rmade at ait -Shoe !,tess une-k.à@thir ap. :ita prte t t*àsvW"-' e-# augaehfs ave vtottadcie excte- t*1. pse>oftbe e-ns O< to pr o dil e i ttil tat her eet as 1 fIB'ld M. ot'elt'lb son letre. fetvyIc prol- Oe U hieaieaver eetWaer bees.TbUIey et "Y-ta owrthg bttr.S irtsk 'bes 1entiaila it. efl. t 8*11e a paslea mas b ~tteo«sa el,r ywborU la týfltbe U.atoer lu th e. 0" ï8MUte l have pper tis fltw m salhe ou>' an ther *hébIVC a audit. eben.I vn- Ma-,b lwr theis> tieugbSi ts. ýI *UpM low t gl a ddla. 'jelga viu'Poatine anwasl M ïM5 alencastIe>' nov vasu 'lit* atoctianaur iffrs vita soli. But vhe-nlyho trr *~ ho eer tee *W brr agete br fman1y e r de a te s vehe direCts a*i atiIltigsfOr girsIftwiea e, *t 4e ut phu the ttafr-, *W tl % acid sndill ecluiv5 ir f t u sa lcarof t.,bis a i se-ami me the quesionl. '0 f r y et la Ch icago on '«ek ate eaveralI téks et iil- *5551' Sl ase rturnsd bo -eaaatter a veëX of iMmoa. vas a laree cad. et te nilIt ivol by' lr. d1iS MorternFloiS et ihe honte ef ROvas-id, amai>attsudise- tren Feri'>' teiai ith oseic. ves a Fearmera Institt the, lotls of! In.blS t Uneet tise lii, andS SM D mron, alz-yesr aIS son adorson, bans cCrit -Abetuts apeitise week-end of JJ (onisa. e-r>' coièli Wisebas been Urne tme la recorerine-. CemiIlsvieiedait ra. Mary "WrIS et Northt Fratrie ex brI* lau510. Poultr> show hie vos. tveut>'-*o niisonss ,5gae, d*ckIs.Wite Wyan- auCameian Pi- vmsvntiroa, 40eri -11e tbifrâ, and ilree tourtis. etlNert Frairie scbooi EhpsrtIieftone lied vus e-ufrse's ibeJat -mi b aUo-ee .blr, 4 *thse ladofidee *Je, m»;n et tise oaiS dodu" etfat ie slut 1, OUe, oMvPd t-m or wl nat b« msen <'unie 4eisU*eOl- * .Ilii a.the tMing for be tirl ,rtth tiIMafy osatA. per b&pu$g W54theei.colusibeu ort tala wltcle ionced ffl s MAs= Meioh. â*U~ «Btrfoeeary of that r.equry Aadrsw W. Mewn te fatet tbis .u wUk ofttlyroul=Dmada sua stwlth a mlekSrly " ." ckune. WÂI)SWORT1I SCIOL I 'he Hans NEW4 ,S IN BRIEF 1 .1 'àm I he hma s i Pdier--CaMoine Lux. Aa.1-.'înt edtor-Edlub Pedeeren anS bi..rîlet Ray. RoiecrenaTuesday. Margaret Luex sisited vith , îendfi th Chiegadurlus the hoildaý- acs- tion andS a"vth,. modie Llslî' Lord ]PauaLtlero>'." Edmund BarIl'il vent in Wau'e gan Wedne-adav and got Iâi. nev; gluases. -lAtion abel Liua visied wli, rea- tîves ln Wsuikogâti s.ituidai andiSu day. lir. aeuS-liii'. <itis ?Pouf;én famiy visiteS Mi. sud 4i'a. Aatrew Pote-resuMonday. Unr. Ckytea Luea ent te Mb41* cee-o Manda>' to vlolt lier àiîai;- . i Welsh Who bas hen Try iciz. Miss Oliv.e ewhan of u--.î Y~e gdIgirda ' and Sugdaï nilli Ilra.-,George Ceshnsore. . - ý Afler bulcylng a t'o eu o-t' si lion et homo John Poster 't te1 St. Francia. WIs., tu e neaîîie, hi, schol dîties.s Nira. Myers bas gobue iu Clic-gô aid vill apend corne lime wviiiber- son aniS fansl>. Rev. J. B. iroley attended liese er- vices au tise Hloy Nante ctstiedtsl.1 Chicago, Bnnday evening at whîcit thse Rt. Rev. Edvard F. fItan, re- conti>' consecraed arcS Wsisor of Chi- cae-o vas appoIntaiS sprtual advistac of thé Roi>'arne socle-t>. The Wnndmen and Royal Neie- bore v iii gIs srlesaof tbree card- parties la Fa.ter'a ball .Jan. 10, 24 andS "b. T. vehcdssac la ffew4tbroe.. _ ie liedaiS tuuevitil bar parents. :Ér. 4 and )lir. . Oaimore. Miss Jesephine Poster visiteS Ares echool li5ndy. . .. 'ater* bis hail a ligiting ars- tomn instailud. lir. and lir. W. Waddelî. Mr. Jaien WadiSolt. lra. Leu Lui. Clifbon and. Margaret Lux vitaS SunaY> vlbh relativisa lInRnsaeli. Milas Mandé Clrk spent e fev dars reoenbly iii> ber sister. 'dru. H. Pet- orson et Lake Vill. Thero vi liebuaecarS pàrty in St.' Pittrlck's balh buray evetilua. Jan. lim. Obias, lir. Siober. la Lsi- lhsId and Misse Nellie Shea and Ana Otuber vistd Tuesday with lit a"d lira. P. 0. Dioimeyer. lir., red LesterteI II. Ban Ulule-liRSe- nt Suusday In Cl ,,i AgloseS nititWeiai hanS resa irf-, tise cotte, nnth ie reet' t0 tiFI'd. peck"; F9eble Wt!i Asc? ptlàhed sImi111lau - Ç,îvic i. Rlght or t.ft-Eyedý re'w poraoa>a, erhapq, reaîl..,Le t lIs t e> are0a ci lgit or left-eye.5au te>' are rgbt Qr .Iet-ianded. Olt dewsu fa itait-anSd fx yousr qtteptIon an soes, bject on te other aide or tise réoos,- Quleklr SaliS y-a tinger nurt eht la- front of btheelzect5 .114 latnl'-luty-ense. Then.1 vithau e-ving your hesd or fl >'qt e. 0w open >'r a»Yi«oueea t Izie.If w4dm ym o ps. ymarrIglWe 'tyen f tbw-ehdoct yop>'o r;gIât-eed.- in thsat mes,oi. "*fild.fyo « in dgtrveri1 mach to thé dtof te teobject wbma y'on opel plvr10âlmsy. -k Ir yesou VIII>isldyu lf il.cit, pi'*ply 'u- tt e e *àeto thf *4th m> uore de-veoped 'tha" the ola-t4 ibe organU ulstias on aubst le4 :-rleMy wlei1 nttele ~ Ir e- dvile il r h.t ar fis-qicifi~b 8~e. ~ g~4n5ebed- bIs -sesisête -~ RaconpPew aps a 'joint SEEN AS POSSIBILITY The Raclie 3QetgeNefws bas sus- stei thie forfflIý,WM &>ulzt board. er tram .for tw 44'$ b4elue. Ken- ..llAand Wgukvw*"tl,& plan fer' Ste admIssoi 1et i" ulle clU.,of Meoett »9it e id p d " ofihe "À oit *Étroeeta incnde x.., Ioe Ues1. aone 0<C t'. o . a ceo rdi aa to 19 1 baleaC ee vore Intereated la eaur et.a 5 *nLo Sla lIe- opinion. et iheegentlemen thora )le-e-oquetlon but ibar the weat- «îp ý*W7e of! LaeIeiblea ~partie- *aie uloçà stalule for mentu!actuing pur- poses., and lante ysrs ta corne more ad more plants wiU be aUtrncted berc But it la fait blet nov la the turne îw( get started sas vIe- once normal con- ditions are prevalept..the OPPortunît- les May fnot ha io. plntlful. Bread Eaekot ef the- Worlw Wiacont.in la ome of the group of stebes that lia hfflterm<fflthie hread baketof the world. TIsas Racine la lu a position te shore lis advantageli and Ir Ithe canai projecttfram the gacat lakes toat e ean -bacomesa atact. more than ev er wiii ibIs region be- Corne a wonderful iart et trade. 'flue four ctia mentioead ouglit Io bc able ta worlc barmentouzly. Theyt have intereqteln laommen. If Racinei cen not get a nft lndnatrýY il should certainiy be wiling ta give Miiwaukee or Kenoaha every assistance and vice versa. If Burllngtofl Ia canaidered tIhe best place for a plant. tben )it nia- cine work for Burilgtou'a Intereat. Sees ce Coffiet A board of Ifade iwOulzlla nô vise coufflit witlî the prensa Association of Commerce. Wbite, of coura, îhet e board of trade vwould be a Bmaller bodly and v:orklu ander larger lices There are cnoue-h men here who could obc.tn ai leasi lndtrectly murh büne- it for iheir Ijusinesaca. to becorne mcuzbers. '~lerc la a airons templatioti nov, it la truc. to forget wbat poi3!;îblîitia le la tore for Racite. Thse more broad viooued m0Ou realiza ibat betieî dayo are lu store: that-if va plan now fat te'fture. th' golden opeorîunities tlit are ta corne vili bear finition in a mannor to mrae Racine a wonderfal City* The carcesul ma-tis uccs- f.l cty-doea en i p no iitier iîow dark 'îi:" ouloak No! On thse contrnry. icle and courag:,( e evof P.esent.1 Queer O-.. -." of Wc, Strunz,,-ts laie w sonil !-'t iieret s-n r4in i.-i Suinte 'l'rre (the llIV laudi). si lilier pilgrilii'. evere s i,înt eiî-îr.to joîîrîîey. lStalgaf tise -orS h.iis-rdùslter. uti-i l IssaliS t, tiave ba,îehdfrom lIte Gemin ha-t tIlîr ttmzlil-r' .tnotlîer ciotie -' ruplion. 1h:- Itîlie tronthe 19-'s.t ieiîî'îu lhisi(vrLt-sît ahi 1 Y i- t l1 for Cteii ---i1 'tlitîI---r. ARMY AN» ,NAVY GOOD at lower lîrices tlîau-you ciln obtaiu uaxileYe 10 Docen Regal Ceps, $2 and $i ville, - pecial........... 85 20 Dozem Arrow Coasnemw 15e; 2 for .............. 250 100 hckets, heavy G .1$1.35 500 Haltere, heavy leaili- 50 A»;sarmy 25o to 1.00 or ., ......... 0 100 Lutern, 50c, 75e, M8'80 î. .Bruhes .. .55 100 C.- P. 0., bine Serge ý 20 adae4 eîay das A 3.75 Skiits....... .....-3U 5W50Amy eombs. 65e val .25 75 New 0. D. wool ahirts 3.45 150 &siatÎ coDera. epecial 2.50 100 PIwtnel shirts 285 Mo Irîý tmap, clau A.-.75 100 0. 1), WOO reclaimed 300 pr Woël- underulurts .76 shirts ý............ ---- 1.0 400 pr Wool Dmrwers .75 50 Maine shirts, .$5 val 2.75 400 pi Cotton unnershirts .26 30, eayait . 9e~»$ drawers--.25 300 Cotton army sirtu..> Pt 6 breeches- .. 2.00 24 Cottn Pimiel shirtsA1.5M zpotb* *brecohes 1.50 76- MOI navy sweaters. t.9e m 4 0q o1 arîiy cmats---- .00 25 Wool slip-av.rs . 2.50' sob CotMonernîy coats- 1.50 10 Cotton sweater coats 1.50 1o00P ... .... 1.50 25 Wool sweater coats .-2.50 5qo pr Xbolbud sooks .05. N00 Pr Wooi Socks, 85c0 Ôre*g ~.laoa4.0 '3 pai for .. ..1.00 4ynau sio 10 boots 05pyXhktrotuers ~ ~ A0 on0rllst ftu .... -1, 1 6 w4d pruq overcots 5.00 »0Q 0v ru pciaL .... N . 401 MRY Impers.., ...ti 10, m0Oto hues e tuket, aw J ..... ........ 2 1a' PI'lr tgeaprciplf *hdà de bom p"fied by Posetal or Urpree J4oe 0r4*r ý5hftt19 ut1 t t b cover ?arcel Doit' orecreseae. AUM, N M-ýANI) IN MWBMMM PRO61I At] « IT'ebbs 1mai veek. ". -An ele ven -Paud baby bey vas e ST 'Scriits t er.-tnd ir..Beck-,.bise 29 rîi t- Deeunhor. ~~BR i~4r. andSMmire . Gëne E*or> *alu vIitars Ô! ltr: rnd lira. lickey' \lî. andMmir. 1H. E. Loffmer enter- AiaRaSl srei>nt nu waned compan>' over- tise yeek end- moula. Mlia-. Walten Greggii and -gaghter lira. Tom Webl, enter-aine .1 dît- Mtarion bave returned tram Chicag.osfrm nics dWaeauu- Joiin Spîcken of Kansas City,. bas day. - roturned front spending thse Xnues liolidays et ZMon . Dahlia Fea.!y Maxien. Miss Grace Holdrldge la heiler Rt-,, Tiiere seemis tu ha an lIXpressIoâ if» a weelt's illaess. *.ltat tue fOrsti abllai te be ffl¶rated Tisera vere quib tev e pils laont ru Europeanl Amierlos ver. -alugle- ili %Ick lit lait veek. fdoweered. forma;. This l9 a mlstRke tise Miqs Tate Brockson hem roturned rery iOrsi spe o es1hodeacribedanS lu cotleg% lu inWsconsin aller apend- glre ahiaplntta, ,vas a feor= lugtis ~sl-iay eel vis br pr-witîî a duplex or double betla t d enta. Iaedi h rylgrdise Ge. Kraft anS son bave beau plropagatedltse Oyal gar ds a spendne tise past Weok wvus Mr andd atin fr0,11l eots o eton orln Mrs. Amas o( Beach. sud vaS in 1791tu îtSotanlof Gava- Misa Marlon Bager viso bas been nle u19 uhura nra iii forlise psit eek. aIo ry much DRIII. a disinixhed U1up ffLittena improved. Louis Kemnleitsold bis skuait bides j to Horace BacIlle for five dollars. Jud Turikln& Normeanmil Pbtip Sahlburg bave lad Tankinas-aya.the reamson -hé# moved from Grange 1-1 distric t. atnsmoli>'itté yabI Tii.' yare mssed ver>' mueS b>' ail,' gaie, keeper aeiya lite ie rogd lr« of the papils. dawn when h. i t aIA hie ovu'«4 The R. W. W. W. club met ai Tom Forer açor of Rfoy F4e11 Church 6 fNorfh ý GhdW aid tu new bisop HOLY NAME SOC. LEAdER IA acuniy roidenta viii lie inter. stué lalubthe 1fainig Iltemla acilc. 180 ne-voxaper vhicle concerna stthe 1 eV. DaeltBYfuS, dOr toiO f the lyi>' PnsU>' bnrc b dl ôorlICM- cee-o. an d Wf e v erc l e uai' pl ýUst director 'otaiba e UkeCoiguty ÉiOW, Nsm e socièt F t M er B$y- ie. le X&Ç . ebiajeiibd laIe te te - u, a large-r parish la' Chicago., Tlh. item tolova: Thie Rt. 1ev. A. J. MCeGaviiet, xoeont 17 appoined lsaop ef LaCruOM waa ioda>' ancceéded h>' bIse Rt. Re. Bd- yard F. liabon, recentlY eaaeeteui auxîllar>' bleop ot Chicego. sespiri- pal ad-esao f thse Ho»y Name alciel>' bigare. Blebop iLeGaevick, wiîohem bbien t thse head ofthtie soclety la Chee-e for the lait.nlae yeara. made isetAal address ta the organizatoxt lest aigbt et loy Name cathadrl. At the coa- cinalon f ise services thoelAt. Re. Gerge. W. MUladelein, archbÎC lop t Clceo, atitounced the applataneal & o BIsIioý i banas thse noveprltai * tsîer. fllthop Robn wilI ho asCis- d b>' tse 1Ro. Danial Byris. Pàtp - o! s. Agns ebarcb and te Rov j 'lseuss P. Bosa. pastor o! Ouer Lady et Perpotual Reip chrcIs. Blabai lie OavikwyUle tendered a faroveil tee timoalalai ie teawdioissm on pFe-ij ar>' 26th by te Catisolls of Cbicegc* vIsIc h wM bulason'tise ave eof hmb> e panure for' bis novduties. a luèt a . batfatubo n are enc. le >la iclassai as a lnxury; sncb ofr* tactief a wtndow belag required te P"a a eta tahlb.stte. ve% »Iv l teféar n aur. building silbU -- ripe *Ub«Iu ve b hut anier thase ea- tiitioS ~éi'e wtndoWfs ar e dUie0@0e.' e~lUn tb r ____e Jan-u ary Sles These salesý throughout'the store ps tWeyhixi iitffect the gretei values for many year. They combine low pnice wtbdepéndable quaity Îbji cuiphasizing the slogan of the Jaxbuary Sales. &OW 1WETE T O1u ' Skirtinga and Suiltinga $1.98 Tinseltofle. velours and pret- ty plaid velours. Ali are fine n oolens. GreatliY underpriced. 36-inch Hesavy Outing Flannel Heavy qualît>', .sot t nappy finish. Preti>' patterns and col- or effects. Hfope Mualin 1Sc yd. 36 inches vide, fullIlah ed. *Ever>' voman knows the quality. (Linit 10 yards tb a custflfler.) 27 and 32mch Fine Dreu Gmgham 19C Beautiful plaid patterfi.- Fi rmly woveti quality. Large seleOllOIl. Large Huc]c Tewels Lar ge size, pure w IlsO vih raiS stripe border Closelt.4w0- en. Âthletic TUrkcioh 39C Good absat'belit gualtY. Athietie vesTre. A ver>' unuu- ual value. $1.39 Lo nck, zno' slves, adne al1#evo neek strle. Llght tOseos lind. Purewblto. fI&en~ OFF ar, short lengiba aoftable da- l*es. M obtv, napus etc. Al tri reduced %off .a.îgolar if AI [55 Coat s and; DrÉesses $9,98 $ 14.75 $.7 perhp eare the reznark-' ~4j~ vhlein2 t31e January ealioenoaleta the ieady-to-wear section. Only by persoual in"- opei~a u tbse valme be fully. appWeeatod. .T~jl CQÂT bail> tRnor$ e&j theas tlre, -"tees ca" tesa*" e4~A.ue..oIl4l gay ye Tho7byr e wvaud er- 7H11 W"S1-Md tÜà1ctua, Poiret TwilCuI,tjfe CrePOR, 8»sqna~t;alaete~>svalues t the» lb ems.Th1 Jet I isylas ,retbmsemoatt indiiai14. PLAID SKUMt¶S,$U8M Thesie t4r 1uw kltsm *tae be St ylet, -th", ~realy mdespried:as the resaIit' od a spècia1 rlse. Mae fall-wool plaids im attractly'e..ce un"-o*0 me. 0138 - NMade of tW~ -'iuite.rc rsti 18style. Veri' epotal cours 4,-.. - ........ .lt lie ot <r"e ~ eChIse la white Womeu'a B-3u0a0004.W r it t i ka l e d . T h u > ' a r e t r o u p - i l o f l M a t e r l u l la et1 oi w Uit.ObOe t iia9 71qaeout w i-oui ui»tr t e - or~ ~~ ~ëo usle étrs.Ttyr* â4o iUI We'neral ahtile lrate w- .r....... 7---7