CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jan 1922, p. 4

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bd et4 Harmma winQinations. Same.a bâi mure ata *re4"tnd.: Ne- nýt,, ttnulaÏed by'tli. wr, moiýt=n In tivicar by 73,307 hivm. rhe Ii.fig- ching 107,656"tar fi",al'Yeu ii.ven't gained .nucli. 4hii e cm81 f iaI# ardy W dth1t, tlliiI n ud *ýhcmih-g n s forcýhiao w çopeo, thougii ome îs on. in home je nt fromail equakty maiSe the Chnesan h*ve W. pent power in makirig the xmie, Ofouc.h a houmé we hI.- -& 1i tlbc*Japamee gentlemnen, m.ntione of such a homne when he said, *The as American we believe every'ranM nome hi@ wif. and ovéry w(man Who 43 her bosb*:&has azrigt toe expet e*1;ng a. hy1.tilm hSpe, and tIuat tcv- îàýûc f ove, cf intefligenoe, of amiles Christianhmé. of diese imed the..harateistc -Axn- r. The atoonso noticd lust weaiu arc r. Tiie'nagiig, the. trick.y,-the. udf rW »Ille nm Who exh*ebushumwef 'of tIr8g ' a~boissend comes to t'O . e tIan ud derssing, itaid the -«oeiiat, wbo hm b ee ail odite. only frownsa t home, arca nuie,, «*ýmist o -luau thai rel#tes te the, bà&'àýâqM 1e a . u a ,khome. W '- wor sot bees-do Min the home ià the. great Ïuhl o f religion, 1he Sun- lbm via lue* I'he zrecW1ns »rvc" of the. chuich lur. Th. elpoui day mcii is a gçbd thing, but of rwthout inteuit, the. home,:à>onnelly, in far imore powen ' any or aul cf theae,- in deterrining and developing *hrctr The hoifie in the. heort of Amierica." It jei >naetvrng oven at larg estcost~ A6910TUAY pmr e h e Methodist chur*i «t ixumber, "Tiie Pollyina aeè tickets aea novbelnt put buull »b"= am suckeut or etr ýtaeu. mmiRa.Y, boMtet ~ c att fer heer- sueudid IR 0fMs waf - qIt l a cb eei 5h. la ceitahnly vorh vue," The Co=amunty Lyoeurn Coursebai alec four olhier nuaners-an. 4, Mr. S. Vltor Lekberg, pipe organist,sisoo Mn.- 4>veret MitchllU.soloiat; on Feb' 7. Mn. John 'Tiompion, pasiof one of Chicaoedovulovu churcixes, viiI tive e lecture; Mai-ch 7 lira. Fumle Liuderniaa, readier sud poel; MsrWi 21, c colored quaitel. Wlile thie ses-i' tckets are aelUing for 9n1ly $1,50 lier. àlaouid b. a big de- mu"d ton IhlÎ course of high l has en- t> uiat farmlu:, 1I wUI ffea'for iaitshat ol6 en athe as thé. ehas. Weldoff farte, 4 of mwAheaut of Lak<e VIlle, ona Oad #Avenue rcsd, on DAY, J!¶UARX le lii Con- [istein Helfer, 18 Mo. iein Bull. 9 nao. Rouse. 19 yesaold, vI- ?rs Wagon ste. b ees 1, vt. ÀMW -U Years 01, -at iPool"d. muaDeenekn 1 Deerngu Grain Binder 1 liy aiEck 1Hay Rake- 1 Sulky - Cultivator 1 -l, tire L-arm Wagon 1 Set "BobSeigsi About 22 acres good corn ln lb. siioc About 2 tons Wlld liayinlu acma About 14 tons lTam. Uay lu ber About 20 bu. 0004 white Oate 14 Chitakene Set Heavy Wonk Hameau, font, shovels, etc. l'h t-- ie*N-P CI4WWcMed ox4iul<.IY ib. font * -vidfor1the boUidai -aWe On Doea'o ,heýMiAul cpf -found baok lu ,tlinresetve T~aW . IL beW ý % iob clK-1hh Ms a . ai ,kboem eha-e idet'ioh0, rmm' UhtbrMo e i 4f 13 1s ciiiy r«&efrladnd revi-veil. ver. Preat, from th lap 0 De8 0f9 ,detud Iw 11 a v««Yon apDare,&,- a q4ýlé» " m resme Looiilî biIcK ovev lthe firat pst Mf et 1231 b e1teem. Th*g1fi thea "bclc AI y ear ocd&iaÔnllelp feel- *he eY*Ung 's r W.sad %-.eW litg proud of lias Progrees thiLt beeli ý r., Az4 Xm e-Ray and ruI W jeffaai saxda. c ffôter tueaer aILt UÈ S. e«7 fan a.remoaaitIu -*ad r.- Progresstw'ePin-ve. aU« adiqianul taies place lu mu icho. inghtheely »art of -fie evene a Xi* w lesehers hver lu bcômeatous- etr 1esJ>uts the i osepffay trige tokmed lthe systein, and adeula1the light -fsatoetSie 0e l"t have le becomne aoeustomeG l-te.v* $ect Hon>oe.' 'v l#youl temins em luulug gatudeuts Muet mc- Uvéazotae seeaued f18410 o ua i -t.-.-- la 'Lue- f e- -w tg E A I 4. 4J 4 le m W rme4S *8,5W onoipi Wofithesclool: old nules have anle. lAu Iooehmbpy nd pr'os. ta bo vewuonce.4d n e-nu made.. Perp. ouIsu " d 4 e 0fIt e-w conditiols. AU11gau"atiep. f«n itýkl th le sUit et of tblq6t*-tse nsd nieus a team. t1 * cIIomm iiX» the".. uiaeiitsr 'v yoar et* for the sclaoL hae*dpt. W. are Iàp1lyte say tbat thus re- We l,*etbt Ibis f cru cf grpa1la. th= ua uitbIsiaooî Syean sud vas ecoue te lu rosxe. m-C. P'. B., 23 liràglÏtt M Me51111111,cltiiaror-o-- frictin. - RWO Se-Vers) thingihave lped lu bruin luthe 0 'eA*man~obiyWeu titis situation abotat. Iu the. flt.piuS .dy n N'ltoue c la l- it la pra"cby tue id- par th tli f 4 -eatg -*=oitt,-n nioi aiotnfas tliaIeletints cfpermanent organise- *cod-arbgte tiçu havé becoMe betten e8tabiuied Tbr gn*,en ,u«M thii.euMd & 1h. -ieyear te yea. perlo< te dr*w a -etoca et Midi At lie sanIe ri4me disorder ads-u 41fr ld'treM .Kmrnel Ooctie, hetaacla ave uradgafly dlsappear, Ituii or-itr. H*WIt TScMO O ed..ý 4Aotiierreesclula that 'wé, ere t>««iMl 'Vestueod lu ver.*vVéry tortitute lu retalhur a i te cc- 91lUe5-ndonle.'dar * bin ère wio hae bad sve», er SOf -ex. t-u i ias. -K. Morte, '23 perp.e ie 1ai a linleum te bulld arouud. The Xiliutgsentiment vas receiv- «(d -have A*414.4 e- t i feloQuonli .frm -b'caaBraclier ou, Dec. 23: a"11t7. Agulu, li. ue o 0ut -.i 14 rather sffê n sh=or vhliyen at . lst 4eveloped 1tea pont viere it Th" ~abibe tuat l com de4; là £WvU abctive ý83tUite u nthe .00dootl Bilce I ce't be. there you see. govrurnet Of tm311 theilo e >brr Te8- &And inle. yon ret here' Witta ne, mea for otan excellent atarI mugit b. 1 send tîis C xlatu card uway given, amoaig UhelInltrrupted To iinua you gritings oflii day." atteudance of both teachers sud Mu- Thie Ojiï fl etiugs were recelv- dentu. ed feue-mi" MinElle orter of Biua- ,juil viat part thle succeas of our fîeîd, Mîchigan, Missus. EoffH«man atMoeieteanis busha& lu biiUnI1g UV«d-eu - Ui agin o f Brauton. Ums A -SalCo Ipfrll aMd PUttli Pp"»luto uiisothSi e adm n. liinghcmAI. oui *«ik Mai net b. kuown Cen- ab$.*, Misa ý. Peanl-PblIpàe.liioti-. tOly il 1* Ui-d>bi prt., not ni, lira. Ciarene Wsiited, Maywood. <myu ld u satheelo wap'but lu deve- sud Mini lItan.-»Benu of Yreszkc, Cal. cptng morale td Il ietUng .4ltgMl.1 Itltgfrratifit 1 no hatl lie. 01 ta for 06U i t11 Mhes an i 0offter.. Inlenda. wbom v. tiluliof ofteu, aise Ont.ln»Mvt4gm that bas Prcve4 verylhave à kludiy thougit of a oca- 4ýbo it =y quiet IwA Datrlas ar, 'l1. bas eaed a 1 audlai lie goil anrdulfer apeeD4 A047 acui'ey in ÏM*b'jih to1e shocl yjvp rlffjag at the. Qregg Soche, lu t#tiud? béfor. lthe Otto, Haplça, Whli Iserployed a thté else.Ona u aeng. lty eet . Màgo «Sugar Fcctpr$. ia vanderlu, leke i5vqiuta'ke -M11* attIMOPOrl about the balla tus week. Saine 014 every' day. With the reopeuliar Of Otto, oniy more cf' hlm.- sohool 11e Btaent counucli as-given 1 - 0 ful chargéeof lie tudy period, sud A lot of good lokes vere recelved the coumllions viiitae.t6ru acting tiIs eek. but on acebanut of being as montors lu the aseqbiy. pressed for lIme, va are, compeîled te Wlth suea e oâ ssar., prospecta omit 'tiem.-d$o Independeat. 'lývo Lake. Villa basket\bail teurn Ioureeyed lu LIbortyville Seturds-y p- enilng lu apot honora lit e double head n-lUi ~ ~ ~ Th 1*ktvietem.Ti ouida rmellrtee-mIaedde= i$ to 8 defeat ho tue lAke villa teae vile the Allen dais Faim sciioc i îgbte of Lake Villa tuaseld aeyvarvih the Libertyville llgitve$ght culttsud filully got au edge, viuuing thie gaie by c score of 18 to Il. The. Aleadale teua goes t Wus m egufflday nIglit lutplay 1he Mt0dgetsansd Comiees of %li Y. M. C. A. temin. The. latter vil b. a return pane for the vait pcid Laie Villa by 'Ie Weakepuain. -m 1. Lut Monday aflérnoon lie Liberty- M11e tova tean lounued For- et sud recelved -e tntanmlug troni lie Miadevelghts or tuaI olty, lie score belargsi1to, s. TOulglit (Thursdey) the ton-n te=i nlU take on Miliociiaiethle Luberty- ville ton-n hall., ThIngs are ail set tor e hot conleat. ,MXngdy' ulgitt it je Llbert"mvlle Tevu all the Foulda Muiing Co teana won froni the Inglaixte M. X1 churcla, Chicago. teesba escone or 28 to 15. N.CIitIO.TO. PLY Waaaionda and the. Conttnuty Ser- vIce legin etfNôrli Chicago are sde they expect a bot Uismevinig froin Waucouda, hope lu, provetieniseives botter bask et bal players than the teamn froin tue-neiglbornug tovu. - À1TENIJ STAIE Six membersof lie Final BaptIst cburcb of Waukegau le! t Widay mrn- lug fer Bloomlniton, Il tl attend *the atate-vîde Yonng peopiessu leaders -0onferenace of protestant cburqbes o! Illinisi. ,Ti. confereff. cloeed 9Sunday. Tiare. tiousand ver. lu eltendance. Tioe trom lie Wsc- kegan Youag Peoplos seclety ofthli Baptist clxrch n-lac ttendeaI.-verM: Jar- McClaskey Os.iar CaIVlu Dule- Baird, Rtuth AuârUaý,.Kate Oreisheini- or sud Carol West. Mies Helen Wright of Libertyýville, Couuty Secré- tery 'of the Young Poopies, division, accompcanied hem ci Chaperon,. Durng lie regqler Suuday Sohool hour neri Sudey, i t M, fout of lite dleraI., frein the FIret - M. B. Sund"y Soixool of LIetyrlnee viii 5ive .- porUt roni the conference. 'The Inter- anediate, Young 1;eipo,'san# Adul depirtinents wviiiassemble llietheud- itoriumi O! lie chiiîu he o.delegates fr0 rn1,fbertyriUe' vere ireite Lsudis. Florence Lovel, Kaliailue MUffe. Jean Sohanck, Plenence Luce, John llartteefeld aud SIen-art Srith. NAVAL MiRUENT ied to meet lu WeUcouda next F41a- -___ axigl th b. orli Obleago, teaea'a0-mt Wcihington, Jeu.4.-Tbe naa eame out cf Iheîr on-n demain. ' Btkperts of the dkvi povern ha vbne&c leutan re strnegthenellby addtions san rerihin6unluor .detail thI 1um ié8pe. Wbiie lii. waeodethie navok agrèmeut nl, udnl troupe or lsaabave tno stoken mDalter of rep"Âdeulit- ietiaod bt*ther. ,-klgyg n-tIi them ., unll o rppn lur -14 hips, eNd - mtn lichool Oaens a0hte UuIvorsty of Il- meesureineut of nuegé. itIvas Iluole. - - cd todey y a-a-is-anenlor fie Poib Woucando sud lie CoMnaan ltyIh delegatiox. - r vieterni playe aelattu e l1 is- Dtalac tipm(lod gi-, Ohulpets vis.wvere heé vere aiOt- a=de pbibut viiihb vueitieaai. Waucona ~de-. eoffla4ute s-lfist Thie 1Noth i CbIço te= hmiasanae s»v Pfhtin L -Sat.~-WIN end) chau n mi fa ve eud thout PINDEN. . 1 MISS PAUL 10,l fiAYO ua,.-the Q- , ýof Aive entetainments, i1n'di gi~t and- Týeor SoIoist, Leti Rider, aid Colored Qui EPISCQ)PAL CHUEI 11hir Ilk4 sand highly fShe vic OR retiry missed ta the. coanmuuitY. D PASS AWAY LjS bu mu Peuthe h='h .erE siie BIU Y SATIJII>AY, 13C. 31 fpo*nalservices were ln charge SÀ UR ÀY<lK#Itt Ê,ey. Mr. MoDoaiedof Area.0 etIRO U 0mmui) in Ou harge of the. music. Springfield. Ill., Dao.. SL m>rs tla lu s (5iuse0m, h 15W- corni production wll e«ceed Mud died et lier home on UWM&vukea> Mffl BURTEU4.S»]ÂVEY SAUNIERI00bsea h rdci ave.. LubertyvMle 'III.,Deceuhber $1, Mrs Bertha Seavey Saunier died at the rig t reptiofte. #dir 1921, et lthe &ge pt adsxEh tbrdagt nNe ok fm re ort roetti fd ,uy Oy, January 3. sud the body At o jtli arsf g.a eaa.W t i " to arrive InU LbertYville The estliated yieid per e At eabi yea ofagealli cae WLb l - Inthe tate la 35.6 bushewLs, lier pareutâ to IWis. S8e6vas uflIted, tomorow <rday), and taken to theacb o bu 04"» 0 lI m-rniffe to Robert A. mils Decen- homne of ber ater, Mrs. D. HIl;errict1laop abou wt 3451000&M ber 1, 1887, and the. SU"i year ther I viere the toerai services will b. held dcned esth 294168,and moydo afam, n in charge of the, Rev. Sari C. Morgan. tuhed ove year sderage Avenue. Atter a fev yeans they bouglitt pastor of the. PreabYZerisu church. 91-9 It la estimated, tbii the fai.m ad»olung, wiiere they reided Mra. Saunier wus born ln Liberty- cent of the. crop or 237*.UUO st the imue of lher dâ. 1 ville MAgnat 20. 1861, vhere she speat la of merchantal.velue. Tiiere were born to Mr. and Mrs. E- iber early life, sud also resided for a Nîne per cent of ns eight oblidren. One sou, James, tume after ber marriage to Dr. Andrew o 64600bsesrw passed away Vebrnsi' 18, 1920. Tiiere j. C. Saunier, lu 1881. 'nheY .Oued ftsorf64 he.00 baeloneiiJ survlive ber of lien irmmdiate fsmlly frein heme toChicago sud later lu New br fagana 0f th 21o070ve lierhuéand RoertA- IIII. ouryork. Dr. Saunier died May' 1, 1#21. iluit year sud 11.119,800 1 daubt*ns-P81ell M.Bur, Mude Botix ver. members or the Presby- aesg ai eevso M. »e Peepe sd Mant" A. HeUMen01 tenlsu clhurcb. She la auv-'ed by oe 1 îor the t5v. y«lean 91. tleUg, sMd lbeUje Us, or Liber.-'ater, MrB. 1. Herrick, or Liberty- Terpr l "týt tyv«Ile; l5O târe. sous-dard A. ville; -and four childret-RX-4& Saua-n t ohe ep r agsai Auen G sd alinH. al f be-,[fer and Isabelle Saunier. of New Yorkcn ii ceg Ia8t Albert 0.and CalvotH.ertlllrgibev thus year lu the state bas tyville. Mr$. 1ois Saunier. o etnVtsislos sud tat 'the avoo Mm. BUIs hadt been in 111 healtii for sud Barl Saunier, who resîdes lun i of sllage per acr la seven t« saine ie; ln tact, sluce the, death of s sate of Michigan. Sh. also leaves six- ber son.4 James, ah. seemed to feUl grandcildren. stediy, ltouh ue asflo cn- Winds Have Vericus Nane. . FOR ALL T1 NaEWS* 09 tined to her bed but a short turne le- 1 oflhodrdloalnnis c ouNTVy, SUIsCRisi O fore lier death. wlnds tireIn use In varions pe f oIN E NON'I A Sh. was a good ueighbor and ioviflg. t 00tohe CHIROP.RACT-I( -Our Office Will Be Close- -, Over The Holdy Due to the rapid growth of Chirapractic, it is nece mary-that we keep weIl informed. We are'using -this time ta take aur. annual uate course, and, we wil be back in aur office'. January 12&h »rs.M' Nxnand T0lopboee 26 Libertyile, Illnois ~Homi'&1ito 5 P. M. sud 6 AU s-Â istano f $20 or tudàer, cciii; over that asutnt- w vli b.e ox4 «aipved iolA«Mbe*rlug 7% lai- lu -Zobe ranovel nuiSternisar emapfed vlth. 1 9 e '. ý

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