l'HF LIBERTY\qLLE INDEPENDENT, TI-URSDAY.-!.1iU i SDAY, DECEMBER 8, 192 P I'd Like To But 1 Haven't The Money Did you ever have to make t h i s admission when a chance for something better offered? A small amount saved every week wiIl soon grow into a fund wich wiII enable you to take advantage of some good opportunity for advancement ---- or to indulge in some long wished-for pleume. LET OUR SVINGS DEPARTMENT HELP YOU SAVE Lake,,County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS The Free-Westinghouse EECTRIC SEWING MACHINE The mos - ng machîrq 'd~464ferent in r( any other. st remarkable sesi- ie ever macle--clu- design, construction of operation f rom HOOL e 00000 ling t,1he par, ter andtiHelen quite a suc- 1.Wr are 1 îr, books ain wilii the itulils in oui itd Esat flia :7 chiltiren in )t bie, roont ;iJSefl. Iront ig Enîtua, Et nîtier. Enîma Sîurim, Helen lx Hyain. a ire Euia. tlofInieier. Etit Sturtm. Johtinson. gnîd.- lapitu dti brwkes Ai eintiliiu î' it tlook-s î'.ry t'q ua ;, Si i ni Su'wni'ay -Taxi Ser- riII. 306-M. Teleplione No. 9. Libertyvile, Milnois. OUR WANT ADS CET SURE RESULtS STORM SASH DOORS Coal Savers, Order NOW Why flot put in that new hardwood. floor NOW? Enjoy it while you can get it at the Iowest price in years. .Corne in and give us your room, size. We'wiII fit you out fine. SPECIAL THIIS WEEK Advance Scratch, $1.75 per 100 Ibs. Fine Feed For Growing Fowls SALT SALE Libertyi1e SPECIAL ON THIS WEE K AH L TrO ONE C. CARY TMEN CUSTOMER PHONEÉ 47 AA Local and Personal Short I'ems of Especial Interest to Lhertyvîlle People Bei, tlc.Nlanituikin s fr-îilienî..n Barker's SuPerlînf. Fiavotrs will' ltiberryvile 3Sund a Y. . not tbake out. make ch, tmt ici,1 Ariîuî Sntit wa.-t , ,ca bus; I cious. At ail grocery 't.o-s 1neas vsLor on Thiîr 'ta> i 1o03d1RittUex ,tPz :Sunday ini Ha- j ine, WVîs. vlsiting bis parents. Mrs. Edward ('arrolt and ehiltiren wcri- Chicago visitors., Monday. Miss Ada Hlcie. si,en*bte wetek end.i'l'îth Mss Viols Voiîiik in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sut n', itof('hi- cagio atre ber' Sunlas ;'îstting reit.s tr and Mn-. Frank Ilut,' r* vi-it4îti Mr, Huber's tîarn ' In Ausin iastt Minfla'%. Miss Jo8eîthine I lot'.t- ti îgiîiant P'ark tcildontii îtniln l.ibpityiltue N'dn"dtay. Miss cat lîrrne ('raa il ooîwauke.1 gitli v. a, .- week "nu ga-st.';ttue (,iua s Kiepper home. Mrs. J. Numson bas ro-uîned home, aiter a vîsit of arverai days witiî Mrs. H-izing in W'aukegan. Mrs. Mary Shepherd .-nertaîned Mr8. W. A. Nichols and ton, Frank, ot C'hicago. o%,i rubday M its Anna Graitani ;Iict<iiago vis lited o'er Sunday a tb- itoit' otNMr. ,int: M. - Bt-n <sbt iuîtan Chicît, ,tt îlagt, as bere Sunday vistîtng bi's laretîs. Mr. .ind NIr'- E. E EiiSwortl M.-.and MN- Lu-.Abvar' andti tii r tiaughter oft aWukkcgan sahfiît i d, t'i 't'oi 'ti. pi 1- . 1 u i- n h-'t, e . t- b' MIiss Helen Caruli tllttl Ii-t Ad, ' U t' o :.;t-ni t- .n r:,,- ii'. t ngn 9 Meryer spen. Sunday in \Wt-ukeg,,n ï, Ht'w ti. l "t- iî -n at ihî,ui (-rît he home of Mr. and Mi-J. 1). Ias ti'titç .a, an i.' .untina 1i, b'no, n ','hom iout -ue t lie Fr'ank McCornîack mattiiiiit; If ittt'nO:tttîîet îîijati t Incrnational Stock , 'titn <ui s tîj " ' ' ,., ,""-'tî la.ctweek. i, ',- an, rth nio a', 'ta (' t ' ijahe -ýe tý Mr. and Mrs. 'B> î'or .Un(li s Cnt': ot ttreignt t1-1 lP('.ite q tained *tbeir son,.DLi'-, P.('olb , andtigtnc!er,. "îtt'tji' ;,tt i ' V blis daughter. Betty . r,î - ~.l nft ,t t',t :'î:'t.t Joliîn 'I-ansbrougli tte r-r î, e a iii o x n , .t i ;' t ', Mttenan, Wa" re Jiîg tlti Irit-nde tai! a tn Ltbiî't'tsile Wetîn i, ;z1 Ht- il ,to Att -,,rî-n ia ,nit n tî attî'-ndî'îltht' annuai M"t.liii 'tr î T'e h ceien- ttii nw itt jMît-te,, Dafla and i .îtgîaitaîregant" a.f iatoiTii--i't it anti Iena Decker o: lErans'on wt-t- tc'. tiii i"'n lîita(î'u'.ne i: a in Lib)ertyvilie Sun& tguetst libuek t!, andi't;t- :!"îî.ttî,tiiid hometioftMr. andi %1r" 'E. hîeckeî The-î, r.ut.iltt.stt t,c' -n lut lit a nttmnt-l -tîint . .n,' ît t î,e rtheati wbile playtir baket bail aý the Trian Hall SatuttIay niglît. st, erai stitches were- re(li,, ejulu îpatrh uji the wound. Mr. and Mns. Wilil'1'MNarait. daugh t-r, Mai>.anti sons. ati r. Vsii liant andi Byron, ot Rîýnotha. tspent last Sunda.% a! the home t: t4r anti Mrs. Heuben É. Thomas, n',îitî f 'îwn. Mrs. Anna E. l'rie t- î,t:e titt- a'eek front Wauktr',n..ntisittnL:ht-1 boiIiei't,,William Iiandl Frank IDyt tîtîni rii trir ta 4nstti tntd tbt'points in i t s'ut t"' :on, in Lb' r' i:isDont Misa the btý-, 'bail erji. ali Rtobert Wtnk1tet "tiFox Lake js j 'Ie(,A" aTown lHall (nirht:<(Thiu, Li-«,---ien 1ýhiiday i be,;ween th, b tt l'~îî M!i '- a i s'it-iil Pit th tc î nOi î tt t'andl Areit Athie tir A -'teia lion rTcs zaiîe ltiomî-es to b-,tlnt Mn, Ftank Wagner ,îoîld.îî4i ing -Nîr. andNr .Fraînk Wilsuo t-ysilii-,, 1,41IsatFr.ligclIt titr a 1crtoa-n. Nis., to brîng bac a t a! jluad( t,'b t: iit' . t tc ~tri o, grade Holstein dti,, t-.)%%as. il, s t llarry Pt ppi" r o(f Wauk'-gan ct-il' s! onj lie id 10seruretabit i 2thl-att fris-fl .0:n Lt' i .t-, li T't t t.Mr. anti Mrs. XVllia.t titi'y at ýse:-' Mr. antid -"Iranlk Robin-(n tnti enterlaineti at a surît! t-e îarly i'ii'a ilr' , t.i. ltni sut :rt ,.dlty i î'nng at Iiti t lttnt,'(tn Nt-W ,g-.. , U t'L'ntt t :-nî 'k.' b' t t'y aivcnue. About 'itr, guet'ý. aWt( pIresent. i'rogni'e ttsc etîrlîre su a- Nlit tn! Nr- tlttt t àl . îla i . td Nr. fSie:îb's tanilBer-Iii l. it ait'. t tt ittii ittbitt, ti . ait--gF t ift-rut e ýi . 1ý .,, 'ndi%!:., J Lat , ' 1t" ' , L1 , -', Monday altea oox i -, h tl la' t%-i ng tor 'aim leolt t ttr in~ itiisduhr t eat wl.tcrv i.lîy a iili pn i lite vc n t-' N - ; liGi s at Mii 't'ir 'naI MiNIirLt Anci' - tiýE.a cation i ue 00, .hiroint ncu!ti.'. Tuei a i tro heLk- (ý Tu. daylr"m h.-l:di h"'I; t,k t-Itile>. if the Firs, National bt-ni,.and Wtiliam Whighai tÇ"Ct-i1 Wbci'ling Fi-lday. ho visti lb" fitw Wbeeling S:Zare Bank. M t ani Mit, J. 1'. May anti dauglIti r Barba:a. spent Thursday nîgh', .nt Friday' wltiîMrs. Mays î iru ntt.-NI:, ai NI t-'.lBy ron hlolby. 'i d 1 tttt ft 't - nr ljuth1 , trt, nil.t ht-' t t il-u ýit ti. i. :ltntihannts'ersary ut ier bîrtb Ali netîttîr wtt.gasl bsi t lie iît oika îlay nsg tuttcs antd tuilable refî-csbmn It,-wu' rccvi il A '%lr- larkelîtt. a liiidud in VWtt, t ico,. lissaNu%. 28th, athI, î'tult tiia faîl, suas burieti in Lakesitidehtee. y t.t'rida,.' tt rnio.xtn Mrs, Hossatt Converse of Round Lake was a daugit 't-î iii !'iiideccc., d For mass;y t tii> she wa a resident of Fox Lake anti Grayslake. and uas.RtI knoan in ii' Tht- regular elecion of ofl'tcert- î Liherty tille Lotige No. 956, I. O (0. F. was helti last Nlonday nigbt, with ;lit înlowtng result. N. G., Arthur Mes ira; . V',H-arve-y Hewitt; Ser'y, 0. L. Stmtîh; Irciaurer, H. J. Ilagetyt. Tht- new offirers will he installed ltht itrat meeting in January, whirh coît ttn Nirinuay, January 2. Thei-basket hal teti.m eomposi'd ni Th. tIecion of otffîrers '!,;i,t. , n-emîloye,. of h"Fouids Milling Co. 'itfl. eMr Of Armoe Camp, M. M- of Area Town llall Tuesday nigb T i'Th A.~ wiL" l'I .îthe- regular mec ung Libertyiii' t.aminwas defeatedilby a las' Pt , dav ntilt Tht' ne- Jfi(tr score of 13 t 6 Il is said some iathite .î' 'tual Pîî'u sr mugb jtiainu itas indulged in, and a (h'itt'gt Si'atl (,jetrk. Gert- ,.tight narroa aiv rvrted. The local tî ait Blank r Jdîmes MaCk . Escc' bU' hjrnII'iIt ber: art Caries 1-okins. Sa-in Ni yi Xaeh man . Auut I. ioi el'Pettigreu, Arcîîy farnett,.Ro. Sety tomn ae,.Eî , Cianiberlin Art Smith and F, 'oh antd Plis tician. 1) J. L. Taylor. -Niason. * .1-- - - Make It A Musical Ch ris tmas jWhen you gîve a musical instrument for Christmas, you are giving a Iaating present- a present which will be appreciated years from now. IYou are starting your boy or girl on the rond to a valu- able musical education. Our Stock Is Open To Inspection G. E. HUBBARD Gibsoný Mandoline, Guitare and Banjos. Band Room LIBERTY VILLE CHAS. D. NICHOLLS American Standard Saxophomoq and Band Instruments Village Hall dLLINOIS Jutige Perr; L h'ctt-(nt-.t-cu- t 10 sh-ak a t .Ili. oit-et in g o1 lir, PT. A. te be helti at tht- Libertyvihle high -'chool itîtte Titaretias) eenîng ai la o'rlock. Tbe, jutge's -tîbjer' wilI be' "Ti, Wita', 'rnt arie Itare nt-. Heion sîble tor the I>linquenîs uî Thei ('hîltren?"'Jitîge Pet'.sî'ns il ite ly Weillfitret to speak on tîtisie m;ort ani subject, antI ail tnl(.teîeitn ite' a i 'Mt u hiltiren t-ioiriulitb, piert- Erns' tasta t.,t t iîcttatn .n h, ml,(ltu- u, t. -innN Flot' t,, a "t' t'- o'i, t iîtmt mole nfontu nai, uenti- ýf;vh:i' i . lii nv, 14gband vi ii , ij t i i.,tit liitan 'rrx , i- dont gis tlie a'îgliît. anti , ahiW. lias bt-rn bot lii if , ilîhbli baia)i or ,itua, toit, lits t rnd, armi c.t. k jî-.' hoautma vs!cilu-l(tr ain ,t; ilt Hlubard atl t'onýft-nea uttrettil sc.st-ln' t! rui tîin.- a, -tîttn as Piîti it-itiin- ittiwtî luttî îî -,î'.41 ta . t - n ltn tarlIr uiart-,, CAPE) CF THANKS is in ouut r. 'tnt ilterynot.AI-.it wut ho sang, antd (tnt t btîItî"i iî. t .tth t(t -'wýrs antI s' cru, i.5 , tît': .M!' ti i im t, r, GRAYS LAKE THEATRE' Dedicateti to the sulent dranta, pro- senting photo plais of known merit, Fine features an d rlassy coniedies. Every Wednesday, Saturday and Sur- day evéning at 7:30 and 9-10 6'clochk.1 The Star- Moderate Prices i Smle away our rubt ear Flowrs away bog g odcd er biti r w li i le. fI ng tflîî'tîî an (J inspitration, * in tilrît tlra rttnce' lE lE Protfeet Your Valuables p - [iil Can you af ford te b. without the. Supenoer Protec6'tit -j Newly Equipped Vauit affords for your Valuiable Papmr? An examination of this eqwpment ivili enable you ta decý for yourself. We cordially invite your inquiry and inspection. Have Your Coa' Delivered Now-. This is the time to have your winter Coal put in the cellar, while the wea- ther is good, m aking han- dling easy. THE PRICE WILL NOT BI LOWER THIS SEASON We are ready to Serve you. ___________________ Advertise your sals and have your sale bis printed at the Idopo office. That kind of publicity bingi buyers and good pftem Worth While Dry Goods For The Holidays Silks, Crepe DeChine, Georgettes, Wash Satin~. Splendid Values in Wool Dress Goods. Linen Sheeting, Muslin, Long Cloth, Nainsook Toweling, Towels, Face Clothes, Napkins. Table Scarfs, Pillow Cases, Pillow Tubing. Sheets, Ticking. IGinghams, a iLadies' and C MA very large *A Good Line IW.W. CA 1= Ph ind Chambrays " Childrens' Hosiery, Underwear, Bassort ment of Handkerchiefs- B of Ribbons. RROLL & SONS' COMPA lon-e 29 1, 2 miles east of !s 2 gai t. menti dit cf 6 t cent in- rhi n, "ht, -itut Thoi-mRîoi- X btilý, 1 n ,d j(I îte ,i farn , a sý Elecricl'ty does the work-your knee controis the speedi. Theres no pedal or treadie to push. Worth tweice what it costs to anv womnan who sews. Bv our easy D)avient tolan vou can obtaîn the Free-Westing- house for a small clown paymnent and easy therms. Now w the time to see tuis machine. The RAY Furniture and Paint Store OPEN MONDAY'. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDÂY NIGHTS SPIRAL !ASES( IEAD YES ARlS os[ RINS EAU? TOMAC ANCREA ýPLEEN JDNEYS lOWELI LADS! PINCHII ;SJOIM1 SCAN lu.. 'vils ANS. EAS 'R IlS L ACé B. i --Ii UbedyVine, lu.