CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Feb 1922, p. 1

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LIBERTYVI i lmK -M COUNTY- INDEPENEN LE IDEPENDENT Lake Co" ty'sv3ig Weekly WAUKEGAN WEKY SUNl -[WA NU~EXXX. WME~R5. SM4LL AN!> CURTIS PLEAD IN COURT ~Governopeo d i person; eurtis entere plea through counso Le Forgee COr. L1,« Smail of Illinois viii go S on triai gnon ini the Lake Ceunty Cir cul, C7 t on the charge of censpir- ~ay te defraud tihe tateofo $835,000 ~7,'nterest on state tonds. Zoo~ige Claire C. Edvarde Tuesday ratdthe, gOvornor a spearate trial an d ordered hlm to enter a piea. Him co-detendant. Vernon Curtis. bankerr vas grantedl a separate trial. Cor. fimail piesded "flot guity. The vies vas entered by C. C. Le. Forgee, chie! counsel for thre de- tense. Thre record of thre courhouse. bowever. shows that thre defendant z as ln court and entered a plea of flot guilty'. Date for the trial o!f imali was ex- <pected tu bc set laIe Ioday. Counsel for Banker Curtis also en- tered a piea of net gullty. Curtis in quarantlned aM tis home hecause of diphtheria bin is fsmliy. Agreement was made that hie would appear in court later and enter a per annal pieà. Judgs Edwards, in maklng his de- cialon, saitd Curtis vas entltled tu a separate triai because of thre prei nonce of lts co-defendant. He order- ed Sanisi t e pies. "Detendant Curtis ls a private citi- zen as il ili te duty of tins court to uee tul he muât have a fair and im- parti trial," ald Judge Edwards. "F am net itclaed Ie grait the mo- Cfavernor Sfini haeoit5thenllug of the Judge smllingly. "Il am pleased with the ruling.- thre governor said. "Il means that even a 'K governor of Illinois ta entltled tu a fair and Impartial tria.' ltesuming is pies for a separate trial fer Oui, Surah Attorney C. C. Le Forgee early rodsy demanded 10 kuow "vwirar has become of thre state'~ ca"e again5t Lieuit. Gov. Fred "if sepsratéetials for Small and Curtis meaus thre state toges the cases. wiry lias tire state rgnored the fact ii han, by lufereuce, admitted a severauce lu the caseofo Sterling?" asked the gos'ernor's counsel. "Wir>." coutloued LaForgee. wh duesr the state want tu try Smil nsd Curtis togetirer raIrer Iran sin gly?" Then lit, snswered hi% own ques1 lion. thus: "Because If tire> are tried togeth- er. thre testlmouy sud acta of the man 'Curtis becomes competent." LaForgee made the direct charge tiraI "politics la a fsctor lu the prose- cution of Sniail. Ho referred to tire appreacirg irimarles and elections luinminois. Date for ala eglunirg orflire udymoruiug aI lit o'clock. Follow- Ing thr e as ofuthte defetidauls, At- torney T.eForges ssked tn' h.,, h trîsl beglu ut tMondsy. i'he poîcîto asked that Ilie state be ci vvu notil next Saturîiay to docide u pon tire date they viii iere eady io b'gin rire trial. LeForges demanded r hat lire date lie tixed aI once as lieliras two Important cases pendlng lit another court i Varcir, sud aisu becrrus rire governor is anxlous 10 learrr nia fat.- wtIrent detay. Wiile tire lprrsecu- tion îeclared liraItirey (do nat riant te delay the tral, James H: Wilkei*surîi asked the court to pot off thre day for, decidiug upon tire apeniug date et least unlil nexl Saturday. Wilker- sonsa request was granted by Jurîge Edwards. Thé ladictnmeul ounviicir the ttfai viii proceed charges tirat Smal. cor- ýtIa, Lelut. 00v. Fred Sterling and tire latse dvard C. Curtis llegally <on- wpIred le ebt aiu $385.00inter-est on state money. Tire ndictmteul vas returned ln Sanganon counly July '20 laut year. Tbree weeks later, GOY'. fnsh Usubmitted lu arreat. In Octo- 'ber the case was venued tu Lake q»M0ty. Sterling, bowever. nover a8ked a -&de ofo venue. Snnall was aise char-ged vitir embezzlement in the or- lIgInal ludicîment but thre state nue .,proed tts charge merdier, it vas "' M-eated tirat tiey mgit proceed vitir ~'!'their strongest case-the consoiracy - cur-e. 1IILD DAY FOR Arrangements bave becui matie b>' tire Anti-saloon Immgu of Mlitols tii rold a Pld Day lu 14kgoounmty on Sentis>, Pobrear>' IS. -1dmuo mîcetnf tiat tirer-e vil be a iefigu 8spéýkor la ès-ev> ooortu.up t hecon- LIBER[V= L'LK COMNf , WN01S, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922. WINTliROP IMAR RAISES REWAR FUNUTO $1,500j Village offers $500 for arrest and conviction of motor cop'sslayers Anotirer revard. one for $500 vas affer-ed toda>' b>'rme village autirit- les ut Wtuthrop Harbonr-for- Informa- tion leadiug te tie arr-est sud convic- tou o!tire murderers o! William Pet- orson. melorcycle policeman O! tirat village viro vas brutally siret ta deatir Januury tIti at Beach. wiroulire aI tempted to stop s big atomobile car-- ryiug four or- five mou, oue o! vhom sireveti a ssvod off sirut gun tirrougir9 acnttain anti ritiledth ie officer- as ire vas about ta ove rt-ktakerm. Trie bringe tire total o! revards up 10 $1,500, as Stat's Attorney' A. V. Smilti on Monda>' aunouncedt Iat tire [count>' auporvisors vjould psy $1.000r It la believedt iaI vitir a revard Of tuis sizo detectives aud police officers tiroogirout lire country vii lu croaso tiroir efforts 10 apprelirenti Pet ersenas slsyers. PIIYSICIANS MUST REGISTER BIRTIIS OR D BESTfSWD State department of healIth in- augurate state-wide oampaign Springfielti. Ill., Jan. 31.-Lýegai pt-es- sure viii ha browgiri lu bear- opon orf fentilng Persens vithout tear- or ta- vOitlsm to obtalu strict observance bo lie birti reglatration lav, -Dr. I. D. Rewl.uga, dir-ctor of the state healtir tepanîmeut declaned hiere te- da>'. Tire departuient aIr-eady> has se- cur-edth ie conviction ut one doctor- (or nogligeuce lntbila respect aud agents are active tirecahout the, state sud alliera are expectodti e-be irougit 10 task. Tiese stePE? are ire- Ing taken lu an effort to brIug theo records tutusirape asa 10make tire state, eligible for admission into tire U. S. birtir reglîtrallon ares lu 1922. Dr. Pr-suk A. OIns o! HimPairire. M.I, vas convicleti ant i 11ud lu tire sum o! 818.25 last Wednesday for- taiture t0 report birtirs, accordlng to T-Ir. Ravlings. re coni t action vas luostItotet b>' lie stalesattlor-ney'of Kane cpunIy t tire reqoest. or tire. sae heeir deparimout, Tire conviction is cousîder-et i sguti. cani iroosuso il constitutes the fir-q togal Proceetiluga ,ipougirb bythe, s4onts 'et. hie ihm dlu- '-t-iia taunciret for tire pur-pose of rigIdly enforclug tire vital staîlsîl, lave or lire state sud tirer-eh>' securlue comn- ple regilstratlon of birtis. Dr. Ravlunge intîmaterl tiraItire fiei agents of lire depar-tuint aud states attorneys lu the districts con- rerned are aI wor-k on otirer cases wirer-e triysîcians have falled taobh sersve- tirebirtirregistration- lav and NAME COMME TO.WORK OUT AG= RICULTURAL PLAN liratI legat pro ceetilngsa .vouiti- ho lu Program which is ta be work- stituted lu lire noar-fture. 'tIlinoisîis tire oui>' northrnustate ed out will be for the next 'ast of!treMississpi rion that han twenty-five years iir tIrerglîr-alion ar-es iecause a i- Because il le obvrously impossible .-auipte reports." tire dir-ectonsaidi for auy person or- gr-aup oi pensons ta 'TisrmeansotiraI le ire uIrretords, point out aoffirand airat the agricul- rire infant lu rtalil>' rates and ti ler- tarai progr-am for tire Sigle o! liii- Important data relative to chili fe nuis sirouiti ho fortire noxt quar-ter lu Illinois ar-e not lucludeti lu tIre vi- century, thre was sîrpoîntei at tire (al Iiiston>'utioftheUitedi States. close o! tirs agrcîlîrral couler-once ".For lires, rossons." IDr Rawlings ireli th ie urieraritylit Ur-ana, a roulinuti. "anti because o! tire lm-cmîtet r kor sTr u portance altaciretito aiîg our OWfl sorslt eot ilie nas owl asiTe UnAg stale vital taaistit records couiplote. ricultur-al Develaîîrîîrnt.' lire birlî regstatnair campalgn tirat Tis cormitlec r.. corrîposeti of G. bar ieen undertaken viii not lenrin jA. Evrng, t)ecalur aschairmair; F. aire until Il la evîdenltirhat registr-I. Mann, Gilman; . EL. Funk, Shir ltan N practicali>' camplete.' ley; W.S. Corsa, 'A irtehali; Oea. A. Drl hown urado b>'airis dopa ffrt 10Fox, Sycamane; W. S.Perrine, Cen- willliemall byhis epatmen totralia- W. N.Itudd. \largan Par-k; A. nearinis goal rlri-ng 1922 sud N. Abboît, Morrison. J.L Fuiker- lire doîner etîosleal pressure eau. Jensoyvillel. 1T1'.Raine>', Car- thei diredrnougiri legs]upnresuterolîton; J. V. Stevenson, Sîreator; Il. willhe bougt tobearupo theOf-J. Scoute, Sidoît, H. W. 'iumforti sud fendlng rersons vlirout ban on fa W. F. Handethirîi. tollogeo f Agri- voiiam" ,culture, Urbana. lu thia conuoction tire dineclor em Tire cmiterPee i h phasizedt tiranyu> attendant at birîji. agricultural interr'st[aIflire state- wirelier- a pirysician. mitivife ýor- souit mprovemeni, ivestack iuduetny, nurse or otirer- persons la responsîbiediynusr h tclue oa tinrle o rgstrngtemental piautiug. mraketing, trans- birth.portation, domestic anti foreign tratie. rural Ille pr-obWmsl, neclaina- uwf~'~aTlhIWYi1 tion, Coitege of Agriculture anti Ex- per4mnt Station. xgrrcîrllur-al Exten- RÀID 10ON HINEsion Service. It vîlI iroitimeetilngs. nualyzo coln- ditions, slnd>'tire preseit arrd future STILL IN FULL neoda of agricultreit anti suirmil a r-e- t~yu1~A>v1U pur-I. per'ha i btru o! of arecoin- ~rIKAIUI~ mendatiot, lu ruc.rrd tlanaIllinois Ujniversity la to j)l'>' lu carr>'ing out that program lu tire iext lveuty-flvo Wheu raiders from tire otficeofe yeari. Stale's Allumne>' A. V. Smiith avoopeti Accer-ding la Presidorit Kinlo>', "il dovu upon tireirome of JoeBdks la inevitable tirat people aireulti ex- St HglIluti arklate Betios.pect a discussion o! pr-osent agricul- at Hghlad Prk, ateMentis>' t- torah depresalon wvieever-a s qonfer-- ernoon lire>' founti s moousliine stl once ou agriculture la calleti." Tis lu fuloperation bot tire euer- tiare- irevvr, vas nultirhe pur-pose erthtie o! vas not In ighl. Theo fcesconter-orce, ire aateti. Il vas rarer- cnsctdthe moonsile officand tu considar- the direction or- tr-end Of cotufieti oukga w t tî t u tle tioveioprilent o! agricultureluIn 111- raern eeti Wegau vtirit, audnois lu lhe uext decatie or- Ivo, vîir latr uthe euin' pace.lNeack ntispecîsî cousîderation for- lie par-t PoutIneti edka'ance. atiti ol hiat lire Uuiversity's CtshL.EgeO! Agri- pthl lu sun appertce unti 2eclock ecultur-e anuiExperinrent station can rewarteti for thoir fis-a heurs vigil luoa lyI ta eeomn. tic frest'nilirtair b>' piaclng hi under ar-rest. Bcodk')m wu 4o gt*tgo Wsukegan. IO N IS L C $2,00') ie vas lakan b lire count>' jall. SIata's Attorney'Simth Ioda>' tileti BERRY DISCOVERED Informations in tire ceunt> cort againat J. H. Klebar-, John Rouksswskl, Sauta Rosa, Calif,, Jan. 28-Loîber- Mre. Helen Laver> anti Miess lar-y Burblank, plant visard, iras succeedeti linukrwslt, o! Gur-ueo. chargirig them lu 'maklug ber-r>' pleking a joy., He vîtir possession o! liquor, anti a ami : sunouncet perfiecti.on oday of a 'lar charge* againat Rober-t "Boxcan" "ther-nleus blackbcrry." viricir lun>'tld XNebtt asud agaiist Josephr- Paveilekiansuaite sur->aus tire bld trrny vari- lOtgguglanlfuurOt Ilorr-. i ab. -I $1 .50 A YEAR IN.AI YEQOS BLOW TWO TRtIPS ON STAIRS SEULLS B USINE SAFES AT ANTIOCII; WMAN BREAKS ARM 1HE ESTABU 6 ET LITRLE LOOT Mr.WlimKhne gd6,o Old ifl Clb o 25memersvasserously hnjured. Sire broke ber E. W. Parkhurst dli re-organized today to protect badly lacertated. sdefhrfaeas lie toe tLbe reidnt er ihuaband iearing her moan, J. O. Cariso resientsfound her and summoned aid. safes at Antioci caused the reorgauls z Clîlmseli lu the siroe bust atlon iirlday of lie thd Antiocir Rifle MA»PRu4LÛ oO rtyville lu 1866, aird vi c lub under the nains oftire Citlzens' ducted a geueral merchi rttIeassociation. There are BEai  !V sd durlng thire ist 21 tweny-fve, embrs ech rmedwit BE IVE fWY I geuta furnishiug storc,j a .SprlnMdeld rifle and ready to turu A bis business te J. O. Carl ounetrtheeastes blovu vas lu thi.ON "ORD 5P mnerly vas ln thre lauudr) Soo Lina dapot. Âfter opening ît lthe Mr. Parkirurst camne te reibbers oud that it cotai..d .0 Com untyrondupfrmVermout. H-e W money or valuable securltles o any onmnt oudu r Feb. stronrg supporter of civ] tpt. hrlitoffJiceieraai thew y - 1 includes everyone infl tad tho 'wao, Mliv tg ve relgia officeutedutreirai eff Waukega n and County Faut rail'road built au ei obai lo. efr lavngte-laefroin Rondout tu Liber te re oose tire coin box on the Waukegan Ford day, Feir ., 1922, thau 40 years ago, bef( telephone pay station snd carried Ita commuuity round-up for everybody vas exterftled te Madîsoa in Lake couuly. This day le scired- Higir prices, duriug thî away viti ibeni. The. box has ual yel uled teolbe une et the most excliug. were ne bugaboo te Mr dead noeuls.In mofire tatthedoars tertaluiug sud Profitable days tire He recalîs tiraI'sononait did ôt ontin ore hantwodolarscommunlîy bas evor ireid. fi sirould' var he soid calico for for il irad been emptied Monday. pack the towu vith People from yard. He e Inlutire best 0 From the. dapot the tieves appar- everyvirere lu Lak<e couuîy aud pro- says ire lirtends tte1look entlYwent directly te tira office of lthe moto a feeling of fellowsip between l foi- tire uext 50 yea: Antlocir Lumber and Coil comDsny. tirhe country l'ulks sud thir- lty Two years age hie wr se happencd tiat tire monitor-Bas Lu e iiigirbors tirat la much needoti vilir a golti modal by t lbis office vas net lockefl as It con- Waukegan merchants are alert te Insurauce compsny for h taiued merely booksansd other records Ibis need sud wlli spare no expense 50 yoars as agent for- the If tire tileves lied knuvn ibis it vould Or effort lu make Ibis day eue long te For ton years hie vas have saved tirem considerabie trouble. icre rmembere.j. shlp vitb F. P. Dymcnd, The yeggs made three efforts te A wonderful' lisI of prizes bas been years witir Byron Colby, Idrill heles tirrough tire ieavy doo- but duuated sud mguy olirers viilfollow, merchaudise. wore baled b>' an muner layer et bard se that every Ford owner. or person Mr. Carîson. takes ci steel which tirir drills macle no lu- comlug vîtir a nelgirbor ln bis Ford Mr. Par-khuîrat lu romain' pression uipou. Tirey fIlly broke tire vîli have a chance to vin aometing. for a fev veekaz drîlit, the breken parts belng fuund on Over $500 ln cash sud prises have ai- thle floor. A quantit>' ot nItroglycerinae ready been ulsdged and ewW b. dis- - - va Poetidla one eftirhe hoisà t =4playeti lu lthelew>r asl Ibo ebusge vpa est c u l ~ t »u I flle * oeé t~n i~ blo* îe tioor d.n~! * lcooked bot Ce"", yntl OYO nsIng a aietige 1=arnr ti?"thcs*r-Z.e bnid a blg reslsted their efforts sud the>' gave si-w lunlthe af'termon uithte Atnory it Up as a bad job. for the tarmers sud tiair vives, Tire> nert jlmmlod tire cash draver Prîzes yull be distrlbutedl boli tewi. E virea hey obtalued about a dollar lu tire paraders and tirose iro attend pennies,.lire show. Tire sate ai tire Soo line depol vas Toetirese vira corne ta tovu toae practicaihy wrocked by tire tansd tire fun sud- sirop viii lied tire siores Board of Superviuoi tire expense ut repalring tire lumber featurlug sales tiraI viii astoulsir' for compauys safe vili be couiderable, tire mercirants are goiug te offer tire authorized State': Authorities of Antiocir ar eofthtie opîn greateat bar-gaina seen hiere lu yesrs. to put price on lh ion liraI tire Io jobs ver-e puiied by Il viii psy te sirop ou tris day for il mou viro bil dnetliadt mucir expert- la expected tbat sucir events as Dol- ence. because ufthtie amaleurisir vork. lar day sud Community Bar-gain Day A price of $1,000 lods>' - Tire tact Ihat tire hurglar sari o as kuowu lu tire pasl viii dvindle 10ie iread otfttha mUrderet lire Antiocir State Bank vas set off lInsiguiflcance viren tire arra>' ut bar- Peterien. Winthrpp Harb Mrrndsy relgir Jan. 23. causes ire belle! gains are dîspaiyed. cie policeman, wbO vas tbat Te cite tire genulue co-oper-alIon witie attotuptiig te stop lir te yegga ma>' have bad desîgus smoug Waukegsu merchrants tirat ex- automobile virici r-acedt ou ibisInstitution at tris lime. Tire r-e lIssud tire possibilit> o! tire partici- village sud Zion City' at organIzation o! tire oid Rifle O~ub pauts getîng valuahie prizes te make brour iste Frlday aftemoi viricir vas practicaliy ahandoneti dur- it vorti vilie ta corne te Waukegan arp 131h. ing tire var, la exiecltd te heocf sei'v- ou tiraI day vo are slrovlng a par- Tire Lake Co. supervis, le lu preventlng possible bold up or tiai liat o! tire prizes aiready donated authorized prosecutor A..' robber>' or lu Irackiug donr lire sud lu ter Issue vili pr-lut ealst o! post tire reward lu su effol tirlevos. oIrer-s. tectîvee sud police office"t Lst o! Prizes te Date, et tira counltry lu-aer-t th $10000 ln gohd. donsled b>' Wilson br-hng about lire arrest an( $250OOO I3AL Y and Ohm. o! lhe murderer. $2fl 9m REA TYCor" cultivator. tIonated b>' Wilson Peter-sen vwas kilied lusi li&e Ohm. Ivo shots fr-on a savcd( SALIi $3 Steanr Pressure Cooker-. donat- vere fired itb hu body>'w SA E A ED lby Dur-ko & Wright. vitmin Ivo rod-of lire tu 1 pair- blankets. b>' Innea Dry mobile, a bîg ceu. thé OZ Goda Coi. machine being riddhed. 'WAUKE(iAN FIRM One fine lste, Fed Buck. aîl Beach,. three mgnrei $35 boz atl lciglstookplconSeia ieveiry Ce. neighbrbuiiod vilneselng1 T. J. Stahi & Co. close deals Aipmiuum Casserole, John Scbaad. but ver-e unabli e 10Pr-ara fortha amun inludng $25 lu meal tickets. Geurges Cate. o! tic fiva men lu tira gri fo tatanontioldig A man's fine bat, AI. Carne>'. States Attorney Sith seveal lrgefarms Eiectrlc table limp, A. sud A. Eîec- ta h rtlmrir0 tr-ie Ca. S- plie li br u l morte T. J. Stairi & Comrpany, rosI estate $& savings account, Securît>' av oliey aoffrtveuld be brokers, have boon oporaing lu tire luge Bank. maoute cpudofrtecafeth city of Chicago andi suburban proper- ý$10 lu cash. Dail>' Sun.-abuticpur o!I ty s eilasLae Cuny, s evaleti 5 ibs. fine candies. MunIersl Tes Last veek Detectiva ey sud iris aide matie 0 lu a woeutasae ircir hyarve o o-Sirop. tilacover l insasau. Tie ln raletit salesougIrtroi-hofie b o- Paint sud brusir. J. H. Larsen. - ut riug t e iroffveekde. hv Wall paper-. Walter Larsen. ru on a dlue nov tbat been thlae ulecorek dsggregaig $10 lu Ir-ado. Curiee's drug slune. hr-Ing abeut 1tartlVug dlà $250.000 10 totalsesolr lu Leake Hauti made iraI, T. E. Gr-ay'. lire near futurec. Their sud,00 C o talcou ales bt nLk 10 tbe. coffee, aide of bacon. Duke hava beau tilosel>' guartiet TireookJoi J. g amof25arsNelan. The ohnJ. Pge arm f 25 acres 19 jrlece aluinuircookîug Outfll. MR ER lu Newport tovnsirip sud lu Wiscon- Schvartz Furruiture, Ce.TIE EZ I sin, togetirn ili its flue equlpment Tis la a partial liaI. xlrsuy otirers ut live stock sud farming Implemenlts wiîî be given and a îlot o! furrlier do- bas beon sold to Fred Beckleuberg Of ustora pr-luled l no later Issue.DR Chricago. Tire consider-ation holug Everyirody sirould remember lie DR Q D around $60000.00. date andi Plan te corne te Waukegan ft>u Tire 40 acres tr-outing ou tir e osaIlu a FOfd car ou Feir. 111h. Do't ide o! Fox Lake off tire Busse farn feel you muat spenîl money, fer tire coutaiulng tire ieautitul Sunset cet- dey vili ho flled wiIir man>' thirhs tage iras been soid te Victor Wilmot and exciting avents lirat ar-e Fr-se te ef Chicago, s veil-to-do manufacturer al ant i ylire profilale tlary. State's Atorney' A. This vas tormer-ly tire sommer- home Waukegau invites tir-fariner sponga aquati madse Frd*a et ex-enayor- Fred Basse et Chicago farmer neigirbers vitir open tar-ms ulgir for Paul andi Geoe'1 and ex-postmasler- sud vas one of lia sud tire Sun pledges itsoif te de ail of Milvaukee roati naér B most popular sud irest knovn heauty in itg power- t0 pr-om-ote and cemnent se GeorgLa Pavitk. spots un tire lake. Atter tife mayor-'stris f ri8ndlYIl'sii u mk iedy i yae t dt deatir tille fel teiris moIrer. Mrs. lreîug a lot Ot fun, a sir o0f pr-lacs place, selmlng aSa 1 Caroline Busse wv ira v liier sà (anti exiibit O! Modern power-Far- m ount o! onim. Th George sud vite. irave beau occopylng Metirods, sud a dlaplay of tire beel raigned hefore 3atLee'Wl It as a summer homo. Tire consldera- \Vaukegau iras to offor. mor-ning. vre o 00 lion vas $40.000. cme for- len days astd ]W Tis tir-miras aiso uegoliated tire on $2.000 bonds 6ACiI w* sale of a large apar-trtent building on I I(uIu Iiycito_.mtth Wi.-me tire nortir aide lu Chricago, te George LAKE-BLUFF5.i54 agalîlit thobith ~e 00W1 M. PaInter. prominent contracter and PR B I Geore Pavllk, ch5t engineer-. tire consider-alion beîug and I SefeJsi e HtOf A igi ciass resideuce ou Eim aven- sud placeti untigi S*SO1W ue lu Wiimette iras ireen sold tel'hil- Tire village of Lake Bluff yl irolti he vas unabise tiq lvMy lhp Love o! tndiana for $20000 sud su election Fobruar>' 4ti for- tue pur-l'tir te couty'jailt tii rMr-s. Caroline Busse purciased lirru pose of voting ou s $70.000 bond Prop- bondeman. ' tis local flrm a fine, residence on tire esitleri. filiiele>'fltsiip of Xt nortir aide, Chicago, consideratton $15, Tire village Scheerl la lu neeti et lui- wloectara At, 000 T. J. StairI sud L. E. Huis. o! provenantSsud the proposad bond We- hunaidae AMQ% Ii compauy ver-e lu Chicago saverai sua la te construct su addition andi tisys Ibis woek completing delaîls of ruaka necegaary repaire Iluheliýe e- liiese tranautions. ont t ructure.s -Ir &S en ie estabi abess ln 1 leo sinice haudîse ade yeaslI rison, a yen ry bustuma 10 LIlery lais >' vic Ing gh hls=f vaukee &, extension U wtyvîiua nu ,ore tus M ion, Wls. he Worid ii r. Parkhiu 1er lbe.Ci r75 trént# of irenitlt kareuiti'r ire. rs reso the IénM lu tbge te& Ait~, tor Mi uhet >a saiM 70 mulo. .O= ot ju lois ýot to 0# d ru. la a Boaa lst ik t n=el "' bOb NM V. kau lie 84l maIn,

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