HomeTown -I iMe- to seeaa nproud of thse place <n w~hk ke live. i Uika to »0 a man liste ln t $0hi place will be proud of hlm." W. belive in i"i comuity-in thc citizmn who ire prod of iving here--w ont gooci ocoolsand charce-in the swcc.ssM farmers and enterprising jlim m. i eiMidwè believe m tisbank with Li> erviksinterest, at heurt. O&miu beif we hme owu evice and invie Yomi Lake Gounty Nàtioua-BU&i LIBEITTVILLEa ILLINOIS Ou Reffble Damp Wash Serice A sev service la added te aur lauladny depattmeat. W. bar. Insttedt Iis service for 1h00. vio alst te de Aaa wtb the taba, et*=an d mus etfwasday or of havnt te bth.j w itb sS», eue comlng lote lbose te de the. vashbasPmeteî to *7 a&" irl It at borne. W.-oare givtzg Y«n ,description VIIT MR iREULL E £DAUF M WSHS RC NS: OUR RELIABLE DAMP WASH SERVICE m&=an that Yu spoo. benlendored. viii h. retmredt leyou la a damiano Wb.m ve ay damp. ve meust ut meont of te gooda areIl ' Yeur Voodamre vegbed viinreelved astheb duur.ti --" e e Your igoode are vlaahed sepi¶ately by tbemaelv, mn arlo.L jCh rch cJerutoousl ?axi Pea sorm 1 rRy;. lC. Morgan, Pasto~ r.f Short Items of Egpec i ntrest to Ubertyville People yebat'hf coleyjff 9:451a. mno re lit. JmesClabevasla aukgsnliter li'..WlIlii Erry an theethe Word? Cluses for ail ages. MM j M Cark wuin aukgansiner, ziý WM Beryandthre 1preaching atiIl a. nm. Children'. ser- iry eelreiL brothers.-CilDton, Caiptaln and Henry , mon. Tapicetf bis mornlng message: lire, e A. Cranevus a Chidago vis-. GrisVCld "Abide l Me." Good mune. *A cor- ito T ma. . W. Hart vas a Waukegan vieiter d'l e <> e 10 il Un. Catechiani elsas meets ln the Thé R. y.and Mms.C. J. DiCkey -ee idachercb auditoriumn t 5:45 P. 2r-9ýbe»r i the itycuy t xondaY. . IHeimanRode bas rneved his fainily i la li .m& for.other young folk *bo0 to aueaa n. v ould 1k ta cenfesthe Lord. Ses liake your hair sveet and fluffy- -yi*partor. wfth Bue Deil Clauer.Born. -Bturday, January 7, to Mr.yr vithBlu en lir. 01e laIvlna dugher. Presching at 7:30 p. mi. Thought of llaMraEnglebrecht spent lut adlb. OtoBldin adagte11hee ig mo1 B5, what lAvan?" ostayatteomoNl n Chic0*e. 1. lira. .à. sSwSaof etWaukegani Anaglatlce se. caled om #IatI¶'es beme Thursday. 1 yerMeeting .ednesday. Jannary )fim"Roua Miler vas the. gueat of 1 . "Watchman, What ofthte Night?" ber ister la Chicago SaturdaY. Give yoUr bath tub a surprise-bathe 1plage of meeting. lire. Çarrie Grum- vtth Bli.be evil and leave ne rings. ltts, Hoeur, 7:80.,' H. W. RobCoopero! theheobhine of Womesne'Missionary Society willi Waukegan relatives over SudY E .Robno h RbisWo-meet aI 1the home of lirs. W. G. Welae lira. Fred Schley of Waukegan vis oirakeegCo. mdeaybsne. tn 0Thuraday afternoon,. Jan. 19. Topie, lied Mra. Charles Adamns Wedne8d"y. Nlak.Wdedy a, Mmra. John Welèh o! Elm Court, la -Men'a Bretherhood vill hold the tiret Peet epeak a language ail ther OVÉ entertainlng ber father, Mr. Patrwdge, regular fellovahlp aupiter of Ibis sea- --poek yours in Bue I>evl and Iliten. of Parishile, New York. son lantiie charch parlens Thuraday1 vlf li. aI M. BronColy vei1<levenlng, Jaxuary 19, at 6:30. The Mise Helen Larson ef Waukf<fl i- M.adM* BrnClyvstdmembena of the Bnotbenbood ame akedl litdSe.iurday andi Sundar u'tii fier at the home eft thlr daugbter, lira. to bring Uhilr familhes vtIi them parents in, Libertyville. J. P. May la Wankegau Wednesday. Thm, WvI ib. a speaker or gane - H. 1. Bracher anifMhlY spme Sun- Joseph W. Hartlet Wednesday eve. nwnand a good prograni. Yeu ne- day at the. borne ofCouty Trsrer ngfr alfrn ta vs hs au -mem4aer bat spllndid tues ve have U W. Bracher la WaukeEfl ter, lir%., ]EL, K elland famlîy. hd aI former fellow*vskip pers. Ses ta it that other men witiiout cburch lira. WhiaURidolpb aind »oner- Mlit. Charles G« EIwell o flgland aàMiiaiiolm get an Invitation. won, of Migblsad Park. vIitd "la- Park speat und&y vlth her grandpar. Christi»n Endeavons Vraanets- tires in LtbeftyVlle WdfedLY. e1nts, Mr.n. d MXz . W. Pankburst ber tilsin party on-Satunrday atennOOn, Mistglel- UWwrtu. W 'Ilet- Bukel àSuprfle- avos, on-and eing, jazuary 14. If the weath. lila Stela L~gVftLi. vi la5~t arbe', Spifne- lavoa, on ai greealaîe, meet at the. lake for a tiidi",b 5eoe 1at DKaib, iPeutt h* alcoholc, make hbas elmply deli- skating p&rty. O)tberia. core direct- -w..k end at b uler bt I leu5o. Vrtsalie ail Ugrocery stores. %,o he chureIb.' supper at 6. lira,1-.,-i- &à1 M son, Wlllad, lit. and Mm-.Arthur Greenvood of The Cub Rom iviii h. opxnfor boys lett Tilsay for IL« Angeles. COLf, liilwmuk. op ot --a few days rectly Ssurday attrnoqat nem i1 a . Good wiiee they viii eniin fer 3neea at the 1 bore a( th. formera parents, Pyte liks r. -ad lira, C. 3P. renvood. li Ac0trd5Re vth the nequet e! pX'eubytey. Jaauary 22 WIII be "World lim..Ad" 1*Vene lef t lut Studay J. $.,GridIir, .vbo han been lild up Oababtii." The moralag servi«. VII fqn SiiOkan. WsbinatM te10remaln vitSyaumml la much lmpov.d. beabout the. genermi them.e!Ofour &m. à for au indleflaite lime vlting ber 00- H. lna= thed0 b.care of a traiued vçr4d wldrespoeaablltY. Sermôn ter, lirm.Buasce MaIl. nurse, a" t I VII hosome tuxe betore t.Wure, "W Bean Prom lhe liontain UlmReimCarol M-t " w-h. in able te ho out. T0~ ty tilenda t a bu=00 PartY MOndi.y The RE»iua Woodworking Co. wuil TIRST viHo»80T EPSCOPAI. evenlng. The affair v«agiven la ho»er1 reaume opetatimanext lionday, Jan. Chrls .ie. ~Pator. of ber sisIen, "Mi &te Canl9i. 14, afttr being $but devu. for about 10. a. ni., Sunday Sceeol; D. A Y-9n lir. and lira, Roger Kliby man OS, three wVeks takng inventory, rer. ouerai Supt. Bob M.d Bruce, sa m ia A. Devns, raung nd ndatling nv machflnery. il a. ut, Publieo vorchip. Seimon ai ELvanslou, Ver. Susdyets W' This cocmw ru x rmnov onfl VIImnfu- tapie, -nPe liarks o e i rd Jeana." the home of lMr. and lira. Claude A. facItre wtW»V snd doon trames, and ua munie by the choir. Knige.cater t othi wVbOI500e trade. At the 6:30 p. mi. EWporth League devo- r~ v resent 'ime the company bas plentr iians service. Sub1ect, "Jobh Wes- linM. snd lira. Wililam ScleY 5"d'of ordera on the books te keeP the ley, -er." Led by Stewart Smith1. Sec- da ughte)r. lilsliabel; Mli n m 1rplant nunning ta caplty. adlao ftbsre.Itrmlg Henry Baker and chlldnen spent lait' ioy epa.Aly gpol r Sunday at Prairie Viev visltlng lira. At the. a-11a1 meeting Tuesday eve-Ivehetu.Alyngpeear J. SehIet. nlsg of 1the aharehoidere of the. FItt lvlted. ua a ar.1National Ravi the. folng directors 7:90 P.'ni., Short, POP 1aJnaspir t Bd Schneider and Joun Leter are Ver.e eeed:* B. IL Miler, J. S. Qrld- tiani a srvie.' (OOd confregationa la Rockiord 1111e veek attendng 1the, tey.J. LU Taylor, Wiliam Walrond, eof5181115 u nlieb 11 hi.' ln state fremefls couveiltiOli, ia e- LIIrtyvlle; Aihort Saxer. eof pe- v25 peaciion"1h. lvd reseirtatives a et t-Ublrtyv'llIe f9-.1Vîev.and P~. ..TWlesoetAres. _Tb h hMul- deDrtmt- oItemt; .le Teylor, R.vice prde . y a' OU3KRiABlE Y DAMP WABH SERVICE mease that yen Msos cma snti un 26 ibs. e! !amly wasblng fer $1.26. vbicb la more wV5i l lAVAUstir tasathe. average famly his. Siieliion bavre moe lian for the M UlM,. v. viiithon charge yen 5 cents per lb. fer each sâdtitlnal 01 pesai.tendedi OUR RIABlàLE DA34P W.ASH BERVICE meas that v Union a0 VIII do your fsmfly vamh la the %e a mser as yen vouid de il at the4 yeszmef. or bare a washveman do 11, except liat wew ii demos. day ev gbrat te yen iait ve wUi do it betten and cirnaper and aave yen the. imeorvenence aus wfilau rentier roti bte. service. Rev. GMV!OUI REIJABLDANP WAS SRVIE A AL e.Donl S.nd unm orenfamly iva.sb la a bog atie et ticklhg or strong evenîng vhIile materil about one yard vide and one a" one-fourtia yards lb. Mo I ong.This bua yul b. vasheti eaci time and yeur lsumdny te- Nm turIni ll A LAUNDRY BAG WILL. BE FURNISI4ED AT COST. lin.a Ibein g Tl- - Relale Lauadry&oC qe 1of Gre IULAJ< PAUK and LIERTY VILLE Bhwu ithbld Pgo" Tel.pIae178. Lberlyvltle Toiepheem 87.R Lockwc Dechet iseters- Rena1 Mèmfne yow sakis and havt your sab& .psuteed at I6. I'de-udoîChanlem ed Wid Of pWhdty bd.. L.YMma 9" -PuJ o! Gra3 Gotti îi The GlendoraEgg -Soft .Coal ----------- 00u 0 A Il tiat, No Ash ; Try it ,bertyville Lumber Co. TELEPHONE. 47 the Installation etfet ficer i areIGld.ofe.peiiet ras Cbapten No. 41, Royal A.rch GiC-11casier, md Haf1nny C. i;e, aE. L. DeBois, o! Llbertivlfl. sailant a-hiernd FHamoCi. eerl- aesinauExlent1*g PIIlag-the dinectarsanmd officer o et W"e 1uun ej bank ver, entertained at dinner at Boehm anti A. S. Doiighel'ty'at-i tbe home of William Walrond. a banquet tet bArhdioceesai of the Holy 'Naine Society, held UY1 0 T N City' Club la Chicago, Wednes- 1B Y8 0T N :ther LraeMr Cor.>', A. COAL; $1.50 A TON giierl>' Prauk Hulchinaon andl, Young ver. ln Chicago iSunday ,liaterlal originaîlly valued at a mil- le t attend lie anuual feaut Of' Ion dollars yielded approxlmately $200 oly Nonme Society' at the Hol> 000 Saturda>' at Camp Gnent's auction Cathedral. sale. Ceai, 800 tous, aeld aI $1.50 a ton telephone poles brought $2 and $3 and lire. Robert Plots had as a plece, and note feed hbige ver, pur- guegra over tlbh holldaYs them Chaseti aI 18 cents e plece. lyde Brown, and Otto Liaike>', Thene vene 100 bayera, fev ef them ast Laes; Phllp and Edvard tsan M. lin.sd lire. A_ W. froni Chicago. J. Blomberg and Mici- Deti ! Cilage.ael Hues,>' e! Waukegan vere lhe roodof hicgo.buyere o! the ceai. S. A. Italaton of ,t'riday lir. and lire. W. E-1 Rockford, bougbt 4,000 cotton shirts Sententaineti Mn Decker's four' at 28 cents each. lu emalien Iots Ibe>' a-ire. Bies Lanlîl anti MISe brought au high as 37 cents eaeb. Paul Decker et Evanslon and lire. Udelovîsh of Rockfond, look 6,000 es Parker aud Mm. Louis Heaidee feed bage at 1l cents each. ayalake. C. H. Hirsch snd Son o! St. Louis ,se ]LIlln Keper nd uina'teok 10,000 odd blanket8ata $1.60 a as illan ieper ntiQuilaplece: Frauk Kappleman of Chicago, Were Waukegeii visitera Monda>'. Weman's Club viii meel Wed. 5,000 aI $1.63 eacb. Satdile baga vent ,y.ftennn Jan.. 18, a' the beome aI $1,60 each, bridiez Lt 85 cents. cot- ea Marier>' Taylor. Thie subject ton travers 38 cents a pair. an>' field cuesion vilI be 'Amrnencail Pet- shee lumaîlilots aIt rom $1.85 tle $2 a. pair.H P. T. A. whll hold the regular INSTALLATION 0F EAsTEi.RN - ng at Ihe Gramiflar achool FYI-! STAR OFFICE RS WEDNESOAV _ leroon Ia. 1, a lbee clakiAt the regular meetnig e! Liberty- Ontha Harding of Ares Vill epeak ille, Capter, Order of 'iii.Basterti ýhld Welfare.' There viii aiso Stan, held Wednesday evenlng at lbe Irurnental snd vocal music. Al liMagoul hall, thetb-vIu officere _ >te in taour echools, andi especlal-1 wre lnatalied for the cUrrent 1year: 3moîher se! pupîls,: are urged 10' W. M.*-Bessle Greenvoti dIbis meeing. W. P.-3. B. Mon. eW. C. T. U. sud fniende of!the, Assoclate Matron-lia>'McCenilck E= ration wil lobserve the, anniver-l Secretary-Daisy Mone. = of he prohubltiofl vlctery by bol- - Treasurer-Auguela LoveIl. meeting aI lbthem, o!flins. L. Conductresaý-Ida Docker. canck, on Park Place, Tuesda~ Asso. Cond.-RbetIa Fendlck. - i-y 17, ei 2: 30 P. ni. Rer. Bari Cliaplala-Elia Parker.- organ, Mrs. 0. B . Harding sud' Manihai-Viola Kinball.- -8 yul speak, sud there' viii be' Onganit-Flera lisyr. Ud music. A social heur viii fel- Aa1Bd1Oue' te progran.. All fniends are urg- Rt-Rh Pi, b, preent. Hather-BEstier Lang,ýortby. liartha-Liian Pransen. Ivlu Griseveit, ageti 68 years, dlad Electa-Ma:.ti, Bennett ay night at hIe- home la Waou-'- WaRde-MargAret WbîtneY. - a. Mr. Grlswdld vias atrickeu vith 1 Sentineli-Lew Flagg. [ie Satunda>' mornlng,'and dled' Mme. Ellsworth wes thInlstalllng et. :ut regainiug consclousneea. He fîcer; Mrs. Oleudent. P. M. Installing lied In and nean Wauicenda all Marsial; -Mre. CorlelI, P. M. Installiug fe, and vas veli inevu le man>' Chaplain; lire. Ida iutnnis, onganiet. M leai lb, eesten ipart oethe coun- .l1E The uerai vas held ut the Fed- ,Biajer aM »serof ao4 kipd of E Id (uch la Wauvonda Tuesday, Iivstoc'as.uese ef.Tl Rev. lleybeing lai charge. la. - à s4bW e.È ,n«t as matle luth. tUXBY lot ..j.jLbetve 2k o tacnda cemeten>'. He ltaV" oce2 2-4t - ourselveatOgetbei', aetbe m ofereThe puwflos. sleme il" the.Vhow .~ Wednesday eveann8 t 7 go oclock, eo=i»fty-il4 f=ttidy, ana ct stfarCe AOfPUOLIC NCTICI logan, "Every Member Out te Prayer t u thée»" MLeeting aiILeaat Once a Mcntb- h e ' Au'so'ent paSier aakà for your .cooperation to lageofLtetttvI bnlld up the prayqr meeting. Oe wm5. 0 10 ~and payable a.t DIAMOND LAKB Lit COMMUNITY CHURCH. 52-tf Charles J. Dlckey, Paster.- ProaCing service at 2:30 Buaday Firét ln te rftarnoon, followed by aday Scheel. PENDENT. CHARTES NO MI4 - R~E I * R.poi~rvaf ds~om~jp~~,, Mt the edmofetbesineson Deoemba, si.781. 1. s Loenssand iaO eont»ý.. ............................... -.. IM OZ Dodm-%: d rtu 4 Iaf YUomwtilipederaiaierve Bs 5U &vrart&nsue4 ... ....o..................... 4. U. 8. GoverMeel aeciiiae owned- a evosddte asowe =Ui= (U.on 8. Bbonds par vaine> N)- b Ao ther Uni" et iasaGerameat &emtu ..... 10. Csh l vaul mat emoul. de fro patce ......k......... ... Toal................... ..... 11. «« CaSfltCkBlb.. ... ............ TÇ le ........1 ............... -.......Y k' le. Wh$ .........it ~ tsy .......... .. . .. . . . .. . . . . ....... a... ... ..... .. . ....p .iiiÏA .... .. ZL n..d......... . . .. .. .. .. .. . Buaedd mnl efeem bsShacJsoy FLom ueILtviRe304-I Slmiie away your trouble - fesi- .1 Fiowersalawayn bring 1 Sgoed Cheer.4 F1MWERS corne le ban. lIshIrouble sud te cheer thlose vhe are, dat~ beant. Thie.lm bltiou te be'found la contempla- Stlag theni sud inspiration la their tragradfe. Your lumber and baidmagmw requirements, can be Oî. h your financial advantage. In other words, we will save you.1 on these prie«.. EagZer r advantagé that hia afford wi1lb. yours, if you trad. e IIIIlIlhUhIIflIfhIIIIihIIIIfl HIiimmIIIIIIhINIIiHllIHUHIIH I .Woith While- Dry Goods For The Holidays Silk,. repe DeChine, Georgzettes,. WashSa Spleudid Value&ki Wool Dresa Goods. Lin-en Sheeting, ]&"lin, Lonig Cloth, Naînsook' Toweliug, Towels, Faoe. Clothes, Napkius. Table Searle, Pillow Cases, PiUlow TI.ubing. Sheets, Tioking. Ginghams, and Chambrays LadieWsuc!d hildrýées' ouiery, tJ'uderwear, 0Iw A very_ large ftseortment of Handkerchiefs A, Good Line'of Ribbons. W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPA Phone 29*