CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jan 1922, p. 1

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O fr4 1' - -l ~ ~4 -. 4.. ~ 's LBRTYVIL LIýNDýE PENDEN T LAK CONT NDEENDNTLa"Cèn~ Big Weekly WAUKEGA N WEEY SUM M cou, m oIhoWJi.CuitComVmcd UBFRTyV1I4IP [AKEcQVgqJ,UIJWiIS, 'I1-URDAY, JANUARY 19, 1927- &tU YIA»lw H~INP 8MýGOQD, WHOlâfflUE FOOD IFARM IN5TITUTE INJUNCTIONIN $175»OOO - - : ELI3TS OI3ICRS DIVORCE SUIT LEIMN 04 I M..AT OiIRNE13 MEUT Atefporary Injunction was grant- AT]1 be mt C- g A. 14MLOC! lGeorge White of Antoch was Rudolpb Grube or Highland Park, 10 Costly new sI, 1 reeleted presden of prevent the latter fromt selling, de- AM RisriMqlbema- - i r e e l c t d p e s d e t f t f o i g o r d l a p oS l n g o f bo u s e o l 4 i a a d e mn y b u '4 é*FC * " B ndeha FÇWM F ÇÇcounty rganization g oda or an auto obi. Mrs. Gru bewrn USU careaberbub mwlthbe.gcrelwrn A ow vn cm lt n. - i '!W The - a ie election lbf offcerg, or ln Mt bill gled today b>' tty. E. V. Aý buket brgad t~ r as au &ci = e ai as the Lake County arm Instituts was. Oiva ad o e to t~amelgCuiplacoi dur-heldfrida> aternnat Guru.. at any ot e rm y li lm .rTe am tthe close of a our days session. 0.. M I C IV "I C an g o the mpaati the tesit lienolaedatWhite, Of Antocb. belng reicted 14USTI MIL IiI.,I ang te ltink Y --succeedng himaeif as secretar>', and nreyeut a rire 10eâ of prelednt Harol INnt 0f Aniocbnomnand evenIng 4FIb w te 4Y -EUiOtt P. Bacon et Waukegan ais N I h O.Ti iew U s11 4< E l Stiiii o f r M n ýt r e s i r e r , b ie b e n g a n e * a p p o i n t - O T h e t i reck . A n u n ,t d t o : .minat V ew W as .@ctod tow unsh ip v iceN I C M E T X ~ ?~ i ~ ' c r! W 4 la i e ax b u iTI"""presient. IC R T Xteseecry 4. 123ar to .omnat pa't2EdSTii Oraul sesson rly 'theaImpossible to mi Vil la ferus t e extensl e ' d o Oft l h R dd b rs: Fult i n ernal revenue d eP artM ent a n t the f lam es Pt À à - .pm i s i de2 .f. t he ad , " d e O s t a i o f w i I a y n o a t t n t i o n t o a n y b > a h ig h w n d . w*vBae ffler ~ 'rte j dairY -cttle snd aulne, and a Judg. but real cases sti batiea hatve ~~ - Ale 0 1 1 " oin g c o n te a t b Y t h e b o y s o f th e . u r - &-tb tl g S o th et j~U4-Uoeteet~ ounsu - - ~ ue lgbscool Inchrgeof llert PoUIOWIinl a statument <rom The. flaines but ei4ef i> of nrsWilleY, ln charge of the agriculturae Cou nsloner of Internai Revenue, the çostly new s12 ZZ bale0i815 fWII tlyl.Iù OTE departinent of the Warren township David H. Blair, relating to the pro em', whch were isinailphigh gcbool. c0dure wlth respect to> inqufries re. The. Lehmann st. -Wt ipeamna B O EDinner wasi served at noon. ln thi. clved by th. bureau of internaie .waevd o et' .bAld iiofl3 neiitdl-atternoon thers was an attendance of enue regard tax llablieiç: uben the. tire br u Uo iectoru pre d about 300. and the, atternoon was "Riquees are belng recelved dat!>' Several bouses »e êý0 M Im f o nsi spent ln a buisiss session, ncludng for rulinge and advce upn abstract ants caugt tire, repota o li ollcer, elcîlo ~dcase orPsectlve..transactions j:. age was doue, hi The tire leprt f'heOficr, latin nbesell Po ~ hi~by 0 tWUP - _i_ address on *,Soif Building." by volving questions of Income tax anid Thrrom e lel li *P1 m*.elbar fteumin - 1Brother Leo, and senan address by Profitselabllty. Tiiese roquent are lInoflainestbetor.i ~Aet ofl-Prtnary fote orunMrs. F'ulton on "The Flarm Woman's 80ornerous and tbe Inistence on cvrd nua %X .' 192% esudlob e vle for of Part ln Amercanîsatlon" lucîutling Promp action s%0 great that il seeme butoese ntha ~. . fo ti elctolio! uetions and Informai discussions. sdvisable at tits time deflnitely. to property' 16sema t i oft m st &te o rinit--' e institut . Opened Januar >' 10 at Ou i t e t .bu reas policy w ic b w ll Th i ' ir as o no b4 sho lRosecrans, w ere mornIng and t- gover u t e consideration of theee re- aclreand 0' l5Detln l emexofternoon ami evenlng sessions were queste. Lake Counly ilu .teectone of nonib adoo held. and was contintued aI Round "«The revenue acta 0of 1918 and were exPressed tl nboard 0 comniniGiLke Wednesday wtb iuorning and 1921 depart wl4ely aI man>' pointa preti tothe Ls>iioJbortimof M*al ic f-'qonon -'rsons, w t trae e a- from Prior lau or pract[ce, and-have ibis was preven ~~ sions Tiuraday et Gurne.. vs Oe u e',.qc.estlmn8 fUlch ieIlwaf 6--Ul.cion 0f tate cfThe Instituts was one cf thi e O pr t o mptaxft>'. and ,n~ cl gieto 6 -71illtie a c. o of Tssp akea otmoetb or. 5~ ta~ti es r si itw s fe b< e,<>geteala .m)yteecseul ever helM sud tlji. atud. that the. resoarffl 0f tbê bureau am'0 Mr. Lehunn ý*mÇ& hi seakmmbetyoe t -3mSPU lm to tu dpr»tixest aete c i0 ~ il ptI in Sngmsli._________________________________________________ ~~s'taange bis élu ]t.1Obfn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o eafiýpe0> h4nmlxedo la dt c aalltli audy lôndivr9t elwngsucita0tl.Qwe ~ 3 w ereallVt cni- AU El l OM l a dno *s ieWd ono gt I ietthtli ue lle b'ate' ' . Iloatecond; Hud OHr.ttd artv ecei> aobin fg esud Cyril Btheeét, fouragoninriver.CedgUCe over abetraof orepros (9sl t ottes 1) s Unte te urei nen- 5 ucksh t hora n casesbod tc onac he wtha esn wîc I pritoetr o u b li i' Au BAIuÎI he erItha i oy cae 0bidee mer. AT RD Y ais f l)eAJow te xaO r dsrst nwws ~.i U sibs-d esatial4i- tlie hand qi saoe unknownassas- BILLson, ec od;,Cirle;rha, hhirde r tilse ImmeiaesIahtes uderl ~~ <1> lire. yepres.sitaai iretnthet lie was kiylsdn. larueBdy out.u tqîtric afisu>u ()l neb s enola "Moio b <sfe se fo A pse o ! 22o wad made up or i t wîîe i eM y lao i om ef l ie bureauÀ U faitsa trob eng eutgany-The Fveric ofthe Tu ers atjui 4rS aI tae ne d r or t e urcbaaL cf gol d r «t e foll ow ng r cuet a c e r s - 0 -W afti ;l)r n e atIO or l- je # À M was t unP ers!of Wam o, Pi eersO Rn prA ' ize or ie inera nt s w etl i iot ases to sWer an> l cas- es cepl unh 4 & odd a M a re l , satd e el u e a ' le o at two aleddis-sd y-Mears fthal edlof iret p ui swl ner then "Tic t rn s ion s t e o mpleat- T h e C c o c o u e ! s I q u s t e l S n dal n a t K e c e s m e u 1 k p l ag n o e s o neC a r e C d w r s e t W u l l r s ie d ; c h e r s a r , t r c e re b isd . p l c a î lobi l i ttze t i e ho 'A 8f l r n~ y " Tii. co m pletor ll s rîq W n tactsn F n e arTue datMti nng d etos f r s p a c eco m m issionrt . t e aw to = oltipe cndie lu ti o ffie fhmeiut s ukeg ut ii asenfW!- F nral orrange mPts are inocharge kegade ruledrlate Saturda>thetiat Gcof asesburea b e i fcf lis T e A n eituL e l o te r s0 f W a e o Mr L n Smal s u d V e r o n C u r m s f r t e w n r n .tis w tan at on, oge ti e r w ll h a b trac t s 0u no-$ f 3 4 , FW V A mh threta:y 0f ate s e l - cwhm Peasn, W ntr Ha b r n e ld s u d a tern appear before forîthe 9:30 a. mor exI fd r t om c o n cta r oir c u n s h o e n n n 14 tsf l e r coun t lrk. e li t rc e oice an u o as e o 10 I C air>'tr up D .a Wis on n Nt ion Bsîulha> ni le d tests m od laf'r th ti etL A z e w n er n es asa ction pr e t he com plet-. T ew hic a odu = a r y 12 - L e s t d a y fo r fll g e h e t e u P t r oc h arl&G r e id e c m t e y u g e l a i r e C o n s r d a l u w l at ç ut t e o tev a T t a c t s, m u e t beeg i.e n . S ti e n îo t , 0f ca ddates iu t e office o eatlnb>'automoblne ba s ho m - eai ar rangledm e n eingcharge kholti nterea ion altu d e. 'tG v a w rd ..The c mpes o!acît ire lparti tes comgr inte a thorgt 09'te sere5r>' of state and lu th.of he am e prs ugon, h acin haleHaTier aihe A er e r e selpteod f - r no w ksrla d V r ou C ri ra s cin tg t e w t b tacs I f 2 ,4 bc w s j 8 O Z af-e n o ,- - - - - - -cet ransact b io n m e . , st d e- u e 0r e f fries beff o the ounty lerk.Frida>' trnûn ailedt 10brlg out Iex-service men on le Waukegan po- Jutge Edwrds indicateti he vI nomto hc igtsrelc eatetteln en 3fllt!trse nt"umes sdI odo hc Mar -és-iyfor candidate ant nfrato vlh iitsev lc dprtetle ie eigasfl-st i dtethe11 ssonasper asaet io preuetlie qud e- Tse vo mud hfiMrawal ln le office of sec- as a clew to te police ln unnng owa: Eder McDonald, Earl Hicks, are disposed of. Indications are. tatgadeso hpren teqs. Tnsw Ic roaye tt.down lthe murderers. John Rahlung. PaLulWarren, Thiomas lie trial vil! begýin Januar>' 30.I 1l j' ~ I~ tex s wervie oroirrnepresontat."stemeofter et 1, Xarè *t-Meting ofieh Inquei wasqsia I asd Fred More>' The ruling followed declustion t 11EIN0 i dierie o térrpesnaiv. yticuitffadtsîo id ecUitee ta fi sud determine ii isthemett e sIhti_________strlke 0out parts ni tbe statîe'sbill! ot t br ot candidaes 16 be iomlnated heped wvi wvold le t rn u BuecwStesAtt>' Smihaald TA vI usPartieulars whileîAterne>' tBeoebfrea E IlfJcu adrit ea i aile 10, chirrorg <un-t fON te Tà'zE CAslie>' eoffert i-.see»lt&veî ln the SpueraI as- , efr80glIlfL-jj"NFre, llfn >ue orleIb ocwlt Les <a> fl-!îîn cîtsomte in. on tie murderers, sud are f H R fense, Mainîained were "sicandalous, srodSardy ftror;R elsdpne .us. ~ ~ ~ convniovwcrking ou wiet may proveo ILIt C AR E immaterial, împet nsd 'Irrele- NegD FrOLiv - »aeadcnrsinl le-a motn lw on t ae A 1511LNE vat" Jutige Edt.ards directed, iow Fignhtnho t 4"0-esu cnreSoia cuvn usiotwat icle. il hed lecarever, lie bll oft parlicuhars sai!!lie NihosFgt ie L E U "I> oen lefture pnel ~. M r ch f - L a s t d a y fo r - s e c r e a r > ' 1 t l u e i l I e n i i r 1 U D A E r e s u b in tte d , p er g e sr u u i p r i n h e ar g e r e e d e c eo n t hee l f utE I u r e To r kt nite 1:0 certif>' nsines Or candi- st}lletbllg mare deflulte tu sîste." j on eparet itet lecmylek.The evidence blougit nul etthl T R UN)'L KE -ferte aeand tunti offensive.ine argeon. sdeha! enorîBl- - ATluNDwîîcî îo p.e ' XLIrc 14-Last day for count>' quest as practioîl>' the ie asta r ae o nd ef n iebe c e arn n n ii ilsn hT es.P u lieý ocriy ee fcnia et snunuced lu Salnrday's Sun. wj het frot t,<juy. fir alW atuda> attaI esrno sd oe Apis orrl ool io n, alîh ogi tboacrti>d e of candidatomm ssin A chauffentr lu the.emplo>'o!JouiStaes 5Atto1rney< Smith's raid.- To Ask Separale Trials, o!e laeghbor wcfre c dsompesleti t e s firualt 5 mf lan.atihoughwa e bor~ ! elctin comisionW. Barwell eslifledtihRthat ý t asersswo down on George- Nntice tiat separate trials fer Gov- tefae 0peetlesralgcut;meigt ehl t~udbigm lb.ta fdil carents tii. praulngpfvelarnnd5malasud\t-Curtis vil! bp c! the blaze ta other buildings. Libertyville Point vere ther *,1gùM of he-Lsla or lilua rteso e r evmmetnbfrele hot leea laesoughit vas gîten b>' Mr. LeForgee. Thse fera la operaled by William 1~i1~ ofli.-sentoia coijtttslluîng -I When raidiers front States Attorney Judge Etivards dii ecteti s cop>' cf leFn nilakatahh enCr- Amein eera udelt- uies sudtre th-ii e offite o! tic count>' clerka Ti mcie aF bn eels Smilis office made lieir vs>' Into motion lie served on State'is Attorney' enter place. er pupils of lie rural sninol la au- 110 beaui good e ~?a~tsiîdistrict. Elgil 'cf tht ,4,18 imodc!,"lhe nati. ie sofit drink parler conducleti aI C. Fred Mortimei Wednesday. Elizabeh, htîle daugiter o! Mr. sud nuîced for Saturda>', Jan. 21, et -the hope a! marketli ý:ýXîtI21--Léit day for canddasè"Tiere ver. tires mnulu the front I'Round Lake by George ClevelandI aiMotions for separate triais vii! lie. ~Finir iad emptied sonne bol as- Auditorium luniàberty.ville. The mor- advantageously. lod « WI: intheî ta e, o f lhe sent. Tic driver vas a beavy man. one o'clock Sunda>' morning lii.>'argued after the.' tefendants bave es near tli oune.andthle vintiblev ning session vil! give over In bird errimentl ban v iimw ciUÀ y 9î#-Lu ay o utyeyes sud lbe vas puttng on ever>'ihv rnegge ugmln. g. itcusClepemleit i Oundtnuthade bankeiti 10cage, preaidjet,0 u atzîeIlloCi-obiudiou - to reI'e)itle c pime>' onc.cfspetipoibl. s levelanti vas booked as tie keep- make the please wes vigoroual>' p-op teia oSocieofth !aeskIouiaorelateti Itari 7 -Ls a orpnogpi:s.d-e eIntcticae. oggd r cf lie place. Tii. raiders alsaloo&k poseti b>' Tioma, Marshall, leeati- the nrti endi of lie building hilci auhiect; hie lecture vihI blihIutrat AJ3 ( t~al~>boisce inluthe glass of on. ofthe cur- tic naines of lie otier men' vie are tion ho tie legal baller>' retainedt tematie il hum more 1lovî>'b thse eed îith anteru seites liaI viii as- AwjmnricContyor.therk muat oft laine on ie !eftse la cherget? viti belug players. aid Ilu subtantiating tie steîe's vinti vas b]oving againsl il, thuagen- niai. 111bird identificatoa and illus- , Maru1cmnc l.colro i ii ius s4 a mloment 1 ~i The stale's attorney' Monda>' !ilcd an charges. ahllng meabers of lhe famnl>' andth:1e trate pisses oft teir litre. William CIT s'ballots. thc motorcyci, otTcer rac et istmi. Information lu conut>' court cherglng Iu overruling ithe motion for s more nelghbnrs ho sav. the lurniture. TicLh fWueauvel o ~ e-D.iver cfspecme ome thAfer h adtke Mr . Bedarv Cevlntsit onuelgh axbln pecilicbill et partculars, Judge EBd. building vas valueti ah $8,00 10e810,00 Lronofeti sen f tI.moîceow S .-.> rime>' utges. hm iecaffu eurc nt a use. No informations ver. liled yrs01crtitati0vsne0as-su0annt erelceifo ia a-ptn idaudéOtent mvl!s con- # o rimar>' cd . atuto, an autcomobile. playiug thlieres o butbillt la asut. ti ebInsred.________________ wil sp2Y o i0Deter'o!o!il Thî-le todp Cflae policeanbctnltaiha i e lee eb- uuo i elao h i!ehe ut lW5Iart.bird fiandling sud -giv. ao.eo!hils 2 -1Xrl:JLPiar leti. Tcthe>'1 aVud y nu> .useti as viluesses. le' llu Its entiret>' or lu Part, sud that heimotnfldgavtrerda 1? e ' f. . n m r ' e e t o i t at lb. bandits m lit oo k th e police. T ii. a i f llo edt h le iling o ! Bey- bel eved t ere oul i e. p lont>' o !I pr ta bt s lu i g ra t rgan ti ei g Yq'ON MEN FIGURE man for George treti. assistant chie!r!cmlansvitioeuor tne rcsnglthonse bridgea as lth BO bNS dmuate Hlberg a raug e a- Eia i AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENTS tr o! eii lce t onwbo buae tieonver>' îtha gsmîîîng vas lu progresestiere.Court gets to them lu lie course 0ut 'OBtls idachi nt hslig ni t, akeas active lu runnIngaowdevurn un -snera. CevelandtIlaonue oethle bet inovu tic trial. vt aus- ~ i s iitesbrt as i ea aueti cr..dS!vekegago1 Mr. Streeti le su-Id 10 have recelved a men lu th, lakes region. He former. 11IiII P<Y L ic afnernoon es iola tue li oraaelif et Tari Cuba to'wnship Tuçdgy, Fred self i, saîi te beUellie -îI J>' M INE ___Te a rorsession aro he i-t erfisi Orserre ftoitie ftiraçr-e c- threatenpug, ltter recenti'ad hm- ycouducteti a salon:'untilthlat occu- iLýA, 1* is~~~~~~~~~~veta hemr aion bucame ratier hasardons. Tien i~'JN1..o iaglatbeue!liaetsa.oncre va u ld à hari OYe rmer 0ftPul- dTrea mlsilitk Peterae r his. lie, openeti a sofidrink parlor. ofu ieer.Chageo te oniieft her lie moIea rOn hgi R M wual,1utc omr'Eor- Te osbul> ta etrena>' IDIb ~Lee Kuel o! Lake Villa lains h r.Sedvtsmc o irt oieta i nerWhite -have fired ti thle seedlng car iluansu McCORMICK DEXPERT uulu Viclor>' Meacrial bospital ase sresuil te Promotisg heaîttu habits smoniî on Frlda> vas wie1tr ttse near cePa- effoEO DEFEATS ,t to a liait LlopeII ofea atl! from an arlîficial lite outo Young People;aie lea sidtie bastenced teo, w ontefa.Byn iounfi n bear ils hiee olver As- 1MdCiorick.'o!t tis village, sh«v- Ji iaethWlî vs le laite aIbais home. He bati been veyentcrlalnIng speaker sud vill plane. accordix oltehre erd auor a i iees oy a-JonHge fWlmtewBtkcoatlug sud ascentitid hie Incline surely-lhe vorti iearing; eh. vil! ceiveti SutUrday _ýtt .cr=tchen h3~Wr not krgan manu viedrives for a local up the Chiicagotnapshootere g ia'1 itr'Mmra ogl. rd> aesnhrse rpdv u s slr lda1 lutaebro akgn laundry fontti tic gun cocked as it at Lincolin 1Park, wvi ie . defeaed~ lIlgil foflovlng sutaccîdeUt autei.d out onto tleie e, Hiasied svcrved talk. Dr. E. E. .Graiaa a!fLeke For- Allenis sItars cii1s atnsou about. 5: 30 %rad vould lbe If lIl istibeen dischargeti. prefesionala. MeCornllck 5h01t M i liteWle on. a north bound letric.traln froi lie course, causlug hlm 1ti rop est la thie dentiet for the ochools cf tains of Wàfjkat .ý 1jwvQ e rOsdhutSa Publie Service. Fcaring 10 bring thie, coélSetigun bacl mrciaksd s'k 9o f 100 baWbe is foot vas qruidl ewc ifenf90tcfrozen grounib. lie-taI cil'; bis experlence 14 tua work pel tie govern, bO.WrdzMter, offlded fhh Her-, tu Waukegsu and ual uuderstantiing il Uctghétpufsisil,>< lebiluPeraOn tlisetv electric cars. low- It é lVaèI fral Ihougit ils injury'bas flîlde bhlm particularl>veil to ils client eand mm_ schweitiu, tiië thévlu u leechansa ltis man dischardketivsd i ~~ri'eCOyed tWrOtultt at lie bosiil w ould iebuserions, but upon examina- speak on ils subWet of oral hyglene. Osulden. vlio latte drivnt -ait tw, OrIhree mes. steaet es it'9d oThbune lion, Il scvasW"PSoIdd tisaIlUf. tbaie ilon ereti IFor t1h.lilime:âuunIedoccupheetie b>'oclieed e thaTe ousson « *inm c.aOàý- IW'V«M vasnet il - ivo edor ti-e imthalesAworeywas 92. MoCormicir wU" wr'be.lirjt.Ts ciet u> eeer1l isiisekr ir r oepdlr ltab ly bu h ews ng«rq-gle> 8rtttie a bl*dbU liss~e re;) vii tWO dupe and a ack itokf thé0< 1 omete L va . OSiOafllentla 0 nt om ie t 10 b. cofted bi.i for eners!liliiare cf lie plourge o- l, cb aUsê - ~ ...~ . ~ tue, .fi . , OMM . 196 ital P bepl iforsa ver>'Iong~time.pIe. «, utIrNqq abetamd ra irnçegrot' te netgh* The àoau"&Q ha Sajty4a 5estlate d ai0 uned g be 1u e neag Eets. ig to rl a orltyIn Ilned to h» nring The MO rin thebrase v ofe er 1 I one ouhi." rinag.n i.r thtte blaemu ote thentlu le of the o t tanal a 13 a t th lae 1the 00 1 t n lie raifroa tyt une pas&uI a 10 a age ients, ten ear :) ticle IIIê aepuli 311* sutong i&0 ff théa neiriuMW I ais usetnI o sy o es moatre >e >f trasotain tn YeD.Mm wa Jnt e er. Uen otf- Whio vi ou a van Worth te, es of a.ti emplowï tos1d f0 ung te t w b>'5h ie'>.15 $1.50 A YEAR IN ý

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