-LIBERTYVILLF. ILLINOIS. 11EC.MBffl 22.191 WATER ON IT? Mr not yet through and "Cussing", a$, pet d"Theory" SILLY BUT IRRITATES -8 Irs hraughout théied la wldely coeametlng on 'O'sthçai-' fa at g:arth. The :tyed tat vain? Overseer Voliva, directs tiie detinles of ziomi II, 1. comas out with tha siart- anacemet tlint the escîk ini *M1thît thera la no such thleg £a ibe. V'ollva nmade tise dis. I by hismseif andi sale ie 01reP away the argument of aey tt la thisrty minutes tîme. wiîy th* esrth Jnt round? 1ecailsc a Win Bfot isolti wator on Its sur-] gays Voliva. potntleo the of Noahs when tise flood camn ail thuagi wede lnuudateti. 'A lfly stand t Jamateaa nd l ea 97 Miles away. saii'F tue Over- Si the, artis were round kh% have ta bOIkt irougis miles of due (O 1the curvatura of tisa How very simple! Coltîmbus' 18ery e lke the eug lt-cf huit- r Now. If M4r. %,cliva wil explalu vist keeps the ocean front rue- bave couvîccedtheis mont ekep- Ite tise logic of hie theor>." -der tise caption 'Leasn Simplej êI&M He Bsais." tisa Times, New Yrk Cty, Baye: r"Oaa waY. aud not.a huitdoe, te IPpat the. nonsensie talketi by thei Wweant "Overseer of Zion"' about the a*bPe ot the carth la tp dibmfies it 0Ifth a ouille or a laugis, anti paes te1 tisa conideratlon of ailier mat- but tisera le reai Intereét. not in ýàs thtisa na5y lu imagîneti Proof Mt thaearti la fiit, but ta the tact Il.belig the msan h ale.bucean in sk eemieg iserioustness a long o~ f stateents, every ana oi l b, ais support for flis contention, ~Iworsee(ban wortlmleiua. ';%qdged by tîi exhibition of lg- »Pr8Ceandst unintelligence alune. ,WlbUr Glenn Vluva would bave tu ,,I*eatalogued ether with illiterates e Vlth iubicileiit Anti thé queei ýbMg In fibt be le neith'-r! On the ;ýbtrary, ha le shaip andi shrewul, lie Pur read anti wri te, anti tines a goed iÀ 0f bth, andi for sortaeyears, e% ci ýfDe bchasagumeti the management of 0,&. Bittea industriai ciy touîîdeti b> 'tb onçe ramone I)owla just noth of lcaamo.ha bas beau perforining ulîki ffariati succet a very ditttcult tank. ' 4Witbout mach executive ablillu> «dt aven more of tlnt higi fim t 'Wlsdom knowe as tact,.habuIud eut bave managedti he Islandi of theo- euay ta tise applarent contentinent uf $10 of blé. sublects-at least they never have ras-oltet agiinet kisl aws. whicis sue-and madie the trsnge entei- prile a fînancial triumph uf no imaît ,.pb for htmself anti for them. Hi& ,e"Inlstatmn, maeosar, bus batn M"ead by noue a! the scandale, man- etj" or moral, ilat terminatei n many Dtea axperliante In tha mididle of tise ineteenttî cetury, anti ha bas V"~ fer Zion Ciy toierance andi anme tkiag Ilke amuaedt respect f rontethe nelghbortng couîmultle.' As te Resserch. 101wllaukea SenUtéel. Mr. Volvs, *veggser of Zion, announces tisat af- hW profouad researcis ha bas dscav- '*dtiat thse earth la fiait. that the ii le oWsy 3,000 miles away frram us. -âW lb son le ociy thtrty-two miles M #"setar all tiit it travela arounti -t earth. , h1*M asamsatting asde of the ac- ýwe4 Mýbelefa concernigtise slar ày5i wé1814Bot h. hlgisly Imper tlat. for gr. Veilva bau nover achlav- .o ta gleeefamng the protound thini- tu o et hword cor have hls attaln- *$jts as a îsturaI phislsphar beau #aoh, as ta entiLle hlm ta serions con- à1dowatiou la thse propoundlng of an ïauxeamicai tissaiT.. 1 t isImîirtant, howaver. ln tise Ma*ectlons whlcis It engenders. llead- 18U hie remarkahia statement aud ' tsiaderla inst act tisat h' pute it 1-e«* as the. result of indepenent re- êarb eh oale ldta madtata upoli 0fber srefo'mea anti persoaewhitea- 18 lnel ugst (bat (bey have arrived at ýglt opinionatter deep. research. la a many cases thaîr conclueions ,4y»asamaslng as (haseQtributed (o t7*. overser of ZMon.' Uneuy social aud acononslc raform- 4-for instance, have giavaly stateti tItis' ofradical character, on conlusîbns no lase arrana- ajiand "tonishing tiss tisenastron- 1observationse et Mr. Voliva. tlaey lacest that tisey know they flbt. because tbey have matie eCI.reusei, dlscardlug, eut- wlslch Atier own intelligence ,ý oele a goed bit of tiis soit h,"qm work golng on anti a gond of elmillar erroneous conclusion &%de lvel tia. Thé trouble wltis ' net tuat tise propQiiants ara uletakes, but tisaItisey are on thelr mltskes te tbers. ue of ae'etage Iatelligence'« Dec. 21-thç g uati peu- lavey W.* Cisorcish s e r4. %e rasecUtlox edvI ThseSt. Louis Browns gave up il players lu trada for Day, Denfortis, pitcher othtesoColumbhus tam itise AMerican Asciationi. Columibus recelves four ptcheresud a second hesenan Iimmedlataly, three playaru neat spring. îwo mare la 19233and *en u1924. atoruis glteu ifor the Whit. ox ln 1917. Thîs Éad That BY DOWJTT HUNTER. Tise nethod of the' tira Lîbe- villa mec for ga'sicg mkuikge ce mInds unn. that itiai.'aie c lot of twolegged BlUnuus thtaîSluoîmld rc calve esinmllar- il atiums-rt. Do-YWit l-tunteec h aill uttu-ui up. Hie brother iccentit> Joimeti clurch, gai electeti ni>oc. la organizing a islIver cornet banti sud me boosticg for the rsta!'tiulumreut (ithe fist niole n is lhomea tuan. A tramup talPpti ai Oiei Salvalion army the Otheu <ai foc a hanti aut andt iat nilitt waa ntîî rat a bei!. lie wams taken Io the cooni, ahana a snow-white bcd sta.s a î-cvrtiug sghi. The tranmsuxtl litii ai. "No, lhe sai. liais bede îto ctean fo, ne, guese lIlI ataep n a bt idor su> on-i mt the yotca -aio A Up ji a bm-b'. A lot of mnt t li, ul .nutîmtîi: wontbellp >uu. Somni mmes mutç>cI, :i i mnm ii.' an cleinat ti, adlick. If a habit le îa>i io quitit bhi h anti mienrufiitng w ii,%,u. Whlen one lias Iitn oint-mnuiei n Suntsys tua neer tas a au mlicus. h l iR eli te resient tii,-offic1<e-but Il le lilîneibte to ie ici> et- tirer. No dnubtthue mn. s u'e urz veying manlind, tlecry tueillitucofo evolmtion. Olti Stuff ln harber aheîis: Y"Mtile you hava hlm down, ct lits thcoai. Tee heebha.. This là tise season oet Ihe i car vissa tisa eailic-r (cases o ion a t on an automobute Itip, . ntmaies îou pay ràilîroati fa'.' tuere. A faut mni ,ed unt s ucr-i bg faillt. - Tbere le a great deil of iltei ence between ceremoty ati retgion. EvIry mac worth whhute bas s lot of trua friande anti a lot ef ceaI ece- mies. Sama men rîîn itoturuts anti auter men get out of the culs aed knock dowe fances. Itarolt Grsa' deese'tneeti ta tîcila himseaf ta laugis. Ifle is stîtl ctuckting avec an exparience lh ail haiie othar day ehen twg Iitlagirls came Into the Mtore te do sinie Chrstmas shopping. 'Are you lié'ualter?" one at them asieti. '"Iarn What tbay cali a cauntar jumper; what wîll yau lýave?»"Hav-ea you any , voolen socks?" contîcucdth te tiey custanuar. "Berry, thafa eout -of aur 1i' ' ;Oh yes you hav.'*"No. va have't" "Weil,.httar get some; they're awfully warm.'" The umrchns prompt- iy departedl. A lot of people convict theteselvea befora anybati> lias miteusedt hem of anytising. DeWitt Hfuner la goiug ta get a pocketbaok for Christmaesud I ilwll be three monti befoca he'Il gt an>'- tilg ta put lu it. -o- The Anclelit Egyptiant hai spee- lallets. Amang them aach doctor vas- a Rhyulclan ta only oneadisease. Tisaaclant peoplealhaitimneqneer customs. At a Party, or a banquet. whilfa tisapeople vara aatlng sud drlnkig, It vas customary for tise servants ta hrlcg a colin coutainkcg a mummy. Than tha hast or hastèes or toastmater wouId say, "Drink, est anti ha marc>, for thon sat ha suris as tht. vîsen thon, art deati.' Anti (heu (haeguaste moulti bain having a h'jh aId tînua. T his Mày Net Bs a Dtseovemy E~0izpI5-$$Ji we-uîoneir. We airffl Chicrago, lier. 21.-Suif for $0. t04() damages for Siteged dtefamation ut character was f(lIed egelut tise Il- litutis Sials Zietung le the Circuit Cou rt tnday by Paietun Ldmunds, tiet conmmander of the fBtack Havi Pu, American Legiouu. Edmuntis iook lie actuone lebeheti ut Warrei; Jons, conmmandter. icambers ufthtie .'.' nuiuie conînluie.-anudloheus ut Ih'- PatclekIste k l'o-. "ie basis of i le ýuut, mîunu dii t Aioueey Etuninde, esas an atite le ilie SIcaiz Zeuuung Dec. ]:;, 1>21, aI- tegung that thue Aincrrcan Legion "la an instruenut louglit ulîit British geldtut suippress truth, tu gag free- dutu of conscienie-, Ib beat dean free epressione eropinion ant Iun btia3 Aîîu-î i aujorgamnî/il)abou.' "I lit i It l ,- I' - . mllmgm-î lt u ibis e rmemberq of tha -Leguonn who s ohu:i(-mé! dfor imuiitur. seî sie in 191i1 were the i-m mie ofthte nation. i lis thoI line tctibcs of thetueg-ien v.h l i d t u o e<!un i r er -, e: s ai iiiit con-ici uji ssu in lue Idule ck( oii < arW ia unîer tii-i. t ramuision anti Vmc.;e ijn:,l otî i low atiie zeaU/01 DOXINEI IS TO COMMERCIÀLIZED Detrnit, Mcli.. Dec. 2.Bxn bias bscine altogetimer toa commnercial ized;it t lenu longer spuort antI shoulti ha aboliahei." detlared Gov. Alax J. (Iroesbetk ioda>. "I do net hmleve the public ta gaPt- ting a rue toriium mouey. Aplilcation bas been matie ta me by tise American Leglon of Mchigan for permission ta taie charge uf boxieg Ibrongis a par- tia or camptearearganization oethtIe slaie hoxlnig oma ia-pea-ou trol ut the commission lu tise bauds af tise Legionairs. Tiuey helieve lOey can dlean Up boxing. I cen bardly eub- scribe ta (ha Idea becausa I douht that it ecoult ieba a ucce.q'" If public sentimfnt cr>stalizes on ithe subjeri (ha gosrner intilcatet ieh wotilt taie action to stop the sport In Mchigan. M4ANY ARRESTS IN PORTUiAL Vigo, Spain, 12cr. 21.-ltundreds o! arrests hbsecbeaunmadit thuougbout tha whota of Pertugai ce the resnit of a fresis outbream ut revolutinnary dIs- a.rdent, accardieg te retugees crossieg the frontier toda'. I'hey raid thet tIse JgVolutioncry gioup responsibie fnr elt overethrow of tise gos-anment at LIison la Octqbgr continues Muet act- Ive ln ail parts of (ha country. DENIESJIE ADITTED CAUSING WORLD IWAR Berlin, Dec. 23.-Dr. gimmons, former Grman forelgui cacratary. ta- day uenledt he accusation of former ffli arahal Von Hindsnhtarg tisat be bai admittati Germanq's war gulît Io tise allie.. Dr. Simons sent a lat- -ar ta Vaon Hindenburg pctestieg agaînt tise accusation. Tisa accusatIon vas meIa le lt- tacr( tisaheex-KaIser froni Hindenhurg lest Mcrcb. FREE FOR ALL IN 66KISSÀN UP" IPLAN OÎF %AI Lake oWtY7 ;jManaou postMartWaI"wild oa tng"', wife MAS1BROTHER LUVIfNG ERE l)r. Clsude A. Om eue, ofTChirago, Who owns conaïdaj-able property la tise aoitlswsteru part ci epo~ township, and te a brother o=Care Owens, rasidtng on Norths West treêt ln the' former homne of lDr. . B. Bor- mans and Dr. Owenaswlfe wuoi lePu- kgr hlm for divore. created *a lot af axcltementt xn e Chicago court wbcim Judge Jô!naVi Sabath urgeti a men andi wlfe. conteauplatjng -divorce, ta 'Itis and mnake up.' Wliile they were tbinkirg about it, thse wifa'S attorney suggeeted a niorfe miitable procedure would ha toir the ilusbacd ta kies hlm, thesasttoiney. The uarcariiii wllty receiveti andi a few minutes later la the corruid6rs tisa attorney, the humbanti. the wifeis brother. and the husband'e brother were engaged inl a free for ail, wiîh thie ienocent hystanders" sptlauting vocif arously. Tha hailiffe won . Claud A. Owens, tisa huesauti.won his. plea for a jury trial of tise div orca action hrougkt sy Mrs. Clara Owens, the wife. Tisa&it. tornay, Leslie A. Neadisam. ha4 pre- vioueiy otained $500 a mouth tempo- rery alimony, go they ail adjourued. The wife accusas Owens of 'poat;- marital "'wild oaticg" Owens gays sie tried ta horsewip hlm. Her hrotiser, W'illiam Newman, and ishie bfther, lAerrenca Owens, were oneapair et fighting gantr. Anti there >ou arc, ARE DENMANDED BY AMERICAN LEEIION Wicker Bird Cages -New shape eage,.i burg on floor, stand. Useful and oruamtntal. Iinimh- td ln naturat i g 17.5.0 to$35 (Titird Foie Copper Wares Illghly pollsheti these goodF4 ara o; dependahle iquality -,p-U a nd i oderately t.¶ vriced. WelI knun makem. PercnIa tors .$19 1L-804 Coffee Sets $38.50 ta $50 Ti ays $3.75 10 $10-50 (Tlaiïd Flooî Smoking Stands Foirfthe mai mho fijosa sinokîî te it 8ie nînst '-iii ibl.o as gifiq. Seves-al a-Yiyof-()Iid nia. togaji> and rna- $4.50 to $17.Zn (Thuîd F6or) Floor and Portable Lamps .tandti; w itti stmi t of silk, palcti or cystl. L:_11 for boudoir, librarî' or parlot îîe. range frmn $2.48 to $42.0 s. (Third Floor) 0 Cedar Chete Iltghly polfahed ceats of beiut red radar. Plain or copper tiim.- Thesa chasta ar reniarkable 'values. Priced tram $12.50 to $75 Mattingt; cests ranuge lu pr-e f rom $5.00 to $11.00 (second Flanc> On thea thîrd floor aie Tay Cedar Chest, niade of genuine Red tedai, suttabla for stoiing fuis and other aalpices of apparel.38 at ..................... ...3 8 Candie Sticks .Artiotically decor- atiyo these pratty can- dle4i.ek@ adore alie botis mantia place and dresser. blahogai.. Caidlegticks 60c ta $3.50 each Brasa Candîsticie 15 to $10 pair Polychrome Caîtdleatlckz là aud,$10 pair (Thlr& lmloor) of Polychromae'Xtahogany. andI met- ai. Mauy naw cshapes. ChristMas Suggests the Giving of GLASS WARE and DINNER SETS ExeeIieîît 3in qtalitv , beauittfuti in deit~gil, lit w in patter n, tis- glasssiarPt and diiîîu-r seki aie eertain to deligh lihe svornaii who takes pride ilier home., Or as a gift to thie hoîîe-to be enjoved liv all-ilsefse wvares are fa- vored sgmsîis Irridescent Glassware Beautiful lla frnsandi materlal uitb eparkle and chai-ni of rabsr. these dainty Urtirles of giassae einlîl gracea ay (alge or atîy home. Sherbeteai-a $675 for six. G'oblets are $650 for six. Lamatuatie Sels. $33.3b foc misî. Parteit, $7.00e for six. Water Sels. $750 te) $10.01). Grepe Joie fét, $4.5u ta $600. Pyrex Glass Baking Ware A useful gift sndonue of hcauty ton. Ituin or floral pattet*i". Cass4eroles. $1.(,0 Io $3.00. Covecet i Dsbes. $150 te$350 Ille Disheïe, 90e un $1.00. Breamd palis, îîîllity dl-hts. etc,aili pru ce. Decorated Dinner Sets Excellent -pcuin of tisa potterr. art.- Excellemulty "setetetinl a vaclety ut pretty pet- terris. « 50 Place Sets pricati from $10 ta $5ý0. Tise sata are open stock; onea nuy serect TheSsets ara open stock; anaensay select an y place ifthtis conîplett' set la lut esanteti. Rich Amer joan Cut Glast To dacoiete thaesîieboard or table this gtasf: ware anînet appruptiat. 1 Sugar anti Creanej-. $500 ta ;S.5u. Mayonnaie, $375 ta $650. Napples. $395 ta $5.O. Comipotes, $5.00 to $7.50. Quaitit Iucs of China anîd (3asswvare in Rouent Cina, Awvaji Pottery- and Art (ilassNwariles ini several colors are in the Kenilworth Gift S~hop. w io Y lt, t have tovs to mitt 'wjil findîul i at assî'mt't hiave heen rep-uh-ishied .and t'-hosingig s itosi advanttageotîs ut tis tiniit'. 111 at omie w mitîh saY, Nve hav e more tovs i3105v thut w t' had the dan\- Tnb was opu-tîcl. si)f teivef\t'is the -timîrk. THE LOWERED PRICE RANGES ARE: DOLL FURINTURlE $1.00 to $6.50 CA M-ES 10e to $1.65 Tool Chests 50C to $3.5-0 Dolls 5&c to $20.00 T EDDY HEARS Kfnto $5.00' TOY DRUMS 10e to $8.00 Velocipedeis -$5-0 to $160' Hobby Horse .$4.00 to $10-00 Blankets - Comforters GIYTS 0F IMMEDIATEUBEFULNECS W'Jîat %vould be more acceptable 'as a gift at this tirne titanî a warm Blanket or~ conforter, es- pceially if it be one of sucli fine quality and rich culmriiigs as these. WOOL FINISH BLANKETS - Serving Tray Saft deepu uap, ciii haunti -Maiso any filsi, hlgisly edga size, 68h50 pollisad. glass bottom. $4.89 (Third Fboor value a---------........ <Third Floor Books for Everybody Latest Fiction , Serieis for Boys and Girls, etc. Books sulitable as 'efts to YOUng or old. - Noted are He leu of tise Oî. gluse Mistar af Man 1 by Gene Stratan Parter *hrçpàra .- . ..... wer Fatier. Daugbter -by FrtPo) Z arolti Bell 7 Wright .........._17 Tise Burnhamn Traîli 1 by Zane.Grey' ...... . .. bOÇIW-- int,-b 40.00 to $29.00 AUTOMdOBILES $1.00 to $1500 Wheel Barrow& 50C to9$2ýQ0 aie"8 $200 to $10-50 Luggage as a gift For ohne plannîing a tip to a land of warmth sund stnsitine after the Holidayo, a gift of a new traveling bag, trunk or suit case iW Sure to peies.' Trunka are pcîced froni $11.75 to S4OO Baga' range tram $5.00 to $55.0E Suit Casas are tram $3.O0 t» 1A nO8om ues ST ORE OPEN EVENINGS 7 Sana Claus] Santa -Cla,,s wii be here wiL be here, every day Ibôm every day!from 4 to 6and 4Io 6 aitt from 7:30 to 9 from 7:30 to 9, Ihe Beet Store *Oit 1w Ifni-th 'Sore1 Ghristmas AssortmentsReplete With -New Fresh Merchandise Gift Su*ggestions. m c er ad there ntthe géto m i, po ly ehldit rom, Pteliglous euh- jects, scenicm, ets., alit izem. Fraeied and glaâsscavera ô. Beaut1i<ul cotor effect. soctag ) l'