CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Jan 1922, p. 5

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:m m s. W. Y. Viauxeii weêla -Pb» arz. 51Thssday ta attefld e7 th«JWraI of au "unt Of MI,. Trabeen.i Mr. and Mrs. rid-ved Needh~i ne tue otheir bomes ln Waukegan cO u~t4 Ibertyville people, ruedy, 'liter har gspf~tiha ll- dayg viti the latt.r's parents. -Mr, "d UMs Fred Sohloy ad-tam- 1M.adMs U LRso n hï 117 of W l>P& houe ersflsYtea?.daigtr.Miss Fae , returned-Sat- Chares Kepp«hme ew yWo. Urday rotrama tva veU'visit vth WhIif S Cq0ofi'aLeightoi, ~e ln relatives at Frankiart. Indiana. làib.ty ew ev ers day visitiai loisW Mde ai ui. Mrnad Mss. Rab- Mr. andlMrs. JOsqPh 1P- May aud *~ LÉL ..daighter, Barbara. af W&Ukegai, sPot~ 'OrtIAÈffday and Saturday etisM»s.Mais 0480 liape, an emplare 09 the"COn parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Colby. Pro4ote R~nlngCa.. of Argo. II., la vItr* fbReanid eit1e blu .i- MisssGee m and GlatiraOraier ertyvilIs1 bave returned ta Benssir. Indiana, .1vilaet i P' tNo veels'vigtit vtitheir W B. L jeUkr and famillYspent Suu', etM.-n r.Rbr dy*dMonday linRvanti, !t the LdW M. i Ms Rbn h~ofte former's brother. larrY Misse Grace. and Gladys GrOner an Geore taI a Âetlse. SuthTuesday euterts.ineil at dinner Louis flot, ws hofe let eL f ouhanad Ruth Mues, Of Lelghton, aetthe vjit 'withhils paent$,._Mr. and Mr$. home aoftheir andparents, Mn. and Mr d mm ga.epben J., ' agof£ r h ri ce 1AR 0FT W~ M ET ùingLfor Xz : ta il there thed relaives FîRT -nelghbans for theirlundnoe-aimd the. femember'ihe tinst entertaiumpntl Charles J ai a Psor o ur wfe sud'moîher. ai the Lyçeum Conne, 'he POIYalyna 10 a. m.-Sunday Schaal. The quar- .ýWM. PETiRSON4-- Girl," at the Luertyville Mthadisi: autine* bas been removeti aid rark AND INIFANT SON. churoh nekt TuesdsY nlght This 15 viii bes nesumed i n ail departmnents of' rat.d ~ais o-o the beat entertali- the Suuday Seiaol. The chilidren are' meits a«the emn aid V el Warhhail urgedte ta i.present., PUBLIC NOTICE 18 MKREBV alViN the admission, il . m-Public varship. Sermon i tat te secand instaimeit on Sp.- Th, Lake Caanty Duroc Jersey tapIe, "11191 Altitudes." Gaad music ciel Assassiment Warrant No. 14.Vil- Swin. Breedena Assaciatian will ex- by.the chair. lage af Libertyville, far Starm Water hbit the Dgrac vinins ai the Natli- 6-20 P. m.-ipwanth League devo- Baveravilii ho due January 1..I=2, al qvine show an tiie acreen at the. tional meeting. A gaod place for the' aid payable St lhe Cllector's Offie. Wauconda tovnslbîp high achool Bat' yaung people ta spend an haur. Came LYRYT H. MORRIS, urijay afternooi, t twao Wciock. aid and bnlng yaur frieutis. se2-u Colletar at the. Wamrn,,ownshIP bigh achOal 7:30 p. m-A short popular service. at 7-80 p. M.' thée ame date. J. R. Goad slnging. Sermon topic, "The'""e" ,piider Vil Imeke an atidres st bth Mai Up a Tree." ________l'a_____ places. The pulic generally la invlted Wednesday evening-at 7:&0-MMd, . - ta thess e ebIbiois, bat hog ralsers wei< meeting for prayer. Bible siudy wSi ta sptally lntorosted. Admission aud Christian feloahip. la iree. If yau ha,. no church home iu Lib-! 'Pli vilagecounîl et l reular ertyville, yau are lnvited ta make aur___LT session lait Mgnday night. but on se- asa -vnu t8o'lc.Ms caunt i the holiday.atlJourued until Pauio d a Maa inga 'lysunaMsud Paler g la ao in lanna an A.h. i. w w, itb. oues;ts i dn reaie l iai ut n oit aay nigiui. Jan. Inn. Athe the Iaidsyi Mr. aid lins. Thamas Crlet ter-Meeting lait Maidaylirarahal Limber- 4 ~ 31siBi rueen~ Ms.A. G. Ree aid uitie daufiier laied a nmber ai their frienda lat ry w»s instructeti ta stnictly enforce aoa are gusti ai Li er- ~th,> hme on >" iMaday .veulng. Charades waffh-h titheordinance erqulriug the payméui e street sufferint vill a ligit atteacOfi diversion of the, evenhng, aid retresh- ai veblele 'tex. Hereafter ail avuera ~ Tnsd'*' ~ pjj~amoite ver. served. ai automobles aid other vehicles cav- id lira.Bei Cli'bourie vere Ms aiiFle euiedt ii r.d by tiie ardinanco. wlthout ithe 10ev Toer's Maritn g sfe. ratumev '0 vîsît'Mr. sud Mrs. W. ]I. Docker euter- , pldpaes wviiihave ta suifer the 40 eare voitng r.ertrrille otra.atr e svsttalned at dinner lait W'rday Fitch tpenald ty i.ofcs aebeon ion- "K)ettii hmeai erparit. » Jffr-Shaw af this vilfland hie brother, lent In ibis ms.tter. but the marzhal lif a lkeppersOn, Wisconsin- Ralpb Shaw, aid is elma i. en igae a xie, i3'*Kro let re. ss MIle Stail hie retnnned taeai .aCjrot. Wisconisn. sud-that he viii bé obligedte t arreat ber bomnishiLicon, niI.miteispety parm Advlsow, C. g. Wgei- 4il dllnquents. "Mzi-mfl8fliia Wanksmn tele &wotk vii ber dingter. Mms. Bon oGa receeved yad tht, eek af the .--ededymzlgMrhlL *od on the. George Hofiman X. SinisE, ad famlly. Wdisdymnhg araiL- .~det of hie mot er. On seco ai bryrcavof oUrfa ti ho « lÀbertyviUe.Ms. aid Mn. C. A. Knlggge.lMiMl-- talng aider queailtlnO' iii scarlet bai pOlice t ensa. asllfrongte for ii et Wilson ad famlly af Rag- dred Evilsizar'aid Bernerd Deitharn leer, Mr. Wlieelackvas uniable ta at- o Poi fMenl lalaingHrathed lesý1t Manday lth iehawers la Evenston tBundar visiting Mr tend the huiOiil.W- récoC of eaia ofirllsa rogdtha Uns. Mele Wil son. aid Mss. Roger Miii'. . . eeley Gnôdle', ai the. FIrat Na-j Wer *.i aider arretit aicty ai Gouid and famiiy have mav- Mr. aid Mss. S. P. llviizor retumied tional bail. bie-.beei coniliedt i i a charge «i larcAny. Il viliiho remern- k tbe Wiener place oau Lake home Manday front Mattoon. Il. atenhomeisthe pu~t veek vith aiattack u ea taofrva rete yMs ra honson choal treet. apeidinga a eek et ithe home ai Mr.I pneuioula. A irained nurse l la in e-Oul LtMberry lhstApril for breaking aid Mns. Vorn CarIe>'. teitice. Mr. Gridley's condition la luta WairOid' gracer>' tair. H. vas Ktsout, *ha bas beon apending much ImPraved. aid hie lineas la nat In the COM l f51 or a tile sud vas laya vitb is parente. Mr. aid 3.1. Wisman lof t Manda>' for Grand conidered serions. laier paraled. Mies that time youig K ohout. leaves tonlgbt for Rtapid, MtO.. aber héOVii 0111 n Wier has been vorking ou ferme la WU& lad.. viione ho ta a tu- sevesal days for a vieit l ti ii par-i Vîctan>' Aifillated CounciliNorth tuis vlcinlty, but leit smre time la Sore Dame Unversity. - .rts. aid ailier relatives. Amneican Unioan. yul hald thelr next Navember. aid the, letter f rom the 14 réguler meeting ou Wedneeday, Jan. xeiaaha pOlce 1, the finit heard af ______________________11, at the Gnôdle>' Hall, ublrd faoo ai hmalne bé lait ber.. muaituÎmnhImUIiflhh the o FiniNational Bnk building. A IItUU5111 u~>~""ftil attondanco la desired. as there loi I vili veave carpets for fit>' conte. importaWt business ta hé braught up. 1 sud furnehai yrD. Mrs. A. Maldon- hauor. .Long Grave. 111. 1-12t MrM. aid Mrs. Arthur G. Myens are theii happy parente of a fiue baby boy. A number offiende af Mr. sud Mns. boni Manda>'. Jamuar>' 2. Tii. nov George McDonald gathered et their O u ir O w n M momber of heMyen ifamily ilpped home lait Baturda>' evoulng ta help w ithaut a doubi ho la héi finest young- of theîn weddlng. the. affalr eiung lu g'~5I~~ 1() fl ter lu the village. H. enjoya the dia-.iii. nature ai a surprise par y. About H o ;n*le T ô n = tî11ntion ai beig ithe iiraî baby bornithlrtY guesis von. present, oanh pro- lu in ieertyvilie lu 1922. aoting Mn. sud Mns. McDonald viti = soume nemindon ai the. occasion. Those SMise Gretchen Rablodor. ai Eu5t fram aut af tavi vore fannoat Mc- M Traoy, Wla., vas outerlained ffida>' Donald ai Waukogen sund Ely Mctlan- ABRAMANLINCOLN ONCE SAID: = eveing et a part>' given b>' Misea 5h01. aId ai Evanstan. M aI Angworthy ai hon home an Sauth -I ik t se ama pou=o Park avenue- About tveuty guesa CARO OF THANKS of v9 oe. proseut. Bunna vas the, foatu e W deaire ta thaiik ail thase -vaw the place in which he livet. Iof. = taeus vulag, Misa Frances Vanzau- t kndi> shoedn drugar nai lUke to see a mani live in it so ftj = mkgth hiieisoeudMa bereavoint. -.- ~,s - ~ ., , ÏMabel Johnsonthe loesi. 1-t ROBERT ELLIS. We beieve in this community-in the citizens who are proud of living here-in our g<od schaols -and churches-in the successful farmers and enterprising business men-and we believe in this bank with [Àb- ertyville's interests at heaI. On these beliefs we base aur service and invite your *account. Lake County National Bank LIBERTYVILLE,- ILLINOIS O~ur i u tintrr re desire to extend to Wuthe CÔm' eents of e season, an express ir, sincere wishes for >Ur prosperity the Com- g. Year, with a continu-, rwe of, the coçmi rela- éüis existing,,between .us. s&~~Lbertyville SPECIM. ON *1WLEK ~ ubr SASH. ALL gw. U LuxnIZEmu, co1wI Il, 0Co.CRYTE PHONE 47, Ja nuary Clearance Sale Of Men's- Underwear Men's beavy Iambs' wool, 2-piece msits, none better manufa- tured; sld regularly at 4.50 ad $5.00; $348 ta close out quickly ..... ------ Medium and heavy weight, grey 60 per cent wool, 2-piece' suits; just cotton enough in t t prevent shrinking; sold regularly at $2.50 and $3.00; very remarkable $ 9 values wben affered a .........si09 Mediumi weight, grey. 40 per cent wool, 2-piece. suite; just the right weight for the man who wants a wooi mixed. but flot too heavy a garment; regularly priced at $2.00 and $2.50 and well worth thi price. but we have clecided ta 1.4 dose out this stock at eah.. .........-.... - 1. Heavy wéet, heavy fleeced, cotton, 2-piece suite, usual price $1.00; supply limaited; while they last we will 8Oh offer thera at eack.. ... ................. -- u Men's heavy weight wool union suits, Wilson Bros- malce, -sold regularly at $4.50. and $5.0)0; but t'oc ean up our stock. and do it quickly' we are offering them, while they last, at only ........... .. . ............................- 3 .4 8 - A Medium weight, wool mixed union suit, a real goocl garruent att regular price of $3.50'and a BARGAIN $28 ato pnew price of.:--.-.-ý..ý ............. ...... $ .8 Hleavy weight cattan ribbéd union. suits, good value at the usual price of $200 and $2.50 a suit, but our price of only $1 .55 a suit makes thern REAL BARGAINS, and as aur sup- ply is lmited they will flot last long. -AR these gootis are âatie by IL. Weiliknwn Glastenhury anti Wilson IBro Uatierwear MoI., are we1 madie andi standard in every rem 4,anti seulwM &'£MONEY BACK GUARANM'E IF NOT% UTIELYSATLWVACrORtY. ,JeBe MORSE & %eiO.i -Everything for Men" m.-u -I Telophone' 14 Libertyville, Illinois - e la aae.- - I SIiXi EF DIAMOND LAKE COMMUJNITY CaURCH. 1 Charles .3. Dickey. Pastor. 2:30 p. m.-Preaniing service, foi- laved by Suaday Sniaol. Evenyi~ ivltod. Pareùils ai yauug childnon are eapeclally ungod ta bng them ta thO Sunda>' Scioal. FIItST PRESBYTPIRIAN Ros. fanl C. Morgan, Pastar. Sabbath-Snhaol si 9:45 a. m. Wl- leau G. Weil&, - Supi. Nov tut tbq quanaiine hie been raissd, vwe ame baplag ta, gel back la normal c(Mdl- tiois. preacing s 1il a. m. Sermon for the nilidren. "Cburciily C"-Peratan" la the tille aifithe maruing message. Gaood music. Christitan Endeavor au 6:45 p. m. TPh. tiaugit beblud ibis meeting 10 that af "Oppoàntuity." Tii. leader hla Mins Blanchie Osborne. Lot us havea goad meeting. ]eeching at 7: 30 p. m. The. ove- nlng message. "Whitber Bundl" Pnbe lic cardal i pvlted. F rayer meeting Wedneaday. lu theï dhurci. This meeting yull bave ope clai emphais an the veek ai Prayer, s ht la being obarved la mosi Churdb- es the fini vweek la Januarr. Boy Scouts'* iii meet for regulir meeting Tuesdayl JanuiarY lOti. lm. partent business. MeeIting lu t-i. club roam. Thi. noit meeting viii ie ai onidoon meeting. Camp pine Girls vili meet at the Lmanse an Tuesday. Januar>' 10. Busi- ness session. Chair practice Fnlday nikit ai the chuscli; MmrS. are. arglant; P. 3. Wright, choristeS. ANNOUMCEMENT D shampooing snd round curling daos tai my borne. 117 E. ChUrci St, Telse- pion. 381-R. MAiNt Wfl'LEAMs. 21-t Omîle away your trouble fear Flowers aiways bring aood cheer. F'O EScame ta bail- lai troiýble and ta cheer thosa via are aad et beart There la ambition ta bq faund la contempla- tIng ther n sd Inspiration la thelr fragrance. 01r W ni= a the rqiort& oe tbm e otiiêb4 AU mesabersPU Mmbura, Dl,3 YOUR R CNTI First'Mortgage Faim Loams On Lake Ceunty Sams We have a choice aseortment of Hish G-4ide $500 and upward, whic we reconimend for invt-- ment. We corclially invite yous inqiry in pgrnm or by nid. . e J v Your lumberan ul' m requiremeents can'be, MW b f your financial advantage. In other words, we wi1I save you bu these priées. E ery price advant. ge tbÂt tii. 'a âÔrds wiU .b. yours if you ftrade. C= ME Worth While'Dry Goods 11 For The. HoliiaLys. m Silke, Crepe DeChine, Origette, Waah Sad SSplendid Valuies ini Wool Dresa Goode. =Linen Sheeting, Muslini, Long Cloth4, XaÏusOOk -Toweliug, Towelo, Face Clothes, -N ki»e' -Table Scarfs, Pillow Cases, PillowTbx SSheets, Tiokiug. SGinghams,"and Chanabrays Ladies' and Childrens' Hosiery,,n çerGJ SA very large assort3uent of Ham dkeif IA Good LUne of IEibbons.o W. W,.CARROLL&SNSC M ah8W. dauhlt-flaY G 1u. y. W Brwn vere lui Iiyvisiting Mr aMd Mss. u2m &0* aUdnhtor.IVaZ1Ou. atsslu a auege lait ' UULI Rklyaid=duhtl e IPtess huWaukgnla ailv Bush aid Miss Mary e 1 SIX PER . lqbgw

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