CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Dec 1921, p. 1

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the QuAI;. - 5fl280, Do bird i _theé quisjLTý. 'omlnZ'g quite, zy an uttnn4jell aider It nIOt at, ;oume day [,Dy vie witbl I t r.. 0f ci5UrW»., mr of yeftr boom git asent,ý but thi 1 made sud It~ hoe poésibhlitiem a LIBERYVI LLE LAK-E COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOLUME XXIX.-NUMBER49. INDEPENDENT Lake County-'s Big Weekly gQ"GmmQeoetboWSekislCoWmy Cooeinled LIBERTYVHIL[AKE COUNTYS IUNIS, THURSDAY.THURSDAY, DECEMIBFR 8, 1921. $1 .50 PER YEAR IN AUVMI MM4EMEYER iETS 25 YRS. IN PRISON FOR MURDER n wras tod bâ< ing deiru of b edy. HIou"e~ pyt, and yet >ql mic remedy J,~ years ago, as 1 the yeung meh young1poth.w,-' Il standard toQijus er:;can méedicinal reak iromén cma or liquid form, df tablets, to Dt'. :,atur [GB Sash plies Sold 1-tellicince. and y stemn Sta. an1306' tty or ahipplng tmanufacture a eti. than treight ou' gootis and, de- kiige (ou' agir- e tine. '4 on shlpmente us a posWl' WiU b. gig without - One juror holds out for "man- ýSlaughter"1 until early this morning Tw.atYttive years imprisoument vau Ibo punihmbeont given George Nigge- »mevr, aged 34. of Fox Lake, viso te -d as . ound guilty ot the inurder oi Zom L. Johnson. 4707 N. Robey street. tChicago, and menber of the haM'ware tismn ofAekermanohnson, vIsonshe ak hot to death on Fax Lake, Oct. 22. Swhdle the Ivu were duck bouillie The case went te the jury late Thurs- diay aflernoon and for fourteén hours the vote srtood eleven for murdér against one juror viso belli out for man»Iaughter ,At. 9 oclock Fridaý morninnig he lJu rý estlied a"""zltictit Niggemeyer was in court filteen minues lateu-. TIiere acre fév ipeople In tbh- court oi zîîat t liai ziniz-altliougt thé place badl been çackeii througb- out the four days trial. Tbe defend enta vwife and mother enlered thse courtrooni eariy and kiazzed bim. He nt hetween them and visen Judgc Clitre C, Edwarda came open the béncis the jury filed! in, héaded by Deputy H. A, Doolttie. L. J. Wlirnot, cierk. read the verdict, Niggemeyera vwife overwbelrned -vitIs grief, wept upon bis breast as hée tried te console ber. Ilis motiser, Mrs. George B. N ggemeyer, of Fox t.ake, ai-ose iLnd calied dovn a corse upon -the man who s responsîbie for this pnnishment.' She vas led away by a court attache, Atty. Wm. Deané, counsel for the défense, asked for a néw trial .and .ludge Edwardasmet -lice malter for bearing fer the 101h. The téstîmony slîowed tlî,t Johnson vas killiéd shortly aller 12 o'clock byý Niggemeyer. who hait been st-udt 1. thée ye isy a stra> zbot. and belicving that Jobnison was îeaponmibté. got in- te an argument vits hlm, and ui l th@ latter started le row away, Niggeméy- et, wvils an oatb and ibri-at, -l'il gel yen", pulicd uop i gun and lired. tihe ,charge tearlttc awsy ia port ionnof thse muscuiar îzari iii ,toIflsoi'z- ariaand blowing off tile iaik patrt tif hi5 hcad Jnhn.ion feul back in hi s boat. and Niggemeyî-r rowed away, leasing otis ers te take tise dying man to shore, Hé expired a few iiinuitz ,aller hie aht vais flréd. Tise siiind of the aria indlcated that hihlale(]il tin an ecf fort te yard off thze charge. . Thé evidence ahiwth"' tatthse shoot- ing look pltace about lft or 12 mnutes #ffter Niggemneyér vasq struck by the spent shot. Accoriing tb wltnes>es.iJNiggonteyer ai iraI claimed ise shot lJhnson ac cidentaliy but later denied that be ,even knév anyting about it,. daim- tmg bis eye burt lii tse badty lbe roed te shore and calléd a doctor, vbo advised bimteot go te Chicago and have il éxamlned by a spécialist. He vas arrestéd in a doçtor'si office by Thos. Tyrréli assistant chiéf of 1police. and brougisl te Waukegan. He denied attémPlîng toei-un awa,-. Niggémeyer vas in tise boat livéry business aI Fox Lake, viseré lie and~ "bis fathér, a former Chicago détéct- lve sergéant. havé livéd for twelve years. Chai-acter wilnesse.m testifled aimost vIthout exception that hé badl a bal! réputation at Fox Lake and Antiocis and vas known as a bully. Niggéméy- er's faîher, viso Is veli liked In thé Cravford. Tise déal also iluludes a nelghborhood. remained in tisé office of Shériff Eloier Griffin almost con- tlnuaily vhilie bis son was on trial, pretérring fnot to go te tbc courtroom. Thé principte wtness for the staté vas Chartes Holnies. alqo of Fox Lake, viso vas nnly a shoîrt distance away wben tise sbodting took tplace. JOHN FRIDEL "NOT EiUJLTY",gis JURY VERDICT FRIDAY Grass Lake man tp-ed under new law making possession of liquor illegal ]litn Fridèt, Giases k resident, wus found "net guilty" by a jury iu thé coîînty court t]aieFiiday on a chai-ne nifsiolatitîg tîze prolilittoi-y VFrittaIa-as titi-iltndc-r a tAW effcct- à he stnce Jîtîs t or ttis ycar making rP epossessio)n tif inloxicatlng fiquor pt-imat facla evidc-nce. lnder ibis iaw liithe endant must gis-egond éxplanation of tPýe manner in wbiclx thé tîquor a-as acqui-ed. If tise owner bas mnanufactured if lie isécomea lia- hie under, the "Mlanufacture" act. wiuz hbei-aine ePffective Tuly' 1.1919. This vas titi last case on tise trial .cal] as court bas been 'adlorned natil Dec. 12, Judge P,L.ersons e n Peoria most of néxt week. fO.Sth, t 'iuîliiu zof u ifltuitul-ce îuînaied iiiter takini-$.2ti Tht- st-it- ronîepnîieîli ilîutii- :to11î, i - and Wti ttt u enump-leIt uîike t ait- mîtai- as thiougl M tt iiiire a-as i-e- s tiunsi le 1tYIs ustiia - i -s e ie tc a iii tili i hsiitiý,rli ,PatttI'tout -anse t - i t Itle (z-,,- by iiii tiing M Ls tJuih I i-t uî i n We-sl t ailI-acltIll te titi et Iilit- kiltiin IS IIURLED FROM R OON, KILLED Jame litti*nqo,'wit) Ituul'tiin 011î th hichuago police-toi-cii foi 29q uni - ,anti as i ucoulsinu of Tiomtas ani . eor-~e Gr-aham iof Vésukegaui. wavs insitl> thki-ItetiSaturda>' night, a-len lie usas sent b za dance hall In Illei ttatian quai-feus to dispuerse a nois ici-r ow' itTheîtiilts rvl-- îîirkîd tiis utuantI iropped hbtovoer sttirwa a nd ititt ii- lht ti titictii u iltis-fielt 'Thomastia-zfliinîttu of Milwaukoie Ihoad i-zn; to Chicago Tuésdtîy b. at- tenu lletImI'iers i of M r. i-ri-iutgon, uvss-biornie vas at 3047 West Con- ui îs-î stéét. 0.11>- Thougit. -Thé true overcemlng la net In siuap- tng oulvard ihtngs 10 suit Ou viii, but In living' utir itilfe patienti>', ti-usîftiy, îslil iZiîîîlly, tlrougis vhat- évér Ill tu z.uthî'îitzngs iay hé. CONF'ERENCE SIDELIGH'r VAMPIRE AUTO KILLS MAN AND SPEEDS AWAY. Peter Novakovioh of North Chicago killed instantly; po- 1lice pursue slayers A vampire auto, speeding sixty tiles an hotur, instantly kiléed Peter Novakovicis. agéd 53, Séventeentb and State Strééts, Norths Chicago. Satur- day night about five o'clock, and tisén disappearéd ln thé semi-darknéss afr- ci- tise driver discovered hé had Mlain ai man. Molorcyclé Policeman pur- sued thée machine toward Chicago but gave up visen îhey tost tise trait. Thé ti-agedv occttrred on Waiikegan i-qad. oîpposite tise naval station. Tise Chi- cago anti Evanston police wers noti- 1îcîl butifi-oi th- meager deiption Li-ien tere tinabte 10 flou an> trace t-f Ille tif'-. Nofviko% t-fiand ,a Irtenîlî%%ho are iiiposi-las g;z rdezîs on thfe inzs liini .îî Laki- Foi-est, were wvoIsine iii lhéJi-fhomeien Norths Chicago whcn ils, former miit deatb. Tlîey aere ,î tkznc uon itbeside of Itlehoa:d, selJ tiff thtlias -tunt Tise s anîtirz cuar, i - tatetilapproacisez fi-oi tIti- aîzrthî it terrifice speed and at thé mîomntt Novakovicis vas kitted tise i-fi fi-tnt a-bcd a-as five feél off tbe Pai ement on tiwetfIsîde of tise street. 'Tli niai-bine s déseibed a-t a tai-gi'. gray touring car, prohabtv a Stutz oi- a Cadiilac. The lefI head- liit as smasised b>thie impact ahc tiil ut-led Nos-akovJcb. ci-ughed aund tlcedfng lîrtber 10 tise aide tif thse roait A siulisequent examinalfon fi atlui-e cf thi' akuil and left le-g. t)etth was aimost instantaneous., The touring car came 10 a stop somp distancé down îist road and one of the foui- occupantsisurried bacli sstigu-e the zieat man lay iseside the rttadv as "i'ou'd better gel an ambsutance and have hlm taken 10 théeisospitat." bc tolt Nozsakoviclîs com pa nion. NESTLE FOOD CO., TO SIIUT' DOWN AT EiRAYSLAKE Company has posted notice that they wiIl quit buying, miIk ian. 1. The Nestie, Food company o! Gray.3- iake bas posted a notice that alter flecember 31, the comîîany wili dia- continue buying miik, and this notice was flot accompanied by any rpason therefore, with the resuit that it ls causing much aieciuation in that neigihbortbood. This le tthe company that h, said to have bei-n opposîin thée milk market- inkg romlpant.' Tht-y wci. ctosed foi z vs-ar but started up again tieetii-st of Mý!%as ne which lime they work cdj 111) l lat rocage wiftbaffloini ail ta 511il 4f,.0tOu izound'I of mi1k a d:is l'ecatônic, Dec. 6 -ý-wing tu a no0 tice posted yeslerday by tisé Nesties Food corporation closing Its plant lie-ie December 31, officiais of thse Miik 1Producers' association were reported busy today preparing plans t0 absorb thui' miik noiv being bandled b-. th'il fwir. Notice of the closing of the- plant ai the end of the year came as a surprs to miikmen as a force of workm.e arrived bere Wednesday morning for thse apparent purpose of instaiiing new machinery and enlarging thse plan' The), were recalled Tbursday. Witli thé daiiy volume of milk handl led b>- the local Néatles plant fal uneý from 125,000 pounds ath thé lime otl the beginning of Its dispute with thc farmers to approxlmateiy 20,000 pound ait present it 1.s beliéved that the décis- ion to close vwaq forcéd by isck of bus- iness. Th-- shutdown o f ic Pecatcznic plant i- not ýa part of a rurfloréd genéral closing of thc Nestie.q milk industry. iwa sad.Thefrm bas other plant,- a fnn.Wis. nd CGrays t-ik litW WOMAN FREED 0F M1LTIM1RE DEATII U5 STILL IN JAIL Jurv held her insane and court has flot vet decided what to do with her lit-r )nil chi-- ,f niuiteiinE FîI .~N ilti'ii. l i t -i lttitr h-cr roorn it a t a lIw, la ,iAtuui aithouîM i- '!:l!; , V t z--,.t, a' tit, ifî:ir ,î-,inU tii jail li t t' 1 I nî-w - îtl he cxulil '<t inc li iizai.]1 iîný The wolii, - aniloti !te ,,irnie to thse ^ tatt in-«iî" asy ii i iil a (uani- mission Ilas 0!i Idtut lt-z surli i Setectioui ,f t bis cnliii i>ion woutîi fait on luth.- .Xfdtesz - andit il z-tîio vuithin liis ti ini c lt ii-i iere b>- viiîiîe of lit li -iidi The de[(î iv-cueIil lstt- la!ge]-I 1 on iuîsanit s, NIiý tLzî a taking itî staii ii in , 'i. hi- la t-etîtîccît( Mittiliiîre to Il--iri oii. s he sald, be- cause of lier- i - fi l tai lieil., az FIRST PAYMENT ' INCOME TAX IS WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN to en - m d--edW h Muade ts repolitand vei-c given te thé OIN f LIBEL Press immredîately ater thse report vas mnhf 1gv tth lroftecourt. HLDtRN Donfe ACTIO ~~&~ Si r. LeForgee déclared that théec- se5 A CH S, lth A TO G NS tin et> a grand Jury must ho kept l IH \îit secret until the demanda of justice ai-e theM CH S9 lore b mt, so that the accused çould bo ap- RIE Mil Preisénded and placéd under ai-iest be- DIESAT H EsiL St iet SMALL'S CCu~tK :fore beigwand hrougli the pressA 10 idi Governor's counsel cites case gorand Jury admittéd a stenIgraphérCroe' inu thed ls tae0 in Which grand jury fore- ýand théréby expoaed tise secrets 0f ngt insestl !te a~s that hodys action. ngt ttesr tl fthpýsense0 manwa fondguity Judge Edvards intérrupted the ai-- tragedy aiozund guménts of Mi-. LeForgele ascértain séberpIl nAl whldiit ia oéno é îetber tise defengeévould ask Ibis Florence Saharovsky, four year oid top andl S 1tilMay file charges of tibél against curt te act against thé grand jury, daughtér of Mu'. anti Mus. Adamu Sabar- vas iesi grand Jurors et thé Sangamon counai to vhich the counsel for thé défense ovati of 1545 Jackson street. Nort lh s bat cour vis netoniyi-élrnédthi- e irpliud tbat thé deféndant wouid ast Chicago, las dead as thé resuit of bornascaped. dictments againt bhlai, for albéged ét-j tisaItishe court tule onîy on thé iégallty ret',irî-d Wédnesday, Nov. 3Otis, vhiié Mfeant hezzléménl, consplîacyand confidence J f tise action of the grand jury in thé playîng vlth matches in bier .home. had i-ici, gamle, but aise incorporated vilthém ri return of thé indictmcfnt and thé apec- Coroner Taybor préstdéd at thé cor- aindl ad a i-tui-n aléeged to rétiéct upon tise liai return fit mde ineluding tise report ornera inquest vas hébd lat tise home atout and lntegrily of thé state exécutive, vas ilégéd oi b ave béén prepared by per. Thursda>' night. on tise, made Tuésday in circuit court hy thé-zona othér than thé grand Jury for tise A verdict of accidental déath vas ré- Tise t governoras chief counicil, G. C. LeForg- purpose of ruining the govermor» char turned by thé jury. removed ee. vis eon Monday filed motion tolacter and repulaîlon. Il vas brought out that hefore thé dei-iakinj quash thé indictiments against Goy. Smaii and Vernon S. Curtia, beforel Governor Srnal vas net in court tib ittle child died shé vhlapered te her wîilhi- Judgé Claire C. Edvards. mtorning vhéen the ariuments opened, mother boy thé ti-agedy happénéd. i tai Att>'. LeForgée charged ta1 onîy In Nither vere Stie Attorney- Fred C. Shé aald tisat afler her mother bail be made oneothr-istaiceinau llioiscoua-Mortimer or flus aid, J. H. Wilkeraen, atsie out of thé bouse fou' a fév tiseatuto ly has a grand Jury éver sîéppéd so At thées'éry beginning et thé argu- minutés she found a match lylng on quest la levi>' as il did ln tisé case of thé Sang- utet MoidayteOutîsistise indictmoesabs thé table and lighted ItL In some man- Le Forgee, one of dovnatate's Most ner hér drésa caugist fire and heu' first amon counîy jury viten iýt incorporait- BA éd vîtlh ndctments a returo vwhich sciînolariy barristéts. gavé évidence Impulse vas te rush out ef donrs conststed of a ienethy wrlttéi réportlthat somneting héiescamère Iechnî- Néighhoi-a told of seéing tise chlld, te Judge Smith comménding bisaIbhicai ities vouid hé discuased. Heva hér clothing ahiaze, ruash upon thée E egilature conduct 'an exhaustive in. gning loto motives, lnto purposes, Imb porcis and acréam for iselp. One neigis-L' vestigation of tise violé subject et mental atie of man>' people, pi-bior burnéd lher banda in trylng te béat itandling of Public funda for thé Ivo- cipaity those identitti-tiwîiah thé pi-ose- out lise flamea. Thé childs cbothing fold purpose of determining (1) ottîc- cution lat tise beginning. Hé did se at vaa hui-ned off hér 11111e body' hum- élal dêlinquéncy, -if any, and (2) vhat limes, uramnatically. Govérnor Smaîî ed from head te foot. lcelalation, if any should bé énactéd te itis uts son Léstié hi-idé bijo, ialén- te put an end forever le the traffc in<' 5cut dou-eu ebseed teto Pubic fundst Mr'. LeForge hen rend!I tieseide of isis coun-.iI and shoot bis ton authorities te ahov tisaI a grand jury isand varmi>'. - P~ A- cannot legally publicly criticize an In-! Fins, fine," said tîte Govét-nor, You AI TKANSAS CITY dividual. acî as cénsors of moarais, and! havé bold <lod ttullit, and You havée 1. u that. if tisey knov of irreeularities1done itl li onlîtî fNblbr ls oi A> ui( lte> ahould presént thiemin Individual "In this case, Indeîîendént of ever>' éevdvrdo iésdendaha i li) chsarges, but couxýng from a grand ?ury tising élse," dramualictîliy deciaréd Mr. 1ansas il> lai ofthesnie ehtai iteraitt iio it vould hé usurpation of théir powers, i LeForgée, 'you have a situation se fu11 Mrq.EseLoar -eTan wt bain Thé council for tise défense then cit- Of vénum, ao fu11 of spleen, se ful or of -Dr.ElsierLeonard. (nerai rn) v'ie dUiii'u1 éd thé case of an lova grand jury, dislté, se U2necestiary,.so un nted. Hbav enatrçi. Funaadani- 1 visicis crilicisizéd tisé conduct of a pub- for, se brutal, se cruel, that Il h1iard eet aent>é enmd uTh.f lie officiai, and in visicis thé accuaéd te find a reason vithin thé lav viîciakon iLénr ecié md-0<rDi filéil suit for lhéel againat thé foréman vouuld excuse or éxténuate the condud iné at Milllurn for a numher of ypara t11W imîsui etMrs. Leonard vas vél known in Wau- lfiJtA 0f thé grand Jury and tise supreme (if a grand jury, ain accusing body, 10 tégan. She and her isusband havé béen roii En court againat thé toi-éman and won. take fitlnlto their own handa ln viola- living in Kansas City' a number 0f tutti isi- Mr. LeForgee déclared tisat in sichtlin of tbé statute, of tise constitution yea.If tits VW cases the, attorney' for bisé state ma>'tb put tiSéméeIYSupon record as tak- ___ i--it Prosecute or thé individuual May roin évdnce rdcdbfr ie,~wut a mprsnlyo roue en rthe hé3hoU I A TOtu-i u Stateas Attorney Fi-éd C. Moitimer iséard. and bt tbodattruh ý h i huri il litrouegis- 0 HUtItNiAUi atleîste 10g6t i-, éFogé Ildo- ot a ýcommîtnily andth ien say go t-y si -sent to Put Chas, M. Béyéi-s, court yhlmoCR SI SU IJAY . cirt of Sangamon countY On tise stand Aî 1i îEutcszti onîî iii and 16tstf' ocenng thée records o cosu ui-nîciief u onnectilon -StaJesala thé bsoard Of aupei-visors. vhich vas s i i, u-tlîftîîlagainst tOntetuti i t-zcivetia tactuteul col Jus ii ima attackéd on charges of illegali>' sé]lec- o iat en file cmbczxemenl i otiultii OiiittiaaOutliTi lue tIhé grand Jury, but thé counsel frct--reqzcît fe-oomtopitia-ii-ioiu ijrenuia>mo-t Tt the défenise i-fuséd tepermit it untili thiéetgzu« tti'!>tise senond indct- itg ittun atlonuiilui sulu ilthe -zTeao hée bas concfoded his arguments. M~ent. visicisincludeti Vernon F3. Cur- s ýu i-e rd utomobient into a ii ntie'y Ise ofza Att', eFogé caledJugé laie is. Grant Pai-k hanier, charglng con- Roiundt Lako-H-ainesvltt'secion f a-hiknoi C. Edvard's attention te charges t ti si stracsiiviîr raiwtu shttetin od stteena ortie i'ssconcerning - <loi. Suisît apîîearéd ln court vils to go pasut a huggy.,- the action of thse grand jui-y and lils. blu son and Mr., Curtis helote neon. The- iujured wéri- tati-n t0 Chicago, Ohio 1 spéecial i-tui-n véie e Paréd b>' ai Thé thre vert' Risio iacoui-t tisîs a&- utelte>- réside. Tue names of thes been titi sténlographes' betfoe tisé grand jury ttrnoon. ilt-pl ée o ere,,é-- tfs youi- name," tise tatter- de- er mmnd," was tis e épis- as lte, irried hack ta tise car wbich at ,eeded up and dîsappearei te road, flic ltlr Frank Gabalta of Chicago. former speed cop ut of ltle fitiing ibis position fieid, arrived on tise scène, 1-te b-had teltishe gr-ay touring c-ai- nites dovn tise road. Tise car, was hiséne driven rit a terrifie speeil. 0oit a-z is e tarned ahat lsssd Pd fie ttîrned bis machine antd toi-e hack tu Dei-fieid tie notified tise county spéed lte i-base of tise vampire car sumed. The policemen final- tise trait and tise murderers ihile tise Waui<cgan police Pilvpd a repo-t of thé tmgedy dcalled Up tise police of Evaný id Chsicago, asking thém 10 hée vatcb for lise machine. -emiains of Novakovîcs vere A 0o ise,tJosephs Petrôstus un- ng i-noms viserétise Inquest isbel(]. Coroner J. I.. -Taylor flnounced that an effort viii lte locale thse occupants of Io iefore thé daté of thé In- sset. [ROAJANCE NDS AT ALTAR LASSATURDAU Abraham and Eric Mer- were married here by Rev. Ganster t-tL titîJi- wediit ltgtook iplace ay afternoon zat 2:3oi tt Cisalel it Cttîticli z !, il i oi-ii bra- i rit-s iatiglili- t il ,Nelie ni of Northîti w au-iamn E-ric- Merioui. of O)ntariio., Can- I-l(,-vei-endil IoariE. -(tan- rfoi-med the céreuiiny. Oni 'v ett1 ii,'relatives wéi-i-Pt e-ît Abham ttiicaîinao-t i iivtrica igiani abuotit two V-tus tino -r mottici- and sister, Fluai-ni-,- -hile on tisethiup oser ttitet ai-l uaittcu sii Lii NIr. Ni -ti îii * iti-n conuing tii Canadlfion le in Knztttnti Nri bn ia. aile of- %i Vol.îlotrion. of Nort h .iTJîî- Abrtttirto-.carneîzî i t1 %VIî i, tJI1î- 'itaz edtt oiti :1 -iiort i tilio'n saute ti t hi- li ii it( ito W atukitjzi n wliei t tii-s tii ifî i it n i t i- sJiti-e PpistîflCompaitny lucre for the tIti'h is a <tomber of tise i Citut-éhof itub City ant isl îa'n aîtîong thé >ottnge pople. Long Time Flxlng If. 1 Paper-'!%rs. Lucy Merrow M dcer th liteteir'scar aIl tUe -Boston Ti-îlîicript.. Initial Instailment can be ~î any timne before Marh". 15,_1922 Scarcély béforé ve havé had UUW- to nsentally apend our Christas lidinga from thé United 8t"ts ternal reventà department thst- corne taxes viii beconsé due &co- able, January 1, 1922. The ftin térIy paymént can be legaliy vitle untit fè-clu15, It us true Sbut. fée vait until thé .aat minuteand se are conaidering the advisabiiityul kéepîng out enough to taté acaet of tii-st iitstaiiment. Factoriéa, industrial institutions i cf a fisal Yeu =adlg rl b om t caiendar year, w-il be permittéd te f130 titeir returna on thé lifteenth day et, the ilîîîd îîîontlî of such fiscal year, se. i-tiiding to thc revenue act f 1921. Changes in the Foi-m A wéli tnown income tax officia supliies thé folloving information mp flie néw income. tax lav: Thé revenue act of 1921- béc=eéla*' at 5:30 P. m., Novembér 23, 1831. - Thé gênerai effective daté la Noven>< ber .13, 1921. Tisé normal tax ratés for 1921 ot, 4 Pei, cent and 8 per cent rema t samne as the 1918 iav. Tis urtax rate for 1921 rémaima tbi samne as thé 1918 law Maximum 45 per, cent on incomes over 1000,0-4. emption $500000 Surtax .-ales for thse year 1922 havê héén réduced and thé exemption *,' ci-éased. Maximum rate 50 per centie incomées over $200,000-exëmpUim $6,000. Sec. 223, (a> Individual returns- That tisé foiioving Indlvidualas b4U- éach malte under oath a i-étum- statt*& speclficaily the Items of bis gr-os corne and thé déductions and cr«udI% aliowed under thia tille, 1.-Ever>' ndividuaiaving a net w - corne for thé taxable year oet 11000wo os-ci, single, or if married sud nôt RIt-ew ing vils lîushand or vite, 2-Ever>' individual having a net b-Iý cone for lise taxable yéar ot 12,00* i , over, If married and living vih b> f band or vite: (Note No, 3, aboyé), While y-oqmr DU incomé ta onl>' $2.000 and ycur éxeMpi lion la $2,50(, you must file a retumn 3-Every Individuil isaving a gr income of $5,000 or over, i-égrdea e« tise amount of lus net income. (B) If ahusband and vite livyatmg0 getisérbas-e an aggregate net incom- of $2.000 or over, or, an aggi-égate gé income of- $5000 or over"- .- 1.-Eac shaall maké a i-étui-nor, 2-The income of éach $hall b. tiw,, cluded in a single joint réturia. 3,-If thé taxpayer la unahie tn maWê is ovni-étui-n tise retui'n shafl bs. made b>' a dul>' authorized agent or,-) oliser person chargéd vilthéhecar* et tisé Pérson or pi-opérîy ef sucS taxpari. er, . In tisé case ot a sinigle péi-8011 &, Persaona] exemption of $1,000; or U- tisé case of 'thé héad et a tamliy or a married person living vitbh usban4»ou< vife, a personal exemption oft824M unléss tisé net incomne la in,ýexceaa oB $5.000, 1luvisicis casé tise personal «4< emption shail hé $2,000. A hushand and vifé living togeIbsr ahaîl réceive Sut one personal exeUte_' l Ion. Thé amount ot auch personal gý emption sabaithé$2.500 uzuless tbé 14t giigate net income of husband 5 vite la in exceas of $5.000. la vI cage tise amount of sucS personajl émption ma>- bé takén b>' élther s' dividéd belvéén thém, (*) Noe-in no case shall the reduO'! lion of bisé Perqonal exemption t=-' $2,500 tb $2,000 operate le crema taxi visicis vould hé payable If th*ý empt ion vas $2.500 hy more than amount Of lte net Incomne lu éxcqW $5, 000. In aditîlîion btiste déductions éd In tise 1918 act, gifla te the States, an>'stalé or- aiy pehItica l«l division théréof are nov dedetk%. givén for- cxclusiveiy publie Contribuîtions 10 posta ot tise Légion Or lise Womnn Auxllary nb théreof are déducetible as vél s tiiuti'ons 10 tise spécial fund for'4-; tionai reiuailitatlon, The sîîm'0f ail contributions (for Year net tb éxcééd 15 per' cent o niel li-one as comaputed vitheut- iseneti t et itis pai-agrapit, .Tisé exemption for dependellit $400. Forméri>' tiis exemption GRAND JURYS CALLED; AI> Theueen-iihz-igraundi ui->' repor for service Monda> in cIi-Ci*~ buît on acu-ourit or tise tact tIsaI Attorney A. V. Suziis bλsyID. prosecution of tisedisse of Gov. - andi Vernon S. Curtis. tisegs'au merely orgaize(d anti Jan,,3. Citas. F, lagalla vms-

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