gaîtt "d iftte R IC. Forges D409. àtàonp 5%C, loti 1. 52 sI 4, it and prtWok 01,Riglila ru 9jS iIV. eamp92b, l "' 5. 0. alr 1 ot and buebad et AI te C. &Un Nmso»4 ,WD 810.0, 0, tract of lali la se. 9 à"d *ýer aud Iwtt, stai tg $el. Venuesto JobSteg*ffi1,10, Iflpt il, lot 10; e.T' 94,e 121. la nmxjag arangements tù ** ,Mue, it00ib4r cfthe cou tttosAi 36veatlin, asthe peàker Ofth*» èvesitng. judge Vttiri; le a frlid- et *tümey Coolie i4 dwlio.-u - w*11 n»Il "oospt thee lvita.- Attorney Cop6o i I the oldeot Mfm- ber ofettii owrty bar eeeeolatt"i M~d ons o 2tie 0deet In the I$"te-: poth ýtu- Pint. of »radeoe ts4 YM. ge liuew rtb t abgmLiUColl -d Tieà bnofflt pêrain*l~,Ï &uad wa et &Ee Who receh'>ed thre Groat Zmnndptoi' Whea the latter Oasi to, Wankegin te rgske & CaMrpagn* fflec Attorney Coole aine had 'ail eoga~Mpiogreph ot Colonel l le U Jiidge -ClIRre . UienNdwar-de ii tire Lk ob .eutoueirt bon".. Attorney- Coolie ..ld;om mies .a moeetet thre Bar ageoclation wben tiiey ineet ln WaUkegau. De- 4ptte hie -aie h. went to -ood,~ a1otigk tomeyte attend thé -IwmraIl of Judge Charles R. DonirellY. l- tng the trip ln an automobile. 0~ iii, 4-bali e'Att» . Vi. nffl-wlt& the pbe, et ër r a,bm « mrI' &0. twM . von vit uer'- MtenIwhri _ Peg. 1W011 BAI A teW p,çthia ulield At Grue- luireia4~ - ~ ilgt for JIre pirDm -i- ô- theiglit W&Ylnt - I ýfo t*lb. w~T14 Rock n Nadeoir, Wade- 5141j WQuý-À Ford !usbout,' kt* re wbiee, pastfr bu=mined. hi a~ver -»eo eflt « nsaItDbe. 1 "« "a wsa. W=L profie t.6 zltrit te- cure oobï>r<tfôf uMra«l.' in 34JMORY Fý oJ~ABt P. HAFtVEY! Nine 11, moat.b have elowy son. b> ,Weil-lww fte lb nadIthougirts andiaim Juatt MY drlai'lû, 0f tb»Ir Wa7ombg lear, W. Voire neYrer ar spart. loe, ail&P «r ooney tirrougir I'" ýw1t tI you te i.lut "s algSe, ýTie engeli 'éa*ted 013.y you. 1 ,iuttea oroým- rvo teda> Yo 1Plé*éd a bell>' wreath UOrgonthre apoûs maow. ItIb e t UtS4 Eaijvth. lit. »'iJK OAIU-Ilt erS !0000 g.rewth baYdiwood Mhbe. 019 5 Tmoi cfver»rn.L nqs*e'Iur B Seller. Ë22 Third .51.Libartyrlile. 1-lt ~X-~ComPeteat beohlioeper aMd etenographer for- permmet . 8WO- Wiriite 43 care Suit Wairkogn. uand boolieeper Btea4Iy poSition. WrIte 42, oere eux, Wautepas, III S lved, 1B.rker\ n"Ms Favere mgke 00 de«an end nedefiled. ekeuend-:UWnM simpl>' dellotous. TYOUwr «,rispolsilb> ail wbo dealt Vor salé at &H pgooovy stoe& 1 itb 76100-,- And lov.4 iry evry CWId. Peu hi P'uit, g a ol-ublomed coone" mati a it bOtS aul aime ie l s,±btr nira a OP" ~4yurugbla given «tê bèeiel' t b-itty panamy 1 wMhr t bo #>ap lbeaveu. ao," anàw5je t. epeNdi, f.t la beemht gtops.. e Increase YüuriBuÉinàeWý -1 1-o gDitance Bell long-distance telephone service is ex- tensively used by large business houses. It %provides -fhe and econormical nieth 'od of handling business and selling to distant cuytqrners. It saves both time and money. A larger use 0-f this service will epand hyour business and widen your sales territory. To sel1 by telephone with týhe lowest "Pos- sible cost, use Bell "Stationi to Staiion"$ service, which means asking fqr atiyonc at the distant telephone instead of some par- ticular person. 1"Statio n to 'Station" service saves you -about twenty per cent on your Iong..4istance charges. A stlll further saving can bc madeý by taking advantage of the reduced evening» anrd night rates. ILLIN(M lm -Ir TELEPONE COMPANT = ru te C. W Qob* 't..N ot XR.4pg Park, W. i Bd vif. 11,X ?L L5 tPark Ad& Wau- ie to4.- jbtmasate lIa>' Pet- vifte a.R. J. Rae, lith Park, Wimeorr are to's. I., Car- IS,10k2 Gsu X2Tal 4o jtbtous% marrLmamleg Franrk Job»uce.,oftWtntbrop Rer. ber,c aoed. bor, Ira* 0pliwqe dr arret Saturds> tROI '11nght at, tb~ e tuott « etate's Allr t l 1111=1Z e>*A. v. aunir-04 * charge t "arm MI.~ o lercme m m e the i w115 suii -Rarbor fori 8, t». oiieot nM aur siltI!wSr± te b io fuetr. Fs# thro. NL'$OIawaa tu. *UW that» b net moers Ibai te gl< Mm0 C 14 i0u*",s,4110k M kg~uU~Iirpo If~ e tom %4"km s >'«ueeI 10 teo*pIteg a was iudcated a deal>'.te go t 0* turs ote ho wmttre' W05. OUT --AT- n,.eq; Pr'ice ýe 'bave rerited ýour buildingl' for _othi ;.lrlol-and the enàtirel.comîplete- stod ~etc, l be sold out- Ier t Wm kIs Irîciadeo, No Bxcepit/ w t Wtaueg4w oougI l * fr. b Ltn os -oi 1 -1 ý; ;îýý 1 b"it ta-'Ué biwme 4 Uv»bPý â#»4e, ode 1 WUII njgwm"=Im romp -nu -M jser- 1 -t- ý 1 rôR njmffq,-ý rahm fiat nik Aff., .1, ýýLl ý-1 r -e