X ÇàC. 1RA3D pm and nIance and 04surged hictiez le prenent ferai nmivdeapread bank> ale ta business, declared N94 proldeetOeth. MO, ' t a4 meeting Oeth la- mlment dealers et ln&k irk ave se exhaustivein le i. etroubles of tii. terme, oreseMdiesfr tIse te iet ba cb«eid the farerbuy .1business. The taniner, ht or Prim oer bis products. Peck declaitet ils a tme 0o ling aidp*dltcd anLeoi bufou an Iviustr larec. and sueccufully amt vitb. ci't aboUlai lie bujrag pow M l t01!oi populatIon and'ex. ýaZtle8gbut stagnation in con: tii tRisheother haI," tic >lo- k"t.ld ithe Indiaa dsniers. ,;eWla net a buer's eri,. it euý8s. Tii. question teday la, 'W O vant Ài prices te sn Inlethe M*Mti tlivel et taras Prbduce. or du vin"t te pull lie fais pricea up Io i-îw»elabove ithe prewar tage. aI Ïý1 %mie lime Workiag sîeavily on *êartIliciel peaka la the price struc use. (bua brtnging ail price te eqUit- lise fairnésat on a scele consberve- bl hgiier. but net sa, hgh a4s It, e-" re ou c6eoaly oae aniwer to QuetIon. W. have al bad!snmm- experieace riti airinkages la L, BueSePleaiber, 1930,anid Il LM.t0 muci te a«Y hat gelierai Unes t'Opresealtetri prices iMnseeaiwdcspreed bankruptcy ir diiin la idusvy. "*Wé a tie o uriher and express ýlbMdeuil Wiether any political mea witinhaad the. recui of Ctonand huma sufferiag les a aMiagme la ail values, ivel. tmwMn eea Cane. .ieri starvation, akssasand répudiation 01 $6'T glet a hisuer prîce for bis prr. »sathe tai-ner needi nom. control 9 b1iution and a btters- ytüm of àe"tlng. Il la an ecenomlc lau 16e prononce 0fina ctual or sus- àgéd -su*1lus Paralyses prlce. The ~Ta ersfore nmucl freon thbsmal. OW. 19VergYens ho tceeli the effect 9 tOip@uerY surplus, due hothie ne- e10tY 1dumping biss oual habr- Ot tâO U.market. Sennetime thie N«t r011reud oom. by a pemman- IgeArPlus duote eoridne4uei tb ÇA» Ou. f cern today. The il- Wtà>7 pte to a botter price are: L. Ssgeiatlea ef production. IL. ýgroi et surplus. além m 'Seai n t3 te Market. offt. s.inanitervice. 'Ut Peok declàtred tisat Oicfermer cget better ha.acla. services thuu fmtOllewiag stops: I. t"is for permianent capital. l Prevlalea for ossg tins.locus. IL Short lime los. 1*6er 0cas. le stated weuld b. eb- ÏÏià as tollews. L »Y cure et taultein athe finaicial IL Si cure etf eults la the. systent ,1%s preeldeet o? Uice Mline cem-« 07 84dfl e I.dealer ho eiderhils Iulolaeta le hcibulk aid êsabissals uti uci ikili as to E 1. Re acaiyfor mai>' tac- kY euisaries ad etconstatpres- ir et ticery sales efforts. "The prieciple ot gethlng uhat you 4* ter Med paul.ng for what yu gel boa you get It," sald Mr. P.., i, "lîl Un et me ihnhahing 'and permanent iprevemoat fer both fermer and, aier. . it meeqn a very greel reduc- * lt coat te the fariner ad a bus- «@ f«7i>'mach lmPrOve4 la volume; Oft . turnover and generel dlgnlty r tise deiler. 're trend of thse Indoatry la lu la direction, tee trend ofthte tumes R"~ps IL. Tic dceopments Ia ag- Nural economis ieready achieved Ilmiediate prospect, rentier l ai- ut a Inevtable asi In l desîreble. lbere are the rensons whlch Jus- ?y thie propbecy et a aew day la our Pincesa.. AuUscr and Reacer. A autlior Who nels ils restier on i*difig thce<epîlîs 41 bis ou-n Ogbte serves tlaiitîcat, fsnd ai tie 0 Ulne tsichies Ithe nîtsesty et lp gjRroacon Alcot 'UUCED uFARE 'iXCURSIONS FOR TF. 'HOLIDAYS ,Tickets on sale December 22, 23 W 24, good returnng VertlçUlaxrs laquire of agent. CMCIAGO ÀeWAY i- r- f 0F INTEREST TO THE F ARME E-dited by breeders of flatiotia Ireputation. C. E. W H 9 . L Q 6 K, Ar placardwl ipee vrec Lake County Farmn Advmaor. stall giving lte name of the cow and LAKE COUNTV LEADS AT thr. owner. The best bull obainable A. R. O. TEST PLANT will ho bought t0 head this herd ol, Lake Couit.y breeders of Hostein sixty of Illinois' best Itolteins. ca le head the list In the nunîber or I cao r(adily ho seeR the opportuai- cows.îo be sent b oie A. R. O. lesting ty this will gîve for owners of ibese plant at Dîton. Ili. Ia ail aine head sixty cows ho get bull calves (-q develop of pure bred Holateins wlll 4eave for la o lie d sires or lieifers wbose dama Dîxon by truckç tus week.' hayve seml-officlal records and the best Thoae sendlng cows are H. K. Vose, of breeding back of thhm. Geo. While. ]Ç. P. Clark, A. J. Stabi. , lireeders who are lookiag for tîhe Lloyd . R tzentiieler. M. H. eîersoa beat will coine toibtis plant te, flnd and Zarl Kane. themn. The advirisiag the plant offers good recordsa under ordlnaiy farmi con hardly be underestinAted. conditions ,and we bave evere' reson Il la tbe tiret plan. of thîs kindiln ex- te expeet nomne excellent records on latence and bai every lindication of do- the. year toit at the. A. R. . plant. The Ing more to develop the Holstein barona wili accoemmodahe ixty cowa; breed ad help the amaîl breeder thant eacb aimal bha box sWal andis fed. anythlng ne fer attempted. watered and eared for entirely sepa- About l4,herds over -ho. state have rate frein lie other cows fa the barn. been vialted by C. M. Lonig, Sec'y 1111. They will. be mllked tour tîrnes dalY, nois Holtei Froslan Aia'n, ln findiag oft. maxier baving charge of six C0wil. the 45 heail aow le -ife for thie plant. The. mmin l'charge ef the bain le con- Plvery Hostein breeder vlaîted la midered tbe second best tender ln Uie thîs couaty wbe lbael an apima.l0f de- Uaited Statea.The xpens ofiiavlng iable aMe and sate of eabenlng thi testiag dons la figu«ed on a colt has farnialied orne or more cova for bails, 'Me owner recelving credit for the plant. This la a recomumentdatioa the. milkr preduced by hie cow anad la for thne quality of Lake County Hol- clarpd wth thiefond. The addltional s'eins. coat of 41m rent. labor. etc., liq ahared on a co-operative hante by ail thoac. TRIP TO TESTING, PLANT bavlng- cowe et the plant. December 29th in the. date set for Ail animiai init be tuberculosls formai opening of the plant and lte an- testedl and every precaution in takeon nual meeting of the State. Hostein o avold diaeae or accident. Friesian Asociation. The plant offers the.breeder ot ordl- A number fromn Lake county are nary inusathe opportuntty of mak.lng planning to attend tbis meeýing and recorda et a nominal coat under the waI make the trip by auto o%r hie sae coadtloas as those miade b> big Lincola Highway. îy pessa oer. Work bas bot-n sus- pended on the new bridge until next FARME S FMr1.1and Mrs. J. Sturm visiîod a fiUAN.ST -RAISE Aptaki eM::day. ta IN LANO VALUES e. ai Wse are goîng te, have ou? Christmas ProtW against tax commis- prograraFriday evening, Dec. 23, and 8on iMreases although small- Mr. and Mrs. Damie] Sturm ite or than' year before litthie Auguat Lanadanen home Sunday. - j Leonerd Sturmn has quit bis Job at Parut Bisseais e0tIlRinois are object- Heary Kropps and Lester Saurm will leg te tic Prepoaled increaies la tarin taie lbis place. vaioetlens. Pettons vere sent 10 Ralph ad-Euth Wiehrdu of Kitîy Chicago for presentehion today tote iCorners. visihedl Marjorie Feddler lest tate tai commiltssion. t Tuesday.. Tie fermera baie hheir arguments le agatesi lie on tire, points., Mr. Berlin aad Mr. Dolge ahiPped Tb@e Birt Point in hat ad valua- icaLde ho the Ch icago market lesnt week. tiens have decllaed considerably nace, Speciel tree otter of a 19-pc Alum- th as lan i 1919 and for thia iim Cooklng outit complet. Witlt e'. masn the le tex rate slbould ble ery kithb'e uteasil retsuired, witb 0v. lewered lnt.ad of lecreaacd. A suar- ery Conibinaen Range eold fils moati. ve>' Of tari lands la th satire atate a e amaîl depoal will hold your selection has beon made ho show the genveralà for you unlil you wanl Il. Schswar.z decln la rmi ad pvices. Furaîture Co.. Weukegan. Our longi Theostatacompoinlt te thé 1 " . «t" or 11lis1 et eattsfled Round Oak usera suer- the abilitg et the fesmer to py h anteca absolute ateactlon ho uoU. luaes.lif it te alloedo. -Théou- la 51-11 tend thet lieu are net ai abRléfine-a-1-- Ciilute paranipcrsmie nov athe>' 000000000000000000 vwer. ila 199 wen prces ere frottait o H AL F -ATY 26 te » per celnt bigiierthan tiey I0000900000000000o0. are nLov. The thîrd point la tiat the1 lacre-ia.in on land enly and Ibet tis1 (TOC, Le;e for [*51 Week.) la nt fair te t annera. jTii. aneoas have flnisied the vonk LM Than Umîsl, Secet 1118myo 1 of plasterng lbheiulde aid frelaioue TRie tai commission coutendi liet on the oulside ad a fine lookiag Job emaDer increame are rcqUls-ed tbs 1; la. The sheel metal contracter iha& geai as COMPmd vith tise Increaies bas ao fialabed lie lest ofhila vomi,0 10 aasssments lust gear. A=nee.whici is0ca3o a compitete and goed jo)b. ment efthle Ilt Of chalegesai made by Mr. Vaaderwert are busy doing lte the. Cemml$Stnl la equaililg assese-. finisbing on the laside. The furnace mlenti for tic tate tait show tbat no a reductieni werc allewed. ws nstalled lal week. The laainters 8 Coek ceuntu aid values hu b ave been workîag under difficulties ralued 6 per cenllt. uceresas lie>' 1,- on ateunt et the weaiber. but yl ba -m"ied u.ciaeged lait yucar. Ticean lb. Job as aocn asthe trimmiag la lflet lecreases this iens- ee or-dae onlte inside. "To complete the 1 dered la White and Knox couatica. buildiag by the New Yeàr','is our goal. l L5.s gear two counlitien Franklinanad t)ul temporal-y churci, bas beenS Wlanebato. were allowed redutctiona turaed intoeapan shop and Iodging Thia year Oie aisesaedl land* valua, Place thie pat week or- so, Bo the di. tieans la these tvo coualtles wiRI notlie. redtors were kind enougb te permit usF challagedi.ta have Sunday Sec'bool aid chu rch la Increases la land valuation orderd'1t ue bg the tex commission yull have 110 the school houe effeet On local or-couniy taxes. The We yole glad te sec so many firoiit lacrease wilR effect eaîy the tate tax oui community presen, et the Prairie Pectegâes of Increases ordered Ibis View supper and bezear Friday. t gear. as compared viii h05. et last Part of lbe Cook family aheaded an unsr, "a dnOunced 11Y countîca are "opera" on Broadway Suaday. Some c ai folovs: class. Ben; tll us aIl about It. Couaties 1921 1920 Bert Sinaîl atîended the tunerel oh e Ceci----------------..6 0O faie gradmoîher iesFTuesdgy. DeKalb .----............5 10 C .ea cciHrcbrgrwr DoPage----------------..3 C .adAlc eshere eI Grind>'............... 7 5 shopping ia Chicago Frîday of lest Kane---------------..3 15 week. Ifankaee .............. 10 20 We yoee glati 10 weicome Miss Hon-e Kendal---------------..8 15 eywelî as-a menîber of aur Sundsy0 Laie-----------------... 10 School Suaday mornlng. Fine; let Il LLaîe---------------...7 15 encourage more o0 coneand meke oui, Le...................-6 12 t enroliment 75 wilen we gel mb a ur McHenry.............. 3 10 new building. I WIII.................. 3 10 1 Last veek lIrs Jennie Hiahon called I Wîaeag-------- 6 on relatives et Hall Day and Praia-ieI 000000 00000 0000 View. after meking an exlended tripC o ê@@@000 0 0000 ~* w uh lier husbend tha-ough lie soutit 0 QU&ITI'S COUNRS -oetAs es. wbicl site nejoyed vorY 00 %,V90 00000000 0 t a uch. M. C<.Gleasoît anti lamily have Cîdai Chi .SIs nake an ideai gilt-iL[i moved to Watîkegan. We tire sorry t s al taetîng One-ît il; îîrtîcitianti ta-t-LuIla Irot our Stînda>- ScItool. l you cin gel One for- our utother. wibe. ý The foliowing chiureîtofficers havt-' sister o0- swei-lieart lit une Itturtit 0it; been elecleit for te eoîîing>etîr:, fromn ow untîl Xmîîs. Welt deiv'erlrlert Sniali. Trtistee H cr Vdr >aur seleciion wlten >ou se>. Cain1 el naidteue; H. H. S oll.r la now; the assorînîent le uer'. cor 1rk îsaEt er-er tis.n lr, pleto. Schewartz Furniture Co.,.12 - "k -ýs taSliodradMs 50. Genesoe Si., M'aikegan. open Peterson. 1eaconesses; Mr. Keitîîalîa eveninga 8Unîll Xmîas. 5Ilj1 it tnhia%- Seool Sulît; Mrs. J. G. Cook,' Mrs. aGraff and Viola went la Chiý .ý st Sulîl : CatI Witt. Sec'y antis cago SeîUrday t10 ioCharistmas'& hoit Treaîrer; Mas. Bien Cook. Supt. of ping. Cradle RoIl. The men in te faclory nîoved oui-_ _____ lait week. A Sure Reminder.. Mr$-' John Gehrke vlited aI the Perhieps the Ilîttît original sugges-5 hiomet of Augus; Gehrke Tltursday. tion fÔ~r a "reuititeî' vIlas lat ofthlea Mr. end Mrs.'Auguat Gehrke attend-1 Utile boy %.wlîoee granattotther hlldfer-a ed. the fanerai eft heir nephew, Wll igettl. l bi rtb#day pressant thse yar hegm OehrkO; Jr., et Des Plaines îantj bieOr. Oh. wlsed te bbow whv it Saturday. culd do ln eider tisat R4.,saould t Thc bridge hai been ropatred fêli»- targettilagalu. 5tôu-mJgh t g oi porail>', se hhat autos and wagonlasheulIn upeide dowa,"afli tic boyi MM st. Nfo doubt your youngsters mr making known their dead of. Santa Claus. We can supply athe youngsters wishes' and, Bave you money. Most Complete Line of I Christmasý Goods to be ( FÔund in'Lake Counity LESTRSIGYLTY TOE The Family Gif t Shop- s. e WWMJ. 'ô @0.0.,o,,.. o,,,,,.. over a year, moved ýhi untr 0 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 90eyoybr o n ae. back to, Antlocb the tiret of the week. 0 ANTIOCHI Alfred Stîckle a spent Monday in 0 A P T A K 1 SI1C 0 hiiiitiid"te more. etes w 000 000 000 000 00 aukgan 00 000 000 600 000 Several of aur tovn -ale ' ae" 000 000 000 000 00 Wauege. O oo ooo so. oo. ê ately. butealli, il's oay waterdg* You tannai. ind a better assorîment Tbere wililibe a Christmas treée and Merry Christmas to you ail. the recent raia of what to ,Ive tItan right here. Our entermalntment et lie Metbodist churcli Emil Geiat spent Suaday With ha ________s_ special wiadow display will aid >'ou la on Saturday evenlng et 7:30 P. am. daughters et tÂbertyvllle. solving wiiatever problent, confrointa vey4dylauvaedtocol ad n- JonMeerviitdau hmeofJ you eittis tUnie. Malle il your busi-. Evterybody la iniethe cirnare onMyrvah~n oe ol S *u RUSS~hE DES neas ho look us over; You'il lbe entîre- jyteetraaen h hîrnaeN. Busch on. day lait week IIIi*llIj83Ir4 U "'d wbo gela wiat youselect er. The Miss Evelyn aye, of Waukegan le ArT Rihin nd dughtr. MrI, Schwar'z Furalture Co., 21&-222 S"ut spending e few deys with ber aicuier elso Alice Bunton and Mrs. M. Miller E~enaeeSt.,Wauegs 51-t Ierewere in Waukegan on business lest!I GeeeeS.,..kgn. 5 i er.1 Arthur VanPattea wast lken hlt t Mrs. Ceorge Kraupt and daugh'er Ms. rAy. Bno wsi. Lbry ie Ms ra Riseiwd* t1 9'riday with pneumonie. and e treined Viola. speat a few daka 1he paah week rA utn e aLbelvle mnRsslreh Rlo dedo et nur-se la in ettendence. wit Mrs. Scielaier la Milwaukee. o use1 auraa til oclock aethle homfe of hei* Ralpb James of Chicago, spen, Sun- on lait Wednesday evealag, white Victoria Weidaer came hiomte 1 re. 1 Sidnèy J. Russell atter 'abin leu dey wilh bis father here, Mr. Shumeson and nome trieads were main for lhe bolidays. -three weeks. .Nls. Russell bcd lii Homer Tiffany is ilt wîîh scerlet fev- in the theetre, someone sitote bis auto iW. have il fr0 mgood euthorlty thatinlaiI t ealtb for tie past hhree "W~ er, and the home is quarentined. and drove awey. As yet he bas flot ion. of our populat yung meo le golng Site was Si years of cge. Harod Wllims attt5k~ t a hbeard fromn bis stolen car. 0o be "booked up' (wliatever that may Mirs. Mary Walton. a fities 0f i Haol iliaswa tkn ciaCh-men)in tbe near future. Russell, died ln ColTeyvillIe. KS cago boapital lest Friday, aad et pres- Tbe IMajestic Thseatre bas againi tntis uit ~ haaed and. M. Rng avie nhl L. Afnann froin Waukegaae called et but tast week. lira. Rusaell bail be Lt C.laiaealt Wdeda a ch g 10 Mr. Oliv r. ohaso n ffLke.tise home of A. Bunton Sundey. a masillentof Waukegan and Voej Lag C.th a petWifeoîs l ayChlt Our"stOckvr ohsodelogftBlffvLake. Ben Hesand gtay Buachiare putng many yeats, harlng,lilved ca oa caopitli. e h sInVety -u tcko td'dlgtsl aid'ls. Coutyti trant »Ince 1892. 8h -* ani complele. Autos. shloofles. rock- in nome drain tiI. for E. MJet.lr. bora lin England la 1837. Sie Ie0ý hosptal.ing hormes. chatoes tables.,reekera. Giest certeinly la ln for general- im- At Ue reula meeiag f le Roala son. S. J. Rtussell of Velo, eU4 Ateigbr gu lowiadg of tce Roywer deska, walkers. sledsl, hobby homses. provementa,' but tiose thlngs colitta daughter. >lr$. Sareah Iusad,, it eeced or the ensuoing yfiear ere tc., lncluding doit carte la ail finlahles tremendous a0nount er money. Tha North avenue, Weukegen. Orcel for.thatelle Bocka . and styles. Schwartz Furntiture Co., wiy the Economy truick. Funeral services were held "t ViOracl................Fiela wDrck. 216-222 So. Geenee St, Waukegeli. The Aptakisie achooil will give a dye .0p n h oyw Chancellor ..........Mildred PenowskiSewidw ipay511 basket social and enhertainacent et thE I erred l lihe Volo cemetery. echool bouse Frida.y aiglit, liec. 23. Recorder ............ Olive Keulma o FREMONT CENTER 0- moyed ho the cil>, av Marshal --------Anna Hoffinn0 00 0 09 0 rs athasWierhlV R Iaside Sentinel RseHockaey 00 O 0 0000 0 00 ars alias nWkersn l: ' iom Outaide Sentinal .....Emma Thayer mrs. George Obenauf speat the weelh of be rmon, Ed. Manager ......... ........ Anale Kelley end widi lier'son, Andrew Hercher, seee-eslaWuee TREES 1PlA g Musicien ..... Nellie Ziegler' and îamily of Arlinghofl Heights. for a. J.n. Bueissli wîîo teib na Phy sicien,.........Dr. W. W. Werriner Sister Justina, one oi fihle heachetsldtsa,àiII. e 1 Pù *1* LesllieCradaland Harry Smith ( . Mary's schooi. ntertaiaied.lei g ltt 0sy aiI0.11.ec. 17.Fulsi cty M.areus I1h tel i woikig al thel i gpetdt uek oR*. canme home Wetlnesday irom thhe Wes father front Indiana laid Tlîorsda3y d 'y : tîtaket r large scate. The ceunty tfir ley liopital. Michael t>benattf. Ji: . wlo bas been reot -tmr hn359 Say, flks! Whatts neevdilii 1 -es lave mre iveil by"" Andrew I.algttard wa- taken 10 Ithe seîijously 111 witlî an ai tack of appler t- tttltt . cîi i aciltuuî re hvetehr&ivdb Wesle hoptal uesda, whre le un (lictisis ale t bc o,' aain.Vicin'ý i a cl et-sunit n . trs tilsibsouatyy who ae ai Weaey opiel ueia>.wlîre ie n icia,,la hir tabe u aain buse, wiero itere la soiltething gotf'? raising fruit on Iheir carms. derwent an operation foi, appeadicitta, Mr. and Mrs. Wil IIlironlmusanud I n -us1è, ý -frtus r'saebù and ata hresent i.,gttting along lis rs. George çClvelind *of Round Lakt t ~eudenou'>s(u mseteosi o oelie r e welll as tan ho expectedl. etWtted aftricnin al Willow. out going ii)Libî-t t>s le titlese ct wiut ter tfluîC s. £IUT Mis. Allen Anies an([ iss las Hîi Aus Fana )1 1 11à* knbody loun lobud their l.ag JERSEY CWS are- enherhaing teir neîdîew front Kan- A diti Delili of Waukegan i laed -I okigti-SnaCu.i ii' sas. ing lte week adtrelatives l ii titi 's etoar Sana lais tt «Miss Katherine Schî-oder oh Chicago vicinity. Tlatawhner itîte eflown.me ilnu spleat Suaday ai the home ot Mra. Ad- Mrs. Helen Frederick of RoVnd Lake. Aretî iaund an extra job on the-si-le die Willams and Miss Rut1h Willianms. visiîed ber brothler. Frank AltarIt t îack'Saturda>-. O10 but 't Iras sort! Urina . 1, Ded. 1l2. 0 The weather 'chaaged Saturday and Wtdaesday. Mr. Abaîl -bas been 111 for John llaupp visited ait lt! home pr hyl, jersey cew, holda tbe snoy tell delightling our local huntere, several weeks. but at present llaltii- Alvis Reuîîp Thursday. ' 1ord'for milkg prodoileone and Suaday sevetalof thein rarted on l)roving. Several stray doys were seen lui oui seeg covii wtb a meeoex tf a rebbut haut. Supt. of tichools, T. A. Simpson of wn l]ast week. If folks allow their 84? oeMdaefrmia. The store are open cverg .oeen iW kegan, wui a pleaisat calter-,eh doge ot follow thein we would bevery là th ea rt ga. tlii week bat wililbe cioei aIl uby t. Mary'sparoclilal- sebool Thbursday. mach obliged If lhey would see tiet FA d«M tkflt9Wt Xonday, Mit aireMi. Aidre-, huuom. wbo Là Loc o.. - %î INDIE. >1h vemth hack with hbemt. It .1s;very euý .c-tent and Inhuit iontouraout ee oend f bist utMr havebOUSRlYlg BtflbiIitU8 I itti eWtidll v.~dumianimal 10 starve tb deal.Evs tRial Wie aric.t Cc.