bat itiajuatdosed oueidaa diferet evenibody. :Te' ~boet a feat Erm mme W; te « tud »"»lcal 1l"I et u havre »CO. 1m#m- vti tbe iJdUPegg ntu*Bd e Io? ot i wM*, tter al No eemeans lqew db$e olmtem tlek, umtir fer- Ibey mate, ft 1* @en" tite e- tan te de. 1'hey im aend It heipa seeu Satter Wth A uatum i fo yOt. fi»eV eue t a »sW kowtieal,but vItR w*4 sipefl bat tbm a ù bt uneme -8'f uet niss o serrer U.W or ~ai uïes dia te hpeu, li'*ls ofh IM7 lar t leet te simb, tbm mm Me dtiknov fitat tuibagà abutblabe#e inlustore tien a i he îé,be m. te future - te ete 4o-ba.vf&at muahppy tuffl eqf lam-iat thor are Prow lacarlato laid te smething Iteater &M lbefte--kuow tbat sue«s f timye caunuierath e i rebealeatfortow manitrouble fiat dxer la a remn-knov kt deep flwm vitihitbemadlvea,,tiloug estwarly they ruent nadirebla agaPlutel. It la net blini futi or Puilm thaLt't«eihsRi, but -pu"and knleige ef lit.. 014r efille knov abat lhe year *lu atutebring iappunmd t'y- 110ft tRachée vit arn ov baaring Scrrov ad trouble.-MmaJ. F- Limitelualie Detroit lin lbLAcK,r4zw TEAR PUDING ingrefilenla? On, cuptu lack mo bae;oua cuptl hidi sent'all 9» asaet*Pocftui goda -,beat veli. Aui oeatempeonffl sut; One aue #Uttie; Oe-eighth pound !citron, eboppeti fine, one-totrtbPeund fCet, cbopped Suie; four dry fi, chopped lIme; One dozlen alitatis, minced mùe; ceuaptul eeded rtahana; three raw tai faPPles, cluPped coaraly; tre couia our. eit xail togeilmer, s at lu a butterati moIti for tirte houra anti *7for 15 minutes In mn oven. Serve Witbaif pgood pu4diang auce. This tRi serve 15 peratati. RESOLUTIONS. S&Mivié: Te smvmy money AzOd a lfrugal Ilfé. Reselved: Tl, de my duty ' - Add euh abstalu fromtatrife. ReItsved: To gaive up smokinlg * And navet toucli a dtop. Resotved: To lîeed the apeed laws Ad ne er offen a cot. 1420Bemtd: To. quit comllailng Anis alle wheeer I can. * imivai: To cqae troin knocking And pralt» my teliw man. ltooobve$-but abat. the 'une of Mr Nplugntuinluso deep,? l'v mu aismore rencutui'ou lUn *uy mian couid ieep. OEITER PIECE IINI. 'te lamnder heaavy enbroideredýi'ound oyat center pice.'ee, wasliian-d ,itrclî stsiff. Whle %uct, dit ide Int htont or vigithl, piace paper (,i r¶ag ýa&O pin tu 110r, mNO ou wuuld ,tretcli leurtumua on a q.tretclet. Wien dry te- moe plus, and yon ilii have a celter i doeup beautuiily, %vithuut any Wou- Chiot. of t ckee Nation. ltRhe hxi ý cnreuofhIe ex- isteuice outhe C (herokeq niat.i vvSI ot te Mississippil river, leunlocal tee eilled, at varlous iuîterîais, te su lithe igileut office la te lit; ifth ie Chero. k a When te costitution or te Clierokee nation wasa a<opled Septtum- ber 12. 18.', Il prou idedl Ilat tlle su- Piem. executivo powë t fte nation ibould bha. ted la au offitai whose til 1114 uldit Re "Thie Principal Chit et thRe Clerohee Nato." The ten pris. 4W l chfsere: John itoat, Louis lhastnhng, Wiliam r. Bou, Charles D. eo . I iuuij.iead, joei B. VsC, C .Illari5.s. & . Moyeu, T. àt ~ onandW. C. iter. 0f Um. oixy tue tare fullbleoda. Ail tb wf, W"thie ereptiotautrDown- in mail lmpuon wterô ut mizeti . a nedianl iooti. John :home t4 dsoiasowere ltahe ly mm .odever 1i115d tbe office of, osé PhIst. Johnt Rose Rid ben &W « thfOlmouCherokeel atthe liulsirrer'. - Iii.Scriptires. scriplures are the prop 3oI and Oea wih net be 4110eul to vrest trou SES AGAINST et CUT IIUCÂST Iv Thieilmois cmmmer ompilalo atarteti met yeateuday ta set a est la toiephene rates. The cOmpaip las asserte t latI in laBot ebligasi to jumtfy ia premàkt.ratesandaidecled to prset evdence. Il dlaims titat It la the iuty 0 e iccomnIlSalente maie ieatevlawig and ibuofferedta t give the Commissien sRy informaton Deapile fiat, tRae commImalua yes: tertiay ,ordered thi llngla Bell Tale. ~emeesmanvte amt te.theecOn- lildia O.Jaii1, lut, ani frtiar pro«., ioemmiatary or oral, la, Ifs peesasul m evlg or tadiig te show that fth.c pmoeatrates aid bbasgs, nov obagai mi ceflected by utd emuay itheticlimita et ou. etyetrCc~g, areJiu an d rea- eThe beamingon gai rates viii l rtemevleit Tneaiy SU neaapre- dicted the rate«vi ie éroducci. The Siuring et the ture et -thq elevateti flula achedutidfor Jan. 10, but' it "ii probabiy be deferreti. Jud Tunkhme Xui Tunh Una m R u evien MaM s ieramucli fiat wvi enMaut admire hlm -Feu'veot te vympatbile vrith him~. THlE TELEPUWIE Tip, to the police by t*.*one operator rvals iwrder et huaband NO XOÈANAtION MADE Indianapois, Dec. - S*Cr"uml and aboIs, heard 001r the wl réeby e téléphone operator. today fed te' police' iavestigatiloulisto, thei. ul or lier huaband by Mmra. . G. Blm mone st their homt liere Thé eertor. Umnmaniha Cou. neruing, vaucouplting along dis- tancecounuection viii IAuIBvWS. Ky., to laotiky lMra Slaona uthat, ber father vas dylogtla tbat clty. At the Instant the> etmbitt wa oom#letei,' the.- eperatuoaratls, acrtama and ibots a aid nOtiiaithW police. Moter Polleemearnmhed te the almimons home but theeimatnwus demi. it wua o tisslma lter befere nelghborsvere aVare cite t'ag- edl. ,£&r$ laveatigatioti Isled to te- v«al the motive et tiaheeSliai. mm ira mlmona vui rreted on a charge ef mordier. la lier -caOufeMo aïn ie th fe police ahe la reports& te, haye declard BSlamoISa, an 0V eau vît veteran, vui ttemPt- lng te attaci lier. TiheoebtaI layer. vho la onjv 2l ysars 01&l vwas married te Slamona vhén E irq.a. iumona bal Suai 3f ted tité racelver ef the telePholte cAIIifor hep. ohe ieclred, if th. Intant the long distanice eciii'vaueut lu and the eperator bearilier cries - 'Ieo~tSteveOîs tow1*s'eh OWd Year-mEnd Clea rance Sale' -Womenes isses' and Childreni s Footwear For the Last Three Days of the Year-Thursday, Fr1- day and Saturday-'we will of fer OUR ENTIRE STOCK 0F FOOTWEAR AT DISCOUNTS Ranging from 10 to 331/3% Nothing rtseîved-every Pair Op Womcîî's and Children's Oxfords; high 8hoes: evcîiing slippcrs; bouse slippers,; feit or leather; inen's women's and cildî'eifs rubber footvveai' of ail kinds are in this sale. Discounts Deducted from Reeuar Price At Time of Sae.-The Discounts 'Are As Pollows: Rubber Goods Ail satylaio! ruýbenii for Mexa, Womê'n or Chili- dren are olfereti ut 10%'- DISCJOUNT Women'si Shoes and O4ords lAteat ut# andmmut vante4Ie amhlira. Shos .auii Oxtorda t cemiaratel makes, Cbice of e- tire stock if 20%o DISCOUNT Women's High Heel Oxfords and Shoes. 11ghbel focwear only. Quecu Quality anti ether maes lin bovu andbluck eatiers 25% DISCOUNT Children's anmd Boys' Shoes Heavy mani iress shoea ut al leatheroand ibest kuos n malies. Entire stock at DISCOUNT Queen .Qualty Two-ToRe & Grey Shos, Thmeeare ebees et t ul el inovu Quecu Quailty make. Titey vili givae twellent serIce. DISCOUNT Mi Feit and Leather Sipr lie',,vometVg axi citldren'a fait aipPera.We- have a large stock troam uhici f0 e Cho,Cie ai 20% DISCOUNT We are offeriiîg ' fcw nitnbers of shoes cornprisiflg odds and ends andi diseotintld Unes at >........... 50% Discount This is positively the greatest saving event of the yearjAnd one in -%which,, we.believe, our patrons will be qiek to sea the a'antage of chousing footwear requirernt s for several »ii1tbo ahead. Rcnieihber this sale is fortTRU DAYS ONLY. * for p qes M lia nearer - ba bWW0m9 0.etme U O The Fa milAbum START THE -NEW YEAR WITH A FAMILY ALBUM IF TOU HAVEN'T ONE NOW. ONCE A YEAR,. ATÎLE AT, YOIU OUGIIT TO ADIj as well as Dad-to the Family Albim -r Cone Iluere Ire ala 1 I iII show voir hîOw vto (10 it. WALTER'S STUDIO ouiR COlY'S X&RKT 100 S. Geueaec St. Wauhsgs Buick Rocker Arm's Are Kept. Constantly Oiled Occaslon*1 fifling of the Buick rocker, arm reservoir assures constant lubrir cation Of rocker arma andt puah-rode -maklndg fr-equent attenition> unnec- essary. Tl* isl another pleaai - turc of Buick construction that2 ta appreciated by ever y Buick owner. Bui& six»s B"icFouSm ,- TnP&O& Rosâtes01451 flomw-M TIW.Pmu. fiat nu 25.8.-dl11..* ' $Po.-.WTht..Pam. Cu" 1 du L aêl iaM.A. CaPh. C. G; WENAN-&SON Phon« 728-110 Waàbington St., WaukegfiJL Phone 22, Deorpath Ave., 144ke Foîeit. GI. Oa ff the- Sig** b ~ea To 1 e kiioi forgott ridge D mriess i t8 of jtj eupied tesiions DOq as fE sole Tcnpi sept. "1, W. D, *. nouint M Jr, and- 1 01uup St. 1,s 4, sr ý.BUtas and sapez. W.. IL, Hunt ani lois 2 Cuti W. D. Plo. ret liathise lots 17, 18 i no0 Lake F, femanad 410 slamp IL Esynlon Pionna, W .«i 3 North l 9. .st tMurphy, »glrock, i lab, ,Wauct