104011t exppctf-d to take front raoflin1U. -S,.inu imroved highways TRFCNEEDS IMf'RrASE Wtli one of lie bot 'Iighway plans la 4Ne Unitel Stilaan ilnbasis, liii- uns = epmie uit lyar of nit- atIplgeery atate In Nee oeftry in pavai redoal oàtmtion. The. ~ mipectu 1 bulld almout 1,000 "Wh d diin1922. and. 1Ske t'place In the front rank of th asela liglway progran 'hevit al Importance uf perimaneni; ronde fté theeconomlc and Industial -piogrem; of Illinois la best abnwn by the speedy recognition of their value, a" the ever lncreasîng nûmber of labvmi transportation compates tbngothfe samIe. iready there bv eudemanda flai the paved rends nov ln use be nade vider,, and it bas basa aald that rond balldera areà oatulYlUg desparately tu keep tIleir1 ceectructicisplans adequael aluead9 of rauldly .nlnrginit lraffic require- mncal..1 Tn#k tndsa re lncreasing 10 joucb, anextent tint bulderi inut bob yedh Maead la plaaaing -lb.elocaioni a&" vltb ot Our bighvraii. Prunet rc4uIrements vil!b. no'more aitable tu 1930. than am e-nothesnarrov 10 foot state aUid a' lat vere cet- aid.ed >',aquatq inlu Oe sellJons ai rtcntly as a fev yesrs amo. Thi. Illinois plan o1 hlgiiay cou-j stractloU la carrW en o. he lb.ate asi comtilea, and ta dvided Itb four camtes,. . e.. oderai aid. tate bond laime, skate ald and couti Worl. teck- nleally kiown as 16-d, uider wblcb the cmîles avard contracta and paY for lhe reads. This more, may bu re- furned inater b7 tho state. The lait voir vasiIdeal 'for rend baliIta& Tbhon ver. afflie traapor- talion fatilîtîes. tober matertetandm ceatractors avallable. Drng tii. u0t esson Illinoisa ail, about 4M dmesf4 bard surieel reada te il» blgbway sytsn. Ammnif Ibis cou- trutei vire ftue rinilpal nacomplet ed gaw of lbe teoi ~air systen. ~ Sb gvea to tb. alate nomne of the oget continuons slrelcies-of bard surfaei Pavementa la. the. Ultel BIntiou. The laut season lias aise, been a bn nar yen lfor otlier satu and lhe sue- ceaivrai due prinetpslly 10 an early tarI. Peina.ylvaun a bted early ami bulit 692 miles, MIchigm bulit 350 m"lesaid WlicoaaS"40miles ?be -st dally output ut ome min- cri llinoi la 1920 vis Si? fet et 18 fot Conret. rond; tb. larget e- sons milage for ont;mixer vas S.31 mil«s. lM 121 the largel daiy ouput vii 1,4X1 fel iet16 fotcorerond a»d, th larget mleage "laivth ou. mixerva about 19 smiles, ibieo"Y and lgbt aiilts ver. oped artpo et the sensos. Shouli Aussi Ce.ivaehe auly .1l ta ' rama., M s . .51 at ar pahi etointracti laeshmîll1coi- nIueilla. aolbMmt ~Coametoe negire praeIIiir 0 wsl aafler the avard ietlthe conîract t10 organize and gel readi 10 lai pavement, and front 30 te 60 dais ta reacli a maximum out- put mtaistartîng.,Contattiorsar eb.- clmng more efftiei la mrosi bluing as sliovu by compatis«ofo the maxi- mum recordaslla 1920 and 1921. Raviv- er. 1920 vas sAirlES year for conlrac- loms.Thoîr ouput vi a ertalled by ey- erïy conStvable lhffeWet. LalPr lroub les traupapttim a l lcutes, causinh ea uaéil shortage at detlnatio4 veré the chieCause ic e"ay. in spile of tis mini coplractora ver. stemsa- fu la lié exeetionet Iliair vot. là, 33. lthe a yesr tliat contracta were dvariedmonhebis ebond iasue avtem. et 4,M00miles. ibot 170 n&à of brd surfacud mreu er. but,, d ta 1920, $40 miles. litinla luerealîng la note tliat aItthe begntia * 1921 iliere wve .about. 240-Islluu of uncampieeted contracta csxiledout and Iha durts tbe year, tueloding lb. avarde et November 16. eamtracti bhave bien let for 031 mles et vbicii conaiderably more tban 400 matlon are cat-nied *ver for construction là 1922. ed flouaNow a FacI The conutnlictioU-statueieoIllinois' Iniklflesysteiui et hlghvays compris- li lb.e sate bond iane ronds la nov siohe. mîte map. Itlelanov possible te drIva fr0. Chicagoa l a sit. I Lo- Sa evarube DixIe blglivay sud lh. Oh Natiol raitmîlvia Marshlml os bard sgurfacel pavemeit, vilt lihe exception et a ?ev niant stretcea vb.r. tesuper- ai, pavemIent la bbbell 11 10allovr gottâhmiiîof bavl fille. T h Vicgo, Joutet, Morris, Otava. Laisil e Pifl, 1pringhld, Carlin vnile. Ststm, Ed*animvMle sud East SI. LeRroulra-e ila liecomplelO. *The exceptions ar te h.Iv. ectloas lbe tvont Spriug Vlle and DePuesud SIt Ibi point Ilion. la a gqod gravaI de- te«t. Therm» rp aise kiosI gapas ean Gri V rs alley mand Itie Sat Cet rige souof o Mau dCiy;about a au%élest iosth of C#rhiavllle. Diluabus O.Dec 21-Fplourlsh- onleaed tbe, ateaton bank, soutb cohmbqoe talla. beld up lie meas- meW. P. Tod, l escapcd In sutuWeafler tling- $11.000 tum tw " »&iesu- as" Irawer. tg theUilo i v M, t Mte bhot -it t il e tilm ~~ ielwit 'lut e5ofltunilet" nOv. - A large ficle la lnnmpced ta lhe anow. vlitva wodiasietersacross- log it ait iglt angles. The Cent.r thus formed la "Safety.' Thte Fox la eblosen and la "Il.." as in cillier gaines. He* mual catchion, of thc 'geese.' 'lThe llier etilîdren, tb. geese." rmn aroanul andacrosaib e cile, Da ana l.nviug île b8atosý pallia. of cours&eZ s re atandilgi aI "Bafely" cannomt b. liggedbut le mnlleave at euce On thoe pprOS&b et another "go.». Once ag ls lagged. iho benoines "fox" sud muit cba»'lie ollers a lums. Beveral o! the old oga ines Iae rmailing, vhkb.mA»kes hem Juil nul for ocul-of-doors lu eoelveller. Wliee bere la a large group of cbldrcu that sucient paiatume 'un, Slieep. Run' vilIl be found lively sud full o? Interesl. The childtren. are evenly dlvîded, sarI gu-nup aelecting a captain. Thon ter. la belli a secret consultation Of euhi aide vthh ls respective capai, nlak viIgnals are arraogi. TIen eue group w"itIs captalft haves for biig. Tliey tIvel for corne dli- lance. marklnsg faIr eourse îi han- rova lut cbnlkj on adeWalli, fencea, Or buildings. Wben hlei are atchy iiidden. licir captaIs reterna teie other group The second group sar*I Qat 10 fini tliein,guided u by h .14i revu. As they econtinue, lb.ecpei et the hidi. m drSilla sgale vilch indicato hov non lbhe purmleca are approachlng. WMen leho hnka the paumsera are far enougli from #,%,al lie cnlis, "Sun, Slieep, Run!" The hldden group Ihen runlotob goal vbtlelte alliera lry t arrtve finît, If they do arive fInIt, ilIlien becomdî thlînturn 10 bide. Thene la sometlilug no faaclnating about thîs camse ltaI chludren viii play Il 1oijiiranmng. Touùg plèple or bîgli achool age nxe ail famillar vltb "Lagt Couple Out." Thle la ofen played lu ma- mer but eau ho iudas meItereatig lit viaO»r. Whbere 'a barn dance vas lontgbeliii. sgame conl b. ensly mmaigai ludors. justl6 baIbere vii pi40ly of spaco fa vhicb ta Play. VWor is.e w ay nover bave la- duilued ln Ibis sPort tlb. *nxde maies are bore glven. BOis and girls lin. up as for' a mach, la pairs. Tlie front couple caila. fLaal Couple Oql! Tbénendulcouple of lbe lîne seParate mnl ruorWposition at lbe front et the lNu. The. couple Iliere try te tta h bof ore hey ranch il. FuI- tug tila. leydrap ont of lb. gamme. Uf th.î doeati <holaut oupie befone tbey remeh tic ff10r>t Position àmoe twv, tii. drap Out of the. gazae, thua tlie gme i1muues untîl ou, couple la left tlbhmat! Fer fndass que foras f chiarae la emflm -New- Yok." Rere Ivo gpop. » m eamr, ec vthh a catilu. one grouo lewvea lb.ezom, »mol eeMtlg nfamase, or a vano!o Dy Marji. lHo"e Dtin AIClinstinas flb ceeus esptecially appropnlale ta rriredt&th lb.d garces, tlI av ee amused l ilîdren for sg.a paît. Boute of tiîem are besl pInyl out-of-doora, while lliera may b. pinîed elîlier wlbhin or vîlboul. On. o!fIliese. e goceral favorite, la meationol lis ane ofte Chisltmas oelebntlans Jnlu ekens 'Plckwîck Papeun,'.and ti ennîertelu Waab- inglon Irvlng's' Sket.-b Boak.» This la 'BLni !lan'ia But.' Every one la se famîlflr wthtibs good old gnse wbtcli vIii noer lore lis abtIttito amuse, no liai -the mues for playlmg It5enc mt b. gîis ber. *'Hîde sud Sek" ta a»"« o f tbegi aId "sandbyas." On. variation of Ibis ganue mtgbt b. tn.nUoned boe. We chidra. cuUled Il 'Ciem, It.' One chld vas 'IL"' At goal h. cavered hlta yeille lo counted tan caUilng auât "Cbeese Il" at lie ond cf Ian. Ho the% opened bitseyue mI saygie hob.mv moging bail te a* tura 10 goal. Wheu aI al à iaap peared from a uWbI b.bubt&mUL ho found one of Ilium, vbom b.omuat precede 10 goal. Tina bld thon bu- mme--"It suad lhe gameCotaumi This game of course, ta egu4 aiu- toréattaur whelier plaYed lulomog r m.t. -Fox and 0.05e." mohir ou favorite, la beit played Mut lu the LAXE COOINTERII ESTED IN OIL POSSIBiLITlES Wow recaled that that on sev- e ral occasions mon. dritftng wells have found off PROSPECTIN& MAY RESULT ScaldnestLo labe Couaty are mw!ci telte a l taheateml liaiu en. vella are 10 o ssua b alieM- lMem>- and Baon. countima. for Il la fel liere thâtiIf thorn làheb altar counîlea that lbe probâbillites are very stroug ilat lier. la OU1 bore aise. Bo fear as liaI la concernel lire bava beeu efforti f trilme 10 tinse to obaîn oi la Lake Counly but DO guiu.ra ever have beau locaed. j&l w valy a fev yiara ago Iliat su effort vas maie 10 slnk su artealan weil linte. vlcinity of Raundoul. Atler lb. voit had prapreaaed for m ime lbe driUlognahail10 ie stoppel for, Il vas found lIaI ci vu oazlng op out or lte bore. The veli vas abandoned for the man vIa vas drUl- ing Il vas lisagtsîsiover ual etlktlg good vater and dli ual par ea nI- teîtUon ta tIti osalililillea 01 an Oit veli. Belle! prevails nov Ilial bail thie drftlng proceedel fartier tbal oit mlgit bave been fournI lua aInSI quantitila. Il la a probable Ibat as a result of lhe activills iluthie neanbi COUa- lusg tbaltiere v«Iib, consierabie proapecling lu Laktcouat. t Procuces Frecklas. (tt ifi Illmte reuaIfreckle dispenser. iffis riis, on liir e-ny 10 enrilu, laU nlie.on thie juat andtheîle uine ané ao tite just und lte »aout. bsve freckle; tlîat l. tIbe. wbo bave skIas butil for freeiles-eneimIrI ersona et fuir complexion and baI. Soune people net-en buve freekies becauSe Iliîr 5knts ni lthe seineuns tint of the frecL-lelOunie The action afIthe sun oni lieaSiR of pensons o!f liglt complexion causs ayeliowla or browîîulh substance 10 axtideî front thIe second layer of Smini suit! forme freckleg. Boine people eten, baro permianent frectie!q, but tn t 'oyot . leople the freckies disappear -Liwenthue nommîer I. entled and tiey are iinelleI op lu wnrim clothlng vbei out o? toons -i'llauleiphîa- Ledlger. To e Rine FIl W< A new m=ittuèi< chc$iuni ra lu lui Dos tWby e ~ibwEe5orf he rock ilials oa4ýýe ith rê* o th tunel.Auruihdkdu e lu mexpie' glan la sufiscleal tefuuiàath lem te break swnî fronut14 bü ponta, A" t he flneî i lvled luit, full$ lotothelb.pas' anlige cuit pIrevCiittiblt MM" esfroi aprea(iliua. MUFFLERS NECTE GLOVES S"LK 111 For Men Have Hit Young Men The lJsefül Xmas Suggestions for Hlm: SWEATEÀRS HOSIERY UNDERWEAR ~TS -CANVAS COATS Store Open,. Every Nfriit IJntil XM, MAMIANST.M ~IaueganmiMWsreturn 1 o f txas *t. @uhrgo bile. A1lm, i Wê rest bu*e t wo eks rj-a tssuci at 11< pi dition. The Pâiowàng à"-" ed by the Daily 8»a Il MIter a honIng btti ismne, directlof0et U meut . t ulle weK fougit extradIllil. GM issued a watituI Iewn 0a0V. FoSt SoWtMNTdo Wholi11b.la rceff l Edwnr R. llen.433 Waltit i mo b l viitoh b.balm ,ut reluris to Fort Wertb. 7isai, te la Fort Wortb. TenusAw several syllabîcearranies to act ont the aillables lu sections. For in unI."1% tiretns syllabA.- ma b. bud- "nv assloe rmnnl.Tiled In dialogue llah the vord S Kf< A second cen b. dueiu pentonie. a W1uMAO TI permon 'iadlng" aommetimgeThe lasi 1'" a eledisSevMi ain te'Q5ý, 5 LV Ravlug deciioi ou aUi.edatallà.a bed&* je8I.Oaw et théboy,* - w m lb. gnous neturna te lhe room viier. I. A id- lie otbers are vaillmg. Theseop v at; mJ ou, â<i in moi à takns lien carry thirougii 'e ladin-,S"mESthe. food » ut W10*1> S wit lm à$ iogu,. 4hea nvn Dr. Pao.sodam MoIdial DisSeuiy .n viraI. "RaresvW*cope" touu Up the iOM&S mu ,Bik ilovoth6 peomymOwsp Second, "Wb.o em ' die na. ~ ~ ~ riai sjs ini,,'Nov York.» Wii u. dtt a èW11 Second, 'Wbit's yon r lai." lspin the cblood mai Second, 'Give ne corne." »d~trahti ir,.wi iny.u r This la tia signal 1 tentd le dialogue, or peat«mine. The eop- poslta gnoup 117 1e Sues. lie vord e tri te catch or capture tU r 0. dA rBraiyuu l o.b le n * p vet R *$ be group. U tlasirw lhe second groupaMdl touc. P Y dy inte IieSthy "t ' LUth lirre panteMin. parking ns osa lm avoiYod e co"lSdI Il one sa sImili b b eltm<bseohd BkO4W &- s" mDtD Mt games fotr aue vhlchadre. iiEflps eWts I aed s ra issr . Clilstis avcalmor vl ocnr10 p laate Make publie tia uttunmt-inhb"! deDILI him. For Instao ncerImela th idi. cià& I cannai mmmld thean800hhl7 t.tb.Pl I." and "Ducels'"On e b" 1b» an e MUed theM i n OWtaay fonr m ailha"v 11!P mamu,amaimmn G inla viCb ued éb" bf om "Mol èioe1j ail cia Meer sein the. iiet, for liaI *« I1 My " W* haisi alaa w h.'odlai0 M t jbll gond feliovatis a ppy oop- an cherfaly reomMU it IL-E. J. CAXPEI. pasaonbi 1Ou nd séyeptoetar.j imad oQg b vlw W lins Bu£%l,N. Y., fr a ii -Boys B otton BATS àUSPEND"R BEL19I 1 CLOHING.PRICE oi earbe i Ov7 1 y ci W"e*p &W #m la lb Win Bfot gays M. cat Noali MW-ayl Iai 10 487 Mile U the bave îc dute to »ýMHov M t e ry lo * Nov, if id VI have con ogml te hl -Vider clbn dmn He, een irrï Cit, 88) "On. vay, winî tbe anos Miaent "Over 04pe et lb. illi àaille 9S th le nt 1 but there 1 oIa thIle mon C tbeanlh :ý ln seeni rv-orse(bar jnUdgcd by Wb""r"Glenn Weeatalogued In la bat Motrry,le Ji 88rend and ofa 0 boîli. a *=ac. lasun, mo, natt1e lld" à* once ame lstcao-iie bai sarked succeà 4'Witbout a gd even mur, rlsdaom knowl bave managei hmwi 10Ithe a iu of bléi. ubl. ave revolîrd ouae-and mai Pris, a fins net On for linisq ï4cintraivi W"red hi no Isalr or mon sas Ilke exp bt tbe ninele Wàpfer ZVon (C bsing Ilke amn aeablorlng c( As inhivauke wgigseer o! Zi be prolouud i sie thal lb. M lis coaly 3,0 li "*fter an A* egrth. ut, for i. v a. placeami of tOS lbol 1%ts as a ,l 5k sas l0 euh Adffation las slXReMical t t walIPOr gutlctlona wh Wi hmiireins rnnidering Il r«*a he tglb Sncb oie la lier reformei lvines uaIstIb ~gtopinion'u al may US a asinl ca verseeir1 MpnY social 01 or initia on coen mi salon ohyisn hbece looed. livi lita on th les vîli *t. admit. DE Sent.Them Down With- a Crasi Fromn Now On and Lintil We Advertise to the Cons rary- Your P ick and Choice, of the Hom $40t $35, $30 sutacie, -andQv-1-a 07., $65,.$60, $6%5 Suit. 3 III $1 $1 2â$20'; $18 $16M su0$28450$Z52 jl BOYF SUMII BOYS' SUITS B0Y9SMSU $7l85Ill$ 15.85 NOTHING W0OULD PLEAS A BOY AS MUCH FOR XMAS AS MON0F THESEffi