elyfle Independent glndep.d.pl Waukegan Weekly Sun bh wake of Christmas, parents' 'wrath rescends ,x** Wrk &ebool teacher. She committed the un- Mce -told lier pupils, "There îsn't an>' Santa b It riglit to deceive children about old Saii yand Jack Frostî B>' aiL meanst' Child- êk maturity, needs illusions te keep it 'ever striv- Aand -te add coloi and romance to the Ma- Chasing bftterflies- is a pleasurç, e ven if, XVI TOU TuE AVEEAGE AKOUNt orIg te recent statistics, the savings of; smalt ý,W s avings depositors ini tis countryas, re- W lii bth. gavez~ment securities and dePisi *Ibatks, amount to the equivalent of $250 for' womman~aid cbild. hi' reader of, tins article hasnlt a savings account 1eâgt $250, it simpi>' mneans that someoprde lias ;-ore tban h average hlile he lias -saved lesq. 4eav it te the smal boy, te devise new tlirills and b~ ~~~ff he hrse ud'sleigb, the ehidren iimihciig their sleds to the sleigh. ~O»i* doiitg now hiteli to the batik of automo- Wtl»y certany get a wild, speedy and swaying ~o more perfect. death trap. was ever devised. 4h.e automobile suddenly stops tbrougli, the brakes h* cannot stop. Wheni the cliild hides back of-the ibile, a Jife Ï8. i jeopard>' througli the backing of %tO. Vhen the automobile turus corners, the sled slues xli the dodging pedestrians. The parental slipper ,pplI.e wiIl save trips te the cemeter>' and i 'tif wit- utognobflists a personal. injuir> judgment foir five md -dollars. YUDGE (9àEâLmS H. DôN»tLLy ri» death of Charles H. Donneli>', ex-judge of the let Judiciai District brings sorrow te the' hearts aOof people in this district wliere the late judgu ef.d thousands of adînirers, frien'ds- and- acquailît-' .Te have known Judge Donndlly was an honer, e known hin as a f ied is a. remenibranee never forgotten. 'udge Donneli>' Vîs one utf natune's tnhieinen; lie1 Mriess as a judge, firmn, severc and yct syînpathetie. t8 of justice, carried frrn i h exalted 1eneii w-iiI! cupied so long wec naiy as were bis charities. eçisions stood the tests of the highier courts, with p. as few reversais as any judge eve'r on a cicit udge Charles Il. Doîîueliv Nvill ion g be reinember- fl0red and quotcd. lic ill Uc miourtned as a maîî, bien& and as a jurist. MIL LI$T 0F REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSI Furnohla D y 00. TITU. AND IRUST CO. Msti Tesrplm .Bdg. Phont 4 Sept. là. 1921. Dec.-2e,1921. Lbtmai ta 1U. WV. Ulifis. Iots 4, blo&i 7, Part clntonoilgh. "~ W. D,. $5. Stamp $150. '. *Mng and rite Lu. A. E. rJr, andti wfe. lot 14, blockt S sA àAU. $gblar.ît Park, .%V. ) 01uup 83. de *Xieta Ocliver lionli. 3 lots s.5.0 34, Avon Twp. deeds $2, iasa anti wife t B. i8 4"ti24. block, 0". W. O. $800. si lunt and wlfeté1 1 2 sud 3, block D. 410o. liathisen Sud wl!E s17, 18 sud 19, Gr- Lake Forest, W.'A rinag and witg lu ow spd vite, tôto2 Stamp $700. lynlton aud itusba miua, W 5 roda, S 2 North West Adi ,$10. Stamp $2. Iurpby. ant i ho %rock, lot 4, ilurit Waucunda, W. C et. U* 1921. lo 4 -Wtol VitA D 810. Stsmp $6 R. Fersasnsd hi vftLi Md wite, loi et, lots 22 10 38, PIrk, W. D. 1519t É 4. bloc, 1, Dm.i 9np $21L NtrUan te W. 3. me ft.et ioba17, Il >r »a Puiveill à D. C1 ati snd vite 10 L w11, part-W %, si ý ir W. D. $10. ý lale. Jr. and wKtÈ bd w9. 1, u >tiiuobm nta W, lt-i lotS.&bloci t dand Pan, QCD $ .WuSt and vit 1à e- adldition, Wauke RMP $150. x.?21tt and laba È# )L' Tovuer. te 3. F. iiri 9, Wsuke- itamp $1.. Estelle M. 22, Lake îts sub, Waukegan. WL) $10,sami) G. B. L.euin et ailoui. F. Knox aud salie, s a cm&e N 1-2 NW 1-4 sec 21, Ne% port twp. WL)$1.0. amp Suc, lierman Aibrecht and wif. 0 o o- ert Ntinuke sud aife, lot 23, block 2, UtanontiLaike Park, %WL) $10. slamp (ic.. Lenuîe Il. Fiînkteiîn antibua- band to Sana E. isîenberg, E. Isi t. bltiscit4, Crocteltis Noi Site >uîb, W aultegitn, WI) 410, stamu 2. G. E. Van lHagent sud aile to Julis0 F. Prusor, acres lu S 1-2 Sec 34, Cuba Cs p.XVi> 410, 515011) i.0 14. A. Cran. and aile lu Alois 'îinj,, lot 1, bluck 1, Ciasues sut>, flîmonti Lake, XI)4$W, stampt$.u Mtaater in Cbsuct-ry tu 1). J3. ..'gîi hall, lots 5 snd 6, bt.uc 7i, Put L cin- tun, HIighland Park, D8w snj $È1-.c). Agae Suîýth et ai tu L. U. L.,buie anti wue, lut 3. Austin 's sub of ot î5. lt>k 4, Astit anti Geoge s a.il, Waukegau. *X'D Il 410sinaupl) 51c Dec. 20, 1921. re te Peter Il. C. W. Meyer sud aile to A. L. annis Snb. Neaili sud aile, part W 12 SW i1-i 'D. $900. Sec 24, . Fetrnnn L\V , XVI L1$10, tsîcînît o F. %lac- $2. 2. Deriugs F. 1'. Fuwlcu ,ii!id wife lu Jiiue. anti Park, Reert anti wife, lut I10, tblock 2, Fnw- ltra msb, Laite Nilla, WL) $10, stanijf- and to La àuc. 8 rotis. E C. A. Nemconît> Jr'. 60 Valîi Star- Id WHVauc-,auwicz sud lite, Iota 21, 2L andi =, block 84, North Chicago, D $225, Lbandte ho tarup Soc. .. bys Lake- Julia C. Merrili aud husiyaut lo D. $10. Washburn Cang. cbtrch, 2 lots Vil- lage of Hall Day, QCD $1. Xashburn Cang. church te Il. H. a tu -Je]- Scitroeder. lot la Village of!Hlli Day, 60 ft., E Desd $10 stamp Soc. W54. Lake Greenbaum Soau baai t0 H. L. 6.bud1 Best and wife, lo24, Ravila Woods, uts 22 and bloci 72 ,N. . Dec. 21, 1921. 10. tam N. 'lldge and wile te j. E. iLatherîne TIlorsel, lat 130 Behaont add, Wau- rilW . . . rove and tsi!. te Walter 'Grain. lot Laissnanad wlt.ý lot 40, Spencers' IStnd1,Highlands. Wauconda, 'WD $700, dd.. Wau.918-P $-0-Dac. 21, 1921, L. 11ÀStd N. P. Dadge sud wlte tae.J. E. liosel 5gj À -Sec, lot 130 Beimant add, Waukagan, WD jftamp $1. $229, stemp 60c. àte W. . E..e Grave sud vifte bWaler b of bock Larsen and w-ie, lot 40 Speucer's 1.Stamfp iilshlands, Wauconda, WD $700l, Slatnw $1. A,. F. Sorenscu 10 C. C. Owensansd J. Braown 's-ilots 9 10 aud 11, block 3, Wilu- , Wreun'a thtup Harbor, WD $1. 10 slamp lMay Antiouy anSdijushaud te Job, A.E alsept> Jacoba and wlle, W part lots 9i AB«Haland 10, block 80, Hghlaad Park, WD B &z CO'.s $1,statuaR $3. ýegala, WriJosephi lwanski andufe te taw-i ciklk ianski aile vile, loIs 34 aud 35, )sd t P. block 14, Dreyer'a suh, NoïthCiten- Rt of lad <go, wu -10. t~WD9lt) g3. ILEncensa andi vite teé1LI& jette EBisser, lot -13 and B 26 IL lt 2, A% Lam 4141É,. .Wf l 0. ar -- - -- , --- INew Y«es ln IEgypt, A ipofa people were auj>,1 Àu f e% or emetivar aft upol hh'wn resOurcesa Bdf were to lame .1 thé Ib date tliey Would have no mrmeans off ading t grain. Oui ler:a a artificiel oie, a"d seonut bs maude -by careful udy ln wU equiped.ebserva*;orieih. Witiîut pre. CW etrmeats Il WouifiM de Suit1 I ti.dar*whun Ibm e W eFr b.- Illient UUP*S4XU"leIedî ~q lSity. ,$*g e&rfrin iUtB; oit la 4 ra-eur and eio vat.<iqb«M te fcetht. or that star an t rome. TI.y were more or lim mllaborate. but ail baC aà their tm*mdaiu.al» laut lng nrrow païk- ung doswn wbleh the stars raya came, aMd à da* ehamber et, ihe fer ecM wau tbo priait Imade the observe- "is Md me th im magm'waakept. 11* lbeamu t th new year was sa u mmnt event. W. con plctue the messpe-as -IthePriestq, foUwed iy the. a o, lewyorm, .mrekanta, Mdi tbm «eu ucrowd, wfltnidaAiW BY Up te fie tu** la luhie*il ýIrbe 1o dams, U ami1ks theIu spbeïsted placesl, Ls.a dlat comse on the taterest oM1 eur»» a e llatuen ou gr oupe. *The. pnu@ a n the rosi ire strala- bug tboir q.. os e te m r,'mpsé, et the. cohng sun, whu* houle duula the flarkthamber art w ateting for StIM*.. Soldiairuore Aiuthlearouni th-illp pte 10 e m rwd suent and te prevent straggters trams crama- ýIag the. pai af the i.taresraye -in front uf th.e temple door et the. cril ca moment, A shout ha rt. taleon the roof anetile euD tops the horizon. The. observera beow watch Wir water etocks carefully now ea the minutes are told off, and strain thair eyes at the narrow opening.where Sirius lastO alije. In a felw moments Sirius ilself Ilishes loto vlew, and the. new year, 'bas bevn. Tihe EMyptans dlscovered thst tht' year has an extra quarter of a dey In l, They didit by notlng liat en morne years Sirius and lb. sun Tom aliost togehlier, tehile on otlacrs tiare was an appreclable difference lu lime,altbatI these changes repentedl theme8elves everv five yearo. They fouud tihe length of the year lo wlthin Il minutes of ilis truc %alue, ~hic'h was a rý,oark- alte thIng to do witli th1e primitive op- pitances tlîey bdati bhod. NEW YZAR'S TIIEN ANC) NOW. As long as people eau remember, there bave been -New Tear parties. The aid Romans gave ti la u lonor ut Jrus thetivfaced god. One face iooked back at the nid, sppat year. and on. face looked forwerd ta the new, fresh year. They gave pres- epts te hlm and lt a ch Chier with the hope that the new year woulb. ,gond te tlem. Soule of 1the people wlio l.ved long ago îvaited untit the end at Mari ho eelehrate hie NeiwTe r. mince that was the lime that the tree end gras began new lite. 1 U ' elbv M. 1 NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS l'Ars yen maki"g any aeed reaclu- ý tiens fer New Year'm Day?" "No, 1 havent had time to break i ai my lest New Veara e e yet."1 A GOORESOLIJTION. A. gond resolution le the ol ofu e renînrse and regr et, ivho w ere %vedded hy expericace. Nght in Flittcry Park. lialte! y ai uk tI î, lfilldA %w 11h peu ,ie tekîgrelief frein. the' cty leat. From th 1e ieuules oue inuty gaza uTpon Ille st atut, (4fLiberty, 13" erilor'il andtiEltis islnnul. flhe harbor li silei w!th cràft anîd novantutien au oceanj liner lios Ia 'tay ont lu cea. tIl la one ,f the' ln,st picuresque spots la ail New V".lu the back-ground le lb. New Y trk sky line-a nest of cloutl.pierced buildings. On the top of Iliese buildings many rich iueq are building fine bungafwî. Ou--lais as sleeping porch adjoialng his bedrom aud by pusling a button bis bcd rails out enta the, porcli. At ightfaii the sectiof ic - the peaceful quiet of the Yillage churcbyard, and the only neise la the. sooltg chlinies of Old Trlnlly etrlkiug the bour. A vister aiong1 Wall and Breadoti stes, se thîci itli1 joStilng humanity during th. day, la. rare ut aaght, aud bie very presence t'iclles Suspicion, lie ta slaadowed froïm the lime lie arrives untîl be lenves.-Nesv York Currespondence et lbInIdianapoliq Star. Explatning àaHotesProlum When a womau gels a luuéband whe eat't saw a hoard strn'glît siue gels -te b a pretty fair Carpenter lieriteif.- Powell (Kan.) itepuhleman tYou'll Find, Extraordinary Pre-Inventory' Barg4us-i In Ever>' Section of the Store fll o gi anr Waitresseu guatanteed fa $2.50 values 8V Extra Ex-tra!Extra!. Ail the Women's CoeSuits and Dresses, in Our Stocks Are Mre At Coat and Less Thain Coet TO CEART*IE AWY BEFOR WE INVENTRY - We tdYeu we w" Uldke " >k Jamagy ht, md tat.M li gl women of Waukegan the apparel vY"es M their iv.. bfre t"tdé*- ne~ the Big New.-Just oee howý wekeep ou promise mi dmt mmss te buw FURS Reduced- 25 WIiicn xve take 25i,< friî our auî'cadv îeeied pr'ie- us it nicns at least 35 teO 40%! inî nost stol-es. Corne and sce howv von anve.- Eveî'v Fur is jieliided. SUIT-S Reduced, 50 Ever>' Suit in the house is ineluded in- this as-j foi îndingsale. They'ie in I sinartest styles and fa-'1 bries and man>' are: fur trinîmed sud silk ald.A reallv sensational oppor- -I Snappiest New Dresses Exqtîisite <'reations iin the mod>estîads. I resscs tiîat are Il le cut snappiest models you'l sec anvw-lîcrc. rflieVyreinl cv.-I"ostylo atiîl uhi ,;l illk auid iooleil fabries. iBcaîîtifully tiimed and tailoieti. 1?îniî'grolîps a The Luxurlous Ceats Stuîi i ilg. IUN ,lîlio ls ->aî s il li ry d liit ud s1yl eai >d v L abvie. liidreds of thiei are fur triin- ined, silk ]iniîîd iitîîd inter-lilard. Yol wtc'l '~.chvalues ait $10 -$15 -$19.7.5 -$25 Sensational Reductions on the Second Floior WOMIEN'B ILiK BLOUSES £Georgette, Crepe de Chine anîd39 t WOMEN'S 'SÂTEEN PETTICOATS Well mnade black Petticoat.s in ail sizes, Special ......................... ....... 5 k Otheis et 95e WOMEN'S DAINTY CAMISOLES 7 la 'the papular llesh tintea aI.................... ....7 WOMENS LONG BLOOMERS of satin Iu ail colors for clearance ................... .9 WOMEN'S NIGHT GOWNS o! good Ilanatelette; $2.00 veluers at-.............>.... CHILDRE'S5.00T of good heavy coatitigg, 2 ta 6 rizes at .. ..... CHILD)RENS COATS 79 of very fine materlais, 2 ta 6 suzes at.................7 9 GIRLS' SIDDIES. 85c Very attractive blouees of good uatertal .............. CIIILI)REN'S SETS. 59 Leggina sud cap ot brush wool ai ... ......... 59 of flannelett; i t ,14 year sizeo . ............>.... .79C of gooti fl4naeettc; 2 to S year ai en ..... -oc 75c WOMEN'8 PLAID SKIETB .A beautiful lot in a gi cat arklay of 0 color effects . ...4. -~. 9 WOMEN5 W0016SWIMTM 8 Stylish ail wool Sweaters in varieus 4.0 eolors anîd modes .......... .... ........ Others'et'.- 7S WOUEN'5 FtLiNîtHTTE PZITTOTS R~ ln very goo I welgbte et..... .............. WOMENS COVERALL APRONS ln light and dark et!ects. Speclal ................. t..WOMEN'S KIMONAS 5 of gond weight Fanatiette. Very speclal et.-........ - W'ONEN-S KIMONAS eanc> ..2I ci exceptionally hcavy llanueietie for 2.M. CHILDREN'S SWEATERS 1jeavy. ll-wool garmients. Veiy special ..... ('HILDI{EN'S SNVEATERS Ail wool anîd very beavy. Varlous colora et. GIiRLS' SERGE DRESSEER lut varions style9 sud sites St ........- GIRLS' SERGE DRESSES of splendid qualtty. Varions sites .. .. tBABY BLYNTINGS lu varions ahadie. 1 Juat the thIng for eold days at ai )>ADI) -Baby e liere -M ý 1 $5 $10 $;-j