CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 29 Dec 1921, p. 6

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bApea totelebasic>' the -» thetata 0forameo, isq glula crops oethlie ~~ ulf&*IU W t ltl- b asna* ntotcaing, vvasder tise elgiteentil amatie ai Racine bY A#icultsurlst: shows leen pmsulcil> ne rc-_ atreffe ef barley plant- vtm as edopiti. The ~be *47,000,0%busbela, t1.0,000 buaiselta tihe 4*0a 5v, ear e verage et repota tthlenes là à acotrîbutieni b>' lb.agricultumal - fIe thse stoppage et of malt liguera veuiti ~tendeoe&*&y vîtU the bar éb gricultumal colleges of , d Ic.lova anti Wiseigsln ,o tes. tto 0 eteemino of the grain. : of testa iici bave been eontia- 'csembisetion for three years doMsrated tisaI bars>' la ut- Mkualie-s a stock feed; fIat il dus mlore peofein 4ban corni anti K ýpeo"r - ise senpa- 9 ggWA-fers antiRu- hm lealwas a egond show lAI agiuke, but vs vant you f0- lu Mi one. iv n4LC..OU BE va" Veeisa>urgemi. owttRasSissesOpposite Re Estèer Ce. Garage. EMUTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. JE WALTFRS, fM9ICIAS AND SURGEON. ïMmeS of Wossueansd Cilderen 1 a pécislty. &'WUKEGAN,. ILLIOIS. DENTIST 004441. 112 t4o. Gonesmse St. WA.UKEG&N.ILLINOIS, 0 . F. BUITERFIELD ~PWURNARYSURGECON 00 5UWt Biats Votterinrian. ýlÀTVIrLLE. ILLINOIS. Dg. J. L TAYLOR »u in riai Natlonal Bankl Bldo. ÏW;lta 3:30 anti 7 te 8 p. m. ms asBroadwiay'.opposite Park $*UUTTVILLEU ILLINOIS. t a.Fi-m 19 PO'Moie0f o rm tles a Çeitc iesae. , £WY he feMd if phanted te Iatb han t iiianted te cats. ;4 Indign&. the barley prodnces >20 ponnd more fsed th",. cats. in lowa 244 aud lu W!scensin 286 aceordiONate the report. siey OutpoltntaCorn An experiment cenducted bY ..G. Miller.,test cattlse xpert oethfie Wis-' cousi Colfe sOf Agriculture on tven- tv lse*d et Chicago Steens retarna a verdict for batley over crn. The steer.3 vers divded Itoutwo lots andi ted an ideetical ration except that. la the caue of ten eof thens crusb- 0t býarley va" substituted for cracked the fail, it was tottd that those ted on bariey ht d galned their lesh t *a cent of $2401 per bundrèd pounda andi thet those ted on1 corn $27.44 per huadred. 690906e00e090000000 o LAKE ZURICH o Mr. andi Mrs. Walter Lin, Mrs. Lu- ry Latin had Christmas dinneir vitb Mi's. Rose Sigwalt and family nt Bar- rlngton. Mms. Harry Anderson and sous. Lylei andi Russell. vere holiday viitors of Mms.Aikens ai Barringlon. John Prehin spent Christmas eve wth Mrs. John Prthm and Mr. and Mrs. Cari Babel la Chicago. Mies Rose Ernst ot Elgin vas he.- over the veek end. Mis& Ells Hauà of Lake Forest was here SaiturdaY Visiting Miss Rose Ton- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wlsner of Kil- boumne are visiting the latter's parents 211. and lirs. C. Kohl. William Pepper ot Waukegan is cali in gon old friends in Lake Zurich. He ia a salesmian for an auto ohl. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hartman anld sons apen-, Sunda ywiîb Mr. Hariman's parent. nt Arlington Heigbts. Mrm. Herman Helfer. visiteti ber daugbtcr. Mrs. Walter Joley. and lit- île, son ln Chicago Sundey. Mr. and Mrs. John Riroalmus and tauMr yent Chriatmas vith Mns.'J. Watsos n a ukegan. . r. aM . Jo.. I)ymSildand Utile se "fnt ief udY Vih MiessEdith Dymond la Cideag. Mr. sand "r. erma Pralm fl aua !#air genos for Christmasa dinser tir. sud Mr». H. Krueger ot Long Grove; Me .and Urn. Water IlelmutU, Mr. and Mrn. Wm. Tank, Mr. and Mrs. Water Prebm andi ohildren, Mr. and Mns. AI- bert Pnb, anid dngbter, L.eRoy Na- gel and Wm. Prebm, Jr. Mr. andi Mn. Wm. Ankele and littlé sons vers gueslaetfMr. Ankele'. par- ents at Barrlngton. Miss Verna Gahibeck vîuîteti t Pal- atine Mosday. Mr. anu Mr%. Charles Dean or Pala- tine set the week end vitb Mr. andi Mns. Wm. C. Binase. Miss Ann a GiséhbatiChristmas dia- ner fer ber brother. Charles, of Pala- tins; Fred., of Blue Isandi; andi Ted and Barnest Schennig 0f Lake Zurich. George Haines of Chicago $pont Bat- Flrday viib bis father.and sisters, Mr. 1 Haines, Mn. Bd Hutchinson and Miss I Miltreti Haines. Mns. Anna Ladd andi son. Charles, vho have been viiiting at Hebron. Ill.. are visiting at the H Schaefer borne. The Chriastmas programs given at * be school bouse and churches Friday and Saturday evenings ver. enjayed by a large number. *VOLO s 09ee000006000o0ee00, Mr. and Mes. Croker of Libertyville spent the veek end i vtb Lee Huson and faiiy. Miss Laura Granger of Chicaga vas tb. gnest of ber sister. Mns. John Brimer aver Cbristmas. Dr. Fegers and neice Eleanor Me of Me Henry. î'isiied the latter's si.eter, Mrs. V. A. Mortîn on Thursday.1 Miss Muriel Cosman. of Elinla as tbe guest of ber aunt, Mrs. James Kir- Wan. a fev day. .the pawst veek. Fred Dunnill la vislting bis on Char. lie ai Clieiek, Wis. ai prese nt. Mr. and lMn. Frank Hironimus en tertaineti relatives tram Me Henry over Cbhristmas. Tbe Ladies Aid Society viii meet wiih Mns. P. L. Stadtilit on Tbnnaday afternoon. anuary 5. George Walton of Ubertyville andi Mm. lber. 1Kautenberg and daughter tMahel of Wankeg. Mr. andi Mn. Kru gem and sons ot Wîbconda anti Mr. andi .Mrs. Will Dillon sent Cbits day . iibh Mr. anti Mn. John Watton. Mns. Rose Duanill enfertaineti Mr. andn Mns. Bobne of Elgin and Mr. andi Mnà. Wni Rironimus' son of Round Lake. 1 Mns. G, A. Vasey ajid fsznlly speni Christmsas nt Gumne wth Lloyd Ben- weli anud family. Miss Pear tayed over for a veei's riait. . Arthur Dilon, Edltb Converse, Bar- .ah Dovel, Gelma Russell ami Vrera Vaa.Y are enloying a ivo veeka' va. hn tiO ront theirdties al Wauconda tovnship bigh school. 1Miss Orpba Russe il la spendtag ber WOOL.AND MUTtON CMIE Expuriment etation Es tabhished uetODu- bisl, Idaho, te solve Siieep - Problsqsic <..paretr Sithe Ute.d taSes et As, icduus5 $brep breeders, rauchaien and ani- mal busbaindmen fixim six or silt states-weef touflicUnitedi States se» experinent station nece DubolIàtIaho, tuts yenr fer tihe annuel shearlag., Keen Interesf attaches te tise weri dune by ibi» station, espedlîl>'b>' 110. se amareolive to thé importance of praslucing, if possible, a hreedthtîn saH combine Wighf lu asuttea anti excellences P l~neece, wirb speciai refer- sucs te market demands for Oine or comrse grades o!fivool. ln tiseL 4ar- luig tMeyear. Just reportei te Ils e- parlaient of Agriculture,. the Rfambouil- lats scoreti hIgise-ý. Tbe report slows fIsse recuts: - Average Welght of Wool par Sheep. Ruabeuill efs.............. 11.14 Ihu. Cotumhblas ................ 10.85 Comiedaies ..«ý............1c Corriedale grades. .....5 Tiesetnationu afDubois vas sstâb- lishet by the bureau of animal Indus- te>' Lu 1917 te - eots.tuet experiments' suis viscb fI vas bope te10soIve sainie et fise big prohlemas lu rangée business. Wifb oniy a little more tiies tbree yeaa experienîce the spécialists do nef ceaider lb. resuits sufficlentiy conclusîve fa warrant deditie asser- tin lu favor ot or against pertîcîtlar range pracilce. battihe work bas et- tracteti the attention of sbeepmen everywbere, ant islaexpecteti fa become lucreasngi>' important as the expemi- ments deveiop. "IL la qute gencrailly agreedi," sait sme of Uic shc.» hushandmen, "tisaI fer tise main pari of tbe range shes» country' of the lorthwestern samIes lise type-o! cwea olfaineti la th is t cross betveen lise long vooeu and the fin Vols la a Yery' desirable stock oe. We appresclats the tact tisai fine woi rames vere meut pepular lu 1919, anti tilat tile as due la part te thse il pries o!fiâne wofi. ZEvon-olr neifa wool continue le s»U aboe earmer grades. shicisla donhlful. wvsti111 couiti not afforti te iseleet tise lamb W,îh the Goming el Coeci Waher l.leaithy Ewese WIIHave a Setter Appetitu and Iif Fcd LlbmJ)iy Wili Gale ln Weighi. aide o! île business ibsi bas benutise cause o! sucb large use et crossimeti. stock." Sheepsuen concerned In the business of prodnclag sbeep lIai shah combine usutton and ti îe rlgbfkinti of fises waich viit Inierest tise deveiopmenl of île Corriedalie gradesa andthfe Ce- lumblas. Tise Cot-ietisue vas Importeti trom New Zeeland la 1915 b>' îhe bu. resu of animal Industr>' for fis vorlç. The Columbia la tise Lincoln anti Rasa- bouiliet cross interbreti. W.IlY PERCHERON IS POPULAR Or@* d Adapie t e Al Kisîde cf Parei Worlc, and flmcetleeally -DWI@e "d Sensible Tise modern Percheron la ver7 popu. lar vus lise Amrian taraersetuse be la an easy iceper antianusari>' maturer, le a«ardnsd rigorons, but docile anti sensible, atrong, active anti vel tiapiedti e ah lasses of tarin wornd sudl> nu. Amerira la preference fer e baciklierne wieis Is led te the prouduction of derier colorai bormes, but, ase Is avdenni b>'»mm of tise leadIng shows of reconlt yuarc tilere lua à tendene>' te revert bock te the orgnal eler, fI e ssutim lires gray'. 1h le a gtnd hig tint 11515 -le truc, for a miner pint Ilas colonr sisoulti neyer' dffet froua lb. vlue of aun teivse geond 11o«». PREPARING FOR SPAIýNe M8I 0c0« iwu Dur#%# tihe Wlsst te Ar. raff. for Nue Pàfofgsand Lustc-Precticsiftteti. SIf le veen te plan sesbastussoant lots fer the srM inge. Uer mxite dînsse, versi - Irobi>' ceuse Ibo, omeast loues. Thse lasias « tUi vorious types et lateelicua vus le wo- l Is.tgrass Mides tise sM4 for maudis. A saudiseis mc>' bu IM «eï. Rm. taition oet ouatoum lete0la&agond pr"*e" An asf MAR AGAINST CATTLE TICKS! WrnOPLU LIE nt: Inordînsle Croiy iellst r isnia oibings for tii heeér loy ne 1 Unitt *Effort Seing mode iGeergisMuch Iying 1fisadue f0 vanity; Ing flhc tact$ As tbey are. -Wheu bch 1 te EuadIests Little Stood. urows older bc may glati it not s, suckftépar"to&lawys hw.woe wy easy. for ibnsaeus pr social res4oaî& Siwlssg araste..I.vJ, swv. se#stp telfeuan aoew.oîe etohry. utlen (Proepare iby tise lniteli stt inesessh ad.fati i sees u i':s.h 1emr meicfa yiuwr. , -rflay b. lue a bo1L-toq ipallov te eiéticks'are ilghting i oag bat. _Wbos, ordinrtly trnt brut la have violent proludtôi; iniereiteti la fie lu GeooMa itbiâsyear _Tii.etab lrng. t. a sm "F Ulm aIeho feililig tihe trutb for tuihh c»al,- fempted l nvioff la bala;ngeltvoy réel* -ne orhame i baasUthaf ho Fred O. Kel)Yla ~ lleB suppresseti by tbe co.operntiveoffl Mtaila an unsaylnt o nopee of félerai, Ritaind counîy employlsvoit.. Teusak bhlm te speai tender- wrork'lngwltis île stueji ensert. ýhOand aiedose meo for a upoint. chovIng fumons battis, cry. "Ile caSnot ht i tobl o secSd lueetr i pasa1" as b~n evlsd l thefigatvocal sowens, -buta & ecod ne Pa$s" bs ben évied I. te fghtliérelapses l tourealmopt Inaudý ww wlilh the blood.saekiag parastaieIlte ble. -He teels ,tbat b. bas tu tell theg "lThey ebalinet lîver, fOr a uialie t, but h, doesa't. yéut anybcdy to effort la beng malile oeliminate thle hear binè;. Thîs habit et titIng ai. mIfo llck la a atimber ot cointies lu Most ij& a vhIsper la cilmacferiufic et theostste. panhanidlenu on tihe strseteluh*igC an __ There are ini ppenltion iGeorgis <bv"oily oopce bard laçâtatory 3,291 tilpping vAtilawbilc <mile, are as a Minsne t,.ttwhig moue>'. Ininenset ever>' 14 tinys. Dipping ha. Somaetimses. bu the ether, baud, the gan sarIn tufileapring. the tlime, iten liar taie. erXact.iy the oppotite taeck andi talis unnaturailly loud-t-o bide the tact thet leh reali>' deairea 4lauk 10v. Aneiher frequcut mamneiaeof thefie4er wvilelaibespei o sber- A t u p reetndle a disposition unctoscil ta keep bies anti oves liea mtil or HutIa m*mw là t noitai aqenf-profeoiive geste1 klnaewi of the ilanti la front of is face-bs- i.sC êTu dp *cause be vould really 111c ta*buit ouf gW" the rest e>t îe vorîtiand do Isa n- Lob*h i "ehlIiIdbw .* torced lyin g viere nobody could, bear or ses hlm. .hIubeidspse Il Iis astonisbing boy otten people lie mast tu save trne and conversation.. You sask a man If bc' viii serve as .meehmsisdkm -chairman of Ibis or tbat commuttes mb next April, anei be replies t bat be vii, ýý swI ya" ont mieée Purebred Sisonejor Caolle Fremêl fowiflg ail the vbile Ibat Ire toesn't T. From Ticka and Mabstained ln Tisk. intipid te do any -sucis thing, but -~ iun L~?ba Frt Are&. - opes for semes laler happening faut..douShsms nake It easy for hlm to gsi ouf of Mnboit r b ne"làr «md the Muet effective resuite la tick eradi- lit My tîlenti Keegan vili agree ta cation are oblaîneti. Ourlng anytbing thai be la asked 10 do. Sug- f DU*Md C L 4.Tluin Mdiboa spproxliîateiy huit a million caille g,,t b bu ibntat he join a party on k spîabeti theougis fie dlpping vote ln a trip to the florib pole neat Tuesday AIAîIL O -f UsJCc thec state. Tise April reports show and lie ail say: "Sure. l'Il go. Wbee W. IL RL. ~MY.ntUU uba 83,44 ctti vrs ipptiundr ili i meel you?" He voulti rather thâ SU34 atte wre ippd udertell a lie. andti ieu forgef al aboutI fedleral, 51sf. andi ceunI>' supervion. tb. appoinimeat Inter. tIa taie lime This la a ver>' go"t record, say ope- 10 expsluai utwniy hls n't convenient cialliats ofthtie United SBates Depart- for hlm lu go tu the. pole.t ment ef Agriculture, vison if là cou- bMach ling Is due to vaulfy. If ln alethmoviiga le» mfaifll- a a tac wviii onar lalayes, tyf0A MiODer tiar #tari adess entes'at- at, el invarblyavra, htr o H V E A lie lndusir>' bas been neglecteti on shape bis tacts tfa ilip his side-tiseH accoat of tle handicape prevenîtd b> aitie ihat cailet i hm. He la flaiieretiT fthe preseee offieks, ta bave been calicti and dos fot wsa A U C TI( Nov al> -rett fle t, have be 1tu prove unnvorisy 0f lise confidence dippet in aGeoraaue mari5d veplace& la hlm hy the e idét vbch pain, ati .bisplanbasIlve t> thoughi fiai bis testimonY iveuld e b O (~hIId Pein, ad Ais.pla bulivla M neti. Now thse motive back ot tise satlstaetor>' recuits hi gettlng te theman vbo len la court la somevilaf diPisiag rIats aniale Pattird On tbesimiller ta thal shicis maies a man Via regular dlppig. Thse use Of range terfaining. Hue ela t si nce bis riders, wvile .dut ot o s e ueafor laoseabas donc bn hl l.e nor ot IngleSide, I onh ïMp enfile tisat.are nti;marieti.lnvlflsg bhlm ta dînner, or. ino@ ]Rund was considerabiy lacesei during as tIc crowd be la i expectu hlmt , O R April. Intercat t hem, hed hetter do if, even an ueergla, » a su11otner soütneru states visethéUiot gil m ssl s mle tîcis bas beau saged,-tisese le aivais maors or lee opoi*loa 10te tht- ercdlcatlou mevemeul, lacentl' a meecting wvas litla oes Oorgia lova for thse puepose et proteeng ag loat the fueliser tipping ettIle lInlise ent>'. A progressive fermer vile bcd experleaceti unsstlafacior>'résmite ln raling ctîlo nader tici condîtlena rend a notice oet ibismeeting ef Pro test anti immedisfeiy vrote e latter te' tise president of the bani la tise lova ln vîfel fIe meeting vas hili. ta ibis lbIter le saiti: 5'NotIcing ln fthe nevipapan tisaf youe people muelt opposition lu tici enadicaion, 1 desire te eXpresu My actuel exrperience on ibis lins. Beloée lise discovery ithât thecailîle ticivas fhe source of ifection, tle only cause of bovtreforer. I brought man>' régls. tereti Jersy dalry cate te Pnlmiam couni>', mitdle Geoegla. Luter I im-w &utzesi tbe northern catisb>' mac- fusing blood f coin covs carrying liés te the susceptible nortbern-breti catie. "Wbile lb. trealeti catlle dit net sub- sequentiy die of caille fever, the proc- ons proveti bsrmntdIlu lb.hegravis anti deveiepmeni ot the animfai vlese lite was saveti. MVen tle bîctor> o!. tle tiedi>' f icibecame ful>' mayan, UIMI éradication justl>' took precedeace Ovr an>' treainsent. liseosa s e co=- plimisent, lifsecononi>'andi 1elea recuitets latfolioeetiail mphaclosd Ias acessittyte amn>'commuait>' liat désirée toerane raflie. "la our parf te t aeno'nan40 ine&r fhevlmneaonlpg anti he b opposition laef icenticaiea vhe ocfe ie bsmenul support, eawnCov feusti vse tiesnest fuy>' epuel sari. Né argument abol CeOym ie seili tissuîlhe full lu<orunsnt qU appri et ofppomuen hu I i ie>' I* lb.evisele lmtb, andi csage frein ô> "Sorely we vo ho ave breti caille p der utiekîntetatiep, andti mr*,fIc lieé rdcto, re entWtistOi idouaries te endeavor le badât ethîgn Who. bave neyer beêsa vitb"f thtie 4Ws &isséaeof tise pen-» RE$TCWS POFOICLVINO *rtroaseuste Seileve Tisai AniMale Cïnnm e .DuSj Ol0 for NOcea semry RéletPoelio. Dry off your goodi .doss andti gise tise, relest e cgilt ttne. eai. fore calvlag.- If wlli 4dothemi tord. Soine cova have a tenideuey' te mliir neari>' up fg tihe date nirelnlg ai il le otea a beflef 1sf 10>' Ual-ý »«t ho-- dric ffr eacuOielait ut vueti. Expert ilede., hbweeui nad ittao e -.u" tftrad-, th OIssquse0w d îtf ccmm BoT * 0 voe ur aia 0 lb~ N orthM- -iMý DR GRAYT Office st 1 effice Phae 84L , mot"mm ied8 LYFU H. MOfiJS LIBRTYVffLU. ILLIMOIU. RM>DUATMB> ROSNG Generat Auctoner Shoôre Lin e It's Ha ndy -The North Shore Une plumbs the center- of tewn--wiîhin easy reacli of aIL bin Chicago it circles the Loopi at the very doors of the ýii office buikliisgs. theaters banka and business bouses. And the frequency of ils service, coupled with its speed, eliminates the need for any extensive scimdue arrangemnents. Plan your next Chicago trip the con-' Seedisbinedwith COiotand venit North Shore Way. Know the Safety on Northu Shore Trains. AIert pleasure of traveling on tbis Road of enuplyes and nuoclermiof ety *0&li Real Service. ances safeguarci ycur jooraey. Trains leave libertyvilie aItbirty-ininute intervals front 5:48 a. mn to 10:48 a.,m.; then a 11:48 a.u. and every half hour thereafteruntl8: 48 P. m -,- thm 9: 48P. M. and every half bour tbereafter neli12:-48 -a: m Thee train "uae coninections et Lake Bluff that take you to dhe heart of Chicago. Ckgo Nord hore &hIw LIEIYILET KM OFFiC PANENGR [T1ON - Si »Ni , le atme mimami Io As» 4 stryl M» vini ils VaLù W b op 14 W.4 oUmmr Md mae bd t I amJ-i E mm J6b Wffl be 900t N*I,-

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