CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Jan 1922, p. 7

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oe Doecntold.) &IIl7 Sua 01f titBat- aowisg to ssy lu ne- ft banl smeeply"d 'rýigu:Wst '@ light sud iseay- imotoed home laet h vIti tise favorable, * -I. verslui3sent by Weukegan ftlocis eo nmiss.ed tvo, Bar- amot tise total up tn 4 i thse ~urer vison se vas jumupng Rther mats, puslg tise baIl kt. net ou tise ump, Aatiocis *by tvre bakets. tilg tise 1 In 4 ulicis staod et the, end ,a atarted these ecod nat by a goel amd sisortin after, Rat- k ca e eeano. Nelson of ttiss o red on a Ire. throv, lmçcatoi took the ball dovu tise tw.imore-baskets. visich crd- *i q«.uti 1r. Bah-tov took a ,tu Uarringtou tn the foarth Wbile Maringlon icored tisree "ira. Antocis regtastered a la the fluaipetlad se, sud ne esdd19 to7. isbyvsclts could not get thetng eye for 3ome tesson er pt inigit. ouI>' defeattug Antt- 9 poit. Pester started tise Uarlna on s re. tirov and lm regtered a field, abot. We tise oly tisree poute g<cI- te firat quarter, Kenyon vas We Cote tihe opelng of tise -,Maier sud scoret a basket pase froos Unevita. , "todi bu fre tirov. ite*Keuiyon àoerbasket ou a pais &cmu g. *scite eiret hai!toIn1, bWmv ot ahi. to score lu M-ér, wh iie Antioc is led MO S isa goal lrnm Cisun sd eu tirov by Amen. Cote. cn a om Unovitz sank onue througi >tul thse lait quarter,ýaud Ken 09wed wItS one sieo, Gey me tateegil tise net forWAu r aM ettaercie vas ahi. to W*Lft. e44ig tisgane vils eh'§ playera ver. fait, but Mtai viward. Wakegaa's MM* sOvOed ImProvemeut, but Attemey.t.L* DR C. R.OUIE Vetarinary Beurgeon.1 at Peaidence Opposite Ree 4 licter Co. Garage. Phane 35.1 BERTTVILLE, ILLINOIS. 1 J. EF. WALTERs, iICIAN AN!) SURGEON. "xa of Women and Chidren a Bpecialty. NfAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS, W. JOHN".N D. D. S. IIINTIST a 841. 112 No. Genuee'St. 1 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS, L O. F. BITIERFEFI flIRNAR Y SURGIEON Matant State Vterinarian. [BRTYVILLE ILLNOIS. DR. J. L TAYLOR ln Filt National Bank OIdg. I:-1 te,3:30 snd 7 ta 8 p. im. es ou Broadway, opposite Park BURTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. HALSR. WICKENS wgtou-Caunty Sts. Phoane 1892 VAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. lbi Accountant and Auditor. Ittug Systems. Audits, Books Periodically for Pirme vin aLeed a Permanent Bookkeeper. 26 Houre 3 to i p. m. P. MMIO & DAVIS ~~ctloo Oornlties, We. mad Chrento Dseusea, me 10-1ew Castie Rotel. %=TyYtLLE, ILLINOIS. OF ef Every tbey found nieir miotini Oye, wvuMWuiMU they huag up a total off lire bulaets. VR WA W A Thse teame are ready to taciste tihe lenoasa eueéâatgist. Iseplug t etbek fri tra'a corne throuh vitb 'Jelorlea ,iu bot IM rek tom rfoe , an ight sud heavyweiglit engagements. defeat ,wmuunity ervke Tise hesvyveight Une-up viii proiiably tem finN Che cosstof Dryodat ad Qusatsfon ta rm-i ho forvards; Cote or Kouyon. center; Floigahe.version cft the bas- and Captalur Pester and Utkewits at bugg iyit uomat uard. Thse lWtegts i vii a tbi l g stse aivusKtp *0 een ute thee sein. Un*4ap sa lest aight, aalmg iara tsalmbte uté Moore and Earrett at thse forward tuD5Saua lenaer. ttuailp: berthsa: Harrisaton at coter; sand Matinn 1tise WAUOm. home Rairtov aud Pescatar at gurqa floor. Norths Chicago let a game The. garnulait nigit5should h ava-te thehom1111e towIi tUis tb.lOUgh * orarmed th* 3*ayers up and t»ey home to4n et Z*65. bs5 15 should put up good gameg againsi firet e&4Oe-like a E B*at. .ee»o Knosha's tossera. euns4 w*Il bave aboug the aide lins@ wwrm lise -111* the idantageof hetingon thieir ovn azanelt beiig madse. Tbai 1&qé4 flotad ehusa their owa eurround- NorthiscIîago lome a rogaly play- luge, but Watakegan a ta ssted tle ed gmre which vas as trnInpmt~ have aer e 1 raIgd- ont ta mlt 4e te fr thse game played agaiit 14W1 Waekegl a b el ai home. and couda lu tii. North Chiceago tidi- 4.ffst tbe abers iu tier ovsa home., tortuni neyerai weeka ago. The Tihe uneupe score et tise finale was 29 te 25 Hmevywotghtsln thse local team'a favor. Waukegan (11) Bl F P T Tise close score vould proisably Drysdale. f,. ....-----------0 O 30 avetued out in avor of thse GluatOf - --- --------- 02 OlNorth Chicago lte iia listhe r Cote, C, ---- O- - 10 O 0feree waýc4 thse foula a( Waucoada Unevitz, g, -0 0 3 0 and giron thse Norths Chie«o o Vu- Pester, g,. - O--- - O 10Omuuîty Service tes an opporti4nity Ktenyon, c. ----------3 00 0tetry aev free. tbrows. ,Waucouda Plummer, g, . O..........0 O 00 oitifvve chancessud louir of tiseM ----won tise game. Nortis Chicago g«i Total& 5 1 9 0one toRé, Ires of echarge. Antioch (6) B r P T INBJP., Haley. t- -.-------------- 02 () N. CHCAGO9B PT P Tý Wertz, f.------- .....0 01 0Ker, .... ......O 0 3 Keuman, C' 0 020 mith,rf...........8 4 -.2 Hdae g ..... .......3 0 1 3 Total, 2 2 9 0 M........... O Waukegan (19) Moore, f. Barrett, f. Oison, r- e. - --- Pescator, g, Ialretov, g. Harrington, c, PRtO, f. - Mo8l . f.... Atioci(7) Nelmon. f. lm., C. Kennedy. g, seebsu. g, Tiffan>, f.----- mattbevs, g. Btw P P T 1B0 1T 210 S0 -------- 0 0 0 -0 00 31010 Totale S B ....... Tole 3 1 9 1 se.00000ee0eee000000 0 AlNTI OCH 9 Tise Thimble Do. vilI meet at tise, hainuetcf lra. A. G. Watson Thurada>' atternon. Jue 19. lira. Mie Jeuses sud cblîdren vis- *1.4 vîti relatives la Chcago tise pa3t week. Tisere vw» bh a cart party at tise Wnodmen hall ou 'Fiiurday ereulng of thia veek.1 B on. IMonda>'.Jan. 2, taelir, sud lir. a.Ms-Bemda, a baby boy. lts Loulse Simnus entoi-tslned oteven aoflber girl Irlenda flaturday afternan, la help clebrate- ber birth- day. Tise>' ad a tielightft.l tne, A daluty lunciseon vae cerved. Tue par- tY vas held lu the. home of Louiee's asu, lire. Ernest Brook. Borns, te Mt. and lira. Lee Wlllett, laat veek, a eau. At thse regular meeting of the Odd Fetiove todge tast Tisureday eveulng installation of offlceet s, s eid, aud thse folt.awing offleegs teck charge oi the lauge: N. G., James Capie; V. G, Wuibur Hunter; Trea., Chas. Ru. y ard; ESec'y, Harl Hartou. lire. Wray Sheenvisa han been qufteeiluithse paat eeveral days, le now mucis better. Tise men aroud towu are hue>' fils- Iug the s"Itle bouses. TiseItee le Il luche. thîclu sud of god qualit>'. Little Helen Van Patten, vho is beau very 111 viti pueumanla sud un- der tise caer of a trs.iued nurse, sa muci improved. lire. M. M. lissike'ns .rélurued ta ber home ftmChicago ispial, mach impraved lu health. The chidren of thse Beirtonets' sud Primai-y departusente af tise Metisodlst churcis vere entertalned at a patty lu tise isemeut of tise churcis Satur- day at:eruoou. Tisey played gantea, alter visicis refresismeute vere eerved. Tis little ones had a gandtîtin. Next Suda>' moruing communion service wîlI be held aithtie Methodist churrh; sa plan ta attend. i-s. Westiake who bas been quite Mi fOr caOme ime- is now quite pons' again Installation or f ffrers of tise Royal Neigisiors vere iseld at their hall 5aet TuesdaY evealug.itefreshmaeuts vere sei-ved. Wedueeday atternoon af ihîs week the Ladies Aid leld a package sale at 4 o'clock, sud tram 5 te 7 they served eupper. Hi-s.Arthur Haddock of Waukegau spent Suuday vt;ýh Mrs. Margaret DavIs. Severat people f rom ber are attend iug tise Farinera Institutes t Rosee ci-sneJau. 10, Round Lakse, Jau. 11, and Gux-uee Jau. 12 sud 13. Oui-Cusîneas. ftt .latiietefore ont busines cr.. lyit>' cultirate lu oui- unldste i-est ta tise Imosfperfect vigor sad tas,- tlty y. et' oit Of geuei-aues ad houent feeling tiet helouga te our BtUte.--4rdmtn,î Ri-ke, WAUCONDA Pester,.ir!o, TIffan>', g, r Miller. c-.. Bovden, lg Meyer, i-g 1 rf .......... Bý PrT P T 0 0 010 là 6 1 0 Rere.:, C. Tiffan>', Waucouia. 0 WAIJCONDA O 0006000e,*0000000 lima.W. S. Fircavoedb gasscte buohin nWsukegan, Mipda>'. lit. and Mrs H. J. 39haSend am snd Mr. adMm a; . R& Jnuof McHesry, visiteul et the homofoSMri. sudâtra. Heèf yG(eory, Sumiy. IL C. KetJ.P. Blak ad HOOs Cook vero Waategu neuf s liondby. Alittle dvet e wuborn u Mrli. *ud lira Dean Kr on Sunday, lan, 8& H. E. ItasuanHenry itelman sd Miss liy ay imon trsnscted bueinesa la Waukegsu Mondaée. lKr. sud MliraHrry Bsoley of Union, vislted aetlise home oflMlit , dMma WM. Baaey, Sda>'. lir. and Mre D. H. Murphy enter- tatsed a number QI Chicago ove Sundsy.-i Tise wonk of ffAs ii. heWauconda ite' hou., vas comnpleted Wedneaday. Father Usisagen vas a Volo viitor Tuesday. 00000000000000000 0 o ROSECRANS oj 006000000000000000, We were ail g lad to get bock ta' schoot aller hie holiday vacation. Mine Floy Dixon is been visting hier sister in Wilson. Ion. Edvards bas been on thie ick liât tii. eek, being absent lrom 8chool tvo days, but is recovering rapidly. Mr. ansd lMre John F. Knox attended the annual lsmily reunton lseld at tise home of Oscar F. Mayer, 5727 Sheridan road, Chicago ou New Vear', ove, Charles Povistiof Waukegan, has been viiting hietsislter. Aira. Anthony J anus duting bis, vacation. He viited achool a nunsiir of days hst veek. The Ronersus orchestra lunuished lie music for the lasmer'a instituts, Jauuary 10. The Ladie Aid noclety served tihe dnner. Tise Fariner'. lu- stitute conaited oI judging ýol cattls sud lige b>'ti amy o tho =u irsdurlug tse1«en ni.l tis atron aigntcutural speaker&. TFe evening pnogtam v*as speakers, or ýlestta sud otiser ieletlons, B s k t b a i l o d r i r e p s e vylayed a taca, o0000O0000eý000,s o EVERETT SCHOOL o 0000000000005000000 Weail returned tu achool January 3 alter aur Christmnas vacation. Freida Frank from Highvood wae enrolted iu out scisool lu fourth grade. The Rainbov club vent ta Chilcago Saturday, Dec. 31, te aethe pis>' "Nice Poop1 l."Tlir buainsas meet- ing vaslitd ai. th et lise. Beau, G.. 's home. W.eau hear the cisug of the bales' et many larme. DoraIs>' sud Robert Vote are ili vitis chieken pox. Leonard sud Alex Lubeck are bus>' at home movlng fram tisa Jamesn Doyte ta the Mike O' Boyie tarin. The tain made tise pond un front of the achool larges' no the boyn sud girls go skating ever>' chance they gel. Emma VanDanduyt sud. Margaret Sueddon viied aur «cbooni d~aa sud on Th urada>', Rose sudRia vy Boutie Sn.ddon, Helen Tutley sud Jean Seyel. Thse baker sta.ped at ties tote is lis t ck sud forgctol pull tise brske vile bo vas l isthe e, thse car rsu acrose mmre. Zsn w as taites sc" ffldsy ~ CtU(A558EB me tug54'plsurlay. sim Bumugae vu opéats4onVetean Waukgan druggist OO o "w "l die andS phy1éahdiaiSon J,èI Januiary 31 t R fS au ow' . Lrd Charles Wisyte, seoretary ef tise 1 u tppdto sand cuc-haslf cada hiet ModemWodmnep 1dge la y(auisa. àtu ansd one-helf esrlesd of 10<5 sarecetret a lutter Xna rn 1 biaoday. torney Arthsur 'R. IY19ht assistant Wednesday, Dee. UM J. Toto vhwu@itatqv@ attorney of Sau Ptego CatS,. tbe actory, the a staung tbt hi» .father. Dr. LA. . b% e ok-îâ Wrighst, a former veli known Wuke- tba neontvu gt.gaY piysie"sand à aveteres memberC Mie 4h nvIalto clthe sWôâdnm a 144<.inWaukegMs our èhooý Xodij.dredther onSaturday, Decomber $4.0 Thse lette 414 mot gir. details of Dr. Tboftf th I&MWrlgbt's deatS. Dr. Wright vae horsu w«àt' No*eimbe 7, 1847.0 A lfëny Hiua iDr. Wri<ist sisent tise mahoriti of hi# illeý LICS Flit*. ln Wakogaa. For yeara ho. u- I lirSsun et to Intgomery, ducted L drust ore lu the. building DC f tMt?115i14. isesct Otelb. .lep iteinov in tise location of The.Roex, aliede.*1i Drug store. Re later sold thIs biltd .... ** ** ... ... ng to thée Poopie'. Baak of Wsne- gan. * QUJM Col=«) 135 o'About a score of yeare 550 Dr. j Wright sold hi. drusg store to J. N.S *~,******Mackezie and statod practlé lng med zMft«i Ussi Sturm. loin. ,baving stldied lorthtisiprote- .1Mvisite oouductias thse 4rug store. EdwvflhGreer atarted ochool Tues- H.e rentaiued lu more or lem active dey. practloe until about tvo years 8<0 Mx- A" M- !IlJobfuwm and fmsbtwËénvuan sd bis vif. vent to Cuit- Mo M. a"MM D b'n andfornia wisre tisoy aine. isd beau liv- alionsY VWtYsAt thcs.10 uiugvtiti su b«» tqivyear4 linday Ingwlthther nAtty. Wrtght. d flotéoebsvetoncaeveek and *****c**** on deyag1 URI Nev YeY,-ony. IL.4A, lati Md son, IRichard riatsd Mý- &W nd rg. P_ ri m ad lir, sud Un1. N. Adamu ln Chicgo Stum botnea.est oob uniay. Stur boulau vess Flims. 1jThe li10hau Insurance (Co., lielda &Otgihltoe2uaiIefau"rmv firenm ntiiofr suai meting vltisa largeJ ttakhg Va ape .ClsrenepAhigrini. atteadons . Diusaterved by tbe M»i Gg le nt.em uts___"IeOf i*0tasdiur XIIS Kute qm te wek-d e 1L. âoenev iltl bave lise ama WG Kmftqmstti. ee-ed tont of helimenlg. Bott L. S. sud .1. H. b'ned the atdMmây Sy at WM. m Menuew Yssr's Theoemem m8< v as b"ldSatur- day fer tise eletha e offiMeur.s ad te f islgat othor 1ucéssi.J. A. ThMahud ;D. M. Wlmltspretdest. i"asJeade ¶ap 1of Wolkeffl« 0 PROREM RM 0called on lier oldfietls turday. à 000 06 00 00 00 00 Mli L SIC"aaof qurnse, apet Severaolptahave boees ieut on sev" o a.iisber sMuter the, peut1 accont o boig sik.veek. lir. Wlto Gnt.gla pentnga îv Il. folkovtg omfcera ver, eleeted Mm altr Geggla&podin a ewS&turday Jmu&", -S i.inor 1 dàOin bkà» mtig.'ýý 1 -JÀ.A. han lira H. E Loonter entertstned corn- SeclrOlq, J. &. Deiins; Tresarr PonY over the week-endi. C. J. Wright; Dirtiors, DavidPol. Ao o u mte »#. wsim m.latt r. ud ir, H E.Lomer . Beach road. iA daiter wsu born te lit. andliMm Helen and Cathetine More.y apEut; Amann and lamily. Cecile Amanapeut Monda y with ber o elater, lMrM.Leo Amno ofRWukegan. 00000000000 0000000, IoFORT HILL SCHOOLo !b 00 0o aa,000 ooo Durt ey Cari-an, Everett Trombles sud BaceConverse ,ver.erftect in ttedanc for the l.tfut our lnis, Clara Davie bas withdrawn froin' achool. Alber-t Lenzen was absent fram echool Monda>'. Mise Florence Wagner vas s Wauke- gan visitai- one day lait veek. Sevetatluinthis neigliberhood havî been saýying waod latel.1' lit, sud Ars. P., Myer and famqy> apent Sondsy viiting vili friend@ In lit, sud îe. Hart>' Aiclride af Ares, vîisied at the Ed Bauman home Sunday. Mr litnsd Mr$. Franks Cremin sud citdren sud Mr-. sudlina. Gua Kruntey af Liherlyvitle, ePent Sanday at tht Lea Brevet home. ELHANAN W. CMLY Attorn.y-at.Law Office at Home, on Cooks Avenue. Telephone 108-.. iABERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. MARTI C. DWCK Attorn.y.atL.w. 316 W-aaiington Street WAUKUGAN. ILLUNOIB. OfficePhono 848. leu. Plsse 1100-W LYW.. H. MORMI . Attorney-st.Lxw LIeITVIILU, ILLINOIS. Llce Buing. IL*&s. m lise e 30- OO@ pIce PIs L in M, sMd inu enThmehus ou e It.weigha-app efrt mq fuhtup e ilî-at MW O«OOOoom oa g t OU tM hr es iarted s .gieiorneda l Vu tpué.kro V*", IU MryDunier vistted Ontracliool JsInt.y 2R4. fiqiymond Clark wvabmiet Albert Rocesletu received tise prime for lsting tise leuit mistakes la t*vtis Roméuitu is eturnd bomne hm bis riait i aaa Md Mmn Lra n edin Irons Cisia tse Cbttmaablide"s vi b=i cisparent, lMr. sudUMmRamr DýrotseaRomesteina sening a 1ev = !btIirelatives«sud freasds e iSbMt i onustise citircn lise Alto. Johson vas s calter la XWt M07aiiUmker of Crystal Laise. Ne*lib Yuesmasthse guest of Misa Ferdtssd Roseseli s retsrned te Tihe Eceesein aistiere liisd to Cary Werdaeeisy sud sçnt te wth Uir. sIM m Ma ith Preisa of lHmy, vfl U r.d Mlr m u liurray tlut Montic. Albsert Ecele e peudtng a 1ev day. vltb is itaater, lira, William Fr"acsOf Cary. lira. limer MUr yof Genero. vteited Ur, sud Mim.Loo Unray, Wedaday, amsus onaas s alter onsStorec Hsrvey etflictasry. Wednesdy. Cbsrley Sbeo isitaedlUt, sud lira Le orray, lTtmrudansd PMd". Wts., vielled Mn. sud tire. John Dau Wedueedy- ganta Roïsa, Catif.. Jan. 10.-, evw vwhite, hulleusQat tisat h.r es eut k. viseat and vosgsr prfltilatoly Uiitv ponadiete01 la orne of thé.chier mev isortteultur- 'al production. of Luthier BurbàDJ. "lti vard." aaconoaei tey. DuObI.riak aa.d aau nli dâIAg .lot. a.memmot i amasaf io*e lus ariooke. thse globes.of iihWb are as beaut4ful as roses, but te*. 'timen as large. A aev orange suberry bavint tise exact fitror of tise metera btt iierry mai isuebieray. A szew Bailas tomato-115p fruit A Peructan *Inter grams vht* produce. s p eormoua -t 4 food deepfte ths ear«iesi frOs* iisrDout thse viake, sffrdiftgg vatusiste forage for poultry, hotu.. es. siseep, cttie aud goata, A sev vetcorn. mrpamliag prenions crestllons 1»sveetuee. produclivene ansd earlyrmalUrltY. A nev yettov flovertngbiiscu. A Dew prlokly poppi Ad a von- derful nev eramantuts a samo *Imoten lire" becaume of iln go1- gen.coloriug effects. W. coma bock earting tise nvwy.r« vltliasarmove todo oui iboat an b<og redit te nursotre. sud tie eou- hc*u* friseAinsby 60 09 C bro*he, returmsi te thse vw et vernis tO A"a vrintere liait vithienis. ai e Md fturlPohbm n Mt M*auIfe.m ebW tMou**v. lir. and lirm.Wm. Polman vaisd vith Mr.and lira.Lohinu. asStwda lira m.Pbhom am sd ds.é,ir label armo Pesit upft Ibroe & l W. Dergborm vwu very unfwtmat tn liaviugl a machine hoit sinise hlaI thse las esnlg as that rqula 81v ttelses te b. toiet. *ULovyasmdAnu Begnglou t Nev Teara at Wns. Berghotn~i. th Shore Line Chicago "On Time" There's a certain satisfacotion mn kuawing tha.yaovi.t trrive at your destination at the lime set. Yonr appointments can be kept without a îmSWe1i iL limited and moments precious you wrilI appreciate the dependability of the North Shore Trains. Trains leave Libea-lyville at îhirty-minute inlervals f rom 5:48.a. mn. to 10:48 a. m., then at 11:.48 a. m. and every haif haur thereafter untîl 8:48 P. m.; then 9:48 p. m. andi evety hourt hereafîer until 12:48 a. m. These trains make connections at Lake Bluff that take you direct 10, the heart of Chicago. Chicago North Shore & MilwaukeeR. R. LIIRT'VLL T <CMEFOMCE PASEMGR STATIO TELPOM 74.

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