[LE ~ EDRU>AT, JANM RY26,1922. PLEAA $2,OOO >INCOM - Otioe, oce owefulfigre,""'" - This tho exemption for mar- admits having aoceptldMAMIC. ROOM8.redcul is 250- j"Thoeu roûen are so inarveloe, forms oui today Owen OHare, chia! of police of sa-Id the boy ativenturer to thse girl EXenfsba for ma-ny years, a-ad recog-avotrrWho, had reachad tisais. Tise following tatemant la- Iaauad n~e sone a- the toast powerfrsî anrny's nd at tisa Bouse of Secrets, by John C. Cannon, coliactar of inter- orbrea lu tisat city, a- ma-o wel "that IdIlike to ca-il thein Miaegc nai revenue, First district of IlIinis. gnt>' ln Kenosha- toa acharge of!sa- oos.Foi-m 1040A revîseti and implifiefi c"lting bribes a-nd ta raelve sen- .B l eu og, adMse o iigIdvde eun fIcm -tence lni the near future."B a-lisedoao"s-dMse foflngndidlrtun oicre TeR Thoughfulness. for tise caiendar yea-r 1921 of $5,000 am Ise ituin rip ediera-ia - s - *"Andd la there stilI more ton erand legs will be a-va-lia-he toaay. Janu- mdtestainu dtralasaskad thse girl, ar>'18,at tise office cil collector aofilu- folows: tarnal revenue, fetieral building, Chi- Owen O'Ha-re wa-s ane of thse coin- "Stîll more," said Master Thought.caga-dteflongb-choIe: nsmningfigresb te pbli 11 e fofinesa-, "and you must wandar about." 4760 Broa-dwa-y, 1214 Norths AsisIanad ,Kenosaa for almoat a quarter af a "GIa-diy we'll do that," saId tise girl. avenue, 803 West Ma-dison street. 535 vctury. When he sisoke, it wa-a witli 'Sie's -gt," agraed thse boy. East Forty-seventh stra-at, 712 West authorît>'. andthis thloga-lha favoreti Oaa 0f the moims they via-itat wus Stxty-tisird street, Ciica-go, a-adat the -Voe the thiags wicisprevalietInl tbe terrltor>' ln whhch lie was almoat et i tis presetsana-d everyone wu fdraibidig uor- ot er a- czr. Ha played bis part bato at] gvIng them awa-y to vlsitora'lrom lis., la, Wa-ukega-n, Rockford a-ad Rock Is- antifuioua. Ha rade swlftly. H other roamsan -d to adventurars. la-nd. A copy will ha ma-lied ta taxpa- wu he bie ofpolce.He eal Soaetmestliy wuldgiv aw ara who last year filid a retux-n, but vasthec~saf i! olie. ie ca-t Smetmestlîy wuidgivea-ay fa-hure ta redeive tisa îarm dosflot --rpggbly wlth wrong-doars. Hae s ~ omtiinr tise>' wore'or carrlati witb relleva a taxpayer nf is obligation ta »Mvr known ta, show mach mercy t the.rn cau s a broocis or a- stick-pin filea a return on trne-an or befora- '<Men visa ca-ma vithIn bis resum. Ha or a- acarf or a- sa-si. Aad ln tise verY Marcis 15, 1922. Tise formi ha-s ha-an i- *~à#tise big «mokeana-d is orders I caner was a- la-ughing, jolly parsont duced from six ta four pagea-, two cif joWlna a ay, tiseroie af la-w. Hie wisam Mastar Tisoughfulnass l3tro- visicis are tievotad ta Instructions U40>ld viola-tora-af tise la-w witbarst duced a-a-Mr-. Ganerosît>'. whlcb shboulti ha carefnlly reaa by tise $Wrea. He a- sa, appa-renti>, no syto pap fo ma wo. a omets il Mi. Ganeroslty gave tsam bath pros lypayer bafore fihlng la tise blanka. »#»Ygefor naa, oln a-dmfnItsîof aenta ad turned ta a-cme ana who stood A atudy of tisese Instructions WIi toýretfnes, tpple an fel fom'greatiy leasea difficultîca- isretofora- - -1be petitscif rectitude, and ID îa-ilong ai 41s rlght. osltre encountareti la correctiy rnaking out _NWM In i iisclutchea-. Haeutapt tise Oh a-i-nt we a rçaaodtie turns-. -*e 'glestaition and- tise cauaty ja-île, at tisîagreat, greaad'O<Fr Pg Silld iltis men-aad wome-cha-rg- "Tisat'a is son Unselfia-hness na iesO rtPg «d Wituisa-l sor-ts af infractions of rght,' saad Mastar Tisougbtfuless. On page 1, under tise isqt "incarna" htruleé of la-w a-ad order. a-l tise As tise>' were wanteriag about tise>' are a3aces for reporting the following wssjffi 1 b is la-ai-as at an a-w-a-awtise Canrier C-pr on eltitems: salaries, wa-gea, commissions a-ddlg co-peralon. a itetc; incarne fronpartnenihipa-, fidu- colt - - wa-s wiso hgd tbld them how people cisries. etc.; rentsana-st royalties; profit But at a-at is aina- SoundUhum out st voru a-ad play 'a-ad pull together (or laoa-> from business or profession; tu Urne ta irlag hlm toa a- eckaning in order ta get along anti ha reaU>' profit (or loge) frorn sale of real astate thled is achigsta bisndjurey sa-py a-ad- ina-. profit <or lasa) ýrom sala of stocks. ,raed theva-s litst lb Is d es- "Weil, n00W yau uaderstaad sa-orclbonds, etc.; aaid cuber incarne. Be- .1@»Iark, a-ad In tise mldst af lites tise reasoaa-i lîka ta carry massages, nea-ti are spa-cea- for eatering iesiuc- g jetaintis -ba found hisi f rang-is?" hea a-ketI tlIera, "it's ao ire to tions, suais as Intarest a-ad taxes pait lai a vaisoa bis owa makting. His heaba-he ta carry rIre messages I do to during tise yea-r; boases b>' fire, otorm, Mil vas as craa;,ed a- aa serpents betwaen tise Houa-a a-ni]adventurers siipwreclt, or otiser casua-It>, or b>' ~ iegrand jury campai]an flus on tisa wa-y. atcnrbtosh-idett. sglg fr ona toa anotiser, i "Isn't It wonderfuli fitise Bouse a npae2aespoeforatra tira-wtthlm loto the grip of 1is5'Secrets? Evar>' khnd of a a rn mhara expianations o! tise various items; i. $ 'on chargas aI variaus kîntis. with avar>' kind 'etaa fine secret-a-dad ., tisa total amount of incarna from *bnIt voaltiadit hlm for ira-t ail tise naugbh>' anas ara kept la tise business or profession, with deascripi- ue:andt tsan anotiser crime lia would tion ("grocer>'," "laandry," 'retai lushie nnocense ant iebi pur- cela-r, ha-, ha-, a-ad tisya>'arena't aliawed lothing," "dactor," "Ia-vyer," !karm- bo t"fa-ndvia-hat i termed hi o ca-use troubla bere! Wby, tisa>' ven a-") Iromnt --t a-ad royalties, sale o! ianme. raciaimake nid Worry-Aisaad-of-Time ata-y proparty, etc. Owen Hr ra dtise cliiacx <ova thara. Returna- are rsquired aIfeai-y aingla t«P~ bit career vlsen ha appeaarad la "Do yau know vis>? Ha- kapt barrow- persan a-nd evar>' marriet para-on nat 0ue Circuit court at Kanosisa couat>' log Troubla froni tise ba-nk andtihis living witis husa-ad or vile. visase net y4lora y ntereti n pies, o! guIlty- ba-aik would't stand t after a- tinta. incarne for 1921 va-s $1,000 or more, e tbarges tisera lotiget againat-Tise>'sa-id tisa>' va ia-lout of Troubla- anti a! ever>' persan living wvus hua-- Id a-nd brokta-ala mmnd anti anti it va-a a tirea-4ful tliug to tink ha-nd or vilewvis-ana-t incarne vas ZI anti vaa-ki body, tetter- of Tisa Ba-nktof Trouble Whlcis Loanat $2,000 or moi-a. If tise combinat net i- ~,ha louait blmsalf la (ha ont 0f thi-r hast stock- mInor ecifdren equalied i o' xceetiet Mr. l~-r'Ba-ttioy tod "Tne batnk va-s go excItat star tiat 12,000o f (ba- covirana-t a-rosa hi ý l4 h e mtiant s eofî va once Wî frtiy tisouisi <is>'onîrty ta-a-ma-coma etcilhuahanti.vile antita-pendant Relalyatoc bs u onfo tey si1t he e wî- alemnerm chldin, qualel dor exceadai] li pt to nderoial Tisaa- $5000, ah sncbh Icoama muet lha report insii-oudeg ra.Teet on a jit reta-rnor ln sapartie i-e- ý«II l a-« sentence upon hlm a-t jun-aa-=bsaund anti vifs. If single ___________ andthtsanat Income hIcluding tisa-tcif tiependant minors Il' a-ny, equalleti or 1excea-dat $1.000, or il tisa grogs Incarne 0 0 0 0.0 00 .00 o0 - qua-lidor exceatiat 85,000, aatin -NI C mus-t ha fieti. A minei-, iowevar, ha-- - Ing a aet Incorna of $1,000 or $2.000. accortlng tomarita-i atatuisar a-grass Mma Muma-ord la- spantiua- iis j iorna af $5,000 mua-t Ille a ratura. A ,ýek ilaEvanston vush lier ta-ugha r.j requlrament ta fila- a retura af grass son,.viso ara attendlag tisa Norths - Incorne, regartiesa of tise amoant o! ~Ugtr Univasit>'.net iacpme upan wiristisa tax la-sa-- *Iî6a-er1 Unimebi-e eey aaten- esseci ha-a Oraw provisionS. 8«e&l ro hee wreln tted-"Net incarne" is gi-os lacorne legas ul-gat4 i hea- ntl-uta hldai -tLiberty- certain tieducthoas viicisare expIai-n -W8Ue ot Satarda-y. ai] on tise foirn. a-s etePtera-on was in Chicago on Undar each o! tise a-have conditions ,~ytyattandina a- camant show. a ratai-n mua-tha- fileti aven tisa no ta-z r *isa Viola- Kubampt vaa a Ciicago1, "Gave Tiram Ath Presenîs."1 la- due. Tisa exemptions are $1,000 for 'ýifS8r Wajda-y. f 1mp for aingle para-nana-d ma-riai] par-i Mrsjt. 'George uap spent a few ta oa-ogoot tise woi-ry ta moi-e people sansoflot living witis busiand<.Àr vIle,i j%,a-sat Îraek ln MlwaukeeWtt.sber a-l vrivi-but we've put tise ba-nk lu $2.500 for marriet para-ans living withil 4sta, M-s. Siaiaymayr. jtise ca-lar a-ad tisa ba-akçra- too. lusbaaadorwie visosa liai incarna for a ý,zWr, m. chlymeyr. 921ws$5.000 or legsa ant $2.000 for b - Xr, anti Mis. Leonai-tiVanDausea "*Andi ana- af tisaI-hast cuatamars suris Ilso hoa-e net Incarna was upu! dalghýr Mia-a Ma-bel vers. ln Wau 00oW la Miss-Saobbery andtisus Ca-ie- more tisa-n $5.000. Tise exemptions of IOnl>-Fai--Fa-sioa-l-Clotisaa Mia-s tepandents "a-para-on untiai 18 years U5Ingaaon Fritia>'. 1 Surib iaIs -tisaugist cli af er ofa aa-aor manial>' or phya-lcally tafect la- A. VanDeusen a-ad daugitar Mia-a- ocial Position ail Ibese years a-ad bas Ive" haa-s bean lcrea-satifirn $200 ta X»ealapolt tisheaut a nt in aCi- trîcdt takale people feel uaisappy anti $400. c*4o vins-tmng relatives, an -d a-wkwa-i-i. No a-be ha- woir-i>- A aadoa-a-l-apranvs T.heîare vas a- meeting a! tise MiIk l ng drea-d!ully for aise la- Iekilng se actua-l>' a-apporta- la ona houa-aboli] -Wpoucer o! tise Antiocis Local. isad iti li neyer ha- liket agala. Sise bat ona or mai-a para-oaa- osaI>'i-alated ta lo Qie tcivn ha-lu on Frida>'a-taernoon a-lbai- Popularit>' yau know. hlm (or har) b>' bloati, marniaae or a- .I vhich time tisa>' la-cad officr-r. "Wiîre? Oh, littla b>' lttila It gaI cption, la- grantethetisatsm exemption Ps'ank iScoit vaa- lectet Pi-a-ident o! a-wa-y frao barvlen abe wasnt look.- allowet a- ma-iled para-on. IM Autiocih Loal.a- Ina-anti audtianîy a-be Iound It wa-a- Tisa norm-aal ta-z rates- are unchangati TM boea-d>' cilMrs. N. E. Battrlda-e ocil gog 4 par cent on tha finit $4.000 of nat Tla-to, Ohio, va-s braugisu ta Anthocis!-Miss- arie-Only-For--la-siIaable- income aboya-tisa exemptions anad 8 *, huismioI n Fritia>'altai-noon. Tisa 019ba- st ah iemaan-- iit.par cent on tisa ramaining nat lcame. .9t esuse tabethemeaestchid.The ta-z thia- yaar a-a lent, ma-y -ha pa-it toueral services va-i-aisaiiat lhe borne 5e -,usedti tama-r uofalhirin fulliaa-thtis tinta- cili l he is-raturn al W. R. Williamsss.soal5friniaots visaha-t clothas tha-< - or la four aqualI lsta-lanants due una A numbar a! relatives firn a- dia-- vereboc aid lai- tisas or tonio a-l or ha-lare Marcis 15, Jane 15, Saptamis- gsaCe wva-iîn attenta-oea of tisa fun-tfor tisam or wisare somathisg wa-an't.ai- 15 a-nstDacambar 15. -Uiti of Mrs. Battrîidga-. nat rigist. Sise nasa-r vent anyvisara Heavy>'panalilas are pravitiet b>'tise aulesa a-be hollockuatotisa . la-ht tii-1sna-w revenue act for fa-flure to filea a *Ir-.S.E oioct.of a-etne atuntfor tisaoccaision anti abc - ddn't 1m -atO-nanti pa->'the-tax on tîma-. ->t» aek ant i vtisrelatives ber-e. Ianytisina-about savîag a- gaod tIeman(a-d nOuncarnant *111 hama-de ibru - la-yTiciaupsn.o Csia-g sp-a, tsaforgattinga-about clatiras. Sia va-s tisa-pi-asa- of tisadate o! ree",,,, aI tisa e~ nd at tisa home af George Ku- nacit ojectîoaabîa atd gi-aw up Ionha - forma 1040 for fiing Indiv duelrtua 'loteary imea-n.uShe want ao n uthe -o! incarne o! more tisa-n$5,00(). &X 1 Barnztabia-. aI Cama-r-on. Wisec calla-r <sua-nMiss Srobbery tilt. he- sre tise la-taer part o! tise wfs.ls. -rbs.v quauriel ail tisa-tiane, fo' Mis "IObding tisa fanera-Ioa!lisa-sists-r Snobbe-y ga-ys lise onl>usin ta-tsi U ALCA RIE3RS *M Bjýtts'dge, canots is saclul position ant Miss A C R *rs. eatisera'ona cof Ciicago, spake -Cai-a - 001>'- For - Fa-siiona-bla -Clauses U A 31 t tise Worna Club Monda-y a-fier suys tisat lis clolisatrat maka- tise YRE L R on"Cbllt'sWalfara." at wviir ma-a anti fine fea-bisrs lai- fine bîrds.___ vasa large anti appi-ariaive"'But va ail kiiow-tisa-t tisei-aal>', Springfield, tîlI.. Ja-n. 19.-A mis- - ~~~~~gi-cat igba-secretma-lie up aofIota-of t k-la-ierpot tisa ---Im-il crir w' <Oaprlgbt b>' . <*>'e«, ) A $LINO-HoT w.LIbEftAND AN AERIAL Top. Th1e gliter tY'pe of model aii-plane luàmPieu tot maka- hecause it r. 4Uirssneilbr motors nos. prfpsiieri. atlek A (F%. 2) Of thse Proportions souxi, anti witb a Ma sot cOme end te- a distance of two anti psee. tuabs ta recelve keel B <ig. 3). eGt U a-out u-t beaycators eie dbmaalama= given i Fla- 4, tis a-nmta-n tt In tbe ulot vitsbraa. Tisa book immthe ho-w (C. 'iNu 5) la provideti 2toe b.loup of 1the elinahiot te S&ip ciTer. I5ake Ih ouitcif ahav>'bairpin. Ben thtia-pin huoa a traigisipleca-, tMon beind <meeant inhto a book <Fig. 6). Mak- a émail baie throagh stick A aunc raismrot(ha-boy anti, slip tha- oulgist anti of tisavira up bliroag tha bisa, anti haastidovna againaitisa- top 1ua eis stick (saee tott-ti Unes ln Fia- 6). Blint tise visi ic stick A by' vi-apina- is thra-ad (Fig. 5). . elatr plane D anti main plane 0 (7Ug 2) a-re made o a! svy carnlhoard FIgS. 7 ansti9 show dia-grana for mark Ina- tsam n pt.-lImontna, place <hem a-o stick A cross-a (heur ca-nia-ni, anti hindaach tri thea-stick vit a LMi Itrung rubluer-hansi pasai] hneats tha sick a-ad losapa-t aver tha planaea-ada (P, FIU 2 anti 5). Rest tise foi-a-rd a-tge ait plane D u3xrn bock vira C Cruig 5) tai a- t ltisa-pir-i- tilt. mals a allng--a-liaofa-I Ioped tagailier rnhtser-ba-nds JaimesdIos»a - rs.arth. at theatail anti o! thaealia-r ith ie a'lgislha-ai anti thea-alina- -ai t It Ile la-t haad tFig. 1),, anti la-an ci in thaeaarain v ay tisaiyeni-ala-asa-an oaa-w fi-rn a bow. Sibdte apis.O<. ba-ckwitdaa anti foi-vard outil yau fiait Uff positions vsich is -va-tsa-modeà Seciiralance whnle i fligis 117%0 a-arIa- top (Pig. 9) la noi f tsa aost fasciniasa- cif a-a-tai tay-. Tise top i-aqui-lues ia- iat A antid b-eiitck B (]Mg. 10), for vicisa car- Penter's tiael-stick or a fia-a-taff may t be na-et, <vo carboi pi-opa-ler- d latas C, antia large spoci D. With I a Mi-w, loi tha ente of hbsB for a 1 ditanr-ciof hi-ae-quart- of an Inchs c oc ra-ceiva (ha- Proy-llar-blata antis. n Cit tha alois a-t an angle tisatvilI give 1 ho bia-tes thea-piaihshsicin h Fig. 10,. i Md ha-e o8etUl togsetbots Bloti ai ihis Ji sigl. Bore a ansallisola (hroags the i ubis-uiek anti taper tisae sait j-fta. nugly 4n thil s ole (Pig. 11). Wittle !h opposite sud of (hea- isa-t to fti uOMselu he saspol isola. Plua- rp the- > IOvend sait ha spool isola. Fig. 12 shows (ha- dimensions foi te Wprieller bia-ta-. Faaea the- blaea In tise haisends vft bs-atm. Hlkthe top ias ltown InFit 9. fourb #Mlnia" a-wt inti tise ca-atabout us P *aft splnan-top lasiic. T 1 là- ma - - -------- FOR BOYS DEATI FOL WWIN( 5 DAYS, ILLNuss 1Announcemient of pontiff's death received as shock by milions Rame, Jan. 22-POp- Bana-tir XV dIa-citoda>. Ilalis as -c' ate naumroals.a-nd béha-rt vweakn,;_% r,,"iplca-t-ti wibls branchial catairii -t u lfluea-a- Tise Pantiff at ha-a-et-n 11I valfise ia-ys. Tise final attacu iaati hbacl ta laa-bTuai>sa-a ha- iecontraclti a rea. rhe Puntiff ha a-ben a-lnkîruj apisi ]y for 24 Saurs a-ad anl>' lire na-tarai vîtailitY Ofa!tsa vndarful cons-tiîtton sastabned i hm. Bai-ina- lie rning a ala-bt arnonat o! lîquit nr-islment bai] be aca siniala-rat. Tl'h' Paniif lapa-ad loto senli-roncla'agsasTissgave way lo unrconsaa-a-a- .It %vsua ,i nouncedat]- noon tisat tIsa patient wa a ina a-ta-te af cama but la-tari-f <sa-i a-id tisat hahelaciSensleeping anti ia-d fa-lIen inta "deaep alnmber." tIetween noan a-ad 1 o'clock tisa doctors atirsittailtisat tisa Pope bai] tiot ýsisavia-ny Itorvatont elthise huai narrismanr or slaap. Tis os-a va-taie Ramano, officiai arar ile Va-tiraan,annoancedti iat Dri. Ha-thuitini. papal pisysiclan, bai] oInor-madbise Pope's officiai fa-mu>'. rtiar aven if ciaails u-i-anot immîinn ir saa-s Ines-itabia. Belle!ssas expressti lainVa-tican cIirIes tisat tisa PaPas srucceso vilI be CainaI Pietro luaffli, Arciîiî ai Piza. Aitisongî tile Partiff lire haci Ieen aisina- for 24 honrsa a-nl is tienrisa- vas expecteci. na-vs aitis e tatL tsi-aw iis it>' Inoadeapest a-bons Tise Caihoîiec ciurcisas qtsirkly tilla-i air a-ad a-elIPraYers scieesaicifoi tire tepose a!frthe Pontîlfa sasul.r Tise Piaza or St. Pater's «ns I crassjcc i vilOprayna man a-d 'aoaa en as(lise uresut hall rus tisa catîsedral hagan ta toi] out tise sai tîtding-. liaina- tiseira-st 12 boni-s oai t(,u tise Paose li] Ira-s-ai -rn a-ltiaate lits eI coa-sclause-a-inta saoul con scOiobii,, aand a- tires was iti tous. I uril Ign e sac l'eu wlrea h - is -iii <sas> ssantis-i na-lire utapt mtoterîrg: -Peace. Iseace. Ai a-aatisr ftrie lu,' trru-Dlaz lr tritial-t lut>' ca-liei." Th t P fopes<- us -est ea-cetu Il z 5lii hie îcatrsweue ica-ignai a-ni]caIrot iasite thre- a-gusizraa- auffrnn israiuglrwlhlî S e liai] Ia-ase]. Tise pain whlcli tIre Pope hacibosrns- suoa-tairal>' but muid oui bide an- tiraI>' atidte1thebastranon tiss visa stoati beaide tise bedsîs- isi lstayerfal ciaais a-tris. Tise laat sa-cramant iar hallben sa- rusulzela-rît lsayer3 for tise tiias ha c a _,.m id ber. - sur--flial s Isali E-xr.aei su lion hbâci beess::,,id t rue, on5e - u iaa-aisn <-a-rl hii g-a- epliizt 55, il, ilir tIsso(isîu tise tel,., iils it% ith v,< li hlu hlu rIuus 1 il arllie to (-li g te lite. inz sea otfrlh'- st5ila-nier eondiltion ofu ir , tirtin,,'a- lhe Mas -1.sIeS.z-of Iris çtusz 'lia- ru "lates orsli, .ur-aia,luzîz. e% er, <elis e] tIsasa-n uitrtslsunijn. ;as j l. zu i li- L I ii XVl.it lis' Prithif isi si 'i ,t.,o its izis uis, inganduos tise iactous zîrsl ilîsi z-u tenefit rusigtrt be extrauo isssnour ,.iz , sholssp. theas- rslça-ztic> atlsiused it toa amiiracte of th,\'fi gin (Al'Pltnlç-t. Pope Isenesiiel X%7 s a-s Ilaiý s;G81l1 sesîr a-sd bl i-ir-aessPoatili o4* lie cîrîi ch a! Ronuieses crs yea-rsanda abolit four ssaoniba- a GRAYSLAKE o Mi-a-Annaitat Whtmore vas ah- i -a-go visitai- Mauda>. Rav. P. B. James vas ca-lIedo Kina-stan, III. la-st Tisursda>' ta ofi- cia-te at tisa-faneraI o! tvacisiltiran lrowaed vblIe piayiaa- an tise ire on ha- river. Etiv. Bixiai-a-d Misa AIma Chai-ch- Il a-tunt tbisea-k antia-t Sa-nacasI., as tise guast- af Rev. a-ad Mra-. E. N. Judd. Mrs. T. P. Walsh a-ad cisiltren viai-l 'il Mi- Walshs a1thlie Mad Bals Sa-ai- tarium la Waukasha. W-., la-at Sun- lay. We a-ne pla-asa te t report tisat 'ha- traatmeat is pi-avina- bcnet'icial te Mi-. Walshs. A Lake count>' Sanday Scisool ina-i- tuta- --as ha-lt tatise 14athodist chai-ci la-tarday a-fiainoriaanti Sanday. Mi-. a-ad Mrn. AImant Tisaiva-llan- leta-ina- Mi-. a-ad Mni. Roy Kalaga o! Ai-a la-st Sanday. Mrs C. C. Wisitnaer- a!Chicago via- ted relatives ha-i-a-tisa-fi-at o! tisa <ca-k. The-lIna-st social avent ofIthuse aa--n. thua- fa-r, vaa- sea-hava-r givan Tu- ta-y a-va-alia- r>'tise basket hall a-brIs In bannor o! Mns. Waldo Baffai-t. Mrs. lafforti api-anga- a rmpiate surprise on ha-r frla-da-sa-hn tise>'va-i-aqutet>' sarid la Waukea-an. But tha- fa-ct lan I Gi tord W. 0trtford, 26, samds Zane A. Smnith. SI, "me. Anjua,28, Sbeboygan, Wieà or '- IÈ Melinda tiprenger, 29, sme. James Montgoinery, 81, Wauk<S. alif. .da,$3 Îgwo T EIRE re omasmokstaks hat James Anderson, 25, Milwauokee, -are unbellevabIy blg-too big te Win. be true-but the <me recsntiy 'tom- Blanche tainaey, 25, sanme. Pleted for the reductlan worka of th. e ecI L. Mc1Donald, 22, Ft. Sheidan.. Anaconda Copper Mining compaoy at Molle>' Brady, 21, Muscatine, l. ,&na-eanda, Montana, sets up a ne Anthony Cross, 82, Chicago. Noria record. Ruse Langê,, MMiiwauUee. The concrete hase on which thia Wm. H. O'Connor', se, Chicago. gigantic structure stands required U8 Gens L. Henderson, 34,.Cblicgo., cars Of crualied rock, 50 cars of uSnd Raymond Zimmerman. 30,MiWs. and 20,890 sacks of cernent to coin- ke plete a-nd welgbsa-approxiniaîs.y 1)25 Anna Motneiok, 22, Milwa-ukee. tons. É' John J. Manzer, 32, San Francisco, The staek proper la constructed eà CaitioWflia. sieÇlaUy sha-ped blocks or bricks Vers, G. Stoasger, 30, Glien Ellyll. about two and one-haif Uirnou the aite Illinois. of the ordinar>' brick a-nd lht lok 2.- John Pitzner, 39, Jefferson, Win. 464,672 of these larger units to coin- Cora Krens, 27, Jeffesnm, Wls. pieta the job. Richard H. Reichel, 22, Keinba. To mnake the tnortur nece.48ary to Olga F. tichinit, 18, Kenosha. lay thse brick requirs.d 77 vara of nit-fl~n J. Mose. 24, Milwaukee, Rand 37carset ireclayail 41 Bueiah B. Randolph, 19, Milwaukee. sao, 3 crs f trecIay aîd41.15 Anton Mrotec, Jr.. 24, Manitowoc, sacka of cernent. Thee st-ima-ted Wisconsin weight of the >rîo-k work la 2.1,810 Rose Nikisch, 19, saine. tons. Cha-rles W. Bennett, 34, Milwaukee. Thse exterlor dianieter of tll «mka. Irma A. Nelson, 20, West AIlIsen,ý and-gaa elevator la 86 feet ut the b ase, Wisconsin. whle the Interlor diaieter e-trthe top, Clarence Popp, 24. Chicago. tapera down to 60 feet. 'l- ,,aîî is - Zelma Waikanbelm, 22, Chicago. 1 22 loches thick e-t the top. The toux. hn incîh f te.taad Ita ase T WN LUNE DIST. Szurokersta-cka of sextrensi .4ze arc desîrable a-nd lnfa-ct ne(-ei,,surý, l a- nectiaonwlth ce'rtaiundu-es.f uin nng Y.SiOOL BRIEI3S operations, ta liren r Ii-e - -uctlt of vegetat4on lui the exte-rus<-e quan- - Editor Luclie Doyle titica of struog a-nd poisonous fontes Tbe pupls wbo were flot absent and gasa whih resuit frOin thO Mr froin achool durixg:thse entire rnonth- duelng operations. recelved a star toda>'. _______During the coud weatber thse boyir -pia-yed base bail ini the bi1. 0 0 0 0000 00 00 00 0 00 0 0 Monitors were elected for the mnt4 0 MARRG CENSES 0orf Januar>'. Misa Morley visited ber bomne over 00o00o0o000oo0o00000o0oo(oo the week end. Frank de A. Pruneda, 24, Milwaukee l ârothy Ga-rt attended a part>' at Edythe L. Wldger, 19, Milwa-ukee. - adswo*th Hall. Miss Luchle Doyle of Town Lino Emîl Bchiutt, 43, Kenosha. Acisol fell and cut ber knce on Tbnrs- Sîdona Pitzache, 47, Kenosha. day. Chas. H. Cbristy, 29, Chicago. Clarence ShelIy hail a tootbacbe dur Alice E. Parker, 30, Chicago. ing scisool heurs. Gotthold G. ViUnow, 24, Kenoaha. Tise'sevents and eighth "raes are Blanche Fessenden, 19, Kenosha. 00w comaring Lincoln anad Stopheu Wiiîard D. KiehI, 28, Chsicago. A. Douga.ln tisa study of Ihhinois hWa Bprnardatte La-rose, 24, Chicago. tory. Edward Sutiliff, 28. Seymnour, Wi-. George a-adiHa-roId Fiesel ware ab- Ws ient from acisool FrIda>'. Bernice Kerr, 24, Ka-ukaunia, Ws Thare was a tira at George and Har- Humphrey C. Tibisette, 2i, Chsicago. old Flerrelabhorne bui no damage ws Eva M. Waldorf, 23, Chicago. done. Adolpb J. Paterson, 36, Chicago. Thse savants grade 1.4 aow iqttnl>'i Agnea E. Nielsen, 30, Laits Forest. ta write a tberna on tise 'Angelers." 1s- Ernest C. Kado,, 40, Chicago. Sanie people of Town Lino are pilit E. Grae George, 54, Chsicago. tlng: np Ice for John Lux of Wad&.O Pierre W. curie, 21, Chsicago. wortb. WHY LET YOUR HOGS GET SICK OR DIE VV. guaraote- oui rs-niûsl, ici-.avs-95% ,of the srck hogs. -top ',le cougising. a-ad de.stroy ait worma- ln six da-ys. If ir don' do wisal we say. moaey refunded Gtis mors. worms tita-n aný oth-s worir capsula, Write f.- free information on diseases and cure of hoga and chickens. Evet'man Stock & Poultry Farm, Gallatin, MO., R. 5. Announcement Orval J. Gause, M. Dl Round Lake, Illinois Round Lake Office Telephone, Round Lake 24-R Cails Prompt1ý Answered Day Or Night Resident Physician Sunnybrook Sanitarium ,Telephone, Round Lake 42-R-1 Il lgeEstabihshed 180 PECIAL attention given u. Phiip Jaeger s the sale of rcil H" etc. Also Butter atil Ego,. G én ralpromptl>' remittei. This 14 the Com misasion plia-io Cod trise PRIM Stalls 1 and 3, i Fulton Street Wholquale Markes. MerchantCHICAGO, ILL. ruptit ma-i t no Pi- portr andi No b>'Iti latter says. Ironi oclidi g aond Fa-r crin île C, farmi waiti a-ie e cd a@a Gei celie] Foi la i-a a- THI >Ackr ated se an polices -onrch ena-yt SurIo Im*4 a Wooniî n1t la witis I tise et- Tise Sala-ta Norths fora-r tise li Att>'.. tise 4. acSoi -for I wheth a-mou cil tise the au. .attorc .Mercy thse ai -man forme v"il ti->, a-r kincis Hea-ai o! tise lion t la-ta-. of! pal .a-a-te ne an att tisa-t hlm I WAIJKEGAN ILLlN(>t~< ILUNMlý