CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1921, p. 1

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LIBRTYVI LLE LAKE COUNTY MNEPENDENT 1i1ND Lake CoujnXy's Big Weekly 4kéd.mGriàtodààwWekeS"ii nComb«àod WAU UIBERTVILLELAME COUNTY, Jl*>OIS, TMMJ SD. fat, )è, 79e 198 35 les, slie.Iscuw, oue% Stule, @~~b ti> name. address and properîY de- scription. Wben lire book s nmade out il wili be rrecesmary onPy ta fil] hn the valuatIon on lte prapemr« and thc ameunt of taxes on tie .skelelon recepl JUDGiE DONNELLY ISIMPROVED .Judge Chas. H. Donnelly. judge et 00e circut court efthtie Seventeentb dis ir ieltfon a quarter of' a century. vbo 'ia been serlouaiy l11 for severul veeka, and vho ls helieved to be fat- ually 111, vas considerahiy impreved on Manilay aftemnoon vien a number of Waukegan attorneys, the circuit clerli andl (udge Ednnils «'vent te Wood- stock te risit hlm for a short ime. Judge Donneily vas cireertul and in- sisied upon a long chat witlî the lo- cal men, among vhom vere. besides Juilge Edwards, Lewis 0. rocitvay. E. M. RunYamîl. Ralpit J. Dady and EMain L. Carke. NO MORE POINGS FORNAVY BOBS ,A, special orden received at Great <Lakes Wednsday fom tire Bureau orf Navigation btirte effeet tirat ne more fttings vili ho given to enisied men unlil furtien notice. lUnder tire onden ohiot pelty offlco, bovever, viii stili be able to go up for ratîngs. This ordon vas lssued hecause tiere. &Me tOO ManY chiot petty ýOm.rd b. lie aumber of eulitUodmen. R! IN CITY Health department is taking steps ta prevent another epidemic in Waukegan Fear UtiulWaukegan ina),thtid Ih self tonfonied It> anothirerser ions epideînic et diphîb eria bhiclî aiready bas taten a heavy dealt toli there, vas expnesaed Tuesday viren it vaut tearned Ihal lite ilsIt ofictims con tainîs tire, nov names. A number of acses irai-e een ne îîorted and thié iealth d"parîmertit b keeplng a close vatdlî on ail tire scîtoost Cultures are hebng taten of children ivîxaare knoa-n la bave ireen jexposed nand atiblpitîheriti seront viih bu- adminislered in ail i.s- a-bei.- the testa are positive. FRANK IHAUSER DIES IN WDSIWORTII Ttu - neati i ni Frank Ilauuer. agî-î nI-;, îî. rî-d fltîr sîay aflernoon au hIcý tornin \atî ri.lit.. afieu a tin-erinoz illne-saioftotur an.d one iatf i'eamr. %fi-. I tlatise-m ti e.mts iorn ih rî -- iuany haiîiJived ihn Wad-iworft for tventy-fivei-came. and waas tone tff ibe be'h non andîlmosi iigitit' espir- edi resileni s utftadsvonlt. H-e leaves six childrsit as follows: Mns. Manle Naub a. Mis. Sosie Nauta, jurtisaand Madelîne Hauser ai Wau- kegan mm d Franki and Otto Hauser et W.dsvorth. Funeral Satu rday -affennoon at 1:30 'clock tram bis residonce In Wads- vonuir. Interment ln it lburn cemne- tory. uttntr jit- rttt tn nne uutl watnt rianlt tut -tacit-i-lt hi gu-- Officer at the fort as' s i-r otpersitid tdivulge a hîrtier or nutitutri'ofoh Iennimenu are froîn Lite un-unt> Il is known. boy- eî ir, ilitai su-c-taI of thie intettigence oflieer-. havo been aonting ln 1h18 counl>y' fon some lIme. Thi. slacter ,fluad lias turnshed a record of te draft dodgems fa the Nom tir Sitar.- paîtce and detective bu- eairs vit h orders ta arrest and hold Boy persans nanied Ihemeon. The detlie vomtlng out of Fort Siern- dan. BROTHIERS ENLIST FOR ARMY SERVICE Raymond C. Magulme ailtd bis hrotir. er Melvin F. Magulre today enlisted lit the Second Infantmy, at the Waukegan recmuiting office. They viii hoe sent ta Chanute 'ield for traning. Boti rne- side in Northî Chicago. The enlistment officers today con. cludeul their vorli heme for the tires- i-at. MOTORMAN STOPS CAR FWIHTS TIRE \s a t arin nHotu- t %Vl-tnor 2fut S-.. Jacksuon ltreel, i aait a goaul tire fighler. ht' ther niglit hi- vas iunrrhng hic car fbrough North Chi- cago wvhen he' saw barn an fime. He stopped lte car anîl vili consîden- ahile effort succeeded ln eXtingulsJmng the blaze. Sevenal montra ago ire performed s. simhlan service. Wh'rel lie retires he 'intends ta put l fin' application for a ireMan's pension. - Iiiîil of in -iîcal-. $38 and a gotl aailt ii. hnobtiers iook place aI il) o'clock taci niglit and Iitlook hlm cpei iouîmc to valktolaWaukegan, Sher. - leti(]i!,ntorY lte epolice. F-iser.-r asun liq vay te Racine. a het t bu exijets fo 0islit a triend. -SEEK DATA ON PIONEER WOMEN 111gb achool and grade pupls of Laite County are calied upon for lorig. Inal investigation and research, te hing te ligit and pesrve iatonleai matemial nov neglected and lu danger of hetng fonever iost.' lnt tetters sent Out hY the State Supenîntendent of Public Intrluction Blair and Jessle Painier Weher, seceiary or the Ili., State Hîstanicai society, ta T. Arthur Sinipsan. Couni y Supenîntendent or schools. 'Pioneer vomen orfIllilnois"ta tire subject upio wbich investigation and researcir la cougbt. That anatenlal. t0rilt' l Sinlu m i.- ; t îlut nui ut i nI D. A. R. te Aid Students. Encouragement lu tihe seanci yl neach the children fr-arntwa sources. Mm. Blair lias sent trIs lettens ta ail theo county supemntendenis ofDi ciaolo, vhile Mns. Weber bas addressed hem appeal te ail tire local ciaptens of the D. A. R. The ossay muai be les. than 2,0o0 vords long. ht nt ho lit the hindi Of th. Co6intY Commutte. by May 1, 1922, and its recommondation, te- gther with tie heat county essay, muet he forvwarded te tie state corn- mitt.e hy Jus. 1. 1922. VOUWML MI.-NUMABER 50. M S ED M NWILLINVENTORY LIBERTYVILLE Alsho esMS e* CAUSE A POLICE COUNTY OFFIE OE IlTFR T ~~ B 7'FLURRITUESDÀ Y zurc. EnFIko aFREE DELIVERY :.1 Ôthn O'C onitn, o es eetelweel Postmaster Aileman receives açcouit of the JarRe nwnber * Officers rush to cate after men Waukegau Friday and took Up vith wrdtavilg mut ae *ofsol kuseeItas' enter; find tatementhaveofclal g eout or-2500 population *imDossible to ut the imatter good excuse, piete lnventoryi of ail the coUaty pi*0p * n4vm if reei later than* deaarae lok-erty ln tbe various county offices. Resîdents of Libertyvilie vWho bave* Mondav. .,The repernâtt w onlrtelook-The is învntoy vill b. turned over been expectlng the postofllce depant- lug Men vitir bandkarcblets conceal- to the committee, vlsich wiil report ment 10 instal free deliverv of mail[ ig 110111 u hdjs nee h back lo the board of stipervisons. in the near future eekej * ** * 'selal Calle sbortly aler one ociock PeechenanTcke declared that.cOM-diaappointe4 d aY vheu Word evas tuesday aitornoon cauaed Chiot Ty- peeCeku iih ae received by Postmmster J. R. Aiieea «90i sud tire. others 10 maire a bar- that rafin al, deiivosry la tthe village .redtn t ~ 'ac.400 MA E MEN*ii> t'on exceedis250&. The iast ce4asi BOB" W IN C S Thee .It developed that a miltake1 givea Libertyville a total of 2125, and1 bled taken place. The young men gave BE1J'HDlE hIeotic bMr. Aleman sated te their naines as folows: B !) IJS.iI RI'I EtLIF lsoffice depatment tvresadverse i~n,14OLLE 1'KOSSED; Robt. Carruthers, 2818 So. Kostner A,¶~e-tablsblng free deiivery at offices avene. Cicag. AT11K? ~I itiî so mail a number of patrons. Leroy ellth, 2816, linoadm«a) avenue,. i;iinlumily freec delivery ile gu;ntit PRO Chicago. e t ficeï viticli do a yeariy postal bus- 0 E E Tbey intrnted tire ifficers titat ~ Commandant is ordered ta le.-. cf $10000. Liberlyx-iile la ha rgsagmsPmnxatr hall driven tuo Waukegiin in an edlfil, discharge them at once tel uiut' erdropped tday in circui or" whicb was noui irovideoi vîtb a l';' inder a soerial arder n. i-oking for lire dciiiuî tdyincirut or windsbield and said the> lîad plisc and tîtouglit tt I ..n!ort cusdh~wf ed baudkterciiiefs oui-r their faces Icu A diu-înlhtîi'iudlasi Tursula' "v1inpishedtl s eatd. cur; _____ b, i protect tireur front the wind. Tbîi oi. \\tuhnO Iotttoti-e in;aj t ,ut t utth ilg tn , .(i i' r rofiR. U te %i . ij. 'stor- wass cedited by thé police and aC lai e.ku4, aîti.url- ('uint i , î-iIan ondînance provîi n i;rias-, tbab," wtt io : . as 'tbey vere not detalned. Itiandill t diii sdcharg- foutr ttiîttai' htunsea be numbered. fTil las mu ndiii byth e Laite ituiuii and The epor teIbe olic va xi.' ner] b> sîrecilt adeî ilft0wu lii! eau b-tIa dlne. Likewlsest rer t s gn -' leail: iison a citarge of n îi~ii~îr The rportto te polce ws fi loi a a i-on. Thînnt, Iigible îo oh- ilig lite naines oi streets bave bren i terrrýd b) bis vile, residing an West by somo one vho happened fin be paita- tain leru elease front thei.- bit-tp-indu-r lprît ut. Everyote vas awaitting of-;Si.,Waukegan, today was dropîued in Uig the restaurant and.sav the'Sss-, titis iulitng arr. mn-iln generiat "it ficial wIord llri %%Wa-hington ý, 110 fl, Circuit court. the nîaIlmý having piclous looling characters wltb masks 1 "att iidthîou!eil, ihe avis lie put on. buen nolle prossed, an nmotion of On., .n.!hanic s chools. A timber ai the busines rîen how Snie sAttorney A. V. Srrith, Withregrd u th reortd bobluu ~ u-î nder traininr asnd those who ever. receiued the- new., a it-,ais- i. Wynn, vho bas beeritu i- of the Broadway Cale md the 'i 1 ui. um tutuueiihu n thieRadiuo icliool faction as tire> hate bt-en iippi.-ed Io luisîtlrm sevemal years. whete Là ws of 1000 by armed and maaked bandits a-t-nul' includeul in ltie ratings qetirere dl-huer Syrte-Li a it i(i tnuUd intrested, lu the devetoprmerîl of tie n iglii-fur iahagedrena, a. iloiur. Ciis i.eircit %folle Typeliviter Comptany , and in early Monday mornlng the Waukegan c'lite u htrage isod reaavdcoadutii.l ti 'u-ilrr bciie sal alse$0Ui police are veny akeptical. In tact Aont. *(,ood spei a 1Order Bunav- lit «rua age, itot tnof sicck, had been =Çra:nfront Chiet Tyrreil dots not heâtate te as- son of iheu b.-hng discharged loi lltt lbflbheproper sort ut effort hait been; N%.tiiegau practically ail aI that limie, sert li as bis opinion that the robbenyc eiti 'oflfiie governmerît1. made b>, thte cîtizens of Libertyî ile. j and tus aile cbarged ibat lie bath neyer taok place. H aya tiratIif the An oîImd-uta bu,' n in eltectdurmug here is little question but tilai the 1 faihirdta live ui tut an agreement imoney bas diaappeaned that It vas intfle la>'i1--w dais authorlzlxi tt fee ail delivemy wouid have bren roucering thre amouni lie rsas ta tome other manner than that descrrb- itiniih tu ibdinchage froutltw-secured. Thene was ..enird ac- toîtribute 10 tire support oft Irseif ed by One o! the proprietons of the es ri-11tu')(ilii.-luet() ilficelrsItutflon.tasecune the service, and ecii intdsnter'ai mnor children. taunant. He openly charges that the l siunrn uIuer* .-uuetFi-a dently tire postal Officiais feit that the juIr. WYnin gained cunaidenable proprietor of the cafe manufactuned hi lais- talken thîs tuîpoiunit% pe=le u thie vIlage did net vant Prominen-e aoma c, ime ago when ire c te) igitouituoftheb.-strvice. thougilt tiete Mai delivereiL proplosed ti echéme ton the solution ot 4h.e uOryout rais1h. voe ttsAj lto are etligîble under the-order the- tinancial pîooueîs of he ,it ned sou unnov reOnfîeeî,-Jhils morinig. ai.. ttucking ruertales 10 aifti the war delti. The assistant chief points Lou lie ;1r di-iunîtg. it-vasrulentîitIn:un îtîuî i - SLACKER JDRIVE tact that police men passeli the cafte , utle ,n i l!" tio-uit 'r . 1 i.te several limes helveen tire eand four . "i -n i itnrit usthe-l ,ur ,ed te bav-e takea place. lie sa3-s that titi itwii IN LAIE COUNTI IS ROBBED, 'WALKS eaeh timetehle restaurant vas damk. htit ntrt luthhnuiuli u lut-,uieau undedgnril ., t 115 UNI)ER WAY TO WAUKEGAN; att-t n:]attîotieiUnd s l ie .tii aunnun- mitiles tû soInueuhqut, auli jHO T FU D CO.TREASURER WT1OU F>D rý (ut il*i,( n I n.irihta -t .ni uni ,Detail of investigators from IS M AKN U T' uit 'Iriî.uiauîton Ri* hu iitn.ud Fr hria cui C. R. Fisher held 'up in Evan- I~ Airi u i n m' Itl;ii,,lini. - : 1- entire territory stan Iast night; counts ties TAX RECEIPTIS i-.i)ISlttuIj tm0i>der. M dhlI.rh,-lAit:h finelig-neoficrt ram uta this City Brciem - i , uitL th iIten 'i ntusn i-air-l tf liait dodgems anid County Treasurner Roy W. Ba rsiack-r.n(]nî a nuniber ot arestut are Een i lin- Etanston police refuse t and bis aides wlll -tant nexl we.-k Il i, b,'i iti iitti iien in t-reladin> rxperied. tuo bei-otite ft-i-ied oie: a hold-up. the vnltlng skele éton receipîs- lfor tire, Scîtutl andui Iou llunacutinKur. The itflîîtatou ii.- %e list f exltrien te Ilu. ' R.Fisher, of Scnan- taxpayersns btinl township. l i a ýi Iî tnîr (i">nul tiat ,vadpr., and ltackers and are a ouveltu. ,and vhen be tir- order 10 gel t a'age aint' aoUf uit t ur u nutile fai-ofta e on ite ittu n Wmukegatîî an 5 cloc t tirs _______ingitrilei ar ftoeo ilning lit- 'ta- onsiderably dis- r vork out of the- "'mi%%*lien the nush 1 h ~it ho driniiuýit' aIiîer their ec-gttn u u nn fbigbat begins, thlngs hingianrifr'rquiet, i a ',tcuteiutltitUîti-I, Ir) uh.l nving aofîieimgoni ha vn i d e r p 1 h.- u s oýaom kt e , i io A TM E I T H i s at - i %: i m ntl n c n te- i lli t I l c- u a d T t t u - l eal' g lk e d w a s tec au t E assisanarts arli Ihuli bu-able tu dl- l'., TO tiai ar,6(1 or(-iinIwNwCeta olhr.c ers. F TÀL T T RII1o-IIniliLL rl-s n.n. l-,n i titu i)n îitiiin lEtanston nelieved anc u,,eucu io ic-t q-itvnui ,fiV TIi.-Chicago,. North Sîtore & Mhl- wvaukee eieclmhî rallroad ia cor- îletrd consbucting of a aev tract ire- rveen Laite Bluff and Lake Forest and la nov operathng ta trains over lie nev înacks. The coinpaity la nov at vomk ebuiding lias old tranka. A numben otfirouses bave been moved along Sheridan roadl for the rigit et vay. The company expects ta have lie improvements completed by tie firsl of the vear. P. Le Z. &W. R. R. lIAS FLIVVER CAR Thi- transporntation haritnursinoulul tisvt- i came or tht' ilrst thing they lcnoa-t hiehr rail roadtu ll viibe trlte itaituloaitire fiivv,'r king. On the Plainei. Late Zurich & Wancanda rnilruîtd I te passeingers miùre itady tuing 'rîlofei'ittia it'îruiniotor. att -lui haslust hi-tn insialted inthtie tu1 ai h tasl trilîuroath van boacl mus olitn tocîuîk,. iii.' i-uiail usaingoi ltuu.trtrewtItuulomilh la. few biod.lY h fli itî' nr railtmu h is opematintg nior, -uccri'u' vf -iniancilai ti-ian mii a tin e l u t he Ilir-uuîî otr 's c hattu& iu t'a rtet J OHN GILMORE, ALLEGED YEGG IN TRIAL JAN. 3 John Gilînore. under indlctrment for the. alieged robony of tire Antleuth Bank, ive years 'agi>, vili he placed on triail ithlit circuit ceurt Jan. 3. Glimore a'ai te go ttrial ibis veekt but bis docter notithed tire eourftirhaI ire vasAlii. AiIED XMAN, TAEN ILL IN JAIL DIES; PROBATE ESTATE Paul Latkowkich, serving sentence for bontleuiqinq, became fatally ilI A rltlit-r unlisua i esîntt a ns lîlla t- ird loa inyluIe Counly court ahen thle estaie ot Paul Latowich: a-tit resitleulaI 10109 South Siridan Rladil carne up hefore Juilge P. L. Per-sons. Latkovihlr as convicled of Viholait- mng the pnohibiiar>- law and senten- cedf lu several month4 in jail. Fie vas 6:1. years otti. White In jaihe irecame 111 and neyer recavered frmon bis fil. nes, w hicii vssa id vas iargely the resuit a omi-y a' ven the vulfane of hilsaged wvue. Anothen Esisie Probuted. The esiste of Harifon A. Garvood of Anthoch. aiso itas prahated today .He waa one ut tie aid cutîlers iriJ Lake coîîîtit. and fls -itîte îuîtlued at $14,000. Fi,, bath estal iei Itu lioi urentgoea tar ,lisur widovs. AUTO SOMERSAULTS 3 TIllES, 3 UNIIURT I-t hun iturn..oftif r le Mori i ison. Grînui Lakeitrnd tnhiwo conipanuin, liaut 'n nr'w ersi-mului-Saturd tiavi-:i. lut ou tI ti preitn-eni striking airiti-r wtt iii theyu a urtý idinrg onuîik-mt tts-îi ai tei-iiu-ut. titir t':, r tiktfc i-t anti ituicid, andulthiie-Outen' tain nu-n we-ru in hrojrmeu. Divorce Granted-To Chas. 4orenberger By Edwards Judge Edvardsi oday granted a di- torce 10 Charles Horenherger froni Mrs. Mary Horenhenger. Horenhorger rouldes It Noitth Chicago. ge charg.d that hiesvite desented hlm lt May. 1916. They vers marriodlitn Tebruany. DAY. DEC. 15, 192 1. f' I IMILLION DOLLAR C- hiTE ALLE(iED SWINI)LE NOT TO lIAS LOCAL ANE elaie fGog igm JhsChcago merch W. Spee Bron conAtioh a fùry recommending that bho receit, is aresed n conecion 25 Years lmprieionment, have declared with Worthington tb*t no appeal for a nov trial wiilb. take. Atthetime the Jury returned L.ake county. whlch bas eslablished a verd1ict bis attorneY, William & . a reputation Of being cojinected with Deane, enteretd a motion for a nov tl practicaiiy ailthrIe big tragedjea, dis- triai, but relatives have since decid- Ir asters and national sensations, fil cd to drop the matter. in running true tu oro. This becarme evident today when It lis expected that sentence vilIllbe Pl announcement carne fromt Chicago D- sie Monday by Juigo Bd- R( that W. Spencer -Doc Blrown, a r-s varda. atier vhich Nlggemeyer viii filent of Antlocli in Lake county. bas b. ltken tu Joliet to begin bis sent-r '>,en arrested b> lederal officials. ence. Birown yas indicted si-triali înonths p agit li contion Wtflitili Jo' n W !BURGLARS LEÀVE Voî tlttngton- *saci7titipe o îî ton, wito is charged w~itlîtS ss.i' Sa ~ ~ ~ I 'd 'p itttinLi.uu: TR AIL 0F B URNED. thilign . tai'-hat hey di not seM1 , * -~o ( ti ini w I,,ca ,> fo nir t cetding t o oti . tt innin, flashlight convinces police tn rýj,I a entorin le ,, btioi.n u !itl-r they were amateurs g -02 P'ii g l..seit foi ced hitn in- motigt svri o-di to othlitchanriels of business, il it ao nnutn oseea in 'aid. .lreddllIars was obtained by ulipess firoa r has, leu-n living at ADtiot l helinte, 34 ot Carlesue. fit- for nie last year. Hie aiways lias i1iP1essPdth ie ,eople oftlihalt coin- day night between 3 p. m. and 8:30 bnity as bcbng a man ol consider. p. nm:, whlte tire tamlly vas avay. Pi ablenieas. le ws rearde as Accnr-ding to a report maldp <>tuhte It abl nîsn. le as egadedaspolice by the Lintiberg's lthe foiiov- le, one oft he substantiai residents or ing articles weme taken: de the commin ity. Residents of Antiý och hadl been Informnel] that lie itas One browx coat. in tbe rutiber gonds businessj. They, One black silk dreas. were astonilid vhen tlrey learned $25 la cash.N ot fils arrest. Two diamond earlngsm One string of Pearl beads. 'Iwo cansco branches. one blaci< sllk pturge. 55 YOUTIIS FINED one steel beaded handbag.- a FOR LÀYING BÀLL .l« do ih h i o lg on key. accordlng tu theé'police who IN ZION CITY were called to flie scene at 100Pg borne. Neighbors are positive thal there vas no one in the Lindberg "Grave offense" brings down bomne afler ::30 p. ni. wrath of Voliva and his Itwaafourd Ibat the thieves had a officiais Noicg was overlooked fi the sea~rciet l ______fer valuables. Thar the tieves were lb F'ifY-five youtbs vere tlned for the amateurs Is indlcated that they, used "turribie" offence of Dlaying football matches bilightlng their way about18 la a publie park and three others vere the hpuae lnatead ot uslng a flash- ho fined for piaying Ândy over and romp- ltahl. Burned'matches were scattered ME ing on the green, today in In the court about the floors In ai the moonis. ait S( tbi sel an int col Dam. "Oid ciothea." vas lie nepiy. Tis ili not satlsfy the offleor a ire ralaod the top virere he o tud, the articles llsted above vili 8*. ception o! the eigit gallon croek,. Doar vas arrestol ani tak« tea' Zion'-station. and releaseil an hoi atter analgnment befone Juit.ce']R In Waukegan. PLAN Bîfi VIADU CT OVER ST. PAUL R. R ON BEL VIDERE Id Divison engineer of tha-P road company conferswIt counýy officiaIs today v. 1 tmili, divisiion ejîgineer Iln Cluueiugi. 'iiwauitee & St 110 tahiiui.îîi in Waukegan Mos4dj wth liaries E. Russel." r' it.ti-ttd-niof higtiryys. Wl I ,'î'tvi t-it 'thte pnolrsed ceollU iluit i . n aduüt on Beitore re nu"it b, i;ri tîs tii <tue iail,,. ir ,n Roitund Lake and ltak~inev C'sîrî. iRussu-ll andlstate ilgb ifttcI-ais have- talion up lhe loIS 'iithi t ii.v St.Paut1 vith a vlev' of *U lnaiing a uanîcemau, gradae CweM becausue helviderroad, hiSun I pnoved as a lalte bond ss ePrOjM Ivlu b.- suhiecteîl b aW"4 0of t raffle. Mr. Smlttand- Suirt UomlIn' oven thè route Monday afIi""~ tour of insPeoÇion ad-t4««0 whai kînil of aa 1d1ct Altho alerace - Position ias ju., son ot W. J. Ohr amemben of lie Mr- Obe's formai lce was made lInt h tcm Pitedcl intire fi mress. llu ltter toliows- 'Iri. i., nppomiunirty 0 (ictýtr th le -uttre ! ou nty 1r% irt u u ai t l'lrim ir,- tola ei e h . jt'ii. t'2 i mlug e thte çit i us i-,-- m inklin ' oftul le I o tintY i tutu tuttjitlu cani ut tee. tn it rt J aboutti ni.- thiatLaite com ruflltctl-nkuý-ru, lcir îpromnises t give their hli tii elu-cting sone Cen didate ironithei.-town ot L)eefit nul nom, yull put tIre n thtIr est. Youns iruly, WILLIAM J- ORE&~ Mm. Peansali also ias sàervod tb nibllc lia a cenaldenabiae ottagl« ng served tva years as tovit io -dcom and for tire last thrme yora eiutY caurîty treasurer. 9UCII lOME IIREW AND ,IIOOTCII AUE FOUNI) ATZDoI 'Vice of Zion confiscate hm. stock o! booze found in Wm. Doar home A raid conductod. by Chief »@Mk id Asat. Chie( Stried of the >boiB ce dePartmen' Tuesday morang ci e home of William ban, 3110 34111 sulevard, ZMon, rosaitedi lu . OU ocation et a considerable amoutq LMme hrev and hootch. The raid wà gde by the tva ofticers- on. tbi mrength of a search varrsùt obtU4Ue 4onday atterneain of State's Attorfl AMeng the- articles conflacatod, hg e officera lintheb.Dear home vee:ý 32 quarts af home bnov. 17 pinta af home brev. 1 quart af white ie. 2 one gallon juga of home braw. An ehght gallon crack. 2 cana of malt and hapa. The officena bail made Quit. a rouo earcb of the bouse vithaut floeU ny tnace et hoaze. Flnally they cý te a iailvay vhere thon. e agi nuci tbat appearel to have a reuu île top. "Wiat's iit i?" tbe police aukdlM PACE j. 40 f Justce W. . Sihaiisa i Oi. n Forty af tire grid. satellites recelv- ed fines of $3 andl costs. It hehng thein final offence but theoOtien Ivelve vene oid offendens, iaving played Ivo or thnee times. ao they drev $10 andl coat Tire basebaîl players vere flned $3 and coats. The detendenta veme tndepndnts. and thelr attorneys, John D. Pope and Albert Hall did nat 'put lit any evid- ence. The case viii he ,ppealed ta fie circu't court. NORTHI SHORE LAIS SOME NRW TRACKSî a# 1.69 unusa ewý styles sud rtb- nauge. S, 79è, eau tu cor»»g os are sm.ela8- Sa-le 'icotinet *4 S.ti.s 18.50o DeMr Ie i i ne. aff bye mm- ral r 1

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