CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jan 1922, p. 1

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-LIBERTYVILL LAKIE COUNTY NENDT X-NUMBER 2. IN"'DEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN $1 .50 A YEAR >N A "&«ys. sentenced to a lit e ke W<IocmofllMts,tprison at Î* Msly 8, 190. ln the Clr: t rKéiosha coufty r.11.w etion on a charge of murder- ;rd,. Smith ofut LbuUville. i14to oveuorBlbwfor b! lElbtAl0Àof bus $en- 1 oticevas recei'éed lu Kef w mmrnlng tuzt tihe rlng MUd by Governor BlAlnQ on dug of January 3lst next. 4 14 made by Judge Levl T. . tomer attorney general of pl, who vltii several ther kýwll make a storng pies for te reease of Bradley. It la t1 b district attorney &:%i county viii apea to WaWUst the relffse of Brad- is commutation of big sert- ies! Unique Case. lai o! John Braley andilbis a u a charge o!moities- was ho qicat unique mus-dos- cases tietory oethIe coursta eK- gaty, Ou the nigbt Of i une - SClifford L. Smith, wiio vas1 d as a supes-ltendent o! a glon ce-cor 4 Chicago, &u &st, Paul lNway cern a bot dowv udntikllinlua lion cantp in tie towu Of U. vas admittedt lai lbe fis-id Iy John Bradley vio I&a member ofthle constroc- r but Bradley escapcti anti ileptiirednti long atervard dM »ut go to trial until May, BssdIay vas deteudesi b> Cmliii tewart and lie ad- bh0 MloUflgor Smith but a&. l be à" A8bot in efu4e rowmum sprodoostiby the ëw" ý bftmd apreedi- W40r d shwe boy Bsad- MUsdstircts against Simiths. @4ostegsi hll.enogit,-vas Wwcist that lid been ettsib- B=&adey by v«ituessesvhto km,-from membere o! tii. cou- b <e"é-.Bradley adtiitheti 14 bet decareti that lie shet huaeit deénse viien the lat- 04M a.e motteS as if teseach bvofer. Smithivas unarmod tme of the kiUling. l*efor Bsadley 'Long. uy oves-et about the, scone of WtS for se verni houri beoe- t- &vay andt ten tiere vas td a seerch viiich asiteti r& Bradley vas -finaUy as-sest- 4 tas- vest anti broogtiback i"s At tue timp et the trial L onding Bradley guilît, sec- ; ot te court that bliev 1u gthé dfentiant. Iu sent- ]Bradley, Jutigo Belden de. b..? be bati n o dubt as te U o! -tie deeudant anti gave ï eny sentence under the Wis- litmte. Sevral appeais bave on boisait of Bradley, hth Wt#ime court andt taiVlson- "Cm inlu offce since bis cou- lit la declas-,d tte .bas o41prsoner et the Wao- Pel6 andtthét many people àM fivo i1ould b.e etittedt t 4zè=lecleneency. Bradley trelatives lu Keneaba anti -o! ltte morder ho sait lils 4M beén ilu Chicago. Id Wli a yeuug man as cxlxue vai committed lb. M is majesity. fyés s tdesmesi too gaeti X"e in the, gsme vih'Liii- eoseqifentby'Nostii Cieagô 4 o put Neson n l tes--> ton ubually iselti davu by lon vas Yauked afles tise ér-aciti Walzak tooIt up the têOrk. Nev h.'ll hé lu Hayes' W îlie - Commtnt> Service IF;'LbertyvmIe agalu, for be oleivéft baskets anti aimat ioml01,t alone te vin oves- -athit-ogl, vas lu fav- ,iilditoinm matit iiav. ,,ÏLihést'vlil'e2. Nat èfhtes-,. for ]2iorth Chi- Way t3&ugieut tlt t 4 suad thé pieyvas letke e resin, a i START WORK ON - $35,000.hOME Excavation for a $3ï-000i residonCe avenue.,- Highlad Pas-k, vas startesi tbus weéI. Tise structure vas de- iguoti b> Arieiteet Leonerd J. Latz of Waukogan. M. HasbaughIolaa veaithy Iambes- deales-. . The building wili be of brick mSs. tes-li ansi o Colonial deiagn. DAIRYMN CES ZION lmAI>WITjI DISCIMNTION William Ma yfield ask* tempo- rary mîntWn from intMrer- ance with, business William Mayfleid, a fermer reslding In Boutontavnsbip, vito conducla a dais-y, today, lis-eugii bis attirney Ai. bert L. Hall, diesi lu the circuit court a pettion asking tisai a temporary iu- junction be issueti against lie clty of ZMon. te restralu tiem rn trInterfernug vlth ie business. Mayfillt charges that the. city coun- ci] passet a pus-ported, ordinance te proitibit lie pedtiuing et milIt uniee It vas pasteu-Izeti antIthat aithougi io hati certification tisat nis milIt vas pure. they refusesi te permît hlm, ta oeil milIt. and ars-ested hlm feus- times lnuon. rnontb anti since tiien bave as- rcsted hlm ev.ry day. Hé charges that tierses-re olios- dais-les tiat as-e not belng moiestoti anti that ho is being pes-secuted anti discs-lmlnatos aain th e acikai againat uns bclng gjx neahouablie offlplrq on Utchegart ftb* p$quiI tmuethe cases vüe. gpp«W to thle ounty cous-t, but viien Ithâme t aa sbolrdovn, h. dlaims tise matter vas droppeti. The petition for Injonction vwas set for hearing next Menday, il being agreodti tat botii aides ln tise cas. vouiti hé prepared to argue ItL A licous. ordlnance goverulu thle petiuing of mîlkin la nyelved lu the bill. VETERANENGIN- FER KILLED IN MOAT FLYWIEEL Osca T. Cottle Meets Almost Instant Deats in 20 Foot Wheel at Wire Mill. Oscar T. Cottie. 104<Nortb County s-éde, e veteren enginees- lulie emn- pley etftti. Amerîcan Steel ant irs- Company plant lu Waukegen. met ai- mont Instant déat Menday rnoring et 7:00 o'clock visa h. vas crusIsed ln the meusten 20 foot tiy-vbeelinluthe. engin. rcom of th ii. vismll tepeni- mont. Thés-e vere no vituesses tei thie accident. - It la presumeti, boveves-, titat -;i1en he reposted for vos-k tuis mrang Ms. Cettiloepeneti the. tiirttle on the englue ta let tiie teain through anti virm the cylindés beoese actuel. ly ster-lng li. This a tiaiIý prac- tice, as lie big engin.ette es-ieg tiwavu al gu! le colti ln tii. mcm- In&, That the vlctlm muet have tantd tinkerlng vitii theeoeigine vttout Closingthtie thsottlc, anti be- -came caugtit l Ie llwveel viien the big englue tart'éd aliddenl3r,« Ie tise supposition. An ailes-, tisee ni> eties-occupent ot tiie englue soom et the. urne, iseard Ms. Cttl,'s cries anti s-n te hie as- sistance, steDppng the. englue imme- diately. Tiis vas net util the. fly- viteel batd matie mauy revolutiena, crusbing tise vicîim very sevos-ely. Tii. ljus-et man vas rusiedt t the. vire Mililitespîtal Where ite vas given evesy-aosshble attention but ii, diet i vtilu e fev minutes. The re- mains ver, remeoveti te the Wettel anti Ptersan fueral hoe.ou Nosth -Sheridian Roati vitre the. corouer's Inquet vas ii.ites-or4 e'ciock Mouda3 attes-noon.1 -Ms. Cttle hati been lu charge et the big vire miii engliue evers s t vas lnstalled, îventy 'eas-p ega. Ho vas eivaya reg$Lrded, as unusually cautions In casrylng out hilsvos-k anti tiende are et bass ta acccunt fe'r the, fatal accident. Ms-,r Cottle vas, 56 years aid. îHe vas bas-n 19 Logansport, Ind.>but hati matie fis-h6sosu nWaukegani for tIs-- ty years. Bealtie hus vîdoir lie leaves tvo daugite r M-. Iva Skeue and Mye. Aliest jm, r.botîs or Wauke asu. ,Paving of Milaukee Ave. Through,,Libetî'tyvile Now Assured;,to Croôlss St. P. Ry. VIL d IAt last 1tibubeefl flnitelydeeud 63.1 *U]IERR f I EEIS~ RECORDS (W lng north and tiirougbh tue village or I RC N N DEflhI 0F IER o are Ju -at~RAEIN ÀLK State Aid Road, RoUle No. 21, vas Mrs. Elizabeth Lee of Liberty- changed jaixuay 4 1888, ta tii. folle-- Only One Other County in State ville searohes Kenosha lflg: Commfleflciflg tWbieeling at the Pays Teachers as Much county files end of tiihernent nov located, thence asLk ony - ~nortiierly along Miwaukee avenue, asLk Cony Mrs. ElizabethLe!etLÀbertyvl. through tiie cutis-elen&U iof 'bc vil- Sho ecrslLaeCut made a searcii lu the office cf Rogis- lage of Libertyville. s4d crssing the -hav ocasteacs l aineotYi ter of Deeds Bert L Siaw, Kenosita C. M. & St. P. railWay Intersection lot for. corlgtetseJnar a county lat veek fer the <eah ret- al ivaieeaeue tgrd.sute eortth.Educational Press Bulletin, cords of her tvre iusbands, both of tiience contntlni north te the second titey are the. boat pald teaciiers lu viior are d.ceased. Mss. Le. vas sond northo i e ad crmeing, known as grammas- echools lu the. state cf IBU- mars-led dIrst te Anson Dudley Case lhe Petersen or Grwmtt s-aad, thence nais outsîde of Cok countY. September 24, 1864 Ms. Case. viio vest along sais road te a point lu said The. average salary paid touchera vas a civil wvasote., dIed in 1865, Peterson road adjoining tiie easterly ln the Lakte County achools for the. and atter ~e rive yeara o! vldov- lin. o! tii. C. M. & St. P rigiit ef way. year 1918-1919. was $858. iood, Mm. fase vas rnarrled again. tience on~ prisat. rigiit of vay alongi For the year 1919-1920 the average Ms-. Lee,.lier second husband, dled the east lin. of tii, C. M. & St. p'. Ry.1 salary pald teat-heis lu the County las Mr. Le issdteîe st lino of tiie Soo railroa tIte had beeu lncreased te $1165, the, celebratlon oet tiets-glden v.d- right et vay, tiience nortiierly along F o . ahof3.7yercent.921th ding anuivesary by a couple of sald lin. te the village ef Grayslake a1 erg alary of1 Lakte County teacii- 1mentis. Kra. Le. bas made applca- sud tisuce folowing th. former tice ers was lncreased te $1400, an lu- tienfor wiow'spenson olloingtion ai said icute tiireugii Aniie'i to creaï5e et 2ù.1 percent. tien o dcasvofder spensonfolleving the. state linc. 'The increase in salaries in 1921 viio for forty years vas a ralîroati The State ltigitvay commission oves- 1919 vas 63.1 percent. man. originaily vanted tts route te leave Tiie perceutage et increase ln sal- Miilwaukee avenue before it came artes vas exceoded lu a f ev countiea te the. grade crouing of the C. M. & but tieiras due to the tact that the VA C' ~(J33J( roues for lcavlng Milvaukee iavenue, crease lu salaries ln fIene Conne~ LAS W EK one leaving tiat tiiorougif are on an1 vas 67.2 percent, but the. averae -~ -~ I~anle viii a radiusO "t 50test tiis-ugh salecy pald lu 1919 vas but $588 and fiA ii iqNth- CeokILu-s-Y Park and 1leavng th" that In 1921 vas but $978. 1R18453548.UI&venue opposte the. Ray Furiture In Cumberlanld ceuuty the. average store or liai las office. thence abatg salary pald lu 1920 was -4.6 percent Loans for the week amounted =oo avenue te a point beyend the lever than in 1919. preseist residences on Cook avenue, to $141»,30, which is con-' leaving Cook avenue on a curve taking WI) W,% M M MIf sidered good rive et the lets-wvilcii er, deeded te Vwuw off no n o1 ____ ~the. trustees of the Cook library and .s, By A.K. bowes. taklng the, cerner eoftthe old Dan Mc- W Sn iiuI~JS Business et the Recorders Office Cormick er Lange propes-ty, dagonal- W S'uIËD UE for the velî ending January 7', 1922 . îy tiireugii the S. 1. Pape piece, cross- DD EI> in a Number ot Cçnveyances---------. 94in West street, titence along the bor- R R 1R 41~~~ Nmro!Ch oi~es .............29dee!telIthgivtrnst- Number o! TruaIN.. deed.s and mort- e ftelk thg aenrh gages-----------------------....21 vsteriy across Lakte streot ,ast et Total n umbes- et nstrumuents filelthe present outlet o! Butler lake and Mrs. Stanley Swenton, Mothsr -1.............. 47é thence la a uortiiwesterly direction of Seven Children, Seeks, Total ameunt e! bcans .... $141,350. te the souh lin, ofthle C. M. & St. P. Da gefrm oOS re Business bas been fairly brlsl< wlti rigiit ef way.Da ge rmN So . loans above the average,.,Tii, second prposed route leftiMl- Tr lil et a $10,000 damage sui Tii. tollovlng are tbe mare Import- vaukcee avenue in front etftthe Liber-aant iCcgNrttiir& ant deals: tyville garage, eut off the, fron te Milvaute rChoi co paNort Sbrei lu Waukegau. loet ote iegarage andi san lute iwue alodcmay ruh Loren z Haas and wie, iiougbt th Lakte street, feUolùvit iat street te a by Mrs. Stanley Sventen et North Ciif t.ousa place on east ide Lenox Ave., point juat vesi o! Ernest Davis' bouse, cage, vioe, usband vas killeti et the Juat soutii o! Helmhioltz Ave., for in Sheridan reati and Second avenue dicated 600 cuttlng tisrougi the. Locke properiy, crasing of the elechric railreati, Jan. Otto Westmark bought the. HennIt- oaldz msthLckbuean sen laceon nrthsidePacii Ç ecutting ot! lie northwest Poston f1, 91 tdyw etni hecr sof lco o rti idePacfiçAv e ii JaneDavis lot nov .bengiatcuit court befere Judge Edvards.' W-. C. & Idlsa C. Hanna bougiit te Mss. Cooper, tiience acosOs the e T hesierebogh nte oeo tho Calvert 16t on south aide Grand property te the neilheast corner of Adolpi Staraneivicz, administratar of Ave., mest veat ef yeoman place for the cemneten>' andt tenc, tbreugh the Sventon's estate. The. vtdev la the nominal ceusitieratlon. cernetes-y and aleng the soutitesly Une motiies-ot seven chilîdren, one ot A. C. Camnpbell bougi4t tiha Glmore ofthtie C. M. & St. P. rigiit et vey. viern vas born aince her iiusbanti'î Property on ventsitie Northi Ave., The third psopaaed tosutelof t Mil eah seuuis o! Tbird St., for nominal con- yankee avenue, takiitg a Dortio, of Sventen vas fatally injured wvilît sJiieratian. the freutege eoftth, SmaUl property, going te the, depot ta taIethei train J. Çiiauncy kitsarpnack bougiit the formerly belongIng ta Mn.a I%=m, for Cicago, vies-e h. Intend tie .Cee. 1l. Wright fas-m lu Secs. 19 & 30 taking psactically ail ofthtie -Carlsaek vos-k. He dleti the. feloving day. .Weukegan Tovnship ou Washington Lovelansi probpesty, thezice #Ulgd One of the pointa upon vicitjas. St., for $15,000.tésnl i.c ii <r o±Il G. Welcli anti J. A. Jadricis, counsel Waukegan iPark Diîtrict took titI. Works to a-point pat tue BotlUng for the plaintif vwiii ettempito obtai te the. Lpton ps-oPerty knovu as Werks snd lieu tiiegenally lis-asi the. damages Ja titat thte cressîng et tit *'Larchmnereýt" te h. kuevu as ULP- Yore propenty te the, nosthast corner Peint la douily danges-ons becanat ton Park". oethtie. comete ry aud tiiroiigh thi ern- titere are no gates alongthle North In Hghland Park. te- daogli utifeetieSite-e. ile ies-e are gaies at the tEvsaleJ.heCareile ougiPlace nMas-C. M. & St. P. nigitIof way. Chicago & Nortitvestern, wiqi ie tors slae tf.ors-s$ugo3, laconRa AUl of liese prisat. routes as pro. çlaim caulti Put Prons vo itetiinet v1n- ltaorn 3. &w14. Goreposei requis-ed lie local munlcipalities know ef bti crossunga Off tiiels-guard .E. Scinur and lyfe hought part o ef llhtergto a eo ate r tiey a steht so ;the. Emma."!. Roche place on Maple citas-go te lie ohwse. & Linden Aves., for $16,000. . rhe Cook avenue route votil ilu-' rive lots ai Clark"& Broadway from ages te get oe ote, village. MNrs. Vlckerman for $4,500. Tt iai e- ot, AI i j Helen W. Dlloy & iiusband bougit TpSi l oland W ore outei ) tii Owen place ou east aide Sherian Ps h otigWrs ol w A J D E N .Roati et Dean Ave., for nominal con. volve as mtlch, Tors contendiing, anti 1sderatien aud gave- hack trust* do-id riilttlly Ïtiat it veulti reduce tise for $10,000. number o! tas-met-a bsinglng hlm mifkr, Mrs. Norman Colline, formelqly a 1 Adoph G Laron bughtthe j. js tha theoDe t 'is factory pipe o-ganlst ibore, vie bas been tay. r dseph G LharsPlceon auttie J. oul e priaione. . Iug et the.Salvation As-my soi.anud Gage Ave., S4uth e! Lncoln Ave., Tva efthtie proposeti routes ven't vie beti caugit lis-e receutiy early rfor $4,800. tirougi tise cemoes-ry, anti comtes-y on. mes-ning, presumably fs-cm smala t Robt. E. Seyarti boight the Wm. ps-epesty cannai b. condenes. ing cigarettes, today vai adjUsige Inle L. Wilson place on veat',ide Lin- Tise Lake, treet routeq'u the meat sane aa et i-lg et the, ictel. The rcoin Ave, et Forest Ave., for $2 ý500. ecenemical, as J. N. Bernard, proprio- lxeas-ng vas iield tiere because shi luI Avon Townsip.trofteLbtyilGag, Charles E. Danlels and otherg f lied ts tti ietvleGrgottereti Oas tee 111 tto g te the. county Cous-I , a Subdivliuion uavuw as Second Ad- te douais visai landi voulti be taken and tierefore Jutige P. L. Peass dition te Sunahile Subin, ou Third from hlm. but titis vouls i ase taIt. a Assistant State's Attornzey. andt ti-e e e LaIte ahovtpg 67 lots. akitbatantlel portion etftth. Locke, Jane aminlug piysicians vwon te the isotel luI Waucoutia'Tvna;hlp. Davis, Cooper andi Tese properti es anti Since the fis-e Incident Ms-s. Collins .- Wm, Whitman hougit tise A. F. requis-e a portion o! lie cemetes-y.- condition has been serions anti ai 8Anec--san rtin o! 80 acres for $3,600. No on. ln the village iieviug a Itnew» vas ondes-tise cas-eetfive nurses. Hel IluInLakte.Villa. letige o! the. tacts favos-ed qtiret 1People viso reside in Floside,titi no, Chas. B. al-asin bougb the Benl et t.._eme. Site anti ber- iuabenti are sait faniin ilropemtý, tas-14,750, (C.ontnued en Page Pour) - te be estrengeti. ie 1' le s- t id CONTINUE SkOKIE j OIJNTY'S1 1DRAINAGiE MATTER 1 COST Hearing on thie East Skokle drain- age district mattr Monday was con-1 tinued for a week ln the county court. Attorney Martin stated that there are negotlatiens pending witii several of the Dropert yowners and no declalon an be reached untit late titis week. It the matter goes to contest the jury wili be compelled lo go over the, dist- FARMERS TO BEN. FUIT IIIRoIJEI I DUCTION IN'RATES. Order of interstate commerce commission is big boon to farmers Fermes-s lu the, nertivéstera part et Minois vili benefit hy a reduction et appsoximately 20 per- cet lu grain, grai1n producti and hay lu cas-bads, ondes- an orties-lasuetihy thé Inter. stato commerce commission. Thées-rdes- by the.commission vas matie lu the issue Ituavu as the. West- ern Grain Cas,. Thse reduction attecte tise portion cf the, etate irest e'thtie Illinois river and on a lineofthte A. T. aud S. F. ralîreadti trougi Strea. tes- and Joliet te Chicago. Thé nOv rates viii became effective nozt Set- urday. Tii. orties-cut lu haifthtei. 40 per cent increase lu rates gsanted et the. tîm of thes,,eat gènes-ailacs-case lu A . t !129 . Thc Illinois commerce commission, thé Minlois -Agricultus-l Association sud thc Amesican Wam, sulate tftIeod luatMe tics aa the veules-npart. Tiie inters-tat. commerce commis sien statée that ih coulti net legatiy go fusthér at ibis lime. iftorts te have tie sest efthle state lncliaded yul be ceutlnued. it Io shateti. "Tii. décision etftii, Intesstate commerce Commission la important," says a statemeut lasand by thie state as-irituaiassociation, '1"la liit te- estab laies the, arbitras-y ietveen *ient and ti ees grains, the, rate on tises- grains te be 10 per cent le5és titan the, rate on vieat. "Whlle the, seduced rates as ap- piiesi te nertitveatern Illinois affect --ay countie vici are net prinas- iy grain anti iay psoducing reglons, tiey yull hé fgr bemetit lu the liv, stock and dais-y counties vbici lm- port grain anti iay.'l OR0GALONS U WINES TMEN IN li. P. MIZE RAID Second large raid of week for State's Atorney's Officers; Take John Rozani A second booze raid made by tise state's ettOrney's OlSce tis veek netteti another largo quality o! bcoze anti the miionehiner oposating the, silîl. Officore titis mes-ulng said- eti tise esabishment o! John Rasant lu Highland Pas-l andt tok ever ths-ee hutireti gallons o! monnshluevines. Rosant, arraiguetibefor. Justice Chas. E. Mason, vas unabi. te give bond anti vas sent ta the, coonty jaîl. Wiien the officesa alked Inlu pon Rtosant, tiey tounsi pas-t a!e stili tisat vas not lu use, 150 gallia ofe grape masi, 200 galions e inelusaud about tvo gallons ef white, mle, ail of vichvas couilecateti. R osant bati been delug a great bus- inesis, bot offes-d oti resistance vison the, offices-s teok, ave his meenablue product. This mekes the second large raid thet hes t4eu place vîtbàln tie veek, hoth nettlng oves- 200 gallons etfInoon- shtne. Testes-day,*Is-ances Keple, on Mar-ket street, vas raided anti oves- 200 gallons of masi ef vasloue IModei confiscateti. She vas esraigueti before Justice Couleon anti gave bonds tfs- ;2,000. Rosant, lieugis, la avalting action fs-om bein thie basaIn the Jal-. Great Lakes to Reduce Arms by Sale of Pigeons Tii.e rk-çt Lattes Naval Tsainlug station yull diapooe o! 187 carrier pi- geese as lts #rst stop in lie s-stuc- tian ef armements folloingthtei pig- eon show lu Milwaukee. Several pria- es vers captas-id b> lie, blds et the Chicago pigeon shov. Tiiey are aI trainedt tecas-sy messages t ffl planes. -- DU06N4 ie More Poverty on "gold coWn than in rural distiiots, hêè record shows Those viio aigh and Imagine iu are harder than usuel may tind a consolation ln the tact thait county bail le a expense in provI40 for Its poor durlng the Lait thiN menthe than durIng thé,sauxe jru a year ea, vien pros-ey vlt"v-s posed te b. more ln evidance.. * The, report of the board et s"é viaors shows that It cent thie OZ $16,807.72 during theIselitI menthe,. vile the coat of ibe f perlod a >'.ar ago vas $16M407. The cent of teedlng poor -ln county farm vas greaterthe l three montha, accordlng te thie' port ot Philo Burgess, suveriated ont, the, total expense amoiintlng,' $5,626.06, agalnst $4,282.54 a y-fas à4 but the pour cofllsIttees ttlr".4 bille for the varions townships, ald te familles totalllng neuy l,(#1M lesz for the lasntire. mot)ntb, 4 amounut belng 188329.99, as aç&lS $9.297-59 a year ago. It la esêtmated thit the, -c*t Lake county lent year for kçeptnt* poor ezeeeded $60,000, tIi*ho menths naturally howlng thei.e est expense on aclcount o! the l plylng of fuel to destItte tàbti5# Poverty along the "geld owts'ý cludlng Waukegaji, Northi C4wtÀ Lakte Forent and HI;hlaud r &reatly exceeda that ln the. rdrJf tricts. lu the. last quarter tii e,. ahipa In viiich the» cta '.4 thé out vas *.329.99 « the otbier townshlps lin the Outsids et thie* cou!tty famé d October, Nov., amI Dec, ln the 'w eus townshiips vas- as folIovs i WaukeganTwp. .7667k i6ý7, Oada Twp. &0944JUe4, Deertteld Twp. 5"&#0 Benton Tvp. t MOUS.88 Nevport Tvp. 2M.'76 - Âtloch Twp. 2.4 Grant Twp. »-U Lake Villa T-wp. %4040 AVon LTvp. U1161 Libertyvllle Tvp., 479.*20 Cuba Twp. 19.93 Wauconda Tvp .... Vernon Tp . ... Total -...li784 #I The. expenses et tice vos-e very 1ev front Marcb ef last year, the. for that quarter belng 091Y' The. expendItures vere bIsr. the. lsst quarier tiais a fflr cause a number of much':ý): proveraents Were made. Theé W keeping thé outside poor dutue salue quarter cent $12,08U38, vas a emaîl amount gre&W ier Il preceedlng quarterrand also th.q ter Just ended . LAIE FN BLUFF III BUIbA Announoement ffom is that Sherda BQeýi Be Improvm'Mh Sher-idan roati, betveten IA»e est anti LakteBluff whIioa hé b éd. Announcement cime lots from Goves-nr Leu Smail tho 0 a. Russell, superintendeni el 1 vays of Lake cotsnty,, tluithtie' ion of Hlgisvays, DeIlsrimeSt of lic Works, lu lth. nesr tuttg *a ppiaansnsd speecti leb~ paving ef fous- mleso! lxw vichinil onnect C Z'ao 1 kegan vitis a continuonis om road. The announcesuent b»fP titouasilisô!nos-tho IP los, sud the lmnr efforts, of flupitus ataté ho taIt I t p uu looIt uplie mattés wtist'W ton o! Ingleelti.. state warden, vil> la, èUWe w and thls- comneud «*Or fruit. AnetherOM goyernom9u qà* DivIo Laite, County'ýs Big Weekly 4»WbtIaGtemgoethnWeeiesin uetyCuned LJBFRTVILL. LAKE COUNTY, ILINIS. THURSDAY, JANUJARY 12, 1922. 11 It it )j ,e

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