CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 8 Dec 1921, p. 16

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IN 11611 SCHOOL ~IRPROVES METIJOS 'ýDOa'tent adopts new svs- tem, whereby student wilI receive compensation *£EW X jà t4R ADDED Tle Waultegan Township Ii 1 bag a nen lease o!f l! la te- t aoIls malnal traliing depart- Fne mth»Usedirection of George A. jýodd asdlstd b>' Meeers Barber. MUase. anti Davis, several unique and ~s~ lia lns are baisvorlýqd et eir veey>meetings aid Kr*-C ow tiepolitraetila tiseir clasica. tX~vlchthe oysma> ieobroagltin l ofl direct cotrst viti fad->'r masaitheir practical applleaj- 'T Àsop tard systeai la veU wïl iywbiebll ii callte wtb Use jMkeeping depaLrtMnt tbi-ongb -l bb thé tudent upon comPletion O! pveject Wn recelve pi-oper con-- Léauie for bis vork. The plan Io t m Ibo byl t Uslier s a acon- »ee.usg. isk betweeca tleb almee. 'a ntitlotl worlti. Tii. departaient la aireadl> negotiat- U~.wth ieveral Iadustrlal film cola- seeta rai-cue movînc picture films -etg directl>' lth the Indue. l'O I vorîti. bcliviiilibe not oni>' la- --mmetbng but n!t the greatet edaca- 11150al imporance te n ot OBI>' thos di«yectl' lte retel u Inihework, but te theentai-e student bodly. SOya, on enterint miii achool have bad a varlet>'oet erleae« InI wOOd -*erk. The tuIs*ets ab Ima>'y cases bave been, bail>' neglecteti. Mi-. Ease Lie Fresiman Leoacier la -IOcn; moi-e stress on the&educatlon- <4 ratier thoan b. Productive endi, lig betvn a goot job anti a lad one., -Tise plan dm-in the tiret year late st thve L.boy a varlei>' e! experienee. âgue4 lar«el>' hrougb technique anti *0 hid qured- ln Use use of hand oole »~ contructing somse01!-the More p1oe forma o! uabiaet vwerk. ftathLi ophMore yen, u4er Use .vectlm o! Mi. Sarie..heboyb.'te futroducetionteto Ibo ldeostyle mes- Adve type af fraiture .that bas bm t thse manua trainini *bops f rom tWe immoral, but Le Use perfloie - tigesestles, andt i lhitorical tact. tba scompapi>'theai. Spr-om a casus taken. it va ounti 'àtib ree-!ouraw io! the classes are aaacallv In hncll is. eudens are gtven the rudiments of pattern »MatnS. wlti a vlev o! later balnit tùbý studet work np patteras for Ia- *Mril imac#ilnes, andt 10follow them tiouhthe. foundi->'andthtecmachine gbp belote tic>' are assembleti. -a Ur.,Barter han perfecteti antior "Sllseticls viiere inati-al prol> iffla *111 ba itudieti, Premiailt aie *M iqofO!the.leadîng factoris - lve lgpifed thelrVililiagae.s tà mont tise .rgaalseigi-up ami diseuse *WuLI ticai sOmeo!. 0 b.hegreat que- 'Uoas of thse Iinitl-lal world. r. - Davis, the machlae-ahop lu tarcor. l iaffl 01 e .!the fqrge andi steel lathe. Thle beys are talIsitt tie bugtt rçataient e! steel anti weldiug. Tii.>'bave mati. coldchinois, iguachos an t ller aîlIclea o! ste.l soi have dose mach repir vonk abont tii. sclool. ïMoi-e laliorate prepai-sUona aho-b b« matie for advanced vert andt ut the ubop woi-ken -a self support $U lsbasis vien lie iditiomal Machin er, àrrive. anti each boy la given au Ipportunlt>' 10 developbils Ingenuit>' - 100 REINUtR TO ENGLANt Aftmsipt t. Çl.l,. Lb. Animal Wu * Net a Sace.a-Msrtted Intelli. genob Shown hy Thom A huotireti years ago Il vss tboagh ~ttUse mountalin forefts o Oe.l -. Sitaina ilgt Le cglonlzed b>' relndee &uM Lapîsat, anti n accouat re si"o la lui ilaua Issue e! lie Ob ever. Loncon, LbtheextraordLui-. Sagacil>' displayeti b>'tiiena hen" ausber nere brogt o Englanti e t Le Intigation e! an eml agt naturtu Ut. Mr. Bunneti. The bord nas ant eipanleti b>'a Lapnuder, to viiel Se ainimais vere tareod anti I whie. vibea tuîey vee usuil>'oliet ML .Ait vent venl til ey arrive at the #à«e et embarkatlaa. Via@n th berdmma invtmth Ue "W rt- folio bba to e boiat. Wbee Lhe leader 0 *abri PUbis ft ue Lie lino lSsdIg te Lhe venant ho aigri" ibac U alumitai Lwas tLie rst unselLd - 1mnti he bati ever iroti. remis 18 t«M t La fllow b. herdsanan a *W *j lvetgatt» felowetl. hi %*Slebor'd lekleg Ma ant chlu Pe latii.e captais. mot atteaiPtll es Uueve titi be gave Lina a signal th' '-au wuvelu.Aller a Una. be se""s beit asasureti andi la a mutiesti MiamtIruhLe veaut . vier, i ho ", "a IM et sert vAW bb emb"aica i i L-1 -1 -A .e v. mdnet aitnh- LERTYVIL.LE INDEPENDENT. 'HURSDAY. DIK-EMIMER TELLS iOW TolM DISAPPEARS IN THE EARTJI f PROVE CONDýIONS ýMaxio-*as LngBna Pzze IN ID IATION one o the Most remarkabI: rivers - ~ ~tt*5NI'»» »e 'n p rt 0f Mcxo. It borders tile BIR SOIET NOES Illnois in 24th place; high W.«t Ilexîcuri desezt and to reactixi school nmakes effort'to ele- ileyon b rsavel o he y R JIO *Wei," sai 'ir. Colared lutcier vate conditions here (Grande, WhIch 'marks the Beutberfl Bird, who vas liins in the zoo, *1 boundary et the United Statusln that txatw. ahould bae- a Bird BETTER t.W CATION WEEK rel"O, The eitraordtInory river in quutclaho ts snîc latuie bl4 à à d sh i 'borelrfégvtii.desert. IU 00w.s@out* ~eot malithe in. (Uy veI ehattaue> 'Irs fer eeie twenty alle. as i ubete po rt a ut Socety "4HeIp VûiliIllinois out of 24th lIy as a0y well-bebav0t rive. but,. m ôvent% wblls all-place" la the. sloganl of every fri-end bjl.a. LjoarbtenLg l~ Pma là the Poo. of eductîlôthroughout -the Sttes. Il-b aue* 'wiîrllag rap4ts--rapidas, Vrve board pe..This beis edgation week. ais» Y p ro <-niS agreta o- ~ ~i ~hV~ ~ gramu bave beau planned andi are be c ü lauca ie a twlh tihe abjectla ha»,b5s eben brWa<I Lh ta' Lif i ý r tIo lew or elevatlng Ilinois te ahaier ttêipt tée«osas the = MOSl4tSU. igaranking as an educational tate. 'One ffliews the rapidu, au l60 valUi rewits te bve principal P. G. W. Kelier lan is 1015 bbluti on jaither ade, fur papere. how "0Moaday afternoon. Lloroughly dia- vaifalies. mteel. JFJI@te b aim and go on a cunsedt b. situationOf. llll. glu n M Yaatuhug river. 't iduappeers uO re.and OWa gard toe etiacational facllties. ad *eulY. mielul' onlti.laite new LitetiR'gy a few stàtiatcawhl art belifig rf ~î*~~t i ae et 1CSat emphasflzed la the. drive for liciter a 0On wad upoe.Scetistubave sucti a houge. educatioa. If- people reallseti that #r bIed i uvgn teoascertanwhrlae "Whoe Would lIl mema to me every. dollar put lutn .dacatloate , rgw;ml ia hyhve tha# Witea w. shoulut bave dollars la the. actulartura, the y vrsuatuitte aeytaI aemethlng « the wtiuld C.a.. toerie objections ta the ouiied a.i. restit of tbelr explora_ sort bei-e wih raews abiout t eo. * coet." eald Mr. Keller. "Other strikligtieonsla that the- river oeems te drap "Ah," sali Mr. Casaowary, "but whlo tati&tida have beea worked out con- ber lto the eartli, as over the brint *'N on ned wit lt" sid r.pense of elellatioe.n.ulales f rm thé IVenizélos river Iosh mont amailnmwg "Noon.nee wrte fr.origin of thua nation up te> thie Peeut body ef vaier known Lo geographere. Colareti Butclier Bird, "fer we wlli lime, the total suai approprtated- for net exactly copv thé pe6fle with oui- educatlonal purpoies siounlt te newsaper. W. wi h ave somethlng $16,646,000,000; white for lumaitesla PROPER METHIOO OF READING à litile different. the year 1020 loue $22700,0000,000 "Ivee wtil recie our news laaiead of lias houa spent. 110w CM people BySa>' *ae' Adlce. te 'lgh and Cou- wrltlng l or prlntlng I. As w. cnelt that too much Io spet for educallon aider"'le es VaLuable Toda>' as write and as we can't psïnt, It wold hban luxurles cont double the ainounit w1m.Frmet Gvn. ho beiter that way." lan one yuer that bas bea ilent for "I see, I seel" saod Mr- urçir. education la th. entîre blutai- o! tbis "Tour ldea ln, very gooti. very gooli. nation? Agala. tiralngtoeLbh gev- Bacon la right, as be generailly lut, indeed." ornament records, w. fluti that out o! cvheu lie Mis maread mot ta con- "«Andi," salti Mr. Collareti Butcher every dollar railledtii-nfedieral taxes tradict andi refute, net La belleve and Bir. "e cn ctîtteI whtevr 3 cents la speat for var, sncb as.,inlke for grantect .nu ta findtLait; und Bird Ile ea eah tll wateer he payment cf Internat on boide ta diacourse, but te welgb andtet cou- aews we have te tell, mat as we would oued ia past vant ad the cetof .!aider. Yeu. let un rend te Walsgh and Write It or print t if we coniti write or navy maintenance. The. remaitulng 71I tu couier, lnu"t1simes before ns ot, cents Moet cover goiverient upkeep, - that poms@or Ibreeten deep Pol*.,' ".We cen egnli spea la tutre, and education and public aVITPprprtioal11. 1Ceomct adIe cate 0e can cati oui- neiviaper '"me Brds' Mr. Keller thon enamnerateti severala. economlcal, aand te delJeete. piper' or we cold cai it 'Nature of the main points that are bein< il Happenings ln Oui- Towà,' or we colivneil b rve for gneater ef&&1 uce our people t* welgb. f'ad oW. catil I,'Events of Importance te Thoue lion. lacludlng: (1) ladatry rvsna ider. Weo want usen te eUivste The Cocer.,indolence anti slotb. (à) bonesty ver ener&Y wtthot fiapatlence, activltr liCy Coevrasnc' iOr or sh ut dlahonesty anti proflteerlng, (3) vithout r*sioees& aWhfexlbOty litb- "Weeve naglî cal cr pgerf'ise eocian vesus lnefftcilbcy ad out iU'bauaor. 'Inbin Dt soins te loclety Poper o! the Bivis, a paper shtlessaenss (4) thrift versus waste preaclite you eny indMerence b) TelLing of th Society Notes o! inter. and extravagance. (6) rlglteouBineas me>', or e the pleasures of!'social et andi Importance la thé Bird versus riotua living sud lmmorallLy. intercourse. or bt te esteecu anti gooti. Worl.'"______________wll of or iieigibor. or te an>' other "'Go ides." raid the Cassovory.o h osninsadnegliso "'Mien, lestrad of wrîtlng our news we ALBERTA'S CLAINS'TO FAME [Ife. utcsoatisthanthi nssts wlll eacb speat a piece of news or a iliate Bmt, bier a ihng tlatd Society ate la tari-."i-lw Northweetm Canadian Province for duty. la Ilnt we abouti sti-Ive «'Nid. e migi -t liete i give ye" a "Manufacturent' Wealher for thé . bhliy te lire wlthhWise thouglits LLittle notice," aald Mi. Sparrow, Who United Stalas. sud riglit feelng.-"Studles ln Litera- "ga outside of LM ie re Butcher -%r, Ar oly Bird', cage. The prairie proflances of Canada- ti-"Lod ore. "0*'f course. yen noulti nant t6 lbe Mantoba. Saskatchewan andi Aberta B n It to," said thie (]oldincb, who we, -are not wthout their bidi e! fainle. FIri't Firemen. la the park of the zoo, not far frein For example: ýFr-ihigognstoso nn te outside cage yards of the zoo Tlie ltesf the wild-baffaio bord$ are knioin te have existeti la the birds. ef Amerca. aurvivors ofthLie millions Seceod century beloe Chriit. Huron , !'Anti so uould ye,"1 chlrped the o! nimais whlch roamedthelb plaine of Alexandrie, -100 years betore the- 13parrow. 'Fou know, yen would." anId voodiantis o! the. conUnllent. now Christian ere.ltu au old manuscript "Boom fer ail.' salti Mr. ColUqeti range tbroughlacne western Aberta. wrLkîlnli escapeti destruction,, de- Bateier Bird. "Wel. I wilU beslu: Tilt province ai, ou la estimatedte tgalrbeti an hydrauillc machinteUnied "This nl be Mnitem o! nenae. conatl 15 per cent o! the norît'ài' n Egypt during the turne of the PLoie 'l13r. Colinred Butelier Bird, bite o! inowna coal supply. «tics. It wae compostiof two braos 1Astralie, ivbaluns receoti>' taken a The myrlati of!nlid duclts. geese, cyindeo-a resting on e nooden hase ecage at the BIrd Apertinats, Zoo andi other anIgrtoS7' îewl tir 1'wlîh listons tItted loto theinIfs1 *Park, wlslies to Inforri i triends northward gacli sprlng are for lhe pl.i'ics ve3 pactcally lîlce eur present L1 ethâ lie never weiglied lhe lîzardq andi mont part bounti for the norîliera ongle. tmgual bird, he aie ln the free Mtate, pertseo e t i Le prairie provinces, fie Romans hi sqnods of men te lier chorged thtin te himaifl. Ant inla ner. tbey builît ther nestsé and i-car caryn-eltr inl homne," or lîglit vases, spîte of bis naine lie nover overchargeti their young. to te acene of nu outbreek. nIer. IL custoniers, manly, lie states, beeause Anti mach of the veather of the %vas projerted on te the tire liy tboge ho ha d noecustomeri.' ' Unted SLates in manuiaclured la AI- ia ctargofet Ispiones' or bnnd TIen Mr. Slîarrow saiti: beito. This lo not an hile fancy. The piilv). Tite precisentuire of Ibis la- n "My item In Iis: 'The Uparrow United States weather bureau recog- sîrtmnent Algs net b een determlned, but r. Famlly o! Tree Six, Rtiver Drivewa>'. ntzes that a lar-g. nuaiber of 'abat frou, speclîneni found lu excavations It Lad one o! theur norst qurreis, the are LcbIcaly kaowa as "dlsturb- must have been much lîke the.old-faabh- > otiier dey. They demii, however, they aanec rginate ticar the Little towna oned syringe used i bygnrdeners. Tbue caq> do better still.'" o!fMedicine Hat, a tew mlles over large organizotlOio! iof en gave the 'I&' îews le this." sAld Mr. CaseO- the Canadien Uîne north of Montana, ioman authorltles trouble b>' Uieir Uat#7. aweep down. aleng the trioolsof tise turbulence. Il"Ir. Caowary, Yard Home. Lhe Racties and ipreoti out t te c. eiL' Mention ta made o!thie metlleval , Zoo, la te ot yard, ,carrylng ln heur trains colti nie of forcing ptini.îs as ire englues at lit ew Gulac, ie- waveg, wladsiormsi rmin, 8Show and.t% I U~strg lu 1518. atcen Ce nfo>' bllzards.-Pit taburai-iDispatch, L lsa friands lie bati ewaliowed Is Twe Chlcke ln On. Elle doos'-knob, When Two chiciets ere hetcheti ont et one jasteél If bo teit .rcely Accounted For. abi]; liey vere jeinedti ogeilier b>' .the lit effeets lie On. neyer loges auytIîng îîy pole. tiiei- "'g ays a New l'r:înewltck 5it ad n01ilsi',et, meas, but a lot of peeple sceli afraid i e: - lTe bolli dieti ln u short tisougih., lie hd to rIaki .-13e',lon "rnnii)t,î.lii evalloweti the _______________________________ ndoor-kiob f ou r years ago.'" "I bave Borne- ed tuhgligte add," laid Mi. Squirrel. '"flic qui-iel oIamily lare -put- FO R SAE ck intr stoc ek. "A Termn awo V.plenty B seto lbejul>' preparet inl _________________ MI aSuet etStriâtes. Food ta wariatb. îe th"7 May.'" 11 "IU igve ai»e »W." snid Mr. . 19r. Goldinch lupûBtalsiot ba Two Big Six SeveIn Passenger Studebaker mL vider suit anti wcar Ivur i 1100thear lut & resu wnter da% IPriendu wlllfm Touring Cars, Model 1920. These cr have tcmeuber oy beessnlng iis qulat malt la l te Mr. Godlcb vil lIl darker, been used as demonstrators and had very best aymort sbde" of (e. Th ld014lma Weétber e»m« of care. Paint lookes liko new. Real bargains 211 lut a nou temees"b si o uc sl. As pca i luni %m U tko m md Ab ,,I. Amiou vs >4~ ip- si Ig t Il tb*t fgoos. "'mI lave. 'liq lo** -t e udç* ia 217 N. Genesce St. Waukegan, Pboue Mi8 .1! PHONOGEApHS Wheter yuoi" *d te buy a PJIONOGROWU 0or not,ý ei E*1iVte,"tO tour "hw room and fac*$Wak.."ýgan- andsee the largestoock of NoGrAPHjm lake Coun- ty $20OO Wti oM f ,em: mOue Plaie MM gademid"ý»dbeautif il, lrge and nmïm% in sé'slid WI ,.odOAKor solid MAIIOGANY. PitigsInNild and GoId Here you have the biggest selection to choose from and cmi buy at the lowest pricé and get facm ,tory guarantèe. You can biiy on approval, for cash or on easy payments. A imali deposit will hold any ma- chine for delivery Christinas Eve.' -- -r - - ThLmUga -Company Manufacturers of.,Phonographs 214 Soi. Sheridan, Road. Waukegan, III. -rd Federal likeiy te il of, a crcu nov being -.teira. veli stock nithin tb. ~liag cool. The cirec 011cr nlgb The advi eovered lb the vital E convertins subeam . Il g. poli niatial in ouii bevera bea "t 'Wblcbcos lons « tlii -back of lh s compte piaceti Le! a rat clans m. gags, Mosel atil ai-e lad of the Mar. Me modeat1j tu powdel aiiiting (hi ding the fn aMd a hait aMd bolà as ter tic wn * laeilu vin lPt ire. tO -aMy the la 1we-. thatj iflercasc i te stand 'e as aftes' t -IM b. os. beandi of The cii-c, jeactientIl b.a niuêalz -«btout su tien. SA! T b>' dotent ii ors of Ihua, lier tlitam hm"ur. mR salti here te With $20,. Lie leadher- Jointure vit 000.000 hou 62d geacrs for tie nec lemn. The. lu Thse Lgai priations ho the fondti v arnoibail t>' vers la school tai. 'Plru the, eachers Obi tt0 anial 1011. Se'eli of the legis lncreascçt and $9.00J la lhiu-c oI is fte Ti 000,000 a y lieck tus yi 00 0 mi v beld bei-e 1 hile legllat, ont VilIlacw the amoànt acnîhly reft Adoi Other tesa tgram viide > to readolt 3egilative LeveloIIU for Chldml creases Ilas pulser>'att effective toi School fina« Miore lii eacher-Ulali *standard et rané;BUlS certificates Phi -Or telia ~tvA Why, Buick Valve-in-Head Motors'Have More Power Internai cmbu8tion mrotora ae heat engine«. V»h MO»e heat n»"i»d in theircyliaders, the ra-e power they gmnmte. Wateriacketing- apace absorbe h.t. Bulok VoIve-1u4100d mob»r have about 20% leiu water-Jaot space than the L Head type and about 1371ut lmt tii. T Head type. That in one c< the remia. why Bulek Valve- k-gléd motors have morepovu SsaIckSAxos ulek Fows Md»- dmT om 91 BlEz b.M CObR F<. M~. IMIREa m Pamsud"-cl C. G. WEKNBAN,& SON Phone 72g-11O Wubn ERSt, waukegan Phoo 2, Derpth ve. Lke Forest WREr*CU~TUI ARE eltý

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