TH1E LILiTYVILE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY.THLURSDAy, DECEMBER 8, 1921. PAGE - Uenevieve Lu- 1> o, L'incoin Cornelius HlUy- .A and Geoi-gc 00000000 CENTER ci benauf were Lib- *day. end Mr. and Mrs. d daughter, Vir. afternoon wlth Lire. *ge Obenauf and Sfrienda front rat of the week. r who bas been week lu lmprov- Round L.ake vis- Tfllow Farm. ,raysiake ,form- 3 bas been 111 for be taken te the >sp"~l the latter undergo an aper- he cause of his king at St. Mary's e burial of Henry Stook place. Mr. home of hie son, Wedneuday, Nov- need ae of 81. ýboL.t Moviet. lie likes motionl girlm rien talk autlnex into argu- te gay. "drabmam lrhon turne, [non on gambllog qtled around get- a bureau drawer ttîought was My ehed over tu tee luan the- ulule 1 my muat, and, le! ,book., a deck Of out and scettered ,0n mnake malters ie (-urdu bore the rewery!--?11. Thot Gamae. ýie a elilthy bacb. ho" livem nîear AI- arlî; une of tbe e Mr. l'ulge f.ioi!ng role: iiti- ' ,v re- i..dli * t o xîke dI ùf the 4>utiook. 1nid it ait first ices. 4 in brSgin UV bit. THE NMX S.500 anti $6.00 - ý5.00 $2.00 to $6.00 $1300 onv $1 00 OOp - -$2.00 -st tirat takes Marke Co ,ile Re- àt the uilding /ILLE, ILL lice Prieutent 5T CO., MJRAITEE e 'i. KMANk~ _ U ý, I-0F INTEREST TO THE FARMER ILLINOIS BIOS11E1IEMASBIH[ CUTS FAT OfF T E ted by OC thi, il ""dng:o Piesdemý': FOR APPLE CIDER LIVE PORKERS; Lake County Farm Adýior. î cone ou offil producers ncome. BUTTER TITLE A SIXDAv RECORD FOR cousid ered and acted upon as neveLlpw makbgse Oeration can be performed GRAIN GROWERS fi lor ititduil, organiz.-d effort on te New appleIw mr i se threetime a yer wih 11:t ~W~eWpal: :li2ilarmiers. ~in prps-rvitinn and market- succes fes, tu dato front lthe alandpoint ofltiins!,,, 'supîport on rflic Uounéy Farii cM-a erreaise ln membershili. Ail pi-eViou bureaus, and recels-es 50 cents Pel-i Illinois mey noon be noied for its av- BeTin Dc.2.he ldpatoim records were broken for te six téa> '.ear ut t lent about keeping e plg and hevlng elo.linois le etili far in the lead. u- eidvda ebrhl i ie n pl utr av n peicel. dre>Deciaring that the new apple peck- tresh bome-growrn rashers of bcon with 7,301 grower contracta signed An-irg aigo$1una0in 1epasdb the last genera every morning lu comlng true by Nebtraaka has nearly 5.000 contracta. c- netmno -e naln'o sabymre l tpI h Setag. a larviang Prepreonr break-00lai investiuent, lea agfood proposition. progress of horticulture bin llinois, fslcing Up a ing pi or brak- Iheeisof grain. and the 187 levators and this represente only one of the refruigtowers ofthetate Plan te ak fateeymrigl ometic rey-e e g aafeae tir Olution thiat cen only ba arrived et by signed in that tate have a eeaing ca- tul.jfor suiaportng the ArIc soute concerted action lowerds mer- nurgical, operations. pcly o! 3,500,000 buehm15F iil Bureau federation. keting fruit umifit for packing. Prussiens have reacbed the firit A foot ef snow hals not stopped illb' Establishmsent of a market for apple stage uuccessfuliy, namely, tbat of 1b- work in Minnesota, where 144 fermers Juiceaend other by products of Illinnios tenig reh ar foma is pg. ad in eevtos iged'nth- irlNO PROFIT IN OVERPRODUCTION ocherds lu one of the mattars to beli thii fe son d oté -Ua l n i usndlnd tenei'. or sin i t ,- inr Our fermera are strictly graintaken up bythe.Illtinoi State Honi- the cook outi nto the back garden The U. 8 ldraîi Growers la now tèlgrowers, and 75 par cent o! tirera are culturel soclety et uts annual meeting wlt a arvng ofeende ouecf oreos rai îroucee coparerrebankrupt. but dont know if )et. Son,-' bere In December. wlanestheîic and a ndinsauctosof oerînan rgues'coprti of ftlera viii baable zo pay nut, but a The society la one o!frthe oldest or- ackel eti adozenInscioen t rashruorgaiozalion ,, tihe, erid. wilh a tmenur. gi-i-t number viii neyer be able In ganized branches of agriculture In Wilil depend on whether the pig vii ber.hij in thirteen stetes o! 26,012 oa It thair obligations."Ililinois. Il bu the suceessor o! the stand ILî. fariners and 737 eies'aîors, and rtire-e A county agent uf South Djakota ldti Northvestern Horticulourai society This new solution of a food prob- .Sct-i mfore Ihan 50000,000 bushels of of ibi condition in hie countyl. formed in the eeny iyfities. It be- lem conmes f rott a Prussien fermer at grain. j, is exilected thaît t-e organiza Coni- ersai eln i1eginIsatvte n16 n n17 Schielchegrieben. wbo bas hurdiedl tion wilil b'- wice this size bv rAex' the lin Nebreaka leseilîn I1cgnisaciiisi 86and b 1874i elean oser the ancient formula: sipring pe-r huehel, and in parts of Iowa at 20ce l gpubiecorpatin. d sat makon -Frtkl orPg"HF- iathe fîret l î.-%i1e a ceet of 50 to 75 cents 10 ttra.pubii or oraditric on.Tiet ro-b genirus iIynrpThe work bmgan in thi astate d <uce il. ided forthereditrt scietntaeand gwieio carrflumps 0hefatimoisf1August The national imembcreil, ticrelmsofaof rh ol o h ene h ntrainsoutherri oeleties. ~wle wltoula~rîf-flheantai li,,lai-mer ovocti compan> lias pi*oý ~o h e ttt nenlo nona h oien eta n ~ kindnp. i ,gressm-d ai«the- a% i-rage rte of 251-ni-w hwicare!teain .-iit Tisil' s h'w he doa il: AvErI ti- iibtrs a daytrouin he Colorado AgKricultural Colle- RT e eult oAppearrienoth ntyszni aldin. and hé, r Tiir- <iurylai-nihuit-aus o flinoi,. îI htmn sep e hl otsoc iety and its branches are apper- Whet-"Take Hîm Off and i Can C n.-ry the Reu i roiut is e tu une hUndred thou,,afld dot ent in every succeseful orchird andes rh-ese-Awi, thie kIII aand bhs-î',. ,nd ttireIlinou., Agiruiîurai As.ocia jIl,élue tu siump in piices. Soin., big fi-uit garden in Illinois" saidl A. W. <13Y DRi. P. P. KEMr-ON.tinuCharge aof théhrniful harherry arlaloha reafi> toi lip -operation. The tour 1j bon lias, hi-t-n ackti t. tticn.z t-iaresvih5100 0l.i.o'îilrvtntoM.corii--e p-s- BrnetyEad,îînUit 1 'îî- D.fohusoîîib tr<leleicote foret .. e ha,I-î oulyhten t'ir,i,0ti i, organization e-or k ti lie .lî-i.sersd itissm0-000eport10.0110iiidn t t t. orrain P-hby pate. fAi i-in.roar1~iî aaîoi.N ~d is, former.pen--irbilryEAiilanatéî '. ttrI-rik.D, hi- il' ,1h- Mr ( ue afuon.etiilegodtnî utl lhA l an .liî' i l-aw -k1'il,-ac-n. uçi an,! a i i £ ufpernea usssrp. dto h raiain PoaI h ht iiiih, -f rdnrosrili osru.N ed tu-i Il, of rar)U), a ida i.( ;u.!..,1il' vPresentcdriosnebranch of agriculture has greater Tt il. mr afiî.-îic-- i igs shoot,! h.- ,îlowei> , ré)w niar sGrail- doit, sectons aii-'51.ý- dvance heen made in Ilinois, wiîb-1 té) 11 iii sj-t--li ai,!nd t i -rý-,asi iing I rIoe re rhileuin t,,t-.i1..r'. e- nt,. lin, 1 s,,;th.,uîill..unliée,-îIn'ihhan si-itis to-ithan in hat of ho-- 'iiiý, of tthi-é . b-i. l i l,-, ,- .t li lfé i té) ff-,-', or strnnar ir t n rusih;- pa',tirvs,. fé grain o01îzR;l fi I o e N . Ioi ticulture tr. liTh is r et- ril : - eéj,,î. <r tri ans- pîi',,., nlipetiti-il,, riîiglut i, trial'<i, Va ii.ý-.n ,lie iid 1;,. ii i l'î , 9 I;eL I' h u ,ic 'ranor ýTtîe des-,emlnation of nevw sari.,-' oiY it i-ii~ t~I, Ui'.i l rr 1h-s'- jr ti-î ii su h p f- iie. knif, AL n m ýin-,,, i , ow -('l le-ti a fe ayubufé îé Ilil aryh, i-d . liti:éwi y u eS r1iltle 'ir' v- in-k ané] on a 'iii , ii. o,, unu' i ar, î'iuf.î-1- , II not make-thie r -il.,~ ie-', the knowledge et ruliration, ter- 11i ra ii nkreiit. s i iitIhé- ;,î"iiiilill t, -(i,;,4 h- ýeIoi%_éf y beducttoé,lu,,pwe a.,,'bittiti zation, pruning, contrroi oi insectsa cl bur-ris liorri,- :,i. fifl ior i,iit ie uirirt is hi r,r-,-s unithe. îi-,mlu,-- i-'el-, ;I 'sY-' ffatit u, olU nlU i l;" , h.i ,i-udo1-4wof 1 'i , du t n o s e.a :, r i.- t,,,, r,'- an,! (l nde 1fungus diseases, gra'iîng, packin2g lProduction o f the,,- i-i ' r' e iptiniitr I" u,,irt. - rii akîn~~~~~~ tA-'.s p !:it i -nti t - ents .' doingan,! -elling have been wonde! fuît:,- ,! ai-h theévoitii ul.-e- iri'fri. l O)PPrat.-. i!,uh---l Ita,,' uttA e(n' ein ii li'. vanced hy the efforts of tht, societc. un !tlite year. o i ushe-Is or grain re,-uli-, if l -, 1isf ife Tii Pîu-.infminir iss ~rlt-l ~otiin.-, as-, ,~ .- ~ui 1i -ri-poited that a nitrbeI 1 on ~gising le the growers antd generxipub-1 If the <rop .-c- ,, I u-l i---COMMONt usi-the nliii, 0of laim~les.h no ilite o lle~ r- as for-.- i-a r ine ,ldén.-aries are conSidei-ing a ilu onlcIerecuite obteined by Practical oIdu, ice,ioo,î, hait, trust, dr..uglitor sUs the fil,i-),cfratnm e t 'haor Ts itheeriDolarinogEr IFarer. ehii(h.if donc, wî!l greatl!y i-duce the- fruit grovere. exparinrental workers. lbut winds-variI.u8seîcts tras bit i i is lii 1,1 d a i k- o iii.At lire convention of 191.0 muh limeii-lnamottf-Iî,,î itre BARERR li -sii-t-i h. auhber e ortnscfntii. ja-'ir,-- IIniii-a- a rlei ,:.1 i; triai kaoutt-l for miikharre fat Il tP a li- i'rmbe,i,,sar-e. bu-an î,, hf' % os-,w as given ta tie re rparation of a bi!mil.lirî ls-îs- iin. i-,ji of vieiIng eto,-Il ii, t2,. i,' o-ril-iteucton on a nuînb, i1i e1oltn(heogedinan,!peféne o hiq in hé. - "i.- Il Seemf, th.- hort- lî'rul 'ît..!uî u iiri l l e4tt -Pl 0-îu'if <>1 in te ra g ai sîîîu of ta, roars, ami- -ii baiîve tike- alli oftWilt"tfed tiigduring 1h.- war coî,ic-l lileod ,î incullTii.- oilihha, iene.-ted bh:,i- . fruit initiosed packages This biutvas gave ri hîn 'fý- 'l0,trtsaninz .ailfat îlslin .IfHwr, bot ion in c ,ito iiai -s.and i.!-- îraî enacîed Inlo law. Il is the beiief tiratet vai-,tbg l ati durlii lms uSyun-a fai-m -- éks -I i hli-fat t10 mar iAiinnýi tati iPa iin r a l li >n ,r dsest o .iirc î i ii do much te ,enhance the sale of -rb.le lieb-Iut ut n ke In et igý bin. i od ie orr)t LaI lilinois fruits vhicir have hr 'i,-e1 lrstuisd thate troutle--, ron ,urîu liA-er ker nit s. us pg- teîîîîd. diiil,, ns hicnathM-,-. ,,rt , Iintihu -ofîl b%, ii., heen baly irndcppe,! by ireguar, r or iiiset.t Aiog fi.4, ,i ItS C, rrtdf 0*0~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~la OOOOOOOOOOOO00 o ain'iia'ibt-en brougli,'abou' ilbru rite frl1i i-i iIi iifl ltariuiI !andi e-ien fraudulant packimrg. lire-thlooicse- iuloît, sltikitin-iîor c OOOoro 000000000 ~o~ioi- l:-natinalfatire -. x~~',- ~ ~ iO .r. :1 nl lao j ,nthré- >ock-att-m iros, thel.*leif C O L R T Y < E S C O O o . ii 0 1 1 .. n ! at 1 -r i c i i .n t n -t ,.l ,, , b il l IL I îu i-î, .e o f t e s t in g ee - ý ar ie t ies a n d t i f il t- b iLà c k -ý s l,-u r f l i s tzi k i Albe-rti Il1, '-ii, aliJolin 11(-ï,i, h Smi.irtiIdl ý -i-i. Lýi a. !nt-ni- ethode of culture and! Ireatrent rtle heaviettoit la tht-nortiierraSta'tç-s, telé- CnîIn1 -iegn.bu dnaiiii,-andt iIonîl i i- ib (iseases and harmful insecte. fothreesyar ndi easutrs ru. <<,elei nreontinbenzzién i-0 n liiris ii hiii Otiier experimental e-ork viii be epidenaha bt as .aus,-,iappallIltoms t r e ltas tjlii i t iii eu, o,, iei-4i i . rnist-n tîn- the farcrr- . prducionanuni- il îîî i-ineed.-d along the une of varktng op t-s. Mople ira nuw eltilo<ut to thescheîrt Tîmanki.gIi -zn 1 Vu î,ialiue dit-., ,iul" l- pulcus ii ii o-i lu ant î.rgoanizalion îilwi,ý Nhon I he fruit that cannot ha packed in- grows-iiao!flitireurti.irri lart îf flic.- mouciti lt u-ra oi u-agldxaine, s %îr:i,în. ru s. -hi-ii-r mrtr-e, 1h- jta b:products such as apie juice and United States that the- conrtro,:ifutdge of /eaf Thi iuik Oi, 3iiit d Oiri ie Anoueli ranaton hra, eicihniât,,,ion .'oapne butter. hiack-stern rostilts possible iîy tt-e apiny ?foth - lit ' . i . ring a--i andiot,- ueraication ut commun I.trberry. tIteS 4pI au- ioîkung iOr lliOtc - i 'r.-ht-nahleI,- r .en'tfil, tarei-.îI',,i >î< n -,.1 an niuirini OO O OO O O O O 0i00O0 o Itla Important luat everyune sirouit A twlg of common barber-y, uhowimng Aill'uI. - -a~ i rd-. ' <g I eb.i.- witiifoitcé-,und haekinz entai w fiîî -nLuci.-aîleriîfit i ian te flue oru.0< M (JR R A YH IL L Udi-ttutnirth-hruuirbrr thtagrlamewlhtbaddg, ' wie L U s , , i i c a , . i i l t i i - tsit ' a u i u l e t u r u :,i n I - . - la e d e t e O- O O 0 0 0 0 O O b a r b e r y a n d I t s p u r p e v a r e y . a n d t I r e a , a n d t h e i - d b r r i e i n l o n g iii e L J I i li . th i a- P t,î k - b ill. e ic h i î a b e en o b t-o ie c uti' c o c c Ilun i esn , il P a n i g n iiin a X 10a b d sho:,b e ot e o loter-p l g u b eîtc'ru r a n s . (C m Tht ii i-iétIt-i'a_ i. - t-uitje( i -a1,1.1.1The locher,,have ejun-,d--il Off a , nunubi-e ilt iîofuln Io raig ma ge:-haadeistig uishti y 1.-tioe- Prtopth gheuncan 11 barburr.)<en .1 [lie,)nï el! dollas in opposinTir,- rurthet s. broiiels and ltle ai- stirfeet tlu, thougir l it a:, i-ct-a l labil e emîsu i m r f d'fr h receii-sîli,;;iî' -ilui i>i orih,at - ____________________i -r, 1. -- -ore i tied t10 thi-party, or aven fifleen feet If tire-hostiresare . elp osIppiy oefo o b eiri-:, Lhl, 4é.11 il rî0 or00SoI, iiit,00 OGerOeOA.ORbiOson, OOMilwaueeO TirePO rebinsyenk. 27,.Tielvaukeof.tTei.-hetilaterFraryegradesmaare mbusy pmakWe Lai-( I,,î.i.i- iitirii tâ Ena rns. 1, Miwauee.s o .leaves are bootheti, the- teeth ending in Fot-rnfmtoumah plne tlumm<, unla .iai, MOlt i' c MARIAG LIEM ES 0 E,!narn ueat. 3,Milaukee. ing (in-rrus tta nd Santa Claus ,.tali jîiny points. Onithe stemsut aIfrontrrthe- tniîenState-s Depertment Qf f Edeard Buehirnan, 3. Milvaukea. t1iciuu e corr,, tire sihoot Agricultture- Or 5our slate mgrcuitttral court Ii-~I'.. iii- îu th, - inIl. .0 00 00 100000 0000000 0 Effie Vunkus, 33, Mivaukee. tht- base o!ft-tu-h cluster ut icaves, ileu bhi--a i o n iii.. r-od la-o . oesn 3.Rcn1Geo. D. Hancon, 22. Racine, Wie, 'he tuad îiioub alendance thet- lisare tirree or muore spines. c We itrutSoeInW.c Mi-'o -0 l uodrgu i e-rMn S.C Poe 4,enos7,Rine Viola Hauson, 22, camne.i-u-tî in -lii. uOf '1.-bad wetaler, Tho- ilght yeiion- loterg ai,nd e'l er' ieItrs hv nlfok MiýýJ,_iiauLiiý i-adiii in1 1Tha nide Intareat laken In lire vork Tuu.~~~~~~~ L,(iin îui~'nn i-1jî, Eni . Musr. 27 4, Keua , Ws John Perey Doyle, 28, Racine, Wis, TtIli-i n-i- e .--, lioins who u.eîeries r on nimgcutr im a a-usie db T o à ab z f i oini g eDavml F . M is e , , sanie. H rriet M a s C arpenter, 29, sa e. i ci cr(ti n aliendance th t- core eek ries r ent b To rne sI ,l o n y lu t r at nke - e dh-Intioa as b rn ecv dn e by e Mis Ltai ieototssl unCasa tti Mai-irnA.lODer.s2625,Waukegan. Ili. Edgar B. Cox. 24,Gi-ast Laites.,li. FranklitnThonras at'ndc-d s.hooi on semubles it ciosaly. 'au irnmfuiandmearuetîiln h-ptfsclea Iý -e -ýsIMarwlond A.liRose Michael, 24, Chicago Ili. Tiî,sdo:, an ! Weinesa. dsiruuid be destheroyt-iscaul.a eri aýTe.dýLenfore A. Lewb,i, 18, camne, er .Hfmn 4 rnonWs hudb etoe.foi-inforimatitirat roaterbal forue "ir ROY('ai, aa licao ilel Frd aies 3, hiag 11.LucUlle V. Hil, 19, Argonne Win. Thé- rupper-gi-adi-s ha-ie bt-en re. icw Japanase Variety Mai-mise. lie infeste,!Lians. Lack P!tofnde hau over th, veeek end. ratte rekl, 2, iike. Ws, Alfred!P. srhmitz . Miwaukee. ni- tor soi, ieand! bave alrea,!, In contrant 10 tristait busit tbere hmee ouihttedprmn F krSr .lita21,,MilwacameWit. hallexonrbnaiions in morne subjet-vs. tea low spreadlng harberny, known laieelsirein iedpnmn' Miss. Ali- Juinon sisttd imlaiiî d Merol 9,cae, W G.n i iait 24 Wntri 'a- Nia ia, maaruiea.o. uIpaeababii-.vrîi n oeable iroevluifiai large nom-te<,o -rSn:.AgslH Gieu,1,ie . Wi 28, aame. WnhopHr- MssLlia iak f vnso localities te more wideiy plante,! tian alhwvr o-upyalrenm AgsH.GukJr28sat. bor. si-i.,-,!ai lier Itone1onSonde, te alo cmnber of postera, bullerins, ctrculare, and The lt- iilluuiali- on fihe ilhberii Hazai fM. McGynn, 23, saean . liedrikso ii3:, K-no>tr,. l,.. In k e aiion ,th-taiorc nonbarbant-y. Tire oller matter for distribution. Baliintrui cas jîosýponeiît Edward G. Sutter, 21, santa. '%V S isssineHpftgaeaaryo pns bbrylaedm.vrtr Baii.rgrinFlorence Moore, 20. salnie. aeeebra-:' usiooa-tne A survay ti locale barbet-ries vas Loui- lue-, hi-el Cty a us a tait-cr' Bra eeen 3.Rcn . EllsworthuA. Blackbîurn. 2Croriisru, unday atternoon un ironor of her feat tal and ias namuit eavas vitirbgnintr a-grclc cueo 1 et te boul of Mi and Ms. Sanuel Hrman Pterson 38, Rcine Ws. Wis 1. .Il 1 brrli!rda The.uThi s hut-arsdedvho attende,!he aattiren he stes.beTiran tpinarguronitirebeclameo aIri ou o i1niMr.Stu.t Ida Thai-ke la .n, 30, nsea, Wls. '--------t .: Ester Dietz.- . Helen Bmat esk-tire baller meatis foi- streading Infor- Peaz one ua:, lasi %%cek Ly: . Sigî: . 2, ani e, Elle Miller, 18, saine. Monda:, eî-uning a ire home nf M ., Marye Wii. 36sea R. W. Bacon on Foi River. Raipir R. Michaeuls. 21, Milwaukee, Wis. 000000000000000000 Anna Martin, 22, sanie. o REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS *o Jhnri Zuivu, 2. sanie, Uy A. K. SOWES 0 Hariat utoke.,24. aseW. 810000000 000000000 M.le Ne luman5Lyns.,Wilwukee Nov.. 29, 1921. Wis, M. S. Phiiip anti vite 10 Anthony JsR I.u ooet2,h - okW rut-k. l 19, block 15, Wshbur-n 'ut B. Case, 24. sanie. W. D.810.Stam (neter Foi. 26, Mivaukee. 'his. fipninzs, Waukegan, W.Ddn10.i..ip e sa.21 s toc. Athona F. stoito1,ani. 1.Miu C. F. %asirbui-n and vfe 10 Cane -ho' . tlma.2. iwu Une andtin. Lanzan. lob 6, Smitlrs kee, Wl,. Soir. GiYs, W. D. $450. Stanot, Manie Myskaei, 21. sane. goc. - Alber-t 1, Hawker, 42. Chirîago. Henary Kuaistina'an,! vÂfa aI ai te F. Lillian Faulkner, 28,sne. 0. Bart-lett. Ieos . and,!8. block 2tt B r-_RaerardSrroadar, 29.Minneap- nette Att. le Laie Vila, W.,1).$1925. 011e. NMinn. :S1amp $2. Mai-gai-et Jones. 28.camie. F. B. Harpai eroCiras. Adams anti' Wm. Lauge. 32. Metford. Wia, vifs, lots 39 andi 40, block 55..Nortir Flora Riciter, 25, Miliwaukee. Whis. -Chicago. deepn $500. Slamnp 50C, Henry Johrnson, 51, Wauiçagan. Nov. 30 1921. Anna Johrnson. 46, Waukegen, NVm Geugar andti vie et alin1 Wm. "Fred Brovning. 32. Dundee.. 111. !Schmidtt lot in Village ot Fax Làke. liai-y Flirer. 26, saine. Qr C,.tD. $1. gtamp $2. Eric M. MorIon. 27, Watt-ifor, Dec. 2, 1921 Ont.. Canada, -W. M. Dooiey and vite at alin1 Helen Abraira)ii. 11. Waukegan., Uuilueppe Lencieni. loi 8, block 7, Joa Weseiek, 40, Sainie. - Highliand Park. W.,.1D. $2,000. StamfP Sophia Vbstan, 47, semae. 12, Herbai-t L. Linvooti.,33, Mainette, Wiiireimina Lueatie andi iuebsnd Wta. to R, R. Bradley, part oat, 1 anti 2 o!f Marie M. Brendernîhi. 25, Lttile jot 49. lAie Foett W. D,1 10% Steïmp Sualmîco, WIS. 17.60. -Artirur J. Linehen, 37, Miwaukee, P. T. Povier andti via 10Sons 8of Wiu Nonvey Countu-y Club lot 78 bo 81 Eiste Lolck, 30, Milvaukiee, Wln.'- Fovier's Cetar Laie Sub.- W. D., $10. AugiUst H. BeeitronW, 21, Chicago, Stamp $2. - tIlbdiomet . Iate Heiti oOi umh 're 160 ft. lot 6. biockI 1. Highlanrd Park, Midrd I. Stinson, 18, sne W. D. $2260.,fita 82.50. Water H-.Katle. 21, Miwaukuee, Oreenbauni Sons Bani anti Trust alWis. - .eo. to G. M. J. Bedov and vifs, lot 36 Eisther E. Oeillet-, 20, seua. IterinIs Woodt. Highllandi Pari, deet Car'oine E. Kemo, 19, Cblcaio, 13. $2500: Stamp $2Ms. Robent V. Calvin, 22, Giest aies. Mgary Rend 10 Patti J. Blots, t-act lii. .- ' -1.. o! and l 8W% Sc,28. Deerfietti CUIl C. AMIruon.7, MIU>oek. 4~,.W- 1. 81. Sa.mgji.'U i"in Kmplaz lit, Miwtuaie lnu thiazie, 1S.-ni ,ion Gu..iuîe. Lesire A. Douhrawn, 22. Waterlioo. 'hVs. Elsa A, Kopplin, 25, Mlwautkee, Wis. Albert Miserban. 2Q, Waukegan. Emily Heine, 19, semae, Austin T, Lincoln. 33. Wichita, Ka. Francis W. Robertson, 23, Milvau- kee, Wis. Wenzei L. Conneli. 24, Zion. .iai-y A. Gibson, 19, sema,. 0000000 0000000000O 0 MONNAVILLE o 000000000000000000 Examina ions are in slyle nov. Put on your tinkingçap and tbink befor-' s-ou write. Tiret'e or motte. Han-y Stephenlburg la going to live in Lake Villa. ge vill attend echoci tiree We are soi-iy te iosb Harry. Alex Beiiinges iaited ocor scirooli-e- centiy. Fr-onces Tweed vas absent Monday bt--aurse eofabailcol,!. Tirer-e' wilire an en1eirtainmenb andi basket scial ai our cchooi Tiriday, Dai-, 15. Ladies imese hinng baskets, anti gentleman, pîease t-y not 10 spenti ail oeui-money irefore lacembei- ISti. Everybody is veicome, i-anc Walsh v isite,! us Tuestbay. Avoti Wortdle Blind Alîcys. Tire yoirmg nagsi oft tday dut-a not base t t o-lim te job1lui alier bad untes Ite johbehst smîtad for hlm. Tirae-bIe- out h trîl , out ehat 010. apls,to hlm, and itran see M telit tilat bestirhe et t eflo lài tbst buai- hei. Sti<-h feliown ise to sucesula Spite of handicdaîps. Trea tire worldi vondemand ttI pplaudu. lt'u foiIy 10 îe- tain couped,! p.ssikir lisnjationru viec FOU1 igit 'juit asu veil b. enjohtng lire taNisaI liberty.. If by cbunce yoo gel tâto a bind âiley ses 1011 thtir 7 Ietýi ouat ome.-OGrif. à .Maryv Shannonr, j'lýmond, Agnes, Lte., Anna on,! Mari' Dieîz, antiFi-ad, Lau- ise anti William Fredertck and Abert Bt-akning. Tha:, w attir,!an enjoyable Mn. and Mrs. Wt-nzt-l Dietz attend- eti te funerai et Mts, Sielmedori-er, on Saturday at:ernuon. Mn-s.Garbit- Thomes anti cidren, Franklin anti Gen-vies-e, et Mivau- kea. are vsiiing ata cire home o! Aug irai Meyer-. Mns. Marin tledei-ske returnati Tuestay, afttrarpentiing seseral dimys wlîl ir ai-dugirten. Mra. Cavanaugh, ot At-iimton Haigirte. 0 000 O 00000 00 O O G o PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL o 0O 0000000O0000O00000 Mies Ciestia Youn cof Wgukegsn, spent Sunday wibir He en Aniati. Clarenace Andeinon o! Delevan, Win., epant the week-end Mr. andi Mie. IL. E. Loomer. Mru. Paul Hudson and Etivarti Ingalue vent t Miwaukee Ssturday. Mrs. Charles Stickney is iii et ber home. on Beach t-os,. Mr. and Mis.. H. E. Loorner, Rbbent Amn anti Clarence Anderson o! Dais-- v-a, vent b lias fat stock show at Chicago, Thureiey. Mr. anti Mie. Zoehiar sntertsined friende from Wigh land Park, Monday. Lionel Bull o! Fb. Atkinson, Wjg.,. weent Thurstiay nigbt vitit Mi. anti r. Lavrence Amann anti feunly. Misa Beain Ameute epent thre week- end vit Im le.Landyt of Everaît. 1Tirie wga no school Friday afterncon on aoal; of Mies feWue nlefanerai which ahle attentieti Tire seventir -un i egitia'grade tlai are akM£ »ýQn, badesud hadker-i A twig of Japaeus.ber-beir-y, show. lng tais ealler laev..wllh no toqtir oni the etiges, 1the opineé on the.stem usually one or sometimes tlo in a place, ad 1the reti beri-r-sianngly or- ln emailiandi short clusters of two, ie gomberriee. <Compare with tre coen- mon ban-bermi.) are oniy mea un a place. Tirs flovers are borne stngiy or In tvos. Tihe ber. ries are a dnrk r-ad ln caler, borne singly or bn ivos, ike gooselrarrien anti bave a iirickt-r skun Iran tirce. o! the commemi barbet-ny. This barber- ny Io il does net carry tire stem rîrst and suiould not ire de- stroyeti. If eveny propet-ty ovner ln tire north- trn vileat-growing elaicu o!fCoorado. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Min- nesota, Montans, Nebraska, Northr De. iota. Ohio, S.uth Dkote. Wsconsin and WyonIlng co-0r&te, l ti ir e pomebie taoItie his e <M-MIan o! tire Sm." i- hik-etem riant, off tire booi- dm of tire wilest imver. Every prop- efty suruld lie eaus<uliy ereilmi wfSr rmatiman. Il was exten,!ed tirai 1teh tofls. suoliraI no-r nearly ail citiez andt owos iaving s population oof er «M0 bave heen uurveyed. An Intensivs survey o! tire entire rural ax-es0ont- aide of tire citiez and towns bas been begun. Aiready about 510 counties bave bt-en covered. tiresuorvey.reaciling ev- ery farmutea,! and bruahy paulurs and voodiandu in tire entire ares. Tisl magnas traveling every section line. many bal! section lUnes andi ucooting the. voodlande ro,! by noti. A very Important part o! lues sur- vea din inlg the escapeti berberies viricilhabes tarteti from seeds droppeti by' birds In tiickatu and! pasturea. Oser 1,674,000 escapaiirueires wèrie fourmi, durIng tire peut yec r- A btai of ai- most 1.900,000 busimes wau !uund la rural districts lusI s-etr. Roi-ortie 10 date show tiret 8,W15,426 bucires irave been iocated andi 3,tti,142 busiere .- movsd. BEST-GRADED PRODIJCTS WIN. Standai-dixalbon Establishes Commoui Language U.tween *uyer and 84110r. [t 4a» bean daemntrateti man.y limes ttia*n tire mariseof!havon,! tire meiidP wIlirthre irucu-greded products la tiie favorite. becaue gratis, goodu are standard an,! lira boyer knewu virai ho viii gel viren lire boys. StanDdard- lzaticur alairliraes a common language haesi, ntirs buypr Inone contry snd tire setler In'-anoiber. vhlch creates Understandinlg and confidence and! pre.. sente disputes. A nabional gistng systenr usual, prosides for authorizati national In. spectoîs t pa@ upon lire goodsansd thug Put ot110e Quee t Anioitstand- ard application of tirs grades estgb- Ilsiret i.vtever they tsey b., at casirot bintastalbesI- ntesst e 5$y> tamn le ntorvide la 1Un @cap& MODERN GOLIATtI NO ON01ER FEA?- "MIilITY" DO W. Schar, who charged t Putian threatened him, Paul Pegelow make UP11 Tire modern Goliathr of Praie no longer neati tsar tire rnghuty et Peut Pegsiov a neigirbor, ) tn stature. Tbe eileged baltUg&' off. "Dav-id" Pagebov ra$ Dut au sling and pebirie, If ha everhm as once teared hy W. aichar, tbw of Prairie Vlev, vire e monlh«». lirreatene! te sapai-ste hlm. troM. friches o!firis face b! îbey evér,*, agato. Tir Ivaun vere, egtln-in lthe offices of Justice ;à C. Couison, vire their cane vas, -tinued, A cane!vnuva le Justice Ciras 'E. Masos virea t Salu-day lhe pru iaiked il os-en insbead 0f gol:n te batti-e ttra.Ll or* Libents ville. represented pegeio« Justice Meson decided Ibat the men dido't neeti Rny Iavyers ag- ond aend dismiaued lb. cane .m, gnoond thal facherar had no cauW ellempîîng te put Pegeiov uuqý peace bond. Tirs Ivo msn hava, f08 tan viratIil vas ail]ebotiand )tàva turne! t0 Prairie Viev *v .pè prevaiha again, 00000000600000961 . 0 PRAIRIE. VIEW , 000000 00000000,., Edwin VOss -Pt-ni Sunday vitl- t'a. tr,Mr. unit M-i Vas. Firani, andti!William Slanctif! 14t1 11 ro thîe cis 1as, ve-k. 'hic Incli lias rettirnat troni ho.spitail an,! is now staying vitlt U H. Coan. MIS tEnmina Kruger hau relu, ftr mia i- i it aILibeiryvilie Mac Macton and Mi-, Wilitamn» à business trip lu Libertyville 14084 Tire Clees in the Corner gaegj tIlt home of Mr.. and Mra. w., 14 ires,! Sarurday evening andi matie às Christmaus decoralions. Sondas ýjchooI naît Sunday ai o'CiOck Preacii service et Il i. an! 7:30 p. nu. Wiii yoo bc. pg nexi Sunday? fl Tire urograi commit tee of liai! I tirer with Mns. Gilman Salu-day ning. MIis Flor-etc- Matirr spent' wet-k en,! aI!home. Mr. anl mr. I. G. Hutchinu a bouil slen-Sondas night vlth mrutiler aI Gl1enviev. jYes, tire bazaar viili bh bld M 9nr. nint-lerîberger's iall. ca i-ar!:,. t- sure not ru mies tir'chi4 pie- supjer whîcir tirelaies are getlu ready. Yon viii anjoy ui. Sunday afiamnoon Rev, C. A. X« cliristanei Allen Jacobr Harth, uooî Mi-, an,! Mra. Elmer IHartr.l eb bp serrage. M-, andi Mr. Eiva-tilm andi Muss Mamie Hehm vers aise p u'ni aitIll- ceren*ony. Mrs, Frances Stanclift le vbsbtisg tire City vith t roiende ,ihis vesk. Mi-e, J, A. Mason la visifing eti Edward Easton home ati Derfiel. 00000600000.000,00 0 S A,.GATUCE 000000000.0-0,0 Mr. and Mrs, Mack spent 119" in FChcago. Mi-. andi Mrs. MariaIttof Keitei viable,! altie R. E. Tiromas ironme là Sunday. Miss Vu-globe Van Haecke of ci cage enJuyed lire veek ean, the hUM ot ier parents. Mrs,. iack's aister, Mr. Deria, vtsitinghir-fo- birea vaeka. Mra. Rode vas laken te tire La County irospilal Saburday.and9 atati on tirai nigii for gaii utoe. la bn asentous condition. Mrs. Mary El! ring snd !amtly vil sd et tire Tim Vandreverf bhomse loi Nlonday evt-nbng. a Antns Novai., 71h grade, anti WtlIf Ndvak, 2nd grades, enteneti uciootlq week, ireving moyeu le the Sb.Mal lai-m Severai puptis are out o! achooj b canuse o! sicinesa. Frank Bicknase cailed a et irM"i Sionuiey noon andl expisinei s ne*q M of books. Tire ciltren enjoyed mbory ha i-ait about "Tire Littho I ln. Tiret Thougiri He Couiti." . Mn. Mamnir delivered e mucir-ae.iI load of liard ceai Monday. Louise Van lisecke van perfe# îpeling for lire week. Tire citdren are eakjoying pait"S %vutde and cîîtting out boye. Reoben Thoanstook lirrea u-of Hamnpshire pige to the Chicago,é thonm an,! won six prizes. t [J o oo oo oo o0*0@0*S o VASET SCUG'OL- Nfi. andl tIre Fi-ad Dovell. itt- Lake loîusty Hospital 99tMl Syltvia llednor visief ti te I .Saphail itCaicaeeon Sondait' noon. Tire pupils vire were presseât M dey of bbe mentir of Noveniber Tht-adore Guobis. Dorotby Dli1ltI thon anti Biliy Martin. A)VislMWs] Doweit. Eleanor anti Hotsl D90014 We sursiedi harle bot ltsaeht& Montiay..-1 i' Thue leating e n 8the ste vere BIBy Martinansd Symsa lýrq1ftmff . a, lm . À