CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jan 1922, p. 2

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fi 1pMmz fl I -4itfç myae t thipe ve .tue '8k frof uI-ar banqet Xlve lat »it iubi 1 Ig 4 *t1the yu lqer 000k g <lÂc I ot uuab wwNote... * conuta" igt t cB oard- 1 1 ' S ty vas t e1 oua2Qo rt orso lof tic ta ktv ehother only onejulxt gc sud e&sta ,nt- é bee o Imsla each oter ie-li SttÂiii "sà ai-o»ufatiaéi the bench. yet 1 have imouCilt' Mr, es eau si hm.for a pretty "The. Cty' ofWaukegaxi h&ydig, t lime-vihes ie vas bit liei aOggi»*liti lbedaine »A uty ho114 i. 18 tmda. xor M W. liac, theCity attorney t Uni ~0be iii. fi~4qe$Mdi!.i-f t a <code <of ordtines, "d !afier knoewx persenany almoet every oiitainig copiez of ordlonm Ine l Moent 49 the Vafted Statea since sevenal cities lI thiis, ae, iubmit- IP ,,cvery governor -ofillnois for ted tbem Vo me for the pui-PoS of Car ryeersor more, ad bie days aflectingthie mont appropriate Pot. <f1 Sbock cviiiboreseMmie tank- tions fur the puipose of oompling a lue 4 ,±r it . heteegmh o the code -feri-heiC ity Of _-Wgukegan, Pm ,d »as buli imis the mate wIXicII4ty&st th*tqonrt leJ W » ye xson Iven -t»eas & le-t- aUdïït. -So Mr« i edk thé. pués 6à latory "1 mtltuei 10i-i 1w in the. Poil bIi1heule UtcOboe, th estMrd,&M6 4gvt c fixieeMr, î ese usd etudied in a loft At rWetry bal l>dA law offie. W ci.-bJ "A& -e<il bgt, sud vorkei! a h 1e DI01 1,ut tebelle uni» the. alI hourshlb àdiiO5 i i * ý' u béemg Deanbor fttet, a"dopposite tUic Li 11%»~M llst Cs. Trmnit HEoiýbwuvassituad u0 -ou Oite,m tf ey e c<l Ii -th -l.-Sm0lttb 4crm rt 86! "se0 la wI IÉ4 Utefsrer doive Street iu- -;àn t, mau 2d iibtâàéd buigayof- Mi <ii, 1860 4', ~mmioit0f Iiçv«a- PM- in Iecnor j~ve miles ln. ber, wv-i = ira#-,le ted, tche e ount'.vIietice asue edwu or1g ivaslatarete ~~ fi auieh ~Ban oer tIW* *utbeko 11 k told a1fa alitte of *lc*a m!'P1Icd tour vei, P c* )Io ithaï oha hailstarted iti.MY&irB tUI and Ie. ll Mr l uoig, s resleeut 0f Iake U 'ly t4M t 4 #ili*1011iteh- aSlef~e, lax308, aivand wo Uthe.laýW es4 ga bl te fl he ic ba L M&1860. ity Of Clied14u ntdnthé-' F J » tl e m W o g S cu o f tr e i- - y & l i ! d e y o f . - $ I 8 1 4 t I - Ï4rtd ».lit f"-pqrs t 0"l1o fs b ~ a ~b éuove ilap»#Ban»Mpaà MAlex elfor aim4sloa i t e ý MIS ielugle1s x tr u th»cW*SlaVem i"UDO 94 w g -'t W-Ibu uia lit other_seiap. tiVed isuo leuw e D to pg O «A: mi5O51 *0 rèipD4 g i»> 4 .1 -tolici- liii,1801, and have cgiUnuM. #Rd buit lit* oqw<, g -of ~>~to practice fi-ouiths.t lime t, h bq- a -!0fbia li gio: pla»ot. c ' eWho JîAK »Oeç have *"Mlrvar 1V bëedaneneccaary' Aci jrem about aSU ilirt la tatot»" for umc t.eproaetnite- M, Imprtant mi A> tr ,em*lll »«buplli 51M1cr -ci!a Peil ait lu fIe luptense oqrt ot the au 0 b gt4stka ho 1 O4 .4fiom ltu testaR a"ê fgr tblct -rpoae 1 ponty»crd,.,= !91 tw- s : ai len sd 1 et.-Wtà"kd"Ji àiaj," oýîU, M smméeîïd Iusa e i-k viienb hovia14 yema ad. It -I 1u 864 that li, beggal coii-- - aýstttilonand eue s i 17e' Orxxllhologatis of tuïe Nielnc lAd-Voir. lilhe L.-il 2', ux f~o4i ae lv- S. The ef ftrb omn Nc ,Id u4ft 4M NÇ5,t i i- cude fs i tooa ,r* Myi ad «O i th -ÀÉ "Àwwstry of North 04.leflrtirecv dl hti NvlJc) ore. uoph bauciw ut feoon- s. Ai-tsigbgbocksarcn *in ln,- Qer-1 wO yrwes. B»cciety ôM --mat- fr. I Lldavav from Ikeryvfeâ, IU *icére Mi.Cocoke vas ed- MBaca a! tir-raiMOnlts or i .b4mut the c ool. :~e met Abitg Umeola hoc vaa- pi-eident andi!viited atopplng ovai- neit ai bome, vieee Uicyverus- li. alan bail thcigi eaac hte Unifed stateu court 0frÂ&P *tls ni! mny cases lu tht court 1 Judge CMUflng Spaks -T're çhgiimaas lntroduccd the speak- esr o! tie eveulng lu Judge Cuttng, *49 beside a pylmg igh tribut. ta ý%wweý Cool., gave -tihe sembly a1 Wqr* tal on the Conference qucs- liB fren ispoint fvc mg 'th bl.clar uipon the. observatiofe Itse dleit elhed usx' 901h bhrt- 7 , Aive-course' inquet vas scrved, ~eby te speeches rejatuin eiyd tUies IncieàUtala Ute-pi-b- gStc mw la the icmelaof Ilijla ~m4-ptiuarly lunIMinois. At an- -rtii. Bar Association, Uri iOa leM hts-u«t tic onaci- .ln e*vd a1w quaetions. bls lt s ad get4vities Oluat thlng wlici 1 vould .cal n lh tIo, la t, viirefereàce te "I neer bt.bMa tuconiequexiee ef ~tat toi- te h ave been. nme 4ÏWO tateasents upsm Ibat peint. tustamly rqeord of My fatier,ý A#-vCook0e' shows among other tlf ht Ivas bei-n 04 Uhe 11h - 1 alhy 1832, cexsequautly I 90 yem r i age yestai-day. ý"Imsce et that fautth ti n- 'gacord, *au 1 wlsh'tii. matemnent bas hbem Publiied tate ieffect 1 Wjws4bain laI5ebruary, 1831, vlas bd= thVermxont. On the gay Of May, 1840, my faher and together W>tlifQsr c' iii-eu, t l0 * as tie oldest, removed Vermontto leAke coun4, 1111- 9 tu. ng l aie couxty on or trot el-t 0fJuste.1840. lta tic Tûvu ef Waucon- *U My of 1869 sud tien I 'wenî flic 1mw Ilieof-.Ferry& t me e Ae Cpunty Bar "M'ffl, vyyahi. lavyci-a. " i4a 1g f F 5erry & -ovorete io 1mw arme, »WdOtt, JPi$p&fiKelly mand b Ju ge o r athe *f Oui- puemet diatrldt ~lie.sme e u ftge .0- WhouMmtemm- siâi let ofsî J@i SOi>th1e »lltnlo court ot lia uiVe1i *laf9 ;etrtlb ,m wllI4courte ciere il I\%Cita mt7 o i e ne cummeuicd *0 U.,ithC -,"5'=Unthe ic >e i' I't4 pi-aclIeîs-tu c.s Obicansd atterare-a asd UP te the xeenttfi-a I ls"e piclctlued tiffle ii WPuegaul usaking u'ar- l i'ycsrs cf conttnucuue î"-se- * 0O 60 ****O4-*-I soci an! 011f plaetertalumont on Jriélargeta-e-l tteldé! froM flie dis- fa-liet- bs ypga 1"4"late!an ~ mii!, - dU~* Ir"è aiai.! dby c-r-e..Tic amo.>£ri-m flic ale of the basket anoçIcd 10 940. So; s"d -a scAl heur otw! ffe 6*i00du1 e~ld hirIm Party o c ,8.ten vsepae aud inVer pneaim 'Wven.anbanaI!d "di candy vaspoasci! axUn Malrgart bilgi ortaibe«!liw ian la OlilcagO. vc~l Wrg~,Who in stt-cJud scool at Vuimllon ýOrovs, came bolinc te cran! lier vacation.&n! ie- Vurue Janiaryleit - DlaMos-m hispcadliger vaca- Sin5 aialOe' Lake eahte home oe- ber grtnApeasetç, M r. a"! ma-s, ra!Behrnens an! ta- -fy spent Nev -Yeaai--lit Mr. and hi-s. Mlle Gier. Mi-s. James -Séti&=onas"dred Bei- i-en visit-ci!the EliUn tate Hoepit-al 7Tuestiay.1 Mr, a1lns.mmJOÏ14 Caslmot-e sud Mi. sud lii. Gl siendfaniy visite!l te hoineof Mr. sudNi-a, Bei-ens. Mr. sndUhik.Williamn Neil sud tudr laught-er Wllia viste! Vith home W> Vicir daugbltci-il Evasutn ovel> Ne T6ars. * Il Mrn.dssMm iraBaunu=inf -Waukte gVS visite! ibO ime of Ni-a. Jamnes Neilsen satur!ay. Mr. ana hi-S. Wm. Neil attenled thec fQeeraio! WUjIiM NaaIs set Dri-ulc Lake Wcdnesdy. . - Vera punhmunlisbeen elcI i!urlx ber vaçtion viËtnilit-i. Trides Dispoe of Sawage, lalatn nsud many other coast cii. Me, the tides are uthiéled lin ti &isposai of sewege, p4rt et wilcb lo bl! luIn eei-svotri until atri-ug tutgo- Ing.tidai entrents bave develeped, Be- ,ore i.tua-n cf.te é th11e csevagi basliu <eni-i-led g a tai fat- t,)as le- coSm u-gI vît-ban lhuràene body- c eOan enter sud tis esiered brn lus.. pes *law. in -; mblm 1 -doèruttel fl tm rM IL Do$yjf ot ni ! dPak *IFs- l koield; Rev. IlioasueofDeer state. me in amon tUic uation'a ifosi tA<* *Uibre d-v.00au! Nov WmIwayer oM Bbsier- enthmbuae -astrccateq 01 conserva-. Ane il-o~ultlr haes Mr. "In &wu -ne anda biena tt. 19.41 liiig l igau - n. w t> ~ * ilôn, bftOt Adme-ý W"~~v-u pSwed Psy the large crow orc 06<~I(.II4r~Ukt-4*w~e! friede wo Otu tpY tholr lut r- a XM tina."0ts4ta lia »mrdy. ci*àlc 'liu'5ay 'nn. ai-y »- - - re pleaimnt to'rseaul; OIeu4rf. WiaIit~ - MsMel OnN1etiiitUseerl Us ,ha" a kbni!y woSd for eacb, fklgt mdavsk4tr ijlayaiat viiol vit-i lir slt#r, PIs."n! ed beloved but tIi 61 sn~u3scsu486Is .l~ il~iEiyDer i Rlicu Cle> R*UPtl- Misfui!, viiiotteq iulaloet hm, vit tm~MIe, 'A. *"ait- Jr., -JS~ii e trie! te do bis beot, ~~~~~bê ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'A te51 st tci0J.-EUsadM-Ia~On aNti Wc Impe to uwet htm viiere oui- Coi! The P. 'r. A. rini olhe a tgillar Npitbil lw F*irw 15.8W, Ilié!""Gi-antis uàeteiînai-eut. la- ~ V rom s pal-l per $P enGSi$04 lé a<cdotw aesth122 CARO 0F TItANKS -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~bt tda U At4 iie fhllE!e ee~-MM's , Wc vish te exten! oari- dalce sud eau Sud fic I - -~h po-t" - â*«WàPW àou#eart*lt fbU gteo oa- relatives sud - N's ookqubocb spont thc lai- la tbfIe 4syécffidt imsud eighlior MOr Ilir tbeau- à,pot4 te V" tIc bm.orne M ù i W ha. 4 gre r» a1lls!e«,a'rmdsouisof Rw - I" 11 , - ttl0i<la A4pba1 ymvatiy aeuM daalluAeffare! tt*bop~e 'Ofc- da*tei-, i. %lil44h w t r j*1. lt M- 10 C AI AlmT. Oxerdïe, et »vS7 10S5t.'ri-ew cf fI 1 è0u<iï,44- - U z eeCIMeltmalgm4 the -tor tb1,,c1lt W etI naiclie T*<I -- 551 II li Ti 1Scnw a Ms isna-y TSociety lié& or tg -- *6 ý_psm«a aoon r. tihe M a(ior uiiia Iit'- - - teusa*!e4t»W, ffi> ýtot.<llê Imteèr 'Iteoig People'- Chitian ltn- st fI'ebrw iltI. - ,&fNrtI ~u& Iéat oe!Art-ui- Nefuer erida, eve- Ml~ SC MS& 'e ~ gme.na4ept-thSO AÂcordial Invitda t iwctcned ho am vaitig M6M inMwtume. *&K tobfi*-IM tU i tu te fieglar services nudtSua- prbià snu 4du, a&».-Xm uofl.uciIpuse and, rayel a-atI; Pgsayt.iaN OhUrch uarie'PAo seugo new s» ea- Tice Cing eliacool lcpautmenis ai-e «f Chce4o cub17 vIl w gir*S-cam És uerj'vslld g"y.J"ubeglauu t-o becteue norliaal once a<ldrWs. becii!à, eadiligs. dut* , s0100, -i.pornigsidcoaspd l icucoteO teescmItai'tbcldayiai.1 cMl othe i nuubcrs -- ' -liUtei! rmieee éwnIai- nd5. min u', arc - oMWsukv~emxi u Ni-g.A. J.- eob*6m shtetWa4 *eà a i!t <l I *p ieti- We>ýpill e glal tela*cetee pY mc nun1. o ='wjb*ý T«ouyatte: h fStr0M"g-neituera for tic IlVotec aitg Who-b no, ubcrWte fly fbFetbî rw f-i l Iftlute» a, diareto toms lu;, t-be 900 lu, JSheGr4~et iaeat5, km, vs-ped teAisia r etc.npis-tsng sdai-e renderiii5 Uc-i"k il -umeal o! Mi' sd lins. - g'lng. e cseas no i'OM vew filele9rvl-v1 Bruce - - ~~oua- eaiti go ont- 115in ifl¶tiy s Mr. M44 IPe.Carl Andontuon ae -Thc pallbearesvr-5 u ~-We- Io te eur bu-ailer sud igltes, Rcs party teS Bilbet <f tliea- I-i h!5i ausi, St.', Tp,ý o isSet Cb&0hs RttBk+Nermua; alec te th e oier sud bhie Baa-day BlM. emidi , job* 111*W~IUI , ý uws althÜ !ôajtkief fir tfatier aml ii. 'eiuig p*e,,le.Ve Pi-esbyfOi-- pûsbcu n! Apod 4luIý#, M*ho huAlasihi.Bd114 Dai, 41 Vieknev Mr. fan ohurfilibl! -lIeu-niltl bîy bines7 y ar-aed t-he, xgwiiùga oItS laîta-t4- liacI 101,!-.Hoe Wa"a'="sxiOf meeting. md ocl%I -Bridai evenlng tt- ng$a e y Jtd-Stýiker. -Wifnr foe ! brijxt$ýa qiarace m I 4evoUan- tbe Oeulley home. Ira*, * hee>9 %4e »ub ofI 4w; - The we& là "dan! ili h bitter foi- Misées 04!a Sndud 155B aboq <* Up115MI ! d & t Ifs bing >el~y10 rien Id tht ieg ,Xoé"0,M t ef - &rtUgm eiti é o .4a4 Cti-rs e' ren 111ke Ilm.Wcorm gin! t-o Hrurea' fi-m -¶'hihit àSando,. i t iiererIMee ltdie nelJf<>> t~ir, John A. PUgici- AJanniSRoo»aeIL who 1, ta aiet. lorM--ctl- in"s te lmpa-oe, eanl w u*wts bôsit-sIlu Ch tu .isdolin M-L. c.Doker i, « cer d sang oe to sco wm put- meoi s Vagain nlcely ,followV4 51opràsi ii qý "paK s cl Ve pomalaclthte çon.W. ste also -gin! Vo note t-ba - ciirah; 41c,0,il44486 larry iUn. C. G Pet-la,- ot ) basicen Mns. Anna Sic-n v u as c altef0ise t o iSbcrmctiIi gsig'4*eas. It-mgae! f4roM the ilbtd Park tJileao Wdaedmacu.seeuit ofthe The . x6tie. e; p~i4e le*. au teepati iornM6ensd ubat aie, i 4.51ho! Ii- aat. !lsUAnus NOO, 104 frcilbai 0*fl,-4 c ai ,-i. *4y glnig a- t-eufb vwe-u wilM he! 4tiip !r4>r. Hwu asstc17-iIêbèRey. JilInal,p4 tw>tMfiebe ticu, on~ Ou thic GtQSpel 1St. $obi&Sunay ev*- ulugi. Do lt MWssay of iiet. nei service beglus at 7.30. The youi Pople meet at 0:45 p. E. fOr 45 1minuteOf £ellowahip. Coines F 'out and se. their splendid meeti4g W. have tvoo d tMage lu store for the oommunlty. Sunday évenlng, The petit Jali. 2%, the yemig f 01ka have a car- for servie toonig4 an dejecwsimuai c cmlnig fho ed today b Chiego; then on the eviing.oM Jan. way- as fOl 29 tha iaslon«ary Society ~Ill bave a GUY mn spe"laisenloe, viti outalde speakers. w"18a Ne!r Thïe Méals Bible 0Clas la ot tain- ÂutioCbý RA Ing atroagly- la tbe wllage ball eaoh 0. ByleP ouda, mioi-ing at 9:46. Hear J. M. Boni ?etcrki Grantbm, the newv chienleader. tac e ,, lmOW Ifs, a man wvol rea4d lu the acriptures, Vina, Heiii &lse 4 mani Of large bxieines expert- Ra>lta Ed. ciaoWenta Wai yard TenD halai Gardai SPAULKOSMOU Robert W. Libatyville, 255117 frowý Waukegai, ZMon it ly Xken -W andi suwrotlnding townu have been kIppfla, M -sktlxig on Wright pond on Wasilng- 1 - ton astreet. **è **i -lima-iy Gustation -who bas been vforklng for the. Cyclone Irence coi- * SUI pany; basbeen transferred ta (1eve-*.* laid, 0h10. VisiWtors durlng the w9ek were: -" u Mis Thomn Devriesand Misa Lo- coi fe raine Bernatable. W$ bfto,x Me*bew .Yarc Sr. of Milwaukiee felen, R, road, in uolng ta have an auctton -c0lm* la -c Wedpesdoy., Iac. 26. -wbr lèr.an4 KWu. Joe Siomer ahi leave f i3.out h A.mir-ka iiea.weèk. 1 MaI15 id *Pick Adatas' dog war run o'.er by 8005 a tez au automobile. ais. iNos Ii.- yonnüg folks of SpAulding Cor- akes ue enjQyed a skating parly glven M- u hiy Mia. Joues. Mise Uditih UasAde -cf, MacAree Iole IX rnd. -apenttii. veek endI &t home. - io6ï100 Mr$. fGraham of Mac Are roilvi-Ma-g. ROM, Itai! Mr. Berry.' ick jtl- J. W. Wafll aent the week end r1 ith relati4vps In thie locality *> al1 )4 Mns. Johnson of Grand avenue and, 01 o de-ughter drove ta Chicago PltIday eea 111911t. M i viiibad Tlhe Seventh and'Eighths gradeu ire proParing a débats on tiie ea tion. "Resclved, til tcountr~y litfefs. mnore conducive to happlnees than City lite." Dav'e R.aetde' of Mac Aree road, 'iiaited"bbi rctiier, John Raeslde, of Ms ertimde Adffle lsad a watels Ms.Fuy nigit party New Yeax'i eve a dîvori!. f Ueyond the Pale.t tetbei [t la ptln liat lier. ire bocks I H 'wbicb are-iDot fit ssseçts for criUt- ngi i aM mm, whcb do not ielt i.fedilda ofall&blg, qx4tte iriespective or' *o-T = ta ulerof eclItIece thi-ongi. Wleic fOêvi 6n tlq~ hvepas~i-ula AmI-. opA MdN& byu1ryiaticc cixiboit Nuène 11115 Long -ian' art Ave», S. a, ltger wrii É1 ey Oum G OQe 1 .schwery job l oup Gai-lt, .il. uali » 8. ctPWin W'aller tl*a141 ci- Otmaby -bs y!.- i la v. il 1< 't

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