CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 15 Dec 1921, p. 9

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- LBETYVLL' :NiEPNDENT LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT MfE XXIX. \>0. 50. Lakce County' s Big Weekly Cimb"aio Greger ibis other Weeklies in Couot>' Cornbined LIBERTYVILLE, 1ILLINOIS, DEC:EMBR 15,12. f!~ty ,'Iminstration wins fl9ht f orpwewater; new pumq, in three weeks -IdAYOR DEACON ELATED tin ont of tise bottent eetionq ev'ex bolald la North Chcago, Use proposi- ltilon of putre water carrled by e der ta- Ive ote on Tuesdsy. Focs nft il- e 1, 1 admnstration had wiitti i a hard Orft buttIhe plan Providing toi- the Vipeat e of approxinîatd Y> 15) tq «l*einesetalltion of >1a ne, 4i~tubnistation and ilb" aln.tng ai d", Wells, carrie'd by a ilajaily o! , lS. vote$. lt 2nd 3ril Total Foi, the l'au.. . . 35 421- Il ; 67() rAi.aifwLet jlan..215 212 5-j 48?l T'he. reuit cof tise eacton in real- i 1- was a sweellng vittor> I!or May'or Sli,,îiiy leucon. muaload ;saged s l iaid and conistent lgiit 10opuine iuti rriThe confidence reîîose-d tu the I-ton urged by the mu>ar waîs an ask- nowledgment of tise battl- ith won in Oecurltig a it-ductbon inzthe- pîlce ot water. rbe rate was LI cciiper thùusatid gallons. Ma>or lkaeuii suc- SCoed-ed la getting the ite tetluc-d tu0 9 cents a tbouaand galions witiî an aUdititIal drop to "d cens per thous- andOproviding tht coiisunuptioa ex- opeis ont million gallons a day. Tisare la lso a provision for s dis- omt flt ve per cent for the use of additionalwaster. 1 The contract for lnstallig thie new puMping station and the ainlieg of tielel bas been let to liee %Villam H. (.51er Compaany. 1'lita concernaI- seatl bas souk u nt deci' wll wblch lia turniablng the etty wilîtw ster and awsither well la being souk at the tpiesent Une. It is dot îîi t(u feet and frobably willb go tiovran tt addl- a-onsi j41>1l--t. Iftis ficit thaithîs biî ui,y 11e city aiiiabunant pare %ater for a long tile ta came. The aûttlquated îiuiti lati.e Waster ,ois bave served for tsîentY-lour years ad ara te bc junlced. They are, i10 bc replaced with, two modern. elec- tîtkcally diven centriftlg&l DpbmP$ whidWI yuxtp directly tram the SW-ells. gCh of tIlse epuutis utlbave eacçgaudy of 1wo million gallons per- Als'ay. Ibe lrot punfp. accordlng te Msy retn., wilile installed In- ide of tee w-eks. ",Naturally 1 arn mach pleased"* mayor teacoo sait todeY. qî ,car- tatnly la a cause for satisfacti.o tu reaIze tisat ve rgolas te b ont of the few cities on tht north shor Swbicb ilîl really have îpure water. We are golng to haveý-t Il antI an abondance o! ilted wh~ be able 1.0 ~supply Waakegan il desiled. AILBURN SCIIOOL DISTRICT ITEMS The littie folks have been maklng "~Christmas gits Ibis w-tek. A rother's meeting wss held Wed- nesday atternoon. I~Mise; lone McCarttîy la c*k tis W-tek. <bThje ourth grade liad tht htgbeet r.verage In epelling tant. w-ek, tic tlîeydidflot lihae . espell Frlday Thetfoillawitg ara tliose wbo have heen absent durlng thic past w-ek: Roberta Hook, Warren ilooks, Len- ard -Larson, lean, Donnie,Ânes K.- L-bolaus, Clara Rasmussen, Arhur Slauger, JatlItauser, Merle McCarthy and Vernoni Webb. Th Ts choal ls getting îeady for a Christmnas prograt. Mr. and Mrs. Arhar rishlbof YarIk ,~Hause appui Sunday ait he Pearce homne. Those perfect ln spelling lastIw-tek Stwert: Ethel iIlcGlre and Italph Mc- 1Guire. f Mrs. Pearce vlsted ai ber motber'a borne atirday. Franka Kimbark of McNatighton, -Wl.., vialted aI WM. KubOttts, borne *George and Augut Pocus vlated nt Wm. KubQtus' home Moday. Anpla Kubotsis ll I. Overshadows Puait.. No mater whût hls faultasnaRy be, 7.we aIssys bave a sot place lu aur herts~ for the peracan we enau - A 'geaui tuewtit.-Fariil Life. TIr*. f.ILM Russolue vfuteea.inlaHrbin, Manelual, ie aieà.. peailsat argsly uen .Amsricas relief orgaàmniaa. TIIESE cldren are Rusian rf- ugees, tit- re" rci mure tItana million destitule Russians liv-e ing in exile f rom Bo shevist terror. Their parents wce members o! thse educated and professional classes of Ruasia. Now tht>' liVe in tenta, gbucks, dug-outq or barraclis in Con- gtatinçple. at Medterrancan porta monî the Greck Archipelago anâ lIse Rassise border. Tise hope off itîtia depentis upon keeping tcse rrfugers alive and fit for tht recontrtion o! the poitical .n soial ife o! their country when thse Bolshevik tyranny bas fallet, gays Eihii J4oot, Arneican delegate to the Limitation ai Armiament< Con! erence. l'Ir. RoM t iet-eq the Brlshevil< terror is drawring 5tradil>' oward ita downfail. "0f coutrse the attempi 10 reverse ecrinomnîc laws andi to ignore tise moîtrt e'.Iated Impulses o! Luman rature w a, crtain 10 fai" bc says. 'It was on,).y s tion cf time, la the meantime tise Boshevik policy bas heen ta destroy wviaI ther called the 'borgeoisse,' incudsng ai these w-ho. b> intelectual superiority, education. encer and enterpise, b>' c&pacity for organizatson or admitn- istration n commerce or finance, Or manufacture, or i.y>' banda -f, pr- iluctioti. or it lit-athre or relhilea WAT ER 4CREAS .E[N MR GNIFY- MIIEO OMAC- ITiNO&. 10 Las-e achieved an>' uceai liting therr. abos e thse enditions surrotnd- ing unskilled labar ia Rasis. '- tween svstematse vhahhiemU-er-. w-bichsaliicontyt-ues &Mexilae escape murder, tIsera la vot materiaI Rlf InlaRussnov ewompte-( tent to lead b ise*aregaeratlo of_ thse government. Tisai mast h. dont b>' men and womnen w-ho èra mol.. homelessexiles 5and tisa>'muti is kepi alive for thai great service tî humnanity.", The work cof tLe American Cesbu Comrmttee for Rusalan Relie o wbich President Grant'm s d.U4b-> ter, Prncesa JUlacBI.PI Speran sic',il chirsnaou t bave universel supportIla Mr.lotl opinion, as the cont organsI hâv- ing as iii single interesltitheartof Rassian refugees. Throagjs Prbacaq, Cantacuzene'a efforts food aa<' chothes art being sent to au 5ia7 refugees as possible In addition W tools and rmateriala. Even the mmli' est of tise ebldran ana bah bag tl tme tradeamh as bex.raig or! ehoe-cobblng me that thq tcar mm a fe c-roubsles. Thée ai.f.16. cou.. mitte Ia ta fit refugaes& tebelpl thesammes-a, pankoWClaJ' soldlm and salter. w-bo fougit and vere es4pphd, la ibm Worid Wàr. SIIERIFF'S OFFICE EARNS $4,451 IN LAST ô MONTIIS County Clerk Lew A. Hendee also files report with board of supervisors INSPECI POOR FARM 16TH Reports o! the receîptsanmd expend- ltures in tht offices oi the serif and caunty clerk w-tnt !iled aItishe Tues- day afternoon sesion of the board of supervisors. Sherif Greens report shoved that during tht six menthe ending Novem- ber 3Orh, tht tarnîngs of the office w-tnt $4451, and o! tIsai amount 83.' 895.42 w-tnt received. Tht expensea for the period were $2862.75. - The report o! Count>' ClerIt Lew- A. Ilenilte was as follows: earned Recelved Probate fees.... $2041.20 Il 75025 Lawi tees ......... 1,144.25 794.25 miscellaneous .. 6,701.03 2,388.05 Total----------$9,886.48 13,932.55 This witb tht total recelved and pre viously reporleil ampuints te 113,883-67 Tht expenses were ai !ollIM.* B al- an>, $1,500; cttr. -htre, $6,980; office expenes, 133.05; balance duo coucty> $6,370.52. UNCLE SAM TO ACT AS A PEACEMAKER IN FAMILIS Amas spaclal.. Thraa-pleca break- Uble Sam wanti his marrIled arn- efficlene'ln ie Iswork If he,éomas 10 wt cat lnçludlug round drop leAf ployas obe ha hppy aI home no tIse>'tise office liter a 41ght w-bIh .Lis w-ia. hie, 1wo chairs, painted Bil a ray,. caa lia efficient ln their work and, la "A 'maried womn-a worai ýha timSthoaUl>' r-mmad w-lUshs5'ilonIl: accomplish thlg rasait inone o! ia log more lernperanmettal tLie a uan gi blue. An ideol Imas gUit fer omre San Francisco offices.,Lbu declded 10 -isn't ai>' good ait day lang If m$he se, tfor omir017.8i. Schwartz IPar- laite lt oIt of peaisernket- and halp isnu qearsialeil wi1h her Lasband et tui-e 09, 316-223 8o. Genesea treel. patch Up dontetle trouble. breastl. .- - it Thte av i-oie, sabd tobe tht moat Salit.Disput@ ln I-our. - rernarlabla o!tils kMid aver put loto "l lint hMRe a huMsaitarbali !ffect la an>' faderai office la tise dut>', it la a moivice to liese oret-: Unied States, va. annuaced rent- mente If b3r patcilU Uti troublesata ly 1tise 400 marrild mon andi vomen home'I cau maire lthe 400 mart-1e empîloyez o! the office 0othf UseBn tola n-th@ Unted Blat« euatéwp Franisco collector o! cuulomie b>' W.-et-vice al hippy. Tise>' viii YorkI R. Hamilton, who retenti>' bataile more afenlf" lb. Lead of the o0fce. -Bafora Mr. Hailtonis adeï hlm taIS - ,ly maSs EMolIenoy. La held anire uli ooffacs vil# - ' Portions of Mr. Hamillosai alIt fl- Oxa e i male alapai Ou â thlcm - pl"Oysuwltvire h 4 beaultet"ibé A aitd-nor a a ffew et boum& der a a, dwoi - i utVid~w-ieerIse>' a ur twO. t trae* »«' -e. vsauitla~llnt do thir w- -atu - . *ht~,'sa I - - ____________- ATER VOTED AT Million Russian Refugees Live NORTI CHCMiO In Exile From Bolshevist Terror Exquisite Evening Frock Ez~jI a TO CALL* ELECTION TO BUILD COU RTZ HIOUSE ADDITION Resolution introduced at theI meeting of board of super- visors today PROBABLE COST $300,000 A rpsolutlon recommqudmng' î $300,000 bond Issue be by t It peuple of Lake county for Illeur- pose of constructieg an sildihmon lu the courthouse, was introda d ieholue the board of aupervisaill tOIa>. lit was recommended that 'ie tiçn be held Nov. 1922 t wlwhlime a regular lection will be boit The re solution wass orùiîlv Supervîsgors A. W. 'ri". 1F I Kirschner and A. G. Matt-:,a:îiii was carried. T ho enlargement of the tointhtousé la apparent, anld Tuesday vIien th.- board conven ert,tht> spenrti, no if the mornihîg waitlng for c.ý-i u be dlsPos§ed of infthe countY and (ilcrUit courtrooms go that they .ould haie a place ta meet. Whefl 1he toard of revlew and supervisors are in vesjon and one or tva juries dut, w 1h o(),li eqefi being trled in tiret wo coUrts la 14grEat congestion In lb' court- bouse, and this even wlth T wo of t hp' county offices nfot in the CoLînti- tîîld- ing. Furtber action on the îîiie'îwil bo taken up latter in the seek. WATERBURY SCIIOOL DISTRICT ITEMS Agnes Kelly la mucli betii and îs attending achool ajyain. Valaria Slazes was bonne wriiia se- vere cold last week. Gustav Christenson ant Marion I4aynes V iaited Mr. and Mîiý. Cliiirten. son Sunday. John Armour lias pui-clia Fil a 710W tractor. Howard 0'Hare was an Antioch vils- Itor lust week. Mr. Guerln of Ljhertyville v'sited Frank McCarthy luat Friday. Mrs. Ândrew Stran g o! Zion îjslt- or Thursday. Miss Ruby Gillingas isi!ted C. Lewin Frlday of laut week. EarI and Merrîli Lewin wtre Wall- kagan visitors luat Friday evening. Mrs. Mînnie Laughiîl visited T. À. Kelly Tburaday. Miss Maud Gillbngs vislted with bher brother Vi4ètor laut Sunday. . The card party given by the M. W. A.. and R. N. A. Tuesday evening was a great success. Mr. and Mrs. James 'Hlare ,îlalîed Ia Waukegan. Mrs. Ândrew Strang vlsited ber brother Geo. Sheldon at Rollins asat FrIday. Mr. and Mns. Fiesel vislted Chicago lant Sunday. Elizabeth Doyle la wonking in Wau- kegan. Mrs. F'Iesel and Mrs. Sweeney vîsit- ed in Zion one day last week. Clara Doyle vislted relatives In Lib- ertyvîlle laut week. Marion Hagerty wa Iromie over tbe Week end. 'WEST FRANKFORT MINES WORKIN4i West Frankfort, 111, Dec. 14.-Coal mines Inthtis section of thse southero Illinois field, whielîi otaina some of the largest bituajinous saats in the country, w hile not working at full tcapacîly, are fax ing bel ter titan other imines la thia part of the state. a sur- very of conditions shiows. Practîcally ail tht mines In thîs immediate vlcinlty are working two or more days a week whlle In other sections but little actis îîy la report- ed. The reasoa given for the general lnactIvity in the coal industry in souther Ilîlinois this >ear Is asslgned to the fact that heretotore a great amolrnt of the coal mined hore bas been exported and that the resump- lion of work lua tht Europeafl mines han considerably decre-ased the for. alan densand. Reports frorn DuQuoin state that the mines In that vicbnty are worlc- lng only from noea to two days a week. lia thse Belleville district, there are 27 mines worklng onf an average of onei and ont-halt daya par week., Sornle 0f the mines has sh ut down en- tiraly wbile others report only an ,occastônal day of work. .. Oflicials of the Old Ben corporation at, Murphysboro stated that White tbey could not use aey îddltional objtfts or mon, axperlenced 1 miner. wtta>certiftcatasare needed ter their luilh '. The 014 Ben Corporation operatea about '200 minas la. the gtstbami ¶Unots feld. . * Eefles and Vltures. $*U âIliO. n«ie reýnp<tathe, ýCOUNTI PAYS FOR SBOMBING DAMGE TOSMITII'S HOME Wiliam'Grace estate apprais- Resolutiion fromn score of or- ers appointed; many other ganizatioris approve action probate matters up of county board MAIMAN ESTATE UP JAN 9. PRBSENTED BY CAPT GORBY The- with of William G race. of Bar- Wiib the action of tise Lakte county riagtn, whose etaais is.estiîaated ai board of supervisora, autliorizing the a value oft$11000,000, including on payment of expensea lncurred b>' o! te moat beautiful country homes State's Attorney' A. V. Smith fallow-sng ln Notlîern Illinois, was proved and tise bombhng of bis home on Jackson admitted tb record ibis w-tek in pro-sre atumn sarpiaio bate court, and tetters w-tnt tsfutd 1 treths umra ersIt tht Merchants Tttle Trust company bIs action la the plros"cutlon et violat- of Chîicago. ors o! the bootleggers and blind-pig- Fred Kîrschner. Frank Hawley and gera of the count>', the board atItlIate- Mites T. Lamey w-cnt appointed ap- lernoo n session Tutada>' received cous- praisere.* mendation o! ils action in d~e malter Tht major portion of tht estate from moré than a score o! the eading gots ta biis 1w-n sons. Mn. Grace was relîglous and clvic organizatlons la a pioncer bridge builder. thie county. The counîy Incurred con- Petit ton la lte estate of H-enry slderable expense by lte hiring of an Mainitin. o! Wauconda. was filed and offîcer to guard bis honte irom fui tîer the matîter set for beaiing Jan. 9. 1 Petltion for final sceounting the ()ourages. ettate or Emma M. Sbumway. Wau-1 tesolutpns of approial of the ac- kegari was contlnued la tht 26th o! lion of the board w-tnt read b>' CapI. tîtto niontis. John W. Goirby of Lake Forest. Tht Petfition of Miltlîreil R. Wainwrlght. resolutions contained the namea o! wattl now- oser 14 yesrs o! att. w-am lînudreds o! prointnent cîtizens of fileit. Ttîe bond of guardian n bhe ap- Waukegao, North Clcaego, Lake For- itîttîtw-si flxpd at $39.000. Indîcat- , Higltandl Paik tandl othierto%0wns in lng ti-t lier attare o! tht estate la 10 the' coinly. be hoîf t liat amoiint, 1est-utc on the s toe fPaul Lat- kow jol, i Sîtedan tRond, w-sacontin- ucdto îoJan.i CIEDI9.C RII l'-iini lti' tlat(e o! Mary . 1E Rifl ISJRS So!ir-ý ot-rto sdI ti orert v w-s as ît Thte nia> tet or t>svid Eteter Shian non. of f;sîrne,. for w-brm tht ap AT CO. HIOSPITAL ponnttof ca coniservator t bctng j .oitirîtt. wa-î set for Dor. 19ý Thto con- -svalor', bond lu rin be$7,600.e 1 'lite botonîl or supers ko? w '-lit to Ifearinr tn the totat cf týition lte county iostitilt olti linon' for A. Garwoor was ront inite to Jan.9 i luncheon as tht ecîofthielias- Cita I coiltutot.'., îînd tIo ise ot the Transportatiosn nChias. 1'ýo legs f4?r5 4rt uisîiin'eî and foitur .t for Ion9'*tics," IS tht com- mton îîetîod O! tFatisportation le China. Altîtottehi ralWa~ys anîd teatn.I Blihra-ps coiig IitO iService', itîtebm lad "LJuey trains as'ill h1 ft'eutly Uscd. t -ont of tiat'l Ways. IViien the average titn pays n cote- pthîîîeîît 10 lits sîfelite svhspers 114 butf îrin lit motîils te iieghibors con bene Iiiiîi -At cl!i -ri Globe. gava lise Repaie Bill. Wlîetîtht balla reftst ta reapantl do nol Send for t eelectrlcina ha- for(. 3-U examlet e ba btter>'. Per, bîps tke vate-:IîsS evporated; lia Ihat 'cale ahitIester sdàed will repuir thse Ir t tis Jota -not prote m~îitfyetaspi'tiste jar' and raffitî wis ss'ttr, lta nad--ml - amoulet, abbow-ing a quarter poe~ to ostoqutart Of w-nier. Tht prob- ailîtica are you 5511 sas-e the repaît .Want t glve-liov mach ta pi>' lo [easi ly solvail here. Bee speclal w-l7. dow- displa>'o!f la à,of aven>'de scrip- lIon visather for.yoslag or for aId, at IPrices mach lower tIsau you Intensi- 'adl to psy. -Sebvîrt Furulture CO.. ~*p$, Se. Gspa eaet, imtI seuiL LIBERTY VILLE, MEN 9SBOW NATIVES NEW- TiAPPINO TRICK' Capture hait iozen pole pus- sies without aid of iron- îawed contnivance GASSED tHEIR VICTIMS Crizie titppers cau now O4LL5 plat ast v their Iran-jawed traps.'is u. cüfuIntî.,;0frtheir ile bonored *65- tiivanees liais gon- the route a! axae dancing att-t1ttie dodo. Otto Baldvla and '*.Mutt ",Icoramick. o!fLiberI?. r ill,2 îlr ti Ctnes- ways of takin$ fui' b( il in"- unimate; whose peltis gé, te niakt xmiltadyv omforteble and provide her w itti lenct-timmings. On ie rbeaulli-al countryetaat 0of Willi araPrc tow fLlberty ville aad t--tat' agency cf Chicago, IBaldwin end NivC orinick teaintrt. were a number of SItipei harkpd "'kittpns"'. othervîse kîrown ias 4kitun k-ý.The Preston ri-t- den " kis inocccipied 710w 5asthse 0w-li or li roidjnc lin(Chicago. se tbey drove tlîeir flisser 10 Itît place and I-zan %ti ' T ii it"'. t iti r "irai)" coosst.t ii- c f the "Iattleii-ap' ftitvtr and s TuIe Y atactîcîlcnt entd of thj- bost n tlle t\liztliiipe t.!tht auto and i c"d heil tte ri iei n ile birrow- lead- i 9 o tht don of tht aPecies mepisetis and started thtenorgine of thse car, wtîicb f)i e keluti running for teS mîi-. Utes. Ttîe pote-cats. neyer bavînif tîtard nf trench warfane or Ras maslrs. were 'lire and 1limp w-hen air o! them were remnove'd frot thelr w-nter quar- tera andI relie 'd of tîjeir bIdes, wtïicb will hring a handsomne price. and wil look titO lucre handsome en some soclety <Iteens ratament. 5 WAYWARD, BUT TIIREE ME @OOD Ernest S. Gail of Iliîghland Park, county probation officer. field a report of the activities of bis office ince hie appointîment, whlch was made Oct. 1,' Tuesday afternoon with the board of supervisors. M~r. Gala report showed (bat there weFe fOve persons under probation et the finie ot bis appolntment. 'Three et these are making gond ctîens" the reptnrted ostated, "and they are aucceseful in lite." Mr. Gall looksaflter the adults on probation, while Alias Mary Palme- teer lit juvenlie probation olflcer. No Speciatl imae for Thought. ý hen is ltebeit lime 10 lhink, te have ti4îti enterour ninds? Thought illong a eparîiculiir flleo can best corne when the niiiiii la anwenrietl and un- occoiped wlth otlier tbought-tht. finie et daly lias nothing to do wlth Il. The tired tomdi or tlhe mimd already. acilv'e hs flot ia condition 10 tblek. O)fti yon bave Iritil to rend a boolt mol îce unbleto iollosvlte thligbt of tu ni o. Eilier your mnd vrass tîrel or otiior sex'dng or miore interest. lng ttîonht fild the ground. lijt the nîlnd uliired and atîdîs. turtoîl aloi 'YIl rail hlik nt 011e Limn aâ w ell ns uanotber.-Excbnange. Hand-Made Top', tion. Tli.ty tiîuth ie building spten dîdty aii:ingrd and uttaj coiiiîîetlon. A nîîîîîbeofcithe superîiaora gai-e shoît taîtt, follosîlng thie bountifl dinner. The board will Insîlect the poor fsrm aI Libert> vile Frida>'. The bill of lie OtBrien Dlc-tctve agency was iefcritd te the juiciar>' con' nltte. Entantis, e!Peace. F- ite ttiitliior cfPence Iîîlîahhî w-it is-arsênlce, ambtiîon, ensY - c u. Here are two 01 flan 031001à ger and prîde ;'if ilîieetitre 1e lie ban- tisaisaedue 10t rreaM MChfb Ishsti w-e hotilt lnfnllibly etuJoy per. mas marning. A. bl&çk 11I tIat% petual pece.-letralî It.1 stand an>' amount of bard. Maos - ~ver>' easy 10 make, ia<lilfg Esi pair of alik stockh legs oPtIat Isam sua'vlved lise vora-esi £at.S t Jud Tunikîns. tht wors tet ad UlIt &ë fi US Jîtd 1titiktir, sa>s tht eisriesl rre'ud Ctie to Msà the @a askitng aeitiinîp'.by Is Iti'v ytoit1.1- ev a seam, aiont tisaUsa *t gato kec'per nlatiy% bets tht road rue -aide eut and stuffvltI. t. dow-n ilen he lins Il ahI bigs etvn w a Y- tise bsody>. Wina lia r4wlaoe e topo w-ih unauilcoraft e lW lia.i _____________ald lie a gay boy et VVAUbta ' Cedar cheata nialce an lîeal girl. aed. Tuew- Wbbila ns buiti It la a asting onet. laR racticul and tise eyezanad hmAu,',I you enu gel one for *Your* motîter. mouth'aid wislakeu oM.UO w-iae, sier or sweeîbîeart at 1-4 off ls drêssed lep vu a bOV t t from nonw untîl. Xmaa. Wc'bI dtlivet ITise eleptat lé OM your seleetton whan you say., Couse duvetMn plabsst or,«"ft*-' la aow-, tis alssrtrtnt 1,3 vrsy com-eut 1,>'aIpaper stat'S.ab plate. Scbw-artm Faaitsnct'î210, Mebtittobs5 ubig a " b 52~Bo.(lecut atreet. Opz.av It Ail exqulslte irock for evenlng ls thls Claire design of aiver cloth 11.d Royal Blue Salome velvet wlth silver grapes bariging irom the raistline. The velvet bodlce la held bY RhInestene chains whicb venture, own the back and bang ln looped, glitterlng lenathe. WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN DEATII CAR DAME TO BE PAID BY INSURANCE CO. Attorney gets court order to permit quardian of victim tg accept payment DRIVER HASý DISAPPEARED Atty: Thea IL. Forby of Ziae City Ioda>' eceisteilan order Lsorn tht judga cof tht counl>' court ta, permît Dale Neal of Zion, father and guandian 0f Mabel Neal, aged .L2, whawas sa- iouaI>' injured ln an automobl.e rasei le Racine last Augusl. la accepi pa>'- ment and settîe witb the insurance Company', whlcb bas agreed ta pa>' $1010 for the bospital and iodai- iem o! tht girl. Tht automobile ln whîch Neal and hlm daughter, w-lte and another reta- tive were rldlng le Racine, w-sa struck la> a vampire care. driven by Jack Es-- ans, who was drîving at break neck' apeed. Neal's car was comphetely wrecked anedlits wite and daugbter were ljurd, tht foremoat seriously. Evan'a car vas hùrIed to the aide a! the itreet, tnlkîng and aerioualy in- juring a little girl, whowas walhing ahong tiése îtl. Evans w-am badly Injurd ad was ln a hospilal la Racine for 1w-o montha. Afler lhe recavered lha dlaappeared. $l,OOOOO WILL IS ADMITTED. TO RECORD IIERE. - ---- - . 1

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