!A~>ARY 26, 1922. ,, LFamer sistant Irmast a any fine canvases t Itm L. Fot-mer, assistarnt poat- à! Waulcsgau, ana former bers. oseses mark- ea cl a ansd soute j«r fee ty have Iai tt et seinug as]gré sze ket hisiself vitcb e oett9tpiei 8 iixatife le the resuit of near- Y"s 's pare tirnte vork aunlise et Mfr. Ftmer sud wa. 'boue Ith Udo clook.;g gas.The e la a t-.x fas; ins ans. il lifUelitte .îdC 5ttiticatly dons 0Q~ wouif l'at-dly belleve il canif s 'crtk ni liteoriginal of ltse tl-.r Fainuer- neyer baying 4al 011 painting until after te îO ears aid. sud vorka vitthse cstly eI long intervs'i ven %Wf or tinte suit. Fat-mer bas painteti sereral pOrtraits. aundIas tvo upon t he la nov at work. sud aI- # Portraiturae le regat-def as tIse 4ifiçoIl, Ixe la mat-e adept at M. aven stili lits. lise eue large canras portrayiug LS. S. j3evern of vhicb Coin- or ffilan vas te Skipper. As %tIe of utiug doge Mr. Fat-mer son much ptaIse, sud ha bas >. oppotitnity to seli sererai aue but préféré ta ginstem to ~sso! bIs family, navng no de- 0 qoimmet-clize bis hobby. 1 lao bas trisai bis baud at treandu violin makiug, sud tas Lof! is granfion. Oua a! bis a la a masterpîsce lu vorkmsu- Mdf It aiso passesses a very ense. causitierlug tte tact that Il màw insti'umete. ,e r4r. Finter vantoa sytbiug 851h maltes il himsesî, no mat- seatiet- il la te putllpg It o! a $4 celliug. desigulng s firepisce Kttln an apropriate net-s in te a sîck S.leni- or relative. As Xar ot px'a-e ausd pastry M. sr paetss', 5oordluary abillty ài-sfitings -aaago vers the muc inalilit,.cbut aao caused titan ont ta ,ýlt--ilike peeling i ais sud utiuig up tseauthon. t tht receul ltlnesp of bis tte l'e wrate a poeài ta bieri ieln buhe baspital lu Chicago, i's nurses ai tise Institution one of tmandticansldered It wyf tbsy atiked permission in km su amagazine publisitedfetr ela tise Unted States. . iougi Mr. Fariner quit tise neya- ,wrkmauy yeas aago bis lu- ;jP itaune and jourualisnm ow-e 1ggeô sud b. la a greal n>e ha$ a n lcollection1 ofdMalbocks, as -wen sai uiny tecot oues. me posaaases net ý atograplefboa-a vtltten by beomh peisonnity 1ev. He w- btere.stti lu antiques sud thlues a dlock titat vas matie 'p 181 antivas te propsrty of ra StcIp. hie gcsý,ndather. The «M n11 innungwtnd ilion. !À SCIIOOL ILLINOIS FOR FIRE FIGIITERS eicourse at state expense redby liremen fellow- iiq convention Pinatld. Ili.. Jan, 2'.- ixe pas- Ki~ o! inaugucatlng a *31c(,î tcourse 48trnction foi tle ie --fIgteas ai ud nvilage-of lîltuol., aluilar gàM le thse -i Cc. ouaz insgt- Me vtchtla ,lc,eu c s-bvear ai 4wsiversiiy of Mîinois f. cc- =<, liscuss!-2'- y ftu-rtc ' tl ~ebwingil ' re , o c thc- *Mt.,. ofnilttc c huai ' ixeur êltion ai Rt-c isiat la.esk. go s horti tcc' - ei , s i t ic'ed. libe beld ;,,t-ut'.l to, , ,..v, k .An, would ccix lugive - sential 'carIouta the local fliit nt-inl *ghtîng ant i i t-,ce.-atiou. State'Weuid Pay. ho etate vaeldd tsar thse expcase b. <rt-e an -1lihe anl expense be citesa ancc villages wouid bc ýýMieiing ci-ica-ses urtîxe iramen =Ulglt senti »0 Dutetion 'aas uade b>' State LrýLfhal Jolit G. GamInthth Ie édet is addrt-es at tte lreutsn'a MatuMi. Gauther paîntef ont ý,aeb0bcrease lu St-e bazardsansd- *tt.u.dous lit-e ioss, rsslting ï' tbem caling for tise beat pas- ýtr,.iniug for local fitemen. gtbu Important paeaibllity lu t o!minsuare lire prs- virkIth tate aIwas sug- ~the terni of an annual meet- lae hiefa ot the ieadilug cilles t1aff fise siate firs mat- visicit unlfornm sud standard of Inspection vouif ta voit- fur use truult the state. i Dormed by Ciiefs. *Sffglîoa bas tse ldot-se- acme of thc leadtng chîate of S le tIse resuil of te stats *Ws bavIng taken bis enflas thse conveuleni of tisePiMr- 0oeWlatlon aI Rockforf iasa lese te>'parbiipatef lu thç Mte firemen. 'g «nt Wbe itt j o ALF DAY 0000000<000 .Q0s0000 The P. T. A. basket social whloh vas heid at the achool bouse last Thuraday eveuiug vas vweII attended lu spite of the extreme coid nlght. The sale cf baaket$ netted theut $23.45, vitI no expenses. The magician falled tfa ai pear, therefore tera vas no admission charge. Sevet-al of aur foks attended the joint Intallation of thse R. N. A. and M. W. of &. at Prairie View iast Friday nlght. There was a large attendance. Mrs F.'Mitchiell vas Installin.g officer for the Royal Nelghsiors, sud C. J Herschberget- for thse Woodmen, Re- fresbxente vere sarred aftpr the bus.- ness meeting sud a tes] social tilu like -vse used to have yesrs aga vas enjoyeéd. why con't ve have mot- such come-ogether meetings between the two camps. Quît e a fev front here attended t masqueradfe dance ai Wheeling Sotut- day evenlug aud ail repar, a good tinte. Yes. soute feit extrentely gua. f ront ait the evideuce. Thse report is ;hat ans front our commuuity who dt-eased op as a colored man captured one of the prîzes. vhlch vas a 5-pound box of caudy. ULst Salut-day Prof. Smtitht hired lhe Prairie Vlev taxi aud toak a load af chiidreu ta tIse inztîtute at LIbertyrll. retnrnlng -wtt tem lu the eveing. They proclalused Ibat tbsy vers trsa' ed fine, sud enjoyed te trip rery~ utuch. A. G. Maetber, S. P. Fook sud Chas. J. Heraciherger atteuded the Lake County Road Officiais' Association meeting ati-Waukegan WednendBy. Duringt he past vsek be maki bas been going.on ai the Corners. The coid veather bas produced soute good thick tce. We can nov have bave lots of Ice ct-saut fait ummer vhen the temperature la 901n tehBshade. The executive building camuittee met laEr. Suuday moruing sud amoul other thinga decided that the deditas flou a ftite new chut-ci be postpoued until about Aprîl 301h. viten we ex- pect il viii be 'more courenieul for people frout afar Io attend than il Is durlng lfixe cold weather. Mrs. Campbel sud the Misses John- son vers visitorsata the Cook home la.at Suuday sud aIea attended aur Sun day Schooi. Mra. Campbtell fayot-et thse school witIs a vet-y beautiful plant solo. Ladies' Aid viii bave another bazaar February St-f. They wiii have differ, sut antusementsansd serve tefresh- meuts durlng thse erenlng. Plan 10 at- tend sud enjoy a good social lime. Boy Scoute meet at tovu hall Salut- day ati:30 p. mi. Suuday Scitool ai 10:M0 a. m. FlvenIug service ai 8. Communion service wIli be observed ai tii.±Me; aisoelte unIilg vilIt h -lint-ch et any nev utemniers. MI3ITIONS BIiIN6 CIRCULATED FOR, CONq. CIIINDBLOM Has record of having obtained biggest majority ever given in district Llhertyvilie sud Lake caunîy friends af'Congresasn Carl 'R. Cbiadhiom at-e dirculatlug petitians for hint as Mir. Chindblout bas annouticed bis in- tention of being a candidate for t- electian subject ta Itis renantinalion aI the prtmaa-y la ha heif April llth. Mr. Chinluflom firt-at as electe i n Noventhe. 1918 for- the terxn ai two YeaLrs bsgiuulng MIat-ch 41b, 1919. He vas ne-eecled lu Navembar. 1920 for the terravhlch began an Mat-db 4tlc of lasI year sud lunrxts second alec lion recelved 101.361 votes as againal 10.924 for bis Demact-stic oppouent. .1 ajatity of 70.437.,fIxe targest evet- giysu lu a coogresaloual election lu ibis diistrict. Congresantan Cbindbiont bas taken a personal lutereat lu affaire relatlug ta thse çounty sud bas been te meas of gelti4g severat concessions. It vas ttrougthihs vork ltaI s $5.000 ap. propriation vas obtaineSi for mîane tu Improve the naval station toad. TRIED "JO SPILL IIOOTCII IN SINK, CHAROE, JAILUD Walteér Kreil faIed te püt milk bottle eut ef reach; used by sponge squad Wheu tise dry squah matis- a second Kt-ol, No. Chicago, Thuraday ulgIsI hie ttiied est- heard teir bnalef foot sispsansd Ite reaachf for a receptacla vbicis coutalued liquif If 'doubtfpi auity. Thte offIcena t-an ta tesslk sud scoopef up enougl te lquot-InBu mik bottle asitI gurgled int tae sev- et le set-ns as arifeena acharge of vialatiou o! thse prohbiltion lav upan 'whlcb lie vas arralguef lat it be- foe Justice Chas. E. Manon. KrcB, w-lIe ecently vas at-nestef a'n s almilar charge as ua scase piuf- Ing In tise ceunly court, vas unale to gin, bond sud, vas seult toja',Il.A, fév bhoua inter h. managed la gel a bcademan, 'Whostgned for a suret>' of $2,000. - ,c9, .. - q oococ-o -p 1-o.oo es MrUItN J- is. Ed Porer, vino bas been ser- I" T- 11Ml~fi~ Ly iOURlY 111, la much lm1reved. ________Dr. Young's nev résidence ou Grand avenue la uoat-lng completion, Le Of Sig Value in Varlous Sections Misa Marguerite DeCeiles s ent the P- as Substitute fer Many wek naICicg. il f pkn.Public Service Company of- n Gaine irds., Waah., are bigesvitlng their daughi- ficialvtells Kiwanians of gi- Le____ter, Mrs. Del Poulinuer.gatGstin er eTIse P. T. A. met &t te Grade a3chool 11 gnisainhr SMAKES 0000AS POLCEAN vhth-dyer in.Th discussion of v'C n 36,0, >rtrot should be penmited«lu aur scitoolieco ayl oaefnlteal rt l4Oteit and Restaurants In Large dnsva av9ry Interesling part of nnies fWuem iib a-e a- GtièsEage te 8«ue Yong 1the Meeting. The atteudance vas vet-y nrhato alea Mb tr Bird, Wtch Ar.Tenderd.d tIse meeting vas lu charge 0faiiisY'er, fit vaspredictoq 4c Mnday eV- cf F W ie lATedran j hepreaidenl Mrs. Mabel MccUliaugh oungby J, L. Hec4t aimitantt ise ofFieFi r. 1Does the couutt-y uevspaper. of The vice presidelit of the compaity, lu an Indepeudeuî's type, play aunmoratadd-es 10t lte Vue Kvaa ,ne Tied lreaiit fjot-bî ofain1fo!iPartIli.tse tifs of lte average citizen. club ai thý Salvation army hotel. n rt-ai po ae i Inati Middle Wefrot 1Acrtn ta mea»bets of the Parent- 1Mr. Hechl deciared.that the site vas te and un t-uts, lu t a ew ofdde'sTeaciters' Associatiou, ils good canuot the umont advantageous oestixat he er su lart onîl ais, ut s few 0flte mauehad bni b e teo Sud lu a tramp frout -- tare pouîryraîstine"rea acuiofthi e mTea-Rsenef. the saae lins aiong tsenorth shore ~ tos vio rewitti eay eait sft1 TIsye Re. rns basket balteansd as far South as Gary, sud ltat ,d large Eastern umarkets, utalie a prac- plaef to gaintes viit local players tIefu rilii oy0 ae uv Stics of raisiné; a lisndt-ed or Bo guitt ai51the higit achool Tuesday esenig. atheierifivelpody viii bereatas- so acit Aatr. Marly fat-tuers keep a pft17i Mt. and Mrs. lHent-y of Taylor Grave set because I illiiptode' valet- for or a trio of gulueasa more as a noveity v ers Guriiee risitors Tuesday. condeusing put-poses. Oter advantag- bA o rft u rn ieessti'Mm-. M . Hovar'd la stiliunuder the enarate prdxtrnity to Lake Michigan lock la rai.sed. doceor'a cars. snd tIse railroads, maklng ahipping of Warn a of Maraudera. Misa -Mabel Scitaubea' of Weukegan fuel mare economical. le The gulusa fowl doubtesas would be sPent Sunday at lte rtr home. Thes plant ta be iocated on lte 87 )f acrsstse company bas acqured vill lemore popular on fat-ua svere It net for, The Gunnes Midget basket bail test have a capactity of 200,000 kilovats, or Ia ba-ah aud, ut tintes, aeemingiy uerv aà defeated by the Aliendale boys of appnoimately 270,000 horsepover. er-endiug ct-y, say pouitry specialies Lake Villa Satunday. TIse Alendale t vilii supply pover- tram îwo uit-- of the Unitedi Statea Departtent of teaut autplaysd Gure lu every rs- cuits ot tht'.. vireis eacit of sncb bigit 'y spect. Citeer up, Gurnes: oue 0f these tension tisat llghtuing viii net affect days viclory viii came. Score? Oh, IL.TIse circuits vîli t-u taiou i te cern yes; 36 ta 1. Edvard Gillinga ruade pany's properly, sa tnlp cftvisicitiba Gut-nees onily- point by a frtes throv. been ,acquired froeintte site oft.e -Thse Guruee players vers La Verne plant bers te a point vbere I il licon sud Wiliam hxan.Gpt-dn sud Ed- cI vith tIse preneut circuit soutit of t ad Gilinga. ova rdonmuhand Ev- HigIland Park. wardGilinge Hoard mit andEv The company expecta ta have $S.- ,e erette McClure. Thée gaine vas played 000,000oInluand $5000.000 Iu sight d on AlIsu'dae's flaor. befbre startlng ta build, Mir. Hecht e.--a-- saif. lHsdeclared tIsaI tb. People of i GRAMMAR SOHOOL NEWS this commnnity Isad been very liberal Do you remeutbet- boy ve used ta lu thte put-dbase of stock lu lbe camp- a play ik? Wink lag nal dead Il any, sud tIsat lu order 1a bulld uit a 9 hta% been bt-ougbt back la life by the public utillly the goef viii of thse coin- 1-"kida 0flIse Grammar school'" munity la uecessat-y. lInat-rtheru Illinois tsecompany dKeuueth Stubistglai.iIbas 736 miles of high tension vires r- We are aIl vondering when vs tareasd serves 54,000 square miles of ter- br oigla bave "veenlea' for lunch once, ntory Titrougit the establisbeuho moe the Public Service compan sud=l-aa TIse upper rom bas organized an 1 mission of power- ail t vr th Ie coountnY - i Aufuban Society. Rut Johnson is the a great conservation of fuel and eet-- etentpo-at-y president. Ig y la affected, Mr. Hecht pointef out. n Mrs.. I Ellen Wirtb bas taken char-ge As an example, he saifiltat under lte d ftheBiningperodW e blidt-eli aid sysîtem f Isalaled plants If vouif Peu ,a uy tGuinea Gve- r r ang ng e-ldrequit-e 2.000,000 tans of coal mart-la cn f Marauding In Poultry Yard. detinyeJoy singlug coder bet- caps supply lte saute tsrrltory tIsaIlite ing is iaderhlp.Public Service campany used'Ta.st year r Agriculture. itoweiet-, soine people, Most af tIse sixtit. seventb sud eighlun upplying lis pat-ans. l. ook on titis ct-y as au argument lu the graders atlended lte meeting betd aI The Public Service campauy vas es- gu!nents favot-, as tl gis-es wat-ning of Libertyville îSalut-day. tablished at Higitland Park by Samuel - uarauders lunte poultry yard. Simi- The mteeting vai;of vital importance lusul sud bas haf a phenautenal lariy, theit- pugnaciaus disposition la every boy sud girl In lte counv grath. whvite sometintes causing dIstut-bauces1 G. G. S. bapes ltat Mr. SmmpaunWl Mr. HechItavoed aildes o! chatl -t emang te other poultry aise a uaes b ave thentrsi relon, shawing cont sud plan of opération o! th3e coutpany, sud aise location tite I. tent show figitt againal havks and We vers ail very glad ta have Mra. vrt-ous unjîs sud equipaient. Mr. i other contutn eneinles, sa that guineas Henry vitit us an uru-t-bp Ia Liberty- ItechtI vas thse guest b! Theo. B. Blochs e soutetintes are kept as guards arer the ville member of thte Kivýania cluban sunp, pouitry yard. Often a fev guineas at-s We vish ta thauls the tolloving pets- etinteudent of lte Public Service coin- rasef viit a hlock of lnrkeys sud ai- pie for lise Internat lhey bave laken bu Party bers. loved te réost bInte sanie res, vber nthot fllnches: Miss Dell BIdycli. they eau give varuing If any tbeft la Mrs. Fred 04liluga. lfra. L. IH. Miller.ws,- v % ussd as Substituts. 1'Mm. L. Patter, Mrs. hM. Thomsas aud R NK Thte value of the guinea fovi as ai Mts. M. That-ne H J N E C II substitute for gante btr-d's-ucb as jWhy dosa Miss Mal.nwat-ing stand IlionIlN PERCENT.-l grouse, partt-ifge,, quplilsud pheasant a n a chair? Betause a fut-ny. faut-foot- tg beconting umore sud mare recognîzed i ed animal«titres ta tigitten lber by hos wo ae.ondoftits lan o r.AU Of_ ECROP 'oy~~~~~~~~ tha tefn ftts<is fWatch nexl veeka issue for- uews meat sudtse dentand fort hêse fowis unuuaaiy intet-eetbng. (But bc sut-el la iucreasIng sctdt ,Mas-loccls ta0 have noies lu The ludependenti of-1om a ties tmn hm and restauracnts liu the lat-ge cities at-e, fice by Tuesday, a, the iatesl.-Ed ri-Co ariv saem n shw auget- ta se-ire le yaung g:tec.Independent. sud often 1ttcey at-e set-ved at benuels __________ but a small decrease over aînd clunb diniers as a specfal'ieicûei., tVhen weil cooked, gulasas are atlrac-1 AREA SCHOOL NOTES Iast year tive lu gpipeat-aîce, aitbaugh det-ker, Ihan coutin fovi;, sud 'the lesb ntf Editor lu Chief--Bethla Zersen. yo Mabld tender aud of especial- Asistanl dtr--niiv Kane Springfield. '111. Jan. 19.-An lu- Youn h t-esembiur h sfa eureectsca-lleKb rease of ive per cent lu the adreage ]y Siefavon, rs ln h l id GnveeHubcCrlieKi-dw nre Ite fait of 1921 ig gan.Llk-e ail oticer ravi, aid guineas iank, Bertha Zersen, Generleve liane aboya over lte previous year, accord- are very Ilkely 10 be louglitsud ratlier sud Helen Russell eticI recebvef 100 iug ta figures released lite taday by dry,.lin the flfly yard spelling test gîrsa S. D. Fesseudeut, agnicuiturai statia- Friday. clan for Ilinois bunlte fédéral bureau RIDDING HENHOUSE OF MITES Severai Pupils of the ptimary raout of markt-sansd drap estinates. vers absent Manday. The total nuniber of acres soya tant Cieaiinea and Diinfecticu Requiredi LasI veek vas visltlug week. MissfaibuItte alate vas 207,000 cautparsd to 6estrcy Parasites That Milfred sud Carrai Porteaus, Pt-udsciawt 197,000 the rsvlsed figures ou thte Live on Fowis. Dol'ton, Evelyn Hull, Giadys Eger,. egadreage g-own lunlIse fait of 1920. or aie ontos sd Ms. F-an lcsryan icrease of rire per ceut. The condi- Ta rd te hnhoue. f te litlere( vistedschol.tion of the dt-Op lrougbout the state Ta tid iteheubcus ci th litie ed isitf sitol. as estimated St 94 Pet- cent an De- Mite ltatiaetnts the lienqseso nucb t-e- ' Misa HaI4teB spent lIse vsek sud ris- cember 1, 1921. quit-es cenauuiess sund dislnfectitcg. îtlug telatives ip Chicago. Folioviug are the figures given ont Tite flit usut be leauef up, the Thse firat grade bas flishef lte sitoviug tIse acreage savu lu a nunt houas reutilated ttndth ie sunlight jet pt-buer and firal reafer sud are nov bet- of counties lIseheelate sud coin- lu. Removable ronstesud drap boards starting ou a new filtst readet-. pst-sf vti tIat yea's figures:- vIii belp dlean up -the bouse. To dis- Aynsley Rtossud Ruth Hadge vers Bureau......... 3401.111. 3,775. 96 Infect the roostsanald bouse evet-ytbiug sabsent Tuesday. Caral---------1,697 109. 1,850.1i00 sholtion aint o pst-ay oh sudas Sevyrai cIikdren of thé Grammar Ogle ...........4,300. 96. 4,128.108 soluion f tw pats o aitand t- oin atleuded 'lie teachera' meeting unm ....105091,9.0 part ot stock dlp. Applications Stepthenson .... -3,931.110. 4,824. 91 sbni h md i pîtsabutfieai Liberlyvilie Salut-day. TIse elgittt WIiteside - ....6757105. 7.095. 99 shold ie adeIn air abut ixeorgrade hassvriîîeu acçawttwof tIsevrt- Wiunebago -..13, 99 six dsys spart lis order ta kîli tIshe sfa~e flt etn.Agnte on------6819 4.9 uites tlit hars hatclîed glnce the isst lu'faue rtem«n.Agnl-Boe6819 4.9 sprayîug. main front I.aGrange gars a tallt on DeKalb......... 3,037.112. 3,401. 97 ____ats____________ irsDuag ..... 1810.534. U- GRET SSToCE0Fe DS an catai them aaid tbey wilildoms Gt-undy---------5,036.110. 51540. 9 GREA ASSTANC OF IRDSvery near, maklug il easier ta observe Kane---------- 5,022113. 5,672. 98 ltentSIldes vers aitovu of lte brda Kendall---------705,-107.- 754.- 90 Litte Fathéed ongtersDo uchLake-------------469.100 469. 98 Lite sthrd ogs.e Muhsd te dall ansd sang af escit bird LaSaile ...... 2.098.. 57 1.96.. 93 Tcward Good Ct-sp cf Ft-uit wr mttd by Devouring Intacte., vers linussell. McHeu-y ...3,942.109. 4,297. 92 -1511fRasli .........2,290.118.- 2,702.- 98 A good crop of bit-fs gong a long M Pvo or tht-es ater papera on te Chitian--------876. 83. 726. 85 wytovard s goofdt-0op of frit.Enmeeting ai lAbet'tyvilie vere neceived. Macouplu-------77.103. 796. 95 corg hecident 3' h id but tac, laIe for titis veali TheY viii Madison......920,-101j. 929.100 dnt-lug the coif. stonany veatber sud be pnînted nextw'eek. C0xrsspondents Montgomer-y -.... 1,490. 82.- 1,221.- 86 lu opr g lhey wl s o o-shouif beat- lu mmd thal ait Manu- L0gan..........*;>138. 1. ý121:1931 fred-rIdby clearing thte tchat-fa cf script MUST be lu titis office by Mou- Macn---------- 869-.106 1.0 lusect pesta. day eveulug, sud neloater tIssu Tues- Peenia .......... 1,745.101. 1,762.1001 __________ - -Editor Independent). Tazeeveil .... 2,435106- 2,581..931 ____________________________________Woodford. .. 1285.1ng. 1,388.100 1t e. eeeee*oe j 1 a. 19, 1022 P. W. Petersen sund vife elaCits. tiana Scitili, lot 86 Lyons 2ud Suit, af Ptair G1rounds, Waukegan, W. D. $10. Itu $6ai,3.00. B A Wil)hn tant' vifseletai ta Village or Autloch pstlot 8, Antioch for aewe-, Q. C. D. $10.50. P Peter Mcflenmott sud vIfs te Grace B1. KircIser, lot 41, L.yons 2uf Suit, o!f Pir Gronda, Wankegau, W. . $1.00. Stantp $1.50. - . Jan. 20, 1922 C- . Thoamas sud vite ta J. F. Mc- Mixtuanan sud vifs E 40 fi. w 6Oft. lots 7 sud 8, hlock 3, Smltb sud Adams NotlbAdd. Waukegau W D. $4,500. L.' M. Riese- 'nd vite in W, H. Kut sud vifs. N 5f1. b; 62, Ravinla W. T. $10. Stamp sec. L-. M. Rissen sud vifs la Hcti mnRie- se- ail lot -12 Ravnua sautit of N 177 fi. W. D. $10. Stamp Soc. F. H. Kropp sud vite ta Daniel Stur-m. 8W 40 acs. SW 1-4 Sec. 28 Ris Twp. W. D. 36,000. Slamp $60.O Violet Gouyoand huabtint ta D. C. Anses E II at--es SE 1-4 Sce "'tLake' %'illa Twp Q. c. $1,00. January 18. 1922 Wut. Ra* sud wvista P. W. Pets,- sen, lot 36 Lyous 2u4, SuIs. of Fai- Grounds, Waukegan, Q C $1.00, Chgo. Titis & Trust Ce. to G. H. Nelson sud vifs lote 6 and 7 Pistakee Caunly Club Sub, Fox Lake Deef $10. Stamp $2.50. Auna S. Anderson sud buabauf ta Wilhelmne K. Leuts. lot 16, Green Bay Af f. Lake Foreat W. B. $10. ,W. P. Allen aud vite et ai te R. J. Dady sud M. C. Deckat- tract o! land on N. 11Itars of Gagea Lake. Q C $1.00. January17,' 1922 F. D. Batlet-suail sud wiie ta G. K. Slrang sud W. H. Smthlbal Batter- shall'a Suit. aI Grays3 Lake Deef $500. Slamp 60C. Est, o! Mary E. Scitooley. feceasef. te L. E. Hulse 103 fi W. front on EiinvOOd Ans. 300 t-t. S. of Washing- ton St. Waukegau Deef $5,5200. Stentp $5.50. L. E. HinIe sud wIft' ta G. 1M Wight saute pt-apet-ty as lasI above. W. D. 31.00 Stamp $5.50, Leana G. Seller sud bumbaud tu M aris Baixussu 2 acres lu SW cr. Sec. 27 Beet-filifTwp W.B 10. o J. E. Brown and vifs la E. F. Rau ke sud vite, lot 7, Fi-at Add. la %Wasb. unglun Pat-k. Waukegau . W). $1L0o. Alice M. Runyard antI husasofta Angcîsl Nelson. W 75 fi. lot 8 aud E 17. fi. lot 9,. (larwoodc Lakeý Mat-lt Suit 1i080. Stantp 31.5110. El RWilian an sd vife tu W. T. Willlims N 34 ft. lots 7, 8 sud 9 block 2 iafti sud Gearges sait, Waakegan. WV. D. $1.000. Starup Soc. W. C. Parket- sud vife tu C, F. lu gais. lots 1 ta 8, tblock ] Sheridan I'eigits,. Wsukegan. W 1). $10 Stantp $12. W. W. Edwards anduf ita Mabeile L. Et-vin lot 64 Edwas 2 ub, i Sec. Z1, Anon Tvp W. D. $200. u.l John Wicks sud vifs ta E. C. Hookj lot 9. Wlck's tuf aîîb. Grayailake. Wt 1) $10, samp 50c. Andrev ll sud virte taH. S. Dix- an. Iota 14 sud 15, block 2. Cumutinga & CO.'s sautx aide stib. Waukegau, WD $10, stamp3. N. P. Badge Jr. aud vife ta P. ' SitieS. lot 251 Beimont acf.-, Wauk gan. WVI) $319. J. W.Bayes asud 'acte ici F. Painer-sud vife, 20 lisailuLoon Lake, Wr) $48.50. Auna PF MeCsant-ý.%actdlccccccauid t L.ouis RufS anti vife, lot 2 t(cuy sub ounlclide,-, strest.t \ctsc-an, WI) $11. stainp $1. E. G. Yler aud acle ta Nick Sîhos part lots 7 sud 8. block-.1:;s.Nol-il, Chicago, WD $2.000. staucp $2. Hl. S. MeCormmlck te Editb R. MIc Cormick, tract of land lu S pcariî()f Lake Fat-est. WD $lotc), stand>) 1721.50. Ný P. Dodge Jtr. and 'aetec-ta .l I ard Mison, cl 90, Belutout add. Waukegan, WMD $230, stamît 5Oc. H. E. Bixon sud vifs te A. W. iiiii and wvlfe. tra<t of land on W. s~idý Shericdan Itoac N (cf zion Wtt elt,. Jan. 14, 1922. C'atherine Stait ta A. J. Deve, dcmi wite, part lots 8 Sud 9 N aoft(;lec Rock avenu e.'lodges suit. Waukegan. WI) $2000. Chicago Tille snd Tins- l'o z)Ic l E. Seyfortb sud vite, lot c; block.7, Hl1ghwood Park. 1Deed $1 - i, - c C. il. Vs litues t4)i. W. !ccd-,,,>, sylle. iots , i .1 ansd 4, block 7,5. k :cuct sub, Wstiltegau. Bsý-fi1 l. Jani. 16, 1922. F. T. Fuvlirant ei tile a aimoa-. Singlng celicli. ltot 88, l'owler's Ceda- t.- (e sut. WD $10, stamp il. . French sud wtrete laF'. c Wacl.er, tlci 166 and 1617, 11 VoP.' et, WD $10, statfpt $9. E. P. Ostercuan and vile te Nar- use Bisîz and vite, lot 8, Osterans suit, Beerfiil., WD $1. saSnp l50. WIDOW SI 'MOTHERS AND ORPIRANS TeO PROFIT By BILL WashingtonD. C., Jan. 23.-Wd- ss, mothers'- sd at-phsans of men Whto disd lunlte serrrce slurng tise sut-Id van viii receirs nocational training, of Cougreas acîste avrotahi on leglatian nov bstug preasef by the Ametian Legion. At present tIse fe t of km aif a suld- fet- vIsaat bis lite reçelves $25 a nant front the gorerumeut. Inves- tgation bas shovu ltaI hundrefs cars beu tirovu an theit ovu t-e- sonurces, bavlug no trade, profession, nr business expenlence vithit eih te ael lIse campelittan a! the business wrlrî, sud wltb no aid other tIssu te relatirely amaîl eapessation 1e keep item. goiug. -1 FOR SALE- Eight acres of second growth hardwood timber, Section 25, Town of Vernon. luquire Henry B. Seller. 222 Third St. Li.bertyville. LST A lRed Pag. sorewhere !)P. tWeen Libertyvitte aud Ournee ou jMilwatukee Avýý Monday evenlng, Jan. 23. 1922 tuqriire indepen- dent. 4-IL IIOOM AND BOARIJ for one or =vo ladies. Quiet honte 128 Newberry Avenue. 4l YOVNG MAN. *.xpet l'-nced w;i.hes Ycar round pltace on clairs% or general far-nt; gond honte emsnt 'al Address K-23. lndependent. 4-2t FOR ISALE-evera Buff Orpington cockerels, $2 eacb., Herman Num- Ben, Liberty«ville, 111. 4-2t FOR SALE-Wblte Plymouth Rock roosters. $2 each; also three bt-ccd soya BD. Heuvelkamp Libertyville. Telephone 266-J-1. 4-2t CONSTABLE SALE NOTICE The Ford car that bas been advefr- tised for ,hree weeks ln the Lake count tY papers will be aald at the Wm. A. Bock garage at Halfl)Day on Saturday. Jan- 28, ai one o'ciock sharp. to psy for the Conatable'q exlense, Wm. A. Bock. Constable 4 It NOTICE The reqilest s hereb> nmade to ail persOns owiug the ]ate Wrn. F. Sand- man. or having any claimts agaist the estate. to kindly settle same by Mat-ch 1. 1122. MATII.DA SANDMAN. 4-It Admiinistrtttix. J. F. CAMPBELL AUCTION JAN. 31. ,Tuesdlay, Jan. 31. at 10 a. ut. J. F. Campbell, having sold bis fat-m. yul-, sell at public suétion on the oh] Beck- et- Fam on Milwaukee ave., t mile north of Wheeling, 44 Head of LivO. stock: bay teant. 7 aud 8 yrs., wt. 3000 bill mare 14 yrs. wt. 1500, sor-el harms 14 yrs.. wl. 1500. 6 cows wlth caives by Bide. 12 heavy sîcrIngers, balance mllk- ers, stock bull. 2 yrs, 2 heifers. 2 yra.. 9 heifes, 1 yr ;Grain, Etc.: Soute hay lu ba-n. quautity of hill corn; Machin- ery and Toola: McCoruiick grain bind- et-. 7-ft. with truck. Mi.lwaukee corn blnder. 2 McCot-mick mowers, hay loader-, ean aweep, hay loader, aide delive-y, bot-se rake, 2-avw culjivato-. cor-n plante- with 80 roda vire, Jobn Deere 14-dise piverizer,' Acins pulve- iz'.i 3-section harrov, 3-section Oprlng tootis har-ow, 4-sec lt-ou land t-aller grain dr-ill, 14 loch Bradley gang plo-w, 14-lnch valkIng plow. fanning Mill, Hi- yield manture apreader, hay rack, beau thresher, corn sheller, 'À-Inch truck, iigbt 3-inch truck, miik vaot. top buggy, bob sleigb, grain box, row boat. feed cooker, 12 milk cana, 300 4-inuit tlle, 19 swarma of bees, grain dill, 100 chiclieus, heatiug stoe satd Manly odher articles. Good lunch served at noon. Terms--Ove- $25. 6 mos., 7%. J. A. Schmlnke, Clerk. John Wick. Auct. A Frog Concert As Iat Ou the pisazzatIsaI evenlug, I oliced flraI an ominous absence.of bird volce, and uext the presence of anunterons frog population about tjsg lttle lake close by. Thse musical perc. fOrmaucea Of thease oluble reptllet cegan about sunset sud Iucreased la Volumte aud power I notjtlng els. ýonîf be heard. If ail the thrnsheaslai thE state had assentbled lu that spot and Sung ltheir loudest, they could not bave been heard above the avful vol- ume of frog roiceg.-Oilve Thorne, Miller.. -t c t s lx n I 1 DROI 1 * 'tlsny day lu leged i gult>'. fer vas agaluat son. St Roman Alexaut August Fismef lunlt lise cas -o! Joba aiva at-fer y c- 1 cour N.CI fiE thse pru t iei n trucks an Inte Evans depati tera ai Captai 11 ilium 'WANT AIS AIJèTION.-Wednesdy, Web. 15, 11, at Round ,Lake, Ili.., aI 1:80 p. M., visaI vau irmerly kuovu as Wood- man hail sud P"n>ail>neoperty vili be soif 1 t e b ithest bdder for cauh. oner anif aboe.$2,000 mortgage, Round Lake Fraternai Association, u-t WANTND-Mu oer.vomen ta take osz- ders amcug friandesud nebg' for te genuine guaraatd bc.$ery. full lins for men. Women cr cblldreu. !Climinsitus arnhng. W. gay 75c0tM bour spare lime, or $36.*00 a veek 'for MIl lime. Ex*efience unseseauy. Write Interational Slooking mille, Not-itovu, Ps. FOR Rt2NT-Garage, electrlc llghitc<i tait block front business district, on Milwaukee -vee Reasouable. Inquire 336 N. Mlwaukee Ave. 45-tf SAVE 30% ON YOUR COAL BILL,-- Maire Youn evu Ceai Baver, fifleeu cents vehOf s !chemicals, oblaluable at auy fIt-st clame 4rug store, vilii <rm- pounufenough Coal Baver ta lt-est ane tan of elther bard o; sot coaL. Gines 30% mors boat sud lbas soot. Revives lifelesa coa. Requit-es lesa fining and redutces clinirers. Enongit cheurica <tan ho mixef at ans lime ta lait ail wIarter. OuI>' requires a fev minutes tinte. Abslutely Safe. Seuf us a $2.00 mausy ordet- or drafI sud ve viii mail yon IbIs pt-aveu formula fortse maklng o ftUla chemical compound kitowu as *"Kois Save." It vilii fot only Bave ypu dollars but viii eliminate youxr troubles. Comploe directions sud Instructions vitit each formula. ReqUirea fna sPecisi vot-k or lime. Club vihs your ueighbor sud dinide tIse coat. State, Caunty sud Municipali- lies 911pDlied viti thIis cbemIcal res4dy for use in bat-tel lots ouly. Pz1ces on application. Refet-sucea. Dunu or Brafstneela. Ilouzebold Chemical Co.. ST SPEAKI are kespi eis and C cal redtxç t ieri l Wiin boyCa upea its su"- st big sulcs o! t alerte. "Met la Mn. Be siteuld cc bat-rel. 'T $1.35 a 1 for the a' t-ced pro mnils "The t ifs vitis * temêti àreresen abeuld st ment bal business prices 0 stand BU -at 1551 verk la t eement 1 Char-les higItu'yc hlm tai 4ased for are"dux mediatel Geore' ofthtsae-8 0. IH. Bi oft tii w ere sic speaka sate'5 IP la aivayl souletei Mn. Laos theit" 1 Bo tisai tes-n110n7 thse stati Super man et i providea ton Caf teundanc of Cern tendant