ThisGr tsor Fwy Glue Wh-S.nsauovtalHoliday Gret Ntiiýfag itmfrmmen 4i.Îa XmasSa-les R a y-Ot,ýoW er acll XM'.I R ofl Long 4Y Short ModèesIn A- Sale of Coats Coais go 18.50 for the nRjddbt$t.- and DeiaedThouslal ul ot -People .(Ave- inSe~>aJ~ Sepdrote ?iè>kt Vey Sp~c~a1Iy~ v PËkod., at Aniimàh Handkerchiefs for XM 1 25,3c,0c7 09c, $1, 1.49, 1.98 T oeMe -01~vi$,149,98 2.49, 2198, 3.98 Sr, 1lOc, 15c, 25c, SOc, 75c, $1, 2.50 2.98, 398 Ot course it la quit. Impossible te MPbrety he aDdi.kelfs foebildnen lu plais nadI prletcwt (lohGoes lymes are priced ai Se. 10c. and Isc. Widshnknhes gîve bore, ans'whero noar au adequatesingloe$3 descrptionof &i Fou viii in n 51 or wib 2. à or one-hai doses. -la a box lu linosn sd slik. plais sud Madilera 5t 3 dese vri u son 0! el 701 butli fnI lu fany cornues i d4 elg «e ee ts t 1e. 26. 89c. &Oc, 75c, 81.00. 81.60, 8, 83.50.ý W e te s a m'tatdent etf gilde li a tare maniaus sss . otiésts but.ton. Men's hsndkorehiels. plain or coloel oedcs at lSc, lsc, 25e. ISOc. 69c. beas. onkesdtesodanimale. etc. In Woukean 's 04*8et oue Sho- H8.~ Iver>. Cqnba, rush.s, Files, Sloimbcs Bufons, Traye, Pewden.bexe% Mdlii.* oelvers, Cloke, Mirnies, SottIe, St heeka, BisiOnsitture frimes an mW ost et this wid. rsng et fprises. Coats to $40 12.98-19.75 Coûts to $65 Coûts to $125 39é5Om69e5O With literaly thousands orf coat tthe~ese nsaîîonally l10w Iprime tere la lcaund to ho a decided *crowd" for tiern. 'lhe band- seniest jusadela in the uewest materilaslI ricb brow s. uavy. blark; moat of tbemn beautifully llned end warmly inierliuîed and iiininied georgiaus turs. for Xnms Gits- Perfurnes and Tpilet Waters The perfumea in prety battes are apecially pricel St 50c, 75C. 81.00. 11.49 and $1.98. The toilet waters in a wde varlçts' of adors special at 75c. 81.00, 81.98, Sets of perfume and t01101 re qusîtes pt up lh bandsonie boxes at 1.98, $2.98, $398. 14.98. Children 's- CoasA, Slippers for Xmas GSitts 1.49,198,2.49 2098 Wamen's lippers toi bouse aud boudoir wear lu a complote range or colons, sizes sud stYlos lu sott or atifi ites Sanie are fur trnimed st the. tbove prices. Cbildren's Slippers 98C Chldren's bouse al Ippens lu wanted Sale styles, stzes and coloris at 98e. i 2 2 Ë $eIbtýo«ered SA l rso~- Childre' warm i Wnter -Catis la .411 gUes Up ta 14 lu plain or fur trim- ciod ffets tu waiited colore atiigow. est stylos. CliWls Serre Dresse A special seling af childrien' serge t atdsîzos, ln Plain, pleat- usan blouse otets la aavy, 7osandIo Wash Dress É7c & $1.00 M r wu o W ssb lie u , lu a o o ~~jus a S.l a 1 »d6 slarle coloriais petticoats $2o98. A speCial punehase of ille je ;ey petticates elaborately enibroidened : n vlth deep flunces made to oil St 3. $4 SIkChemse $Z-98 Woniens ouvolope hemise ai aille ene de 'chine lu handsome uew styles Mm ifrl re mm truarkablq val- Xmas Sale Sweaters for Xmas- Boudoir Caps Speclal a# 59C,$,16 At each of . these Ibres prices thene, are UBuUMAl valses la pnetts' ai lac«s, rutile sud eii- bons. B louses ncludina Button, Slipover & 7luxedoi At 0f Silk, To $8.50O At ý2.89 m 3"98 m'5.98 Pretty consae 11h Wamnu9sand IMisseis wool mswesters are ofered in s speclal Xmiss slling at iiu brown, bisque, navy, green, iu al mzes arsues 9 **~ * many e eDw lOess lu cor»»i Ui'ral Isvs asls Ç#osvsJsI 1 prced at SOc. 79c. 81.00,.$1.49. WMU, IIIIIpecal2bouquets ,.98and buf 1r. ae95.S.1 One large lot lacludlug solie of the seasan's most, beeooing styles ln the inost popular materials and colone tor Dur great Cbristmas selllîug ut $5. 1.50 & $2 Blouss $1 Wamnen'a waah blouses lu the fa- mous Wlrthmons brand ln pretty stylos and ail sizes. .Sik Blouse to $12 ID At7.98 lubtis assortment there are blous- os of sille georgettes iu a realls' mai- velous display of captivating styles speelalîs' priced for tomorruw. $4 Athletic- Corsets Very Special- Tba2.39 Thscorset lu especlalls' desigued. te support wlthout binderlng the fig. ilre wien engaged lu athleticu.. work, dancing, etc. Womett's Warm- Bathrobes Speclally Pr iced 2.95 -&$5, At' suber *1etisse pilees ou Ma7 select fr9m O odrtL. values Pretî' ýpatterasudalcolonseu l a ig- en sud goal matetiali. Fancv CGarters.$1 Xmas Sale- Wl & Silki Hose' BOXED Womei'â silk hase, up ta $1.00 are being sold at 59e.1 Bille hoSe up 10 $1 .50 ai niarked ta sell et $10 aud at 11.49 there las slk houe worth Up to $250. At $3.49 s'eu.mas' select froni the faioüs guaranteed Cor. tiselle and glove silk bos. wortb to $4.98. Thon there la wool hase at $100. $149 and $1.98 and ille and waol hase. clocked or Dlain at $3.50. C Coveral Aprons Contsnuing for Tomorrow, Our Greatest Dress Sale Includiffg Tricotiuies Velvets, Crepen, Satim. Dressestgo 18.50 Dresses go S$25- $10, Dresses to S 40-- Dréçessgo $$0" $2OC Dresses, to $6s- prtieulàr dlise.* ale Inoi ptrslsl ff DI VOU*E » MMASKE CAUSI 7 FLII Officers rusi enter-, fini go( 'The report t 14W mes vitis 188 tw tm 'OGWMseCale à Tuieday allen «90 enmd thre. .utetrp tuthe Thons it dev 'hal taken placi their Dames as Robt. Carruti avenue. Chicag Leroy elith. 2 Chicago. Tbey iniorrne bad drien tu V et whieh was n or windshield a ed hau0kierclîîe proteet them 1 stOr was credý 'thes' were flot c The repart tc 'by sanie ane Wl] iag tbe restant *ncous looling SWltb regrd of the Broa4iwa of 1000 by arme early Monday n police are very Chiot Tyrreli d, Bert it as bis op nover took plac ioney bas disa: tomne other mazi ed by one or the tannant. HIe op proprietar of t] lb., utory <out 0 nome Unknawn The assistant fact that police soveral times b, W.clock wbOfl th ,ed ta bave takt eaeb thane the r CO. TREA IS MAI County Tream and bis aides writlng skelet, taxpayers -iu t] aider to get work outl of th- begins, ihingas ln his deparîrni assistants yl vide up the %v. The ekeletor tlip naine, addr acription. Wlu, out it wiIl be ln the valuati and thbe amon .skeleton recelpi JUDfiE N .Judge Chas. 00e circut court i trict for a quai bas beon serin weeks, and wbî ially 111, was cou lionday atternc Waukegan attoi and tudge Edi stock to visit b Judge Donne] *aisted upon a cal men, amoni Judge Edwards M. Runyard. lM L. Clarke. 'NO MOIRE FOI ,A, sliecial or <LaÀkes Wednsdi Navigation to t ratings willl e -uatil further nt chiot petty o091< be able ta go u: This ordor wi ane tomaay c 7pared te. the- si 4 . . ,iW-O.oo