CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 22 Dec 1921, p. 8

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OFF ()Br rOuuiy Utpe[U IIV Complete Turkeys,Geese, Ducs and Chickens METHtOIST ZPISCOPAL 'Charles J. Dickey. Paston. NaMT-CE-ToaIl eblîdren corsnecled viti tise Finit M. E. Sursday Scisool iu tise Iteruediate, Junior, Prlmary sud Beginners' Departints: We shall hld a Christmuas Party for you Satur- day aternoou a!tishe church f ram 2:30 te 4 o'clock. We shahi have a Christ- g ~ ~ rmewed efforts would lbe ruadi et irrest amt punhi people'-ho persist (.'Arch urSirp'espi lu-dumpilfg their garbage snd rubblsh___ in public blghways. 4I After sendiflg a man t0 dispose of PIRST PRESBYTERIAN the animal, Commissioner Taylor 1, Bari C. Morga, Pastor. E 4stred ihe following notice: tSabît School ai 9:45 a. va. At s mation leading to tht. arrest sràd con Chirstmasi Carols. a partial Christmas and garbage along publie highways ln; eregaion and sermon. By a ruling of ng RUFh"l iaM'ýulegan Tawnslrip.'lthe fBoard of Health, ail chldren may Highwayý Three weeks ago. an autontob~il t'end a prograrn, but flot taire part body Ihat liait been worfl b-yonil therein; therelore, al thee blîdren of iJ> further use, 'was dumped on Looni is 1 tlie Sabisatis ScisooL are invlted to thse Ave., and reniained there untilir-si. i exercises on Sabbath morntng. There dents of thý neighborhood filed com* will be na study hour. toi. A. Taylor Plaintà. Moruîng worsbip at Il a. n. This gto, the arresti . wili bie thse regular Christmas service. le ýwbé persist -iThse service will bie largel>' musical. oi the count>'lEA V EI M ni n charge of thé churcis choir, who The commis- ilHEAVt INEI ANDJIIU nll render sae god Chnitruas nm- tnrt last night bers. There will bie a devotional ser- had done is IA E TMC ieThe public ls invited. Follow- rown the Qffal il kUts ý mg h9,le programt: sIrves along the Chors-'LlsteIl 10tIrte Woudraus Road Just west Stor)-." an was sent to .Joe Pielski, Commonwealth avenue,i Solo-Miss Myrtle Smale. c araeas and at- Ioth Chicago.was fined 1200 and giv.- Chorus-"Angela Frem thre Realms, part>' commît- en tirty days ln the work bouse fori Soo-Fak 3. Wigt iolation ef the piroblbitary law, bY iCioru-"Christm5i Belîs.' saber aylr.Judge P. L. Persans in county court Organ Solo-Mns. Edward Sayre. rquently bieen tnasutucb asibis coming, Sabisatb lâ and said that toda>'. Chrstmas, there wil li e no evening - - - - sevice Bu intead there wi li e s j Vesper Servicen, combinjug the Chnîs ~ ~ tian Endearor service and the evening preaching service &' 4 o'clocls. The Iservice wil be in charge of thse pastor. -Because the epldeniic Prevented putting. on a satisfactory Christmias prograin by tise Sabbatb School, tIre fldaY night exercises bave been. in- rond's Coflmilfity teSbahSho r ocnet h church saturday fe>' nad eev Storev their, treat. As annouflced above, the. Sabbath Sehool will celpbrate the ChIristmas season at ;he regular limle of Sabbàtb Scbaol- lb. since Nee Vear cameb on thre Sab- nas Candy per - 5 bath. the Watchi Night party. he basl been an aunual event for years, ýates per IL. - 25e Iifl be droppedthis year. Thse regilar Ls per lb. - 25c Januar>' lst. The service willibe pre- ceded b>' a hiait bour organ recital b>' - - erlb 2eMn. Edward Sayre. Th8re wHIi e a Nus erlb 2cmessage in keeping with tesao Our regular Weduesday evening mas Trm fom 2 e upPrayer Meetings will be held in bornes mas Tres frm 5c uifor at least a portion of the itr ,00 each ThserigWeduesday (Dec.2M the meeting will lie beld a! the home ____________________________of B. H. Steir. Tise heur is 7:30 P. M., and the tolce "Tise Lost coin P'ana- Turk: Shoo -AT- commencint at 10 a. M.p SudaD c. 21 Corne and in a:Fine. 8 Turkey 'for Your New 4Yiar' i Dinnerl,. muS tUeoanda a jey gond urne. icr A parents are dIo ,invlted.-.Cmrntte48J 10 a. m., 6unday Schooi. A Christ- Mas progra min thse Young People's IIJ D tA Li Il a. m., A Christmas Service. Ser- P'5 mon by thse poster. Special music: Anthem, "Hall( Glerieus Morn." B>' tbe Choir. - Solo. "Tise Birtbday ofa Kiug," Tony Yankus of Noth Sher. Miss Carrne Chard. !9ale, 'Wie Men Came."* Jack Brad- dan road believed on road ford. _7 to ii@overy 6.,30 p. m, Epwortb League Devo. - tional service. 4 most remankable case of lock- NOTI--The hour of the evening ser- jaw la tisat of Tony Takus, wilerore- vie ets cbanged -froin 7:30 le 8 oelock aides on Sheridan Rond, nortis et the for a deligbtful heur Of e*celent Blanchard achool. whios jaws wers Christmas Music. Thse prograsu' firiy iocked for 48 boure. Hymu, *Joy te tise World," by tise Yanksns bad isie and badiy mars- congrégation. gled lnt a corn s~Ut iakgv Prayer by the Pastor. ýing da><ta,, l bai neceîsary te arupu- Cantata. "The Everlastlng LUght." tale three ef bis flugers..He bld is Introduction, Mrs. Lyle Morris.! adtieated and apparentiy was got, -Break Forth Into JOY" (bassolo0 iing klong nicel>. Tw ees18r and chorus) Jack Bradford. hie baud began gilng hlm trouble. "He Shal FPeed Mis FlocW" (QuAr. Two weeks ago Dr. A. H. Clabboe lette) Miss Myrtie Sasie, sorao, as called into tise case and lie round Mnr. Glen Hoskina, alto; Gleu Hoskins,tiatenu<a4delp.Awec tenor; Bradford, base. asle 'Tise People That Walked la Da1'k-1 aga Suuday Yankus' as1e nes" <oprno oloandchous orcarne locked and they remgined lu nesl' sopanosol an chrusfertist condition until tise followin women's voons) miseSBaii. Monday. "Tise Iuht la Corne," chor'us. "'Bethlehein," (soprano so10 with Dr. Ciaboe admliitered anti-teta. choir accompnlen), Miss Misl. nus gerum and rusbed tise patient te Scrlpture' Reading. lua. 9:2,6-7. Victor>' Memorisi hespital. Tise pat- "For Behold. Darknses Shail Cover lenttihan since sisown corsiderable thse Barth," (bas sole, froua, Messiais) ImProvemelnt, anud le bas recovered Jack Bradford. tihe use of bis jaws and là able te est. Announcements and Offettot>'. "And There Were Shephirds (0-OBITUARV prane solo) Miss Smale. SILAS WRIGHT ~ "Hall t0etise Lort's Annoiuted" h>' Tuesda>' morni ng, December I3ý,b chorus.(rSm -Tise Vlrgin's LuilaIr>"'(O'ftO bis home on Braluard Ave., Bilas solo> Mca. C-EBaton. 1Wright, on.eof tise ldest settiers and f "Room lu My Heart for Thee" (c o set beioved and caspected citizend tralto and baritone duel) Mns. Gleu1 of this commuutty. passed toe ternal t n-okins sud Jack Bradford. rest. "leua"(final chorus). Hé w born luLittie' Falls.. Herkl-t Benedlctioll. tme ny e ok uu 3l.ý Tise public he cordiall>' invite, ta 4rcan t Nedew Yripe.dagu.: t e theisc servit-. .parliclarly ilit mç . .4.adatane is ie!U aee ning service. e1atgaI7à< 7 years sud fOur month8. tte was rihen Wednesday e âgat73, an in-ý>'oufgest and tIre iast of a M7mily of apirationai service for prayer, Biblei elght ciidren, and came wiilî bis 1 sîudy and Christi fellowghiP. Came. barenti froin York state lu 1839. andÇ --- setled at Gîge's Lake. He bas ,ieided5 DIÂMOND LAItE CHURCII. practically ah 1bis life lunttivilnity,t Charles j. Dickey. Pastor. witth tise exception 0f a few yearsà Connrmuuty Christmas pr'ograinl at-speit lu Iowa.'1 urday eveniug at 8 o'clock. A large He vas uuited lu marriage te Sarah t atteudance and a delightful time are PhelPi On Oct. 30, 1840. TIhi unionÉ expected. Win a long and happy oue. Tse>'bilj Tiser. wtll b. ne services On'Sun- passed tiseir golden weddiug afniver- day .as it le Christmtas day, and many ian>' by oven tire years, vison Mca.1 of Our people yulj be unable te atend. Wrgh pecde mte tise betterj land. Tisat was over five' sud a bai' years iago. . 11 Elmer Loar of Chiçago. lea prison- Mr. Wrlgis. became connected wvith er in tIre COunt>' jail bers on a charge cisurcis vork lu his early yeans, and Of viottng tise Dyer act. which r'e- was a- member efthtie Old Society' iu lates te narcetic. Leer vas indlctefd 1873,adltrwsoeo h tuc lait week by the Cook count>' fédéra&l .md laoftevaes uLoatie staunci grand jury. aud bis case cornes Up ebr fteGg' at ucs for bearing ln Chicago neit Thurs wiich was bultitnl 1884. Upon bis day. comiug to reside ln Lbetyville lu 190iO CýLO0S11N-,G OUT- Entire Stock of Furniture -AT - Wholesale GÇifts That Find Ready Welcome AGIFT of an Flectrical Appliance is one thet wilI find mst reacly welcome in any home thi Christmnas. A gift of this sort is both a prac"ia and an ornamental one--whether it be an Fiectnical Toaster, Percolator, CI*fins Dish or any such SucL a gift is practical iii the convenience j! rendors, ant in its labor andi time saving h is ornamental in that its appearance is such as to make i! a welcome addition to any tal rcabinet Note Our Prices On Lamps Dresser L p ............. $2.85 te $5,00 Bouiçlouir Lamps . .... . $3.40 te $775 tF3oo Lampe. .... .....-$17.50 te $26.0- Table Lamps----..................$10.00 to $18... t SchA Gift Here. Oui. Assortinent ,TITUS BROS. -620 NofthMiakeeAvenue OP EN EVUIIGS Prices ANDES We have ýrented our building for other purposes, and the entire complete stock. of furniture etc., will be sold Out I3very Item of Our Stock Is Included,. No Excepion SaleWill Be For Ca-h OnI Corn ..ia'dS-ee,,For Vourself G.m T.LueAdSn 27 LIBEI<TYV durin iDEA1 --Typýmold fer 110.s; acendins lires eorupiled of healtis for Durnug tise -,ore" eported sow thet 370 fisoid ftero talfty rite of lion. F-igurnes for k ber 00,00 9< alatis. mortel <population; Il tffltl' rate 9.2 > Thse departrs slevina 11ev vitisin tise les etprersience irer and ari>' of case" repoi -years, thse loy ed for' thi rmon -rIre disase fung sd tiss Tu an sd Au higist point i es". Il thq -two mouthou, i béernd Jaue ruat>' ad m dovu*ari for ,ttl*ov loyal -it la therel Lent'. report t lita>' b.e irtrat the Fm rbut lueelhfly fal October. mat OiN Y te rstien. 11115 m mnt thtielir nid. thIsaIet ail Inluth i ~t' neplled vht do il ffli! f Millf tlt ., ltu W f7 le became a member e! tise M. E. Lairor and love ceai.. churcis hene. vhere h. bas heen a lAnd lUtes .loug wanfanee iseassiut14 faitbful and active member, lu life, isie oul le found la Peac."l as weli as tu deatis,ise experi'euced 1Fanerai services vers heldait e tti nphseofthte Christian fathi, home, Thirada>', )feember 15, w-lUs Practicall. alIis long life vas Chris-: bÙût- la inLakeside ceuetery. tise eY. tien. Il v-ai bis je 'to labar ta build, C. J. Iticke> efficiatIug. up a churcrh. ln wvicb man>' bave aris- 1 1. en te cati -hlm blessed. sud f rom vhere, CARO OF TIIANK8 M: many morre were walig ta .gIev hlm, We wfah to tisaul the f riends. neigla- a heant>' welcame home ou tisaI elher hans audý societies for the beautllu shore. He Iras beeli înle :o God. snd fIerai offenias, sud for thse Word*sof. (lad was good la hlm. For more than sympats> and cosufort durng these 18- 66 years God penmItted hlm sud hie nees and dealir of our loved ue. helpmate ta bear tle ornoya andi MR. AND Mil. S. J. YOUNG s!aane .joys e ofeNtegetiser. sud AN&)-FAM1,Y. vison sevas takteuhle vas 81111 bt.. .. tise tender ministries -0f a loring dmsghter. Mn. .-Kittie Yourng, tleencr-' joymeut of trârel, su dthe fellowsiilin" M àwU M of relatives sud frieuds vie oved OIC hini. Hied carne snddenly ater s fv t a ~in gr few weekso! lîluent. a verY ' short j"' """' s.FSIFI .er peniad lu tise full total 0f, sncb a long. th isealtis>'lite. Hevas readY 10 go sud wemy a roelao i iir: Town 1Hall Rest froua tis>'ldved elIrIlo>'; FRIAT LVVWU, Tise ba tlle foug t, t e victeny wan. À Enter il>' Mater's je>" 25c A PINSO. Tise palus e! deatis are past. ce of Dunipu Garbage on must stol ruti bas be en off bmmuriestouer Wn )rrsileis eadiuî luttiq o! ofpeopi g teoadways klggrounds. remlVed a repo me frner visa tcberng bad tis W anud severml Ca ç ot tise Golf Ri h Avre. 5ttsvuOofl. tamai ce 10 bury tiseci tofind out tise1 ring to Commis utano"s bave fi d te IrIs office WaI Christm Chocolh wahut Mixed 1 Chrit to $5. rame. . aov E faIn teaad Oeever wat mahis ko! il bekwl4ikey pints o!rIl quarts 0frNe 0 r'*d1um" 0f I1 irîit h3 . C. E alto etused t emI". vison hein sutomebi golduaine. .D9avis and.- Wsukegan au~ bound overt ibtarges o! lit god trauspori Ileable to gi sid ia thse coul of tise grandj D&I. Mmd E t4à la thse c f*portatloi lit l estiaiat is- -t -1. -- - c, TY mm

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