas ntter dIscussion Ioda>' hytuglaGeriés m4e anti British officiais. Thé Get-man officiais lu London in- clude Dr. Simon andi Walter lRathenau. former erînister of réconafructlon ie thé German cabinet. Thé>' conlerét *Ibt Sir Jahu Bradibury, Brtish rep- reseetative orn thé réparations com- mission, ant ir Robert 1lffle, chsan- cellan of thé éxcitequer. - 1 it vas finIt belueveti that Dr. Simon1 vas tisé ex-foreigrs secrétar>' vite sigied thé intiemntY ',ultimatum' tast May,' h ut il burnee ti t ltaIt e f@ a German ecenomic expert.- lapanese -"Animal HoiidaYs.- As %%ô lert Mattue, Japaur. il etîellr, att agriuuilsi on ionrd lté vet-el laid tme of lte cnstom of gillir hoidays t>e xéen a 34.jorses. 311e vit. lagers caréfAýlly t«)sÙtheir aIs déoraté tibs8a. anti lèaitherm to pal ,u ilae 1b, tetheret irngs, atîncheti 10, a longtgrepe, "thé>' mn>' gmaZe t(- 'gether pl'ea*aty-3. W. Roert"*m sett iltiré I.éd&xr DaitueT*qérapb- PASSES AWAY At Death came th'smwIûp o'clock at home of Maiman in Waukgma1' IONEER 0F LAKE COUY 'The funerai of Llaory gIaiipan 44, Waueonda. vili lie lietti atUr4ftF niornhng lit 10 o' ciock lat Transfl"U1ý lion <aLholic churcîr, Waucanda.IFS Internxt In the famiy lot la 7îlt moent Center îvemetery. The remý ver.' talipi f rom Waukegafl todyl (Tituretisy teblte oid home at Wau-' conda. .eàdtan. of W'aucontia. Pa ;iepr resident of Lake Ceuafr, dO tbis norning lit four o'clock aith home of his son. L'ýo MalMAU O Waukegan. le ait 81 years of&V itavlng eelehrated ighie irtbday 00w rober 26. Deatti vas due to puéS1 Foir years Mr. Maiman baoitatfer eti of c irronie broncititis. but hia coa' dition never vas regardedi as serbâr On Noveniter 20 ie camp ta Wauxe Kan te visit.ilttwo Bos.n . *1ta Phît. and i iatibeen staylflg ant tr honte of te former. Last Ft'Iday hi vas taken il. On Sunday ho déi vetopeti aneumonia andi because of bià advanced age vas net ableé 1 wage a successful battle wlth lire dittease. Henry Maîian was born near itank burg. Germany. He came Ile ý6 U'nite'd States in 1865, settling 1néel Wauconda where lie batiliveti êvei sInce. Hlé onductei a generai Bleur titere nearty tifly years. For the lÈ%I tee years te store itad beauenk ducteti hy lerman Maiman, a son. Mr. Maiman leares four sons *A& on e daugitter: lHerman sand Henry o Wauconda, Plu andi Leo of W87ulm Kan, and Misas May Maiman. vho képt btouse for ber fater at Waukegan. 14 alto leavea a brother, 1lerdan. oi Watertowe. S. D. Mr, Matman vas a memnber o!flte Catitolic Order et Festers. H-e va% one of the béait keoiwi residents of lte county. HEALTH 'HINTS FROM BlEU !reéf Thal More Thsn Spiritual Ceéà aolistion Io Contained in the Pages e01Soriplurs. 4 If yeti vant le keep weilandi éati doctor't' butsq, study your Bible. ThW voulitiseem t e flie " dra im froin ilie reia rks oet Ir Jamtes ôii* lie, faffrîrs Englilsitsurgeon, iBW prîrîteti ont ttat iedilne reste oâ ltec taw 'of Moses. tTtîer~t', rîolotcne page o!flteBible wlii-Ii tees tt ewttclt ut sortie ityglenil ta-ýt,' lie satti. i-tr ilîstatrc<', rte nrog use ef ml 1,1 flic catuse of Indigestion and iba" leetit Mutes laid down lte saiutar] iw riat rik tt iould neot lie drunk en- lit at leat tt luo houris afler eatlng fiso titree citer clîluken, snd four. aft .nitliier gives rîtlktko lier ebulti vire [ltenti litservî'm. S ir TJttmes ptoints ontt ow lte da: gers of plagîtes cîrrled lry rats W«I lirieti fron therire ble. Whien lie va a dcwtor nt Hongkong lucre was a luý boule llttgtte antd lie and ti oli searciied lte.enîcyclopedta for lafow miin. TVien a clergyman came ,te iit i atketl itîrti le read lte foutr ffîli arnd sIthapters of ltea of Siamuel, vitere' ive models of $waq Irîgs and Ilire golden images of if58I werc describil as being offered loitbg Go& of Isrutet. "Thats te cause of 3'aur pg# fliese ri8" saeul 1te eergyma. t» on taIIhaststhlie medicai authog1i8d wtent le work.-Piîlsiturgb Gazeto Timues. HAS HIS 'MEMORY TRAM? FlIbert Flam Hereby Maltes FUMIOll Systens Which m'Oe aime té - Be Infallible. Titere lut a cure for absent' ness, or aimntise5, andi fllha bas found it, according toeIl. York Sun. He doesn*t talit abou.t il, but if you mention tba ter ta hlm hé wlll ceSide t te FlIliéri and )FIlipo were* offie togelber viten PFIbet stoppé Inl tte hallwa3'. l1 irungry andtu l a huMr, was tarit of haste annoyerilai. "Hasten." reptiedI ViUpo, "Waft,"caution lbert, and a moment i l ee., Thon a broke ever hit fae; hbé lte oiice for a monit asd Came *itit îtebox of Candj viricirbu -~urcliased for MIsr. flsm -if la lustlbié." said i lber& 'Whatt" asireti FUlip. 1 uséti tolbe very absent leave tbings beisinti. forget ments, tiret sort ôft thint. N««éS more. I nieyer leave a' place STICK TO BLACK IN TIIEIR DRESS It is because it is becoming and affords chances for many color contraýts LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER Il 19*21. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN M., E)RSES, ERY -1

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