tonSLEVESHonorim a Noble -r SARE NOW SIIOWN j WUI AT PANDS Anotrm riovel fuature ini early spring moues shown -in double waist Une FLPF BRAID "?faI INGS New York.-Jeflny this >)car iow 1 san nusua1lirlarge collection for ic-. uyers of advenred apring modela. *rse opeutmsg was weil aitended and i,,;)st favorabîr coasssetadl upon. AI- , itgh no new fine gins launcited, l'o:. uew and inieresting changeaslI .' wit ere tatroduced.For lnnianca. slitc krt ai marked irregulartY of l'sjgth la replaced b:. siis of even an'dedi leng1is.wlîiie Ille long sîceve 's a' te has'ds andI set in a deep ""Ioebas glVetflplacelaIo 1",' mut- j sl.eevea. icet in aitIiheaternial. The wiea sisi l'ne is aeon is.e 1ilpta 'i it..are tilowl t 1l l itOf ( .t Ji% Ci td 26 inch lesglis. Frequently Jzt) his are ssed, one ut the 'normal -i te .second l aced nai lie ü ximre itver edge of te,., grmefli, . olor andi in materiai areie l tlep- -ittlt skit average ft eila t-sincItes off tegrounti. are nioder- gt-ýiy full, andi vary flat ai tihe back. tw--io types empitasizetl are the t v ,ited akirt vitit the goods drapad 1t%,àIîlîwise aroundth ie figure. and tbe 1 ýo lier tunice kirt. lu al skiris theru i. ;ronounced*once ided cff. ct. lai Braided Trimminga 'îtaninits Ion suits cansist oi lu- t -iaced banda of the fabric ta form s.o hraid, straps c«f the taitric sud Piti',roiderles of heavy 511k Chtain- ts;tliing lu ver>' simple designs. ltoats are in full lengti annd are a de in bth beteld and unibelted Style coasleevas have thse deep armhole, ad are very ample trough te cen- J -.taper aligitti ai te wrist and l've fancy cuf. 1long scanft,. or mitfler effects a re p':,inant. used bot on spolis and viiernoonflcoats. rrimnmings oi loopeti siik Iringe are p.!,, conspiüuous and are tîcet on Col- I nd m lffi.ofiafierroon catIs in tii-s are sitown. tae capes are lineti Nc7i or trimnased with thie sanie mia- i icij of gîsich tise drass is made. For ivj-..nca, one of te most effective isdl.calieti "Ma-stic." was in pat *letlaepegeorgeite amitroidereti i, elftone. Thte dresa wass ba chemise s:le and teitcak*. viticit formeti part t; tihe costume, vas in black serge tiusmad gitit side abapad banda of 1ie crepe enîbroidereti in self tone w1. ilth au lncnusted panal ai the rniai of the back. ,1 Two fabrie cogibinations, autit as a g nd silk voile, or yOdI reps sud Plik voile, are effectively used lu bth t ftlsred and afternoOli gowvus-Paris 1-I î tu. Dry. ooda Economiai. BENNY LEONARD O~N MAKE WFICIIT ,ew York, 1Dec 2Il-I>enyîingte lýarge tai Penny Leonard. ligiti- w eighti champion, cauid no longer niake lite ligitweigitt limait of 135 pouînds. is manager fuIr Gibsan ta. day annouueedtaI lite titieboldel' would ha matcited soon lu a 12 round niatch ta a decîsion in ibis clîr wth of the leadiug challengers. Glh- ,on declarq ,hawever tisaitte bout wouid ha siageti br a prontoter ateri ii . TP-k ikaidfibs. on asrefusedt. rJaps Training SEEK OUTLET FOR' fiAYSLÀKE MILK Followlug announcrement that no more mýilk woud be accepied by the Nestie Food company ai the Grays- lake plant, farmers ln that viclulty are attempllng to foras a shitpplug company.. Tise Nlppersink Dairy Company of- ficiais and Mx. Walker. milk conduc. tar of te St. Paul road were in the village Wedneday canferring wlth dairyman. This coucero cau, take ail the milk whlch la naturally ahipped front Grayslake. This compan-bas their bottling station on thse St. Paul 3 ne and can handie about two huan- dred cana per day the ypar around. Theirs is prlncipaily hotel trade if hicit gives ast5uranc*ý ihat it la ata- Witit local committeemen these ,a men went iuto thefileld to see if they can sign up anougit taraes r to give theas the amount of miik requlred. If tlsey are succesmfuilnl thia, a re- ceiving station wilI be erecied on lte St. Paul road lni Grayqlake. RECEl VER FOR 4iERMANY IS NOW BEINi SUMGSTED Proposition is presented to Lloyd George and Premier Briand today FLYINE OSNPI. TLS BLIVD-j 1» Je Poss3iDlE London. physioian says iatr' plane trips wouiM greatly benef it*tuberoulosis NER VOUS PEIRSO S BARR EDI Dy iaterattmiiNew* UNI"c Londonu- Dec. 3.-Ilo*Pltta éàetab- liised in airahips ln, big aïl- d ge fiee aitttudea ame qut possible. ae- c= :,i a ramineait norv* speclait 1 edigaconvetionboe.. À rian doctoas bave long beeia la Iureuatedlsucib a poetslluty a0#ceue ing nervaus patient@ by aendinh thea fer trips lu an airplane. A specllt bore nild flying. la bardir safe enaugli et thlst ime ta make It suitable as a rcure for.patients whose particular dis- abiliry la due to nervous disorder, how ever. -'" fréquently prescribe motorlstg for nerve patients," said the doelgr, "but generally short lrunesoffotrr t t lfty miles. 1 do flot tlink people suffering frona 'nervesW wouid wiffh ta #y aetlthe present lime." -«Flying Hospital" The doctor poiuted oui, hawever, that to prescribe ftying for tuberciala patientesud othera aatferiug front diseases accompanled b>' manutrittion wass Adlaether a différent utatter. Ho vas 'of the opinion that airghlp hospitala vwer, a practicabie Dossibli- ity of the near future. Patients would prababîr b. tiken ap te a helght not tae aeed 1.000 to 10.000 faut at firot,, the *rst case for a few hoiu oaly.> a period ,wbicb night gradJlib. axtended te tvqnt7-four hours. "W. have flot yet, hovever." lsaid the. doctor, 11very much Information au ta vhat the effect of -resllng- for a coneiderable tinte ai à very bigla alti- tude Maar haou th@ baian organhsmu. 1Sunbaths "'It %eeta certain, however, that 50. Jougu lu the, egamIres air vii, by lu. etrailuz aaygenatlu. iImprove and pur if>' the blood, aud the. Modern scitool of Medicine la tendlu8 mareand more1 t6 recognize a given'dises. au a local effect of uusatiafactory blood. ' "Wonderful thinga have been doue br a teaousSwisasdoctar with vhat la kuowu as heiio-therapy-cure by sunlight, h ushouid ha possible to munie the wonderful light viticit vould play on an alrship hOspital talle the place of te heniing sunlight wbich oeMenis nov seek ln Switzerlantl." Se.. i 0FI;'ted by Nte. Ditig le ltter saurs ntfhi% slite Beiutmant, thee fai Cctsîpîser, wan absesaed by thse note A. Ha decinred ht lt hrung ln is cnrs dey sud'nigit and to escape fillie aMore tian olce at- tenpted suicide.à ~~il aie v th dtedam unsansd te het c thse esithes suri m a e teoi lovs'49 ftet ahose lte Wrosand. iUs amende ilaa maili eecJ' taia eelvator.a Arravahowe bWu 'u o l Jôa mu o .t 6 tllu wa q Il ni n it <fm iA'.1uîoelz 3 0 îîî.lab saillu 89 inoqsa 'nlpItnlq0Jpuuî5i a.qi JO lied nia -ls ti agI uf s 00mis til iuaeatbOS *xjllt ly utneax aIuaaq,.îutl-spritaf pnai T0 jqami, Iiî10 stîsodaial>sut1 JO saitasi PUD - ilîisîuaîip pue lîpuapT iltsîîu §il loJoJi.Vil isai ael 'aisslîr -j-d.)~JM'4 tOI piTON 'U Hcvw. Indctd. oulsiiia lie G(i diii iîeitet' In Lon- don tuiera i-i a large poster: "Madaose MarianIfousnaxoif. Worli Fauvm .îîO erallc Dian." A cauntrytnsu. iisviiiz camne niung thee Strantd. tooti gapiiî. ut titis poster. "Luýanael" be' , ïald. "Now. hnw lte dpvil doesa ota' wîaaaa -v, '-'r nmatOistul i' OUM1-®r9 tri allow Leonard ta appear 1n a bout ____ irowoted hy Riekard andt iis led 10 cliargea tist tise îgitîwetgisî champion POINT OUT TWO OPTIONS v'as tiodging a tigiti ta a decision ha-_____ taîlse ite coutl not umaketéte eigiti. London, Dec. 21.-Recoasaenda- Gisafi aima tated tat Laonard lions tisat a receîvarsitip in batik- ,uid suon lie aaicieti wiih Jack rupier ha appinted for Germauy if liritian, wetcrweight, in a deciiao lte ndemnîîy moratorium t-.E.ranted baUî. were mateient Premier Lloyft Gdorge and Premier Biriand titis attealtomibY OFFICIAL LIST 0F REAL the experts who have iteen stsdying ESTATE TRANSFERS man;' iancial position. e Thte opinion of tise experts was u.- Furniuited by derstoadt ta haunanimatis.. 1-AKE CO. TIlLF AND TRUST GO. 8'olowing their discuassiona tise ex- Maganlas Temple Bidg. Phono 4 parte reporled as followlS Sept. 15. 1921. 1. Thse anes should ain 1 ist aI Germaur la able and mueI par te Janiaarr and Pebruarr lnstallmClits. Dec. 12 1921. 2. lai the avent a moatoriumfl or a -J. A. Maurrie and vile ta Andrev partial moratorium in granled thse ITiinger, lot 7, block 1, Lronda'as ub, pavera of lbe allled (reparatiaiiî) Wazkegau, Wl $10 stampt $1.00. cazantisian as gttrantoed lnuder lte W. G. Antesansd vile to H- 3. trest>' of Versailles, shail ha extouded Schipp sud vile. 0 2171 roda W Cof Ingive te Allies coîqIrol af Germant r"of IC 1-4 Sfc 29, Vernon tvp.; tfinance. bua_ gprlagg, Waamegau; QOl) $10. erciaing ful authorlîr 0501' Germnau>a Max E. Bayer and vif e to W. A. affaire. âlvau. loi 28, havinia Woods ai Ares; WIi ahnu emn 0010 WD $10,)lsap 94-mte prth onfean.GermaPrecier minimie Wilson ta iR. A. Wilson, W Llydiorexpt. osredLloydGeree m2.78nacaoaiSec 4, EastiAnliocis twp;LldGere efeUrd eoe QCl)il. met the Frencit premier. .la. Rotkovitcit aud vife te" Jo. 1aug. lat 60, block 1 First Add ta le, Speolal Tn-wfer Thouglil. Ravina Highliands; WD $10. stamsp liihen la thse laet timo tu ting, ta ~~0c. have trahtenter ouf mistdg? Thougitt E. G. lindenmneyer to Hermonu Fait- aîong a parlicular tins can best camte ay utS vd if, lot 14. Count>' Clerk's viten tise mitaS Io unwearlei and un- euh of lots 289 and 290. Lake Foret; accupleilgiti ater tlougt-tîlas ime VD $1. or dur lins nolhing -lb do wtb l.' Tite tireS mitmd or te m anltreatîiy * id, Sily superstitionl. acive la notl n condition ta lhiiîiI. mo,*,erï elet siiliir birt, veto anti ieen untie ta follow tiie tiiotiglt kotus, nt;cfatal -bliren. ail-i tptiItia of te writer. Eliter littr iid avo pr- ot lat ils'! vera îl ..ltOd te tireti or atlier vexlîtg or more intereal. 1Il -îaIma to eutriy tde.,oî. bas ihauglît hlaS tse graund. _______________Ijhave itie mieS untlrad anS undis- tetroeunte Cea Wenew. unitul and iyou collîlîk nut etima$ - ' M retm àso eri We r.Oiitlaeas avii asanther.-Exchange. fn petrOlfltut.Rigil exi0;es i are diatied troeust. aidtlw. eiyes Lin& te B* Nemembored. *" ca"en otlUceiSOll S- t ~ Tristh ilate roal.bubaunan iras ï. -,em1 ..but. £ s.aia'tam, . h alaithy letheft.flou-ma-of naaclt ic ie. ,l'y Chpin l. -V qgrhes tore ol The -X,,au p.n Nights Until1 Specials, At- -Woien 's regular 50e brasmieres, p l' prièed at Women's îîcckwear, -slightly soiled, W.~ iîe t' 2, redticed to Woîîun 's regiular 15c'hattulkerehiefsi W" îîîîmîî's 10e liandkerclicefs, pricedi fs,r- 35C lotties uit'ClIîýiYîas Perfiiîm c. Spî ()dds aîîd ciffds of ocs and chiidr lîîeiii v-aluies to 59e, now priced at Worncîî 's 39e handkerehiefs at ('ldrcn's 49é bloomers, spocial at, 154-. quality lied Seal hair nets, 3 for Regiar 50e powdî'r puffs at Narrow leather beits ùp to 50e at 'Jen patterns of veiliîîgs in values uq 69o a yard now at a yard Burnhanî's and Blue Beautv Rose boudoir talcum powder at IvorY toilet articles including en kiiives, file", button hooks .and shoe horns id Specials At- Wom'(i's regular $1.00 sllk corset cd iii prctty styles, special at $1 and $1.50 voile blouîses for woffed hlsd',special at.:. Women 's regular 89e brassieres in ,styles and in Ail sizes, very special At *Woren 's and misses $1.00 silver va; special At Womeiî's and misses' coin cases to At1 . . Women's handkerchiefis up to 75c, fi At <hildren's 79c gingham aprons, - At 1 .Women 's handbags up to $2, 9peciuj Men's neckwear up to 79e igo terns, colors and new styles At . Mcn's fibre silk hose in black audj At Children's gloves and mittens ýup? At Children'a gingham drealies in aisl 5 in values to $1at Ivory toilet articles ineluding bairtq er, buffers, picture frames and trays afý Christmas perfumes in pretty bottI in wanted odors. Very specially prieed a iwomen's and Misses' boudoir caMu ciai at Womn'a face powçiers, speciai. At -Wornen's dainty ne-% tea aprons in styles. Véry special at Children'î .handbapg- (like mother the -Christmas 44gle At Pretty peaCri bea-ds, priced veyl, infants' Warm. . nrettv « Ford -Car Owners of Lake County, if you have trouble starting your motor during these cold - mornings Ijave a Thomas Ignition Sys- tem installed on your motor and eliminate ail your trouble- THERE ARE- MANY REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE A THOMAS IGNITION SYSTEM 1. Eiminate your tîner trouble. 2. -Makes your niotor run smoother. 3. Saves gasoline. 4. Gives you synchronous Ignition and less carbon t roue ble. 5. &ss onlY one Ford coi, then you always have three in resere. 6. Ru ether onhter rFord Maneo - 7- Gires yoW mnotor- nbre power and'pep. S. Places your distributor up out of the.dirt, grease, mue andwater. 9- Guaranteed to give service equi'to the best ignitn e sstent furnished on hithest priced cars, Dieyour car to our factory. We instailtheni for $20.0. complete and give you free service. SToma- Andrews Corp. 120 SALE AVL WAUKWMGAN H