JM<JARY 12Z,1922. WES ÀND NETS WIN FROM VISITORS Agenaie Tumbled in both 6ansof return Seules; willl Wbea b. gaine beween tile Allen- date1 Veau ficiiool sMd the local Y. M. SC A. lateraedile dIs canas othle bon onipWiday tileSe vas 15 tla 7 -la Ivor of the vWstitenisu.. Coachl K B, Davis calied bis Men tafile bec anSB d gavre tiei a lecture durini the inteimisslon and vilen ile Coin- *Ui* (Intermediate) teaju came upon *. sSr for the second hait. tbeY vers vith the samne met, butRau on- tir*differeut team ln style o! Pay. Witlthtie rt lire inutes Of thle ieithbey had ied the. score, remain- 1« goc*ed out1 il e sud of the gaine Vb« Keuyan droppet I n thee vnnîng goueedltil e gamne 22 te 20 lu fa- ver of lhe local team and îylug te mpisa of gaîsas betveen the Allendsle Ysawi scilol andth tit o Y. M. Cý A. Meel tamns Thogbthe. gane vas flt as sensa- tibg»stutheti.spectafors lthe liidget guintet aise won lileir gane vitbfile Alleadale Midgets bY a score Of 25 ta 1, wlhb Crawford leadiug tile scOr- Meg 9ethfe gaine. Cilapruan at guard for the. Miedale Mldget lOve starret Inl t" gggae oarlug tour of tbe leams pgtag t itilfi edigoals and tour j eaoufree tiliova. Work Ceaer on FlOor Faier and Whilte for thle local Young sten stsarred on the iloor vitil their 4«te wkvan sd aldeti lu lb. pli- bW UV ofthe meonesideti score. 'TEe Comrade-Alieud*.le gaine vas El' tai the but gaine playeti by the lUoutrson the. local iloor. or ta tE. tariesbeveen te tvafactions. nemthe. opeug, Alieudale seemed qo. bave the. hat of th. gaine, bt Day- le Ma te thie Coinradea madseteux à **teajulluthie second hait and brot sitat the vlctOry' à Ove cmandefense vas ued in the hagt hait. eacb "Y- min coveriug bis se suad paiytur k veterans. Pler- am offledlil e goal lilal couted lp ibe tylus ofthtei score, uîaklng thingal 14 te J$ batore te ibird quarter had MOO& Alendale then scored again aM the --y- .am folloveti vitil a basket, eeamiluatbilgs 18 o19.18Allen- is@e aeMd s tiird ime and heitià" tvapoit lead over tile Coirades Un- tiiPaluer lier thie gaine vîtil a bas battsand Kfnyou droppet inl anal ber wItk oMn minute ta go for the. final vilsIle. Las. lhe Bacon Captain Bradley Of te Aleudale troupe carrieti a abiciti bearlng a aUi1 gtrip a! bacon ato te lorasogifY 1g tu the .""teamt tat is Young- sien v ere ter. ta Carry bask thte mtrp. Wiles they loat bth gantes, be ebderfuily turuedth ie sfrlp over t0 D>avis, coachl or the locals,.andareed ta play th decidiug ganes on anotber Abtmmetime around te finit ofthe LUDEN'S menthol S+ gdrops GIVE QUICK RBLIEF A.»Va5fi.- . ....... idalw de i your hem" FJectic Washers alone excqted-on titese the "diialpayment is $S.00 the balance of the ceai heing payable $6.50 a mentit. The "rtdes comprised a the $1 fntaymelit Lk tic roat Toasters ?«Iatm, ", rii Cring Balance of cost of e v.e r y appîtance Payable lineeasy PUBLIC SERVICE CO; 0F NORTIIERN ILLINOIS mintiL.Aleudale von tvo' ai"e vilestiley playeti on thefir homte 9 or and tii.-'V' teama os ia ngilly lug tile standings. Thil Une up laut nîgitt for tbe Coni- Afleudale Ileavyvweigiîs. BFPT Kellogg, If, .........0 0 4 0 Baner, rf.............4 1 0 Peterso, c.. ...........2 0 10 Adams, rg.. ..............2 01 1 Ryder, lg.... .............._0 0 1r21 Parsous, If............... 0080 Y. M. C. A. (Comrati Pierson, If straux, rf... Maclin, c.. .... ltenyon, Tg .. Palmer, Ig Mlltosil, r! MORE 16 4 il3 les) BPPT 0 301 --70 *eooooaoooooeoaoab L LAkE v1LLA o 00090000000600o000001 Thle Angola Cemctery Society viii halai a buainess meeting a i te citoot bouse friday cvening, Jaji 13, anti al luleresteti are urgedti t attend, A report of vork donc tilla fal ill itbe gveni Mire. Fnank Hamîln spent Wednes- day of lait veek vitit Chicago friends. Mrs. Tilayer vas lu Evans'on tie finat of liat veek vili ber Elster, vha Mrs. Fred Hailin speul a couple o! days lait veek viti ber grand. malien ta Oak Fait The. Busy Bees viii meet next veek on Wedneaday afternoon Jin 18, vitil Ku. Ciu. Hamlil, aud everyoue la cordlally (nvited. Brlngue.dlea and tiimbles. Mns. Belle Kelaogg aud taiully lefI 0almday nigitfor Orlou, mter vis- tlng for soeuteime vlth relatives ber*. W. vii thensueces Ilu hein u»V home. Tescien sund pupila ver. gla t gel back at vonk agalu last Monday moinang, aller tileir Iva veeke' vaca- UOisa Lavreuce Tilayer of Nev Mutler. "i., apeut h. pat veek vîitil us grandpareutz, Mr. aud Mne. E. Tilayer, wha o Skhlm bain.Suaday anti avent tile day tiene Ytiler Lynchl of Autiocit vas a Lake Vila calter Baurtiay. Mns. MeCioskey sud Miss Haytien speut Fnlday lu Chicago. Mrs. Bufanul snd daugten n elluneti haine last veek f nom a tva veeks' yul i i relatives ln Paris, Mo. B_ T. Sbepardaou of Cicena vas a ciller ber. Sunday. Thil M. W. A and R N. A vili bolti joint installaton of officen ift Barn- stable's iall on Tuesday evenlug, Jan. 30. Ai memilers please lake notice. Thle Peterson store vas closed lut Mauday affernoon on accout! of te deat botlMr. Pefersousa brother, vita vas burleti in Waukegan ltat daî. Mir.anti lrs. James Atveli vent Monday la Michigan for a visit and to attend a golden vedding. Mn. anti Mrs George Goodlng of (Irayslake spent Sunday vith thte par- enta of lIrs. Goottlng, lMr.anti lrs. Joe Pestler. Mra Zllinger out ilver Lake, re- meniberetibei-c as Miss Forence Mal- ilevr, spent lasi Wednesday viitt Mrs Patter. Thil Lehmnn, i'eacock anti Rioades ice bouses are being tillld tiis veek vw» a splendid quality o! Ice. Mr. sud Mrs. E. J. Murrie vialteti trieuda near Russell on Sunday. Mns. Wmn.Weber Jr. visitet i ier Sis- ter, lirs. Miitell, in Chicago a te-s days laut veek. Have you any cotufonis la inake titis vlnwer. Thte Ladies Aid doea guaranteeti work aI reasonaille prlces anti solict yaur patronage. *ý MI LLS'S CHOO0L o Editor-in-chief, Earl Bueaching. Asisant editar. Inene Dushek. Deak editors, Ethel Hickman, Ellen Muson. Benjamin Dusbek spent Christma vith it iiparents. lir. anti lra. 0. R. Buesting spent Nev Year's day wifh te W. J. Buesching family. - lilas Esthter Rockentiack o! Wheeiing, became fie bride of Lewis Mlis. Safur- day, December 31. Tie young coupl. are making an extendeti tour in tii- South. Miss Lucy Fr y enlerfaineti a numbei of ber littIe frientis Et a tes part. Friday aft 'rnoon. Everyone tati a fin( Umne. S.Ellenli asun cciebratcd lber Leventl iirtbdayl'New Yea's day. Frances Toiener visitet iter grand motter at Diamonti Lake tiuring tfI holidaye. Mr. sud Ira. James Tovncr andi lilîlo son, Wilîis spent Vt ristmas wift ith J. W. Cooper fanfly. The thirdtigrade bave starleti theil nwreadera. eWe are now itavîng warni lunchesa noon. iVe boughl oui- supplies withh fi V oceetis of our basket social. Mrs rownîng veny kîntly loancti us an oi stove. The oltier chltiren are well starlet i their bird books. FRESIl PRIOE SAVES COST If Cari!uiIy Seeted andi Kept Fvee 01 Broken lass and Tin 30 Par Cent Saving matie. et.*#"Iemas) A practicai MOmner o reduclng the. Production coale of mat e s COU- Mials lu feedlug tresil garitage paeed bepre theil ick as soon as possble atter It bas been rejeeted from the. table. Used judlcloualy It viii reduce the cost of egg and ment production froi 25 to 30 per cent,. The garbage muat be fresit andi free front ail fer- mentation andi sourness. Thel Intrimmie value of garbage asas poultry feed la due f0 teelct atIl providesaa varleti radIon whichiîlit ail the needa and requirenients of thee dock. One expianatfon of vb7 lb. %Wall fiock owner, wîtil bis ialcybard bevy of hens. secures keeavyproduction of Vers Vaaly and Ilazel Dillon, h Ti I vû S T TR C- we7 ail thre the same number of tim& Louk for our nev pins which 'uifili 'AIIICr~l1l vehope to be weariag next Sunday, WR ~.UIL3 ARE Jan. 15. Services at 2:30 p. m., Rev. UVTe olo Ladies' aid wîîge a PLA IRDBY TATE Brha arty at the churcb ion Fday iv n, nay 20. A birthdaypre- b" . given ta .the oldesaperson WiII Be Given at the State Uni- at thle psry. The evening's entertain- nient vl conait of 'A Foly, Graft vrîyat Urbana, An An- Abum" hein shiown t0 the e nomncment Says. neigilbor by bcca Sparks Peters, agdeleven. Thirty-five persoa wili Tva sbort traitur courses of one taePart in thia feature. Everyone week ech vIf libsgiven a te state cordialy invited tu attend. unlveroity tisla inter by the depart- Mr. and Mlra. John Hironîmus nti ment of tarni echaules. accordlng ta chiltren of Lake Zurich, spent Sunday a recejit ,uuncement. at the home ot Franîk Hîronimua. The. lirat of tilese course$ w's W5 Mr. and Mlra. Lloyd Russel andi sons beid til week, begInning Jan 9, Sundayed vitil relatives at Round Lake. and -tie second t.e veek starting January 30. The arrangement places on. af thie courses the week before thle opening ot the twîî îeeks course lu agriculture andthie other flic veek folloviug. Il vas tbougbt titat ihis arrange- ment vIlI prove mosti satlsfaclory be- cause It viii enabie titose whîî attend the regular agricultural conv ention or course. 10 take te tiiior work eliter tbe veek before oi utter, If ihey cire 10 do so. l'The date for thie Ivo ai-clu. grIcul- tural courses bas been fiaed tram January 16 to 27. It bas been found thai lie majori- ty of file troubles expcrlenccd in handîing tractorsi-sl due to Inexpeni seceO oprators, accortiing lu EK. W. leimanu, beat o!filhe tai-m mecilan- le departmetansd 'he (cela tiat operattors cati ecure Informat ion sud exPerleo lu one veeka course liat cannaI b. seoired Iin several year ou the tari n d thie experlence gain- cd illa vay viii not be so costly. 00000a0000000000000 o GRIDLIT SCHOOL e 0000000009ao0000009 Miter, AfrthScai. Misse Esther sud Orpha Russell vere Mdllenry callers Saturtiay. Mr. Engle ot Freeport, andi Mr. J. Frew ot Tampico, were vsifers at Lavndale farinthe past wcek. ag an foi ha se te Iw Ri The PreVideatitem m " ft lorFIsi Thome Who w«e eperfect lu alleudance eaniige Mmd OaIIy Avat the. AP' for lte pet ionth vere. Iteh f pearance o01Uthe Qarbffl WU"- n.Brckai, Alvifn endHelen Keele aggs, bluq aroilud fe tact fiat ite and Bamid Barre. emphausmea .use O! table e ianelu Prîuetlla Md Devons rhatcher speut tii raion Uuiarvuuts taln Nev Yeu'@ et fie Ernest Hoffnese iere large cominerlal ocks amehoe iNeetacees te taly als-au Ofa! Mr. sud Mm.Ernest Hoffmeier sMd1 maitay. vel-ee.eedsud ale son tWbmet@nd Richard Vo.lken aplexit gmgrb e ifitoul ite ciiMad era!lait Monday et lb. Louis Pahlmanu gulage varies titrougiiounttie geai,ho . due ta lie facl liai more -macenteu Mir& F. Obaunian anti Helen Johami vegetie an fruts an uffl utrg tNev Year's visiting relatives in »aile qubtitute for evetig graineayad Clara Hatfmeier tas been absent front cooceufrates l inheu enMenu. secool tiiespasi eek on account o!filer Uafestuiali reait. vie inlu sen. praineknee., Inatances bave foliovedt h.e - O! Helen Brackrnaun vWstedtiv l ua garbege are due te festing a mixture Haffineier ane daitlaut veek. a! taille scrapsthat vas net care!UI7 Tb¶re vas a skating party Tuesday seleetedi. Merna lite f remit geibage, but evnmg on Stsb's pond anti aIl enjoyeti amre uabile ta dgeat acralOfea!ti, if very mach. pionegrapil needies sud slnr fW8'- Bine eolti vealier bas c. .a1l eign miteriai. hlnlc he n isb4Stanc hil en joyeti skating on the. Oak- are separateti fii 1 h. garbage, dia- vootipond, astiaus eulfs lnvariably tllav and the poultryman soou abandons ýgar- Arthur Schar and Arthlur Pegelov Isage feediug aud coudeunm l lsUun_- i er. at the. skating psrty on Stiil'a sstisfactory. 1'h. DePartinent OfAg pond last Tuestiay evenmng. icultune recommeuda tiaf freail gar- hage be mun titrougit a mient or vege- 00000000O0000000000 tab ibpp<r, and mxedwit a llttle e SAUGATUCK o grounti tees! hefor. fitla ted te the fowls. 000000000000ooa0o0 As muni ofthlie table refuse sitoulti Albert Delieyer, editar. be ted as thte flock wlil l ean up vitb Mlis. Rtode refurueti front the bon- a reliait In the course of an heour. AIl pitl last week andthie fauuily are nov fteeti viic thlie birtis reject abould lie quinantinet i vti scarlel fever. renuoeti tom tc teetng e r Dorolily Schreck vsifed scilool tbne yards as sutin as possIble tltereatle. i ays lasafwcek anti spent Wetinesday Otiterti liteIl sours sud contanaînates ngtî at bier fater s. te preitilsea anti, subsetiuently, If thenî tuais eat t Il I nvanlablly causes; dl- We hadt hi-etisys of actool tiuring gestve toubls. 1Christmas week because we tadti tv gesîlv troules. eeka vacation on account of ickstemm. W eqiitee ganhage leigIt latilonprof Pauline Kncsley has disconfinueti requsil lupioidea lgit raion a ciool because ste is sixteen yean aof çgrain Ivice taliy, as veli as lu aupply age. dry mashIn luashapper hefare thee hock. As a ruls tableo arapa are richinluPro- W. Sctreck attendeti the liason's tein and offly oansslaly la t neces- banquet Thursday ngh t at Lbertyvilie. eary ta supplemeut thte mut vîit ap- uFan Chrtsmaà lb. chiliren matie a pnoxlmately 5 per cent of meat meal, aistta toi- crlmalien, ltifteen o! Durng the sommer garbage decont- the oldor chiltiren oacil cnt ouf a poeee and ferments quirlkly and ti w oaoen loy wtich tiey painteti anti e mut le fd btoftIt escez hsmo unfeti on a standard usiug citeekers astage. Tlsfeeding of garbageilafa- foantils avoreti turing colt veatiier WaseIn ,Laurine Kneselyan Victor and Lea tih, vinter tue refuse keeps betten.i DeMeyer were absout lait veek on Suburban flokovuera iuay otten ae- accaunt of sicknes cure tue garlage fromn nsgiboring Mn. anti lrs. Schneck spent fwo tiays familles via do net keep beus. This 5f Christmas tinte in Milwaukee. sour-ce ut teed may bie 50 plenfiful that Mrs. Hope matie a business trip ta lte oek-owner tan expand litîs beu- Chicago Tuestiay. keeplug operatiaus anti even affardt a_________ pay asmilamuntforthe ganitige. o o o o o .oeeo il Expcrlmeîits lu feeding garbage ai 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 te goverroment experîment tarin at i V OL O 0 s Iteltsvillte.Md., Indicate fliat len ben%0 0 0 0e0o 00a0o0.o0e0o00o0o0o wil consume about one quart of gai- Dr. Wells of McHenry, matie a pro- it itage daily. A stltabte dry masit ts a feasional calli n oun village liontiay. oftheprts l egh o lifel ra. Ann Stadtfielti las been visiting une part ot bru,une pari o mîId relatives in Waukegan thc past veek. -Ijg itltîgu 5î Sper cenî t mieut scnaps. Will Moore relunnedtiethils tome in [e Thits onshIsiî1 kelt beture te towls ail Nebrasaka the last o!fte wcck. Le ttttItit. If tlie tableiti.raps) coulainI Mr. anti lra. C. DilitinMi-e. Mabel iiîtîri fruiît and v egelable Peelings, Benveil anti William Globis motoredt o rmîore nîîtîiuti slubite îîdded, while If1 Ritigefilit, Wednestiay eandispentte lteé garbiige cotîilits ritlefly of potatco day at the hiomre ut!Mr. anti Ira. Robert le peelings, trendand ttmtent teits masit Riciarc son. sitouitlie useil. (tire sitoulti be exen- lira, S. J. Russell anti tauglifer, h ulseil îîî i-.iii tiff soiîpy waer or ex- Orpita, apent Suntiay viti M-t. Clytie ceas tîqtit! jfruîîî iihegai-lige, Wrgtt utSiocutu Lake. lin, anti Ira G. A. Vase y dnt son, c PULET MUS HAE GRENSWalter, were Crystai Lake visitera le PLESM S AEGEN ud le ie t. )il ýn We are very surry to have lIo lo-e -Paul Heuer, wio ha refuti ta is home lu Libertyville beause o! ilîneas.1 FowIa Seltiom Pick Up Enough an' Free Range in FatI on Account of Ptante Orying Up. Green te-eut iiut le pi-tii luIifthie puttets ai-e lu gi-ouiai-uly, Tbey seidilttigel eîîoîîglîet tnt iven oit fret nrange lu early fait. ii-foruat utfte1 pltntus iandi le rluiie 4et'long 'itice fasseulthie sutîrultisitage~. A newly tun-uI lelt igrl ci ufir-" paitri of rye, ui taat t., tr i-upc soacti es- lwniHaIb fur the oulfry gîeés îIiuli est sýuppty. Cîlslage, rtîard, 1 tny lie esei. Mi-it Frank Henkel- anti daiighlei-5, Ktherîne anti Magalîne wene v iailom aI lte humentf Mrsu. Leo Brewer, Safur- day. Frank Kaiser of Fremonf, \iaîted hiîs parents Sunday. Rev. W. C. Tet tel, w.ho lias spenl fhe past itteen years in Atrica aa miauiunaiy, gave a very interesting talk ut the M. R. churcit Sunday afternuuti. .1-s. Kîrwan spent Suntiay as tue guests ut Waucouda relatives. Miss Zeima Russelli hie lionor o! lieing present at Suntiay school ft.e moaf S.ntiays for the past yean anti DoraI hy Dillon second, next cames Alice Brenier, Ileir vay ibraugil thi Oe lpL.ry C TO IIELP WOMEN wity pnrhlse hofW* ONIoARS PLANbut inaisted on being*40 ON FARMS9 PLAN lo a warin tire Mud s&(me ;eg4 offee, and if tbey Wd, g I flhIfrAllC nulfakte a dot st 0F Co. BUouîd ooks verent sucil tiat wpec to take thcm In. tiley bikodNý I To be represented on larger ail! The hardsblps Som __» scale than ever in work of wlillg o endure just to Lepf agricultural organizations wr.A.Bto aailsb Illînoir farm vonten wiiili e repre- baby chicks comiug out Jgan. 2C eniid on a larger scale titan ever lie, Says sie always vau very SC fore in the actlvltlea ofthle county poaed lu fleece llued UadeWrwus farm bureauit andthelt. Illinois Agri gesasevl lv al- cultwal assocation-am a resuit of fthe yunstcrs eWi ar cm I plans now hein g made for a depart bav kndto AntCii ()' rien In the Amertcan occasioalCoth Iilbl Paim Blireauilfvîlrallîîn te national onafl 10 vam U igle.1ir fartu bureau organizatlion, Laneiti ar cill e lilt la ilias bei-n recommended by a coin o gLtndc alle s itiw ab a citi i. iIf faim women repreiient îng gtd âî' halteW 25 ý l hal a siîerlal national de gone dry?" l'il bas te gl. tiiem b..rmcl c r dli d for te lurpose singer ale clear. (I - ogi uaI hornePeconomirs and Emil Glesi vîsited with fD. Hen thi i w Oman te lared rat ils hpaýetih-r g Su..vafterunn. DOOOOOOOaaaaaaOOO a Xn al-p'ný.iate budget for womeni 0 AMES SCHOOL 0wo rk ut-i, .ilso askcti for. '!, raunkIlait lisof Tu eîîunlt ep 0o00000 0 0 0 0» 0 0 0()0 0 opsenzllnois farnt womren on this Edifor, Walter Schwcrman. i i<1 ttplli" dii'liii-long bheu n an ac ii i nituer ot Ihe TazevelI ('ouniy Our dlock in in fine running condition l'ai ituteaui andti he Iliis Agri- again. An averbauling vas necessary itîîural assoeiatiun and ve are very tbankful to Fred Gross for attenduug to the matter. Sîxît elglii vuuten ICoi he exîcli alion division ot the ulepartmenî of ag- The. yaung people from tus district ricullure ai Wasington recently ave report.tigoaikatlng near Glmer. met with the upecial women'ui tarmt Thle Chas Dunning home bas lied fli' bureau commîttee andi ofreredteicr miafortune a! haviug tva nev cases o! ucrv ccsIn lufurlitering lthe work ot carlet lever. vomen i inthe tarin bureau. Ed Joues anti Paul Scilvermna vers It is altoo ttc plan of the woman's belnint George W. Gehnke taul hay iomtice1lu aclliate thte contact of hs*Thursday. lthe vonan on ttc farm wîitlthe de- Lestr TrbWbu rtured rompartment itf agriculture and tils ope Rutiual ter spentiing tvo veeks viti l concs eaigthosol trIendesuad relatives. eoois Mr. and MIs. Eti Jones anti family otioooooS»ooaooooo entertalned rom Algouquin, Sanday. 0 MURRAY HILL . Mr. andi Mrs. George Gehrke attenied 0(aa000000000000000 a surprise psrty at DiamondLaite. Mr. sued Nra. Fred Grass atteudeti a Agnes anti Marie Dietz returneti iack lieaiMni ncga Tuendisy tasebool Mondait alter several dayst Mr. nd rs. . Dbekeandchilrenabsence on aceount o! sickneng. Mi. Snad MnvW.sieraeanthcuhomeref Thase vWho veréperfectin attentisuce Mr. ouuday visierost&i. oe !for tbepuat veek ver.: eLatph Bederoke, ~ ~ c.~= Franklin Thomas, SophiePres Viola Umis Barbais Anin, vho ia vorhiug Bedersie, Kathyru anti Marjorie Moore, in Waukegau spent a !ev tisys atier Lentand Carl Pries, Helen Bederske home fis veel. sud Estiler Delta. A birtiltay psrty vasgIpven ini honor The repart carda ver. given ouf, of Albert Hapke lest Sunday. Wednesday. Umitlf Hall vas a week-end visitar Thle firiet grade have niade polar bears at hor home, for ilîsekioard décorations. - ----- r. ani lra. Jo. Deitz ani J'auily1 0000 0000 0900 000visited their daughter, Mes. George Waters o! Grayolt e, on Sunday. 0 LONG GROVE 0 M. and Me,, . ousBatz viaitetilir. ,,eee*eooae.S00oo andi Mr. Albert Snyder o! Ivauhoe, Frieda Stefli nud Marvin Laseke Sunday aflernoan. , vers the ofly ores absent Montiay. Mir. anti Mn. î J. Bristol sud Ethel Umbdenstock, Mabel Ham anddaughter, Ailes May visifeti friandin l PeauHerstxbrgerrecived~ ~Grayslakeý Suutiay. lirs. B. J. Bristol Pear Heschergr rceied S i acompe edtilenihome andi wil speffiug for thie veek. rmi o ei svai Mn, anti Mrsn Sone avisitetivaf th Christ Goetz home Sunday. 'Mn. anti lis. George Umbdestcocki sUd 'siyk Mrd.linsd Mia. Bdi aetSunday ntthfe Mt nide.soc Roy Kocht va a Park Rige cailer Satujay evenng. Mn. anti lra. Albiert Sauer spent Sunday afternoon viifing vith Louis Keiler, wto ha been ill wîth heart trouble. lira. Christ Gocfz and tiaugilfers and son caldet tue R. Rimer's honte Suuday affennoan. lir, anti lis. John Utubtensfock: anti grantison of Palat.ine, spent Satundsy at the Wm. Umbdenalockhome. Victor Sauen and daugitten, 'Lillieý rpent Suntiay evcning. et the Henry Tonne home. Miss Raupp ut Buffalo 3rove, spent monday ai file J. Raupp home. lins. A. I>copspentaonetid lutsfeek viiting lien falier, Louis Keiler, who has been ill for sevenal tisys. BIner, Raipli sud George Mieyer attendedthélb furieral o! thoîr grand- fater aI Palatine, Mantiay. Miass ra Gassvillen spent Sunday vitil ber parents, lin. anti lis. Chas. Gosaviller. Flretl n Lake CaUnly - The INDE- LibOrtYville firet. TiZ' gueta v'ho attendedti h.taiily ruinat Christ Hepke's. Sunday veno: Mm. and Mns. Herman Grever ant !amily, Mn. anti lim. Geo. Grever anti !amily. Mn. and lirs. Henry Hapke and !anuily. Mn. andti lra. George Hapke sut !amily anti a tev o!fie nearest neigihors. e A PTA KI1SI1C t Jacobl Leikant, ve are soi-ny 10 say la ual gafnlng very fast. He lias a cuit plicatian o! tîseases, besides tavin. tva nupîhires, su ve wei-e informe. lalely. Hîs daugit'er Kate t;pnt Chi cago, bas been aIthome vîit h lm foi qulte avitile. We itupe for bis reco' ery soon. MiesaEleantîr Bornniofers bealthit not progressing a-s fast as lier f rient! voulti iike 10 sec Ttc young lady hia been slck wîit spinal trouble foi aven a ycan. andi ias taken trealinen vitit several of lte ieading pitysiciaut We pray for yaur speety recuver, El esuor. < J. N. Buschit s feeling quite a 10 beller oft uIc, and his relatives an( friandis hope his improtement vil contug. Mouqay morning several of our fan ilies vers called biy a man anti vomai apparnuly o!flte gypsie type, hiin 'i Ir ir ;t il- )r is as ly )r id Il i. itrs. Joitn Carglill ve are suri say, is on tbe sick liaI. The farinera ln this viclnity ar, ing iteir butchi ring nov. puttin thir meat for winler. Nick says ite don't mind liat i wîlh. We agree vitil yaai, li goodtl ols suneiy lessen laiton. Fred Weîdner la ilack boue ai work ln tite store. We argq tb sec you back again. F1red. the baby of lirs. August llap is arn quite severeiy ily felllmj chtair. A: finat lgtvas feared tt was broken, biÙt Dr. L&ao preat it a severe apnain. The farinera here euuid'f re beautîful day tant Tuesday. no i 10 liai in their corn fain the mast got nlcely sfsrted Wb"i lb day il ra.iued. Mn. sud lira. Max Miller &tg tinter at filebomte of lie le parents ani supper viti the. 1 grsudpsrents lait Buidai. George î'tlster sud famuly lis thle home of J1 N.Busel Sfuwi nlng. Our bayasbail a skating pat pond lait Sunday. We itave4lt Il everyone vas capableof 1 tileir naine onutfileuce. Ut iý a sale guesa liey cSau .8 W. have otten vasdered l treqUeir. visita tu lie Avenue 4 gat a lîttie drift lately. Titiu pr.fty girl dovu there, vith derful blue eyes snd'a h mladsehniWobSay, you folis on Western and Depot afreet: WbaVthte' Came on, nov; preas lie boti àhave a lîgilI. VWat's fithst You are valflng ton a 11gb IlflN It'a vîiting you viii ho. No saine of yau are pret ty goed f or being lu buasness for a la one nalurally becoan s sooSti valflng luniroe film on. vu rnigill nov ve vIii asre y etilose vtu bave lad thelirovi eual plant long enougi f9k», tnot trade it for a ighUne meins. For tt's Indepeda 1 an d t uft word m ea nia s o mntay vays. Yes! Some day Chicago am tyVille viii be one coutirnau 1h of course Ibaft tkes lu oui tel vi«Lat.But viii.0A twfIll 9place ltene vill b. a lot o!tidu à ougý dark ulght andti tia.. oq Iry days. Eiectnlcity la a grm rail titese tank tires, briqitten crything lu lite. Yes, a!ter 80 malter more 'horougiily, 'we dt sCiticago la caniing Ibis vsy. 8ly 80 i inthe summer flue." y Nov if Lîbertyville wM inik rthein assistance vili a lot tcoin, ail may yet b. Wel. -B% ýsald before, lilere la poig ta b 1spel o! vaif(ng ln lt a sy1 ,it la coning, And "Y. M 0,#as been mauy a bartain 0 danti many an enror mad1e v Iligita vere dliiiand l10v,-à a! prevenllon la Worth (055 ianti yau knaa elctrCietY la a lmany Ibingt. So comae on! A4 9 ere it la toc lale!-- Haigleased my farm 1 will seil at public auction on the premîses, 2!/2 miles northwest of mer, 3 iles southeast of Wauconda and four miles north of Lake Zurich, at 11 o'clock a. m.4 Tuesday, January 24, 1922- the foilowing property: 1 pair Bay Gelinga. 6 and 7 iyra a It 3200 1 pain Bay Geldinga, 7 anti 8 yra., wv 2900} 1 pair Heavy Mares, 12 anti 13 years olti 1 19 yr. aidliai-e anti one 11 yr. olti Mar, FORTY HEAD 0F HOME-RAISEO HIGH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE 4 towi vîit Caivs; 9 fipingers; 18 Mîlkeîu,, Pure Bred Bull 19 montits olti, anti 8 Ieffers A quanftity o! Ttmolty anti Aifaifa llay, tornin î Cib. In Stack anti in Sitock; 800 bu. Oats, 400 bu. Barley, 100 bu. Wietu 3 Ftmut Wagons. Singl,, Wag.ons,. Surrpy,_ leiglis, flIay Mfike, (Grat il Box; ,u eîn-foot McCormicuk (Grain flînder. Depting1 t lin ester Deî ing Mover, McCorMlCk R 3 f ultixatoîs. Panter, 2 Dilses, 2 Sets Hân ,tuiky 1how, Walking Piovti, DIse Drtit, puuunul Scale, Sharp ini Polafo Piauler, 4 Farîîî itarness, 1 Set Liglit HaMrn.ii1 rkin., Su0 Grain Sacka: i\ luwu rlilei -futsurplnus louse Furnlur, Aue tri Maulut, Wedges, Spades. Sbovel» USUAL TERMS WILL SE GIVEN. NO PROPEHTY TO BE REMOVED UNTIL SETTI LUNCH AT NOON E. R. MOORE, ProprietQr FRFD GRABBE. Auctioneer. .itIN H.Roi