CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Jan 1922, p. 9

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i,ýLAcKECOUNTY INUEENDENT Lae ounty 'etsBi~~T WAUKEGA'N VWLY' SUÙ-N UBERrYVILE INDEPENDENT, JANISARY 19, 1922. rigrj Iaid vbe ony O tRANTS 'lNJUNCTIÏ k- tku4tig t-Ïlie e bumband not anly Ï r. _t 4f uoay and commadd li av nliegai operiln PU,- x uWe ttempxte ta'-cnWolber à dee -viiidu voul leprIve **4 tlelr tour children of their st aIlae Zurich. knovli lyque Hteinian WeduoadaY lu C cmii court at Waukegan a 'èï* &bil loefflward W. HutbnaOu's 11for dlvqroe, lu vhich he charges =h ba ,t' utry ofee. vbich ëhï s- à»afmleeood.- 5ye~futbia0'icroie-bi sen- 'là hé gUee. he charges Ie«'Itékî belo e earrivai Of gW -a b ltdren, Hutchiiaun M&" ior 880 te bave an Illegai apor- perfoifliO. and thnt hlng v-Y -inexprenel, and loved ber u t Ch,*- frau etire day, galis ram an.e g ofco t» nther. but c.culd Wbm o Vit onl rempi. oagatitat- iut-chlt oUd waiiea ebmng vea net tue obi *1 ni=ng aulitina t-ha SuittabfUl vas aa mater u asaliWa3<scondutal ber. n mamanboyand reproach. 14 roie bIB ueo chargesa t 1t ut- Vent, tWmUI te iage »Mialt-r tii, divorcebil aft teid R. J. Md d DIin s &ebldt tint ho ag coesionfrom his vite and an- M» &fln dnitlUig ibeir gaUlt Othte 5,p poiiwbhho bae bie Sui- Bu, ubre uthno llb ulander- attace upon ber cexacter. MnS. &1»klSO ae lalni that ho recont 1 01ber that unleuablie aigue" a quaim daI tu teta )11Proiarty liai qu l e*eveaytbing and t-M balae to do lb!.. tOflnbýi a t-baIf != «36«h enu<t dggrve ber rte io t . ewo « j~ing q1kh6me Of ber faUter end aliter ad ladependont upen Ih,"n for support. lii. ilutctuianchargea that- uer hubaed has beau drtnklg hevllY fer 19 yeari. poiaesee a violent t-amp- or Mdit la extremeily Jealous, hic m--de beicga choia lnant-y and t-bat- ho la no fit pereon 10 have t-he cutody of their childrM illPe ai»mbetat a tt aboli exp tlng anotier vitilfroin the mota t a t ev vooe. Ti. cross-bil tatea that Hutclil- %on owusi property lu Chcago lu id- dtion.ta the Lake Zurich place vbich l, heepe lockes t-e provent ber f rom -gotting an! of ber belangbngi.and tbnat h bai tol people ho recevel ,910»,g for t-he place and that i thia ,i, boel doue il vaby !raud becauie pb»a noversilgued the d10. Neighbora a! Mm. HutchtueOn vore gmotiy vrought up aver the, chargea »saIe by Htclinaon becauseesite bias kbe roputmhlou of belng a, refinelwam- au aad genrally beld n iin betoem. -l1tIge Clairo C. Elvarle to<ay grentod a temporarInljunction ta roi tranHutcinnon from islpaiug a! tht proverty untlilthe ca.e'n ha' IT'S, BARBERS1IOP COMEDY;PLUnu, CNTSUE JOKU John Dietz of eerfip'd victim of dry- raiders. who nab *Matt offman, barber RSOY SPRINGS SURPRISE Dowu Derfield vay there misa Mm a inai. aapxelracela ittrmctiug -more attention t-an ho ccrem t-a ne- çc. H e vii thé cruel victiUmo! a Lake- count! apougoe Suas!, led by Comriatble C. A. Brune. chiof of tatli &ttot'il#y A. V. Smit-b' "dry battery." lu the barber suap of Matt o 4 eix. wleu hoe aw the l'camals * ywor cting." The marol min la ýýPiotz, *ho kuovi moore about- Mh4fe lite o! the couumuntY than '4ke posmater becannie ho la the flumbor. 1)1hz va lu Hoff- 'fce vblch bosta nua glar- ovor theo spiral red and white é tafct tat t-la t-be "fleor!lold Shop," th-o aly tonàcrial par wa getting hie lhrlce-a-week beu the officera enterel. '19 W"mo great confuion and excite- mftl'1u hetii11ilagea aurroundel tino plaIe #th'wtcb the. ritîlulcrew. Hoffmm waa narclnod ho the office af atice 3,'0, Fritsch,. vho ordere hlm t-O icomiliany tho offleers te Waukegu. -tuet- aler t-boy hbcd is- I».red. a bey poinwt-a eDieu. anMd ri*tlut-a iaughtoêr.<Th# row làt th> eorftraw olIavgd aui. t eeç pipol the îouigit-M"»e Mt It<ga but t gitdelloof M. lýW'M ehuv CoPrs, SLAYE RS SPLANND PAYROLL ROBBER,g D-i KUNO maX mAm IFLOWN, IN EUROPENOW PALD$,0ffl NE 601f YOUR AUTO LKCENSE? STATE TOMMAAISTS ýProprietor o! Notorious road- Investigators to be sent out house quit country after from Springfield in 10w days convictions bhee 1 nake arrests $25 FINE 15 PRO VIDE!) PUT UP HARO LUCK YARN Auto luvest-igat-one vWii h ent-out- Max MxIme.formr proriet r nom SudmBfteld vitbm th neit- fe Cha-auMaxime. ome roetroft- 0 days wlthInstrutotlns t-o errent- ail Phark. axie'lout nhouo aHihnddellaqueut autooile o c-vners ivho pa . $a1.500 m rodhoue. nd hohave fail dt-o iecurê their Ucenern serv.eaMx monte a e 0 nt Jag fe »IZ.r= itte an anoui l- by Jvftge Evra u ho1Ut~foal.-fieo ot lmeete leavo the coaahrrltî uoirie lwier.. frmtln This action le taken oriler ti la riyedpls bh ne anIyoar tha n tat-be 'Putovingttt@ iluie p4d i# tesandappealed tact t-at the automobile lepartunont hie C" . hie APPelItt-.court, nov ilahi.let-a issue lîcenies prOmpt-- vhIcli recently alIrme! t-be action of îy. In previous yeani. tihe dopant-- t-be local courte. Maxime.vite the meut- vai unable t-a turnilah nov Bi-i caue vie pouding In t-be Appllate ces lat-e qulckly enauglito dia- coqtrt. came to State's Attorney A. V. tiuete eoeFeraYo RmI itvth a bard luck t-ory t-atlie mrch vas braki and t-be oily thig *thAt- t-lîtquent autalîte. hovover, vill coul ha doue ta hlm va to throv have no excuse t-o get a !ev veeks' him lu lal. 'Hie place bad basn îucb grace this ensrandI "ilcenie applel a notorious oua and caual t-be Cookc po tige vill ho lieregarlod. AP- ad Lake count-î officiais ao much plicaions can ha carel for ai qnlckly trouletheproecuor'ecied hatas thoy are recived, t-be automobile If maxime vere compelled tu serveo eatintanucs bie jail ent-nce uot-hlng vauld b. doint-etnouca.wpsf y h ganel hyIIî, as ho alreaîy a ne- tacconrigal amlav ao ile in'- tb celved heavier punlzbmen In fies latoena aiehly athmbe slu- tbm any at-er vlolatar of t-be probîb- vtat-saare ppinlic-h.ocre- itat- asee eng t-b. m tu go p-Iturounling up delinquent drivera. awtut Male' roo nae Ut-e lna tei laa. t-be inveettgat-n cnamimlt- Prmime t, ve tht-o oc-openiting vît-h local police,'rtIl commait. Mximewen toNew begin makIng armeuai drivers wha Yrk and later ta Europe, according have talled ta obtain nov liconseo. t-a t-be latent- infarmitidin. A fine o! $25 le protided by t-be ________________ taelav for violat-ri of t-ho ac- t-ton requinlng nov licou,. numbena MIII! ta bo displayel aten t-le tiret- a! PEDDLE MH4KJanuary. WITII AN AWFUL $1,oO00OO JIAMR KICK, CIJARfE TO BE COMPLETE!) flairyman arrested on charge NEXT DECEMBER of mixing moonshine with dalry business Cartoads o! stone .being un- Ioaded daily for Great Lakes TWO OTHERS ARE SEIZED improvemnent Tii. daîny business of A. Santi of High"ivool rlved. and i, pît--60 PERCENT TO BE DONE rouage grev t-o aucin propontian t-bat- lt-arousel the suspiciuon$of Wltb 40 per cent a! the orn out-be StateO'iAttorna.i .A 'V. Smnith, hose an$1n.000 ,000hor <.5 Great- Lakea rom1 Police furnish okie to identity of nmurderer of Wiliam Potersen IN KENOSHA TWO HO'JRS Uaeartbing the. mont Impai lant elou' Yhibui yet been fo'ud lu re- gard ta the. idmty of the auto ban- dits wbaoen Friday aftornoon mur- dore, Willam Petersen, Winthrop X"#bor motorcycle cap. va. rovealod Tueaday hy Tluad Loanu Kenosha OdJet of police. who declared that the eu" et o that city had proot that the desperado«i vere tu, Konoaba for two heure befare t-boy itarted on thle trip that ouded ln lhe br-utal îlaYic.t of tho afficer. "Wo cannot make ail of thta Public at tho proient time," explained Chie! Logan. "l'",t we have cammuuicitted lut vwe10>0w ta tiheChicago police, who declare that It le valuaible Iffor mation and may provide the miaatng Uir ta evIdenco ta capture and cou- vlct the bandit-a." Arreat Four ln Chicago In conrtian 'ithbthe. wark doue 1>7 the local police,.lit WU ainuÔuneed that it- migbt hao! great value ta the Chicago autbortlesinluConnectton- with t-be arreit of four m-o there on Ssturday ovening. Thea. nuen vero riding in a car vlukh oxactlY t&llied wlth t-be description e!t the bandit car. They were taken taa onitody liy the Chicago Avenue pollce la Chicago and were betng bld there iudor auspi- clon. Due of th,, four men gave the name of G. Natkin. 2324 Sunnysido Ave. Chief Logan viien loeboard Of the arroîtg in Chicago lmmediately vired the depîrtment 1)1e.of th@ reuit of bis Investigations bore and a repre- aontatlveoaf the Kenoaha departmont wili go ta Chicagl o tayata co-operate wltthe metroplitan police. Man T&fled te Bandita 'IW. have a theory of our ovu re gardjng th, ldeut-ty of theseeban>- dit." said Chiot Logan. "Suffice it ta say t-at thua la bae ou tho fact- that- t-vo men rtding Inalb Studebaker car exacty meeting wth theo description et the bandit car aie kuavu t-o have bo= la Keuceha !rom elle te three o'f)» M1 Wlday afternuOm. Whtle mus, bo¶à rported ta 'but wboee naa, w. aie nat atilUbertl bý maire publie. They aikel hlm regard- Ilig whaivarieut cotractori lnuthe city paîl off ther empnye. 'Ih leaOur hlle!t-bhat theie bandits vere pyrall bandit-i vin came t a K- noha ta stc up a Job," h. continuel. "ltindiug thi couditions unfavorable. they returned ta Chicago. The man 'no a lke vit-b theie twa îuaptcioui charactera la ready ta go ta Chicaga wth ua lu au endeavor ta Identlty the men by au Inspection a! the roue' gallery. O! courae. it lteamse alto gether probable that those meu vire driviug a tleu car" Chie! Logau derlared lýiat the lu- vestgatiou at WInthrop 'lanbor had proven that the car did carry a Il- cenie plate and that the firat throo numrsaroauthat- plate were inavu. These aisla -lIy vit-h the car $een iu Kenoîha Frlday' afiernoou. Put* End te Negro Story The Investigation ha> Put- an end te the halle! that- the mon who ki[led Peterien vere nogroos. it ta admitt- ol by the. min lu Kenostua wha tali- ed vith the anapiciaus claractera on fflday that If t-boy were behlndan automobile curtain. as lie car a nloied. tley mjeght easilY have ap- pared ta have heeu coiored persona ta anyoue who merely pasaod them casa«ally. The vano!o the Kensia poàce bas been important and il la believed.- t-bat- It may resîlt inding the bau- dite. "It wauld net aurprise me One bit If thia informatian would lead to tak- ing tho murderers ino cutady bo. fore the eud a! tbe we," declirod Chie! Logan ai ho ahowed iow mucb confidence bo placed in the theorY of t-be crime upon wbich ho bais beel working TiJRE FINUD ON ASSAULI AN! dyuuad, laté Tuediy arreat e xtsd'lu~ 1921, ut- ta predîched t-at t-he E 'k1L Saut- a l n chargea o! mlxlng hie improvenient vili b. completel b D 1T Iairy buulues vit-bthe baot-bgging Dec. 1, onenoa!thie iupervie o!Oft-he "Induit-r>." A quant-it-y o! "mli" building project- doclared halai. vit-h a poverful w&ivfop vas iot- This means t-bat- aole rUih van iterauan d Wesley Svanioii and e!.- muet- bc completelnluton mont-ba. Jo. Gould, a&U o! Gurne. Vers ar- Tva at-ber allegol violat-ara of Tbe cont-act vii let- lait fal &Id-!r<igued la the CW ofa!Justice Chus. the -rahblt-ory . liv . vere arreitel. auttîcieut- tonds evee pprop-iated ta E. Mzon' We"diiiTy.a.nm. on Tbey are Otto Met-alec of Doimoul st-Art tho project, vit-h t-beprOmise chargea made by Harold Gusafmoa of Lako, at vlmeo .plaW lie offlcere t-bat-t-be roat vauld bhi !orthcoing Gurneeof asault and battery. Thoy tounula t-i l l d sk -hCze. , meast-be wvanpr ogneaaed. wenglvefl c imaîl fiue and a lecture' Jo. ni ilim-Cleu- o!f <The faet- that t-be naval traininug ita- befan. houa relsed. Narti Chicuga vere arreateti on a t-ou personnel hmasluau greatW a, e- Ot-aian'a chargevii tuat- t-be change of illing liguora nd heng ducel ince t-be barbon van vas t-lr. mon, came ta hua home luit light- lu Posession ta! c 'î. etstel bai reîult-ed ln no change lu andI caMelt-lin fb=mut-hohoute. Dite o! _____________ t-be Plana for t-be improvonent tino Swanen, he raya, 1ev a g»toon 4 average of a caloadal oi%*i la hi u for.O hlm ta canna lut-o thbe AC,>I-IÂU p~ rrin dally but-t-is 'nul have ta ha open vierq GoUlI made au atitae. V AJ Ç - Peedpd tp t-o get eMuugh an t-ho î,e&at I nev rely.> gTA Ds fsrnlet-o complet-e to work by lie ter.heah-ng bo-hi 'eo! th gtor>' - saitlnW'OA WAUi'I frat of Decomber. Coultructlan WOniJut-cea o fel adsndllr AIJ~UDM A.>W J wi'nl be reaumel t-be it-h o! Apnl. anti ce.oite, agI t u t o wnmdollars aMd coula oACb. recdiag them a ievée WaiO ,Yight. lecture as they vre dtecluarged tram Sprnglel, liJa.18.-.Claima lu- Medical men .. greatuat lu c the. court-. Ail t-re mpbat-clly-e' volvIngilions of dallaTe f1101 greit- nuluber o caesiti voul be Of nIeI their gulit- lut-hecase. agiet- a-me.utato hy relat-ivesoatt-baie valuabl e asitance t-othema If p- ___M____ dibo ?1 ulie tèauer Eatland'd. d enttts could pral'uce a velibt record 1 cer ah <Jhnlego lit 1916, ver. dia"!t ven ging for adle. Oft-ero t 1h4! aue IutRmu 41loved th -e $ataiecourt of clalmsi mposible for ac iaguOaI" ta ha gvail w u ce a it Ktam" . b of Minolit h-va annoucil luireýt-o- rntil a patient lias'teite bic-or lber! ea rl-avtiIhase, ft oiioath day.' Thie caimgs have beau pouding f it avr v aj ld-OO 'chias tSI' - elgltt fornla cer --4nong1tb o! tt-o!b. , STATE TO RUilT SMALL PLEA' FOR s SEPARATE TRIAL Gor. I.ot maV.î motion for a o* cabu ertiaaWaukegaa xext1 baturday, le ta b. fought vigorouely by the jtate.j By agreement, Attorney C. C. Le Fo'rgee. chie! of caunsol for the de- fenae, ta ta !urniah State's Attorney Mortimer ar Sangamon county a copyl of bis motion ta separate the cases of Gov. Smali and Vernon S. Curtia b7V tomorrow. The principal part of thIa document wiii be an affidavit set- ting up that the prosecution o! the two casea almuitaueously would re suit lu the Introduction of evidt'nce 8aaint one of the defeudauts which would lnjuriouaiy affect the othor, aiý though itI wouid flot be proper ov1- ~44~ Motor For $47 $47 CONSOLE MODELS Genuine Mahogany -Triple Rnrinir Motor: as low as $198 douce for lh, jnry iu t-ho aeond man's With unie affidavit- lu Iheir posses- sion, atorneys ton the ut-e yl pro- pane thein neply. Lieut-. 00v. Frol E. Sterling, t-be t-birdedfeudant. alnoady bas obtaiuel a sepanat-, trial. But- it- vis expîmin- ol t-bat. vile Sterling le nat- clargol vit-b ent-erng t-be cansiracyr unt-il t-ho begiitning af bie ternraceast-te treep- *ter la 1919. t-be amoctiaq t! Gmuy à8mal. VernnCurtia an4&-i g< &to'î C. Cnrtîs lu t-be llegol aobo t vithiiold at-at-e undi bal bieauInu openation uIuca-.arly lu a all'a terni as treaeuror. vhicb begun lu 1917. Jàck F'riennc. na plant- o!fn . n teroat k00 lit our aprlng wootis. Is t-belac --in-tlxe- pulpît-. or Indiudîottfrlp, a plant-a! t-be arum tamiliyta mIniht-ho ell-kuiowu cilla-lily ai-4o belonugs. The seletîn ('*the pulpit). wOich aunrounnus lie central porntion ls ualied tino opaline. end ls roaiiy a ieet modîlied tor the pratecliadn o!floe Fmrcsnlor- estry Magazine. Victor style, Excellent value; Guaranteed Motor. For -98 New Records 39c AU January Numbers 65c We .Carry a PuUl Uneofo Edlisons Ph2M2g!nphs& and Records Get What Yon Want. m 88Note 25c 5 ',REAT REDUCTIONS ON PIANOS PLAYER PIANOÊ yWhen You CM:~ Convenient Terms 109 sputh OMM. s trt Harmony M.-NO. 3. FAKE 4iAS MUTER READERS ROBR L- LARS 0f WJIIKU Gain admission to Lake Foréet cellars by an old-fashioned ruse EVEN VISIT MINISTER Two suave akoptica vho vero a bit- doubtful of probtty of the edotm. looked behiud thoao eccloaiaticel hîbulimenta Siturday; lu tact, peer- .1 lut-athe celiar oat-e ppst-ar o!tho Firat Preabyt-erian cburch a! Lake 3'oresL And ttuere t-ley round,-.Ponbapa thît-< a ITtlte abead of!thieat-ary. The. t-va,graclili t-o Aaiut, appear- el it thbe Laie Forest home o!frefd. erîck C. Aldrich. mihlonaire. ai om- ployei a!ofthoegai company. White aine t-aId tho mîid tînny atonles t-be othor lnepect-od t-be met-r-lu .t-he celiar. lucldenally ho lert-a vin> dow uniatrhuol. Tlney Mea vIsited the home o! C. Froderick Childe and! Wlneton Farvol. l ndt-hou dociles! to give the celian o! the liov. George Raberta Jr. thenoanc. 0,cr. The t-va returuel ou iy yestordmY mornlug t-o lhe Aldrich home andi again read t-b mot-orwvile everY-e body vai aaleep, leaving vit-b e< quan.. tity a! wisky. Thoy dîl not- retoru ta the cie's ceilar. J. G. Hart- a! Wauiegan. distrJct- 'manager a! t-be North Shore Oau comupauy today aald tat- If local peo- pe have any doubt a Ime h tlt doaty of men ropreion t-ng themelvez as represet-ativeio! thogai comgany t-boy ehoul mmi, the mon Identity themeelvei. H. îayî t-bat- ail aut-hor- ized agent-a of th. company carry credentiale for thnla purpoi.. He saij t-bat If t-bu vere donue liere wouldbe lea camplalut about- pseudo-gie me- ,ter readere. MILITARY FUNERa 'At FOR PETERSEN 1 r-e ftuneral, of )Iûtgrycle Police- xmi t=Niam .Pe "of Wlatbrop ~~ .~erae a batle-h by thme blggoit zamit-an funerals «Uerlit t-bat City. A unnubor train Waukçgen mtended. SIxWaukigcupoicemen,1 ex-service mon. acled ai paul be#X- ers. Charle Laurens.and George Kimbern. buglori of the. Wankegau Boaster bugle and lrnim cargo ounal- el tape, t-ho latter. atat-lnel nearî t-wo blocka listant. givlng t-b.00c16 effecl. James ariknei o! t-be Wau- keganu Iegion, vacalor boaror, anit! Harry tlrieshelmer mani Henry MUr- rie, aso of lhe, local Leglon. vOre colon guaids. 1* o' Wl- ou. rlw.J S14t. ~ eau' w8I y-,. I-lt .4e. 413* oies mUs. 841 e. e o. - Us!? mis- ~oê bof id.. BIC BARGAINS FOR SMALLJ PURSES THE BIGGEST YET oc 15 Pay

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