ati-at tirittire the eti 4a. eloo b. gut, It ila ppeot»de d mdwarda hua hem outUaag oa u e.l ber thotr eueasa, tu ordgr, ta leur the docket to bumrth Cgee 01 G It ta eixpecw tedt Ithre tate wmi flgt thre pro9oaed at fthre Of counsel fer tlte defena.ta have the e&elr'acase trlsd sépartely, and 1? tate O urtit Jter. y çort for ..~~IBIB "I nly keeji a little on ban4tir wI'rhto.uornhng boi- tate*g Attomry Md t"r4v s treet b. r otir aI iluw 1,- Moi. no tim gallm on eof vmite 1ute. IJdeR-a momple toi malastà o we try ore utiôe lîurvoï<.Quac.vrr icur ra e vua i*lWaedoi $#00-bond, eit tler oSiUId by iJ.IL Fi@. -~ ~ ~~ t 14iurts Tr Uai t>ofiabtÇd. ., - ose 1~thseongettestimonial bi sro~ At eeMnur&=n ni, deOf mem your curnt offertirga of 7% Fiât Mortgage Gold 'Bonda.1 MI u »Wà" Im.mlu on My fana, ieead two pffitls northaut ef Satud.yJansary,2l, 19"2 eummela At >-~ ahip.the fll.wlug: »Md 4grod 0fw 1. alr>rCeS Hua Ci..Spi agere . t4two.yer OuMHoleten (Costbi»4 frais Pag e u rA ôut idle les&< IIVêuee &, 4»e va #4t4 of WXY. lu u '** yu 4a=0,Ysrit tter Itfl" M Mut"e 4n gân QgegthtIe &wever, tire tqo C-owulila thie rood wa hbave thre da"Pxe 40ueee. Vsexied hat tire MffhrvF"COulh mission, or ts ng1nhue, vwuiri ù oale and itnsItet thiItirqy -qoul xwt maire&a pade croeamg ctof C X. &e6t P. rallroad. It vasir te :ireM Lt tire tramel on tire ragros4 com»uratvely I1flt, and it i trains atat alM Mvau»6 *veuue,00otiret tirOirapimo&Oý upder UiMMxkeavenue ut 0a lo* race of «»eeb0irea.of tire 5r*dq au&.tire AOV rYree %uie , ULMratie tbO tiUAUC rtire St Paul le offly a 'MU ti raction nt virt a Z Deg Oer tir Iteitit Siore e6cexwtil iIshit taes £o e qamctie in ryllg 1 hffl't~ bom Veary fiaal a ttr Go ~ iad~em5yidupected e ave L»eetrwWa hat Il vuata ibaere la a verY ti Drrepeelttt tir.mb»t WM beol v l Jet 'y tire state tâi tire ce.atrutiocf tbi4 poitloeL *Md #4 la tp te lia. via4e aitbroeke et thre povug Os ulau.avenue go fiat 4Ibo tate et -Mdas tr the Amons'c lthe Hlgrway COM29Wla Moulnwf o~ iÇ f thé pulcilim ci À*Verai aitiela uooenqyAevsper a oý t Ooo 'Ioav="'O 'ad L5k ý*tbýt Pettosd thée lillug board te, pffath tirdolovlug resoItm: Itbokftd hi tire.'Pftaldenl and »D'ar t steaofi lhe -tlageor lib«4îllelt lirte action oi thre glt i c lg oute.No. *1 aloug 10 i,4 ,iU t Ç4ib"Ce4tohé1e.C. K* et n p q 1 t té a Sl j â é ý e M s wui Ouaire l maea ! Uhve toi e Mer4ity tpprscate tory e tu atheuteau irorltlé un adubbltrauca t lau-"trvusa cane la Route MO. 21 Md glvlug tire vllage tire opport«lhty te procei vlltirte necesari »avlng fSr tie peramaret improvcent ce uwakeavne Tire vil ahord bau =der cousu-i el* t a tqestion or )%,baln etal> flerei privale enterprlse, campvIng goiufor tourlsA a tetahhat Md la tadlastire malte up viltirte Chaxa- bier of comerce. WMt llianire. avenue vaved and cecoaulod ations %or tourlsta. tire rgerchlelj-o Uerty- vile shoui reeive a greet7lenefit tramý,tire automobie tai. I»ertyvill vas ambaatd la th pe- ,alter by WllUMm 7 . Strattonthse *at. Geme Wari e aWb=uuiliit-a *p e -0express ite aipreolatlan ofaisi kni office«. rJ. a. oyatt pxresint of thre village board, J. N. Bernard ad Âttome paul MacQuitta,, as yen asu* everal allier of aur citimene variai unceas- iair tovari iravng mie paing Tmn Livestock---26 1 Y eyarlid 1iIgh Grade Mol- stelh Bull I7-Umoths 0W Pur*e Omd Guern- z*ej'Bull (Th4aSUU Ull tiPapmreand fouiy Fer re redlng) , 1 12Yr Old Bay Morse, Weight, 3 Plire Sad amphre-sow Pigu 9 ele Fi. Tn Weoea 01, Weight 0 about do ile. SOI Uthu 0l'Pure Brod Mmmp. 3P ahIr. tour PIg Hay GrinEtc. Fine1 HMni4mn L.t.0-10 TDn.Me*d .Tlmothy Huy on ýNe* Crop Medium Red suf,," r bS9cd 5 Tonas IaIed Fine Second and third Km. 11wrop sweet Ciover Cuttno Aifalfa Huy lUSt~w Ioa Old ine10 Tom Fine Second cuftlng AI. ',»» IfuI" dMie tifa May 04114 1 160 Toila Good 8ilo Feed of Mandlg Mjber WIA lb. soNdMIsuisil lO1 -Ap 0~u f#10 und under, cath;'oýver Ihat Monunt bawi1i ire give on hankuirle notes bearlao 7 pair latomet will ire charpeai on note. pald In 30 daye Id caseoft bai yotr, sate wilire heunlde.1 SC.HRECK-- Pwp FRED OASI, Amuoneer. UI[ mi.cmc . wt,, ee,, Yee iD.c.ama osbu lau« r.s M. *«b»éWe latter voold bo 6 aii fAb«»Itire t@4payerawould fand Imiuofflre tu, assme. L1 LtbortVRvilel la to e caisratulatedz * u'iesolution'ai titis problem. 0* 0 OOo 00 0000 OS B ALF DAI- el »terve al le"a delaor tlaý art 4JReishXrr a4. ie e~ Il htie = 1héandia.oard viaotte 4-fveflai ad va a e e «W estou thu tu lé Foot a, oe Mle P 4vihotiese i mtloy cogiTalato* lë Suiac m «lnethe miy Tira tu lea' Aidtme 4#tirhoe o S p. n. Corneaan Mer iat ir prmaed sfrrs sies.t M00000teS00 miaclon b bdgeWPreday ftedn. À mParecibotwas lafe t ie ho ebmef.Ge of 1Wilo. J.l~r tire eetr imi b lons voiriedeet 1%"l sud tfie ja ot t tre eV 'utar l r uesWisn. CblaaOurunir sd 01er ver. X veoroute sgo altoa edneuday Bltar,6ntote martlmt UChoolrcboaed-Deceinighr 23 s Tire W an' uhedunpe et B. . Tiffany of, AnekTiai rnue coilyeto trndervbuie as ometFot 8it P.c la. Cm n emw h prutinedsurprinse l irà. ane l Mutin Mrdge Me.mkler au«oc daugrterver. Libzer tuvile ahP.eJ, . Bottand MLU. Oýn a*ero ai end asate U ies -i raives and heb fth .àm4 Te ry cins it se on hiroeeken CJlarence Ostratiwd e ner acra Tirrsdsy. istraWensdy SdtARTS LgneWSUIItt -e Himeav oIflIle mita uat pair-.........47c Split leather palm' cuiras back, km niwrst 'mits aîpair -SIC Saine as aboe, Cadet sue- - 53C Hleavy uore bide palm, knit wrist flannel 6Mn lmâts. tue puir --...-..-$ 1.43 Flannel lineal eater waork gloves, during tbisale ut o l....11 Orvile Sack flled -Saltt aainst Creca Sack, both i flHghrland Park. %i Iboll circuit court Mondsi', by Attr. El SI Gall, in ah effort te liring about thre sale ai sanie praperty belonglng ta thre ectate aofiris matier, i5ra, Emma Sack, vira dled Pela. 10, 1921. The 'omnDain naAn Is flac ProVetit SOMd -e tv't ýCani re dIldCd aflong1 tire varlous hýeirs. Charîte Seck le thre father of thre plalntiff. for ý K~AHN BeAo0CO Blue Wool MIwL medimm weight; a real good uIft at o.y - Slis A rutal d1"vy moi aurt, olve shde, na e at $4.50; our priée ding this sae oniy 285 Brown hcavy wcig b ue been selling for $2.75;aale price je 1 Dark 9ma, heavy weightshirt, tle regular price of this shirt bau been $3.50, but to " oe*= noui wc aneoff ering theo n ing this s"lat --a- $85 Ued' a VY ull-ootwo-pieS osint., mie 5.00 ai Ment, Wutin order to more t o ff oui- &-Am ut iMM »thi they amr bu», 600 $Z.50 mad" 0me&= nweigltWold W Heavyw4gt bu" vycouioflSecd to-plecesui6 te l (le oepuices uare pcvgsnt) $+350 Md$5.00 HSv em7wd htWoa -Lw=onsait$ roeà ý m cO üa ëMW ut a L44GAN a 'y Am Prim dslbsed on ai $32% aa$400 Wcl ro "'orth"s&ale t.ïaA He.vy Caftan nid lUnin uits$<arine iis alemot sweaters AUl $8 a.nd 9 5meai- en re&âced to$5 Ail $6 and $7 diwd AUl $6, $6.50 andl $7 Sweaters recLiceal to oniy $42,35 AU $5 worsted swoat- ce recksced to. 3.80 Ail $5.50 Sport Coats rediaceal ta $4,45 - Lin.d Gloves and Mittens Gauntlet, leui«erwork gloves,lingedal a per pair. onlye A better glove dtu e aluove aL.....$I.11 Aid IL. balne .o ock"of Ns 'oq Boys' Limsd Qoves a"d m mturd.e -OVERSIIOS AND FOOTWEAR Boy' one-btske Aucice, reduced for musslo to per pa1--$ Men's heavy weight one-buckle Arctics, wordu $3.50, at teiii-$ Medtsheavy weight four-btucke Arakis, red sol, worlh$5.00, durins dis à.le - $3. -Mws me&=in weighi' for-"uke Arc- tics, welI worth $450; a real foot- wear, at tue pau, Men'a ficece, iued rubiers, the.origina price of $3 eut ta leusdmthanwbal alut per pair 'Ail Winter *Caps .Wili Closed Out, At Cost iumACKI OATS M LEATHÈkM WL Prices.«aJlUgMiWé*,D res. Arçficin aorne mdfou-buckbe styles ae çcmini.propWIL tlw H«vy d t s, gWAI of #àfoetwearba be *6o.dyear (ÇloStaàp, s me=tw t it ai.pfFU CLM ATOAlAM DBT EPERT WORKItE. Dwing this 1ight-D)ay Sale, we are offering any suit or Oi coat; ypur choke, of' fabric.,and styltiomdtyl4 u4liIIe#,wue, Éhade fAU Wool Goods, fit and,t- [aI eglartAt a d dcion of:2 % fomhe reglarpirfr nothbr words,' 1-5 off. Ed. V. Price'or Chicago Woé Open I3venings Till 9 o'clock, Saturday 12venin4 Untili 10. 0o'clock. "I3verything- For-Men" J.B.M. se&2 Telephone.14 UNb neIk